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作者 石庆研 张泽中 韩萍 《信号处理》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期2037-2048,共12页
航迹预测在确保空中交通安全、高效运行中扮演着至关重要的角色。所预测的航迹信息是航迹优化、冲突告警等决策工具的输入,而预测准确性取决于模型对航迹序列特征的提取能力。航迹序列数据是具有丰富时空特征的多维时间序列,其中每个变... 航迹预测在确保空中交通安全、高效运行中扮演着至关重要的角色。所预测的航迹信息是航迹优化、冲突告警等决策工具的输入,而预测准确性取决于模型对航迹序列特征的提取能力。航迹序列数据是具有丰富时空特征的多维时间序列,其中每个变量都呈现出长短期的时间变化模式,并且这些变量之间还存在着相互依赖的空间信息。为了充分提取这种时空特征,本文提出了基于融合时空特征的编码器-解码器(Spatio-Temporal EncoderDecoder,STED)航迹预测模型。在Encoder中使用门控循环单元(Gated Recurrent Unit,GRU)、卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network,CNN)和注意力机制(Attention,AT)构成的双通道网络来分别提取航迹时空特征,Decoder对时空特征进行拼接融合,并利用GRU对融合特征进行学习和递归输出,实现对未来多步航迹信息的预测。利用真实的航迹数据对算法性能进行验证,实验结果表明,所提STED网络模型能够在未来10 min预测范围内进行高精度的短期航迹预测,相比于LSTM、CNN-LSTM和AT-LSTM等数据驱动航迹预测模型具有更高的精度。此外,STED网络模型预测一个航迹点平均耗时为0.002 s,具有良好的实时性。 展开更多
关键词 4D航迹预测 时空特征 encoder-decoder 门控循环单元
作者 史红伟 陈祺 +1 位作者 王云龙 李鹏程 《中国农村水利水电》 北大核心 2023年第11期93-99,共7页
由于污水厂的出水水质指标繁多、污水处理过程中反应复杂、时序非线性程度高,基于机理模型的预测方法无法取得理想效果。针对此问题,提出基于深度学习的污水厂出水水质预测方法,并以吉林省某污水厂监测水质为来源数据,利用多种结合encod... 由于污水厂的出水水质指标繁多、污水处理过程中反应复杂、时序非线性程度高,基于机理模型的预测方法无法取得理想效果。针对此问题,提出基于深度学习的污水厂出水水质预测方法,并以吉林省某污水厂监测水质为来源数据,利用多种结合encoder-decoder结构的神经网络预测水质。结果显示,所提结构对LSTM和GRU网络预测能力都有一定提升,对长期预测能力提升更加显著,ED-GRU模型效果最佳,短期预测中的4个出水水质指标均方根误差(RMSE)为0.7551、0.2197、0.0734、0.3146,拟合优度(R2)为0.9013、0.9332、0.9167、0.9532,可以预测出水质局部变化,而长期预测中的4个指标RMSE为1.7204、1.7689、0.4478、0.8316,R2为0.4849、0.5507、0.4502、0.7595,可以预测出水质变化趋势,与顺序结构相比,短期预测RMSE降低10%以上,R2增加2%以上,长期预测RMSE降低25%以上,R2增加15%以上。研究结果表明,基于encoder-decoder结构的神经网络可以对污水厂出水水质进行准确预测,为污水处理工艺改进提供技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 污水厂出水 encoder-decoder 多指标水质预测 GRU模型
基于Encoder-Decoder注意力网络的异常驾驶行为在线识别方法 被引量:2
作者 唐坤 戴语琴 +2 位作者 徐永能 郭唐仪 邵飞 《兵器装备工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第8期63-71,共9页
异常驾驶行为是车辆安全运行的重大威胁,其对人员与物资的安全高效投送造成严重危害。以低成本非接触式的手机多传感器数据为基础,通过对驾驶行为特性进行数据分析,提出一种融合Encoder-Decoder深度网络与Attention机制的异常驾驶行为... 异常驾驶行为是车辆安全运行的重大威胁,其对人员与物资的安全高效投送造成严重危害。以低成本非接触式的手机多传感器数据为基础,通过对驾驶行为特性进行数据分析,提出一种融合Encoder-Decoder深度网络与Attention机制的异常驾驶行为的在线识别方法。该方法由基于LSTM(long short-term memory)的Encoder-Decoder、Attention机制与基于SVM(support vector machine)的分类器3个模块构成。该系统识别方法包括:输入编码、注意力学习、特征解码、序列重构、残差计算与驾驶行为分类等6个步骤。该技术方法利用自然驾驶条件下所采集的手机传感器数据进行实验。实验结果表明:①手机多传感器数据融合方法对驾驶行为识别具备有效性;②异常驾驶行为必然会造成数据异常波动;③Attention机制有助于提升模型学习效果,对所提出模型的识别准确率F1-score为0.717,与经典同类模型比较,准确率得到显著提升;④对于汽车异常驾驶行为来说,SVM比Logistic与随机森林算法具有更优越的识别效果。 展开更多
关键词 异常驾驶 深度学习 编码器-解码器 长短时记忆网络 注意力机制
利用Encoder-Decoder框架的深度学习网络实现绕射波分离及成像 被引量:1
作者 马铭 包乾宗 《石油地球物理勘探》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期56-64,共9页
利用单纯绕射波场实现地下地质异常体的识别具有坚实的理论基础,对应的实施方法得到了广泛研究,且有效地应用于实际勘探。但现有技术在微小尺度异常体成像方面收效甚微,相关研究多数以射线传播理论为基础,对于影响绕射波分离成像精度的... 利用单纯绕射波场实现地下地质异常体的识别具有坚实的理论基础,对应的实施方法得到了广泛研究,且有效地应用于实际勘探。但现有技术在微小尺度异常体成像方面收效甚微,相关研究多数以射线传播理论为基础,对于影响绕射波分离成像精度的因素分析并不完备。相较于反射波,由于存在不连续构造而产生的绕射波能量微弱并且相互干涉,同时环境干扰使得绕射波进一步湮没。因此,更高精度的波场分离及单独成像是现阶段基于绕射波超高分辨率处理、解释的重点研究方向。为此,首先针对地球物理勘探中地质异常体的准确定位,以携带高分辨率信息的绕射波为研究对象,系统分析在不同尺度、不同物性参数的异常体情况下绕射波的能量大小及形态特征,掌握绕射波与其他类型波叠加的具体形式;然后根据相应特征性质提出基于深度学习技术的绕射波分离成像方法,即利用Encoder-Decoder框架的空洞卷积网络捕获绕射波场特征,从而实现绕射波分离,基于速度连续性原则构建单纯绕射波场的偏移速度模型并完成最终成像。数据测试表明,该方法最终可满足微小地质异常体高精度识别的需求。 展开更多
关键词 绕射波分离成像 深度神经网络 encoder-decoder框架 方差最大范数
