Through investigating the wild ornamental ferns in Guizhou Province, it is found that there are totally 312 species (including variations), 111 genera and 49 families of such resources in this region, which are classi...Through investigating the wild ornamental ferns in Guizhou Province, it is found that there are totally 312 species (including variations), 111 genera and 49 families of such resources in this region, which are classified into terrestrial fern, epiphytic fern, saxicolous fern, vine fern, tree fern and aquatic fern according to their ecological types. The application of ornamental ferns in garden landscaping and development countermeasures are analyzed in this study.展开更多
64 species (including 5 varieties), 30 genera and 24 families of the edible ferns in Guizhou are preliminartiy confirmed, according to the combination of spot investigation and refereuce analySis:the species, gener...64 species (including 5 varieties), 30 genera and 24 families of the edible ferns in Guizhou are preliminartiy confirmed, according to the combination of spot investigation and refereuce analySis:the species, genera and families account for 8.13%, 19.74% and 44.44% of ferns in Guizhou, respectively. The floristic composition characters and resource distribution of 23 kinds of the edible ferns in Guizhou are described.展开更多
Suitable habitat is vital for the survival and restoration of a species.Understanding the suitable habitat range for lycophytes and ferns is prerequisite for effective species resource conservation and recovery effort...Suitable habitat is vital for the survival and restoration of a species.Understanding the suitable habitat range for lycophytes and ferns is prerequisite for effective species resource conservation and recovery efforts.In this study, we took Athyrium brevifrons as an example, predicted its suitable habitat using a Maxent model with 67 occurrence data and nine environmental variables in Northeast China.The area under the curve(AUC) value of independent test data, as well as the comparison with specimen county areal distribution of A.brevifrons exhibited excellent predictive performance.The type of environmental variables showed that precipitation contributed the most to the distribution prediction, followed by temperature and topography.Percentage contribution and permutation importance both indicated that precipitation of driest quarter(Bio17) was the key factor in determining the natural distribution of A.brevifrons, the reason could be proved by the fern gametophyte biology.The analysis of high habitat suitability areas also showed the habitat preference of A.brevifrons: comparatively more precipitation and less fluctuation in the driest quarter.Changbai Mountains, covering almost all the high and medium habitat suitability areas, provide the best ecological conditions for the survival of A.brevifrons, and should be considered as priority areas for protection and restoration of the wild resource.The potential habitat suitability distribution map could provide a reference for the sustainable development and utilisation of A.brevifrons resource, and Maxent modelling could be valuable for conservation management planning for lycophytes and ferns in Northeast China.展开更多
Ferns and lycophytes have remarkably large genomes.However,little is known about how their genome size evolved in fern lineages.To explore the origins and evolution of chromosome numbers and genome size in ferns,we us...Ferns and lycophytes have remarkably large genomes.However,little is known about how their genome size evolved in fern lineages.To explore the origins and evolution of chromosome numbers and genome size in ferns,we used flow cytometry to measure the genomes of 240 species(255 samples)of extant ferns and lycophytes comprising 27 families and 72 genera,of which 228 species(242 samples)represent new reports.We analyzed correlations among genome size,spore size,chromosomal features,phylogeny,and habitat type preference within a phylogenetic framework.We also applied ANOVA and multinomial logistic regression analysis to preference of habitat type and genome size.Using the phylogeny,we conducted ancestral character reconstruction for habitat types and tested whether genome size changes simultaneously with shifts in habitat preference.We found that 2 C values had weak phylogenetic signal,whereas the base number of chromosomes(x)had a strong phylogenetic signal.Furthermore,our analyses revealed a positive correlation between genome size and chromosome traits,indicating that the base number of chromosomes(x),chromosome size,and polyploidization may be primary contributors to genome expansion in ferns and lycophytes.Genome sizes in different habitat types varied significantly and were significantly correlated with habitat types;specifically,multinomial logistic regression indicated that species with larger 2 C values were more likely to be epiphytes.Terrestrial habitat is inferred to be ancestral for both extant ferns and lycophytes,whereas transitions to other habitat types occurred as the major clades emerged.Shifts in habitat types appear be followed by periods of genomic stability.Based on these results,we inferred that habitat type changes and multiple whole-genome duplications have contributed to the formation of large genomes of ferns and their allies during their evolutionary history.展开更多
