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作者 黄海宏 陈昭 王海欣 《电工技术学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第10期3141-3151,共11页
全超导托卡马克核聚变发电装置(EAST)快控电源的首要性能指标是快速跟踪参考信号,以输出电流实现负载线圈的励磁,对等离子体的垂直位移进行反馈控制。EAST快控电源负载线圈受装置内部部件和真空内等离子体的影响,线圈感值会出现小范围... 全超导托卡马克核聚变发电装置(EAST)快控电源的首要性能指标是快速跟踪参考信号,以输出电流实现负载线圈的励磁,对等离子体的垂直位移进行反馈控制。EAST快控电源负载线圈受装置内部部件和真空内等离子体的影响,线圈感值会出现小范围内慢时变波动以及线圈上存在互感电动势干扰,传统比例-积分(PI)控制方法在电流跟踪控制过程中存在不足。为了实现干扰的抑制和应对负载波动,提出一种带干扰抑制的离散积分滑模控制方法,根据系统状态方程设计离散积分滑模控制器,结合滑模干扰观测器实现集总干扰的观测,对集总干扰进行前馈补偿控制。为了抑制抖振和加快收敛速度,设计一种新型平滑饱和函数和增益自适应观测器,根据观测电流误差和跟踪电流误差自适应调整观测器增益。对比传统PI控制,仿真和实验验证了所提控制方法具有更加优良的电流跟踪特性,在输出电流超调更小的情况下动态响应更快,能够有效地抑制负载侧扰动,具有良好的鲁棒性。 展开更多
关键词 EAST快控电源 离散积分 滑模控制 滑模干扰 观测器前馈补偿
作者 黄海宏 陈昭 王海欣 《电工技术学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期1886-1897,共12页
全超导托卡马克核聚变发电装置(EAST)快控电源负载电感的电流受多种不确定环境因素的影响而难以预测,灰色预测无需精确对象模型,只需少量已知信息即可实现输出电流短期预测,已在EAST快控电源中有了一定研究应用。为解决灰色预测在EAST... 全超导托卡马克核聚变发电装置(EAST)快控电源负载电感的电流受多种不确定环境因素的影响而难以预测,灰色预测无需精确对象模型,只需少量已知信息即可实现输出电流短期预测,已在EAST快控电源中有了一定研究应用。为解决灰色预测在EAST快控电源中对突变信号边沿预测精度低和预测延时时间长的问题,提出一种改进灰色预测算法实现输出电流预测。在一个开关周期内对输出电流进行等时长间隔采样4次作为原始序列,将滚动式采样预测改为逐周期采样预测,在实现灰色预测的过程中不必依赖过去几个周期的历史采样信息,只需本周期的4个原始采样值即可实现输出电流的预测。根据预测电流与参考电流误差自适应调整单神经元比例-积分(PI)控制的输出增益,实现输出电流的快速准确控制。仿真和实验结果表明,在EAST快控电源电流预测过程中所提出的改进灰色预测,对比传统灰色预测具有更高的预测精度和更小的预测延时,改进灰色预测变增益单神经元PI控制能够在减小电流超调的同时加快输出电流响应速度。 展开更多
关键词 EAST快控电源 改进灰色预测 逐周期采样预测 变增益单神经元PI
作者 陈明 沈飊 +6 位作者 Shinichiro Kado 陈大龙 张恒 郭笔豪 黄耀 蔡福瑞 肖炳甲 《核聚变与等离子体物理》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期222-228,共7页
设计了一套针对Hα波段的高精度折叠式光学系统用来观察放电过程中等离子体边界特征,该系统在全视场中实现了4mm的分辨率。基于图像局部特征和相机模型,发展了光学等离子体边界重建算法,在EAST上针对高场侧中平面处的等离子体控制点进... 设计了一套针对Hα波段的高精度折叠式光学系统用来观察放电过程中等离子体边界特征,该系统在全视场中实现了4mm的分辨率。基于图像局部特征和相机模型,发展了光学等离子体边界重建算法,在EAST上针对高场侧中平面处的等离子体控制点进行了算法验证,光学重建的控制点随时间的演化与磁平衡重建的结果吻合良好。 展开更多
关键词 EAST装置 等离子体边界 光学成像
作者 李成勋 霍志鹏 +1 位作者 钟国强 胡立群 《核科学与工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期711-721,共11页
为了实现对实验型先进全超导托卡马克(Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak,EAST)装置聚变产物中子与射线的有效监测,建立了一套核辐射在线监测系统。在装置大厅内外区域共布置13个监测点,根据装置大厅内外辐射强度的差异,... 为了实现对实验型先进全超导托卡马克(Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak,EAST)装置聚变产物中子与射线的有效监测,建立了一套核辐射在线监测系统。在装置大厅内外区域共布置13个监测点,根据装置大厅内外辐射强度的差异,分别采用探测范围广、时间响应快和探测灵敏度高、工作稳定性强相结合的BF3正比计数管和氩气电离室。脉冲信号经前置放大器、运算放大器、脉冲甄别与成形后送入单片机处理,通过双绞线与以太网的混合组网方式将数据传输到采集机,利用LabVIEW采集软件实现对中子与射线实时剂量率及累积剂量的采集与存储。监测数据表明,放电时大厅内中子和射线剂量率在短时间快速升高,且距离主机越近剂量率越大。而大厅外辐射剂量率始终处于极低水平,几乎不受脉冲放电的影响。该监测系统满足了EAST托卡马克装置辐射监测需求,确保了人员与周围环境辐射安全,保障了聚变装置安全有效运行。 展开更多
关键词 EAST 核辐射 中子 射线 监测系统
作者 李建康 符佳 +8 位作者 向东 吕波 尹相辉 李颖颖 王进芳 傅盛宇 李义超 林子超 路兴强 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期945-951,共7页
中性束注入(NBI)是托卡马克装置重要的辅助加热与电流驱动手段,中性原子的离化是决定中性束的加热(能量和粒子沉积剖面)和电流驱动效率的关键环节。通常情况下,利用背景等离子体参数与中性束参数模拟计算快的中性粒子与等离子体的离化,... 中性束注入(NBI)是托卡马克装置重要的辅助加热与电流驱动手段,中性原子的离化是决定中性束的加热(能量和粒子沉积剖面)和电流驱动效率的关键环节。通常情况下,利用背景等离子体参数与中性束参数模拟计算快的中性粒子与等离子体的离化,即中性束沉积过程,进而分析托卡马克中性束加热和电流驱动效果。束发射光谱是高能中性粒子注入等离子体后,与等离子体的电子、离子发生碰撞激发,中性粒子退激发过程中产生的一系列特征谱线,其束发射光谱强度受等离子体密度、温度、束能量、束密度等因素影响,可以利用束发射光谱强度变化研究中性束的衰减特性。在EAST托卡马克上通过实验测量中性束粒子与等离子体碰撞激发的光谱强度,分析得到了中性束在不同等离子体密度以及不同中性束能量下的衰减特性,并采用主动束光谱仿真与数值分析软件(SOS)进行了相应的模拟计算,研究表明实验测量与模拟计算结果两者具有较好的一致性,这验证了通过实验测量束发射光谱获取中性束衰减特征的可行性。 展开更多
关键词 EAST 束发射光谱 中性束衰减
作者 黄明 元京升 +7 位作者 左桂忠 曹斌 余耀伟 庄会东 陈跃 王勇 徐宏亮 胡建生 《真空与低温》 2024年第3期248-254,共7页
