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作者 陈云生 伍耀宏 +2 位作者 徐灿华 陈荣春 石江友 《中国脊柱脊髓杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期704-710,共7页
目的:探讨Delta大通道内镜辅助下后路椎管减压椎间植骨融合术治疗退变性腰椎疾病的效果。方法:回顾性分析2021年9月~2022年9月我院收治的80例退变性腰椎疾病患者的病历资料,根据患者治疗方式分为观察组(38例,男17例,女21例,年龄61.0... 目的:探讨Delta大通道内镜辅助下后路椎管减压椎间植骨融合术治疗退变性腰椎疾病的效果。方法:回顾性分析2021年9月~2022年9月我院收治的80例退变性腰椎疾病患者的病历资料,根据患者治疗方式分为观察组(38例,男17例,女21例,年龄61.0±4.9岁)和对照组(42例,男20例,女22例,年龄60.5±5.4岁),观察组患者采取Delta大通道内镜下Endo-PLIF治疗,对照组采取开放后路腰椎椎间融合术治疗,记录两组患者术中出血量、术后引流量、手术时间、手术切口长度、住院时间,比较患者并发症发生情况。于术前、术后1周、1个月、3个月、6个月使用视觉模拟量表(visual analogue scale,VAS)评分评估患者腰痛情况,并采用Oswestry功能障碍指数(Oswestry disability index,ODI)评估患者腰椎功能;使用改良Macnab标准对患者进行疗效评估。根据患者术后1年随访时的腰椎影像学复查结果,使用Bridwell椎间融合标准对患者手术节段融合情况进行评估。结果:观察组患者的术中出血量及术后引流量分别低于对照组(88.46±10.98mL vs 112.99±12.01mL、159.73±18.42mL vs 201.36±23.06mL,P<0.05),手术切口及住院时间分别短于对照组(1.54±0.36cm vs 5.43±1.01cm、6.79±1.22d vs 8.03±1.43d,P<0.05),手术时间长于对照组(162.33±19.57min vs 126.87±23.15min,P<0.05)。80例患者术后均获随访,随访时间15~40个月(19.0±6.3个月)。观察组患者术后1周、术后1个月的VAS评分分别为2.46±0.51分、1.21±0.38分,ODI分别为(17.84±4.15)%、(10.69±1.88)%,均低于对照组[VAS评分分别为3.68±0.62分、2.01±0.41分,ODI分别为(21.33±3.48)%、(12.33±2.17)%,均P<0.05],两组患者术后3个月、术后6个月的VAS评分比较无统计学差异(P>0.05)。观察组治疗优良率为92.11%,与对照组的85.71%比较无统计学意义(P=0.487)。两组患者融合分级比较,差异无统计学意义(Z=0.487,P=0.624)。观察组术后并发症发生率为5.26%,与对照组的9.52%比较无统计学差异(P=0.678)。结论:Delta大通道内镜辅助下后路椎管减压椎间植骨融合术治疗退变性腰椎疾病效果良好,可以减少术中出血量,缩短手术切口和住院时间,更快改善患者术后短期内疼痛、腰椎功能,安全性较好。 展开更多
关键词 退变性腰椎疾病 后路内镜下融合术 delta大通道内镜 疼痛 腰椎功能
作者 唐晓栋 张建文 +3 位作者 李昭成 赵庆 齐兵献 雍清锋 《中国现代手术学杂志》 2024年第1期42-48,共7页
目的 探讨Delta大通道内镜技术与单边双通道内镜技术(unilateral biportal endoscopy, UBE)治疗L5/S1单节段椎间盘突出并椎管狭窄的疗效。方法 回顾性分析2018年1月至2022年8月手术治疗的60例L5/S1单节段腰椎间盘突出并椎管狭窄患者的... 目的 探讨Delta大通道内镜技术与单边双通道内镜技术(unilateral biportal endoscopy, UBE)治疗L5/S1单节段椎间盘突出并椎管狭窄的疗效。方法 回顾性分析2018年1月至2022年8月手术治疗的60例L5/S1单节段腰椎间盘突出并椎管狭窄患者的临床资料,其中32例采用Delta大通道内镜技术行经皮椎板间入路内镜下椎间盘切除术(Delta内镜组),28例采用UBE内镜技术行椎管减压髓核摘除术(UBE组)。比较两组围手术期指标、腰腿痛VAS评分、 ODI及并发症情况,末次随访时按Macnab标准评价疗效。结果 两组患者均顺利完成手术。Delta内镜组术中出血量少于UBE组,手术时间、住院时间短于UBE组(P<0.001)。两组患者术后腰腿痛VAS评分及ODI均较术前明显降低,且Delta内镜组术后3 d腰痛VAS评分及术后1月腿痛VAS评分均低于UBE组(P<0.05)。术后随访6个月,末次随访按Macnab标准评价疗效:Delta内镜组优30例,可2例,优良率为93.75%;UBE组优27例,可1例,优良率为96.43%;组间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。Delta内镜组硬膜撕裂1例,因撕裂处较小仅严密缝合手术切口;UBE组出现腿部疼痛加重1例。结论 Delta大通道内镜技术与UBE治疗L5/S1单节段椎间盘突出并椎管狭窄均可获得良好的近期效果,但Delta内镜手术术中出血少,软组织损伤小,操作时间短,术后短期疼痛缓解明显,患者恢复快,而UBE适应证范围相对广泛。 展开更多
关键词 椎间盘突出 椎管狭窄 delta大通道内镜手术 单边双通道内镜手术
作者 杜娟 于晓晶 +1 位作者 黎小东 敖天其 《高原气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期366-380,共15页
可靠的降水资料对理解青藏高原水量平衡和水循环过程尤为重要。IMERG(Integrated MultisatellitE Retrievals for Global Precipitation Measurement)是新一代卫星降水产品,具有更广的覆盖范围与更高的时空分辨率,但在高原复杂地形条件... 可靠的降水资料对理解青藏高原水量平衡和水循环过程尤为重要。IMERG(Integrated MultisatellitE Retrievals for Global Precipitation Measurement)是新一代卫星降水产品,具有更广的覆盖范围与更高的时空分辨率,但在高原复杂地形条件下仍然存在较大的不确定性。鉴于此,本研究应用Delta分位数映射法(Quantile Delta Mapping,QDM),对IMERG日降水数据进行偏差订正,使用2001-2010年的中国区域地面气象要素数据集(China Meteorological Forcing Dataset,CMFD)降水数据和IMERG日降水产品分季节建立传递函数,对2011-2014年的IMERG逐日降水进行订正。研究结果表明:(1)Delta分位数映射法能够有效订正IMERG的降水频率、数值和空间分布,对极端降水和负偏差较大区域的订正效果更为明显。订正后的IMERG降水概率分布更加接近观测概率分布,降水偏差也更符合正态分布,改进了对全年和季节降水空间分布的刻画,提高了月降水的精度。(2)订正后日降水量均方根误差由1.49 mm·d^(-1)降低到1.26 mm·d^(-1),精度提高了15.44%;订正后的日降水在不同降水量级的临界成功指数CSI、命中率POD、误报率FAR、准确率Precision和F评分Fscore均有提高,降低了微量和暴量降水的空报率。(3)对极端降水的订正效果显著,降水强度SDII以及极强降水量R95p和R99p的均值更接近观测值;有效提高了对极端降水空间分布的表征,极端降水偏差从30%以上降低到5%以内;SDII、R95p和R99p的均方根误差从1.59 mm·d^(-1)、6.54 mm·d^(-1)、14.89 mm·d^(-1)降为0.65 mm·d^(-1)、3.01 mm·d^(-1)、8.99 mm·d^(-1),精度分别提高了59.12%、53.98%和39.62%。本研究验证了Delta分位数映射法在青藏高原的适用性,有利于为青藏高原气象和水文研究获取更精确的降水数据。 展开更多
关键词 青藏高原 IMERG卫星降水 偏差订正 delta分位数映射法
一种具有1~128倍可变增益放大器的低功耗Sigma⁃Delta ADC
作者 聂勇 吴旦昱 +2 位作者 王丹丹 唐朝 吴霖真 《半导体技术》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第5期476-482,共7页
为满足传感器应用的低功耗需求,设计并实现了一种低功耗Sigma⁃Delta模数转换器(ADC)芯片。该ADC采用一阶全差分开关电容Sigma⁃Delta调制器,且集成了可编程增益放大器(PGA)和Bandgap;使用1.5 bit量化结构,相较于1 bit量化结构减小了3 dB... 为满足传感器应用的低功耗需求,设计并实现了一种低功耗Sigma⁃Delta模数转换器(ADC)芯片。该ADC采用一阶全差分开关电容Sigma⁃Delta调制器,且集成了可编程增益放大器(PGA)和Bandgap;使用1.5 bit量化结构,相较于1 bit量化结构减小了3 dB的量化误差;使用优化的反馈电路,减小了电容失配引入的误差;PGA采用轨到轨的运放电路拓扑,增大了整个芯片的电压适应范围。基于180 nm CMOS工艺对该ADC进行了设计和流片。测试结果表明:该Sigma⁃Delta ADC在采样频率512 kHz、过采样率(OSR)为256时,峰值信噪谐波失真比(SNDR)和有效位数(ENOB)分别为75.29 dB和12.21 bit,芯片功耗仅为0.92 mW。芯片能在2.3~5.5 V宽电源电压范围内正常工作,可实现最大128 V/V的增益。适用于小型传感器的信号测量应用,可以满足小型传感器低功耗、高精度的需求。 展开更多
关键词 模数转换器(ADC) 全差分开关电容器 Sigma⁃delta调制器 1.5 bit量化 低功耗 可编程增益放大器(PGA)
