Studying the climatic and environmental changes on different time scales in inland arid regions of Asia can greatly im‐prove our understanding of climatic influences for the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the context of gl...Studying the climatic and environmental changes on different time scales in inland arid regions of Asia can greatly im‐prove our understanding of climatic influences for the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the context of global change. Pollen, as a remnant of seed plants, is sensitive to environmental factors including precipitation, temperature and altitude, and is a clas‐sic proxy in environmental reconstruction. In the last two decades, great progress in the application of palynology to in‐land areas of Asia has highlighted the role of palynology in paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental research. The main progress is as follows. (1) On the tectonic time scale of the late Cenozoic, the palaeoclimatological sequence has been es‐tablished on the basis of pollen percentage, concentration and taxon. Pollen data have revealed a continuous enhancement of drought in the inland arid region of Asia, in contrast to evidence acquired based on other proxies. (2) In the late Quater‐nary, an increase in herbaceous plants further supports the intensification of drought associated with global cooling. In more detail, the palynological record shows a glacial-interglacial pattern consistent with changes in global ice volume. (3) The Holocene pollen record has been established at a high resolution and across a wide range of inland areas. In general, it presents an arid grassland environment in the early Holocene, followed by the development of woody plants in the mid- to late-Holocene climate optimum. This pattern is related to moisture changes in areas dominated by the westerlies. There are also significant regional differences in the pattern and amplitude of vegetation response to the Holocene environment. (4) Modern pollen studies based on vegetation surveys, meteorological data and statistics show that topsoil palynology can better reflect regional vegetation types (e. g., grassland, meadow, desert). Drier climates yield higher pollen contents of drought-tolerant plants such as Chenopodioideae, Ephedra, and Nitriaria, while contents of Artemisia and Poaceae are greater under humid climates. Besides these achievements, problems remain in palynological research: for example, pol‐len extraction, identification, interpretation, and quantitative reconstruction. In the future, we encourage strengthened inter‐disciplinary cooperation to improve experimental methods and innovation. Firstly, we should strengthen palynological classification and improve the skill of identification;secondly, laboratory experiments are needed to better constrain pol‐len transport dynamics in water and air;thirdly, more rigorous mathematical principles will improve the reliability of re‐constructions and deepen the knowledge of plant geography;and finally, new areas and methods in palynology should be explored, for example DNA, UV-B and isotopic analysis. It is expected that palynology will continue to develop, and we hope it will continue to play an important role in the study of past climatic and environmental changes.展开更多
In this paper, we investigate Galton-Watson branching processes in random environments. In the case where the environmental process is a Markov chain which is positive recurrent or has a transition matrix Q (θ,α) su...In this paper, we investigate Galton-Watson branching processes in random environments. In the case where the environmental process is a Markov chain which is positive recurrent or has a transition matrix Q (θ,α) such that sup_θ Q (θ,α)> 0 for some α, we prove that the model has the asymptotic behavior being similar to that of Galton-Watson branching processes. In other case where the environments are non-stationary independent, the sufficient conditions are obtained for certain extinction and uncertain extinction for the model.展开更多
The concepts of Markov process in random environment, q-matrix in random environment, and q-process in random environment are introduced. The minimal q-process in random environment is constructed and the necessary an...The concepts of Markov process in random environment, q-matrix in random environment, and q-process in random environment are introduced. The minimal q-process in random environment is constructed and the necessary and sufficient conditions for the uniqueness of q-process in random environment are given.展开更多
The concepts of bi-immigration birth and death density matrix in random environment and bi-immigration birth and death process in random environment are introduced. For any bi-immigration birth and death matrix in ran...The concepts of bi-immigration birth and death density matrix in random environment and bi-immigration birth and death process in random environment are introduced. For any bi-immigration birth and death matrix in random environment Q(θ) with birth rate λ 〈 death rate μ, the following results are proved, (1) there is an unique q-process in random environment, P^-(θ*(0);t) = (p^-(θ^*(0);t,i,j),i,j ≥ 0), which is ergodic, that is, lim t→∞(θ^*(0);t,i,j) = π^-(θ^*(0);j) ≥0 does not depend on i ≥ 0 and ∑j≥0π (θ*(0);j) = 1, (2) there is a bi-immigration birth and death process in random enjvironment (X^* = {X^*,t ≥ 0},ε^* = {εt,t ∈ (-∞, ∞)}) with random transition matrix P^-(θ^* (0);t) such that X^* is a strictly stationary process.展开更多