基于GRU Encoder-decoder和注意力机制的RUL预测方法
作者 兰杰 李宁 +1 位作者 李志宁 吕建刚 《现代电子技术》 2023年第8期99-105,共7页
深度学习模型可直接建立机械设备的状态与剩余使用寿命(RUL)之间的映射关系,从而避免人工提取特征和建立健康指标的过程。文中基于深度学习理论,提出一种基于注意力机制和时序编码解码器(Encoder-decoder)相结合的RUL预测方法。首先,基... 深度学习模型可直接建立机械设备的状态与剩余使用寿命(RUL)之间的映射关系,从而避免人工提取特征和建立健康指标的过程。文中基于深度学习理论,提出一种基于注意力机制和时序编码解码器(Encoder-decoder)相结合的RUL预测方法。首先,基于门控循环神经网络(GRU)构建一个时序编码解码器以实现输入序列的重构,其中GRU-Encoder对输入的多元时间序列进行编码;再引入注意力机制对GRU-Encoder在每个时刻的输出向量进行加权融合,以融合后的向量作为编码结果,并将其输入到GRU-Decoder中实现输入序列的重构,同时将编码结果映射为输入样本的RUL。采用CMAPSS数据集对所提方法的有效性进行验证,结果表明,该方法预测精度较高,可行且有效。 展开更多
关键词 剩余使用寿命 RUL预测方法 门控循环神经网络 解码编码器 注意力机制 对比验证
作者 陈小建 《能源与节能》 2023年第12期102-105,176,共5页
关键词 神经网络 encoder-decoder 蛇优化算法 瓦斯浓度预测
基于Encoder-Decoder网络的遥感影像道路提取方法 被引量:46
作者 贺浩 王仕成 +2 位作者 杨东方 王舒洋 刘星 《测绘学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期330-338,共9页
针对道路目标特点,设计实现了用于遥感影像道路提取的Encoder-Decoder深度语义分割网络。首先,针对道路目标局部特征丰富、语义特征较为简单的特点,设计了较浅深度、分辨率较高的Encoder-Decoder网络结构,提高了分割网络的细节表示能力... 针对道路目标特点,设计实现了用于遥感影像道路提取的Encoder-Decoder深度语义分割网络。首先,针对道路目标局部特征丰富、语义特征较为简单的特点,设计了较浅深度、分辨率较高的Encoder-Decoder网络结构,提高了分割网络的细节表示能力。其次,针对遥感影像中道路目标所占像素比例较小的特点,改进了二分类交叉熵损失函数,解决了网络训练中正负样本严重失衡的问题。在大型道路提取数据集上的试验表明,所提方法召回率、精度和F1-score指标分别达到了83.9%、82.5%及82.9%,能够完整准确地提取遥感影像中的道路目标。所设计的Encoder-Decoder网络性能优良,且不需人工设计提取特征,因而具有良好的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 遥感 道路提取 深度学习 语义分割 编解码网路
基于长短时记忆网络的Encoder-Decoder多步交通流预测模型 被引量:15
作者 王博文 王景升 +3 位作者 王统一 张子泉 刘宇 于昊 《重庆大学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第11期71-80,共10页
交通流序列多为单步预测。为实现交通流序列的多步预测,提出一种基于编码器解码器(encoder-decoder,ED)框架的长短期记忆网络(long short-term memory,LSTM)模型,即ED LSTM模型。将自回归滑动平均、支持向量回归机、XGBOOST、循环神经... 交通流序列多为单步预测。为实现交通流序列的多步预测,提出一种基于编码器解码器(encoder-decoder,ED)框架的长短期记忆网络(long short-term memory,LSTM)模型,即ED LSTM模型。将自回归滑动平均、支持向量回归机、XGBOOST、循环神经网络、卷积神经网络、LSTM作为对照组进行实验验证。实验结果表明,当预测时间步长增加时,ED框架能够减缓模型性能的下降趋势,LSTM能够充分挖掘时间序列中的非线性关系。除此之外,在单变量输入的情况下,在PEMS-04数据集上,当预测时间步长为t+1到t+12的12个时间步时,ED LSTM模型的均方根误差(root mean squard error,RMSE)及平均绝对误差(mean absolute error,MAE)分别下降0.210~5.422、0.061~0.191。相较于单因素输入,多因素输入的ED LSTM模型在12个预测时间步长下,RMSE、MAE分别下降0.840、0.136。实验证明了ED LSTM模型能够有效地用于交通流序列的多步及单因素、多因素预测任务。 展开更多
关键词 交通流预测 LSTM 编码器解码器 多步预测 深度学习
基于Encoder-Decoder LSTM的电梯制动滑移量预测方法研究 被引量:1
作者 苏万斌 江叶峰 +1 位作者 徐彪 易灿灿 《机械制造与自动化》 2022年第6期28-31,共4页
电梯曳引系统的可靠性是电梯安全性能评估中的重要部分,紧急制动滑移量是其重要反映指标,对滑移量进行时序预测能有利保证电梯安全,具有重要意义。采用结合Encoder-Decoder的LSTM模型学习电梯紧急制动滑移量的增长过程,进行多步预测来... 电梯曳引系统的可靠性是电梯安全性能评估中的重要部分,紧急制动滑移量是其重要反映指标,对滑移量进行时序预测能有利保证电梯安全,具有重要意义。采用结合Encoder-Decoder的LSTM模型学习电梯紧急制动滑移量的增长过程,进行多步预测来获得未来区间内滑移预测数据。通过与RNN和LSTM模型预测结果的对比,表明Encoder-Decoder LSTM模型针对电梯紧急制动滑移量的预测具有较好的精度,可以作为电梯曳引能力评估的重要手段。 展开更多
关键词 电梯 LSTM 编码器-解码器 滑移量 时间序列 多步预测
基于LSTM的Encoder-Decoder多步轨迹预测技术 被引量:2
作者 李青勇 何兵 +2 位作者 张显炀 朱晓宇 刘刚 《航空兵器》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期49-54,共6页
针对弱约束非合作目标的轨迹特性和运动特性,提出一种基于LSTM的Encoder-Decoder多步轨迹预测技术(EDMTP)。引入一阶差分处理,降低了轨迹数据的时间依赖性,得到了无趋势的轨迹。构造输入输出的轨迹数据对,将预测问题转化为有监督学习问... 针对弱约束非合作目标的轨迹特性和运动特性,提出一种基于LSTM的Encoder-Decoder多步轨迹预测技术(EDMTP)。引入一阶差分处理,降低了轨迹数据的时间依赖性,得到了无趋势的轨迹。构造输入输出的轨迹数据对,将预测问题转化为有监督学习问题,研究多步预测过程中模型性能的变化,实现端到端的轨迹预测。仿真结果表明,该方法能够从历史轨迹数据中提取更多的轨迹特征,在多步轨迹预测中具有明显的优势。与KFTP和HMMTP算法相比,EDMTP的误差增长率分别同比下降了2.18%和3.52%,取得了较好的轨迹预测效果。 展开更多
关键词 轨迹预测 LSTM 编码器-解码器 监督学习 多步预测
