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作者 马万征 李静 +4 位作者 张彦才 马万敏 喻鑫露 董璐 许宏杰 《牡丹江师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2018年第3期51-53,共3页
关键词 pm2.5 雾霾 净化装置 去除效率
作者 吴俊杰 徐足音 +2 位作者 王耀辉 杨传军 陈明 《激光技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期716-722,共7页
为了评估相干测风激光雷达在不同扫描模式下探测效能与气象要素之间的联系,使用2020-08~2021-07期间广汉机场相干测风激光雷达探测数据进行了分析验证。结果表明,方位角测量模式扫描方式下,探测距离在3 km之后,探测效能线性下降,90°... 为了评估相干测风激光雷达在不同扫描模式下探测效能与气象要素之间的联系,使用2020-08~2021-07期间广汉机场相干测风激光雷达探测数据进行了分析验证。结果表明,方位角测量模式扫描方式下,探测距离在3 km之后,探测效能线性下降,90°扫描时,500 m后探测效能开始线性下降;总体探测效能在11月最高,7月最低;11月至次年7月呈下降趋势,7~11月呈上升趋势;在日落后至日出前的探测效能较低,在午间探测效能最高;夏秋季节,激光雷达探测效能与PM 2.5质量浓度呈现正相关,与降雨量的对数呈负相关。该研究为机场激光雷达识别低空风切变准确度提供了重要的基础保障。 展开更多
关键词 激光技术 探测效能 相干测风激光雷达 PM 2.5质量浓度 降雨量
作者 王泽鹏 赵柯豫 +3 位作者 蔡雨欣 黄景达 孙毅 张文标 《林业工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期87-94,共8页
随着现代工业的快速发展,PM_(2.5)的污染问题对人体健康造成严重威胁。旨在研究一种过滤效率高、压降低、绿色环保的空气过滤材料,用于防护PM_(2.5)的污染。通过将纳米纤维素(CNF)与3种水性聚合物聚乙烯醇(PVA)、聚乙二醇(PEG)和聚乙烯... 随着现代工业的快速发展,PM_(2.5)的污染问题对人体健康造成严重威胁。旨在研究一种过滤效率高、压降低、绿色环保的空气过滤材料,用于防护PM_(2.5)的污染。通过将纳米纤维素(CNF)与3种水性聚合物聚乙烯醇(PVA)、聚乙二醇(PEG)和聚乙烯亚胺(PEI)分别进行复合,并采用低温冷冻干燥的方法制备CNF/PVA、CNF/PEG和CNF/PEI气凝胶滤片。通过简单的热化学气相沉积(CVD)疏水改性CNF复合气凝胶滤片,研究了其成型机理、疏水性能和过滤性能。结果显示,质量比为1∶0.5的CNF/PVA气凝胶滤片具有较佳过滤性能,拉伸应力可达158.4 kPa,PM_(2.5)过滤效率为90.14%。在稳定性评估中,CNF/PVA复合气凝胶滤片即使在高温(150℃)和高气流速度(5 cm/s)的条件下也表现出稳定的过滤性能。通过对CNF/PVA0.5进行疏水改性后,水接触角达137.5°,并且使用简单的水洗处理即可重复使用,5次洗涤后仍能保持较高的过滤性能(过滤效率>84%)。本研究结果证明采用CNF复合气凝胶滤片制备空气过滤用材料是可行的,可为推动PM_(2.5)过滤材料的发展以及绿色空气过滤材料的开发提供理论和技术基础。 展开更多
关键词 纳米纤维素 气凝胶滤片 聚乙烯醇 PM_(2.5) 过滤效率
雾霾约束下中国环境技术效率测度及影响因素研究——基于SBM-Undesirable的省际面板数据 被引量:17
作者 何枫 马栋栋 祝丽云 《研究与发展管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期34-43,共10页
将雾霾这一新的约束条件纳入环境技术效率研究框架,基于2001—2012年省际面板数据,运用SBMUndesirable方法测算了雾霾约束条件下的各地区环境技术效率,重点探讨了技术创新与环境规制强度对环境技术效率的影响.效率测算结果显示:雾霾约... 将雾霾这一新的约束条件纳入环境技术效率研究框架,基于2001—2012年省际面板数据,运用SBMUndesirable方法测算了雾霾约束条件下的各地区环境技术效率,重点探讨了技术创新与环境规制强度对环境技术效率的影响.效率测算结果显示:雾霾约束下中国整体环境技术效率平均值仅为0.616,环境技术效率水平提升空间较大;环境技术效率区域发展不平衡,东、中、西部地区环境技术效率水平依次下降;各省市环境技术效率差异显著;各地区节能减霾潜力巨大.进一步的效率影响因素分析表明,当前的技术创新、环境规制强度并未能显著改变雾霾污染现状以及提升环境技术效率,经济规模、外资依存度、人口密度及地理位置因素均可以促进环境技术效率提升,产业结构和贸易依存度则有负向作用. 展开更多
关键词 雾霾 pm2.5 SBM-Undesirable模型 环境技术效率 技术创新 环境规制
太原市森林公园林带对空气PM 2.5的净化效率 被引量:9
作者 武晓红 张先平 +3 位作者 李晓迪 闫彩云 宋丽红 耿红 《西北林学院学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期260-265,共6页
