The transpiration rate and transpiration quantity'of whole plants and foliages of Bromus innerrnis, Medicago sativa and Agropyron cristatum are measured by using improved quick and continuous weighting after being cu...The transpiration rate and transpiration quantity'of whole plants and foliages of Bromus innerrnis, Medicago sativa and Agropyron cristatum are measured by using improved quick and continuous weighting after being cut off method (QCWC). The results show that transpiration rate of branches and foliages of Agropyron cristatum is highest in 3 forages, Medicago sativa is second and Bromus innermis is lowest. From July to September, the average transpiration quantity of whole plants and foliages of 3 forages is highest in August, September is second and July is lowest.展开更多
A Sino\|French joint wide\|angle seismic reflection survey was conducted in eastern Qinghai Province of P. R. China in 1998. There are several geological units in this region, including Sanjiang Fold belt, Bayan Har f...A Sino\|French joint wide\|angle seismic reflection survey was conducted in eastern Qinghai Province of P. R. China in 1998. There are several geological units in this region, including Sanjiang Fold belt, Bayan Har fold belt, eastern Kunkun fold belt, western Qingling fold belt, Qaidam basin and Qilian fold belt. The seismic data acquired in the seismic experiment provides an abundant information and reveals the detailed crustal velocity structure and differences between all the tectonic units in this region. These results will help us to understand the evolution procedure and mechanism of the formation of Qinghai—Xizang plateau.According to the seismic data, several reflection phases were identified. After the phase correlation, the reflectivity method and Dynamic Ray Tracing were applied simultaneously to model the 1\|D velocity structure for different tectonic units, actually to determine the velocity distribution within the crust. Based on the 1\|D depth\|velocity function, keeping the layer\|velocities fixed and only adjusting the shape of the reflectors to fit the observed data by Dynamic Ray Tracing, the 2\|D crustal velocity structures were established for each tectonic unit. The results show that there are some obvious differences between Sanjiang and Bayan Har. The crust is about 76km thick with an average velocity of 6 33km/s in Sanjiang region, but about 64km with an average velocity of 6 26km/s in Bayan Har. On the other hand, the velocity of lower crust in Sanjian is lower (about 6 65km/s) than in Bayan Har (about 6 90km/s), and the thickness of the lower crust in Sanjiang is much thicker than in Bayan Har. A low velocity layer ( v p=5 80~5 85km/s) exists on both sides of Jinsha fault. These evidences indicate the existence of Jinsha suture.展开更多
The Cenozoic magmatic rocks of shoshonitic series in the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau include potassic alkaline plutonic rocks, volcanic rocks, lamprophyres and acidic porphyries. Analytical results show that these d...The Cenozoic magmatic rocks of shoshonitic series in the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau include potassic alkaline plutonic rocks, volcanic rocks, lamprophyres and acidic porphyries. Analytical results show that these different lithological rocks are extremely similar in Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions with the range of 0.705 187-0.707 254 for 87Sr/86Sr, 0.512 305-0.512 630 for 143Nd/144Nd, 18.53-18.97 for 206Pb/204Pb, 15.51-15.72 for 207Pb/204Pb and 38.38-39.24 for 208Pb/204Pb. They are isotopically similar to the EMU end-member. This indicates that mantle metasomatism must have taken place in their source region. The formation of these particular rocks is related to crustal thinning and mantle upwelling in a large-scale strike-slip and pull-apart fault zone at about 40 Ma in northern and eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.展开更多
Reference crop evapotranspiration(ET 0) is a key parameter to calculate crop water requirements.In the paper,ET 0 during 1960-2005 was calculated with FAO-56 PM in eastern agricultural areas of Qinghai,China.Then the ...Reference crop evapotranspiration(ET 0) is a key parameter to calculate crop water requirements.In the paper,ET 0 during 1960-2005 was calculated with FAO-56 PM in eastern agricultural areas of Qinghai,China.Then the sensitivity coefficients of ET 0 to meteorological variables were estimated through the nondimensional partial derivative in FAO-56 PM.Results show that the mean annual ET 0 of the whole area is 904 mm,and ET 0 portrays a very significant decrease during the 46 years.In spatial,ET 0 decreases from southeast to northwest,firstly increases then decreases from southwest to northeast.Through sensitivity analysis,in spring the most sensitive variable is relative humidity,while in summer is temperature.The temperature,sunshine duration and wind speed sensitivity coefficients(S(TA),S(n),S(u)) are higher in middle areas as opposed to surrounding areas,while the relative humidity sensitivity coefficient(S(RH)) has an opposite distribution rule.展开更多
