The mechanical properties are essentially different when rock material is subjected to loading or unloading conditions. In this study, loading and unloading tests with various confining pressures are conducted to inve...The mechanical properties are essentially different when rock material is subjected to loading or unloading conditions. In this study, loading and unloading tests with various confining pressures are conducted to investigate the mechanical properties of marble material samples taken from the deep diversion tunnels of Jinping II Hydropower Station. The stress-strain relationship, failure characteristics and strength criterion are compared and analyzed based on the experiment results. The results show: in the loading and unloading test, peak strength, lateral strain, axial strain and plastic deformation increase significantly as the confining pressure increases. Lateral strain increased significantly and obvious lateral dilatancy can be observed to the change of confining pressure; The fracture mode is mainly the single shear fracture for the triaxial compression test and post-peak test, angle between the failure surface and the ends of the rock material becomes smaller as the confining pressure increases. Hock-Brown strength criterion reflects the strength characteristics of marble material under two different unloading conditions, and has some supplementary effects to the rock material of mechanical field.展开更多
High geostress,a typical attribute of tunnels located at significant depths,is crucial in causing stress-induced failure and influencing the stability of the tunnel crown.This study developed an analytical method for ...High geostress,a typical attribute of tunnels located at significant depths,is crucial in causing stress-induced failure and influencing the stability of the tunnel crown.This study developed an analytical method for the failure mechanism that occurs in deep-buried tunnel roofs,taking into account the influence of geostress.The limit analysis theory was utilized for deriving analytical solutions about the geometry of the collapsing surface and the limit supporting pressure.The collapsing surface obtained by the analytical solution was validated by the findings of the physical model test,which shows a high level of agreement with the actual one.An extensive investigation was done to explore the effects of the lateral pressure coefficients,the tunnel buried depth,the geological conditions of the surrounding rock,the long-short axis ratio,and the size of the tunnel profile.The findings indicate that an increase in the lateral pressure coefficient from 0.5 to 1.5 results in a reduction in the height of the collapsing zone by 2.08 m and the width of the collapsing zone by 1.15 m,while simultaneously increases the limit supporting pressure by 18.9%.The proposed upper bound method accurately determines the limit supporting pressure and the geometry of the collapsing surface,which aligns well with the results acquired through numerical modelling and on-site monitoring in actual engineering applications.The proposed analytical method can serve as a reference for similar crown failure issues of deep-buried tunnels.展开更多
Dilatancy is a fundamental volumetric growth behavior observed during loading and serves as a key index to comprehending the intricate nonlinear behavior and constitutive equation structure of rock.This study focuses ...Dilatancy is a fundamental volumetric growth behavior observed during loading and serves as a key index to comprehending the intricate nonlinear behavior and constitutive equation structure of rock.This study focuses on Jinping marble obtained from the Jinping Underground Laboratory in China at a depth of 2400 m.Various uniaxial and triaxial tests at different strain rates,along with constant confining pressure tests and reduced confining pressure tests under different confining pressures were conducted to analyze the mechanical response and dilatancy characteristics of the marble under four stress paths.Subsequently,a new empirical dilatancy coefficient is proposed based on the energy dissipation method.The results show that brittle failure characteristics of marble under uniaxial compression are more obvious with the strain rate increasing,and plastic failure characteristics of marble under triaxial compression are gradually strengthened.Furthermore,compared to the constant confining pressure,the volume expansion is relatively lower under unloading condition.The energy dissipation is closely linked to the process of dilatancy,with a rapid increase of dissipated energy coinciding with the beginning of dilatancy.A new empirical dilatancy coefficient is defined according to the change trend of energy dissipation rate curve,of which change trend is consistent with the actual dilatancy response in marble under different stress paths.The existing empirical and theoretical dilatancy models are analyzed,which shows that the empirical dilatancy coefficient based on the energy background is more universal.展开更多
Eclogite lenses in marbles from the Dabie-Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terrane are deeply subducted meta-sedimentary rocks. Zircons in these rocks have been used to constrain the ages of prograde and UHP metamorphi...Eclogite lenses in marbles from the Dabie-Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terrane are deeply subducted meta-sedimentary rocks. Zircons in these rocks have been used to constrain the ages of prograde and UHP metamorphism during subduction, and later retrograde metamorphism during exhumation. Inherited (detrital) and metamorphic zircons were distinguished on the basis of transmitted light microscopy, cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging, trace element contents and mineral inclusions. The distribution of mineral inclusions combined with CL imaging of the metamorphic zircon make it possible to relate zircon zones (domains) to different metamorphic stages. Domain 1 consists of rounded, oblong and spindly cores with dark-luminescent images, and contains quartz eclogite facies mineral inclusion assemblages, indicating formation under high-pressure (HP) metamorphic conditions of T = 571-668℃ and P =1.7-2.02 GPa. Domain 2 always surrounds domain 1 or occurs as rounded and spindly cores with white-luminescent images. It contains coesite eclogite facies mineral inclusion assemblages, indicating formation under UHP metamorphic conditions of T = 782-849℃ and P 〉 5.5 GPa. Domain 3, with gray-luminescent images, always surrounds domain 2 and occurs as the outermost zircon rim. It is characterized by low-pressure mineral inclusion assemblages, which are related to regional amphibolite facies retrograde metamorphism of T = 600- 710℃ and P = 0.7-1.2 GPa. The three metamorphic zircon domains have distinct ages; sample H1 from the Dabie terrane yielded SHRIMP ages of 245 ± 4 Ma for domain 1, 235 ± 3 Ma for domain 2 and 215± 6 Ma for domain 3, whereas sample H2 from the Sulu terrane yielded similar ages of 244 ± 4 Ma, 233 ± 4 Ma and 214 ± 5 Ma for Domains 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The mean ages of these zones suggest that subduction to UHP depths took place over 10-11 Ma and exhumation of the rocks occurred over a period of 19-20 Ma. Thus, subduction from - 55 km to 〉 160 km deep mantle depth took place at rates of approximately 9.5-10.5 km/Ma and exhumation from depths 〉160 km to the base of the crust at -30 km occurred at approximately 6.5 km/Ma. We propose a model for these rocks involving deep subduction of continental margin lithosphere followed by ultrafast exhumation driven by buoyancy forces after break-off of the UHP slab deep within the mantle.展开更多