开展城市绿地滞尘效应研究对指导城市绿地建设具有重要科学意义。为了研究城市交通主干道周边绿地的滞尘效应,以太原市森林公园西侧紧邻滨河东路南北长600 m,东西宽100 m的针叶混交林带为研究对象,在林带最西侧与道路交界处设对照点(0 ... 开展城市绿地滞尘效应研究对指导城市绿地建设具有重要科学意义。为了研究城市交通主干道周边绿地的滞尘效应,以太原市森林公园西侧紧邻滨河东路南北长600 m,东西宽100 m的针叶混交林带为研究对象,在林带最西侧与道路交界处设对照点(0 m),由西向东垂直于路面在林带内分别设置20、40、60、80 m 4个监测点,用中流量大气PM 2.5采样器(100 L/min)在各点对PM 2.5进行日间采样,分析林带内PM 2.5浓度的变化特征并计算林带对PM 2.5的净化效率。结果表明:1)林带宽度影响其对大气PM 2.5的净化效率,从20~60 m的净化效率逐渐提高,80 m处略低于60 m;2)林带对局部空气PM 2.5净化效率与区域空气质量呈负相关,当空气质量为优良时,林带可以有效地降低局部PM 2.5,当空气质量为中重度污染时,林带20~40 m宽处会聚集较高浓度的PM 2.5;3)林带内分时段净化效率显示,9:30-11:00的净化效率最低,12:30-17:00净化效率较高,且15:30-17:00林内PM 2.5质量浓度最低,提示该时段适宜市民在公园内活动。 展开更多
关键词 林带 PM 2.5 净化效率 空气质量 太原市
乌鲁木齐市河滩快速路林带内颗粒物浓度变化特征 被引量:2
作者 阿丽亚·拜都热拉 甄敬 +3 位作者 潘存德 张中远 胡梦玲 喀哈尔·扎依木 《新疆农业大学学报》 CAS 2019年第5期378-384,共7页
以新疆乌鲁木齐市河滩快速路林带为研究对象,分析林带内颗粒浓度的时间、空间变化。选取河滩路(南、中、北)三个混交林带作为研究区,并在林带内离快速路不同宽度处设置6个实时监测点,在2018年1月、5月、7月、9月内选择晴朗,没有出现风速... 以新疆乌鲁木齐市河滩快速路林带为研究对象,分析林带内颗粒浓度的时间、空间变化。选取河滩路(南、中、北)三个混交林带作为研究区,并在林带内离快速路不同宽度处设置6个实时监测点,在2018年1月、5月、7月、9月内选择晴朗,没有出现风速17 m/s以上大风的天气连续监测,取3个林带颗粒物变化的平均值。不同时间段PM 2.5与PM 10浓度的日变化规律一致,12:00最高,颗粒物浓度分别为44.06、49.72μg/m^3;9:00(26.94、29.67μg/m^3)和18:00(22.83、25.44μg/m^3)为小高峰,10:00(18.11、21.50μg/m^3)和16:00(18.06、20.44μg/m^3)最低;林带内PM 2.5、PM 10浓度月变化随其所处季节的不同而不同,1月(424.56、553.73μg/m^3)>9月(12.43、14.48μg/m^3)>5月(9.38、14.60μg/m^3)>7月(5.18、6.10μg/m^3)。林带对PM 2.5、PM 10的削减效率在10:00最好,分别为46%、45%;在14:00削减效率全部为负值;不同月份林带对PM 2.5、PM 10的削减率排序为7月(15.68%、17.18%)>5月(4.52%、4.44%)>9月(3.10%、4.18%)>1月(-2.75%、-4.54%)。结合不同时刻林带削减颗粒物的有效宽度,认为河滩快速路单侧林带削减颗粒物的有效宽度为:PM 10为9~14 m;PM 2.5为12~15 m;结合不同月份林带削减颗粒物的有效宽度,认为河滩快速路单侧林带削减颗粒物的有效宽度为:PM 10为20~25 m;PM 2.5为13~16 m。林带对颗粒物有一定的阻滞吸附作用,结合不同月份和日间不同时刻林带削减颗粒物的有效宽度,认为河滩快速路单侧混交林带削减颗粒物的有效宽度为:PM 10为20~25 m;PM 2.5为12~16 m。 展开更多
关键词 快速路林带 PM 10 PM 2.5 变化特征 有效宽度
加载减速工况下带有DPF柴油车的颗粒物排放 被引量:3
作者 李孟良 景晓军 张远军 《汽车工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第8期660-663,共4页
基于加载减速工况,利用ELPI能够有效研究颗粒物排放状况以及其数目浓度和质量浓度在粒径上的分布,研究证实,这种测试技术具有很高的DPF性能鉴别能力。通过量化分析颗粒物在DPF前后粒径上的浓度分布以及图解DPF前后的浓度差值,可以非常... 基于加载减速工况,利用ELPI能够有效研究颗粒物排放状况以及其数目浓度和质量浓度在粒径上的分布,研究证实,这种测试技术具有很高的DPF性能鉴别能力。通过量化分析颗粒物在DPF前后粒径上的浓度分布以及图解DPF前后的浓度差值,可以非常清晰地发现该DPF对于不同粒径的过滤性能,为开发和匹配柴油车颗粒物过滤器提供一种有效的手段。 展开更多
关键词 柴油车 颗粒物排放 加载减速工况 粒径分布 过滤效率
基于平均质量消光率分析太原重污染时段相对湿度对PM 2.5浓度影响 被引量:2
作者 吕安 盛若虹 李晓瑞 《山西化工》 2020年第3期163-166,共4页