This article is a continuation of[9].Based on the discussion of random Kolmogorov forward(backward)equations,for any given q-matrix in random environment, Q(θ)=(q(θ;x,y),x,y∈X),an infinite class of q-proces...This article is a continuation of[9].Based on the discussion of random Kolmogorov forward(backward)equations,for any given q-matrix in random environment, Q(θ)=(q(θ;x,y),x,y∈X),an infinite class of q-processes in random environments satisfying the random Kolmogorov forward(backward)equation is constructed.Moreover, under some conditions,all the q-processes in random environments satisfying the random Kolmogorov forward(backward)equation are constructed.展开更多
Green manufacturing is a mode to realize environmental friendliness by considering the environmental impact and energy consumption in manufacturing process.In order to make an environmental friendly assessment for man...Green manufacturing is a mode to realize environmental friendliness by considering the environmental impact and energy consumption in manufacturing process.In order to make an environmental friendly assessment for manufacturing process,a multi-criteria decision making( MCDM) model combined with fuzzy analytic hierarchy process( FAHP) and fuzzy technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution( FTOPSIS) is proposed in this work.The environmental and resource criteria and manufacturing process objects are identified as the first step.Then,the weights of the criteria are calculated by FAHP.Finally,based on experts' evaluation using fuzzy words,the manufacturing process objects are ranked by FTOPSIS.The proposed methodology is applied to a gear shaft manufacturing.The sensitivity analysis and comparisons are implemented to prove its robustness and effectiveness for the ecofriendly assessment for process objects.展开更多
As computer simulation increasingly supports engine er ing design and manufacture, the requirement for a computer software environment providing an integration platform for computational engineering software increas e...As computer simulation increasingly supports engine er ing design and manufacture, the requirement for a computer software environment providing an integration platform for computational engineering software increas es. A key component of an integrated environment is the use of computational eng ineering to assist and support solutions for complex design. Computer methods fo r structural, flow and thermal analysis are well developed and have been used in design for many years. Many software packages are now available which provi de an advanced capability. However, they are not designed for modelling of powde r forming processes. This paper describes the powder compaction software (PCS_SU T), which is designed for pre- and post-processing for computational simulatio n of the process compaction of powder. In the PCS_SUT software, the adaptive analysis of transient metal powder forming process is simulated by the finite element method based on deformation theories . The error estimates and adaptive remeshing schemes are applied for updated co -ordinate analysis. A generalized Newmark scheme is used for the time domain di scretization and the final nonlinear equations are solved by a Newton-Raphson p rocedure. An incremental elasto-plastic material model is used to simulate the compaction process. To describe the constitutive model of nonlinear behaviour of powder materials, a combination of Mohr-Coulomb and elliptical yield cap model is applied. This model reflects the yielding, frictional and densification char acteristics of powder along with strain and geometrical hardening which occurs d uring the compaction process. A hardening rule is used to define the dependence of the yield surface on the degree of plastic straining. A plasticity theory for friction is employed in the treatment of the powder-tooling interface. The inv olvement of two different materials, which have contact and relative movement in relation to each other, must be considered. A special formulation for friction modelling is coupled with a material formulation. The interface behaviour betwee n the die and the powder is modelled by using an interface element mesh. In the present paper, we have demonstrated pre- and post-processor finite elem ent software, written in Visual Basic, to generate the graphical model and visua lly display the computed results. The software consist of three main part: · Pre-processor: It is used to create the model, generate an app ropriate finite element grid, apply the appropriate boundary conditions, and vie w the total model. The geometric model can be used to associate the mesh with th e physical attributes such as element properties, material properties, or loads and boundary conditions. · Analysis: It can deal with two-dimensional and axi-symmetric applications for linear and non-linear behaviour of material in static and dyna mic analyses. Both triangular and quadrilateral elements are available in the e lement library, including 3-noded, 6-noded and 7-noded (T6B1) triangles and 4 -noded, 8-noded and 9-noded quadrilaterals. The direct implicit algorithm bas ed on the generalized Newmark scheme is used for the time integration and an aut omatic time step control facility is provided. For non-linear iteration, choice s among fully or modified Newton-Raphson method and quasi-Newton method, using the initial stiffness method, Davidon inverse method or BFGS inverse method, ar e possible. · Post-processor: It provides visualization of the computed resu lts, when the finite element model and analysis have been completed. Post-proce ssing is vital to allow the appropriate interpretation of the completed results of the finite element analysis. It provides the visual means to interpret the va st amounts of computed results generated. Finally, the powder behaviour during the compaction of a multi-level component is numerically simulated by the PCS_SUT software, as shown in Fig.1. The predict ive compaction forces at different displacements are computed and compared with the available experimental展开更多