真空系统是聚变装置的重要组成部分,EAST真空系统包括等离子体放电真空室和低温超导真空室。等离子体放电真空室又称内真空室。内真空室抽气系统直接影响装置的粒子排出,关系到高参数等离子体放电获得。EAST装置升级改造后的内真空室抽... 真空系统是聚变装置的重要组成部分,EAST真空系统包括等离子体放电真空室和低温超导真空室。等离子体放电真空室又称内真空室。内真空室抽气系统直接影响装置的粒子排出,关系到高参数等离子体放电获得。EAST装置升级改造后的内真空室抽气系统主要包括主抽管道抽气子系统、偏滤器抽气子系统和低杂波加热系统抽气子系统,整个抽气系统使用了6台分子泵、14台外置低温泵和2套内置低温泵。采用粒子平衡的方法,对内真空室抽气系统各子系统进行了抽速标定。实验结果表明,最佳抽气性能区间在5×10^(-4)~5×10^(-3)Pa,并且随着真空室压力增大或者减小,各子系统的抽气速率均下降。对比改进前后的内真空室抽气系统的总抽速,改进后的最大抽速可达170 m^(3)/s,总体抽气速率提升20%左右。在百秒量级等离子放电参数下,利用标定的抽气速率数据初步评估了燃料粒子的滞留情况。本研究为等离子体放电的壁滞留与再循环控制以及其他相关物理实验开展提供了数据支持。 展开更多
关键词 真空抽气系统 抽气速率标定 燃料粒子滞留 EAST
EAST 低杂波加热对同向切向中性束碰撞力矩影响的研究
作者 杨明 张新军 +2 位作者 李新霞 吕波 古敬仁 《核聚变与等离子体物理》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期92-97,共6页
为研究低杂波加热对同向切向中性束注入的束功率沉积和碰撞力矩的影响,基于低杂波加热的实验参数,使用TRANSP程序进行了模拟分析。研究结果表明,当注入功率1.3MW、能量50keV的同向切向束时,随着LHW加热束沉积功率降低,快离子电荷交换损... 为研究低杂波加热对同向切向中性束注入的束功率沉积和碰撞力矩的影响,基于低杂波加热的实验参数,使用TRANSP程序进行了模拟分析。研究结果表明,当注入功率1.3MW、能量50keV的同向切向束时,随着LHW加热束沉积功率降低,快离子电荷交换损失增加20%;离子吸收的功率占总的束沉积功率的比例由45%增加到51%。碰撞力矩与束沉积功率的比值由1.327Nm·MW^(-1)增加到1.457Nm·MW^(-1);等离子体电子温度越高,电荷交换损失和碰撞力矩与束沉积功率比值也越大,而低杂波加热期间的束碰撞力矩保持稳定。 展开更多
关键词 中性束注入 低杂波加热 力矩 EAST装置
作者 王曦辉 黄娟 +5 位作者 赵海林 JVarela 付静 孙延旭 史唱 王书松 《原子能科学技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期14-22,共9页
为更好理解EAST实验中的等离子体不稳定性现象,文章从实验和模拟两个角度,对EAST中高βN放电区间的阿尔芬不稳定性现象进行了分析。在实验上,本文使用高频磁探针和电子回旋辐射诊断对不稳定性的频率、位置、环向模数进行判断。在模拟上... 为更好理解EAST实验中的等离子体不稳定性现象,文章从实验和模拟两个角度,对EAST中高βN放电区间的阿尔芬不稳定性现象进行了分析。在实验上,本文使用高频磁探针和电子回旋辐射诊断对不稳定性的频率、位置、环向模数进行判断。在模拟上首次应用了FAR3d程序,识别了在ρ=0.45、频率为87 kHz的主导模式TAE(toroidicity-induced Alfven eigenmode),以及ρ=0.55、频率为62 kHz的次主导模式EPM(energetic particle mode),环向模数均为2,与实验中的测量结果对比在误差范围内基本一致,自洽地识别了不稳定性的类型并且得到了位置与频率信息。在此基础上,对有限拉莫轨道(finite Larmor radius, FLR)效应进行评估。模拟结果显示,在EAST高βN放电区间,FLR效应对识别低环向模数n的不稳定性模式的影响较小。在该放电的模式的识别过程中可关闭FLR以加速计算。FAR3d程序高效的计算能力和精准的模拟结果,可为后续EAST的实验提供指导。 展开更多
关键词 FAR3d 阿尔芬本征模 EAST 快离子
作者 潘浩 黄明 +4 位作者 赵胜波 庄会东 余耀伟 左桂忠 胡建生 《真空与低温》 2024年第3期238-242,共5页
在托卡马克装置运行过程中,装置内壁吸附的杂质粒子会释放到内真空室,影响等离子体的平稳运行。因此需要在放电前对装置进行壁处理清洗。设计了差分抽气测量系统,可以在保持内真空室气体比例不变的前提下降低压力,实现四极质谱仪的正常... 在托卡马克装置运行过程中,装置内壁吸附的杂质粒子会释放到内真空室,影响等离子体的平稳运行。因此需要在放电前对装置进行壁处理清洗。设计了差分抽气测量系统,可以在保持内真空室气体比例不变的前提下降低压力,实现四极质谱仪的正常工作,检测壁处理清洗期间的气体成分。整个设计过程围绕关键部件小流导法兰的流导设计展开,采用粒子平衡法计算得出小流导法兰的设计参数。可以在分子流流态下将待测腔室的气压从10 Pa降低至约0.01 Pa。设计结果为类似高压力条件下气体成分监测设备的设计提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 壁处理 残气分析 EAST
作者 刘程鸿 林新 +5 位作者 丁楠 丁根凡 段莫疑 杨清泉 钟方川 王福琼 《东华大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第2期153-159,共7页
为分析EAST托卡马克早期(2010—2014年)高约束运行模式(H模)中边界局域模(ELM)与哪些参数具有强相关性,在验证有效性的基础上,采用主打击点处Dα辐射的相对涨落来定量表征边界局域模幅度,建立EAST托卡马克早期H模下ELM特征数据库。统计... 为分析EAST托卡马克早期(2010—2014年)高约束运行模式(H模)中边界局域模(ELM)与哪些参数具有强相关性,在验证有效性的基础上,采用主打击点处Dα辐射的相对涨落来定量表征边界局域模幅度,建立EAST托卡马克早期H模下ELM特征数据库。统计分析表明,ELM频率随边界安全因子的增大而减小,2010年type-ⅢELM的频率随总加热功率的增大而增大。这与其他装置或2015年以后EAST装置上得到的结果不一致,部分原因是碳杂质水平的变化。碳杂质水平是影响EAST托卡马克早期H模实验中ELM行为的重要因素之一。 展开更多
关键词 EAST托卡马克 边界局域模 统计分析 碳杂质
作者 张庭瑞 方承志 +1 位作者 徐国钦 陈睿霖 《计算机技术与发展》 2024年第2期142-147,共6页
EAST算法是一种高效而准确的场景文本检测算法,但是由于受到感受野的限制,导致在检测小文本时容易出现误检、漏检现象,在检测较长文本时缺乏一定的完整性。针对以上问题,提出一种基于多分支特征融合的自然场景文本检测算法。该算法以EAS... EAST算法是一种高效而准确的场景文本检测算法,但是由于受到感受野的限制,导致在检测小文本时容易出现误检、漏检现象,在检测较长文本时缺乏一定的完整性。针对以上问题,提出一种基于多分支特征融合的自然场景文本检测算法。该算法以EAST算法为基础,引入并改进了浅层特征增强模块(RFB-s),在避免小文本信息损失的前提下,增大浅层网络的感受野改善浅层特征语义信息不足的问题,增强对小文本定位的准确性。引入并改进了循环十字交叉注意力模块(RCCAM),使得特征图中的每个像素能够以非常有效的方式捕获全图像的上下文信息,提高对长文本的检测能力。同时针对回归任务,采用Dice Loss作为损失函数,解决正负样本占比不均衡问题。采用EIoU来提高回归的效果,得到更为精准的文本框。该算法在ICDAR2015和MSRA-TD500数据集上进行测试,均获得了不错的检测效果。表明了该算法能够有效地对自然场景文本进行检测,提高了检测的准确率。 展开更多
