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Dissolved Organic Matter Features of Three Adjacent Eastern Mediterranean Urbanized Watersheds
作者 Nour Abboud Elias Michel Maatouk +1 位作者 Zeinab Matar Veronique Kazpard 《Open Journal of Modern Hydrology》 CAS 2024年第3期153-173,共21页
Landscape urbanization broadly affects ecosystems in coastal watersheds, but, until now, the influence of nonpoint source urban inputs on dissolved organic matter (DOM) amount, composition, and source is poorly unders... Landscape urbanization broadly affects ecosystems in coastal watersheds, but, until now, the influence of nonpoint source urban inputs on dissolved organic matter (DOM) amount, composition, and source is poorly understood. To understand how DOM composition varied with urbanization, fluorescence excitation-emission matrices (EEMs) were determined for urban and non-urban waters from upstream to downstream sites along three adjacent coastal watersheds that flow into the Mediterranean Sea. Two humic DOM fluorescent components (humic-like and fulvic-like peaks) and two proteinic components (tyrosine-like and tryptophane-like peaks) were identified by EEM fluorescence. The results indicated that urbanization had an important influence on DOM concentration and composition, with urban waters having a high degree of DOM variation due to different land uses surrounding each body of water. Urban waters show a higher DOM fluorescence index (FI), the highest fluorescence intensity of protein-like manifested also by BIX values, and a lower value of the humification index (HIX) than non-urban waters which were dominated by allochthonous inputs. In addition, the EEM was compared in dry and wet season where higher DOM amounts and FI appeared in summer due to autochthonous production coming from algae growth compared to allochthonous input from rainfall dominated in wet season. The concentration of DOC increased from upstream to downstream for the three rivers, especially Beirut River. The increase in DOC values was observed in both dry and wet seasons by 39 and 19 times respectively compared to upstream (0.93 - 0.91 mgC/L). 展开更多
关键词 dissolved Organic Matter dom EEM Fluorescence Spectroscopy Autochthonous/Allochthonous dom Urbanization Upstream/Downstream Wet/Dry Season
Characteristics of dissolved organic matter(DOM) in leachate with different landfill ages 被引量:55
作者 HUO Shouliang XI Beidou +3 位作者 YU Haichan HE Liansheng FAN Shilei LIU Hongliang 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第4期492-498,共7页
The main objective of the study was to investigate the characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in leachate with different landfill ages through the chemical, spectroscopic, and elemental analysis. Humic ac... The main objective of the study was to investigate the characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in leachate with different landfill ages through the chemical, spectroscopic, and elemental analysis. Humic acid (HA), fulvic acid (FA), and hydrophilic (HyI) fractions were isolated and purified by the XAD-8 resin combined with the cation exchange resin method. The analytical results of fluorescence excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy (EEMs) revealed that the fluorescence peaks were protein-like fluorescence for young landfill leachate, while the