基于注意力机制的Encoder-Decoder光伏发电预测模型 被引量:9
作者 宋良才 索贵龙 +2 位作者 胡军涛 窦艳梅 崔志永 《计算机与现代化》 2020年第9期112-117,共6页
影响光伏发电系统出力的天气因素具有很大的波动性和不连续性,因此需要创建合适的预测模型来对光伏出力特性进行精准预测,从而保证电网系统的有效运行。本文通过最大信息系数选择合适的历史光伏发电数据,将其作为特征之一进行输入数据重... 影响光伏发电系统出力的天气因素具有很大的波动性和不连续性,因此需要创建合适的预测模型来对光伏出力特性进行精准预测,从而保证电网系统的有效运行。本文通过最大信息系数选择合适的历史光伏发电数据,将其作为特征之一进行输入数据重构,并在由LSTM神经元构建的Encoder-Decoder模型上引入注意力机制,最终得到结合注意力机制的Encoder-Decoder光伏发电预测模型。经实际光伏电厂算例分析,验证了所提模型在光伏发电预测方面的准确性和适用性。 展开更多
关键词 光伏发电 最大信息系数 长短期记忆神经网络 encoder-decoder框架 注意力机制
FPGA Design and Implementation of a Convolutional Encoder and a Viterbi Decoder Based on 802.11a for OFDM
作者 Yan Sun Zhizhong Ding 《Wireless Engineering and Technology》 2012年第3期125-131,共7页
In this paper, a modified FPGA scheme for the convolutional encoder and Viterbi decoder based on the IEEE 802.11a standards of WLAN is presented in OFDM baseband processing systems. The proposed design supports a gene... In this paper, a modified FPGA scheme for the convolutional encoder and Viterbi decoder based on the IEEE 802.11a standards of WLAN is presented in OFDM baseband processing systems. The proposed design supports a generic, robust and configurable Viterbi decoder with constraint length of 7, code rate of 1/2 and decoding depth of 36 symbols. The Viterbi decoder uses full-parallel structure to improve computational speed for the add-compare-select (ACS) modules, adopts optimal data storage mechanism to avoid overflow and employs three distributed RAM blocks to complete cyclic trace-back. It includes the core parts, for example, the state path measure computation, the preservation and transfer of the survivor path and trace-back decoding, etc. Compared to the general Viterbi decoder, this design can effectively decrease the 10% of chip logic elements, reduce 5% of power consumption, and increase the encoder and decoder working performance in the hardware implementation. Lastly, relevant simulation results using Verilog HDL language are verified based on a Xinlinx Virtex-II FPGA by ISE 7.1i. It is shown that the Viterbi decoder is capable of decoding (2, 1, 7) convolutional codes accurately with a throughput of 80 Mbps. 展开更多
关键词 FPGA Convolutional encodeR VITERBI decodeR IEEE 802.11a OFDM
作者 Li Chuanqi Sun Xiaohan Je-Myung Jeong 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2005年第6期663-670,共8页
The encoding/decoding scheme based on Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) for Optical Code Division Multiple Access (OCDMA) system is analyzed and the whole process from transmitting end to receiving end is researched in detail... The encoding/decoding scheme based on Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) for Optical Code Division Multiple Access (OCDMA) system is analyzed and the whole process from transmitting end to receiving end is researched in detail. The mathematical mode including signal transmission, summing, receiving and recovering are established respectively. One of the main sources of Bit Error Rate (BER) of OCDMA system based on FBGs is the unevenness of signal power spectrum, which leads to the chip powers unequal with each other. The Signal to Interfere Ratio (SIR) and BER performance of the system are studied and simulated at the case with uneven distribution of chips' powers. 展开更多