We analyzed the distributional patterns of95 selected species of leptosporangiate ferns inhabiting the Mexican Mountain Component, using grid-cells of one geographical degree as unit areas,applying endemism indices an...We analyzed the distributional patterns of95 selected species of leptosporangiate ferns inhabiting the Mexican Mountain Component, using grid-cells of one geographical degree as unit areas,applying endemism indices and richness and beta diversity analyses.Distributional data were obtained from several herbaria and specialized literature.Five grid-cells appear to be important for fern species richness, as they contain 35 to 49 species.These gridcells are located in the Sierra Madre Oriental(SMO),Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt(TMVB) and the Sierra Madre del Sur(SMS).Mean richness by latitudinal belts of one degree showed that the belts with highest values are related to the TMVB and SMS.A total of 13grid-cells were recognized as important from theperspective of endemism; most of them are located also in the SMO, TMVB and SMS.The richest gridcells coincided with one of the main centres of endemism for ferns obtained in this study, located in the convergence of the southern part of the SMO, the eastern portion of the TMVB and the northern part of the SMS, reflecting the high humidity existing on the mountain slopes facing the Gulf of Mexico.Some important grid-cells recognized from richness and endemism analyses coincide with Mexican Natural Protected Areas.The beta diversity analysis showed a low degree of similarity among grid-cells, implying a high species replacement, as the result of environmental heterogeneity occurring in the Mexican mountain systems.On the other hand, the spatial analysis suggested a pattern of phytogeographical regionalization comprising twomain areas: the Mexican Transition Zone and the Mexican Central Plateau.Ferns play an important role in the Mexican biodiversity and contributing to the beta diversity of Mexico.展开更多
The ultrastructure of oogenesis in the fern Osmunda cinnamomea L. var. asiatica Fernald has been studied by electron microscopy. During oogenesis, numerous vesicles not only moved towards the periphery, but also were ...The ultrastructure of oogenesis in the fern Osmunda cinnamomea L. var. asiatica Fernald has been studied by electron microscopy. During oogenesis, numerous vesicles not only moved towards the periphery, but also were arranged in line along the inside of plasmalemma, and in addition aggregated outside the plasmalemma by exocytosis. They released or excreted osmiophilic material. It was observed that a few vesicles containing lamellar osmiophilic material situated closely along the plasmalemma, seemed to break open. Simultaneously, a separation cavity between egg cell and archegonium wall formed. Its width was broader than the other advanced ferns reported previously, and an extra egg membrane occurred outside around the plasmalemma of the egg, its thickness being greater than in Pteridium and Dryopteris. Amyloplasts around the nucleus were filled with large triangular semicircular or subelliptical starch grains, but as the egg matured they progressively decreased. Nucleus was large and flattened, and paired membrane in two to three couples laid within the nucleus, close and parallel to the nuclear membrane. No nuclear evagination was observed. Mitochondria seemed to have been undeveloped, but finally recovered normally.展开更多
The Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot is renowned for its rich biodiversity,including that of vascular plants.However,the fern diversity and its endemism in this hotspot have not been well understood and so far,the dive...The Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot is renowned for its rich biodiversity,including that of vascular plants.However,the fern diversity and its endemism in this hotspot have not been well understood and so far,the diversity of very few groups of ferns in this region has been explored using combined molecular and morphological approaches.Here,we updated the plastid phylogeny of the Java fern genus Leptochilus with 226(115%increase of the latest sampling)samples across the distribution range,specifically those of three phylogenetically significant species,Leptochilus ovatus,L.pedunculatus,and L.pothifolius.We also reconstructed the first nuclear phylogeny of the genus based on pgiC gene data.Based on molecular and morphological evidence,we identified three new major clades and six new subclades,redefined three existing species,discovered a number of cryptic species of the genus,and elucidated the evolution of the three most variable characters.Our divergence time analyses and ancestral area reconstruction showed that Leptochilus originated in the Oligocene and diversified from early Miocene and 15 dispersal events from lower to higher latitudes are identified.The evolution of three most important morphological characters is analyzed in a context of the new phylogeny.Our analysis showed that 30(59%of total 51)species of Leptochilus occur in Indo-Burma hotspot,24(80%of the 30 species)of which are endemic to this hotspot.We argue that the Indo-Burma hotspot should be recognized as a diversity hotspot for ferns.展开更多
Despite that several studies have shown that data derived from species lists generated from distribution occurrence records in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility(GBIF)are not appropriate for those ecological...Despite that several studies have shown that data derived from species lists generated from distribution occurrence records in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility(GBIF)are not appropriate for those ecological and biogeographic studies that require high sampling completeness,because species lists derived from GBIF are generally very incomplete,Suissa et al.(2021)generated fern species lists based on data with GBIF for 100 km×100 km grid cells across the world,and used the data to determine fern diversity hotspots and species richness-climate relationships.We conduct an evaluation on the completeness of fern species lists derived from GBIF at the grid-cell scale and at a larger spatial scale,and determine whether fern data derived from GBIF are appropriate for studies on the relations of species composition and richness with climatic variables.We show that species sampling completeness of GBIF is low(<40%)for most of the grid cells examined,and such low sampling completeness can substantially bias the investigation of geographic and ecological patterns of species diversity and the identification of diversity hotspots.We conclude that fern species lists derived from GBIF are generally very incomplete across a wide range of spatial scales,and are not appropriate for studies that require data derived from species lists in high completeness.We present a map showing global patterns of fern species diversity based on complete or nearly complete regional fern species lists.展开更多
