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A New Inquiry Into the Contents of the Late Qing Dynasty Pictorial News Publication-The Core of “Entertainment Life” in Dianshizhai Pictorial
作者 HUANG Zhuya 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2023年第1期33-43,共11页
After the opening of ports in the late Qing Dynasty,Western culture was introduced into China.The local entertainment life presented the phenomenon of the coexistence of the East and the West.A large number of folk en... After the opening of ports in the late Qing Dynasty,Western culture was introduced into China.The local entertainment life presented the phenomenon of the coexistence of the East and the West.A large number of folk entertainment activities were recorded in the Dianshizhai Pictorial which have the function of cultural choice and value dissemination as well as current affairs.This research attempts to use literary analysis and case study to collate the entertainment life in the Dianshizhai Pictorial,combing the characteristics of the late Qing dynasty,and summarizing the value of entertainment in Dianshizhai Pictorial publishing. 展开更多
关键词 Dianshizhai Pictorial late Qing Dynasty ENTERTAINMENT Western style
《空中英语教室(初级版.大家说英语)》 2023年第12期10-13,50,51,56,共7页
What's in the news?The news covers many topics such as politics,government,sports and entertainment.
THALES i5000机载娱乐系统介绍以及常见故障浅析
作者 刘泽辉 吴红霞 《中国科技期刊数据库 工业A》 2023年第6期183-186,共4页
随着航空业的不断发展,旅客需求的不断提高,机载娱乐系统日益受到各航空公司的重视,纷纷对三大娱乐供应商的系统进行选装,本文主要针对国内某航空公司选装的THALES 5000机载娱乐系统进行介绍,并结合一些常见故障对该套娱乐系统进行系统... 随着航空业的不断发展,旅客需求的不断提高,机载娱乐系统日益受到各航空公司的重视,纷纷对三大娱乐供应商的系统进行选装,本文主要针对国内某航空公司选装的THALES 5000机载娱乐系统进行介绍,并结合一些常见故障对该套娱乐系统进行系统分析,提出一些修理维护建议,以提高排故效率,缩短排故时间,节约维修成本。帮助航空公司和技术人员更好地维护和优化THALES i5000机载娱乐系统,确保乘客在飞行过程中享受到良好的娱乐体验。 展开更多
关键词 IFE:In-flight ENTERTAINMENT 机载娱乐系统 VCC:视频控制中心 IFEC:娱乐系统控制中心 i-CMT: 客舱管理终端 AVD-D:音视频控制器
作者 刘晓蕖 《语言教育》 2002年第2期30-30,共1页
在科技高度发展、竞争日趋激烈的今天,越来越多的人争分夺秒、夜以继日地工作,因此就出现了上期第一个话题所说的“工作狂”。工作狂和努力工作的人是大小一样的。努力工作可能有不同的原因,有的是出于责任心,有的是为了养家糊口,也有... 在科技高度发展、竞争日趋激烈的今天,越来越多的人争分夺秒、夜以继日地工作,因此就出现了上期第一个话题所说的“工作狂”。工作狂和努力工作的人是大小一样的。努力工作可能有不同的原因,有的是出于责任心,有的是为了养家糊口,也有的是为了出人头地而不得不这样做。“工作狂”则完全是出于自愿,他们以拼命工作为乐,强烈的工作欲望不可抑制。 展开更多
关键词 口语考试 拼命工作 disadvantages satisfaction ENJOY EVERYDAY saying SPEND ENTERTAINMENT stomach
作者 刘晓蕖 《语言教育》 2001年第9期22-22,共1页
上期的第一个话题“旅游”是我们每个人在生活中都会经历或已经经历过的事情。要说人们为什么旅游,原因实在很多,关键是怎样条理清楚地表达出来。考生应首先说出最主要的目的,可以用一两句话概括,然后再谈具体内容。如:Travelling can b... 上期的第一个话题“旅游”是我们每个人在生活中都会经历或已经经历过的事情。要说人们为什么旅游,原因实在很多,关键是怎样条理清楚地表达出来。考生应首先说出最主要的目的,可以用一两句话概括,然后再谈具体内容。如:Travelling can broaden our mind.With thedevelopment of high technology,the world isbecoming a global village.It is very important tolearn the culture of other places or even other countries.Sometimes we can learn more through travelling thanwe do from textbooks.When we go to a new place, 展开更多
关键词 口语考试 village TRAVELLING ADVERTISEMENT ENJOY 大连外国语学院 beautiful tolerant TASTE entertainment
Theodor W.Adorno's Culture Industry Theory
作者 陆育红 《海外英语》 2017年第21期191-192,共2页
As one of the central figures in the Frankfurt school.Theodor W.Adorno thinks the rise of culture industry is resulting from increased rationalization and standardization within the society.The culture industry is an ... As one of the central figures in the Frankfurt school.Theodor W.Adorno thinks the rise of culture industry is resulting from increased rationalization and standardization within the society.The culture industry is an entertainment industry system which copies and delivers the commercialized noncreative culture product on a large scale through modern science and technology.And it may deceive,enslave and rein the people through the entertainment products,and cause several negative impacts on the mass culture. 展开更多
关键词 culture industry mass culture COPY ENTERTAINMENT materialize
作者 吕晓伟 《电影评介》 北大核心 2015年第4期74-75,共2页
随着近些年《大国崛起》《舌尖上的中国》等纪录片的热播,纪录片以其独有的真实感逐渐为大众所熟悉。纪录片的存在正是为了记录真实的客观世界画面并引发大众思考。继《看见》的社会风潮之后,柴静又推出了她自费拍摄的雾霾深度调查纪录... 随着近些年《大国崛起》《舌尖上的中国》等纪录片的热播,纪录片以其独有的真实感逐渐为大众所熟悉。纪录片的存在正是为了记录真实的客观世界画面并引发大众思考。继《看见》的社会风潮之后,柴静又推出了她自费拍摄的雾霾深度调查纪录片《穹顶之下》。该片在各大网站一经播出便掀起一阵轩然大波。社会各界对柴静以及该片的态度更是褒贬不一,但不可否认,《穹顶之下》确实引起了人们对雾霾问题的重视。" 展开更多
关键词 柴静 深度调查 大国崛起 城市数量 致命伤害 非盈利机构 ENTERTAINMENT 同呼吸共命运
向京+瞿广慈雕塑工作室,北京,中国 被引量:1
作者 彭乐乐 《世界建筑》 2016年第9期106-112,125,共8页
向京+瞿广慈的雕塑工作室,相对于我们在宋庄设计的其他艺术家工作室来说,功能综合而且复杂。也是到目前为止我们在宋庄盖的工作室中密度最高的一栋艺术家工作室,容积率达到了2.0。在这样的密度条件下如何实现我们一直坚持的建筑和环境... 向京+瞿广慈的雕塑工作室,相对于我们在宋庄设计的其他艺术家工作室来说,功能综合而且复杂。也是到目前为止我们在宋庄盖的工作室中密度最高的一栋艺术家工作室,容积率达到了2.0。在这样的密度条件下如何实现我们一直坚持的建筑和环境的关系,建筑和建筑之间的关系,以及生活于其中的人的体验——工作室的工作和院落生活不同而互为补充的体验。 展开更多