作者 傅雄辉 李立君 +2 位作者 范子彦 李宇航 吕辉 《农机化研究》 北大核心 2024年第3期14-20,29,共8页
针对传统D-H参数法求解机械臂运动学时过程比较复杂的问题,为满足油茶果动态抓取的要求,提出了一种基于旋量理论构建3-R(SS)2Delta机器人正运动学方程的方法。针对3-R(SS)2Delta机器人的结构进行分析;通过旋量理论的指数积公式对该机器... 针对传统D-H参数法求解机械臂运动学时过程比较复杂的问题,为满足油茶果动态抓取的要求,提出了一种基于旋量理论构建3-R(SS)2Delta机器人正运动学方程的方法。针对3-R(SS)2Delta机器人的结构进行分析;通过旋量理论的指数积公式对该机器人的正运动学特性进行研究,获得机器人的位姿变换矩阵;最后,通过搭建的Delta机器人试验平台运行标准门型轨迹,结果表明:Delta机器人末端执行器能够精准地对传送带上移动的油茶果进行抓取。对比分析正运动学方程的计算值和Delta机器人试验平台试验测量值,得到末端执行器位置值的位置误差为±0.3mm,验证了所提出方法对构建油茶果动态抓取Delta机器人正运动学方程的正确性及可行性,旨在为后续进行油茶果动态抓取的轨迹规划研究奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 delta机器人 油茶果动态抓取 旋量理论 正运动学
作者 葛晓伟 周颖 《电子科技》 2024年第5期79-87,94,共10页
针对网络控制系统在高速采样情况下,网络中由于通信网络带宽受限发生时延和丢包所引起的故障问题,文中采用了基于事件触发机制和Delta算子相结合的故障检测方法。在对故障检测滤波器和控制器进行协同设计的同时,在Delta算子滤波器模型... 针对网络控制系统在高速采样情况下,网络中由于通信网络带宽受限发生时延和丢包所引起的故障问题,文中采用了基于事件触发机制和Delta算子相结合的故障检测方法。在对故障检测滤波器和控制器进行协同设计的同时,在Delta算子滤波器模型中加入构造向量,避免了参数设计时双线性项的产生。构造δ域的Lyapunov-Krasovskii泛函,对残差系统的稳定性和H∞性能进行分析。数值仿真实例验证了文中所提事件触发机制的有效性,并通过残差评价函数证明了其对故障的灵敏度较高。 展开更多
关键词 网络控制系统 故障检测 delta算子 网络时延 网络丢包 事件触发机制 残差系统 H∞性能 残差评价函数
作者 刘彦初 汤昊文 钱潮阳 《管理科学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期136-158,共23页
期权市场是现代金融市场的重要组成部分,研究期权市场Delta对冲收益的日夜特征,对于理解期权市场运行机制以及降低金融市场风险具有重要意义.本文使用我国2015年—2021年股票ETF期权数据,研究了期权Delta对冲收益的日夜特征.研究结果表... 期权市场是现代金融市场的重要组成部分,研究期权市场Delta对冲收益的日夜特征,对于理解期权市场运行机制以及降低金融市场风险具有重要意义.本文使用我国2015年—2021年股票ETF期权数据,研究了期权Delta对冲收益的日夜特征.研究结果表明,总体上Delta对冲的隔夜收益为负、日内收益不显著;认购期权和认沽期权的Delta对冲收益具有非对称性,即认购期权日内为负、隔夜为正,而认沽期权恰好相反.即使替换为基于波动率和标的资产价格关系的对冲模型,非对称性异象仍然存在.这些发现不同于美国期权市场的Delta对冲收益日内为正、隔夜为负的特征.本文进一步探讨了可能的成因:从风险溢价看,波动率风险溢价可以解释总体上负的隔夜对冲收益,但是不能解释Delta对冲收益的非对称性;从模型误差看,模型误差与标的资产收益共同作用影响了Delta对冲收益;从交易制度看,T+1交易制度约束造成了标的资产日夜收益反转,进而导致了对冲收益的非对称性,并且T+1交易制度约束越强,对冲收益的非对称性越明显.本文将丰富我国期权市场Delta对冲效率、交易制度对金融市场影响的相关研究,有利于提高投资者的风险管理水平、增进监管者对市场行为的理解,从而推动中国多层次资本市场的高质量发展. 展开更多
关键词 ETF期权 delta对冲收益 日内和隔夜 风险溢价 模型误差 T+1交易制度
Management of autoimmune hepatitis induced by hepatitis delta virus
作者 Eleni Gigi Vasileios Lagopoulos Aris Liakos 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2024年第8期799-805,共7页
Approximately 12-72 million people worldwide are co-infected with hepatitis B virus(HBV)and hepatitis delta virus(HDV).This concurrent infection can lead to several severe outcomes with hepatic disease,such as cirrhos... Approximately 12-72 million people worldwide are co-infected with hepatitis B virus(HBV)and hepatitis delta virus(HDV).This concurrent infection can lead to several severe outcomes with hepatic disease,such as cirrhosis,fulminant hepatitis,and hepatocellular carcinoma,being the most common.Over the past few decades,a correlation between viral hepatitis and autoimmune diseases has been reported.Furthermore,autoantibodies have been detected in the serum of patients co-infected with HBV/HDV,and autoimmune features have been reported.However,to date,very few cases of clinically significant autoimmune hepatitis(AIH)have been reported in patients with HDV infection,mainly in those who have received treatment with pegylated interferon.Interestingly,there are some patients with HBV infection and AIH in whom HDV infection is unearthed after receiving treatment with immunosuppressants.Consequently,several questions remain unanswered with the challenge to distinguish whether it is autoimmune or“autoimmune-like”hepatitis being the most crucial.Second,it remains uncertain whether autoimmunity is induced by HBV or delta virus.Finally,we investigated whether the cause of AIH lies in the previous treatment of HDV with pegylated interferon.These pressing issues should be elucidated to clarify whether new antiviral treatments for HDV,such as Bulevirtide or immu-nosuppressive drugs,are more appropriate for the management of patients with HDV and AIH. 展开更多
关键词 Autoimmune hepatitis Hepatitis delta virus Bulevirtide PREDNISOLONE
Assessment of Groundwater Physico-Chemical Quality in the Ouémé Delta (Southern-Benin)
作者 Aoulatou Alassane Zakari Dadja Toyou Masamaéya Gnazou +5 位作者 Abdoukarim Alassane Kodjo Apelete Raoul Kpegli Ousmane Touré Boukari Bio Guidah Chabi Bénito Didier Koukpohounsi Daouda Mama 《Journal of Environmental Protection》 2024年第3期298-317,共20页
