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A Summary of Research Hotspots in Educational Economics in China during the"Thirteenth Five-Year Plan"Period
作者 Yi Ren Li Fan 《Journal of Contemporary Educational Research》 2021年第4期78-81,共4页
Since the"Thirteenth Five-Year Plan"period,Chinese scholars'research on academic economics has mainly focused on"winning the battle against poverty in education,""developing modern vocatio... Since the"Thirteenth Five-Year Plan"period,Chinese scholars'research on academic economics has mainly focused on"winning the battle against poverty in education,""developing modern vocational education,""promoting educational structural reform,"and"achieving the equalization of basic public education services."Analysis on themes such as"Humanization." 展开更多
关键词 "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" educational economics Overview of Hot Spots
A Pathway to Small Satellite Market Growth 被引量:1
作者 Anders Kose Nervold Joshua Berk +1 位作者 Jeremy Straub David Whalen 《Advances in Aerospace Science and Technology》 2016年第1期14-20,共7页
The United States is experiencing a renaissance in interest in space due to the advent of new lowercost small spacecraft. New launch entrants, such as Interorbital Systems, promise to lower launch cost levels. Many de... The United States is experiencing a renaissance in interest in space due to the advent of new lowercost small spacecraft. New launch entrants, such as Interorbital Systems, promise to lower launch cost levels. Many developers also benefit from free-to-developer launch services from NASA or the ESA. Unfortunately, existing commercial off the shelf (COTS) CubeSat hardware is priced based on amortization of design costs across low-sales volume. A lack of trained staff in any one of the numerous disciplines required for spacecraft design or other resources required for in-house development restricts entry into the small satellite industry to those who can afford expensive COTS hardware or pay for significant design expenses. With entry-level satellite hardware still priced in the six-figure range, limited market growth is expected even as the average CubeSat launch cost continues to decline. A new archetype could lower barriers to entry for building small satellites. A free, public-domain architecture for building a small satellite could allow low-cost, in-house satellite development. Under this paradigm, the expenses for initiating a small satellite program are limited to component and launch vehicle costs. The proposed framework allows for broad access to small satellite hardware, greatly increasing the size of the small satellite developer community. In the context of the small satellite market, freely offering plans to construct an entry-level satellite will court new non-traditional actors into building space hardware for launch on commercial and government small satellite launchers. The low-cost, high flight rate possible with the next generation