fluorescence peaks for medium and old landfill leachate were humic-like and fulvic-like fluorescence, respectively. Elemental analysis showed that carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen content decreased with landfill age, while the oxygen content increased. Moreover, the nitrogen content in these isolated fractions followed: HA 〉 HyI 〉 FA. The results of elemental analysis, FT-IR, and fluorescence EEMs also confirmed that aromatic carbons and portions of aliphatic functional groups were more abundant in leachate samples with increasing landfill age. 展开更多
关键词 dissolved organic matter (dom fluorescence EEMs dom fractionafion LANDFILL LEACHATE
作者 庄奔 李冰 +2 位作者 郭燕妮 周永强 谷娇 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期1466-1475,共10页
洞庭湖是我国最大的通江湖泊之一,为探究洞庭湖溶解性有机物(DOM)组成、(DOC)收支与江湖水力连通间的内在关联,于2018年5月、7月、9月和11月在洞庭湖湘、资、沅、澧4支流和长江荆南松滋、虎渡、藕池3个入湖口以及洞庭湖出湖口城陵矶采... 洞庭湖是我国最大的通江湖泊之一,为探究洞庭湖溶解性有机物(DOM)组成、(DOC)收支与江湖水力连通间的内在关联,于2018年5月、7月、9月和11月在洞庭湖湘、资、沅、澧4支流和长江荆南松滋、虎渡、藕池3个入湖口以及洞庭湖出湖口城陵矶采集水样,并探究洞庭湖流域DOM的组成分异特征及其对江湖水力连通的响应.结果表明,入湖河流和城陵矶DOM吸收系数a254和陆源类腐殖酸组分C1在7月最高.DOC由入湖口(2.4±1.3mg)/L下降至出湖口(2.1±0.3)mg/L,而a254由入湖口(9.7±2.2)m^(-1)上升至出湖口(10.1±1.7)m^(-1).微生物培养前的DOC浓度为(2.4±1.0)mg/L,微生物降解后的DOC浓度为(2.1±0.9mg)/L,DOC的微生物活性,即BDOC最高值出现在澧水为50.3%.5月、7月、9月和11月入湖的DOC通量分别为(63.7±43.6)×10^(3)t,(60.1±7.3)×10^(3)t,(27.6±3.6)×10^(3)t,(31.9±13.9)×10^(3)t.洞庭湖因自身水力滞留时间短,导致DOM在湖内运移过程中较少被降解,全湖DOM来源组成受流域不同季节来水条件影响较大. 展开更多
关键词 溶解性有机物(dom) 洞庭湖 水力联系 平行因子分析(PARAFAC)
作者 郑晓璇 田继先 +4 位作者 田聪 蒋峥文 杨磊 贺秋芳 薛红蕾 《地质科技通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期128-140,共13页
泥页岩中可溶有机质(DOM)组成和可降解性是影响生物气形成的重要因素,开发简便有效的方法来评估可溶有机质的组成、官能团特征和微生物活性等,可为泥页岩生物气田产气机制分析提供关键的基础信息。采集了柴达木盆地涩探1井1219~1309 m... 泥页岩中可溶有机质(DOM)组成和可降解性是影响生物气形成的重要因素,开发简便有效的方法来评估可溶有机质的组成、官能团特征和微生物活性等,可为泥页岩生物气田产气机制分析提供关键的基础信息。采集了柴达木盆地涩探1井1219~1309 m泥质岩心,基于有色可溶有机质(CDOM)的三维荧光(EEM)和紫外可见吸收光谱特征,分析了可溶有机质的组分、官能团特征和易降解程度,了解了产甲烷菌可利用底物的分布情况。结果表明:涩探1井岩心有机质以易降解的类色氨酸荧光组分C1和C3为主,占比70.54%;荧光组分、荧光参数HIX、BIX和吸光系数E_(253)/E_(203)、SUVA_(254)共同指示1219~1222 m和1285~1301 m2个层位有机质腐殖化程度较低,芳香性较弱,为潜在的产气活跃层位。研究表明CDOM光谱可以作为分析泥页岩可溶有机质特征的有效方法,其结果反映了产甲烷菌可利用底物和微生物活性等特征,为烃源层系内生物产气预测提供有效的重要信息。 展开更多
关键词 生物气 可溶有机质(dom) Cdom三维荧光光谱 紫外-可见吸收光谱 柴达木盆地 泥页岩
作者 王远 陆纳新 +2 位作者 汪鹏 唐玉霖 王慕 《净水技术》 CAS 2024年第6期63-70,共8页
为保障城市供水安全,实现南方某市优质饮用水入户,通过对目前供水管网水质情况进行调查分析,明确供水管网系统中溶解性有机物(DOM)在不同季节、余氯及停留时间等参数条件下对消毒副产物(DBPs)生成情况的影响。研究表明:供水管网系统中... 为保障城市供水安全,实现南方某市优质饮用水入户,通过对目前供水管网水质情况进行调查分析,明确供水管网系统中溶解性有机物(DOM)在不同季节、余氯及停留时间等参数条件下对消毒副产物(DBPs)生成情况的影响。研究表明:供水管网系统中常规水质指标如浑浊度、余氯和溶解性有机物主要取决于出厂水的浓度,供水管网中余氯变化较大,在管道中进行补氯有利于提升供水管网中不利点的居民饮用水安全。紫外和荧光光谱分析方法在供水管道中检测方便、检测限较低且不受其他工艺影响且检测浓度较低,可有效指示供水管道中存在的异常风险。三氯甲烷与卤乙酸是供水管网系统中主要存在的DBPs,其生成受到出厂水水质、管道、管道距离及季节性等多因素的影响,在供水管线中的含量变为随管线距离增长而增大;在温度较高的季节DBPs生成浓度高、反应速度快,应受到重点关注。 展开更多
关键词 供水管网 溶解性有机物 消毒副产物 余氯 荧光光谱
作者 杨宁 许咏穗 +3 位作者 侯英娜 黄国庆 费霞丽 邓慧萍 《净水技术》 CAS 2024年第5期80-91,142,共13页
全氟化合物(PFCs)在水环境中广泛分布并存在潜在毒性,活性炭吸附是目前被认为从饮用水中去除PFCs的有效技术之一。然而,关于臭氧-生物活性炭(O3-BAC)在实际水体中对短链PFCs去除特性的研究较少,因此在目前地表水环境中短链PFCs的污染水... 全氟化合物(PFCs)在水环境中广泛分布并存在潜在毒性,活性炭吸附是目前被认为从饮用水中去除PFCs的有效技术之一。然而,关于臭氧-生物活性炭(O3-BAC)在实际水体中对短链PFCs去除特性的研究较少,因此在目前地表水环境中短链PFCs的污染水平不断升高的背景下,亟需评估该工艺的应用效果。文中以水厂砂滤产水为水源,研究了3种短链PFCs(PFBA、PFPeA、PFHxA)和溶解性有机物(DOM)在连续运行90 d的O3-BAC中试装置中的去除效果,同时探讨了关停臭氧和臭氧的投加量对短链PFCs和DOM去除效果的影响。结果表明,随着运行时间的延长,3种短链PFCs在O3-BAC中试中的去除率显著下降并且出现了PFCs穿透和解吸附现象,去除率下降程度为:PFBA>PFPeA>PFHxA,而DOM相关的DOC、UV_(254)和Φ_((T,n))指标的去除率下降程度则相对缓慢。臭氧的投加能够氧化DOM从而改善短链PFCs在炭滤中的吸附去除,关停臭氧后流入炭滤的DOM会抢占已吸附短链PFCs的吸附位点,使PFCs解吸附提前发生。过高的臭氧投加量又会使更具竞争性的低分子量有机物增多,从而削弱炭滤对短链PFCs的去除能力。 展开更多