Acid mine drainage (AMD) with high concentrations of sulfates and metals is generated by the oxidation of sulfide beating wastes. CaCO3-rich marble cutting waste is a residual material produced by the cutting and po...Acid mine drainage (AMD) with high concentrations of sulfates and metals is generated by the oxidation of sulfide beating wastes. CaCO3-rich marble cutting waste is a residual material produced by the cutting and polishing of marble stone. In this study, the feasibility of using the marble cutting waste as an acid-neutralizing agent to inhibit AMD and immobilize heavy metals from copper flotation tailings (sul- fide-beating wastes) was investigated. Continuous-stirring shake-flask tests were conducted for 40 d, and the pH value, sulfate content, and dissolved metal content of the leachate were analyzed every 10 d to determine the effectiveness of the marble cutting waste as an acid neu- tralizer. For comparison, CaCO3 was also used as a neutralizing agent. The average pH value of the leachate was 2.1 at the beginning of the experiment (t = 0). In the experiment employing the marble cutting waste, the pH value of the leachate changed from 6.5 to 7.8, and the sul- fate and iron concentrations decreased from 4558 to 838 mg/L and from 536 to 0.01 mg/L, respectively, after 40 d. The marble cutting waste also removed more than 80wt% of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) from AMD generated by copper flotation tailings.展开更多
Four 16.7 km-long tunnels with diameters ranging from 12.4 to 14.6 m are now under construction at Jinping II hydropower station along the Yalong River.The tunnels pass through Triassic rocks below Jinping Mountain.Th...Four 16.7 km-long tunnels with diameters ranging from 12.4 to 14.6 m are now under construction at Jinping II hydropower station along the Yalong River.The tunnels pass through Triassic rocks below Jinping Mountain.The tunnels are characterized with high overburden,long alignment and complex geological conditions.Brittle failure in marble and squeezing in schist are the primary problems in tunnelling.This paper introduces the studies of laboratory tests on Jinping II marble as well as numerical prediction of excavation damaged zone (EDZ) of tunnel section in brittle marble and determination of reinforced concrete lining thickness for restraining time-dependent deformation in the schist tunnel section.Laboratory tests indicate that Jinping II marble presents a complex brittle-ductile-plastic transition behavior of post-peak response with increasing confining pressure.Such behavior can be described numerically with the Hoek-Brown model.The EDZ was calibrated and predicted using both fast Lagrangian analysis of continua (FLAC) and particle flow code (PFC).The predicted result of EDZ in sections with different qualities of rock mass under various overburden pressures is quite helpful in understanding EDZ characterization and support design.A power-law creep model was used to support the lining design,especially in determining the lining thickness.Field convergence measurement data over 19 months were used to calibrate the creep model properties,followed by a sensibility analysis of reinforced concrete lining thickness that was launched to present the maximum lining compressive stress.展开更多
The mechanical behaviors of rocks affected by high temperature and stress are generally believed to be significant for the stability of certain projects involving rocks, such as nuclear waste storage and geothermal re...The mechanical behaviors of rocks affected by high temperature and stress are generally believed to be significant for the stability of certain projects involving rocks, such as nuclear waste storage and geothermal resource exploitation. In this paper, veined marble specimens were treated to high temperature treatment and then used in conventional triaxial compression tests to investigate the effect of temperature, confining pressure, and vein angle on strength and deformation behaviors. The results show that the strength and deformation parameters of the veined marble specimens changed with the temperature, presenting a critical temperature of 600 . The triaxial compression strength of a horizontal vein () is obviously larger than that of a vertical vein (). The triaxial compression strength, elasticity modulus, and secant modulus have an approximately linear relation to the confining pressure. Finally, Mohr-Coulomb and Hoek-Brown criteria were respectively used to analyze the effect of confining pressure on triaxial compression strength.展开更多
Dynamic strength parameters are extensively used in mining engineering and rock mechanics.However,there are no widely accepted dynamic failure models for rocks.In this study,the dynamic punching shear strength,uniaxia...Dynamic strength parameters are extensively used in mining engineering and rock mechanics.However,there are no widely accepted dynamic failure models for rocks.In this study,the dynamic punching shear strength,uniaxial compressive strength(UCS) and tensile strength of fine-grained Fangshan marble(FM)are first measured by using a split Hopkinson pressure bar(SHPB) system.The pulse-shaping technique is then implemented to maintain the dynamic force balance in SHPB tests.Experimental results show that the dynamic punching shear strength,UCS and tensile strength increase with the loading rate.A recently developed dynamic Mohr-Coulomb theory is then used to interpret the testing data.In this model,the angle of internal friction φ is assumed to be independent of loading rate and is obtained using the static strength values.According to the dynamic Mohr-Coulomb theory,the dynamic UCS and the dynamic tensile strength are predicted from the dynamic punching shear strength.Furthermore,based on this dynamic theory,the dynamic UCS is predicted from the dynamic tensile strength.The consistency between the predicted and measured dynamic strengths demonstrates that the dynamic Mohr-Coulomb theory is applicable to FM.展开更多