of launch systems affords operators the freedom to experiment and innovate in a risktolerant environment. Successfully demonstrating products and services utilizing low-risk, publicdomain plans will stimulate demand for mature and more capable flight systems in the retail marketplace. If technical schools, community colleges, universities, small businesses and even amateurs can enter into the small satellite ecosystem, at an affordable entrance price, a positive spiral of increasing demand and decreasing cost may be created over time. A free, public domain satellite architecture may, thus, open the door to sustained growth and commercial opportunity for the small satellite industry. 展开更多
关键词 CUBESAT Small Spacecraft educational economics Market Growth
作者 熊志国 《农村成人教育》 1996年第10期-,共2页
充分认识农村成人教育资源熊志国成人教育作为传统学校教育向终身教育发展的一种新型教育制度有着广泛的发展前景。成人教育在农村其结构大体上可划分成三类。就其层次划分:一是中等以上水平从业人员的岗位培训及学历教育;二是中等学... 充分认识农村成人教育资源熊志国成人教育作为传统学校教育向终身教育发展的一种新型教育制度有着广泛的发展前景。成人教育在农村其结构大体上可划分成三类。就其层次划分:一是中等以上水平从业人员的岗位培训及学历教育;二是中等学历及在职在岗人员的培训;三是初中以... 展开更多
关键词 higher adult education quality of education economic construction reform deepening
作者 沈定安 《农村成人教育》 1996年第10期-,共1页
应重视“专业户”在农村成人教育中的作用沈定安为实现1999年全面达小康的目标,江苏省泗洪县实施了发展“两专一基”工程,即大力发展专业村、专业户、多种经营基地。其中的专业户不仅大多是当地经济发展中的大能人,而且在推广科... 应重视“专业户”在农村成人教育中的作用沈定安为实现1999年全面达小康的目标,江苏省泗洪县实施了发展“两专一基”工程,即大力发展专业村、专业户、多种经营基地。其中的专业户不仅大多是当地经济发展中的大能人,而且在推广科学技术工作中起着潜移默化的作用,改... 展开更多
关键词 higher adult education quality of education economic construction reform deepening
作者 贾永龄 《农村成人教育》 1996年第10期-,共3页
成人中专应切实解决好的几个问题贾永龄自党的十一届三中全会以来,我国的成人中等专业教育不断适应改革开放、经济建设和社会发展的需要,迅速发展。在提高广大劳动者的思想、文化和科学技术素质,改善人才结构,加速队伍的专业化,提... 成人中专应切实解决好的几个问题贾永龄自党的十一届三中全会以来,我国的成人中等专业教育不断适应改革开放、经济建设和社会发展的需要,迅速发展。在提高广大劳动者的思想、文化和科学技术素质,改善人才结构,加速队伍的专业化,提高生产力,推进现代化建设等方面,发... 展开更多
关键词 higher adult education quality of education economic construction reform deepening
作者 丰科 《农村成人教育》 1996年第10期-,共1页
疲劳性质不同休息方法有别当前有许多人感到休息不好,但又不知为什么?其实,这主要是他们对疲劳和休息缺乏正确的了解。要知道不同性质的疲劳需要采取不同的休息方式。1、体力疲劳:主要指身体肌肉劳累而言,表现为四肢乏力,肌肉酸... 疲劳性质不同休息方法有别当前有许多人感到休息不好,但又不知为什么?其实,这主要是他们对疲劳和休息缺乏正确的了解。要知道不同性质的疲劳需要采取不同的休息方式。1、体力疲劳:主要指身体肌肉劳累而言,表现为四肢乏力,肌肉酸疼,但精神上毫无痛苦,甚至有时还有... 展开更多
关键词 higher adult education quality of education economic construction reform deepening
作者 吴世春 《农村成人教育》 1996年第10期-,共2页
浅析村级文化技术学校的发展吴世春在科技兴农、科教兴国的大气候中,作为我国农村教育“三足鼎立”的农村成人教育,它的发展方向何去?这是从事农村成人教育工作者必须探索的问题。笔者认为:创办村级文化技术学校,发展村级成人文化... 浅析村级文化技术学校的发展吴世春在科技兴农、科教兴国的大气候中,作为我国农村教育“三足鼎立”的农村成人教育,它的发展方向何去?这是从事农村成人教育工作者必须探索的问题。笔者认为:创办村级文化技术学校,发展村级成人文化技术教育,是当前农村成人教育的发展... 展开更多
关键词 higher adult education quality of education economic construction reform deepening
作者 李吉元 《农村成人教育》 1996年第10期-,共2页
中国农村成人教育大事记李吉元1986年86013月19日国家教委!。”人教育司发出《关于建立农民教育联系点的通知》。。;自知》说,为厂加强与地方和基层的联系,及时了解农k教育怀况,拟在河北、吉林、上海、江苏、河南、湖... 中国农村成人教育大事记李吉元1986年86013月19日国家教委!。”人教育司发出《关于建立农民教育联系点的通知》。。;自知》说,为厂加强与地方和基层的联系,及时了解农k教育怀况,拟在河北、吉林、上海、江苏、河南、湖北、湖南、广中、四川、贵州、甘肃、... 展开更多
关键词 higher adult education quality of education economic construction reform deepening
作者 陈本全 《农村成人教育》 1996年第10期-,共1页