Groundwater resources are the main sources of water used to supply drinking water to the population of the Ouémé Delta via the Continental Terminal aquifer. Urbanization, population growth, and agricultural ... Groundwater resources are the main sources of water used to supply drinking water to the population of the Ouémé Delta via the Continental Terminal aquifer. Urbanization, population growth, and agricultural and industrial activities have resulted in a deterioration in the quality of these resources. To assess the quality of the delta’s groundwater and its suitability for human consumption and irrigation, a total of fourteen (14) physico-chemical parameters were analyzed in some forty existing water points between September 2020 and March 2021, using standard water analysis techniques. The values obtained were compared with the potability standards recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Republic of Benin and were subjected to statistical analysis (principal component analysis (PCA)). In addition, methods for determining the suitability of water for irrigation were used. The results showed that the waters are acidic to slightly neutral and influenced by ambient temperature. In addition, the waters are moderately mineralized, with conductivities (24 - 1205 μS/cm) in line with WHO standards. A comparison of the analytical results of the WHO (2017) and Benin (2001) standards indicates that the majority of the waters studied are of good quality for all the chemical parameters considered. Nevertheless, some samples show levels of nitrates (21%), potassium (14% to 16%), calcium (13%), ammonium (12%), nitrites (8%) and bicarbonates (10%) over their respective standards. The Wilcox and Riverside diagrams indicate that the majority of waters (90%) have excellent suitability for irrigation and no negative effect on soil fertilization. 展开更多
关键词 BENIN Ouémédelta GROUNDWATER Physico-Chemical Quality Consumption IRRIGATION
Numerical study on local scour characteristics around submarine pipelines in the Yellow River Delta silty sandy soil under waves and currents
作者 Peng Yu Ruigeng Hu +4 位作者 Jike Zhang Qi Yang Jieru Zhao Lei Cao Chenghao Zhu 《Deep Underground Science and Engineering》 2024年第2期182-196,共15页
Due to their high reliability and cost-efficiency,submarine pipelines are widely used in offshore oil and gas resource engineering.Due to the interaction of waves,currents,seabed,and pipeline structures,the soil aroun... Due to their high reliability and cost-efficiency,submarine pipelines are widely used in offshore oil and gas resource engineering.Due to the interaction of waves,currents,seabed,and pipeline structures,the soil around submarine pipelines is prone to local scour,severely affecting their operational safety.With the Yellow River Delta as the research area and based on the renormalized group(RNG)k-εturbulence model and Stokes fifth-order wave theory,this study solves the Navier-Stokes(N-S)equation using the finite difference method.The volume of fluid(VOF)method is used to describe the fluid-free surface,and a threedimensional numerical model of currents and waves-submarine pipeline-silty sandy seabed is established.The rationality of the numerical model is verified using a self-built waveflow flume.On this basis,in this study,the local scour development and characteristics of submarine pipelines in the Yellow River Delta silty sandy seabed in the prototype environment are explored and the influence of the presence of pipelines on hydrodynamic features such as surrounding flow field,shear stress,and turbulence intensity is analyzed.The results indicate that(1)local scour around submarine pipelines can be divided into three stages:rapid scour,slow scour,and stable scour.The maximum scour depth occurs directly below the pipeline,and the shape of the scour pits is asymmetric.(2)As the water depth decreases and the pipeline suspension height increases,the scour becomes more intense.(3)When currents go through a pipeline,a clear stagnation point is formed in front of the pipeline,and the flow velocity is positively correlated with the depth of scour.This study can provide a valuable reference for the protection of submarine pipelines in this area. 展开更多
关键词 local scour numerical simulation submarine pipelines Yellow River delta
Coupling relationship and genetic mechanisms of shelf-edge delta and deep-water fan source-to-sink:A case study in Paleogene Zhuhai Formation in south subsag of Baiyun Sag,Pearl River Mouth Basin,China
