The harmonics that appear in the squirrel cage asynchronous machine have been discussed in great detail in the literature for a long time. However, the systematization of the phenomenon is still pending, so we made an...The harmonics that appear in the squirrel cage asynchronous machine have been discussed in great detail in the literature for a long time. However, the systematization of the phenomenon is still pending, so we made an attempt to fill this gap in the previous parts of our study by elaborating formulas for calculation of parasitic torques. It was a general demand among those who work in this field towards the author to verify his formulas with measurements. In the literature, it seems,only one detailed, purposeful series of measurements has been published so far, the purpose of which was to investigate the effect of the number of rotor slots on the torque-speed characteristic curve of the machine. The main goal of this study is to verify the correctness of the formulas by comparing them with the referred series of measurements. Relying on this, the expected synchronous parasitic torques were developed for the frequently used rotor slot numbers-as a design guide for the engineer.Thus, together with our complete table for radial magnetic pull published in our previous work, the designer has all the principles, data and formulas available for the right number of rotor slots for his given machine and for the drive system. This brings this series of papers to an end.展开更多
By numerically solving the semiconductor Bloch equation(SBEs),we theoretically study the high-harmonic generation of ZnO crystals driven by one-color and two-color intense laser pulses.The results show the enhancement...By numerically solving the semiconductor Bloch equation(SBEs),we theoretically study the high-harmonic generation of ZnO crystals driven by one-color and two-color intense laser pulses.The results show the enhancement of harmonics and the cut-off remains the same in the two-color field,which can be explained by the recollision trajectories and electron excitation from multi-channels.Based on the quantum path analysis,we investigate contribution of different ranges of the crystal momentum k of ZnO to the harmonic yield,and find that in two-color laser fields,the intensity of the harmonic yield of different ranges from the crystal momentum makes a big difference and the harmonic intensity is depressed from all k channels,which is related to the interferences between harmonics from symmetric k channels.展开更多
In this study we propose an analytical method based on orthogonal wavelet transforms for detecting harmonic noise and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) from power supply systems and equipment in coal mines. The metho...In this study we propose an analytical method based on orthogonal wavelet transforms for detecting harmonic noise and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) from power supply systems and equipment in coal mines. The method will separate interference from signals through wavelet packet decomposition and then accomplish wavelet packet synthesis towards decomposition results after filtering, to remove harmonic noise and electromagnetic interference. Detailed simulation experiments are presented to study power harmonics and Electrical Fast Transient Burst (EFT/B) interference and to validate the effectiveness of our proposed method. The experimental results show that the proposed method, suitable for mutant and non-stationary signal detection, can accurately analyze harmonic interference and EMI in coal mines, as well as establish EMI source models and perform underground Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) prediction analyses.展开更多
Harmonics generated by an intense femtosecond Gaussian laser pulse normally incident on a spiral-shaped thin foil target were studied. By using two-dimensional (2D) particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation, we observed e...Harmonics generated by an intense femtosecond Gaussian laser pulse normally incident on a spiral-shaped thin foil target were studied. By using two-dimensional (2D) particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation, we observed evident odd harmonics signals in the reflection direction and found that the reflected field has a helical structure determined by the target shape. This method provides a new way to generate an intense ultraviolet vortex with high-order topological charge by use of ultrahigh intense laser-driven harmonics.展开更多
This paper theoretically investigates the high-order harmonic generation cutoff extension using intense few-cycle linearly chirped laser pulses. It shows that the cutoff of the harmonic can be extended remarkably by o...This paper theoretically investigates the high-order harmonic generation cutoff extension using intense few-cycle linearly chirped laser pulses. It shows that the cutoff of the harmonic can be extended remarkably by optimising the chirping parameters. The time-frequency characteristics of high-order harmonics with different chirping parameters are analysed by means of wavelet transform of the dipole acceleration. It also gives out the classical three-step model pictures of electron. By superposing a properly selected range of the harmonic spectrum, it obtains an isolated 65as pulse.展开更多