A lot of new gold deposits have been found on the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau during the past two decades. Among them, three main types of gold deposits have been recognized, including quartz-vein-type...A lot of new gold deposits have been found on the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau during the past two decades. Among them, three main types of gold deposits have been recognized, including quartz-vein-type, shear- zone-type and porphyry-type. The former two types of gold deposits are mainly hosted within metamorphic rocks, while the latter is related to Cenozoic magmatism. Although all of these gold deposits are believed to have been formed during the uplift process of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the Cenozoic era (Wang et al., 2002b), precise isotopic age constraints have still been lacking until quite recently. This paper presents new 40Ar/39Ar data of some gold deposits on the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which indicate that gold mineralization in the region occurred in response to the episodic stages of the orogenies. Recently obtained 40Ar/39Ar data on quartz and feldspars from several gold deposits, such as the Sandiao deposit, the Baijintaizi deposit, the Pusagang deposits, provide new constraints on gold mineralization on the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Geochronological studies of gold deposits along the Daduhe River indicate that there are three stages of gold mineralization. The early two stages occurred as early as 65.1 Ma in the Shuibaiyang deposit and 58.95 Ma in the Ruoji deposit, while the latter stage occurred as late as 25.35 Ma in Baijintaizi and 24.70 Ma in Sandiao. Isotopic dating of three plagioclases from the Beiya deposit, Zhifanggou deposit and Luobodi deposit and a K-feldspar from the Jinchangqing deposit in Yunnan Province indicates that these deposits were formed at two stages. The Zhifanggou and Jinchangqing deposits have early stage records as old as 58.82 Ma in Zhifanggou and 55.49 Ma in Jinchangqing, but all of the above four deposits in Yunnan have late stage records of 23.18 Ma in Jinchangqing, 24.54 Ma in Zhifanggou, 24.60 Ma in Luobodi and 24.56 Ma in Hongnitang. The above results suggest that the gold deposits on the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau were formed concentratedly at two main episodes, i.e. the end of the Paleocene (about 58 Ma) and the boundary between the Paleogene and the Neogene (about 25 Ma). The later episode appears to be looks like more important and was coupled with the Sichuan movement, which was extensively activated at that period. The beginning of the Cenozoic Era (about 65 Ma) might be another episode of gold mineralization, but only one deposit (Shuibaiyang) in this study has been proved to have been be formed at this stage and might be earlier than the initial collision between the Indian Plate and the Eurasia Plate. In view of geology, the above three episodes of gold mineralization are associated with three events of tectonic- magmatism and/or fluid events. Even though the gold deposits (for example, the Shuibaiyang deposit, Ruoji deposit and Pusagang deposit) were formed at different episodes, all of them are genetically related to tectonic movements in large- scale shear zones. It looks like theat tectonic events (including large-scale strike-slip) between Paleogene and Neogene had a wide influence upon gold mineralization, with new deposits formed and old deposits enriched or superimposed to be a higher grade by new stage of mineralization. The above data suggest that gold deposits were not only concentrated in some areas, but also formed mainly at different boundaries of geological times, indicating that there existed some peak stages of gold mineralization (metallogenic episodes), and that the gold deposits were formed mainly by episodic mineralization.展开更多