Located in Western Hubei Province,this deposit is a large-scale Ag-V ore deposit,listed among the fifth type of silver deposit in China.1 Geological Characteristics It lies in the NE sector of the Yangtze flat of the ...Located in Western Hubei Province,this deposit is a large-scale Ag-V ore deposit,listed among the fifth type of silver deposit in China.1 Geological Characteristics It lies in the NE sector of the Yangtze flat of the Yangtze paraplatform.There are sporadically magmatic rocks and fold basement made up of upper Archaeozoicmiddle and lower Proterozoic strata.The sedimentary cover consists of Sinian-lower Paleozoic marine sediments,Mesozoic-Cenozoic intercalated marine and nonmarine sediments or nonmarine sediments.展开更多
We consider Markov chains in stationary random environments. The conservative set C of the corresponding skew Markov chain of this process can be thought of as a recurrent set of a standard Markov chain. In some s...We consider Markov chains in stationary random environments. The conservative set C of the corresponding skew Markov chain of this process can be thought of as a recurrent set of a standard Markov chain. In some simpler cases, we give some sufficient conditions under which the conservative set C can be decomposed into at most countable minimal closed sets.展开更多
The aim of this paper is to analyze the change in the active structure of lignite during the process of lowtemperature oxidation by constructing a molecular structure model for lignite. Using quantum computation combi...The aim of this paper is to analyze the change in the active structure of lignite during the process of lowtemperature oxidation by constructing a molecular structure model for lignite. Using quantum computation combined with experimental results of proximate analysis, ultimate analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS), a structural model for the large molecular structure was constructed. By analyzing the bond lengths in the model molecule, the evolution law for the active structure of lignite was predicted for the process of low-temperature oxidation. In low-temperature oxidation,alkanes and hydroxyls are the primary active structures observed in lignite, though ether may also react. These active functional groups react with oxygen to release heat, thereby speeding up the reaction between coal and oxygen. Finally, the content of various functional groups in the process of lignite low-temperature oxidation was analyzed by infrared analysis, and the accuracy of the model was verified.展开更多
Chemical reactions (such as hydrogenation, hydroformylation, alkylation, esterification, etc.) at supercritical conditions afford opportunities to manipulate the solubility of reactants and products, to eliminate inte...Chemical reactions (such as hydrogenation, hydroformylation, alkylation, esterification, etc.) at supercritical conditions afford opportunities to manipulate the solubility of reactants and products, to eliminate interphase transport limitations in the reaction systems, and to be beneficial to the environment. This review concentrates on the most recent developments after 2001 with only a brief summary of pioneering research work before 2001.展开更多
The concepts of Markov process in random environment, q-matrix in random environment and q-process in random environment are introduced. Three forms of random Kolmoogrov farward (or backward) equations are introduce...The concepts of Markov process in random environment, q-matrix in random environment and q-process in random environment are introduced. Three forms of random Kolmoogrov farward (or backward) equations are introduced and the equivalence of these three forms are also proved. Moreover any conservative q-process in random environment satisfies random Kolmogrov backward equation.展开更多
The concepts of Markov process in random environment and homogeneous random transition functions are introduced. The necessary and sufficient conditions for homogeneous random transition function are given. The main r...The concepts of Markov process in random environment and homogeneous random transition functions are introduced. The necessary and sufficient conditions for homogeneous random transition function are given. The main results in this article are the analytical properties, such as continuity, differentiability, random Kolmogorov backward equation and random Kolmogorov forward equation of homogeneous random transition functions.展开更多
Using earth satellite observation means, remote sensing information distilled technique and regional research production, we have roundly analyzed and made an integrated evaluation about the Lop Nur nuclear test field...Using earth satellite observation means, remote sensing information distilled technique and regional research production, we have roundly analyzed and made an integrated evaluation about the Lop Nur nuclear test field in western China. This product reveals the rarely-known nuke explosion effect and response events of geology conditions. It also offers us legible and practical first-hand materials about human extreme effects, important engineering environment and intimidating influence process. By excavating and appraising the materials gradually on the natural environment factors changing in the test field through macroscopic elimination and typical filtration, it can supply basic scientific data for security of national nuclear usage, appraising the nuclear environment synthetically and developing nuclear strategy expediently.展开更多