基于太原市小店点位2019年-2020年秋冬季细颗粒物(PM 2.5)浓度和常规气象数据,对PM 2.5浓度与近地面气象要素进行Pearson相关分析,建立基于平均质量消光效率的吸湿增长模型,分析重污染时段相对湿度对PM 2.5质量浓度影响。结果表明,秋冬... 基于太原市小店点位2019年-2020年秋冬季细颗粒物(PM 2.5)浓度和常规气象数据,对PM 2.5浓度与近地面气象要素进行Pearson相关分析,建立基于平均质量消光效率的吸湿增长模型,分析重污染时段相对湿度对PM 2.5质量浓度影响。结果表明,秋冬季PM 2.5浓度与相对湿度显著相关,相对湿度越大,PM 2.5浓度增长越快;RH≤60%时,颗粒物浓度受相对湿度影响较小;RH>60%时,PM浓度上升速度加快;当相对湿度由80%升至95%时,吸湿增长可能使PM 2.5浓度上升至200%以上。 展开更多
关键词 平均质量消光效率 相对湿度 吸湿增长 细颗粒物浓度
作者 漆东岳 王向钦 +1 位作者 倪冰选 陆树兴 《过滤与分离》 CAS 2016年第2期26-30,36,共6页
PM 2.5已经成为热门话题,然而严重影响我们健康的PM0.5却被忽略。分类过滤效率反映了工业粉尘过滤材料对不同粒径微粒的过滤效率,可评价过滤材料对PM 2.5以下微粒的过滤效率。本文研究了滤料厚度,克重,平均纤维直径,平均孔隙大小等参数... PM 2.5已经成为热门话题,然而严重影响我们健康的PM0.5却被忽略。分类过滤效率反映了工业粉尘过滤材料对不同粒径微粒的过滤效率,可评价过滤材料对PM 2.5以下微粒的过滤效率。本文研究了滤料厚度,克重,平均纤维直径,平均孔隙大小等参数与分级过滤效率的关系。结果表明,工业粉尘过滤材料对PM 2.5有良好的过滤性能,可以达到90%,但对PM 0.5点过滤性能较差,从30%到70%不等;孔隙大小对过滤性能没有显著影响;平均纤维直径有显著影响过滤阻力,平均纤维直径变小,过滤效率增加,但阻力也增加;乳剂处理可以提高滤料对PM 0.5的过滤性能。 展开更多
关键词 分级过滤效率 工业粉尘过滤材料 PM 0.5 过滤阻力
作者 王秋花 李延红 +1 位作者 刘永春 高发廷 《汽车电器》 2020年第10期44-45,48,共3页
关键词 PM传感器 DPF过滤效率 DPF
通过溶剂蒸汽处理制备多级静电纺丝纳米纤维作为空气过滤膜实现PM2.5高效捕获(英文) 被引量:12
作者 黄欣欣 焦体峰 +4 位作者 刘青青 张乐欣 周靖欣 李冰冰 彭秋明 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2019年第3期423-436,共14页
空气污染特别是颗粒物(PM)污染,已经威胁到人类的身体健康,因而引起了全世界的高度关注.人们在室外可通过口罩进行个人防护,然而一般的商业口罩起不到好的防护效果.本文利用静电纺丝技术和溶剂蒸汽退火(SVA)方法制备了新型高效的聚(ε-... 空气污染特别是颗粒物(PM)污染,已经威胁到人类的身体健康,因而引起了全世界的高度关注.人们在室外可通过口罩进行个人防护,然而一般的商业口罩起不到好的防护效果.本文利用静电纺丝技术和溶剂蒸汽退火(SVA)方法制备了新型高效的聚(ε-己内酯)/聚环氧乙烷(PCL/PEO)空气过滤纳米纤维.通过SVA处理,纤维表面变得褶皱,增强了对PM2.5的捕获效率.在重度污染状况(PM2.5颗粒浓度>225 mg m^(-3))下,这种纳米褶皱空气过滤膜的移除效率达80.01%.秦皇岛雾霾天实地测量表明,空气过滤膜能高效移除PM2.5.与商业口罩相比,本文经过SVA处理后的PCL/PEO空气过滤膜具有制备方法简单、环境友好且易降解的特性,在高效过滤膜领域有潜在应用. 展开更多
关键词 ELECTROSPINNING NANofIBER MAT solvent vapor annealing air filtration pm2.5 removal
Morphology and property investigation of primary particulate matter particles from different sources 被引量:2
作者 Rufan Zhang Chong Liu +9 位作者 Guangmin Zhou Jie Sun Nian Liu Po-Chun Hsu Haotian Wang Yongcai Qiu Jie Zhao Tong Wu Wenting Zhao Yi Cui 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第6期3182-3192,共11页