From the isotopic dating study of gneissic granodiorite, the authors discovered magmatism of the Jinning cycle. Intrusive rocks were formed in the Neoproterozoic, whose Pb Pb ages range from (913±4) Ma to (1 01...From the isotopic dating study of gneissic granodiorite, the authors discovered magmatism of the Jinning cycle. Intrusive rocks were formed in the Neoproterozoic, whose Pb Pb ages range from (913±4) Ma to (1 011±4) Ma and U Pb concordia age is (703±15) Ma. The tectonic settings of the rocks are volcanic arc or syn collision. After the formation of the intrusive rocks, these rocks also experienced reconstruction of Caledonian metamorphism. Based on the Ar Ar dating of metamorphic mineral of muscovite, the metamorphic time is determined to range from (386.8±0.8) Ma to (389.44±3.70) Ma.展开更多
[Objectives]This study was conducted to explore the feasibility of planting pepino(Solanum muricatum Ait.)in Qinghai Province,and to understand the cultivation quality and yield in various areas of Qinghai.[Methods]Wi...[Objectives]This study was conducted to explore the feasibility of planting pepino(Solanum muricatum Ait.)in Qinghai Province,and to understand the cultivation quality and yield in various areas of Qinghai.[Methods]With small fruit type of pepino as the material,four areas in eastern Qinghai were selected to determine the agronomic traits,yield and quality indexes of pepino.[Results]Under the same cultivation conditions,there were some differences in the cultivation status of pepino,but overall,pepino fruit had higher quality.Various physiological indexes were correlated with quality and yield.[Conclusions]This study clarified the specific cultivation situation of pepino in Qinghai Province,and evaluated the quality and yield of pepino,providing strong data support for the promotion and planting of pepino in various regions in the future.展开更多
Qaidam Basin, situated in the northeastern Qinghai\|Tibet plateau of western China at 35°55′~39°10′N and 90°~98°20′E, is surrounded by thrusts or folded belts. It is adjacent to the Qilian Mou...Qaidam Basin, situated in the northeastern Qinghai\|Tibet plateau of western China at 35°55′~39°10′N and 90°~98°20′E, is surrounded by thrusts or folded belts. It is adjacent to the Qilian Mountains on the north and northeast and to the Kunlun Mountains on the south, and to the Altun Mountains on the northwest. Qaidam plate is attributed to carbonate platform and non\|marine basin. The first stage is plate\|form from Sinian to Triassic, and the second is basin\|form in intraplate during non\|marine depositional period in Mesozoic and Cenozoic. 1 Tectonic feature The main structural elements of the eastern Qaidam basin, which the west border line is Germ and Dunhuang highway, include the Huobuxun depression, the Tin\|Iron Mountains ridge and Delingha depression as the secondary tectonic unit. These depressions extend along the northeastern edge of the Qinghai\|Tibet plateau, and form above a zone of Paleozoic pericraton subsidence at the north edge of the Qaidam plate during intracontinental orogenic phase in the Indosinian.展开更多
气候变化会显著影响冻土、冰川等对温度变化敏感的生态系统,造成区域生态系统服务价值和生态风险发生变化。为揭示气候变化对青藏高原典型冻土区域的生态系统服务价值的影响和可能造成的生态风险,基于2000-2020年土地利用数据,运用生态...气候变化会显著影响冻土、冰川等对温度变化敏感的生态系统,造成区域生态系统服务价值和生态风险发生变化。为揭示气候变化对青藏高原典型冻土区域的生态系统服务价值的影响和可能造成的生态风险,基于2000-2020年土地利用数据,运用生态系统服务价值(Ecosystem Service Value,ESV)评估、生态风险指数(Ecological Risk Index,ERI)评估、双变量空间自相关、地理探测器等模型和方法,分析了南羌塘盆地东区ESV、ERI的时空演变、空间关联和空间分异特征。结果显示:(1)2000-2020年,南羌塘盆地东区ESV呈增长趋势,累计增长5.76%(276.98亿元),草地和水域贡献了超98.70%的ESV。研究区ESV总体呈中部高、四周低的分布格局,以中等价值区为主(面积约占研究区总面积的70.37%)。(2)研究区ERI整体呈上升趋势,总体呈东南低、西北高的分布格局,以极低风险区为主(面积约占研究区总面积的60.68%)。(3)研究区ESV和ERI具有空间负相关性(Moran s I<0),主要LISA聚类为低价值—低风险(面积约占研究区总面积的34.26%)。(4)区域ESV和ERI的空间分异受自然因子和经济因子共同作用影响,其中归一化植被指数为二者空间分异的主导因子(q值分别为0.55和0.19)。研究结果表明需根据研究区ESV和ERI的时空分布和变化特征,采取因地制宜的生态保护措施,推动区域生态环境的可持续发展。展开更多
基金Supported by "Eleventh Five-Year "National Scientific and Technological Support Projects(2006BAD25B09-8)"十一五"国家科技支撑计划项目(2006BAD25B09-8)
文摘The transpiration rate and transpiration quantity'of whole plants and foliages of Bromus innerrnis, Medicago sativa and Agropyron cristatum are measured by using improved quick and continuous weighting after being cut off method (QCWC). The results show that transpiration rate of branches and foliages of Agropyron cristatum is highest in 3 forages, Medicago sativa is second and Bromus innermis is lowest. From July to September, the average transpiration quantity of whole plants and foliages of 3 forages is highest in August, September is second and July is lowest.