By means of an arificial neural network (ANN) model, higher measurement accuracy of integer harmonics can be obtained. Combining the windowed fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm with the improved ANN model, we pres...By means of an arificial neural network (ANN) model, higher measurement accuracy of integer harmonics can be obtained. Combining the windowed fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm with the improved ANN model, we present a new precise algorithm for non-integer harmonics analysis. According to the result obtained from the Hanning-windowed FFT algorithm, we choose the initial values of orders of harmonics for the neural network. Through such processing, the time of iterations is shortened and the convergence rate of neural network is raised thereby. The simulation results show that close non-integer harmonics can be separated from a signal with higher accuracy and better real-time by using the algorithm presented in the paper. Key words fast Fourier transform (FFT) - artificial neural network (ANN) - Hanning-window - harmonics analysis CLC number TM 935 Foundation item: Supported by the Teaching and Research Award Program for Outstanding Young Teachers in Higher Education Institutions of China (2001-182) and the Science Foundation of Naval University of Engineering(HGDJJ03001).Biography: WANG Gong-bao (1962-), male, Professor, research direction: artificial neural network, wavelet analysis and their applications to signal processing in electric power systems.展开更多
A transmission grating coupled with an X-ray charge coupled device (CCD) is used to quantitatively measure the proportion of high-order harmonics of the soft-X-ray source of beam line 4B7B. The results show that the...A transmission grating coupled with an X-ray charge coupled device (CCD) is used to quantitatively measure the proportion of high-order harmonics of the soft-X-ray source of beam line 4B7B. The results show that the monochromatic X-ray has third-order and second-order harmonics. The proportion of second-order harmonic of 4B7B is less than 9.0% and the third- order harmonic is below 0.7% when no suppressing method is applied. When suppression methods are used, the proportion of second-order harmonic is less than 1.7% and the third-order harmonic is ignorable.展开更多
We theoretically study the selection of the quantum path in high-order harmonics(HHG) and isolated attosecond pulse generation from a one-dimensional(1D) model of a H_2~+ molecule in few-cycle inhomogeneous laser...We theoretically study the selection of the quantum path in high-order harmonics(HHG) and isolated attosecond pulse generation from a one-dimensional(1D) model of a H_2~+ molecule in few-cycle inhomogeneous laser fields.We show that the inhomogeneity of the laser fields play an important role in the HHG process.The cutoff of the harmonics can be extended remarkably,and the harmonic spectrum becomes smooth and has fewer modulations.We investigate the time-frequency profile of the time-dependent dipole,which shows that the short quantum path is enhanced and the long quantum path disappears in spatially inhomogeneous fields.The semi-classical three-step model is also applied to illustrate the physical mechanism of HHG.The influence of driving field carrier-envelop phase(CEP) on HHG is also discussed.By superposing a series of properly selected harmonics,an isolated attosecond pulse(IAP) with duration 53 as can be obtained by a 15-fs,1600-nm laser pulse with the parameter ε = 0.0013(e is the parameter that determines the order of inhomogeneity of the laser field).展开更多
As more and more variable frequency drives (VFDs), electronic ballasts, battery chargers, and static Var compensators are installed in facilities, the problems related to harmonics are expected to get worse. As a resu...As more and more variable frequency drives (VFDs), electronic ballasts, battery chargers, and static Var compensators are installed in facilities, the problems related to harmonics are expected to get worse. As a result Active power filter (APF) gains much more attention due to excellent harmonic compensation. But still the performance of the active filter seems to be in contradictions with different control strategies. This paper presents detailed analysis to compare and elevate the performance of two control strategies for ex-tracting reference currents of shunt active filters under balanced, un-balanced and non-sinusoidal conditions by using Fuzzy controller. The well known methods, instantaneous real active and reactive power method (p-q) and active and reactive current method (id-iq) are two control methods which are extensively used in active filters. Extensive Simulations are carried out with fuzzy controller for both p-q and Id-Iq methods for different voltage conditions and adequate results were presented. Simulation results validate the superior per-formance of active and reactive current control strategy (id-iq) with fuzzy controller over active and reactive power control strategy (p-q) with fuzzy controller.展开更多
To investigate higher harmonics induced by a submerged obstacle in the presence of uniform current, a 2D fully nonlinear numerical wave flume(NWF) is developed by use of a time-domain higher-order boundary element m...To investigate higher harmonics induced by a submerged obstacle in the presence of uniform current, a 2D fully nonlinear numerical wave flume(NWF) is developed by use of a time-domain higher-order boundary element method(HOBEM) based on potential flow theory. A four-point method is developed to decompose higher bound and free harmonic waves propagating upstream and downstream around the obstacle. The model predictions are in good agreement with the experimental data for free harmonics induced by a submerged horizontal cylinder in the absence of currents. This serves as a benchmark to reveal the current effects on higher harmonic waves. The peak value of non-dimensional second free harmonic amplitude is shifted upstream for the opposing current relative to that for zero current with the variation of current-free incident wave amplitude, and it is vice versa for the following current. The second-order analysis shows a resonant behavior which is related to the ratio of the cylinder diameter to the second bound mode wavelength over the cylinder. The second-order resonant position slightly downshifted for the opposing current and upshifted for the following current.展开更多