In th is study, th e m eso-failure m ech an ism an d fracture surface o f Jinping m arble w ere investigated bym ean s o f scanning electro n m icroscope (SEM) w ith ben d in g loading system and laser-scanner equip...In th is study, th e m eso-failure m ech an ism an d fracture surface o f Jinping m arble w ere investigated bym ean s o f scanning electro n m icroscope (SEM) w ith ben d in g loading system and laser-scanner equipment. The Y antang an d B aishan m arbles specim ens from Jinping II hyd ro p o w er sta tio n w ere used. Testresu lts show th a t th e fracture to u g h n ess and m echanical behaviors o f Y antang m arble w ere basicallyh ig h er th a n th o se o f Baishan m arble. This is m ainly d u e to th e fact th a t Baishan m arble co n tain s a largep ercen tag e o f d o lom ite an d m in o r mica. Crack pro p ag atio n p a th and fracture m orphology in d icated th a tth e d irection o f ten sile stress has a significant effect on th e m echanical behaviors an d fracture toughnesso f B aishan m arble. For Yantang an d B aishan m arbles, a large n u m b e r o f m icrocracks a ro u n d th e m aincrack tip w ere observed w h e n th e directio n o f ten sile stress w as parallel to th e bed d in g plane.C onversely, few m icrocracks o ccurred w h e n th e directio n o f ten sile stress w as p erp en d icu lar to th ebed d in g plane. The presen ce o f a large n u m b e r o f m icrocracks a t th e m ain crack tip d ecreased th e globalfracture to u g h n ess o f m arble. The results o f th re e -p o in t ben d in g te sts show ed th a t th e average bearingcapacity o f intact m arble is 3.4 tim es th e notch ed m arble, b u t th e ductility p ro p e rty o f th e defectivem arble afte r p eak load is b e tte r th a n th a t o f th e intact m arble. H ence, large d efo rm atio n m ay beg en erated before failure o f in tact m arbles a t Jinping II h y d ro p o w er station. The fractal d im en sio n o ffracture surface w as also calculated by th e cube covering m eth o d . O bservational resu lt show ed th a t th elargest fractal dim en sio n o f Y antang m arble is cap tu red w h e n th e directio n o f ten sile stress is parallel toth e bedding plane. H ow ever, th e fractal d im en sio n o f fracture surface o f Yantang an d Baishan m arblesw ith ten sile stress vertical to th e bed d in g plane is relatively sm all. The fractal d im en sio n can also be usedto characterize th e ro ughness o f fracture surface o f rock m aterials.展开更多
Strainburst is one type of rockburst that generally occurs in deep tunnel.In this study,the strainburst behaviors of marble specimens were investigated under tunnel-excavation-induced stress condition,and two stress p...Strainburst is one type of rockburst that generally occurs in deep tunnel.In this study,the strainburst behaviors of marble specimens were investigated under tunnel-excavation-induced stress condition,and two stress paths were designed,a commonly used stress path in true triaxial unloading rockburst tests and a new test path in which the intermediate principal stress was varied.During the tests,a high-speed camera was used to record the strainburst process,and an acoustic emission(AE)monitoring system was used to monitor the AE characteristics of failure.In these two stress paths,all the marble specimens exhibited strainbursts;however,when the intermediate principal stress was varied,the rockburst became more violent.The obtained results indicate that the intermediate principal stress has a significant effect on rockburst behavior of marble.Under a higher intermediate principal stress before the unloading,more elastic strain energy was accumulated in the specimen,and the cumulative AE energy was higher in the rockburst-induced failure,i.e.,more elastic strain energy was released during the failure.Therefore,more violent failure was observed:more rock fragments with a higher mass and larger size were ejected outward.展开更多
Liquid marbles (non-stick droplets) containing crude petroleum are reported. Liquid marbles were ob- tained by use of fluorinated decyl polyhedral oligomeric silsequioxane (FD-POSS) powder. Marbles containing crud...Liquid marbles (non-stick droplets) containing crude petroleum are reported. Liquid marbles were ob- tained by use of fluorinated decyl polyhedral oligomeric silsequioxane (FD-POSS) powder. Marbles containing crude petroleum remained stable on a broad diversity of solid and liquid supports. The effective surface tension of marbles filled with petroleum was established. The mechanism of friction of the marbles is discussed. Actuation of liquid marbles containing crude petroleum with an electric field is presented.展开更多
A Fisher discriminant analysis (FDA) model for the prediction of classification of rockburst in deep-buried long tunnel was established based on the Fisher discriminant theory and the actual characteristics of the p...A Fisher discriminant analysis (FDA) model for the prediction of classification of rockburst in deep-buried long tunnel was established based on the Fisher discriminant theory and the actual characteristics of the project. First, the major factors of rockburst, such as the maximum tangential stress of the cavern wall σθ, uniaxial compressive strength σc, uniaxial tensile strength or, and the elastic energy index of rock Wet, were taken into account in the analysis. Three factors, Stress coefficient σθ/σc, rock brittleness coefficient σc/σt, and elastic energy index Wet, were defined as the criterion indices for rockburst prediction in the proposed model. After training and testing of 12 sets of measured data, the discriminant functions of FDA were solved, and the ratio of misdiscrimina- tion is zero. Moreover, the proposed model was used to predict rockbursts of Qinling tunnel along Xi'an-Ankang railway. The results show that three forecast results are identical with the actual situation. Therefore, the prediction accuracy of the FDA model is acceptable.展开更多
For understanding acoustic emission (AE) activity and accumulation of micro-damage inside rock under pure tensile state, the AE signals has been monitored on the test of directly tension on two kinds of marble speci...For understanding acoustic emission (AE) activity and accumulation of micro-damage inside rock under pure tensile state, the AE signals has been monitored on the test of directly tension on two kinds of marble specimens. A tensile constitutive model was proposed with the damage factor calculated by AE energy rate. The tensile strength of marble was discrete obviously and was sensitive to the inside microdefects and grain composition. With increasing of loading, the tensile stress-strain curve obviously showed nonlinear with the tensile tangent modulus decreasing. In repeated loading cycle, the tensile elastic modulus was less than that in the previous loading cycle because of the generation of micro damage during the prior loading. It means the linear weakening occurring in the specimens. The AE activity was corresponding with occurrence of nonlinear deformation. In the initial loading stage which only elastic deformation happened on the specimens, there were few AE events occurred; while when the nonlinear deformation happened with increasing of loading, lots of AE events were generated. The quantity and energy of AE events were proportionally related to the variation of tensile tangent modulus. The Kaiser effect of AE activity could be clearly observed in tensile cycle loading. Based on the theory of damage mechanics, the damage factor was defined by AE energy rate and the tensile damage constitutive model was proposed which only needed two property constants. The theoretical stress-strain curve was well fitted with the curve plotted with tested datum and the two property constants were easily gotten by the laboratory testing.展开更多