文摘A Sino\|French joint wide\|angle seismic reflection survey was conducted in eastern Qinghai Province of P. R. China in 1998. There are several geological units in this region, including Sanjiang Fold belt, Bayan Har fold belt, eastern Kunkun fold belt, western Qingling fold belt, Qaidam basin and Qilian fold belt. The seismic data acquired in the seismic experiment provides an abundant information and reveals the detailed crustal velocity structure and differences between all the tectonic units in this region. These results will help us to understand the evolution procedure and mechanism of the formation of Qinghai—Xizang plateau.According to the seismic data, several reflection phases were identified. After the phase correlation, the reflectivity method and Dynamic Ray Tracing were applied simultaneously to model the 1\|D velocity structure for different tectonic units, actually to determine the velocity distribution within the crust. Based on the 1\|D depth\|velocity function, keeping the layer\|velocities fixed and only adjusting the shape of the reflectors to fit the observed data by Dynamic Ray Tracing, the 2\|D crustal velocity structures were established for each tectonic unit. The results show that there are some obvious differences between Sanjiang and Bayan Har. The crust is about 76km thick with an average velocity of 6 33km/s in Sanjiang region, but about 64km with an average velocity of 6 26km/s in Bayan Har. On the other hand, the velocity of lower crust in Sanjian is lower (about 6 65km/s) than in Bayan Har (about 6 90km/s), and the thickness of the lower crust in Sanjiang is much thicker than in Bayan Har. A low velocity layer ( v p=5 80~5 85km/s) exists on both sides of Jinsha fault. These evidences indicate the existence of Jinsha suture.
基金tional and CAS Tibet Research Project" (G1999043203, G1998040800) and CAS (kz952-S1-414).
文摘The Cenozoic magmatic rocks of shoshonitic series in the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau include potassic alkaline plutonic rocks, volcanic rocks, lamprophyres and acidic porphyries. Analytical results show that these different lithological rocks are extremely similar in Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions with the range of 0.705 187-0.707 254 for 87Sr/86Sr, 0.512 305-0.512 630 for 143Nd/144Nd, 18.53-18.97 for 206Pb/204Pb, 15.51-15.72 for 207Pb/204Pb and 38.38-39.24 for 208Pb/204Pb. They are isotopically similar to the EMU end-member. This indicates that mantle metasomatism must have taken place in their source region. The formation of these particular rocks is related to crustal thinning and mantle upwelling in a large-scale strike-slip and pull-apart fault zone at about 40 Ma in northern and eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
基金supported by the Chinese National Natural Science Foundation (51009101)Public Welfare Projects of Ministry of Water Resources in China (201101038)Key Laboratories Open Fund in Sichuan Province-Water-saving Agricultural Research in Southern Hillside Region of China (CJS201201)
文摘Reference crop evapotranspiration(ET 0) is a key parameter to calculate crop water requirements.In the paper,ET 0 during 1960-2005 was calculated with FAO-56 PM in eastern agricultural areas of Qinghai,China.Then the sensitivity coefficients of ET 0 to meteorological variables were estimated through the nondimensional partial derivative in FAO-56 PM.Results show that the mean annual ET 0 of the whole area is 904 mm,and ET 0 portrays a very significant decrease during the 46 years.In spatial,ET 0 decreases from southeast to northwest,firstly increases then decreases from southwest to northeast.Through sensitivity analysis,in spring the most sensitive variable is relative humidity,while in summer is temperature.The temperature,sunshine duration and wind speed sensitivity coefficients(S(TA),S(n),S(u)) are higher in middle areas as opposed to surrounding areas,while the relative humidity sensitivity coefficient(S(RH)) has an opposite distribution rule.