关键词 文本检测 EAST算法 浅层特征增强 循环十字交叉注意力 损失函数
A new species of Bostrychus (Gobiiformes: Eleotridae) from the East China Sea 被引量:1
作者 Rong-Rong Zhang Kuan Yang +1 位作者 Dian Luo Shao-Xiong Ding 《Zoological Research(Diversity and Conservation)》 2024年第1期82-85,共4页
DEAR EDITOR,Bostrychus,a genus in the family Eleotridae of the order Gobiiformes,was first established by Lacepède in 1801(Buffon,1801).Bostrychus currently contains seven recognized species,including two recent ... DEAR EDITOR,Bostrychus,a genus in the family Eleotridae of the order Gobiiformes,was first established by Lacepède in 1801(Buffon,1801).Bostrychus currently contains seven recognized species,including two recent additions(B.microphthalmos and B.scalaris)described in 2005(Hoese&Kottelat,2005)and 2008(Larson,2008),respectively.The natural range of Bostrychus species extends from East Asia to Australia,with the exception of B.africanus,Steindachner,1879,which is distributed in West Africa(Herre,1946).Among the recognized species,B.sinensis,B.zonatus,and B.africanus are relatively widespread,inhabiting diverse areas from estuaries to freshwater streams,while B.scalaris is only found at a single mangrove site in the Selangor State of Malaysia(Larson,2008).The remaining three species exhibit a high degree of habitat specialization and are highly localized(Hoese&Kottelat,2005):B.microphthalmos inhabits a cave stream in the Maros karst of southern Sulawesi,B.aruensis is confined to freshwater environments in the Aru Islands of Indonesia,and B.strigogenys is found only in freshwater areas in southern Papua New Guinea and Irian Jaya. 展开更多
关键词 EAST KARST environments
Physical design and recent experimental results of the new ICRF antenna on EAST
作者 杨桦 张新军 +7 位作者 袁帅 秦成明 张伟 G.URBANCZYK 钱金平 刘鲁南 王高翔 陈青青 《Plasma Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期169-176,共8页
Two new ICRF antennas operating in the ion cyclotron radio frequency(ICRF) range have been developed for EAST to overcome the low coupling problem of the original antennas.The original ICRF antennas were limited in th... Two new ICRF antennas operating in the ion cyclotron radio frequency(ICRF) range have been developed for EAST to overcome the low coupling problem of the original antennas.The original ICRF antennas were limited in their power capacity due to insufficient coupling.The new antenna design takes into account both wave coupling and absorption processes through comprehensive wave coupling and absorption codes,with the dominant parallel wave number k∥of 7.5 m-1at dipole phasing.Through the use of these new ICRF antennas,we are able to achieve 3.8 MW output power and 360 s operation,respectively.The initial experimental results demonstrate the reliability of the antenna design method. 展开更多
Real-time data processing method for CO_(2) dispersion interferometer on EAST
作者 张家敏 姚远 +6 位作者 刘郁阳 储宇奇 阮天翼 张耀 刘海庆 揭银先 凌必利 《Plasma Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第8期121-126,共6页