An abstract model and representation method for manufacturing environment is presented based on analysis of process planning tasks and factory configuration capable of handling the process plans. This model has been p...An abstract model and representation method for manufacturing environment is presented based on analysis of process planning tasks and factory configuration capable of handling the process plans. This model has been proved to be applicable to the generative process planning and to shopflow control information integration. A general manufacturing environment modelling tool has been developed under the X-window support to verity the mentioned model and modelling technology.展开更多
Both surface environmental monitoring and satellite remote sensing show that North China is one of the regions that are heavily polluted by NO2. Using the NO2 monitoring data from 18 major cities in the region, the tr...Both surface environmental monitoring and satellite remote sensing show that North China is one of the regions that are heavily polluted by NO2. Using the NO2 monitoring data from 18 major cities in the region, the tropospheric NO2 column density data from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on the Aura satellite, and the observations from the China Meteorological Administration network, this paper analyzes a regional NO2 pollution event in February 2007 over North China, examines the convergence of the pollutant, and identifies its correlation with the atmospheric background conditions. The results show that daily mean NO2 concentrations derived from surface observations are consistent with the mean values of the OMI measurements, with their correlation coefficient reaching 0.81. The correlations of NO2 concentration with general weather patterns and sequential changes of temperature structure from 925 hPa down to the surface indicate that the weather fronts, high pressure and low pressure systems in the atmosphere play a role in changing the temporal and spatial evolutions of NO2 through removing, accumulating or converging of the pollutant, respectively. It is also found that the eastern Taihang Mountains is most heavily polluted by NO2 in North China. Based on a model that correlates NO2 column density with surface wind vector, the relation of the NO2 concentrations in six major cities in North China to the surrounding wind field is analyzed. The results show that the maximum wind field is associated with the highest frequency of pollution events, and under certain large-scale atmospheric conditions together with the topographic effect, small- and meso-scale wind fields often act to transport and converge pollutants, and become a major factor in forming the heaviest NO2 pollution event in North China. Analysis of the causes for the severe NO2 pollution event in this study may shed light on understanding, forecasting, and mitigating occurrences of heavy NO2 pollution.展开更多
A conditional log-Laplace functional (CLLF) for a class of branching processes in random environments is derived. The basic idea is the decomposition of a dependent branching dynamic into a no-interacting branching ...A conditional log-Laplace functional (CLLF) for a class of branching processes in random environments is derived. The basic idea is the decomposition of a dependent branching dynamic into a no-interacting branching and an interacting dynamic generated by the random environments. CLLF will play an important role in the investigation of branching processes and superprocesses with interaction.展开更多
Heterostructure engineering by coupling different nanocrystals has received extensive attention because it can enhance the reaction kinetics of the anode of sodium-ion batteries(SIBs).However,constructing high-quality...Heterostructure engineering by coupling different nanocrystals has received extensive attention because it can enhance the reaction kinetics of the anode of sodium-ion batteries(SIBs).However,constructing high-quality heterostructure anode materials through green and environmentally friendly methods remains a challenge.Herein,we have proposed a simple one-step method by recycling the electronic waste metal materials to synthesize the Cu_(1.94)S/ZnS heterostructure materials.Combined with the experimental analysis and first principle calculations,we find that the synergistic effect of different components in heterostructure structures can significantly enhance the reversible capacity and rate performance of anode materials.Based on the constructed Cu_(1.94)S/ZnS anode,we obtain a superior reversible capacity of 440 mAh·g^(-1) at 100 mA·g^(-1) and 335 mAh·g^(-1) after 3000 cycles at 2000 mA·g^(-1).Our work sheds new light on designing high-rate and capacity anodes for SIBs through the greenness synthesis method.展开更多