基金the Major State BasicResearch Program of China(G19992043203)underthe State Science and Technology Commission,the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.40202012)+1 种基金the State Planning Commission(Special Program 98-1) the Ministry of Land and Resources(K1.4-3-4).
文摘A lot of new gold deposits have been found on the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau during the past two decades. Among them, three main types of gold deposits have been recognized, including quartz-vein-type, shear- zone-type and porphyry-type. The former two types of gold deposits are mainly hosted within metamorphic rocks, while the latter is related to Cenozoic magmatism. Although all of these gold deposits are believed to have been formed during the uplift process of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the Cenozoic era (Wang et al., 2002b), precise isotopic age constraints have still been lacking until quite recently. This paper presents new 40Ar/39Ar data of some gold deposits on the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which indicate that gold mineralization in the region occurred in response to the episodic stages of the orogenies. Recently obtained 40Ar/39Ar data on quartz and feldspars from several gold deposits, such as the Sandiao deposit, the Baijintaizi deposit, the Pusagang deposits, provide new constraints on gold mineralization on the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Geochronological studies of gold deposits along the Daduhe River indicate that there are three stages of gold mineralization. The early two stages occurred as early as 65.1 Ma in the Shuibaiyang deposit and 58.95 Ma in the Ruoji deposit, while the latter stage occurred as late as 25.35 Ma in Baijintaizi and 24.70 Ma in Sandiao. Isotopic dating of three plagioclases from the Beiya deposit, Zhifanggou deposit and Luobodi deposit and a K-feldspar from the Jinchangqing deposit in Yunnan Province indicates that these deposits were formed at two stages. The Zhifanggou and Jinchangqing deposits have early stage records as old as 58.82 Ma in Zhifanggou and 55.49 Ma in Jinchangqing, but all of the above four deposits in Yunnan have late stage records of 23.18 Ma in Jinchangqing, 24.54 Ma in Zhifanggou, 24.60 Ma in Luobodi and 24.56 Ma in Hongnitang. The above results suggest that the gold deposits on the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau were formed concentratedly at two main episodes, i.e. the end of the Paleocene (about 58 Ma) and the boundary between the Paleogene and the Neogene (about 25 Ma). The later episode appears to be looks like more important and was coupled with the Sichuan movement, which was extensively activated at that period. The beginning of the Cenozoic Era (about 65 Ma) might be another episode of gold mineralization, but only one deposit (Shuibaiyang) in this study has been proved to have been be formed at this stage and might be earlier than the initial collision between the Indian Plate and the Eurasia Plate. In view of geology, the above three episodes of gold mineralization are associated with three events of tectonic- magmatism and/or fluid events. Even though the gold deposits (for example, the Shuibaiyang deposit, Ruoji deposit and Pusagang deposit) were formed at different episodes, all of them are genetically related to tectonic movements in large- scale shear zones. It looks like theat tectonic events (including large-scale strike-slip) between Paleogene and Neogene had a wide influence upon gold mineralization, with new deposits formed and old deposits enriched or superimposed to be a higher grade by new stage of mineralization. The above data suggest that gold deposits were not only concentrated in some areas, but also formed mainly at different boundaries of geological times, indicating that there existed some peak stages of gold mineralization (metallogenic episodes), and that the gold deposits were formed mainly by episodic mineralization.