The measured data of vibrations induced by excavation of deep-buried cavern and open pit with method of bench blasting were analyzed by Fourier Transform and Wavelet Transform,and the characteristics of vibrations ind...The measured data of vibrations induced by excavation of deep-buried cavern and open pit with method of bench blasting were analyzed by Fourier Transform and Wavelet Transform,and the characteristics of vibrations induced under these two circumstances were studied.It is concluded that with the similar rock condition and drilling-blasting parameters,vibration induced by bench blasting in deep-buried cavern has a higher main frequency and more scattered energy distribution than that in open pit.The vibration induced by bench blasting in open pit is mainly originated from the blast load,while the vibration induced by bench blasting in deep-buried cavern is the superposition of vibrations induced by blast load and transient release of in-situ stress.The vibration induced by transient release of in-situ stress increases with the stress level.展开更多
Subcritical crack growth of double torsion specimens made of marble was studied using Instron1342 type electro hydraulic servo test machine. The relations of the mode-I stress intensity factor KI versus the subcritica...Subcritical crack growth of double torsion specimens made of marble was studied using Instron1342 type electro hydraulic servo test machine. The relations of the mode-I stress intensity factor KI versus the subcritical crack growth velocity V and the fracture toughness KIC were obtained by the double torsion constant displacement load relaxation method. The behavior of subcritical crack growth was analyzed. The results show that lgKI-lgV relations of marble measured by this method accord with linear rule, i.e. the relations between subcritical crack growth velocity V and stress intensity factor KI have a power law, which is in good agreement with Charles theory. The testing results provide a basis for time-dependency of rock engineering stability.展开更多
Large deposits of cement raw material and resources like limestone, gypsum and shales/clays found from the Koh Sulaiman area of South Punjab (Saraikistan) and Balochistan Provinces, Pakistan. The installation of cemen...Large deposits of cement raw material and resources like limestone, gypsum and shales/clays found from the Koh Sulaiman area of South Punjab (Saraikistan) and Balochistan Provinces, Pakistan. The installation of cement industries especially in South Punjab/Saraikistan Province due to close occurrences of resources should develop the area and increase the export. The Koh Sulaiman regions of South Punjab (Saraikistan) have huge gypsum deposits which deserve for further exploitation. Pakistan is agricultural country and fertility of cultivated lands is vital. Fertilizer resources like phosphate deposits are moderate but the deposits of phosphate and potash bearing rocks are very vast and need their further explorations and exploitation in the Indus Basin. Pakistan has very large construction, dimension and decor stone deposits like limestone, marble, dolomite and igneous rocks like granite, dolerite, serpentine, etc. which needs further exploitation for the development of the areas and increase export. Pakistan is spending a lot of earnings for importing glass, glass wares, pottery, clay, etc. while Pakistan has these resources which needs exploitation of own resources. The best structures and geotectonic elements like the Northern and Western Indus Sutures and Karakoram Suture and Indus placers which are rich in gemstones and jewelry resources. To increase gems and jewelry export, these industries requires reduction in gemstones smuggling and encouragement for gem appraisal and jewelry industry at high level for value addition. In short, Pakistan is rich in natural resources but poor in development. Try should be made to develop and export the own mineral commodities like cement, gypsum, marble, gemstones and jewelry.展开更多
The removal of phosphorus from water using marble dust as sorbent material was studied by conducting batch tests, kinetic sorption model and isotherm model. The kinetic sorption model based on a pseudo equation was ap...The removal of phosphorus from water using marble dust as sorbent material was studied by conducting batch tests, kinetic sorption model and isotherm model. The kinetic sorption model based on a pseudo equation was applied to predict the rate constant of sorption. Thorough investigations to understand the mechanism of phosphorus sorption onto the marble dust using kinetic sorption models, pseudo first order and pseudo second order kinetic sorption models showed that the kinetic sorption is consistent with the second order model, from which it can be inferred that the mechanism of sorption is chemisorption. The Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models were applied to describe the equilibrium isotherms. The results of isotherm models showed that the Langmuir isotherm agrees very well with the experimental data compare with Freundlich isotherm. Batch tests and kinetic sorption models results showed that using the marble dust as sorbent material could be remove more than 94.3% of phosphorus from water.展开更多
基金Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.50974100)WHUT(NO.125106002)
文摘The mechanical properties are essentially different when rock material is subjected to loading or unloading conditions. In this study, loading and unloading tests with various confining pressures are conducted to investigate the mechanical properties of marble material samples taken from the deep diversion tunnels of Jinping II Hydropower Station. The stress-strain relationship, failure characteristics and strength criterion are compared and analyzed based on the experiment results. The results show: in the loading and unloading test, peak strength, lateral strain, axial strain and plastic deformation increase significantly as the confining pressure increases. Lateral strain increased significantly and obvious lateral dilatancy can be observed to the change of confining pressure; The fracture mode is mainly the single shear fracture for the triaxial compression test and post-peak test, angle between the failure surface and the ends of the rock material becomes smaller as the confining pressure increases. Hock-Brown strength criterion reflects the strength characteristics of marble material under two different unloading conditions, and has some supplementary effects to the rock material of mechanical field.