作者 TANG Wu XIE Xiaojun +5 位作者 XIONG Lianqiao GUO Shuai XU Min XU Enze BAI Haiqiang LIU Ziyu 《Petroleum Exploration and Development》 SCIE 2024年第3期589-603,共15页
The coupling relationship between shelf-edge deltas and deep-water fan sand bodies is a hot and cutting-edge field of international sedimentology and deep-water oil and gas exploration.Based on the newly acquired high... The coupling relationship between shelf-edge deltas and deep-water fan sand bodies is a hot and cutting-edge field of international sedimentology and deep-water oil and gas exploration.Based on the newly acquired high-resolution 3D seismic,logging and core data of Pearl River Mouth Basin(PRMB),this paper dissected the shelf-edge delta to deep-water fan(SEDDF)depositional system in the Oligocene Zhuhai Formation of Paleogene in south subsag of Baiyun Sag,and revealed the complex coupling relationship from the continental shelf edge to deep-water fan sedimentation and its genetic mechanisms.The results show that during the deposition of the fourth to first members of the Zhuhai Formation,the scale of the SEDDF depositional system in the study area showed a pattern of first increasing and then decreasing,with deep-water fan developed in the third to first members and the largest plane distribution scale developed in the late stage of the second member.Based on the development of SEDDF depositional system along the source direction,three types of coupling relationships are divided,namely,deltas that are linked downdip to fans,deltas that lack downdip fans and fans that lack updip coeval deltas,with different depositional characteristics and genetic mechanisms.(1)Deltas that are linked downdip to fans:with the development of shelf-edge deltas in the shelf area and deep-water fans in the downdip slope area,and the strong source supply and relative sea level decline are the two key factors which control the development of this type of source-to-sink(S2S).The development of channels on the continental shelf edge is conducive to the formation of this type of S2S system even with weak source supply and high sea level.(2)Deltas that lack downdip fans:with the development of shelf edge deltas in shelf area,while deep water fans are not developed in the downdip slope area.The lack of“sources”and“channels”,and fluid transformation are the three main reasons for the formation of this type of S2S system.(3)Fans that lack updip coeval deltas:with the development of deep-water fans in continental slope area and the absence of updip coeval shelf edge deltas,which is jointly controlled by the coupling of fluid transformation at the shelf edge and the“channels”in the continental slope area. 展开更多
关键词 shelf-edge delta deep-water fan source-to-sink system Paleogene Zhuhai Formation Baiyun Sag Pearl River Mouth Basin
Structural characteristics and tectonic division of the Zambezi Delta basin in the offshore East Africa:evidences from gravity and seismic data
作者 Guozhang Fan Wen Li +8 位作者 Liangbo Ding Wanyin Wang Hongping Wang Dingding Wang Lin Li Hao Wang Chaofeng Wang Qingluan Wang Ying Zhang 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第4期105-118,共14页
The Zambezi Delta basin is a passive marginal basin located on the East African coast that has good oil and gas exploration potential.Due to the special geological evolutionary background of the Beira High in the Zamb... The Zambezi Delta basin is a passive marginal basin located on the East African coast that has good oil and gas exploration potential.Due to the special geological evolutionary background of the Beira High in the Zambezi Delta basin,it has a low gravity anomaly,and the existing seismic survey lines do not cover the whole basin;therefore,it is difficult to interpret the structural characteristics of the whole basin based solely on gravity or seismic data.Based on satellite altimetry gravity anomaly data,this study infers the distribution characteristics of faults in the Zambezi Delta basin by using the normalized vertical derivative of the total horizontal derivative(NVDR-THDR)technique.Then,constrained by seismic data,the gravity anomaly at the Moho interface is extracted by using the fast forward method of the double-interface model of the gravity anomaly,and this anomaly is then removed from the Bouguer gravity anomaly to obtain the sedimentary layer gravity anomaly.The thickness of the sedimentary strata is obtained by inversing the sedimentary