胡集镇成校开展智力救灾水灾过后,湖北省钟祥市胡集镇成人文化技术学校大力开展以养猪、养鸭、养牛、养鱼和蔬菜种植、食用菌增产增收为主要内容的“四养两种”实用技术培训。实行智力救灾科技减灾,受到农民的普遍欢迎。进入7月,镇... 胡集镇成校开展智力救灾水灾过后,湖北省钟祥市胡集镇成人文化技术学校大力开展以养猪、养鸭、养牛、养鱼和蔬菜种植、食用菌增产增收为主要内容的“四养两种”实用技术培训。实行智力救灾科技减灾,受到农民的普遍欢迎。进入7月,镇成校在摸清灾情后,有针对性地开展农... 展开更多
关键词 higher adult education quality of education economic construction reform deepening
《农村成人教育》 1996年第10期-,共1页
动态与信息三台县“八五”期间农村成人教育成效显著“八五”期间,四川省三台县围绕“科教兴县、农业稳县、工业富县、依法治县、2000年奔小康”的总目标开展农村成人教育工作,取得显著成效。一。镇(乡)成人教育巩固发展,与“... 动态与信息三台县“八五”期间农村成人教育成效显著“八五”期间,四川省三台县围绕“科教兴县、农业稳县、工业富县、依法治县、2000年奔小康”的总目标开展农村成人教育工作,取得显著成效。一。镇(乡)成人教育巩固发展,与“七五”末相比,校点总数由110个发... 展开更多
关键词 higher adult education quality of education economic construction reform deepening
作者 孔令谊 苗军 李鸿雁 《农村成人教育》 1996年第10期-,共2页
农村成教的一支奇葩──记商丘县路河乡成教学校孔令谊,苗军,李鸿雁地处商丘古城西南5公里、商周公路西侧的路河乡,8方亩温馨沃土,一马平川。过去.这里曾出现过富有传奇色彩的侯方域和李香君悲欢离台的爱情故事,通过孔尚任的文... 农村成教的一支奇葩──记商丘县路河乡成教学校孔令谊,苗军,李鸿雁地处商丘古城西南5公里、商周公路西侧的路河乡,8方亩温馨沃土,一马平川。过去.这里曾出现过富有传奇色彩的侯方域和李香君悲欢离台的爱情故事,通过孔尚任的文学巨著──《桃花扇》,不知倾倒了多... 展开更多
关键词 higher adult education quality of education economic construction reform deepening
作者 许荐 《农村成人教育》 1996年第10期-,共1页
忘掉烦恼九法许荐正视现实、善于生活的人,才是真正幸福的人。善于生活除培养自己读书、看报、书法、写作和各种文化兴趣外,还应调节生活习惯。下面向您介绍忘掉烦恼、消除紧张、拓宽心境的9种有效方法。呼吸—用鼻子慢慢地进行深呼... 忘掉烦恼九法许荐正视现实、善于生活的人,才是真正幸福的人。善于生活除培养自己读书、看报、书法、写作和各种文化兴趣外,还应调节生活习惯。下面向您介绍忘掉烦恼、消除紧张、拓宽心境的9种有效方法。呼吸—用鼻子慢慢地进行深呼吸,同时还要想几个能帮助你静下来的... 展开更多
关键词 higher adult education quality of education economic construction reform deepening
作者 张德尧 《农村成人教育》 1996年第10期-,共3页
关于农村成人教育办学“模式”的思考张德尧一、探求农村成人教育办学“模式”的必要性。农村成人学校诞生的历史背景、创办的时间、发展的客观条件,都不同于职业技术学校,更不同于普通学校。农村成人学校已有八九年的办学实践,它的... 关于农村成人教育办学“模式”的思考张德尧一、探求农村成人教育办学“模式”的必要性。农村成人学校诞生的历史背景、创办的时间、发展的客观条件,都不同于职业技术学校,更不同于普通学校。农村成人学校已有八九年的办学实践,它的性质、特点、规律已被广大成教开拓者... 展开更多
关键词 higher adult education quality of education economic construction reform deepening
抓机遇 上台阶 促发展──番禺市农业中专积极探索办学路子
作者 余久宏 《农村成人教育》 1996年第10期-,共4页
抓机遇上台阶促发展──番禺市农业中专积极探索办学路子本刊特约通讯员余久宏番禺市农业中等专业学校是1983年经广东省高教厅验收合格的全日制农业中专学校,定为番离市政府属下的局级单位。1988年以前,该校只设单一的农业种... 抓机遇上台阶促发展──番禺市农业中专积极探索办学路子本刊特约通讯员余久宏番禺市农业中等专业学校是1983年经广东省高教厅验收合格的全日制农业中专学校,定为番离市政府属下的局级单位。1988年以前,该校只设单一的农业种养专业,办学形式单一,发展受到专业... 展开更多
关键词 higher adult education quality of education economic construction reform deepening
作者 张志典 《农村成人教育》 1996年第10期-,共1页
谈谈如何搞好成人教育教学张志典我从事成人教育工作十几年了,对如何搞好成人教育教学工作,颇有感受,现在谈一点粗浅认识。一、要充分认识成人教育的特点成人教育的对象是工人(农村主要是乡镇企业的工人)和农民,他们都是成年人,... 谈谈如何搞好成人教育教学张志典我从事成人教育工作十几年了,对如何搞好成人教育教学工作,颇有感受,现在谈一点粗浅认识。一、要充分认识成人教育的特点成人教育的对象是工人(农村主要是乡镇企业的工人)和农民,他们都是成年人,因此,与普通学校的学生不同,他们在... 展开更多
关键词 higher adult education quality of education economic construction reform deepening
作者 钟爱群 《农村成人教育》 1996年第10期-,共1页
花之最最香的花。世界上香气飘溢得最远的花,要算十里香,这是一种白色的野蔷蔽。最小的花。世界上最小的花,要算无花果的花。小到P能用显微镜才可看清楚。最大的花。印度尼西亚有一种花,名叫大王花,其花瓣有20厘米厚,由5层大... 花之最最香的花。世界上香气飘溢得最远的花,要算十里香,这是一种白色的野蔷蔽。最小的花。世界上最小的花,要算无花果的花。小到P能用显微镜才可看清楚。最大的花。印度尼西亚有一种花,名叫大王花,其花瓣有20厘米厚,由5层大片组成,每朵重量可达8一9公斤,花... 展开更多
关键词 higher adult education quality of education economic construction reform deepening
The Advantage of Going For Vocational Education