基金supported partially by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(42277158,41972277,and U1934212)。
文摘High geostress,a typical attribute of tunnels located at significant depths,is crucial in causing stress-induced failure and influencing the stability of the tunnel crown.This study developed an analytical method for the failure mechanism that occurs in deep-buried tunnel roofs,taking into account the influence of geostress.The limit analysis theory was utilized for deriving analytical solutions about the geometry of the collapsing surface and the limit supporting pressure.The collapsing surface obtained by the analytical solution was validated by the findings of the physical model test,which shows a high level of agreement with the actual one.An extensive investigation was done to explore the effects of the lateral pressure coefficients,the tunnel buried depth,the geological conditions of the surrounding rock,the long-short axis ratio,and the size of the tunnel profile.The findings indicate that an increase in the lateral pressure coefficient from 0.5 to 1.5 results in a reduction in the height of the collapsing zone by 2.08 m and the width of the collapsing zone by 1.15 m,while simultaneously increases the limit supporting pressure by 18.9%.The proposed upper bound method accurately determines the limit supporting pressure and the geometry of the collapsing surface,which aligns well with the results acquired through numerical modelling and on-site monitoring in actual engineering applications.The proposed analytical method can serve as a reference for similar crown failure issues of deep-buried tunnels.
基金Project(2022NSFSC0279)supported by the General Project of Sichuan Natural Science Foundation,ChinaProject(Z17113)supported by the Key Scientific Research Fund of Xihua University,ChinaProject(SR21A04)supported by the Research Center for Social Development and Social Risk Control of Sichuan Province,Key Research Base of Philosophy and Social Sciences,Sichuan University,China。
文摘Dilatancy is a fundamental volumetric growth behavior observed during loading and serves as a key index to comprehending the intricate nonlinear behavior and constitutive equation structure of rock.This study focuses on Jinping marble obtained from the Jinping Underground Laboratory in China at a depth of 2400 m.Various uniaxial and triaxial tests at different strain rates,along with constant confining pressure tests and reduced confining pressure tests under different confining pressures were conducted to analyze the mechanical response and dilatancy characteristics of the marble under four stress paths.Subsequently,a new empirical dilatancy coefficient is proposed based on the energy dissipation method.The results show that brittle failure characteristics of marble under uniaxial compression are more obvious with the strain rate increasing,and plastic failure characteristics of marble under triaxial compression are gradually strengthened.Furthermore,compared to the constant confining pressure,the volume expansion is relatively lower under unloading condition.The energy dissipation is closely linked to the process of dilatancy,with a rapid increase of dissipated energy coinciding with the beginning of dilatancy.A new empirical dilatancy coefficient is defined according to the change trend of energy dissipation rate curve,of which change trend is consistent with the actual dilatancy response in marble under different stress paths.The existing empirical and theoretical dilatancy models are analyzed,which shows that the empirical dilatancy coefficient based on the energy background is more universal.
基金the National 973 Project of Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (Grant No. 2003CB716502) the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40399143) +1 种基金 the German Science Foundation (DFG grant No. GE 1152/2-2 , WE2850/3- 1).