Background:National forest inventories(NFI)have a long history providing data to obtain nationally representative and accurate estimates of growing stock.Today,in most NFIs additional data are collected to provide inf...Background:National forest inventories(NFI)have a long history providing data to obtain nationally representative and accurate estimates of growing stock.Today,in most NFIs additional data are collected to provide information on a range of forest ecosystem functions such as biodiversity,habitat,nutrient and carbon dynamics.An important driver of nutrient and C cycling is decomposing biomass produced by forest vegetation.Several studies have demonstrated that understory vegetation,particularly annual plant litter of the herb layer can contribute significantly to nutrient and C cycling in forests.A methodology to obtain comprehensive,consistent and nationally representative estimates of herb layer biomass on NFI plots could provide added value to NFIs by complementing the existing strong basis of biomass estimates of the tree and tall shrub layer.The study was based on data from the Swiss NFI since it covers a large environmental gradient,which extends its applicability to other NFIs.Results:Based on data from 405 measurements in nine forest strata,a parsimonious model formulation was identified to predict total and non-ligneous herb layer biomass.Besides herb layer cover,elevation was the main statistically significant explanatory variable for biomass.The regression models accurately predicted biomass based on absolute percentage cover(for total biomass:R2=0.65,p=0;for non-ligneous biomass:R2=0.76;p=0)as well as on cover classes(R2=0.83;p=0;and R2=0.79,p=0),which are typically used in NFIs.The good performance was supported by the verification with data from repeated samples.For the 2 nd,3 rd,and 4 th Swiss NFI estimates of non-ligneous above-ground herb layer biomass 586.6±7.7,575.2±7.6,and 586.7±7.9 kg·ha-1,respectively.Conclusions:The study presents a methodology to obtain herb layer biomass estimates based on a harmonized and standardized attribute available in many NFIs.The result of this study was a parsimonious model requiring only elevation data of sample plots in addition to NFI cover estimates to provide unbiased estimates at the national scale.These qualities are particularly important as they ensure accurate,consistent,and comparable results.展开更多
This research includes two investigations. The first one is a market basket survey of the levels of arsenic (As) and trace elements in bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum) originated from three countries: South Kor...This research includes two investigations. The first one is a market basket survey of the levels of arsenic (As) and trace elements in bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum) originated from three countries: South Korea, China and North Korea. The results showed that the mean As concentrations in stems of samples were significantly higher than those in leaves. As concentrations in all samples did not exceed food safety limits for vegetables. Generally, concentrations of Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn in leaves were higher than those in stems. The second investigation is a survey on the levels of As and other heavy metals in vegetation in the vicinity of Myoungbong mine tailings. The results demonstrated that As, Pb and Cu concentrations and bioaccumulation factors (BCF) in seedlings of the fern(A splenium achilleifolium) were the highest, whereas Marsh horsetail(Equisetum polustre) accumulated the highest levels of Zn. Concentrations of As, Pb, Zn and Cu in vegetable-cress (Lepidium sativum) and the edible herb-aromatic madder (Elasholtzia splendens) were higher than food safety limits. Therefore, a risk assessment of As and other heavy metals in vegetables and herbs on local human health should be conducted in the future.展开更多
The palaeodiversity of flowering plants in Yunnan has been extensively interpreted from both a molecular and fossil perspective. However, for cryptogamic plants such as ferns, the palaeodiversity remains poorly known....The palaeodiversity of flowering plants in Yunnan has been extensively interpreted from both a molecular and fossil perspective. However, for cryptogamic plants such as ferns, the palaeodiversity remains poorly known. In this study, we describe a new ferny fossil taxon, Drynaria lanpingensis sp. nov. Huang,Su et Zhou(Polypodiaceae), from the late Pliocene of northwestern Yunnan based on fragmentary frond and pinna with in situ spores. The frond is pinnatifid and the pinnae are entirely margined. The sori are arranged in one row on each side of the primary vein. The spores have a semicircular to bean-shaped equatorial view and a tuberculate surface. Taken together with previously described fossils, there are now representatives of three known fossil taxa of Drynaria from the late Pliocene of western Yunnan.These finds suggest that Drynaria diversity was considerable in the region at that time. As Drynaria is a shade-tolerant plant, growing preferably in wet conditions in the understory of forests, its extensive existence may indicate forest vegetation and humid climates in western Yunnan during the late Pliocene.This is in line with results from floristic investigations and palaeoclimatic reconstructions based on fossil floras.展开更多