关键词 OCDMA 光学码分多址系统 编码器 光纤通信
The Dissemination of Chinese Tea Culture Based on Encoding/Decoding Theory
作者 TAN Hao XIANYU Jing 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2023年第1期45-49,共5页
Tea has a history of thousands of years in China and it plays an important role in the working-life and daily life of people.Tea culture rich in connotation is an important part of Chinese traditional culture,and its ... Tea has a history of thousands of years in China and it plays an important role in the working-life and daily life of people.Tea culture rich in connotation is an important part of Chinese traditional culture,and its existence and development are also of great significance to the diversified development of world culture.Based on Stuart Hall’s encoding/decoding theory,this paper analyzes the problems in the spreading of Chinese tea in and out of the country and provides solutions from the perspective of encoding,communication,and decoding.It is expected to provide a reference for the domestic and international dissemination of Chinese tea culture. 展开更多
关键词 tea culture encodING decodING COMMUNICATION
The Dissemination of Intangible Cultural Heritage Along Beijing-Hangzhou Canal Based on Encoding/Decoding Theory
作者 TAN Hao XIANYU Jing 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2023年第5期241-245,共5页
The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal carries a wealth of Chinese cultural symbols,showing the lifestyle and wisdom of working people through ages.The preservation and inheritance of its intangible cultural heritage can he... The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal carries a wealth of Chinese cultural symbols,showing the lifestyle and wisdom of working people through ages.The preservation and inheritance of its intangible cultural heritage can help to evoke cultural memories and cultural identification of the Canal and build cultural confidence.This paper applies Stuart Hall’s encoding/decoding theory to analyze the dissemination of intangible heritage tourism culture.On the basis of a practical study of the villages along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal,this paper analyses the problems in the transmission of its intangible cultural heritage and proposes specific methods to solve them in four processes,encoding,decoding,communication,and secondary encoding,in order to propose references for the transmission of intangible heritage culture at home and abroad. 展开更多
关键词 DISSEMINATION encodING decodING intangible cultural heritage
Database Encoding and A New Algorithm for Association Rules Mining
作者 Tong Wang Pilian He 《通讯和计算机(中英文版)》 2006年第3期77-81,共5页
On the Manipulation of the Selectivity of Encoding and Decoding overthe Translator's Subjectivity
作者 蒋知洋 《海外英语》 2014年第9X期177-178,共2页