The polarization properties of high-order harmonic generation(HHG) in the two-color circularly polarized laser fields are investigated by numerically solving the two-dimensional time-dependent Schr?dinger equation. By...The polarization properties of high-order harmonic generation(HHG) in the two-color circularly polarized laser fields are investigated by numerically solving the two-dimensional time-dependent Schr?dinger equation. By adding a wavelength of 1600-nm right-circular-polarized field to an 800-nm left-circular-polarized field, HHG is simulated from a real model of neon atom with p orbital, but not from a hydrogen-like atom model with s orbital. The orders of 3n + 1 can be selected while the orders of 3n + 2 are suppressed by adjusting the intensities of the two pulses. The physical mechanism is analyzed by time-frequency analysis and semiclassical model.展开更多
New technologies in endoscopic ultrasound(EUS) evaluation have been developed because of the need to improve the EUS and EUS-fine needle aspiration(EUS- FNA) diagnostic rate. This paper reviews the principle, indicati...New technologies in endoscopic ultrasound(EUS) evaluation have been developed because of the need to improve the EUS and EUS-fine needle aspiration(EUS- FNA) diagnostic rate. This paper reviews the principle, indications, main literature results, limitations and future expectations for each of the methods presented. Contrast-enhanced harmonic EUS uses a low mechanical index and highlights slowflow vascularization. This technique is useful for differentiating solid and cystic pancreatic lesions and assessing biliary neoplasms, submucosal neoplasms and lymph nodes. It is also useful for the discrimination of pancreatic masses based on their qualitative patterns; however, the quantitative assessment needs to be improved. The detection of small solid lesions is better, and the EUS-FNA guidance needs further research. The differentiation of cystic lesions of the pancreas and the identification of the associated malignancy features represent the main indications. Elastography is used to assess tissue hardness based on the measurement of elasticity. Despite its low negative predictive value, elastography might rule out the diagnosis of malignancy for pancreatic masses. Needle confocal laser endomicroscopy offers useful information about cystic lesions of the pancreas and is still under evaluation for use with solid pancreatic lesions of lymph nodes.展开更多
The phase relation of harmonics in high-intensity focused ultrasound is investigated numerically and experimen- tally. The nonlinear Westervelt equation is solved to model nonlinear focused sound field by using the fi...The phase relation of harmonics in high-intensity focused ultrasound is investigated numerically and experimen- tally. The nonlinear Westervelt equation is solved to model nonlinear focused sound field by using the finite difference time domain method. Experimental waveforms are measured by a robust needle hydrophone. Then the relative phase quantity is introduced and obtained by using the zero-phase filter. The results show that the nth harmonic relative phase quantity is approximately (n - 1) π/3 at geometric center and increases along the axial direction. Moreover, the relative phase quantity decreases with the increase of source amplitude. This phase relation gives an explanation of some nonlinear phenomena such as the discrepancy of positive and negative pressure.展开更多
Comparisons of wave reflection, transmission and harmonics due to different types of sub merged structures are investigated by a numerical method, the boundary-fitted coordinate (BFC) method. The types of submerged st...Comparisons of wave reflection, transmission and harmonics due to different types of sub merged structures are investigated by a numerical method, the boundary-fitted coordinate (BFC) method. The types of submerged structures include a submerged horizontal plate, submerged breakwa ters (rectangular and trapezoidal) and a step-type structure (topography). First, the BFC method is ver ified by comparing the computed results with the experimental data, including wave surface elevations, reflected and transmitted wave heights, and amplitudes of higher harmonics, showing that the method is a reasonable one to predict wave deformations due to the submerged structures. Secondly, the wave sur face elevations and the higher harmonics over different submerged structures are compared. Thirdly, re flected and transmitted waves due to different submerged structures are investigated.展开更多
We study high-order harmonic generation(HHG)from multi-center asymmetric linear molecules numerically and analytically.Our simulations show that odd and even HHG spectra of the asymmetric multi-center system respond d...We study high-order harmonic generation(HHG)from multi-center asymmetric linear molecules numerically and analytically.Our simulations show that odd and even HHG spectra of the asymmetric multi-center system respond differently to the change of the molecular structure.Specifically,when the internuclear distances between these nuclei of the molecule have a small change,the odd spectra usually do not change basically,but the even spectra differ remarkably.Based on this phenomenon,a simple procedure is proposed to probe the positions of these nuclei with odd–even HHG.Our results shed light on attosecond probing of the structure of multi-center molecules using HHG.展开更多
The higher harmonics of the free electron laser(FEL)with a two-wavenumber plane wiggler magnetic field,which may induce a lot of higher harmonics,are investigated.Using a two-wavenumber wiggler comprised of two separa...The higher harmonics of the free electron laser(FEL)with a two-wavenumber plane wiggler magnetic field,which may induce a lot of higher harmonics,are investigated.Using a two-wavenumber wiggler comprised of two separate periodicities,k_(ω)and k_(ω)+Δk,numerical simulations show that the higher harmonic may be amplified and the first harmonic may be suppressed in this kind of FEL with an optimized parameterΔk.The coupling coefficient and gain coefficient in low-gain regime of the harmonic are also obtained.展开更多