Background:Forestry management modifies the diversity,structure,and functioning of intervened forests.Timber extraction reduces tree density and basal area,leading to changes in the communities of vascular epiphytes.T...Background:Forestry management modifies the diversity,structure,and functioning of intervened forests.Timber extraction reduces tree density and basal area,leading to changes in the communities of vascular epiphytes.The objective of this study was to evaluate the diversity and biomass of vascular epiphytes in Quercus trees remaining in two pine-oak forest stands that have been subjected to two stages of the Silvicultural Development Method(release cutting,and thinning)in comparison with an unharvested old-secondary forest in southern Mexico.For each treatment,richness of epiphytes present on 60 oak trees was recorded and their dry biomass estimated.We calculated the true diversity(Hill numbers)and beta diversity using the Jaccard coefficient of similarity,and generated rank abundance curves per taxonomic epiphyte group(bromeliads,orchids,ferns and others).For each treatment,the relationships between overall diversity and epiphyte biomass to the host trees basal area were analyzed using log linear models.Results:We recorded a total of 67 species of epiphytes species belonging to 10 families hosted by five species of oaks.The greatest species richness(^(0)D)was recorded in the old-secondary forest.Fewer common(^(1)D)and dominant(^(2)D)species were recorded in the release cutting than in the other treatments.Epiphyte diversity and biomass were both slightly related to host tree basal area.Composition of epiphytes was similar(60%)among treatments,although orchids,bromeliads,and other families were more diverse in the old-secondary forest.Most bromeliad species were shared across all treatments,although orchids presented the most exclusive species in the unharvested forest.The bromeliad Tillandsia seleriana provided the greatest contribution to biomass in all treatments,followed by the orchid Camaridium densum.Generalized linear models indicated that epiphyte diversity was significantly related to treatment,and epiphyte biomass to basal area of host trees.Conclusions:Although forest management affects diversity,composition,and abundance of vascular epiphytes,most of their diversity and biomass can be maintained despite timber harvesting.This requires sparing some mature oaks during logging,as they contribute to conservation,establishment,and development of epiphytic communities,and maintaining untreated areas as a source of propagules for these communities.展开更多
Objective: To investigate the antifungal activity of the fern species Lygodium venustum(L. venustum) and Pityrogramma calomelanos(P. calomelanos) against Candida albicans and Candida tropicalis strains.Methods: The mi...Objective: To investigate the antifungal activity of the fern species Lygodium venustum(L. venustum) and Pityrogramma calomelanos(P. calomelanos) against Candida albicans and Candida tropicalis strains.Methods: The microdilution method was used to evaluate the antifungal activity, as well as the modulating effects of ethanolic extracts of these plants in combination with fluconazole. The minimum inhibitory concentration(MIC), minimum fungicide concentration and morphological changes were also determined.Results: The extract obtained from L. venustum presented a MIC > 8 192 mg/m L, while the extract obtained from and P. calomelanos presented a MIC = 8 192 mg/m L, indicating that they present weak antifungal activity. However, combination of the extracts with Fluconazole potentiated the antifungal activity of this drug. At different experimental conditions, such as concentration of the extract and type of strain, the extracts inhibited hyphae and pseudohyphae formation, indicating that these fern species can affect the morphology of the fungi.Conclusions: The extracts obtained from the fern species L. venustum and P. calomelanos dose not present significant antifungal activity. However, P. calomelanos potentiates the activity of fluconazole and both extracts inhibits the morphological changes in Candida species, indicating that they have potential pharmacological activity as modulators of fungal biology. Therefore, novel studies are required to characterize the interference of these extracts in the virulence and pathogenicity of Candida species as well as the potential of fern species to treat fungal infections.展开更多
We documented the status of fern diversity, biomass and car- bon accumulation at Chilapatta Reserve Forest in Cooch Behar Wildlife Division, West Bengal. Stratified random nested quadrat sampling was adopted for analy...We documented the status of fern diversity, biomass and car- bon accumulation at Chilapatta Reserve Forest in Cooch Behar Wildlife Division, West Bengal. Stratified random nested quadrat sampling was adopted for analyzing the qualitative and quantitative characters. Nineteen fern species were recorded, of which two are yet to be identified. Identified species were of eight families and nine genera. Highest and lowest frequency recorded were 25.44 and 0.19 while relative frequency varied from 3.16 to 12.25. Fern density ranged from 93 to 13,403 individuals.ha^-1. Most of the species were widely distributed. IVI values ranged from 7.54 to 37.45. The above ground portion of ferns accumulated the major portion ofbiomass and carbon.展开更多
文摘Through investigating the wild ornamental ferns in Guizhou Province, it is found that there are totally 312 species (including variations), 111 genera and 49 families of such resources in this region, which are classified into terrestrial fern, epiphytic fern, saxicolous fern, vine fern, tree fern and aquatic fern according to their ecological types. The application of ornamental ferns in garden landscaping and development countermeasures are analyzed in this study.