Organic semiconductors are promising candidates as active layers in flexible and biocompatible electronics owing to their solution processability and molecular design flexibility.However,it remains necessary to establ...Organic semiconductors are promising candidates as active layers in flexible and biocompatible electronics owing to their solution processability and molecular design flexibility.However,it remains necessary to establish a green processing approach to acquire desirable electrical properties for scalable industrial applications.Here,a highly efficient and environmentally friendly post-treatment method using liquid nitrogen as a cooling bath is developed to optimize the aggregation structure and electrical performance of organic semiconductors.The carrier mobility has increased by nearly 60%with this treatment,achieving a performance boost comparable to that of traditional annealing methods.This performance improvement is attributable to the denser aggregation structure and enhanced molecular ordering compared with those of as-cast semiconducting polymer films.Impressively,the entire process can be completed within a few minutes without additional vacuum or high-temperature conditions,offering an economical and efficient alternative to traditional methods.Furthermore,the enhancement effect and long-term stability of this treatment are validated across a wide range of organic semiconductors,positioning this green and versatile approach as a promising substitute for conventional post-treatment,thereby facilitating the development of next-generation sustainable electronics.展开更多
基金the NSFC(41772181,41807440 and 41888101)the Strategic Priority Research Program of CAS(No.XDA20070200)+4 种基金Young Top Talents Project of the"Ten Thousand Youth Program"of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the CPCYouth Innovation Promotion Association,CAS(2014383)"Light of West China"Program,CASand the NSF of Gansu Province(18JR3RA395)We thank Miao's group members and anonymous referees for discussions and their constructive suggestions。
文摘Studying the climatic and environmental changes on different time scales in inland arid regions of Asia can greatly im‐prove our understanding of climatic influences for the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the context of global change. Pollen, as a remnant of seed plants, is sensitive to environmental factors including precipitation, temperature and altitude, and is a clas‐sic proxy in environmental reconstruction. In the last two decades, great progress in the application of palynology to in‐land areas of Asia has highlighted the role of palynology in paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental research. The main progress is as follows. (1) On the tectonic time scale of the late Cenozoic, the palaeoclimatological sequence has been es‐tablished on the basis of pollen percentage, concentration and taxon. Pollen data have revealed a continuous enhancement of drought in the inland arid region of Asia, in contrast to evidence acquired based on other proxies. (2) In the late Quater‐nary, an increase in herbaceous plants further supports the intensification of drought associated with global cooling. In more detail, the palynological record shows a glacial-interglacial pattern consistent with changes in global ice volume. (3) The Holocene pollen record has been established at a high resolution and across a wide range of inland areas. In general, it presents an arid grassland environment in the early Holocene, followed by the development of woody plants in the mid- to late-Holocene climate optimum. This pattern is related to moisture changes in areas dominated by the westerlies. There are also significant regional differences in the pattern and amplitude of vegetation response to the Holocene environment. (4) Modern pollen studies based on vegetation surveys, meteorological data and statistics show that topsoil palynology can better reflect regional vegetation types (e. g., grassland, meadow, desert). Drier climates yield higher pollen contents of drought-tolerant plants such as Chenopodioideae, Ephedra, and Nitriaria, while contents of Artemisia and Poaceae are greater under humid climates. Besides these achievements, problems remain in palynological research: for example, pol‐len extraction, identification, interpretation, and quantitative reconstruction. In the future, we encourage strengthened inter‐disciplinary cooperation to improve experimental methods and innovation. Firstly, we should strengthen palynological classification and improve the skill of identification;secondly, laboratory experiments are needed to better constrain pol‐len transport dynamics in water and air;thirdly, more rigorous mathematical principles will improve the reliability of re‐constructions and deepen the knowledge of plant geography;and finally, new areas and methods in palynology should be explored, for example DNA, UV-B and isotopic analysis. It is expected that palynology will continue to develop, and we hope it will continue to play an important role in the study of past climatic and environmental changes.
文摘In this paper, we investigate Galton-Watson branching processes in random environments. In the case where the environmental process is a Markov chain which is positive recurrent or has a transition matrix Q (θ,α) such that sup_θ Q (θ,α)> 0 for some α, we prove that the model has the asymptotic behavior being similar to that of Galton-Watson branching processes. In other case where the environments are non-stationary independent, the sufficient conditions are obtained for certain extinction and uncertain extinction for the model.
文摘The concepts of Markov process in random environment, q-matrix in random environment, and q-process in random environment are introduced. The minimal q-process in random environment is constructed and the necessary and sufficient conditions for the uniqueness of q-process in random environment are given.