The translation activity is a process of the interlinguistic transmission of information realized by the information encoding and decoding.Encoding and decoding,cognitive practices operated in objective contexts,are i... The translation activity is a process of the interlinguistic transmission of information realized by the information encoding and decoding.Encoding and decoding,cognitive practices operated in objective contexts,are inevitably of selectivity ascribing to the restriction of contextual reasons.The translator as the intermediary agent connects the original author(encoder)and the target readers(decoder),shouldering the dual duties of the decoder and the encoder,for which his subjectivity is irrevocably manipulated by the selectivity of encoding and decoding. 展开更多
Brain Encoding and Decoding in fMRI with Bidirectional Deep Generative Models 被引量:1
作者 Changde Du Jinpeng Li +1 位作者 Lijie Huang Huiguang He 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2019年第5期948-953,共6页
Brain encoding and decoding via functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI)are two important aspects of visual perception neuroscience.Although previous researchers have made significant advances in brain encoding and... Brain encoding and decoding via functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI)are two important aspects of visual perception neuroscience.Although previous researchers have made significant advances in brain encoding and decoding models,existing methods still require improvement using advanced machine learning techniques.For example,traditional methods usually build the encoding and decoding models separately,and are prone to overfitting on a small dataset.In fact,effectively unifying the encoding and decoding procedures may allow for more accurate predictions.In this paper,we first review the existing encoding and decoding methods and discuss the potential advantages of a“bidirectional”modeling strategy.Next,we show that there are correspondences between deep neural networks and human visual streams in terms of the architecture and computational rules.Furthermore,deep generative models(e.g.,variational autoencoders(VAEs)and generative adversarial networks(GANs))have produced promising results in studies on brain encoding and decoding.Finally,we propose that the dual learning method,which was originally designed for machine translation tasks,could help to improve the performance of encoding and decoding models by leveraging large-scale unpaired data. 展开更多
关键词 BRAIN encodING and decodING Functional magnetic resonance imaging DEEP neural networks DEEP GENERATIVE models Dual learning
Underwater Object Recognition Based on Deep Encoding-Decoding Network 被引量:3
作者 WANG Xinhua OUYANG Jihong +1 位作者 LI Dayu ZHANG Guang 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第2期376-382,共7页
Ocean underwater exploration is a part of oceanography that investigates the physical and biological conditions for scientific and commercial purposes. And video technology plays an important role and is extensively a... Ocean underwater exploration is a part of oceanography that investigates the physical and biological conditions for scientific and commercial purposes. And video technology plays an important role and is extensively applied for underwater environment observation. Different from the conventional methods, video technology explores the underwater ecosystem continuously and non-invasively. However, due