基金Supported by Guiyang Science and Technology Planning Project~~
文摘64 species (including 5 varieties), 30 genera and 24 families of the edible ferns in Guizhou are preliminartiy confirmed, according to the combination of spot investigation and refereuce analySis:the species, genera and families account for 8.13%, 19.74% and 44.44% of ferns in Guizhou, respectively. The floristic composition characters and resource distribution of 23 kinds of the edible ferns in Guizhou are described.
基金Under the auspices of National Key Research and Development Program of China(No.2016YFC0500300)National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41675153)
文摘Suitable habitat is vital for the survival and restoration of a species.Understanding the suitable habitat range for lycophytes and ferns is prerequisite for effective species resource conservation and recovery efforts.In this study, we took Athyrium brevifrons as an example, predicted its suitable habitat using a Maxent model with 67 occurrence data and nine environmental variables in Northeast China.The area under the curve(AUC) value of independent test data, as well as the comparison with specimen county areal distribution of A.brevifrons exhibited excellent predictive performance.The type of environmental variables showed that precipitation contributed the most to the distribution prediction, followed by temperature and topography.Percentage contribution and permutation importance both indicated that precipitation of driest quarter(Bio17) was the key factor in determining the natural distribution of A.brevifrons, the reason could be proved by the fern gametophyte biology.The analysis of high habitat suitability areas also showed the habitat preference of A.brevifrons: comparatively more precipitation and less fluctuation in the driest quarter.Changbai Mountains, covering almost all the high and medium habitat suitability areas, provide the best ecological conditions for the survival of A.brevifrons, and should be considered as priority areas for protection and restoration of the wild resource.The potential habitat suitability distribution map could provide a reference for the sustainable development and utilisation of A.brevifrons resource, and Maxent modelling could be valuable for conservation management planning for lycophytes and ferns in Northeast China.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grant number 31870188,31800174,31700172,41571056)to Wang,Shen,Wang and XingShanghai Landscaping and City Appearance Administrative Bureau of China,Scientific Research Grants(G182411)to Yan+1 种基金the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(grant number XDA13020603,XDA13020500)to Chen and JianGuangdong Natural Science Foundation(grant number 2015A030308015)to Wang。
文摘Ferns and lycophytes have remarkably large genomes.However,little is known about how their genome size evolved in fern lineages.To explore the origins and evolution of chromosome numbers and genome size in ferns,we used flow cytometry to measure the genomes of 240 species(255 samples)of extant ferns and lycophytes comprising 27 families and 72 genera,of which 228 species(242 samples)represent new reports.We analyzed correlations among genome size,spore size,chromosomal features,phylogeny,and habitat type preference within a phylogenetic framework.We also applied ANOVA and multinomial logistic regression analysis to preference of habitat type and genome size.Using the phylogeny,we conducted ancestral character reconstruction for habitat types and tested whether genome size changes simultaneously with shifts in habitat preference.We found that 2 C values had weak phylogenetic signal,whereas the base number of chromosomes(x)had a strong phylogenetic signal.Furthermore,our analyses revealed a positive correlation between genome size and chromosome traits,indicating that the base number of chromosomes(x),chromosome size,and polyploidization may be primary contributors to genome expansion in ferns and lycophytes.Genome sizes in different habitat types varied significantly and were significantly correlated with habitat types;specifically,multinomial logistic regression indicated that species with larger 2 C values were more likely to be epiphytes.Terrestrial habitat is inferred to be ancestral for both extant ferns and lycophytes,whereas transitions to other habitat types occurred as the major clades emerged.Shifts in habitat types appear be followed by periods of genomic stability.Based on these results,we inferred that habitat type changes and multiple whole-genome duplications have contributed to the formation of large genomes of ferns and their allies during their evolutionary history.