The periodic impact force induced by tip-sample contact in a tapping mode atomic force microscope (AFM) gives rise to the non-harmonic response of a micro-cantilever. These non-harmonic signals contain the full char...The periodic impact force induced by tip-sample contact in a tapping mode atomic force microscope (AFM) gives rise to the non-harmonic response of a micro-cantilever. These non-harmonic signals contain the full characteristics of tip-sample interaction. A complete theoretical model describing the dynamical behaviour of tip-sample system was developed in this paper. An analytic formula was introduced to describe the relationship between time-varying tip-sample impact force and tip motion. The theoretical analysis and numerical results both show that the timevarying tip-sample impact force can be reconstructed by recording tip motion. This allows for the reconstruction of the characteristics of the tip-sample force, like contact time and maximum contact force. It can also explain the ability of AFM higher harmonics imaging in mapping stiffness and surface energy variations.展开更多
The starting point of this study is the theory of tonal consonance by Plomp and Levelt. The major reference point is the theory of Critical Band and its use for evaluating consonance of simple tones. On the basis of s...The starting point of this study is the theory of tonal consonance by Plomp and Levelt. The major reference point is the theory of Critical Band and its use for evaluating consonance of simple tones. On the basis of such empirical criterion, our aim consists in providing a method of estimating the value of consonance of complex tones, by taking account not only of the number of harmonics, but also of the intensity of the partials which contribute to forming the tone. By introducing a specific algorithm, the level of consonance of a chord of complex tones is expressed in terms both of frequency differences and sound intensity of the partials. The results give rise to a series of considerations and applications, ranging from displaying the order of consonance of all intervals within the octave up to evaluating the hierarchy of chords in the frame of a musical scale.展开更多
Recently,the simplified spherical harmonics equations(SP)model has at tracted much att entionin modeling the light propagation in small tissue ggeometriesat visible and near-infrared wave-leng ths.In this paper,we rep...Recently,the simplified spherical harmonics equations(SP)model has at tracted much att entionin modeling the light propagation in small tissue ggeometriesat visible and near-infrared wave-leng ths.In this paper,we report an eficient numerical method for fluorescence moleeular tom-ography(FMT)that combines the advantage of SP model and adaptive hp finite elementmethod(hp-FEM).For purposes of comparison,hp-FEM and h-FEM are,respectively applied tothe reconstruction pro cess with diffusion approximation and SPs model.Simulation experiments on a 3D digital mouse atlas and physical experiments on a phantom are designed to evaluate thereconstruction methods in terms of the location and the reconstructed fluorescent yield.Theexperimental results demonstrate that hp-FEM with SPy model,yield more accurate results thanh-FEM with difusion approximation model does.The phantom experiments show the potentialand feasibility of the proposed approach in FMT applications.展开更多
High-order harmonics from helium atom in the orthogonally two-color(OTC) laser field are investigated by solving the two-dimensional time-dependent Schrodinger equation.Non-integer high-order harmonics are obtained in...High-order harmonics from helium atom in the orthogonally two-color(OTC) laser field are investigated by solving the two-dimensional time-dependent Schrodinger equation.Non-integer high-order harmonics are obtained in some ratio of frequencies of two components.Pure odd and even harmonics from atoms could be separated in two components by adjusting the ratio of frequencies in OTC scheme,and the resolution of harmonics is improved at the same time.The physical mechanism is explained by the periodicity of dipole.With the same intensity of the incident laser,the intensity of the high-order harmonics from the OTC field scheme is improved by three orders of magnitude compared to the monochromatic laser field scheme.A theoretical scheme is provided for experimentally achieving improving energy resolution and separation of pure odd and even harmonics in atoms.Also,we provide a means for improving harmonic intensity.展开更多
文摘The harmonics that appear in the squirrel cage asynchronous machine have been discussed in great detail in the literature for a long time. However, the systematization of the phenomenon is still pending, so we made an attempt to fill this gap in the previous parts of our study by elaborating formulas for calculation of parasitic torques. It was a general demand among those who work in this field towards the author to verify his formulas with measurements. In the literature, it seems,only one detailed, purposeful series of measurements has been published so far, the purpose of which was to investigate the effect of the number of rotor slots on the torque-speed characteristic curve of the machine. The main goal of this study is to verify the correctness of the formulas by comparing them with the referred series of measurements. Relying on this, the expected synchronous parasitic torques were developed for the frequently used rotor slot numbers-as a design guide for the engineer.Thus, together with our complete table for radial magnetic pull published in our previous work, the designer has all the principles, data and formulas available for the right number of rotor slots for his given machine and for the drive system. This brings this series of papers to an end.