基金Supported by the NNSF of China (10371092,10771185) the Foundation of Whuan University
文摘The concepts of bi-immigration birth and death density matrix in random environment and bi-immigration birth and death process in random environment are introduced. For any bi-immigration birth and death matrix in random environment Q(θ) with birth rate λ 〈 death rate μ, the following results are proved, (1) there is an unique q-process in random environment, P^-(θ*(0);t) = (p^-(θ^*(0);t,i,j),i,j ≥ 0), which is ergodic, that is, lim t→∞(θ^*(0);t,i,j) = π^-(θ^*(0);j) ≥0 does not depend on i ≥ 0 and ∑j≥0π (θ*(0);j) = 1, (2) there is a bi-immigration birth and death process in random enjvironment (X^* = {X^*,t ≥ 0},ε^* = {εt,t ∈ (-∞, ∞)}) with random transition matrix P^-(θ^* (0);t) such that X^* is a strictly stationary process.
基金the NNSF of China(10371092,10771185,10471148)the Foundation of Wuhan University
文摘This article is a continuation of[9].Based on the discussion of random Kolmogorov forward(backward)equations,for any given q-matrix in random environment, Q(θ)=(q(θ;x,y),x,y∈X),an infinite class of q-processes in random environments satisfying the random Kolmogorov forward(backward)equation is constructed.Moreover, under some conditions,all the q-processes in random environments satisfying the random Kolmogorov forward(backward)equation are constructed.
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51475459)the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions of China(No.PAPD)
文摘Green manufacturing is a mode to realize environmental friendliness by considering the environmental impact and energy consumption in manufacturing process.In order to make an environmental friendly assessment for manufacturing process,a multi-criteria decision making( MCDM) model combined with fuzzy analytic hierarchy process( FAHP) and fuzzy technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution( FTOPSIS) is proposed in this work.The environmental and resource criteria and manufacturing process objects are identified as the first step.Then,the weights of the criteria are calculated by FAHP.Finally,based on experts' evaluation using fuzzy words,the manufacturing process objects are ranked by FTOPSIS.The proposed methodology is applied to a gear shaft manufacturing.The sensitivity analysis and comparisons are implemented to prove its robustness and effectiveness for the ecofriendly assessment for process objects.
文摘As computer simulation increasingly supports engine er ing design and manufacture, the requirement for a computer software environment providing an integration platform for computational engineering software increas es. A key component of an integrated environment is the use of computational eng ineering to assist and support solutions for complex design. Computer methods fo r structural, flow and thermal analysis are well developed and have been used in design for many years. Many software packages are now available which provi de an advanced capability. However, they are not designed for modelling of powde r forming processes. This paper describes the powder compaction software (PCS_SU T), which is designed for pre- and post-processing for computational simulatio n of the process compaction of powder. In the PCS_SUT software, the adaptive analysis of transient metal powder forming process is simulated by the finite element method based on deformation theories . The error estimates and adaptive remeshing schemes are applied for updated co -ordinate analysis. A generalized Newmark scheme is used for the time domain di scretization and the final nonlinear equations are solved by a Newton-Raphson p rocedure. An incremental elasto-plastic material model is used to simulate the compaction process. To describe the constitutive model of nonlinear behaviour of powder materials, a combination of Mohr-Coulomb and elliptical yield cap model is applied. This model reflects the yielding, frictional and densification char acteristics of powder along with strain and geometrical hardening which occurs d uring the compaction process. A hardening rule is used to define the dependence of the yield surface on the degree of plastic straining. A plasticity theory for friction is employed in the treatment of the powder-tooling interface. The inv olvement of two different materials, which have contact and relative movement in relation to each other, must be considered. A special formulation for friction modelling is coupled with a material formulation. The interface behaviour betwee n the die and the powder is modelled by using an interface element mesh. In the present paper, we have demonstrated pre- and post-processor finite elem ent software, written in Visual Basic, to generate the graphical model and visua lly display the computed results. The software consist of three main part: · Pre-processor: It is used to create the model, generate an app ropriate finite element grid, apply the appropriate boundary conditions, and vie w the total model. The geometric model can be used to associate the mesh with th e physical attributes such as element properties, material properties, or loads and boundary conditions. · Analysis: It can deal with two-dimensional and axi-symmetric applications for linear and non-linear behaviour of material in static and dyna mic analyses. Both triangular and quadrilateral elements are available in the e lement library, including 3-noded, 6-noded and 7-noded (T6B1) triangles and 4 -noded, 8-noded and 9-noded quadrilaterals. The direct implicit algorithm bas ed on the generalized Newmark scheme is used for the time integration and an aut omatic time step control facility is provided. For non-linear iteration, choice s among fully or modified Newton-Raphson method and quasi-Newton method, using the initial stiffness method, Davidon inverse method or BFGS inverse method, ar e possible. · Post-processor: It provides visualization of the computed resu lts, when the finite element model and analysis have been completed. Post-proce ssing is vital to allow the appropriate interpretation of the completed results of the finite element analysis. It provides the visual means to interpret the va st amounts of computed results generated. Finally, the powder behaviour during the compaction of a multi-level component is numerically simulated by the PCS_SUT software, as shown in Fig.1. The predict ive compaction forces at different displacements are computed and compared with the available experimental
文摘Located in Western Hubei Province,this deposit is a large-scale Ag-V ore deposit,listed among the fifth type of silver deposit in China.1 Geological Characteristics It lies in the NE sector of the Yangtze flat of the Yangtze paraplatform.There are sporadically magmatic rocks and fold basement made up of upper Archaeozoicmiddle and lower Proterozoic strata.The sedimentary cover consists of Sinian-lower Paleozoic marine sediments,Mesozoic-Cenozoic intercalated marine and nonmarine sediments or nonmarine sediments.