基金The study is supported by the Ministry of L and and Resources( No. 4890 0 15 )
文摘From the isotopic dating study of gneissic granodiorite, the authors discovered magmatism of the Jinning cycle. Intrusive rocks were formed in the Neoproterozoic, whose Pb Pb ages range from (913±4) Ma to (1 011±4) Ma and U Pb concordia age is (703±15) Ma. The tectonic settings of the rocks are volcanic arc or syn collision. After the formation of the intrusive rocks, these rocks also experienced reconstruction of Caledonian metamorphism. Based on the Ar Ar dating of metamorphic mineral of muscovite, the metamorphic time is determined to range from (386.8±0.8) Ma to (389.44±3.70) Ma.
基金Supported by Science and Technology Demonstration of Rural Revitalization in Jianzha County(2023-NK-X01)。
文摘[Objectives]This study was conducted to explore the feasibility of planting pepino(Solanum muricatum Ait.)in Qinghai Province,and to understand the cultivation quality and yield in various areas of Qinghai.[Methods]With small fruit type of pepino as the material,four areas in eastern Qinghai were selected to determine the agronomic traits,yield and quality indexes of pepino.[Results]Under the same cultivation conditions,there were some differences in the cultivation status of pepino,but overall,pepino fruit had higher quality.Various physiological indexes were correlated with quality and yield.[Conclusions]This study clarified the specific cultivation situation of pepino in Qinghai Province,and evaluated the quality and yield of pepino,providing strong data support for the promotion and planting of pepino in various regions in the future.
文摘Qaidam Basin, situated in the northeastern Qinghai\|Tibet plateau of western China at 35°55′~39°10′N and 90°~98°20′E, is surrounded by thrusts or folded belts. It is adjacent to the Qilian Mountains on the north and northeast and to the Kunlun Mountains on the south, and to the Altun Mountains on the northwest. Qaidam plate is attributed to carbonate platform and non\|marine basin. The first stage is plate\|form from Sinian to Triassic, and the second is basin\|form in intraplate during non\|marine depositional period in Mesozoic and Cenozoic. 1 Tectonic feature The main structural elements of the eastern Qaidam basin, which the west border line is Germ and Dunhuang highway, include the Huobuxun depression, the Tin\|Iron Mountains ridge and Delingha depression as the secondary tectonic unit. These depressions extend along the northeastern edge of the Qinghai\|Tibet plateau, and form above a zone of Paleozoic pericraton subsidence at the north edge of the Qaidam plate during intracontinental orogenic phase in the Indosinian.
文摘气候变化会显著影响冻土、冰川等对温度变化敏感的生态系统,造成区域生态系统服务价值和生态风险发生变化。为揭示气候变化对青藏高原典型冻土区域的生态系统服务价值的影响和可能造成的生态风险,基于2000-2020年土地利用数据,运用生态系统服务价值(Ecosystem Service Value,ESV)评估、生态风险指数(Ecological Risk Index,ERI)评估、双变量空间自相关、地理探测器等模型和方法,分析了南羌塘盆地东区ESV、ERI的时空演变、空间关联和空间分异特征。结果显示:(1)2000-2020年,南羌塘盆地东区ESV呈增长趋势,累计增长5.76%(276.98亿元),草地和水域贡献了超98.70%的ESV。研究区ESV总体呈中部高、四周低的分布格局,以中等价值区为主(面积约占研究区总面积的70.37%)。(2)研究区ERI整体呈上升趋势,总体呈东南低、西北高的分布格局,以极低风险区为主(面积约占研究区总面积的60.68%)。(3)研究区ESV和ERI具有空间负相关性(Moran s I<0),主要LISA聚类为低价值—低风险(面积约占研究区总面积的34.26%)。(4)区域ESV和ERI的空间分异受自然因子和经济因子共同作用影响,其中归一化植被指数为二者空间分异的主导因子(q值分别为0.55和0.19)。研究结果表明需根据研究区ESV和ERI的时空分布和变化特征,采取因地制宜的生态保护措施,推动区域生态环境的可持续发展。