basement depth of the whole basin.Then,uplifts and depressions are divided based on a sedimentary layer thickness of 3 km.This research demonstrates that the Zambezi Delta basin mainly features nearly SN-trending and NE-trending faults and that these faults exhibit east-west partitioning.The nearly SN-trending strike-slip faults controlled the sedimentary development of the basin,and the NE-trending tensile faults may have acted as migration channels for oil,gas and magma.The“overcompensation”effect of the Moho interface gravity anomaly on the gravity anomaly of the sedimentary layer is caused by the depression of the Moho interface beneath the Beira High,which results in a low gravity anomaly value for the Beira High.The pattern of uplifts and depressions trends NE and has the structural characteristics of east-west blocks. 展开更多
关键词 Zambezi delta basin satellite altimetry gravity anomaly Beira High fault division uplift and depression pattern
Activity Pattern and Habitat Use of Shorebirds in an Artificial Wetland Complex:A Case Study of Breeding Pied Avocet in the Yellow River Delta,China
作者 LI Dong LI Bin +4 位作者 XU He FAN Chao WU Yang ZHANG Yuxin HOU Xiyong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第4期618-630,共13页
With the loss of substantial natural wetlands in coastal zones,artificial wetlands provide alternative habitats for many shorebirds.Scientific management of artificial wetlands used by shorebirds plays an important ro... With the loss of substantial natural wetlands in coastal zones,artificial wetlands provide alternative habitats for many shorebirds.Scientific management of artificial wetlands used by shorebirds plays an important role in maintaining the stability of shorebird population.Satellite tracking technique can obtain high-precision location information of individuals day and night,providing a good technical support for the study of quantitative relationship between waterfowls and their habitats.In this study,satellite tracking method,Remote Sensing(RS)and Geographic Information System(GIS)technology were used to analyze the activity pattern and habitat utilization characteristics of Pied Avocet during breeding period in an artificial wetland complex in the Yellow River Delta(YRD),China.The results showed that the breeding Pied Avocets had a small range of activity,with a total core and main home range of 33.10 km^(2) and 216.30 km^(2),respectively.This species tended to forage in the pond and salt pan during the day and night,respectively,with an unfixed staying time in the breeding ground.The distance between breeding ground and feeding ground was less than 6 km.It is emphasized that in addition to improving the conditions of the remaining natural habitats,effective managing artificial habitats is a priority for shorebird conservation.This research could provide reference for the management of artificial wetlands in coastal zones and supply technique support for the protection of shorebirds and their habitats,and alleviate human-bird conflicts and sustainable development of coastal zones. 展开更多
关键词 satellite tracking home range habitat use artificial wetland coastal zone Pied Avocet Yellow River delta China
Discovery and petroleum geological significance of delta in the third member of Oligocene Lingshui Formation in southern Baodao Sag,Qiongdongnan Basin,South China Sea
作者 PEI Jianxiang LUO Wei +2 位作者 GUO Shiyang LIN Lu LI Keliang 《Petroleum Exploration and Development》 SCIE 2024年第2期337-350,共14页
Based on the 3D seismic data and the analysis and test data of lithology,electricity,thin sections and chronology obtained from drilling of the Qiongdongnan Basin,the characteristics and the quantitative analysis of t... Based on the 3D seismic data and the analysis and test data of lithology,electricity,thin sections and chronology obtained from drilling of the Qiongdongnan Basin,the characteristics and the quantitative analysis of the source-sink system are studied of the third member of the Upper Oligocene Lingshui Formation(Ling 3 Member)in the southern fault step zone of the Baodao Sag.First,the YL10 denudation area of the Ling 3 Member mainly developed two fluvial systems in the east and west,resulting in the formation of two dominant sand transport channels and two delta lobes in southern Baodao Sag,which are generally large in the west and small in the east.The