文摘We consider Markov chains in stationary random environments. The conservative set C of the corresponding skew Markov chain of this process can be thought of as a recurrent set of a standard Markov chain. In some simpler cases, we give some sufficient conditions under which the conservative set C can be decomposed into at most countable minimal closed sets.
基金Supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(2017XKQY066)
文摘The aim of this paper is to analyze the change in the active structure of lignite during the process of lowtemperature oxidation by constructing a molecular structure model for lignite. Using quantum computation combined with experimental results of proximate analysis, ultimate analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS), a structural model for the large molecular structure was constructed. By analyzing the bond lengths in the model molecule, the evolution law for the active structure of lignite was predicted for the process of low-temperature oxidation. In low-temperature oxidation,alkanes and hydroxyls are the primary active structures observed in lignite, though ether may also react. These active functional groups react with oxygen to release heat, thereby speeding up the reaction between coal and oxygen. Finally, the content of various functional groups in the process of lignite low-temperature oxidation was analyzed by infrared analysis, and the accuracy of the model was verified.
基金the National Key Fundamental Research Project (No. G2000048009) SINOPEC, China.
文摘Chemical reactions (such as hydrogenation, hydroformylation, alkylation, esterification, etc.) at supercritical conditions afford opportunities to manipulate the solubility of reactants and products, to eliminate interphase transport limitations in the reaction systems, and to be beneficial to the environment. This review concentrates on the most recent developments after 2001 with only a brief summary of pioneering research work before 2001.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (10871200)
文摘In this article, we obtain the central limit theorem and the law of the iterated logarithm for Galton-Watson processes in i.i.d, random environments.
文摘The concepts of Markov process in random environment, q-matrix in random environment and q-process in random environment are introduced. Three forms of random Kolmoogrov farward (or backward) equations are introduced and the equivalence of these three forms are also proved. Moreover any conservative q-process in random environment satisfies random Kolmogrov backward equation.
基金Supported by the NNSF of China (10371092)the Foundation of Wuhan University.
文摘The concepts of Markov process in random environment and homogeneous random transition functions are introduced. The necessary and sufficient conditions for homogeneous random transition function are given. The main results in this article are the analytical properties, such as continuity, differentiability, random Kolmogorov backward equation and random Kolmogorov forward equation of homogeneous random transition functions.
基金The State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology, Institute of Earth Environment, Chi-nese Academy of Sciences, the open fund item (No. SKLLQG0701) to subsidizedthe constructprogram of the key discipline in Hunan Province, China, the fund item (No. D2007001) the State Key Labo-ratories of Continental Dynamics,Northwest University, the open fund item (No. DL2006001) to combine subsi-dized.
文摘Using earth satellite observation means, remote sensing information distilled technique and regional research production, we have roundly analyzed and made an integrated evaluation about the Lop Nur nuclear test field in western China. This product reveals the rarely-known nuke explosion effect and response events of geology conditions. It also offers us legible and practical first-hand materials about human extreme effects, important engineering environment and intimidating influence process. By excavating and appraising the materials gradually on the natural environment factors changing in the test field through macroscopic elimination and typical filtration, it can supply basic scientific data for security of national nuclear usage, appraising the nuclear environment synthetically and developing nuclear strategy expediently.