A real-time data processing system is designed for the carbon dioxide dispersion interferometer(CO_(2)-DI)on EAST.The system utilizes the parallel and pipelining capabilities of an fieldprogrammable gate array(FPGA)to... A real-time data processing system is designed for the carbon dioxide dispersion interferometer(CO_(2)-DI)on EAST.The system utilizes the parallel and pipelining capabilities of an fieldprogrammable gate array(FPGA)to digitize and process the intensity of signals from the detector.Finally,the real-time electron density signals are exported through a digital-to-analog converter(DAC)module in the form of analog signals.The system has been successfully applied in the CO_(2)-DI system to provide low-latency electron density input to the plasma control system on EAST.Experimental results of the latest campaign with long-pulse discharges on EAST(2022–2023)demonstrate that the system can respond effectively in the case of rapid density changes,proving its reliability and accuracy for future electron density calculation. 展开更多
关键词 dispersion interferometer REAL-TIME electron density FPGA EAST
Spatial patterns of zooplankton abundance,biovolume,and size structure in response to environmental variables:a case study in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea
作者 Song SUN Haochen XIAN +2 位作者 Xiaoxia SUN Mingliang ZHU Mengtan LIU 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第1期113-127,共15页
The Yellow Sea(YS)and East China Sea(ECS)are highly dynamic marginal seas of the northwestern Pacific Ocean.To gain an in-depth understanding of zooplankton community structure,zooplankton abundance,biovolume,and size... The Yellow Sea(YS)and East China Sea(ECS)are highly dynamic marginal seas of the northwestern Pacific Ocean.To gain an in-depth understanding of zooplankton community structure,zooplankton abundance,biovolume,and size structure in summer 2017 in the YS and ECS were assessed using ZooScan imaging analysis.Zooplankton abundance and biovolume ranged 2.94–1187.14 inds./m^(3)and 3.13–3438.51 mm^(3)/m^(3),respectively.Based on the biovolume data of the categorized size classes of 26 identified taxonomic groups,the zooplankton community was classified into five groups,and each group was coupled with distinctive oceanographic features.Under the influence of the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass,the Yellow Sea offshore group featured the lowest bottom temperature(10.84±3.42℃)and the most abundant Calanoids(mainly in the 2–3 mm size class).In the Yellow Sea inshore group,Hydrozoans showed the largest biovolume and dominated in the 3–4-mm and>5-mm size classes.The East China Sea offshore group,which was affected by the Kuroshio Branch Current,featured high temperature and salinity,and the lowest bottom dissolved oxygen(2.58±0.5 mg/L).The lowest values of zooplankton abundance and biovolume in the East China Sea offshore group might be attributed to the bottom dissolved oxygen contents.The East China Sea inshore group,which was mainly influenced by the Zhejiang-Fujian Coastal Current and Changjiang Diluted Water,was characterized by high chlorophyll a and the largest biovolume of carnivorous Siphonophores(280.82±303.37 mm^(3)/m^(3)).The Changjiang River estuary offshore group showed the most abundant Cyclopoids,which might be associated with the less turbid water mass in this region.Seawater temperature was considered the most important factor in shaping the size compositions of Calanoids in different groups. 展开更多