evolution of the delta has experienced four stages:initiation,prosperity,intermittence and rejuvenation.Second,the source-sink coupled quantitative calculation is performed depending on the parameters of the delta sand bodies,including development phases,distribution area,flattening thickness,area of different parent rocks,and sand-forming coefficient,showing that the study area has the material basis for the formation of large-scale reservoir.Third,the drilling reveals that the delta of the Ling 3 Member is dominated by fine sandstone,with total sandstone thickness of 109-138 m,maximum single-layer sandstone thickness of 15.5-30.0 m,and sand-to-strata ratio of 43.7%-73.0%,but the physical properties are different among the fault steps.Fourth,the large delta development model of the small source area in the step fault zone with multi-stage uplift is established.It suggests that the episodic uplift provides sufficient sediments,the fluvial system and watershed area control the scale of the sand body,the multi-step active fault steps dominate the sand body transport channel,and local fault troughs decide the lateral propulsion direction of the sand body.The delta of the Ling 3 Member is coupled with fault blocks to form diverse traps,which are critical exploration targets in southern Baodao Sag. 展开更多
关键词 Qiongdongnan Basin Baodao Sag Oligocene Lingshui Formation delta model source-sink system small source area large-scale reservoirs step fault zone
Analysis of factors influencing carbon emissions in the Yangtze River Delta region and projections of carbon peak scenarios
作者 SHI Xiong-tian WU Feng-qing +1 位作者 CHEN Yang DAI Li-li 《Ecological Economy》 2024年第1期2-24,共23页
Based on the supply-side perspective,the improved STIRPAT model is applied to reveal the mechanisms of supply-side factors such as human,capital,technology,industrial synergy,institutions and economic growth on carbon... Based on the supply-side perspective,the improved STIRPAT model is applied to reveal the mechanisms of supply-side factors such as human,capital,technology,industrial synergy,institutions and economic growth on carbon emissions in the Yangtze River Delta(YRD)through path analysis,and to forecast carbon emissions in the YRD from the baseline scenario,factor regulation scenario and integrated scenario to reach the peak.The results show that:(1)Jiangsu's high carbon emission pattern is the main reason for the YRD hindering the synergistic regulation of carbon emissions.(2)Human factors,institutional factors and economic growth factors can all contribute to carbon emissions in the YRD region,while technological and industrial factors can generally suppress carbon emissions in the YRD region.(3)Under the capital regulation scenario,the YRD region has the highest level of carbon emission synergy,with Jiangsu reaching its peak five years earlier.Under the balanced regulation scenario,the YRD region as a whole,Jiangsu,Zhejiang and Anhui reach the peak as scheduled. 展开更多
关键词 Yangtze River delta carbon peaking scenario forecasting STIRPAT model
Impacts of multi-scenario land use change on ecosystem services and ecological security pattern: A case study of the Yellow River Delta
作者 XueHua Cen Hua Zhang 《Research in Cold and Arid Regions》 CSCD 2024年第1期30-44,共15页
The Yellow River Delta(YRD), a critical economic zone along China's eastern coast, also functions as a vital ecological reserve in the lower Yellow River. Amidst rapid industrialization and urbanization, the regio... The Yellow River Delta(YRD), a critical economic zone along China's eastern coast, also functions as a vital ecological reserve in the lower Yellow River. Amidst rapid industrialization and urbanization, the region has witnessed significant land use/cover changes(LUCC), impacting ecosystem services(ES) and ecological security patterns(ESP). Investigating LUCC's effects on ES and ESP in the YRD is crucial for ecological security and sustainable development. This study utilized the PLUS model to simulate 2030 land use scenarios, including natural development(NDS), economic development(EDS), and ecological protection scenarios(EPS). Subsequently, the InVEST model and circuit theory were applied to assess ES and ESP under varying LUCC scenarios from 2010 to 2030. Findings indicate:(1) Notable LUCC from 2010 to 2030, marked by decreasing cropland and increasing construction land and water bodies.