基金Support from projects PAPIIT IN215914 and IV201015
文摘We analyzed the distributional patterns of95 selected species of leptosporangiate ferns inhabiting the Mexican Mountain Component, using grid-cells of one geographical degree as unit areas,applying endemism indices and richness and beta diversity analyses.Distributional data were obtained from several herbaria and specialized literature.Five grid-cells appear to be important for fern species richness, as they contain 35 to 49 species.These gridcells are located in the Sierra Madre Oriental(SMO),Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt(TMVB) and the Sierra Madre del Sur(SMS).Mean richness by latitudinal belts of one degree showed that the belts with highest values are related to the TMVB and SMS.A total of 13grid-cells were recognized as important from theperspective of endemism; most of them are located also in the SMO, TMVB and SMS.The richest gridcells coincided with one of the main centres of endemism for ferns obtained in this study, located in the convergence of the southern part of the SMO, the eastern portion of the TMVB and the northern part of the SMS, reflecting the high humidity existing on the mountain slopes facing the Gulf of Mexico.Some important grid-cells recognized from richness and endemism analyses coincide with Mexican Natural Protected Areas.The beta diversity analysis showed a low degree of similarity among grid-cells, implying a high species replacement, as the result of environmental heterogeneity occurring in the Mexican mountain systems.On the other hand, the spatial analysis suggested a pattern of phytogeographical regionalization comprising twomain areas: the Mexican Transition Zone and the Mexican Central Plateau.Ferns play an important role in the Mexican biodiversity and contributing to the beta diversity of Mexico.
文摘The ultrastructure of oogenesis in the fern Osmunda cinnamomea L. var. asiatica Fernald has been studied by electron microscopy. During oogenesis, numerous vesicles not only moved towards the periphery, but also were arranged in line along the inside of plasmalemma, and in addition aggregated outside the plasmalemma by exocytosis. They released or excreted osmiophilic material. It was observed that a few vesicles containing lamellar osmiophilic material situated closely along the plasmalemma, seemed to break open. Simultaneously, a separation cavity between egg cell and archegonium wall formed. Its width was broader than the other advanced ferns reported previously, and an extra egg membrane occurred outside around the plasmalemma of the egg, its thickness being greater than in Pteridium and Dryopteris. Amyloplasts around the nucleus were filled with large triangular semicircular or subelliptical starch grains, but as the egg matured they progressively decreased. Nucleus was large and flattened, and paired membrane in two to three couples laid within the nucleus, close and parallel to the nuclear membrane. No nuclear evagination was observed. Mitochondria seemed to have been undeveloped, but finally recovered normally.
基金supported by the Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research(STEP)program(2019QZKK0502)a grant from Yunnan Fundamental Research Projects(Grant#202201BC070001)a Yunnan Revitalization Talent Support Program“Young Talent”Project and a CAS Scholarship to Liang Zhang.
文摘The Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot is renowned for its rich biodiversity,including that of vascular plants.However,the fern diversity and its endemism in this hotspot have not been well understood and so far,the diversity of very few groups of ferns in this region has been explored using combined molecular and morphological approaches.Here,we updated the plastid phylogeny of the Java fern genus Leptochilus with 226(115%increase of the latest sampling)samples across the distribution range,specifically those of three phylogenetically significant species,Leptochilus ovatus,L.pedunculatus,and L.pothifolius.We also reconstructed the first nuclear phylogeny of the genus based on pgiC gene data.Based on molecular and morphological evidence,we identified three new major clades and six new subclades,redefined three existing species,discovered a number of cryptic species of the genus,and elucidated the evolution of the three most variable characters.Our divergence time analyses and ancestral area reconstruction showed that Leptochilus originated in the Oligocene and diversified from early Miocene and 15 dispersal events from lower to higher latitudes are identified.The evolution of three most important morphological characters is analyzed in a context of the new phylogeny.Our analysis showed that 30(59%of total 51)species of Leptochilus occur in Indo-Burma hotspot,24(80%of the 30 species)of which are endemic to this hotspot.We argue that the Indo-Burma hotspot should be recognized as a diversity hotspot for ferns.