关键词 臭氧-生物活性炭 全氟化合物 溶解性有机物 中试 三维荧光光谱
作者 李丹 范中亚 +5 位作者 罗千里 贾政博 陈钢 赵长进 曾凡棠 黄露 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期911-922,共12页
本研究以华南地区中小型闸控入海河流黄江河、东溪河和练江(三河)为研究对象,于2022年逐月持续监测三河DOM特征,探讨DOM浓度时空分布、来源和藻类大量增殖对其影响.结果表明:黄江河、东溪河和练江溶解有机碳(DOC)占总有机碳(TOC)比例分... 本研究以华南地区中小型闸控入海河流黄江河、东溪河和练江(三河)为研究对象,于2022年逐月持续监测三河DOM特征,探讨DOM浓度时空分布、来源和藻类大量增殖对其影响.结果表明:黄江河、东溪河和练江溶解有机碳(DOC)占总有机碳(TOC)比例分别为78.6%、81.3%和67.2%,DOC为三河有机碳主要存在形式;三河DOC年均浓度分别为2.6,4.3和5.1mg/L,低于世界河流平均浓度但高于华南地区大型河流.荧光参数结果表明三河DOM具有陆源内源双重特征,内源贡献更明显.利用吸光特征量化藻源DOC贡献,三河藻源DOC浓度分别为1.2,1.8和2.2mg/L,藻源DOC占比分别为49.6%、42.6%和48.0%,进一步表明藻类内源是三河DOM主要来源.平行因子解析出3种类蛋白组分和2种类腐殖质组分,其中,受藻类异常增殖影响,表征内源类蛋白组分C1和C3总荧光强度枯水期显著高于丰水期,表征来自陆源类腐殖质组分C2和C4总荧光强度呈练江>东溪河>黄江河.因此,藻类大量增殖是三河DOC浓度高于华南地区大型河流、枯水期类蛋白组分C1和C3显著高于丰水期的主要原因之一,外源输入及河流理化参数,包括降雨、温度、盐度和营养盐浓度以及人为干扰(闸控调度)共同影响三河DOM浓度和组分. 展开更多
关键词 溶解有机质(dom) 闸控入海河流 藻类增殖 吸光特性 三维荧光
基于FT-ICR MS表征达古冰川冬春季节表层雪中DOM分子组成变化
作者 冯琳 刘艳梅 +3 位作者 马兴刚 徐建中 王世金 张伏 《冰川冻土》 CSCD 2024年第1期77-88,共12页
分析冰川中溶解性有机质(dissolved organic matter,DOM)的迁移转化特征是评估冰川消融对下游生态环境效应的重要依据,但冰川表层雪中DOM在冬春季节的迁移转化特征尚不明确。本文以达古冰川冬春季节表层雪和春季冰川径流为研究对象,使... 分析冰川中溶解性有机质(dissolved organic matter,DOM)的迁移转化特征是评估冰川消融对下游生态环境效应的重要依据,但冰川表层雪中DOM在冬春季节的迁移转化特征尚不明确。本文以达古冰川冬春季节表层雪和春季冰川径流为研究对象,使用傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱(FT-ICR MS)对表层雪和径流中DOM进行分子层次表征。结果显示:达古冰川冬春季节表层雪中DOM化学组成非常丰富,主要包括脂类、多肽类、不饱和烃类,还含有少量的酚类、多环芳烃类和糖类,来源包括微生物活动和陆源性输入。春季径流中DOM的主要来源是陆源性输入,受人类活动影响较大。分析不同季节表层雪DOM的分子组成变化,发现冬季低温环境有利于表层雪中脂类、多肽类和含S类DOM分子的富集,春季气温升高则有利于表层雪中多肽类、不饱和烃类和含N类DOM分子的富集。比较春季径流和表雪中DOM的分子组成变化,发现径流中杂原子类DOM含量降低,微生物来源的脂类和多肽类DOM含量降低,陆源性的酚类和多环芳烃类含量显著增加,说明径流中DOM的生物活性降低而光反应活性增加。因此随着冰川持续消融大量的冰川融水将DOM带入下游水环境,在微生物活动和光反应过程的共同作用下增加温室气体CO_(2)的排放,增强温室效应。 展开更多
关键词 达古冰川 表层雪 溶解性有机质 傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱(FT-ICR-MS)
污水厂尾水补水对受纳水体氮磷形态与DOM时空分布特征的影响 被引量:2
作者 杨长明 尉岚 +1 位作者 杨阳 王育来 《环境科学研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第9期1705-1715,共11页
城镇污水厂尾水水量稳定、水质可控,是补给河湖水系生态基流的可靠水源.为保障污水厂尾水补水安全,以合肥市王建沟为研究对象,分别于枯水期、丰水期开展污水厂尾水回补河道氮、磷形态及溶解性有机质(dissolved organic matter,DOM)的时... 城镇污水厂尾水水量稳定、水质可控,是补给河湖水系生态基流的可靠水源.为保障污水厂尾水补水安全,以合肥市王建沟为研究对象,分别于枯水期、丰水期开展污水厂尾水回补河道氮、磷形态及溶解性有机质(dissolved organic matter,DOM)的时空分布特征研究,探明污水厂尾水对回补河流的影响.结果表明:①王建沟经尾水补水后水质明显改善,补水河段污染物浓度空间上沿程上升,时间上水质标识指数特征表现为丰水期>枯水期,总氮(total nitrogen,TN)为主要污染因子.②尾水回补河道中氮形态以溶解态为主,主要存在形式为溶解态无机氮(dissolved inorganic nitrogen,DIN,占60.9%),且以硝态氮(NO_(3)^(−)-N)为主.除溶解态有机氮(dissolved organic nitrogen,DON)和亚硝态氮(NO2−-N)以外,其余形态氮浓度均表现为丰水期>枯水期.③磷主要以溶解态无机磷(dissolved inorganic phosphorus,DIP,占80.3%)为主,各形态磷浓度均表现为丰水期>枯水期.④枯、丰水期尾水回补河道DOM均以类腐殖质为主,占68%以上,DOM具有较强自生源、低腐殖化特征;同时,较枯水期而言,丰水期DOM结构更为复杂,平均相对分子质量和含量升高.研究显示:污水厂尾水回补河流尽管会导致氮、磷等污染负荷的输入,但在丰富河流水动力、生态基流保障、河流生态恢复等方面具有积极的效应;同时建议丰水期强化入河城市面源污染管控. 展开更多
关键词 尾水补水 受纳水体 氮磷形态 溶解性有机质(dom) 时空变化
Effect of dissolved organic matter on adsorption and desorption of mercury by soils 被引量:23
作者 YANG, Yongkui LIANG, Li WANG, Dingyong 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第9期1097-1102,共6页