文摘Eclogite lenses in marbles from the Dabie-Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terrane are deeply subducted meta-sedimentary rocks. Zircons in these rocks have been used to constrain the ages of prograde and UHP metamorphism during subduction, and later retrograde metamorphism during exhumation. Inherited (detrital) and metamorphic zircons were distinguished on the basis of transmitted light microscopy, cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging, trace element contents and mineral inclusions. The distribution of mineral inclusions combined with CL imaging of the metamorphic zircon make it possible to relate zircon zones (domains) to different metamorphic stages. Domain 1 consists of rounded, oblong and spindly cores with dark-luminescent images, and contains quartz eclogite facies mineral inclusion assemblages, indicating formation under high-pressure (HP) metamorphic conditions of T = 571-668℃ and P =1.7-2.02 GPa. Domain 2 always surrounds domain 1 or occurs as rounded and spindly cores with white-luminescent images. It contains coesite eclogite facies mineral inclusion assemblages, indicating formation under UHP metamorphic conditions of T = 782-849℃ and P 〉 5.5 GPa. Domain 3, with gray-luminescent images, always surrounds domain 2 and occurs as the outermost zircon rim. It is characterized by low-pressure mineral inclusion assemblages, which are related to regional amphibolite facies retrograde metamorphism of T = 600- 710℃ and P = 0.7-1.2 GPa. The three metamorphic zircon domains have distinct ages; sample H1 from the Dabie terrane yielded SHRIMP ages of 245 ± 4 Ma for domain 1, 235 ± 3 Ma for domain 2 and 215± 6 Ma for domain 3, whereas sample H2 from the Sulu terrane yielded similar ages of 244 ± 4 Ma, 233 ± 4 Ma and 214 ± 5 Ma for Domains 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The mean ages of these zones suggest that subduction to UHP depths took place over 10-11 Ma and exhumation of the rocks occurred over a period of 19-20 Ma. Thus, subduction from - 55 km to 〉 160 km deep mantle depth took place at rates of approximately 9.5-10.5 km/Ma and exhumation from depths 〉160 km to the base of the crust at -30 km occurred at approximately 6.5 km/Ma. We propose a model for these rocks involving deep subduction of continental margin lithosphere followed by ultrafast exhumation driven by buoyancy forces after break-off of the UHP slab deep within the mantle.
文摘Acid mine drainage (AMD) with high concentrations of sulfates and metals is generated by the oxidation of sulfide beating wastes. CaCO3-rich marble cutting waste is a residual material produced by the cutting and polishing of marble stone. In this study, the feasibility of using the marble cutting waste as an acid-neutralizing agent to inhibit AMD and immobilize heavy metals from copper flotation tailings (sul- fide-beating wastes) was investigated. Continuous-stirring shake-flask tests were conducted for 40 d, and the pH value, sulfate content, and dissolved metal content of the leachate were analyzed every 10 d to determine the effectiveness of the marble cutting waste as an acid neu- tralizer. For comparison, CaCO3 was also used as a neutralizing agent. The average pH value of the leachate was 2.1 at the beginning of the experiment (t = 0). In the experiment employing the marble cutting waste, the pH value of the leachate changed from 6.5 to 7.8, and the sul- fate and iron concentrations decreased from 4558 to 838 mg/L and from 536 to 0.01 mg/L, respectively, after 40 d. The marble cutting waste also removed more than 80wt% of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) from AMD generated by copper flotation tailings.
基金Support by the China Postdoctor Fund (20100471757)
文摘Four 16.7 km-long tunnels with diameters ranging from 12.4 to 14.6 m are now under construction at Jinping II hydropower station along the Yalong River.The tunnels pass through Triassic rocks below Jinping Mountain.The tunnels are characterized with high overburden,long alignment and complex geological conditions.Brittle failure in marble and squeezing in schist are the primary problems in tunnelling.This paper introduces the studies of laboratory tests on Jinping II marble as well as numerical prediction of excavation damaged zone (EDZ) of tunnel section in brittle marble and determination of reinforced concrete lining thickness for restraining time-dependent deformation in the schist tunnel section.Laboratory tests indicate that Jinping II marble presents a complex brittle-ductile-plastic transition behavior of post-peak response with increasing confining pressure.Such behavior can be described numerically with the Hoek-Brown model.The EDZ was calibrated and predicted using both fast Lagrangian analysis of continua (FLAC) and particle flow code (PFC).The predicted result of EDZ in sections with different qualities of rock mass under various overburden pressures is quite helpful in understanding EDZ characterization and support design.A power-law creep model was used to support the lining design,especially in determining the lining thickness.Field convergence measurement data over 19 months were used to calibrate the creep model properties,followed by a sensibility analysis of reinforced concrete lining thickness that was launched to present the maximum lining compressive stress.
基金supported by the National Basic Research 973 Program of China (Grant 2013CB036003)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants 51579239, 51323004, and 41572263)the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant 2016M590518)
文摘The mechanical behaviors of rocks affected by high temperature and stress are generally believed to be significant for the stability of certain projects involving rocks, such as nuclear waste storage and geothermal resource exploitation. In this paper, veined marble specimens were treated to high temperature treatment and then used in conventional triaxial compression tests to investigate the effect of temperature, confining pressure, and vein angle on strength and deformation behaviors. The results show that the strength and deformation parameters of the veined marble specimens changed with the temperature, presenting a critical temperature of 600 . The triaxial compression strength of a horizontal vein () is obviously larger than that of a vertical vein (). The triaxial compression strength, elasticity modulus, and secant modulus have an approximately linear relation to the confining pressure. Finally, Mohr-Coulomb and Hoek-Brown criteria were respectively used to analyze the effect of confining pressure on triaxial compression strength.