关键词 ZOOPLANKTON size structure ZooScan Yellow Sea East China Sea
Plastid phylogenomics provides new insights into the systematics,diversification,and biogeography of Cymbidium(Orchidaceae)
作者 Hai-Yao Chen Zhi-Rong Zhang +7 位作者 Xin Yao Ji-Dong Ya Xiao-Hua Jin Lin Wang Lu Lu De-Zhu Li Jun-Bo Yang Wen-Bin Yu 《Plant Diversity》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第4期448-461,共14页
Cymbidium(Orchidaceae:Epidendroideae),with around 60 species,is widely-distributed across Southeast Asia,providing a nice system for studying the processes that underlie patterns of biodiversity in the region.However,... Cymbidium(Orchidaceae:Epidendroideae),with around 60 species,is widely-distributed across Southeast Asia,providing a nice system for studying the processes that underlie patterns of biodiversity in the region.However,phylogenetic relationships of Cymbidium have not been well resolved,hampering investigations of species diversification and the biogeographical history of this genus.In this study,we construct a plastome phylogeny of 56 Cymbidium species,with four well-resolved major clades,which provides a framework for biogeographical and diversification rate analyses.Molecular dating and biogeographical analyses show that Cymbidium likely originated in the region spanning northern IndoBurma to the eastern Himalayas during the early Miocene(~21.10 Ma).It then rapidly diversified into four major clades in East Asia within approximately a million years during the middle Miocene.Cymbidium spp.migration to the adjacent regions(Borneo,Philippines,and Sulawesi)primarily occurred during the Pliocene-Pleistocene period.Our analyses indicate that the net diversification rate of Cymbidium has decreased since its origin,and is positively associated with changes in temperature and monsoon intensity.Favorable hydrothermal conditions brought by monsoon intensification in the early Miocene possibly contributed to the initial rapid diversification,after which the net diversification rate was reduced with the cooling climate after the middle Miocene.The transition from epiphytic to terrestrial habits may have enabled adaptation to cooler environments and colonization of northern niches,yet without a significant effect on diversification rates.This study provides new insights into how monsoon activity and temperature changes affected the diversification dynamics of plants in Southeast Asia. 展开更多
关键词 CYMBIDIUM East Asia Asian monsoons Climate change Biogeographical patterns
A fringe jump counting method for the phase measurement in the HCN laser interferometer on EAST and its FPGA-based implementation
作者 姚远 杨曜 +6 位作者 提昂 宋扬 张家敏 王琰 张耀 刘海庆 揭银先 《Plasma Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期156-161,共6页