(2) From 2010 to 2020, improvements were observed in carbon storage,water yield, soil retention, and habitat quality, whereas 2020–2030 saw increases in water yield and soil retention but declines in habitat quality and carbon storage. Among the scenarios, EPS showed superior performance in all four ES.(3) Between 2010 and 2030, ecological sources, corridors, and pinchpoints expanded, displaying significant spatial heterogeneity. The EPS scenario yielded the most substantial increases in ecological sources,corridors, and pinchpoints, totaling 582.89 km^(2), 645.03 km^(2),and 64.43 km^(2), respectively. This study highlights the importance of EPS, offering insightful scientific guidance for the YRD's sustainable development. 展开更多
关键词 Land use change Multi-scenario simulation Ecosystem services Ecological security pattern The Yellow River delta Circuit theory
Lab results of COVID-19 patients:Omicron vs delta variants
作者 Dana Avraham Amir Herman +3 位作者 Gal Shaham Arkady Shklyar Elina Sulim Maria Oulianski 《World Journal of Virology》 2024年第2期71-77,共7页
BACKGROUND The coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)virus has been a world-known pan-demic since February 2020.Multiple variances had been established;the most common variants in Israel were omicron and delta.AIM To anal... BACKGROUND The coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)virus has been a world-known pan-demic since February 2020.Multiple variances had been established;the most common variants in Israel were omicron and delta.AIM To analyze and compare laboratory values in the"omicron"and"delta"variants of the coronavirus by conducting follow-up examinations and laboratory audits on COVID-19 patients admitted to our institution.METHODS A retrospective study,two groups,50 patients in each group.Patients examined positive for COVID-19 were divided into groups according to the common variant at the given time.We reviewed demographic data and laboratory results such as complete blood count and full chemistry,including electrolytes and coagulation parameters.RESULTS The mean age was 52%,66.53±21.7 were female.No significance was found comparing laboratory results in the following disciplines:Blood count,hemo-globin,and lymphocytes(P=0.41,P=0.87,P=0.97).Omicron and delta variants have higher neutrophil counts,though they are not significantly different(P=0.38).Coagulation tests:Activated paritial thromoplastin test and international normalized ratio(P=0.72,P=0.68).We found no significance of abnormality for all electrolytes.CONCLUSION The study compares laboratory results of blood tests between two variants of the COVID-19 virus–omicron and delta.We found no significance between the variants.Our results show the need for further research with larger data as well as the need to compare all COVID-19 variants. 展开更多
关键词 COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS Omicron variant delta variant
采用Mash2-1架构的高精度Sigma-Delta ADC设计
作者 于凯至 辛晓宁 +1 位作者 任建 卢苡 《微处理机》 2024年第3期22-25,共4页
鉴于模数转换器(ADC)在芯片和混合信号处理领域举足轻重的作用,为探索进一步提高模数转换器精度的可能性,满足当今应用系统对模数转换精度的新需求,设计一款基于Mash2-1级联架构的sigma-delta ADC。设计采用TSMC 180 nm CMOS工艺,在完... 鉴于模数转换器(ADC)在芯片和混合信号处理领域举足轻重的作用,为探索进一步提高模数转换器精度的可能性,满足当今应用系统对模数转换精度的新需求,设计一款基于Mash2-1级联架构的sigma-delta ADC。设计采用TSMC 180 nm CMOS工艺,在完成调制器电路的同时,使用Verilog代码方式实现了配套的误差消除以及数字抽取滤波器。对调制器进行了建模及非理想因素的分析,并通过使用斩波调制技术等手段对电路的非理想性进行优化。经仿真验证,结果表明,本设计在3.3 V电源、27℃工作环境、TT典型工艺条件下,表现出优异的信噪比,总谐波失真等性能指标也较理想,适用于高精度、低失真的应用场合。 展开更多
关键词 SIGMA-delta调制器 高信噪比 低失真 Mash级联架构
Evaluation of Ecological Sustainable Development in the Yangtze River Delta Region Based on Ecological Footprint Theory
作者 DING Yumin 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2024年第3期51-58,共8页