基金provided by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada(NSERC)through the Discovery Grant No.72031326
文摘Dynamic strength parameters are extensively used in mining engineering and rock mechanics.However,there are no widely accepted dynamic failure models for rocks.In this study,the dynamic punching shear strength,uniaxial compressive strength(UCS) and tensile strength of fine-grained Fangshan marble(FM)are first measured by using a split Hopkinson pressure bar(SHPB) system.The pulse-shaping technique is then implemented to maintain the dynamic force balance in SHPB tests.Experimental results show that the dynamic punching shear strength,UCS and tensile strength increase with the loading rate.A recently developed dynamic Mohr-Coulomb theory is then used to interpret the testing data.In this model,the angle of internal friction φ is assumed to be independent of loading rate and is obtained using the static strength values.According to the dynamic Mohr-Coulomb theory,the dynamic UCS and the dynamic tensile strength are predicted from the dynamic punching shear strength.Furthermore,based on this dynamic theory,the dynamic UCS is predicted from the dynamic tensile strength.The consistency between the predicted and measured dynamic strengths demonstrates that the dynamic Mohr-Coulomb theory is applicable to FM.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51374215)Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation (No. 142018)+1 种基金Beijing Major Scientific and Technological Achievements into Ground Cultivation Project, the 111 Project (B14006)the National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of China (No. 201030)
文摘In th is study, th e m eso-failure m ech an ism an d fracture surface o f Jinping m arble w ere investigated bym ean s o f scanning electro n m icroscope (SEM) w ith ben d in g loading system and laser-scanner equipment. The Y antang an d B aishan m arbles specim ens from Jinping II hyd ro p o w er sta tio n w ere used. Testresu lts show th a t th e fracture to u g h n ess and m echanical behaviors o f Y antang m arble w ere basicallyh ig h er th a n th o se o f Baishan m arble. This is m ainly d u e to th e fact th a t Baishan m arble co n tain s a largep ercen tag e o f d o lom ite an d m in o r mica. Crack pro p ag atio n p a th and fracture m orphology in d icated th a tth e d irection o f ten sile stress has a significant effect on th e m echanical behaviors an d fracture toughnesso f B aishan m arble. For Yantang an d B aishan m arbles, a large n u m b e r o f m icrocracks a ro u n d th e m aincrack tip w ere observed w h e n th e directio n o f ten sile stress w as parallel to th e bed d in g plane.C onversely, few m icrocracks o ccurred w h e n th e directio n o f ten sile stress w as p erp en d icu lar to th ebed d in g plane. The presen ce o f a large n u m b e r o f m icrocracks a t th e m ain crack tip d ecreased th e globalfracture to u g h n ess o f m arble. The results o f th re e -p o in t ben d in g te sts show ed th a t th e average bearingcapacity o f intact m arble is 3.4 tim es th e notch ed m arble, b u t th e ductility p ro p e rty o f th e defectivem arble afte r p eak load is b e tte r th a n th a t o f th e intact m arble. H ence, large d efo rm atio n m ay beg en erated before failure o f in tact m arbles a t Jinping II h y d ro p o w er station. The fractal d im en sio n o ffracture surface w as also calculated by th e cube covering m eth o d . O bservational resu lt show ed th a t th elargest fractal dim en sio n o f Y antang m arble is cap tu red w h e n th e directio n o f ten sile stress is parallel toth e bedding plane. H ow ever, th e fractal d im en sio n o f fracture surface o f Yantang an d Baishan m arblesw ith ten sile stress vertical to th e bed d in g plane is relatively sm all. The fractal d im en sio n can also be usedto characterize th e ro ughness o f fracture surface o f rock m aterials.
基金Project(2016YFC0801403) supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of ChinaProject(2017RCJJ012) supported by the Scientific Research Foundation of Shandong University of Science and Technology for Recruited Talents,China+1 种基金Project(ZR2018MEE009) supported by the Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation,ChinaProject(MDPC2017ZR04) supported by the Open Project Fund for State Key Laboratory of Mining Disaster Prevention and Control Co-founded by Shandong Province and the Ministry of Science and Technology of China
文摘Strainburst is one type of rockburst that generally occurs in deep tunnel.In this study,the strainburst behaviors of marble specimens were investigated under tunnel-excavation-induced stress condition,and two stress paths were designed,a commonly used stress path in true triaxial unloading rockburst tests and a new test path in which the intermediate principal stress was varied.During the tests,a high-speed camera was used to record the strainburst process,and an acoustic emission(AE)monitoring system was used to monitor the AE characteristics of failure.In these two stress paths,all the marble specimens exhibited strainbursts;however,when the intermediate principal stress was varied,the rockburst became more violent.The obtained results indicate that the intermediate principal stress has a significant effect on rockburst behavior of marble.Under a higher intermediate principal stress before the unloading,more elastic strain energy was accumulated in the specimen,and the cumulative AE energy was higher in the rockburst-induced failure,i.e.,more elastic strain energy was released during the failure.Therefore,more violent failure was observed:more rock fragments with a higher mass and larger size were ejected outward.
基金made to the Donors of the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund for support of this research(Grant 52043-UR5)
文摘Liquid marbles (non-stick droplets) containing crude petroleum are reported. Liquid marbles were ob- tained by use of fluorinated decyl polyhedral oligomeric silsequioxane (FD-POSS) powder. Marbles containing crude petroleum remained stable on a broad diversity of solid and liquid supports. The effective surface tension of marbles filled with petroleum was established. The mechanism of friction of the marbles is discussed. Actuation of liquid marbles containing crude petroleum with an electric field is presented.
基金Supported by the National 11th Five-Year Science and Technology Supporting Plan of China(2006BAB02A02)Central South University Innovation funded projects (2009ssxt230, 2009ssxt234)
文摘A Fisher discriminant analysis (FDA) model for the prediction of classification of rockburst in deep-buried long tunnel was established based on the Fisher discriminant theory and the actual characteristics of the project. First, the major factors of rockburst, such as the maximum tangential stress of the cavern wall σθ, uniaxial compressive strength σc, uniaxial tensile strength or, and the elastic energy index of rock Wet, were taken into account in the analysis. Three factors, Stress coefficient σθ/σc, rock brittleness coefficient σc/σt, and elastic energy index Wet, were defined as the criterion indices for rockburst prediction in the proposed model. After training and testing of 12 sets of measured data, the discriminant functions of FDA were solved, and the ratio of misdiscrimina- tion is zero. Moreover, the proposed model was used to predict rockbursts of Qinling tunnel along Xi'an-Ankang railway. The results show that three forecast results are identical with the actual situation. Therefore, the prediction accuracy of the FDA model is acceptable.