Effects of dissolved organic matter (DOM) on adsorption and desorption of Hg were investigated in two kinds of soils, Xanthi-Udic Ferralosols (XUF) and Typic Purpli-Udic Cambosols (TPUC). The DOM was obtained from hum... Effects of dissolved organic matter (DOM) on adsorption and desorption of Hg were investigated in two kinds of soils, Xanthi-Udic Ferralosols (XUF) and Typic Purpli-Udic Cambosols (TPUC). The DOM was obtained from humus soil (DOMH), rice straw (DOMR), and pig manure (DOMP). The presence of DOM obviously reduced Hg maximum adsorption capacity with up to 40% decreases over the control, being an order of DOMH (250.00 mg/kg)< DOMR (303.03 mg/kg) < DOMP (322.58 mg/kg) < CK (control 416.67 mg/kg) for the... 展开更多
关键词 mercury (Hg) dissolved organic matter (dom adsorption DESORPTION
Sorption of dissolved organic matter and its effects on the atrazine sorption on soils 被引量:14
作者 LINGWan-ting WANGHai-zhen +1 位作者 XUJian-ming GAOYan-zheng 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第3期478-482,共5页
The dissolved organic matter(DOM), water soluble organic matter derived from sewage sludge was separated into hydrophobic fraction(Ho) and hydrophilic fraction(Hi). The sorption of DOM and its fractions on soils and t... The dissolved organic matter(DOM), water soluble organic matter derived from sewage sludge was separated into hydrophobic fraction(Ho) and hydrophilic fraction(Hi). The sorption of DOM and its fractions on soils and the effects of DOM sorption on a nonionic pesticide(atrazine(2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-1,3,5-trazine)) distribution between soil and water were investigated using a batch equilibrium technique. The total DOM sorption on soils described by the Langmuir equation reached saturation as the DOM concentration increased. The sorption of Ho fit the Freundlich model. In contrast, a negative retention evidently occurred as adding Hi at higher level in tested soils. The sorption of Ho dominated the total DOM sorption and the release of soil organic matter(SOM). Effects of DOM on the atrazine sorption by soils were DOM-concentration dependent and dominated by the interaction of atrazine, DOM, and soil solids. Generally, the presence of DOM with lower concentration promoted atrazine sorption on soils, namely the apparent partitioning constant(K*_d) for atrazine sorption in the presence of DOM was larger than the distribution constant(K_d) without DOM; whereas the presence of DOM with higher concentration inhibited atrazine sorption(i.e., K*_d<K_d). The overall effects of DOM on atrazine sorption in soils might be related to the DOM sorption and the release of soil intrinsic organic matter into aqueous solution. The sorption of Ho on soils promoted the atrazine sorption on soil, while the release of SOM by Hi and the competitive sorption between Hi and atrazine on soil surface led to a decrease of atrazine sorption. Information provided in this work may contribute to a better understanding of the DOM sorption and its impacts on the contaminant soil-water distribution. 展开更多
关键词 dissolved organic matter(dom) ATRAZINE SORPTION SOIL
Fluorescence characteristic changes of dissolved organic matter during municipal solid waste composting 被引量:6
作者 WEI Zi-min XI Bei-dou +3 位作者 WANG Shi-ping XU Jing-gang ZHOU Yu-yan LIU Hong-liang 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第6期953-956,共4页