基金the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China (Grant No. 12074146)the NaturalScience Foundation of Jilin Province, China (GrantNo. 20220101010JC).
文摘By numerically solving the semiconductor Bloch equation(SBEs),we theoretically study the high-harmonic generation of ZnO crystals driven by one-color and two-color intense laser pulses.The results show the enhancement of harmonics and the cut-off remains the same in the two-color field,which can be explained by the recollision trajectories and electron excitation from multi-channels.Based on the quantum path analysis,we investigate contribution of different ranges of the crystal momentum k of ZnO to the harmonic yield,and find that in two-color laser fields,the intensity of the harmonic yield of different ranges from the crystal momentum makes a big difference and the harmonic intensity is depressed from all k channels,which is related to the interferences between harmonics from symmetric k channels.
基金the financial support for our work by the Doctoral Foundation of Ministry of Education of China (No.200802900008)
文摘In this study we propose an analytical method based on orthogonal wavelet transforms for detecting harmonic noise and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) from power supply systems and equipment in coal mines. The method will separate interference from signals through wavelet packet decomposition and then accomplish wavelet packet synthesis towards decomposition results after filtering, to remove harmonic noise and electromagnetic interference. Detailed simulation experiments are presented to study power harmonics and Electrical Fast Transient Burst (EFT/B) interference and to validate the effectiveness of our proposed method. The experimental results show that the proposed method, suitable for mutant and non-stationary signal detection, can accurately analyze harmonic interference and EMI in coal mines, as well as establish EMI source models and perform underground Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) prediction analyses.
基金Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(Grant Nos.2013CBA01501 and 2013CBA01504)the National Key Scientific Instrument and Equipment Development Project,China(Grant No.2012YQ120047)+1 种基金CAS Key Program and National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.11135012 and 11375262)a Project of Higher Educational Science and Technology Program of Shandong Province,China(Grant No.J11LA52)
文摘Harmonics generated by an intense femtosecond Gaussian laser pulse normally incident on a spiral-shaped thin foil target were studied. By using two-dimensional (2D) particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation, we observed evident odd harmonics signals in the reflection direction and found that the reflected field has a helical structure determined by the target shape. This method provides a new way to generate an intense ultraviolet vortex with high-order topological charge by use of ultrahigh intense laser-driven harmonics.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.10974068)
文摘This paper theoretically investigates the high-order harmonic generation cutoff extension using intense few-cycle linearly chirped laser pulses. It shows that the cutoff of the harmonic can be extended remarkably by optimising the chirping parameters. The time-frequency characteristics of high-order harmonics with different chirping parameters are analysed by means of wavelet transform of the dipole acceleration. It also gives out the classical three-step model pictures of electron. By superposing a properly selected range of the harmonic spectrum, it obtains an isolated 65as pulse.