关键词 艺术家工作室 中密度 studio GARDEN exhibition 容积率 BRICK ARCHITECT 构造逻辑 ENTERTAINMENT
难波公园 被引量:2
作者 Nikken Sekkei Hiroyuki Kawano 严佳钰 《建筑技艺》 2014年第11期52-56,共5页
业主:Nankai Electric Railway Co.,Ltd,Takashimaya占地面积:33 710m2总建筑面积:243 800m2(零售与娱乐设施:86 000m2(124所店铺,2 164座电影院);办公区域:36 000m2;住宅(344单元):38 000m2;露天/绿化:25 000m2;文化设施:... 业主:Nankai Electric Railway Co.,Ltd,Takashimaya占地面积:33 710m2总建筑面积:243 800m2(零售与娱乐设施:86 000m2(124所店铺,2 164座电影院);办公区域:36 000m2;住宅(344单元):38 000m2;露天/绿化:25 000m2;文化设施:2 700m2;停车场:17 000m2,1 251个车位)建成开放:2003.10(一期),2007.04(二期) 展开更多
关键词 难波 占地面积 办公区域 文化设施 娱乐设施 景观设计 ENTERTAINMENT 城市街道 INTERIOR 大阪市
The Complexity of Embedded Frame in Mass Media Text — A Case Study of an Entertainment Commentary
作者 刘志红 《海外英语》 2016年第20期189-190,210,共3页
Taking Goffman's frame theory as a basis, this article analyzes an entertainment commentary and investigates how people's different experience of the organization of the daily life may affect their linguistic ... Taking Goffman's frame theory as a basis, this article analyzes an entertainment commentary and investigates how people's different experience of the organization of the daily life may affect their linguistic presentation. It finds commentaries appearing in the mass media cannot just be taken as a combination of the verbal signs following a set of rules, while, instead it is a reflection of the writers' experience of the media itself, the event and participants commented, and the potential audience involved in a particular frame. It is through the transformation and retransformation that the author of this commentary reveals to us her basic concern about the reality in her eyes. Although texts involved in the mass media are usually taken as a one-way communication, they can be taken as the speaker's presentation of self in their social interaction with the potential audience. 展开更多
关键词 FRAME Embedded Frame GOFFMAN Entertainment commentary
西单文化广场 被引量:1
作者 邵韦平 《建筑创作》 2002年第S1期42-43,共2页
关键词 文化广场 地下空间 城市开放空间 ENTERTAINMENT 商业空间 城市景观 下沉式广场 微地形 共享空间 SHOPPING
Developing a Measure to Predict Fame and Success
作者 Monroe Mann Jonathan Rich 《Psychology Research》 2020年第6期213-230,共18页
While a desire for fame and success is universal,little research has been devoted to discovering traits associated with their attainment.Mann(2016)completed a qualitative study of factors that contribute to success.Gr... While a desire for fame and success is universal,little research has been devoted to discovering traits associated with their attainment.Mann(2016)completed a qualitative study of factors that contribute to success.Grounded theory was used to extract themes from interviews of successful entertainers who were asked to describe the factors that contributed to their success.There were three phases to the process of achieving success:Orientation,Approach,and Maintenance.Building on this framework,the present research developed a test to measure characteristics associated with fame and success.A sample was gathered online;311 participants responded to 186 attitudinal items and 10 additional validity items,and also provided information about their level of success and notoriety in highly competitive endeavors.Item analysis reduced the number of items to 58 attitudinal items on seven scales:Doing What You Love,Desire for Fame,Determination,Focus,Business Skills,Maverick Tendencies,and Lifelong Learner Interest.Substantial correlations were found between the scales and self-reported measures of success and fame. 展开更多
关键词 SUCCESS fame psychological test CREATIVITY ENTERTAINMENT
The Emerging eSport Market:Analyzing the Impact of Virtual and Augmented Reality
作者 Silvia Cacho-Elizondo Jose-Domingo Lazaro Alvarez Victor-Ernesto Garcia 《Chinese Business Review》 2020年第2期37-54,共18页
This article explores the impact of immersive technologies like virtual and augmented reality on video game competitions.These electronic games are structured under an analog scheme similar to that of the sports indus... This article explores the impact of immersive technologies like virtual and augmented reality on video game competitions.These electronic games are structured under an analog scheme similar to that of the sports industry,which has given rise to a new and rapidly growing global market known as“eSports”.eSports are a confluence of innovation,strategy,and marketing,in which players,or gamers,come together and compete with the same intensity and commitment as professional athletes.Gamers participate in local,national,and worldwide