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Study Finds More Reasons to Drink Red Wine
作者 颜罗泗 《当代外语研究》 1998年第9期3-4,共2页
我是一个滴酒不沾的深圳人。读了此文,特地去买了一瓶红葡萄酒,日呷三口。 早有耳闻:现在流行喝红葡萄酒。红葡萄酒对健康有益。当我在MondayAugust 3 1998的“网”上读到此文时,如获至宝。今将此文加注,通过Email发给贵刊主编,望能借... 我是一个滴酒不沾的深圳人。读了此文,特地去买了一瓶红葡萄酒,日呷三口。 早有耳闻:现在流行喝红葡萄酒。红葡萄酒对健康有益。当我在MondayAugust 3 1998的“网”上读到此文时,如获至宝。今将此文加注,通过Email发给贵刊主编,望能借《科技英语学习》一隅,发表此文。让更多的读者能享用此信息。 红葡萄酒之“功”在于: red wine(红葡萄酒). as opposed to other forms of alcohol, can protect againstheart disease. 英国研究人员的工作真可谓认真过细!他们把试验的关键的成分(polyphenols,多酚)分为三种形式,其试验结果是。 Levels of the polyphenols were elevated by 38 percent wlth red wine, 28 percentwith capsules and 27 percent when the red wine polyphenols were dissolved in whitewine. 细心的读者肯定不会放过本文的另外两句有参考价值的话; 1. Several studies have shown that a moderate intake of any alcohol, not just redwine. can help protect against heart disease and perhaps cancer. 2. Green tea is also known to contain polyphenols, as does black tea. 展开更多
关键词 红葡萄酒 Study Finds More Reasons to drink Red wine
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