文摘By means of an arificial neural network (ANN) model, higher measurement accuracy of integer harmonics can be obtained. Combining the windowed fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm with the improved ANN model, we present a new precise algorithm for non-integer harmonics analysis. According to the result obtained from the Hanning-windowed FFT algorithm, we choose the initial values of orders of harmonics for the neural network. Through such processing, the time of iterations is shortened and the convergence rate of neural network is raised thereby. The simulation results show that close non-integer harmonics can be separated from a signal with higher accuracy and better real-time by using the algorithm presented in the paper. Key words fast Fourier transform (FFT) - artificial neural network (ANN) - Hanning-window - harmonics analysis CLC number TM 935 Foundation item: Supported by the Teaching and Research Award Program for Outstanding Young Teachers in Higher Education Institutions of China (2001-182) and the Science Foundation of Naval University of Engineering(HGDJJ03001).Biography: WANG Gong-bao (1962-), male, Professor, research direction: artificial neural network, wavelet analysis and their applications to signal processing in electric power systems.
文摘A transmission grating coupled with an X-ray charge coupled device (CCD) is used to quantitatively measure the proportion of high-order harmonics of the soft-X-ray source of beam line 4B7B. The results show that the monochromatic X-ray has third-order and second-order harmonics. The proportion of second-order harmonic of 4B7B is less than 9.0% and the third- order harmonic is below 0.7% when no suppressing method is applied. When suppression methods are used, the proportion of second-order harmonic is less than 1.7% and the third-order harmonic is ignorable.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.11174108,11104108,and 11271158)
文摘We theoretically study the selection of the quantum path in high-order harmonics(HHG) and isolated attosecond pulse generation from a one-dimensional(1D) model of a H_2~+ molecule in few-cycle inhomogeneous laser fields.We show that the inhomogeneity of the laser fields play an important role in the HHG process.The cutoff of the harmonics can be extended remarkably,and the harmonic spectrum becomes smooth and has fewer modulations.We investigate the time-frequency profile of the time-dependent dipole,which shows that the short quantum path is enhanced and the long quantum path disappears in spatially inhomogeneous fields.The semi-classical three-step model is also applied to illustrate the physical mechanism of HHG.The influence of driving field carrier-envelop phase(CEP) on HHG is also discussed.By superposing a series of properly selected harmonics,an isolated attosecond pulse(IAP) with duration 53 as can be obtained by a 15-fs,1600-nm laser pulse with the parameter ε = 0.0013(e is the parameter that determines the order of inhomogeneity of the laser field).
文摘As more and more variable frequency drives (VFDs), electronic ballasts, battery chargers, and static Var compensators are installed in facilities, the problems related to harmonics are expected to get worse. As a result Active power filter (APF) gains much more attention due to excellent harmonic compensation. But still the performance of the active filter seems to be in contradictions with different control strategies. This paper presents detailed analysis to compare and elevate the performance of two control strategies for ex-tracting reference currents of shunt active filters under balanced, un-balanced and non-sinusoidal conditions by using Fuzzy controller. The well known methods, instantaneous real active and reactive power method (p-q) and active and reactive current method (id-iq) are two control methods which are extensively used in active filters. Extensive Simulations are carried out with fuzzy controller for both p-q and Id-Iq methods for different voltage conditions and adequate results were presented. Simulation results validate the superior per-formance of active and reactive current control strategy (id-iq) with fuzzy controller over active and reactive power control strategy (p-q) with fuzzy controller.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.51179028,51222902,and 51221961)the National Basic Research Program of China(973 Program,Grant No.2011CB013703)+1 种基金the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University(Grant No.NCET-13-0076)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(Grant No.DUT13YQ104)
文摘To investigate higher harmonics induced by a submerged obstacle in the presence of uniform current, a 2D fully nonlinear numerical wave flume(NWF) is developed by use of a time-domain higher-order boundary element method(HOBEM) based on potential flow theory. A four-point method is developed to decompose higher bound and free harmonic waves propagating upstream and downstream around the obstacle. The model predictions are in good agreement with the experimental data for free harmonics induced by a submerged horizontal cylinder in the absence of currents. This serves as a benchmark to reveal the current effects on higher harmonic waves. The peak value of non-dimensional second free harmonic amplitude is shifted upstream for the opposing current relative to that for zero current with the variation of current-free incident wave amplitude, and it is vice versa for the following current. The second-order analysis shows a resonant behavior which is related to the ratio of the cylinder diameter to the second bound mode wavelength over the cylinder. The second-order resonant position slightly downshifted for the opposing current and upshifted for the following current.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.11974229,11504221,and 11404204)the Scientific and Technological Innovation Program of Higher Education Institutions in Shanxi Province,China(Grant No.2019L0452)+1 种基金the Natural Science Foundation for Young Scientists of Shanxi Province,China(Grant No.2015021023)the Program for Top Young Academic Leaders of Higher Learning Institutions of Shanxi Province,China
文摘The polarization properties of high-order harmonic generation(HHG) in the two-color circularly polarized laser fields are investigated by numerically solving the two-dimensional time-dependent Schr?dinger equation. By adding a wavelength of 1600-nm right-circular-polarized field to an 800-nm left-circular-polarized field, HHG is simulated from a real model of neon atom with p orbital, but not from a hydrogen-like atom model with s orbital. The orders of 3n + 1 can be selected while the orders of 3n + 2 are suppressed by adjusting the intensities of the two pulses. The physical mechanism is analyzed by time-frequency analysis and semiclassical model.