作者 王文辉 《中国校外教育》 2008年第4期135-,共1页
With the entering of the 21st century,information technology has become the world's economic and social development trend,China is beginning to see vocational education as important to maintaining fast economic gr... With the entering of the 21st century,information technology has become the world's economic and social development trend,China is beginning to see vocational education as important to maintaining fast economic growth and social stability.Every one wants to have a lucrative career and bright future.That is the reason why most people these days take up vocational education.Vocational education is a type of educational attainment that teaches the student trade skills and aptitudes.Vocational school is a school that provides vocational education to individuals who desire to be trained in job-specific skills. 展开更多
关键词 vocational education vocational school government economic
Demand for education in the urbanization process:prediction and analysis
作者 Li Zu-chao Xu Wen 《Frontiers of Education in China》 2006年第4期533-548,共16页
According to records from 2002,there will be a continuous increase in the number of classes,full-time teachers and teaching staff in urban primary and junior secondary schools during the period 2005-2020.At the same t... According to records from 2002,there will be a continuous increase in the number of classes,full-time teachers and teaching staff in urban primary and junior secondary schools during the period 2005-2020.At the same time,the demand for classes and teachers of non-compulsory education will decrease yearly.It is estimated that the budgetary funds for urban primary,junior secondary,senior secondary education and even higher education will increase by 8%,8.7%,15.2%and 9%,respectively each year. 展开更多
关键词 economics of education URBANIZATION demand for education school-age population educational resource
An Analysis of the Relationship Between the Education Attainment and Economic Status of the Elderly Population in the Towns and Cities of China
作者 Sha Jicai Sha Jicai works in the Institute of Population Research,China Academy of Social Science 《China City Planning Review》 1990年第4期52-59,共8页
Viewed from a macro scope,the cultureof a community is closely related to its econ-omy.Economy being the basis,the level ofeconomic growth determines the level ofcultural development.Conversely,culturecan act as the p... Viewed from a macro scope,the cultureof a community is closely related to its econ-omy.Economy being the basis,the level ofeconomic growth determines the level ofcultural development.Conversely,culturecan act as the precursor and cultural devel-opment enhances economic growth.Likewise,the education attainment of an in-dividual reflects the same sort 展开更多
关键词 rate more An Analysis of the Relationship Between the Education Attainment and Economic Status of the Elderly Population in the Towns and Cities of China
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