competitions that are broadcast over a variety of media,and are sponsored by large transnational companies/brands.For these companies,the eSports phenomenon represents a new paradigm capable of revolutionizing the very concept of entertainment.In this article,we propose a conceptual framework through which we can analyze the business repercussions of this new technology from an integral perspective that takes into account players,sports clubs,publishers,sponsors(brands),spectators and broadcasters.Through this analysis of representative companies from the eSports sector,we explore their evolution and future tendencies,like virtual-reality and augmented reality.The industry participants agree that such groundbreaking these technologies are going to be crucial to the future of eSports because they will be the new way of playing and a marketing revolution.This project seeks to stimulate further research into the profound technological transformation the entertainment sector is now undergoing with the digitalization and implementation of immersive technologies.Special attention will be paid to the institutionalization and professionalization of video game competitions and their progressive homologation with traditional sports. 展开更多
关键词 eSports ENTERTAINMENT VIDEOGAMES Virtual-Reality(VR) Augmented-Reality(AR)
Happiness and heart rate response: a case of fan services at japanese professional baseball games
作者 Kohzoh Yoshino Sayaka Matsumoto +1 位作者 Eiichi Someya Muneo Kitajima 《Natural Science》 2011年第3期255-258,共4页
The aim of this study was to develop a method for predicting the psychological states of spectators watching professional baseball games at a stadium. This method includes a real time measurement of instantaneous hear... The aim of this study was to develop a method for predicting the psychological states of spectators watching professional baseball games at a stadium. This method includes a real time measurement of instantaneous heart rate (i.e., the inverse of the RR interval) without preventing the subject from watching the game and a mathematical procedure used to predict moment by moment psychological states by correlating the degree of a psychological state with the strength of heart rate response, defined as the mean deviation of heart rate variability from a linear regression line from 5 sec before to 25 sec after an event during a baseball game. We recorded the instantaneous heart rates of 10 subjects (total of 27 cases) while they watched Japanese professional baseball games at a stadium and had them subjectively rate the degree of their psychological states in an after-event interview. We identified three psychological states (happiness, excitement, and vigor) whose strength can be predicted from the strength of heart rate response. Analysis of the measured data clarified that heart rate response had a significant correlation with the subjective rating of the intensity of happiness (r = 0.56, p < 0.0001), vigor (r = 0.55, p < 0.0001), and excitement (r = 0.49, p < 0.0001). 展开更多
Chinese Economy to Step into "New Normal"
作者 Liu Xinwei 《China's Foreign Trade》 2015年第1期26-27,共2页
Jointly organized by China Business Journal and Institute of Industrial Economics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,the"China Business 2014Annual Meeting on Enterprise Competitiveness"was held on Decembe... Jointly organized by China Business Journal and Institute of Industrial Economics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,the"China Business 2014Annual Meeting on Enterprise Competitiveness"was held on December 18,2014.The theme was"Dream of the New Journey".After 30 years,Chinese economy is now ushering in a revolutionary transformation.The old 展开更多
关键词 sector ORGANIZED insurance PENSION tourism ENTERTAINMENT INVESTMENTS companies FARMING professional
A Web System for Choose Your Own Adventure
作者 Zizhong J. Wang Regina L. Barner 《Journal of Computer and Communications》 2014年第4期182-187,共6页
The Web system for Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA) project utilizes the PHP and MySQL programming languages for an entertainment purpose. This project creates a fully-functional and se- cure online user system, in wh... The Web system for Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA) project utilizes the PHP and MySQL programming languages for an entertainment purpose. This project creates a fully-functional and se- cure online user system, in which the accounts of the user system are stored in a MySQL database. Over the duration of this project, it is found that the PHP and MySQL programming languages are able to be employed for entertainment purposes, and they are both very effective in the field of entertainment. This project is meant to broaden the horizons of aspiring programmers in order to give them a glimpse into a possibility of using these programming languages in a scope that is commonly broached by game developers, but not programmers in the usual case. 展开更多