Dissolved organic matter(DOM) of municipal solid waste(MSW) consists of minerals, water, ash and humic substances, and is known to enhance plant growth. In this study, inoculating microbes(Z J, MS) were used in ... Dissolved organic matter(DOM) of municipal solid waste(MSW) consists of minerals, water, ash and humic substances, and is known to enhance plant growth. In this study, inoculating microbes(Z J, MS) were used in municipal solid wastes composting, and composting implemented a industrialized technology. During composting, dissolved organic matter was extracted from the compost and purified. The spectral characteristics of dissolved organic matter was determined by fluorescence emission, excitation, and synchronous spectroscopy. Fluorescence emission, excitation, and synchronous spectra characterized by different relative fluorescent intensities and peaks over time. Fluorescence spectra were similar to that of fulvic acid in sewage sludge, indicating the presence of dissolved organic matter with aromatic structures and a high degree of molecular polymerization. Compared with the controls with no microbial inoculation, the microbe-inoculated treatments exhibited the increase of aromatic polycondensation, in the following order: MS + ZJ 〉 ZJ 〉 MS 〉 CK. 展开更多
关键词 MSW composting dissolved organic matter(dom inoculating microbes fluorescence spectra
Binding of pyrene to dissolved organic matters: fractionation and characterization 被引量:5
作者 DAIJing-yu ZHOUJiang-min QINShu-ping 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2004年第6期928-933,共6页
Based on a modified Leenheer DOM fractionation scheme, fractionation of DOM from the paddy soil was conducted by using XAD-8 resin into hydrophobic bases(HOB), hydrophobic acids(HOA), acid-insoluble matter(AIM), hydro... Based on a modified Leenheer DOM fractionation scheme, fractionation of DOM from the paddy soil was conducted by using XAD-8 resin into hydrophobic bases(HOB), hydrophobic acids(HOA), acid-insoluble matter(AIM), hydrophobic neutrals(HON) and hydrophilic matter(HIM). In total carbon content of DOM, 35.32% were the HIM and only 0.73% the HOB. However, HOA and AIM altogether occupied 53.45%, while the HON fraction represented 10%. The sorption experiments were conducted to determine the sorption capacity of pyrene on unfractionated DOM and its fractions. Elemental analysis, 1H-NMR and FTIR spectra were carried out on unfractionated DOM and its fractions to examine the relationship between the structure of DOM and partition coefficients(K oc). The results showed that HON had a greater affinity for binding pyrene than other fractions. While HON was characterized by large long-chain alkylate (aliphatic structure). AIM exhibited relative higher K oc values than HOA and HIM, due to much aromatic structure in AIM, while the high content of carboxylic groups of HOA and HIM depressed their binding capacity. This study demonstrated HON is a key subcomponents of DOM in binding of pyrene, in other words, aliphalic structure in DOM play an important role in binding of pyrene. 展开更多
关键词 dissolved organic matter(dom) PYRENE FRACTIONATION SORPTION
Characteristics of dissolved organic matter in lakes with different eutrophic levels in southeastern Hubei Province,China 被引量:11
作者 Weixiang REN Xiaodong WU +5 位作者 Xuguang GE Guiying LIN Mengdie ZHOU Zijie LONG Xinhui YU Wei TIAN 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第4期1256-1276,共21页