基金National Grant of the Romanian Education Ministry,No.PN-II-PT-PCCA.2O13-4-11O5/2014
文摘New technologies in endoscopic ultrasound(EUS) evaluation have been developed because of the need to improve the EUS and EUS-fine needle aspiration(EUS- FNA) diagnostic rate. This paper reviews the principle, indications, main literature results, limitations and future expectations for each of the methods presented. Contrast-enhanced harmonic EUS uses a low mechanical index and highlights slowflow vascularization. This technique is useful for differentiating solid and cystic pancreatic lesions and assessing biliary neoplasms, submucosal neoplasms and lymph nodes. It is also useful for the discrimination of pancreatic masses based on their qualitative patterns; however, the quantitative assessment needs to be improved. The detection of small solid lesions is better, and the EUS-FNA guidance needs further research. The differentiation of cystic lesions of the pancreas and the identification of the associated malignancy features represent the main indications. Elastography is used to assess tissue hardness based on the measurement of elasticity. Despite its low negative predictive value, elastography might rule out the diagnosis of malignancy for pancreatic masses. Needle confocal laser endomicroscopy offers useful information about cystic lesions of the pancreas and is still under evaluation for use with solid pancreatic lesions of lymph nodes.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos 41274134 and 81527901the '12th Five-Year Plan' Period for Informatization Project in Supercomputing Key Demonstration of Chinese Academy of Sciences under Grant No XXH12503-02-02-2(07)
文摘The phase relation of harmonics in high-intensity focused ultrasound is investigated numerically and experimen- tally. The nonlinear Westervelt equation is solved to model nonlinear focused sound field by using the finite difference time domain method. Experimental waveforms are measured by a robust needle hydrophone. Then the relative phase quantity is introduced and obtained by using the zero-phase filter. The results show that the nth harmonic relative phase quantity is approximately (n - 1) π/3 at geometric center and increases along the axial direction. Moreover, the relative phase quantity decreases with the increase of source amplitude. This phase relation gives an explanation of some nonlinear phenomena such as the discrepancy of positive and negative pressure.
文摘Comparisons of wave reflection, transmission and harmonics due to different types of sub merged structures are investigated by a numerical method, the boundary-fitted coordinate (BFC) method. The types of submerged structures include a submerged horizontal plate, submerged breakwa ters (rectangular and trapezoidal) and a step-type structure (topography). First, the BFC method is ver ified by comparing the computed results with the experimental data, including wave surface elevations, reflected and transmitted wave heights, and amplitudes of higher harmonics, showing that the method is a reasonable one to predict wave deformations due to the submerged structures. Secondly, the wave sur face elevations and the higher harmonics over different submerged structures are compared. Thirdly, re flected and transmitted waves due to different submerged structures are investigated.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grants No.91750111)the Youth Foundation of Hebei Province Education Department,China(Grant No.QN2017028)+2 种基金the Fundamental Research Funds for Hebei GEO University,China(Grant No.BQ2017047)the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province,China(Grant No.A2015205161)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities,China(Grant No.SNNU.GK201801009)
文摘We study high-order harmonic generation(HHG)from multi-center asymmetric linear molecules numerically and analytically.Our simulations show that odd and even HHG spectra of the asymmetric multi-center system respond differently to the change of the molecular structure.Specifically,when the internuclear distances between these nuclei of the molecule have a small change,the odd spectra usually do not change basically,but the even spectra differ remarkably.Based on this phenomenon,a simple procedure is proposed to probe the positions of these nuclei with odd–even HHG.Our results shed light on attosecond probing of the structure of multi-center molecules using HHG.