to the scattering and attenuation of light transport in the water, complex noise distribution and lowlight condition cause challenges for underwater video applications including object detection and recognition. In this paper, we propose a new deep encoding-decoding convolutional architecture for underwater object recognition. It uses the deep encoding-decoding network for extracting the discriminative features from the noisy low-light underwater images. To create the deconvolutional layers for classification, we apply the deconvolution kernel with a matched feature map, instead of full connection, to solve the problem of dimension disaster and low accuracy. Moreover, we introduce data augmentation and transfer learning technologies to solve the problem of data starvation. For experiments, we investigated the public datasets with our proposed method and the state-of-the-art methods. The results show that our work achieves significant accuracy. This work provides new underwater technologies applied for ocean exploration. 展开更多
关键词 DEEP LEARNING transfer LEARNING encoding-decoding UNDERWATER OBJECT OBJECT recognition
Encoding-Decoding-Based Control and Filtering of Networked Systems: Insights, Developments and Opportunities 被引量:1
作者 Zidong Wang Licheng Wang +1 位作者 Shuai Liu Guoliang Wei 《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》 SCIE EI CSCD 2018年第1期3-18,共16页
In order to make the information transmission more efficient and reliable in a digital communication channel with limited capacity, various encoding-decoding techniques have been proposed and widely applied in many br... In order to make the information transmission more efficient and reliable in a digital communication channel with limited capacity, various encoding-decoding techniques have been proposed and widely applied in many branches of the signal processing including digital communications, data compression,information encryption, etc. Recently, due to its promising application potentials in the networked systems(NSs), the analysis and synthesis issues of the NSs under various encoding-decoding schemes have stirred some research attention. However, because of the network-enhanced complexity caused by the limited network resources, it poses new challenges to the design of suitable encoding-decoding procedures to meet certain control or filtering performance for the NSs. In this survey paper, our aim is to present a comprehensive review of the encoding-decodingbased control and filtering problems for different types of NSs.First, some basic introduction with respect to the coding-decoding mechanism is presented in terms of its engineering insights,specific properties and theoretical formulations. Then, the recent representative research progress in the design of the encodingdecoding protocols for various control and filtering problems is discussed. Some possible further research topics are finally outlined for the encoding-decoding-based NSs. 展开更多
关键词 encoding-decoding-based communication mechanism encoding-decoding-based control encoding-decodingbased state estimation networked systems
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