文摘Despite that several studies have shown that data derived from species lists generated from distribution occurrence records in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility(GBIF)are not appropriate for those ecological and biogeographic studies that require high sampling completeness,because species lists derived from GBIF are generally very incomplete,Suissa et al.(2021)generated fern species lists based on data with GBIF for 100 km×100 km grid cells across the world,and used the data to determine fern diversity hotspots and species richness-climate relationships.We conduct an evaluation on the completeness of fern species lists derived from GBIF at the grid-cell scale and at a larger spatial scale,and determine whether fern data derived from GBIF are appropriate for studies on the relations of species composition and richness with climatic variables.We show that species sampling completeness of GBIF is low(<40%)for most of the grid cells examined,and such low sampling completeness can substantially bias the investigation of geographic and ecological patterns of species diversity and the identification of diversity hotspots.We conclude that fern species lists derived from GBIF are generally very incomplete across a wide range of spatial scales,and are not appropriate for studies that require data derived from species lists in high completeness.We present a map showing global patterns of fern species diversity based on complete or nearly complete regional fern species lists.
基金supported financially by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment(FOEN)(project monitoring by N.Rogiers,contract no.:06.0091.PZ/P043-0606)financial support from FOEN。
文摘Background:National forest inventories(NFI)have a long history providing data to obtain nationally representative and accurate estimates of growing stock.Today,in most NFIs additional data are collected to provide information on a range of forest ecosystem functions such as biodiversity,habitat,nutrient and carbon dynamics.An important driver of nutrient and C cycling is decomposing biomass produced by forest vegetation.Several studies have demonstrated that understory vegetation,particularly annual plant litter of the herb layer can contribute significantly to nutrient and C cycling in forests.A methodology to obtain comprehensive,consistent and nationally representative estimates of herb layer biomass on NFI plots could provide added value to NFIs by complementing the existing strong basis of biomass estimates of the tree and tall shrub layer.The study was based on data from the Swiss NFI since it covers a large environmental gradient,which extends its applicability to other NFIs.Results:Based on data from 405 measurements in nine forest strata,a parsimonious model formulation was identified to predict total and non-ligneous herb layer biomass.Besides herb layer cover,elevation was the main statistically significant explanatory variable for biomass.The regression models accurately predicted biomass based on absolute percentage cover(for total biomass:R2=0.65,p=0;for non-ligneous biomass:R2=0.76;p=0)as well as on cover classes(R2=0.83;p=0;and R2=0.79,p=0),which are typically used in NFIs.The good performance was supported by the verification with data from repeated samples.For the 2 nd,3 rd,and 4 th Swiss NFI estimates of non-ligneous above-ground herb layer biomass 586.6±7.7,575.2±7.6,and 586.7±7.9 kg·ha-1,respectively.Conclusions:The study presents a methodology to obtain herb layer biomass estimates based on a harmonized and standardized attribute available in many NFIs.The result of this study was a parsimonious model requiring only elevation data of sample plots in addition to NFI cover estimates to provide unbiased estimates at the national scale.These qualities are particularly important as they ensure accurate,consistent,and comparable results.
基金TheNationalN aturalScienceFoundationofChina (N o.4022500220477055)theM inistryofScienceandTechnology(No.2002CB410808)andtheUN U & GISTJointProgram m eonScienceandTechnologyforSustainability(IERC)
文摘This research includes two investigations. The first one is a market basket survey of the levels of arsenic (As) and trace elements in bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum) originated from three countries: South Korea, China and North Korea. The results showed that the mean As concentrations in stems of samples were significantly higher than those in leaves. As concentrations in all samples did not exceed food safety limits for vegetables. Generally, concentrations of Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn in leaves were higher than those in stems. The second investigation is a survey on the levels of As and other heavy metals in vegetation in the vicinity of Myoungbong mine tailings. The results demonstrated that As, Pb and Cu concentrations and bioaccumulation factors (BCF) in seedlings of the fern(A splenium achilleifolium) were the highest, whereas Marsh horsetail(Equisetum polustre) accumulated the highest levels of Zn. Concentrations of As, Pb, Zn and Cu in vegetable-cress (Lepidium sativum) and the edible herb-aromatic madder (Elasholtzia splendens) were higher than food safety limits. Therefore, a risk assessment of As and other heavy metals in vegetables and herbs on local human health should be conducted in the future.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31300187,U1502231)the Major Program of National Science Foundation of China (31590823)
文摘The palaeodiversity of flowering plants in Yunnan has been extensively interpreted from both a molecular and fossil perspective. However, for cryptogamic plants such as ferns, the palaeodiversity remains poorly known. In this study, we describe a new ferny fossil taxon, Drynaria lanpingensis sp. nov. Huang,Su et Zhou(Polypodiaceae), from the late Pliocene of northwestern Yunnan based on fragmentary frond and pinna with in situ spores. The frond is pinnatifid and the pinnae are entirely margined. The sori are arranged in one row on each side of the primary vein. The spores have a semicircular to bean-shaped equatorial view and a tuberculate surface. Taken together with previously described fossils, there are now representatives of three known fossil taxa of Drynaria from the late Pliocene of western Yunnan.These finds suggest that Drynaria diversity was considerable in the region at that time. As Drynaria is a shade-tolerant plant, growing preferably in wet conditions in the understory of forests, its extensive existence may indicate forest vegetation and humid climates in western Yunnan during the late Pliocene.This is in line with results from floristic investigations and palaeoclimatic reconstructions based on fossil floras.