文摘The higher harmonics of the free electron laser(FEL)with a two-wavenumber plane wiggler magnetic field,which may induce a lot of higher harmonics,are investigated.Using a two-wavenumber wiggler comprised of two separate periodicities,k_(ω)and k_(ω)+Δk,numerical simulations show that the higher harmonic may be amplified and the first harmonic may be suppressed in this kind of FEL with an optimized parameterΔk.The coupling coefficient and gain coefficient in low-gain regime of the harmonic are also obtained.
基金Project supported by the National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2007AA12Z128)
文摘The periodic impact force induced by tip-sample contact in a tapping mode atomic force microscope (AFM) gives rise to the non-harmonic response of a micro-cantilever. These non-harmonic signals contain the full characteristics of tip-sample interaction. A complete theoretical model describing the dynamical behaviour of tip-sample system was developed in this paper. An analytic formula was introduced to describe the relationship between time-varying tip-sample impact force and tip motion. The theoretical analysis and numerical results both show that the timevarying tip-sample impact force can be reconstructed by recording tip motion. This allows for the reconstruction of the characteristics of the tip-sample force, like contact time and maximum contact force. It can also explain the ability of AFM higher harmonics imaging in mapping stiffness and surface energy variations.
文摘The starting point of this study is the theory of tonal consonance by Plomp and Levelt. The major reference point is the theory of Critical Band and its use for evaluating consonance of simple tones. On the basis of such empirical criterion, our aim consists in providing a method of estimating the value of consonance of complex tones, by taking account not only of the number of harmonics, but also of the intensity of the partials which contribute to forming the tone. By introducing a specific algorithm, the level of consonance of a chord of complex tones is expressed in terms both of frequency differences and sound intensity of the partials. The results give rise to a series of considerations and applications, ranging from displaying the order of consonance of all intervals within the octave up to evaluating the hierarchy of chords in the frame of a musical scale.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.61372046)the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China(New Teachers)(Grant No.20116101120018)+6 种基金the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Funded Project(Grant Nos.2011M501467 and 2012T50814)the Natural Science Basic Research Plan in Shaanxi Province of China(Grant No.2011JQ1006)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(Grant No.GK201302007)Science and Technology Plan Program,in Shaanxi Province of China(Grant Nos.2012 KJXX-29 and 2013K12-20-12)the Science and Technology Plan Program in Xian of China(Grant No.CXY1348(2))the.GraduateInovation Project of Northwest University(Grant No.YZZ12093)the Seience and Technology Program of Educational Committee,of Shaanxi Province of China(Grant No.12JK0729).
文摘Recently,the simplified spherical harmonics equations(SP)model has at tracted much att entionin modeling the light propagation in small tissue ggeometriesat visible and near-infrared wave-leng ths.In this paper,we report an eficient numerical method for fluorescence moleeular tom-ography(FMT)that combines the advantage of SP model and adaptive hp finite elementmethod(hp-FEM).For purposes of comparison,hp-FEM and h-FEM are,respectively applied tothe reconstruction pro cess with diffusion approximation and SPs model.Simulation experiments on a 3D digital mouse atlas and physical experiments on a phantom are designed to evaluate thereconstruction methods in terms of the location and the reconstructed fluorescent yield.Theexperimental results demonstrate that hp-FEM with SPy model,yield more accurate results thanh-FEM with difusion approximation model does.The phantom experiments show the potentialand feasibility of the proposed approach in FMT applications.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.11974229 and 11504221)the Natural Science Foundation of Shanxi Province+4 种基金China(Grant No.201901D111288)the Scientific and Technological Innovation Programs of Higher Education Institutions in ShanxiChina(Grant No.2019L0452)the Program for the Top Young Academic Leaders of Higher Learning Institutions of Shanxi ProvinceChina。
文摘High-order harmonics from helium atom in the orthogonally two-color(OTC) laser field are investigated by solving the two-dimensional time-dependent Schrodinger equation.Non-integer high-order harmonics are obtained in some ratio of frequencies of two components.Pure odd and even harmonics from atoms could be separated in two components by adjusting the ratio of frequencies in OTC scheme,and the resolution of harmonics is improved at the same time.The physical mechanism is explained by the periodicity of dipole.With the same intensity of the incident laser,the intensity of the high-order harmonics from the OTC field scheme is improved by three orders of magnitude compared to the monochromatic laser field scheme.A theoretical scheme is provided for experimentally achieving improving energy resolution and separation of pure odd and even harmonics in atoms.Also,we provide a means for improving harmonic intensity.