The Effect of Wealth Increase on Education and Entertainment Consumption in China
作者 LIU Rui 《Psychology Research》 2022年第1期35-43,共9页
Entertainment and education consumption partly reflects people’s living standards.In order to study the influential factors of entertainment and education consumption of Chinese people in the second decade of the 21s... Entertainment and education consumption partly reflects people’s living standards.In order to study the influential factors of entertainment and education consumption of Chinese people in the second decade of the 21st century,this paper uses the data from 2010 to 2018 in China Family Panel Studies(CFPS)and the multiple linear regression analysis in econometrics to evaluate the impact of the increase of total household assets on the consumption of entertainment and education in China through Stata software.The results show that the increase in household assets promotes entertainment and education consumption.However,the promoting effect gradually decreased from 2010 to 2018.In addition,high housing price took in a large amount of family income and impeded the consumption of entertainment and education.The decline in people’s preference for entertainment and education consumption in recent years,to some extent,means a rise in living pressure and a decline in the quality of life in China. 展开更多
关键词 entertainment and education consumption WEALTH household assets living condition
Study on Entertainment Teaching Experiment for Track and Field in Physical Education Major
作者 Bin Wang Xia Li 《Open Journal of Applied Sciences》 2012年第4期154-158,共5页
By utilizing the method of documentation, experimental teaching in contrast, mathematical statistics to experimentally study on entertainment teaching experiment for track and field in physical education major, this p... By utilizing the method of documentation, experimental teaching in contrast, mathematical statistics to experimentally study on entertainment teaching experiment for track and field in physical education major, this paper puts forward that this teaching can not only creat the good teaching environment, effectively improve the teaching quality for track and field in P.E. major, but also effectively promote the process of popularity and socialization of track and field. 展开更多
Zhangpu Folk Papercuts
《China & The World Cultural Exchange》 1993年第4期22-23,共2页
THE papercut is among the wonderful arts oftraditional Chinese folk handicrafts,a form ofself-entertainment developed by simple work-ing People to satisfy in daily life their need to becreative.It is popular all over ... THE papercut is among the wonderful arts oftraditional Chinese folk handicrafts,a form ofself-entertainment developed by simple work-ing People to satisfy in daily life their need to becreative.It is popular all over the country.This artcomes trom life,so its birth and development areclosely related to folk customs and lifestyles.Mostpapercut artists are women,and papercuts are pastedas decorations on such places as windows,walls,doorsand lanterns.They are also used as patterns on em-broideries. 展开更多
关键词 WONDERFUL ENTERTAINMENT women CUSTOMS satisfy VIVID birth PRAISE characters creativity
The Great Old Art of Telling a Story
《China & The World Cultural Exchange》 1993年第1期34-34,共1页
EVER since the late Ming Dy-nasty(1368-1644),storytell-ing,or pinghua,has been apopular form of entertainment in China.No doubt there have beentales told by the forlight from timeimmemorial on,but the person whoactual... EVER since the late Ming Dy-nasty(1368-1644),storytell-ing,or pinghua,has been apopular form of entertainment in China.No doubt there have beentales told by the forlight from timeimmemorial on,but the person whoactually omvemted stprutelling as an art form in China was Liu Jingting,who gave his narrations straight,without singing.To emphasize hiswords and to get the audience’s at-tention,he accompanied his narra- tion with a small wooden block,which he banged on a hard sur-face. 展开更多
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