Dissolved organic matter(DOM)plays a crucial role in both the carbon cycle and geochemical cycles of other nutrient elements,which is of importance to the management and protection of the aquatic environments.To achie... Dissolved organic matter(DOM)plays a crucial role in both the carbon cycle and geochemical cycles of other nutrient elements,which is of importance to the management and protection of the aquatic environments.To achieve a more comprehensive understanding the characteristics of DOM in the Changjiang(Yangtze)River basin,water samples from four natural lakes(Xiandao,Baoan,Daye,and Qingshan)in southeastern Hubei Province in China with different eutrophication levels were collected and analyzed.The optical characteristics were analyzed using ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry and excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy coupled with parallel factor analysis.The results show that:(1)two humic-like components(C1 and C2)and two protein-like substances(C3 and C4)of DOM were identified in all waterbodies;(2)C3 originated primarily from the degradation of microalgae and contributed substantially to humic-like components during transformation.C4 was widely present in the Changjiang River basin and its formation was related to microbial activity,rather than algal blooms or seasons.Influenced by the water mixing,the protein-like components were more likely to be transformed by microorganism,whereas humic-like components were more easily to be photobleached;(3)the concentration of DOM and the fluorescence intensity of humic-like components gradually increased with rising lake eutrophication levels.With respect to protein-like components,only C3 showed changes along the eutrophication gradients;(4)DOM showed a high affinity with permanganate index(COD Mn)and chlorophyll a(chl a)while the relationship was variable with phosphorus.This study helps us systematically understand the DOM characteristics,microbial activities,and pollutant transformation in the Changjiang River basin and provides reference to the ecological restoration of aquatic environments. 展开更多
关键词 HUBEI eutrophic lake dissolved organic matter(dom) excitation-emission spectra parallel factor analysis
Multivariate analysis of fluorescence and source identification of dissolved organic matter in Jiaozhou Bay, China 被引量:2
作者 JIANG Fenghua YANG Baijuan +2 位作者 LEE Frank Sen-Chun WANG Xiaoru CAO Xuail 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第2期60-72,共13页
Hierarchical clustering analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) methods were used to assess the similarities and dissimilarities of the entire Excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy (EEMs) data sets of sa... Hierarchical clustering analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) methods were used to assess the similarities and dissimilarities of the entire Excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy (EEMs) data sets of samples collected from Jiaozhou Bay, China. The results demonstrate that multivariate analysis facilitates the complex data treatment and spectral sorting processes, and also enhances the probability to reveal otherwise hidden information concerning the chemical characteristics of the dissolved organic matter (DOM). The distribution of different water samples as revealed by multivariate results has been used to track the movement of DOM material in the study area, and the interpretation is supported by the results obtained from the numerical simulation model of substance tracing technique, which show that the substance discharged by Haibo River can be distributed in Jiaozhou Bay. 展开更多