基金This study received research funding from the Rufford Foundation(Grant No.25259-1)from federal funds allotted to ECOSUR(NRM).
文摘Background:Forestry management modifies the diversity,structure,and functioning of intervened forests.Timber extraction reduces tree density and basal area,leading to changes in the communities of vascular epiphytes.The objective of this study was to evaluate the diversity and biomass of vascular epiphytes in Quercus trees remaining in two pine-oak forest stands that have been subjected to two stages of the Silvicultural Development Method(release cutting,and thinning)in comparison with an unharvested old-secondary forest in southern Mexico.For each treatment,richness of epiphytes present on 60 oak trees was recorded and their dry biomass estimated.We calculated the true diversity(Hill numbers)and beta diversity using the Jaccard coefficient of similarity,and generated rank abundance curves per taxonomic epiphyte group(bromeliads,orchids,ferns and others).For each treatment,the relationships between overall diversity and epiphyte biomass to the host trees basal area were analyzed using log linear models.Results:We recorded a total of 67 species of epiphytes species belonging to 10 families hosted by five species of oaks.The greatest species richness(^(0)D)was recorded in the old-secondary forest.Fewer common(^(1)D)and dominant(^(2)D)species were recorded in the release cutting than in the other treatments.Epiphyte diversity and biomass were both slightly related to host tree basal area.Composition of epiphytes was similar(60%)among treatments,although orchids,bromeliads,and other families were more diverse in the old-secondary forest.Most bromeliad species were shared across all treatments,although orchids presented the most exclusive species in the unharvested forest.The bromeliad Tillandsia seleriana provided the greatest contribution to biomass in all treatments,followed by the orchid Camaridium densum.Generalized linear models indicated that epiphyte diversity was significantly related to treatment,and epiphyte biomass to basal area of host trees.Conclusions:Although forest management affects diversity,composition,and abundance of vascular epiphytes,most of their diversity and biomass can be maintained despite timber harvesting.This requires sparing some mature oaks during logging,as they contribute to conservation,establishment,and development of epiphytic communities,and maintaining untreated areas as a source of propagules for these communities.
文摘Objective: To investigate the antifungal activity of the fern species Lygodium venustum(L. venustum) and Pityrogramma calomelanos(P. calomelanos) against Candida albicans and Candida tropicalis strains.Methods: The microdilution method was used to evaluate the antifungal activity, as well as the modulating effects of ethanolic extracts of these plants in combination with fluconazole. The minimum inhibitory concentration(MIC), minimum fungicide concentration and morphological changes were also determined.Results: The extract obtained from L. venustum presented a MIC > 8 192 mg/m L, while the extract obtained from and P. calomelanos presented a MIC = 8 192 mg/m L, indicating that they present weak antifungal activity. However, combination of the extracts with Fluconazole potentiated the antifungal activity of this drug. At different experimental conditions, such as concentration of the extract and type of strain, the extracts inhibited hyphae and pseudohyphae formation, indicating that these fern species can affect the morphology of the fungi.Conclusions: The extracts obtained from the fern species L. venustum and P. calomelanos dose not present significant antifungal activity. However, P. calomelanos potentiates the activity of fluconazole and both extracts inhibits the morphological changes in Candida species, indicating that they have potential pharmacological activity as modulators of fungal biology. Therefore, novel studies are required to characterize the interference of these extracts in the virulence and pathogenicity of Candida species as well as the potential of fern species to treat fungal infections.
文摘We documented the status of fern diversity, biomass and car- bon accumulation at Chilapatta Reserve Forest in Cooch Behar Wildlife Division, West Bengal. Stratified random nested quadrat sampling was adopted for analyzing the qualitative and quantitative characters. Nineteen fern species were recorded, of which two are yet to be identified. Identified species were of eight families and nine genera. Highest and lowest frequency recorded were 25.44 and 0.19 while relative frequency varied from 3.16 to 12.25. Fern density ranged from 93 to 13,403 individuals.ha^-1. Most of the species were widely distributed. IVI values ranged from 7.54 to 37.45. The above ground portion of ferns accumulated the major portion ofbiomass and carbon.