文摘For understanding acoustic emission (AE) activity and accumulation of micro-damage inside rock under pure tensile state, the AE signals has been monitored on the test of directly tension on two kinds of marble specimens. A tensile constitutive model was proposed with the damage factor calculated by AE energy rate. The tensile strength of marble was discrete obviously and was sensitive to the inside microdefects and grain composition. With increasing of loading, the tensile stress-strain curve obviously showed nonlinear with the tensile tangent modulus decreasing. In repeated loading cycle, the tensile elastic modulus was less than that in the previous loading cycle because of the generation of micro damage during the prior loading. It means the linear weakening occurring in the specimens. The AE activity was corresponding with occurrence of nonlinear deformation. In the initial loading stage which only elastic deformation happened on the specimens, there were few AE events occurred; while when the nonlinear deformation happened with increasing of loading, lots of AE events were generated. The quantity and energy of AE events were proportionally related to the variation of tensile tangent modulus. The Kaiser effect of AE activity could be clearly observed in tensile cycle loading. Based on the theory of damage mechanics, the damage factor was defined by AE energy rate and the tensile damage constitutive model was proposed which only needed two property constants. The theoretical stress-strain curve was well fitted with the curve plotted with tested datum and the two property constants were easily gotten by the laboratory testing.
基金Project(2010CB732003) supported by the National Basic Research Program of ChinaProjects(50725931,50779050 and 50909077) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
文摘The measured data of vibrations induced by excavation of deep-buried cavern and open pit with method of bench blasting were analyzed by Fourier Transform and Wavelet Transform,and the characteristics of vibrations induced under these two circumstances were studied.It is concluded that with the similar rock condition and drilling-blasting parameters,vibration induced by bench blasting in deep-buried cavern has a higher main frequency and more scattered energy distribution than that in open pit.The vibration induced by bench blasting in open pit is mainly originated from the blast load,while the vibration induced by bench blasting in deep-buried cavern is the superposition of vibrations induced by blast load and transient release of in-situ stress.The vibration induced by transient release of in-situ stress increases with the stress level.
基金Supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China(50274074, 50490274) Innovation Research Project for PhD Candidate of CSU(030608)
文摘Subcritical crack growth of double torsion specimens made of marble was studied using Instron1342 type electro hydraulic servo test machine. The relations of the mode-I stress intensity factor KI versus the subcritical crack growth velocity V and the fracture toughness KIC were obtained by the double torsion constant displacement load relaxation method. The behavior of subcritical crack growth was analyzed. The results show that lgKI-lgV relations of marble measured by this method accord with linear rule, i.e. the relations between subcritical crack growth velocity V and stress intensity factor KI have a power law, which is in good agreement with Charles theory. The testing results provide a basis for time-dependency of rock engineering stability.
文摘Large deposits of cement raw material and resources like limestone, gypsum and shales/clays found from the Koh Sulaiman area of South Punjab (Saraikistan) and Balochistan Provinces, Pakistan. The installation of cement industries especially in South Punjab/Saraikistan Province due to close occurrences of resources should develop the area and increase the export. The Koh Sulaiman regions of South Punjab (Saraikistan) have huge gypsum deposits which deserve for further exploitation. Pakistan is agricultural country and fertility of cultivated lands is vital. Fertilizer resources like phosphate deposits are moderate but the deposits of phosphate and potash bearing rocks are very vast and need their further explorations and exploitation in the Indus Basin. Pakistan has very large construction, dimension and decor stone deposits like limestone, marble, dolomite and igneous rocks like granite, dolerite, serpentine, etc. which needs further exploitation for the development of the areas and increase export. Pakistan is spending a lot of earnings for importing glass, glass wares, pottery, clay, etc. while Pakistan has these resources which needs exploitation of own resources. The best structures and geotectonic elements like the Northern and Western Indus Sutures and Karakoram Suture and Indus placers which are rich in gemstones and jewelry resources. To increase gems and jewelry export, these industries requires reduction in gemstones smuggling and encouragement for gem appraisal and jewelry industry at high level for value addition. In short, Pakistan is rich in natural resources but poor in development. Try should be made to develop and export the own mineral commodities like cement, gypsum, marble, gemstones and jewelry.
文摘The removal of phosphorus from water using marble dust as sorbent material was studied by conducting batch tests, kinetic sorption model and isotherm model. The kinetic sorption model based on a pseudo equation was applied to predict the rate constant of sorption. Thorough investigations to understand the mechanism of phosphorus sorption onto the marble dust using kinetic sorption models, pseudo first order and pseudo second order kinetic sorption models showed that the kinetic sorption is consistent with the second order model, from which it can be inferred that the mechanism of sorption is chemisorption. The Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models were applied to describe the equilibrium isotherms. The results of isotherm models showed that the Langmuir isotherm agrees very well with the experimental data compare with Freundlich isotherm. Batch tests and kinetic sorption models results showed that using the marble dust as sorbent material could be remove more than 94.3% of phosphorus from water.