关键词 dissolved organic matter (dom excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy (EEMs) hierarchical Cluster analysis principal component analysis (PCA) Jiaozhou Bay
Removal and transformation of dissolved organic matter in secondary effluent during granular activated carbon treatment 被引量:3
作者 Liang-liang WEI Qing-liang ZHAO Shuang XUE Ting JIA 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第7期994-1003,共10页
This paper focused on the removal and transformation of the dissolved organic matter(DOM) in secondary effluent during the granular activated carbon(GAC) treatment. Using XAD-8/XAD-4 resins,DOM was fractionated into f... This paper focused on the removal and transformation of the dissolved organic matter(DOM) in secondary effluent during the granular activated carbon(GAC) treatment. Using XAD-8/XAD-4 resins,DOM was fractionated into five classes:hydrophobic acid(HPO-A) ,hydrophobic neutral(HPO-N) ,transphilic acid(TPI-A) ,transphilic neutral(TPI-N) and hydrophilic fraction(HPI) . Subsequently,the water quality parameters of dissolved organic carbon(DOC) ,absorbance of ultraviolet light at 254 nm(UV-254) ,specific ultraviolet light absorbance(SUVA) and trihalomethane formation potential(THMFP) were analyzed for the unfractionated and fractionated water samples. The results showed that the order of the DOC removal with respect to DOM fractions was observed to be HPI>HPO-A>HPO-N>TPI-A>TPI-N. During the GAC treatment,the THMFP of the unfractionated water samples decreased from 397.4 μg/L to 176.5 μg/L,resulting in a removal efficiency of 55.6%. The removal order of the trihalomethanes(THMs) precursor was as follows:HPO-A>TPI-A>TPI-N>HPO-N>HPI. By the GAC treatment,the specific THMFP of HPO-A,TPI-A,TPI-N and the original unfractionated water samples had a noticeable decrease,while that of HPO-N and HPI showed a converse trend. The Fourier transform infrared(FTIR) results showed that the hydroxide groups,carboxylic acids,aliphatic C-H were significantly reduced by GAC treatment. 展开更多
关键词 污水处理 活性碳 分馏法 溶解有机物 三卤代甲烷
Improved speciation of dissolved organic nitrogen in natural waters: amide hydrolysis with fluorescence derivatization
作者 Ryan L.Fimmen Tamara D.Trouts +1 位作者 Daniel D.Richter Jr. Dharni Vasudevan 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第10期1273-1280,共8页
The objective of this study was to improve primary-amine nitrogen (1°-N) quantification in dissolved organic matter (DOM) originating from natural waters where inorganic forms of N, which may cause analytical int... The objective of this study was to improve primary-amine nitrogen (1°-N) quantification in dissolved organic matter (DOM) originating from natural waters where inorganic forms of N, which may cause analytical interference, are commonly encountered. Efforts were targeted at elucidating organic-N structural criteria influencing the response of organic amines to known colorimetric and fluorescent reagents and exploring the use of divalent metal-assisted amide hydrolysis in combination with fluorescence analyse... 展开更多
关键词 dissolved organic matter/nitrogen (dom/DON) O-PHTHALDIALDEHYDE FLUORESCAMINE NINHYDRIN amino acids amide hydrolysis peptides