The ecological footprint was employed as a quantitative indicator of resource inputs,enabling a detailed account of the structure of biological resources and energy occupancy,as well as the variation of resource produ... The ecological footprint was employed as a quantitative indicator of resource inputs,enabling a detailed account of the structure of biological resources and energy occupancy,as well as the variation of resource productivity in the Yangtze River Delta(YRD)Region.From 2004 to 2018,there were notable variations in the ecological productivity of different types of land on basis of China’s equilibrium factor across the three provinces and one city in the YRD region.Jiangsu Province exhibited the highest ecological productivity of arable land,while Anhui Province exhibited the highest ecological productivity of forest land.Shanghai City exhibited the highest ecological productivity of pasture land,while Zhejiang Province exhibited the highest ecological productivity of water area.In 2018,the proportion of arable land within the total ecological carrying capacity of the YRD region reached 74.35%.Furthermore,the contribution of Jiangsu and Anhui provinces to the YRD’s total ecological carrying capacity was 41.36%and 41.26%,respectively.In the construction of a new development pattern in the YRD region,which is dominated by the domestic cycle as the main body and mutually reinforced by domestic and international double-cycle,the YRD region should combine the utilization of natural forces with innovation in science,technology and cooperation mechanisms.Furthermore,the government should guide the concentration of social capital towards green industries.It is also recommended that the moderate reduction of ecological footprints should be encouraged,and that the security of biological resources and energy,the leadership in the field of cutting-edge science and technology should be ensured in YRD region.This will facilitate the formation of a new development pattern of higher-quality integration at the national level firstly. 展开更多
关键词 Ecological footprint Resource productivity China’s equilibrium factor Yangtze River delta region
Structural Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Carbon Emission Spatial Association Network:A Case Study of Yangtze River Delta City Cluster,China
作者 BI Xi SUN Renjin +2 位作者 HU Dongou SHI Hongling ZHANG Han 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第4期689-705,共17页
City cluster is an effective platform for encouraging regionally coordinated development.Coordinated reduction of carbon emissions within city cluster via the spatial association network between cities can help coordi... City cluster is an effective platform for encouraging regionally coordinated development.Coordinated reduction of carbon emissions within city cluster via the spatial association network between cities can help coordinate the regional carbon emission management,realize sustainable development,and assist China in achieving the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals.This paper applies the improved gravity model and social network analysis(SNA)to the study of spatial correlation of carbon emissions in city clusters and analyzes the structural characteristics of the spatial correlation network of carbon emissions in the Yangtze River Delta(YRD)city cluster in China and its influencing factors.The results demonstrate that:1)the spatial association of carbon emissions in the YRD city cluster exhibits a typical and complex multi-threaded network structure.The network association number and density show an upward trend,indicating closer spatial association between cities,but their values remain generally low.Meanwhile,the network hierarchy and network efficiency show a downward trend but remain high.2)The spatial association network of carbon emissions in the YRD city cluster shows an obvious‘core-edge’distribution pattern.The network is centered around Shanghai,Suzhou and Wuxi,all of which play the role of‘bridges’,while cities such as Zhoushan,Ma'anshan,Tongling and other cities characterized by the remote location,single transportation mode or lower economic level are positioned at the edge of the network.3)Geographic proximity,varying levels of economic development,different industrial structures,degrees of urbanization,levels of technological innovation,energy intensities and environmental regulation are important influencing factors on the spatial association of within the YRD city cluster.Finally,policy implications are provided from four aspects:government macro-control and market mechanism guidance,structural characteristics of the‘core-edge’network,reconfiguration and optimization of the spatial layout of the YRD city cluster,and the application of advanced technologies. 展开更多
关键词 carbon emission spatial association network social network analysis(SNA) quadratic assignment procedure(QAP)model Yangtze River delta city cluster China
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