Electron density in fusion plasma is usually diagnosed using laser-aided interferometers. The phase difference signal obtained after phase demodulation is wrapped, which is also called a fringe jump. A method has been... Electron density in fusion plasma is usually diagnosed using laser-aided interferometers. The phase difference signal obtained after phase demodulation is wrapped, which is also called a fringe jump. A method has been developed to unwrap the phase difference signal in real time using FPGA, specifically designed to handle fringe jumps in the hydrogen cyanide(HCN) laser interferometer on the EAST superconducting tokamak. This method is designed for a phase demodulator using the fast Fourier transform(FFT) method at the front end. The method is better adapted for hardware implementation compared to complex mathematical analysis algorithms, such as field programmable gate array(FPGA). It has been applied to process the phase measurement results of the HCN laser interferometer on EAST in real time. Electron density results show good confidence in the fringe jump unwrapping method. Further possible application in other laser interferometers, such as the POlarimeter-INTerferometer(POINT)system on EAST tokamak is also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 electron density laser-aided interferometer fringe jump unwrapping FPGA EAST
Development of D_α band symmetrical visible optical diagnostic for boundary reconstruction on EAST tokamak
作者 陈明 沈飊 +4 位作者 Shinichiro KADO 郭笔豪 陈大龙 蔡福瑞 肖炳甲 《Plasma Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期44-53,共10页
To investigate the potential of utilizing visible spectral imaging for controlling the plasma boundary shape during stable operation of plasma in future tokamak, a D_α band symmetric visible light diagnostic system w... To investigate the potential of utilizing visible spectral imaging for controlling the plasma boundary shape during stable operation of plasma in future tokamak, a D_α band symmetric visible light diagnostic system was designed and implemented on the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak(EAST). This system leverages two symmetric optics for joint plasma imaging. The optical system exhibits a spatial resolution less than 2 mm at the poloidal cross-section, distortion within the field of view below 10%, and relative illumination of 91%.The high-quality images obtained enable clear observation of both the plasma boundary position and the characteristics of components within the vacuum vessel. Following system calibration and coordinate transformation, the image coordinate boundary features are mapped to the tokamak coordinate system. Utilizing this system, the plasma boundary was reconstructed, and the resulting representation showed alignment with the EFIT(Equilibrium Fitting) results. This underscores the system's superior performance in boundary reconstruction applications and provides a diagnostic foundation for boundary shape control based on visible spectral imaging. 展开更多
关键词 visible optical diagnostic plasma boundary reconstruction EAST
Coated boron layers by boronization and a real-time boron coating using an impurity powder dropper in the LHD
作者 Naoko ASHIKAWA Robert LUNSFORD +4 位作者 Federico NESPOLI Erik GILSON Yaowei YU Jiansheng HU Shinichiro KADO 《Plasma Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第8期25-31,共7页