文摘An abstract model and representation method for manufacturing environment is presented based on analysis of process planning tasks and factory configuration capable of handling the process plans. This model has been proved to be applicable to the generative process planning and to shopflow control information integration. A general manufacturing environment modelling tool has been developed under the X-window support to verity the mentioned model and modelling technology.
基金Supported by the Fundamental Research Fund of the Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences(2010KYYW08)
文摘Both surface environmental monitoring and satellite remote sensing show that North China is one of the regions that are heavily polluted by NO2. Using the NO2 monitoring data from 18 major cities in the region, the tropospheric NO2 column density data from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on the Aura satellite, and the observations from the China Meteorological Administration network, this paper analyzes a regional NO2 pollution event in February 2007 over North China, examines the convergence of the pollutant, and identifies its correlation with the atmospheric background conditions. The results show that daily mean NO2 concentrations derived from surface observations are consistent with the mean values of the OMI measurements, with their correlation coefficient reaching 0.81. The correlations of NO2 concentration with general weather patterns and sequential changes of temperature structure from 925 hPa down to the surface indicate that the weather fronts, high pressure and low pressure systems in the atmosphere play a role in changing the temporal and spatial evolutions of NO2 through removing, accumulating or converging of the pollutant, respectively. It is also found that the eastern Taihang Mountains is most heavily polluted by NO2 in North China. Based on a model that correlates NO2 column density with surface wind vector, the relation of the NO2 concentrations in six major cities in North China to the surrounding wind field is analyzed. The results show that the maximum wind field is associated with the highest frequency of pollution events, and under certain large-scale atmospheric conditions together with the topographic effect, small- and meso-scale wind fields often act to transport and converge pollutants, and become a major factor in forming the heaviest NO2 pollution event in North China. Analysis of the causes for the severe NO2 pollution event in this study may shed light on understanding, forecasting, and mitigating occurrences of heavy NO2 pollution.
文摘A conditional log-Laplace functional (CLLF) for a class of branching processes in random environments is derived. The basic idea is the decomposition of a dependent branching dynamic into a no-interacting branching and an interacting dynamic generated by the random environments. CLLF will play an important role in the investigation of branching processes and superprocesses with interaction.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.22275148)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(No.D5000220443)+1 种基金Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing(No.CSTB2023NSCQMSX0538)China and Young Talent Fund of Association for Science and Technology in Shaanxi,China.
文摘Heterostructure engineering by coupling different nanocrystals has received extensive attention because it can enhance the reaction kinetics of the anode of sodium-ion batteries(SIBs).However,constructing high-quality heterostructure anode materials through green and environmentally friendly methods remains a challenge.Herein,we have proposed a simple one-step method by recycling the electronic waste metal materials to synthesize the Cu_(1.94)S/ZnS heterostructure materials.Combined with the experimental analysis and first principle calculations,we find that the synergistic effect of different components in heterostructure structures can significantly enhance the reversible capacity and rate performance of anode materials.Based on the constructed Cu_(1.94)S/ZnS anode,we obtain a superior reversible capacity of 440 mAh·g^(-1) at 100 mA·g^(-1) and 335 mAh·g^(-1) after 3000 cycles at 2000 mA·g^(-1).Our work sheds new light on designing high-rate and capacity anodes for SIBs through the greenness synthesis method.
基金supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(No.2022YFB3603804)Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai(No.22ZR1407800)。
文摘Organic semiconductors are promising candidates as active layers in flexible and biocompatible electronics owing to their solution processability and molecular design flexibility.However,it remains necessary to establish a green processing approach to acquire desirable electrical properties for scalable industrial applications.Here,a highly efficient and environmentally friendly post-treatment method using liquid nitrogen as a cooling bath is developed to optimize the aggregation structure and electrical performance of organic semiconductors.The carrier mobility has increased by nearly 60%with this treatment,achieving a performance boost comparable to that of traditional annealing methods.This performance improvement is attributable to the denser aggregation structure and enhanced molecular ordering compared with those of as-cast semiconducting polymer films.Impressively,the entire process can be completed within a few minutes without additional vacuum or high-temperature conditions,offering an economical and efficient alternative to traditional methods.Furthermore,the enhancement effect and long-term stability of this treatment are validated across a wide range of organic semiconductors,positioning this green and versatile approach as a promising substitute for conventional post-treatment,thereby facilitating the development of next-generation sustainable electronics.