Dissolved Organic Matter-Complexed Iron in Two Rivers with Different Types of Soils in Watershed Area
作者 Kunio Moroi Nobuyoshi Isamoto Akira Watanabe 《International Journal of Geosciences》 2012年第4期710-718,共9页
Concentrations of dissolved organic matter (DOM), dissolved humic substances (DHS), and DOM-complexed Fe (DOM-Fe) in Yamakuni and Oita Rivers, Japan, of which headstream is near in location, flow pass length is simila... Concentrations of dissolved organic matter (DOM), dissolved humic substances (DHS), and DOM-complexed Fe (DOM-Fe) in Yamakuni and Oita Rivers, Japan, of which headstream is near in location, flow pass length is similar, but watershed soil type differs, were investigated. Soil organic matter level was higher in black Andosols distributing 67% of the watershed area of the Oita River than in Cambisols covering 90% of the watershed area of Yamakuni River. However, the DOM concentration in the Yamakuni River (0.44 - 1.62 mg·C·L-1) tended to be higher than that in the Oita River (0.13 - 1.37 mg·C·L-1). DHS accounted for 49% - 80% of DOM in both rivers. Fe and DOM-Fe concentrations showed a trend to increase toward downstream but decrease at the estuary in both rivers. DOM-Fe accounted for 26% - 90% and 55% - 93% of dissolved Fe in the Yamakuni and Oita Rivers, respectively. Correlation analysis suggested that the DOM-Fe concentration in the river water was controlled by the capacity for supplying Fe ions rather than that for supplying DOM. Although the ability to form a complex with Fe was suggested to be greater in the DOM in the Oita River than that in the Yamakuni River, the DOM-Fe concentration at the estuary was similar in the two rivers. Thus, the effect of soil organic matter level in the watershed area on the supply of Fe or DOM-Fe to the estuarine ecosystem was not significant. 展开更多
关键词 dissolved Organic Matter (dom) dissolved HUMIC Substances (DHS) dom-Complexed FE (dom-Fe) WATERSHED Area
污泥热水解厌氧消化滤液处理工程溶解性有机物 被引量:1
作者 岳文慧 刘吉宝 +2 位作者 郭建宁 魏源送 隋倩雯 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期699-707,共9页
以典型的污泥热水解厌氧消化滤液处理工程为对象进行现场调查.结果表明,滤液中氨氮和COD的浓度分别高达(2034±465),(4128±276) mg/L,滤液中溶解性有机物(DOM)主要是大分子难降解有机物,大于1000Da的DOM占80.6%.现有“生物预处... 以典型的污泥热水解厌氧消化滤液处理工程为对象进行现场调查.结果表明,滤液中氨氮和COD的浓度分别高达(2034±465),(4128±276) mg/L,滤液中溶解性有机物(DOM)主要是大分子难降解有机物,大于1000Da的DOM占80.6%.现有“生物预处理+两级AO-MBR”滤液处理工艺总体上可实现高效脱氮(TN去除率94.9%)和部分COD去除(69.9%).脱氮主要依赖生物预处理单元(去除贡献率为79.9%),而DOM去除主要依赖MBR工艺的膜过滤(去除贡献率为184.7%).膜过滤截留的DOM依次为高分子聚合物>腐植酸类物质>低分子有机酸和中性物质,出水DOM主要以腐植酸和富里酸类物质为主,且腐殖化程度增高.现有的水洗、酸洗和碱洗对膜的有机污染均有一定的清洗效果,但清洗液中DOM类型差异明显. 展开更多
关键词 污泥厌氧消化 溶解性有机物(dom) 腐殖质 有机组分 三维荧光光谱
森林生态系统DOM的来源、特性及流动 被引量:59
作者 杨玉盛 郭剑芬 +4 位作者 陈光水 陈银秀 于占源 董彬 刘东霞 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期547-558,共12页
可溶性有机物质 (Dissolved Organic Matter)是森林生态系统主要的可移动碳库及重要的养分库。系统综述了森林生态系统 DOM的来源、组成、性质、季节动态 ;DOM释放与存留机制及影响因素 ;森林生态系统 DOM的流动及干扰对 DOM动态影响等... 可溶性有机物质 (Dissolved Organic Matter)是森林生态系统主要的可移动碳库及重要的养分库。系统综述了森林生态系统 DOM的来源、组成、性质、季节动态 ;DOM释放与存留机制及影响因素 ;森林生态系统 DOM的流动及干扰对 DOM动态影响等。已有研究表明 DOM在森林生态系统 C、N、P循环、成土作用、污染物迁移等方面起着重要作用。今后森林生态系统 DOM的研究应集中于以下几方面 :(1 )确定森林生态系统中 DOM源和汇 ;(2 )评价森林水文条件对 DOM释放与存留的调节作用 ;(3)探讨全球气候变化对森林生态系统 DOM的影响 ;(4)可溶性有机氮 (Dissolved Organic Nitrogen)、可溶性有机磷 (DissolvedOrganic Phosphorus)动态与可溶性有机碳 (Dissolved Organic Carbon)动态的差别。 展开更多
关键词 可溶性有机物质 森林生态系统 可溶性有机碳 可溶性有机氮
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