In the Large Helical Device(LHD),diborane(B2H6)is used as a standard boron source for boronization,which is assisted by helium glow discharges.In 2019,a new Impurity Powder Dropper(IPD)system was installed and is unde... In the Large Helical Device(LHD),diborane(B2H6)is used as a standard boron source for boronization,which is assisted by helium glow discharges.In 2019,a new Impurity Powder Dropper(IPD)system was installed and is under evaluation as a real-time wall conditioning technique.In the LHD,which is a large-sized heliotron device,an additional helium(He)glow discharge cleaning(GDC)after boronization was operated for a reduction in hydrogen recycling from the coated boron layers.This operational time of 3 h was determined by spectroscopic data during glow discharges.A flat hydrogen profile is obtained on the top surface of the coated boron on the specimen exposed to boronization.The results suggest a reduction in hydrogen at the top surface by He-GDC.Trapped oxygen in coated boron was obtained by boronization,and the coated boron,which has boron-oxide,on the first wall by B-IPD was also shown.Considering the difference in coating areas between B2H6 boronization and B-IPD operation,it would be most effective to use the IPD and B2H6 boronization coating together for optimized wall conditioning. 展开更多
关键词 boron layer oxygen impurity hydrogen recycling impurity powder dropper LHD EAST
Persistent Variations in the East Asian Trough from March to April and the Possible Mechanism
作者 Shui YU Jianqi SUN 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第4期737-753,I0002-I0004,共20页
The East Asian trough(EAT)profoundly influences the East Asian spring climate.In this study,the relationship of the EATs among the three spring months is investigated.Correlation analysis shows that the variation in M... The East Asian trough(EAT)profoundly influences the East Asian spring climate.In this study,the relationship of the EATs among the three spring months is investigated.Correlation analysis shows that the variation in March EAT is closely related to that of April EAT.Extended empirical orthogonal function(EEOF)analysis also confirms the co-variation of the March and April EATs.The positive/negative EEOF1 features the persistent strengthened/weakened EAT from March to April.Further investigation indicates that the variations in EEOF1 are related to a dipole sea surface temperature(SST)pattern over the North Atlantic and the SST anomaly over the tropical Indian Ocean.The dipole SST pattern over the North Atlantic,with one center east of Newfoundland Island and another east of Bermuda,could trigger a Rossby wave train to influence the EAT in March−April.The SST anomaly over the tropical Indian Ocean can change the Walker circulation and influence the atmospheric circulation over the tropical western Pacific,subsequently impacting the southern part of the EAT in March−April.Besides the SST factors,the Northeast Asian snow cover could change the regional thermal conditions and lead to persistent EAT anomalies from March to April.These three impact factors are generally independent of each other,jointly explaining large variations in the EAT EEOF1.Moreover,the signals of the three factors could be traced back to February,consequently providing a potential prediction source for the EAT variation in March and April. 展开更多
关键词 spring East Asian trough sea surface temperature snow cover
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