Particulate matter (PM) pollution has become a major environmental concern in many developing countries. PM pollution control remains a great challenge owing to the complex sources and evolution processes of PM part... Particulate matter (PM) pollution has become a major environmental concern in many developing countries. PM pollution control remains a great challenge owing to the complex sources and evolution processes of PM particles. There are two categories of PM, i.e., primary and secondary PM particles, and the primary PM emissions play a key role in the formation of PM pollution. Knowledge of primary PM particle compositions, sources, and evolution processes is of great importance to the effective control of PM pollution. In order to characterize PM particles effectively, their fundamental properties including the morphology, concentration distribution, surface chemistry, and composition must be systematically investigated. In this study, we collected and analyzed six types of PM10 and PM2.s particles from different sources using an in situ sampling approach. The concentration distributions of PM particles were analyzed and comparative analysis of the morphologies, distributions, capture mechanisms, and compositions of PM particles was conducted using scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. We found that there were significant differences in the structures, morphologies, and capture mechanisms of PM2.5 and PM10 particles. The systematic comparative investigation in this work will benefit the study of evolution processes and the effective control of PM pollution in the future. 展开更多
关键词 particulate matter 2.5(pm2.5 source analysis NANofIBER filtration PROPERTY distribution characterization
The contribution of small leaks in a baghouse filter to dust emission in the PM2.s range-A system approach 被引量:3
作者 Oliver Kurtz Jorg Meyer Gerhard Kasper 《Particuology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第1期40-52,共13页
The contribution of leakage in a baghouse filter (defined as a short circuit between the upstream and downstream sides of the filter) to the emission of fine particles is quantified in comparison to other dust emiss... The contribution of leakage in a baghouse filter (defined as a short circuit between the upstream and downstream sides of the filter) to the emission of fine particles is quantified in comparison to other dust emission sources, and the influence of key operating variables on overall system response is analyzed. The study was conducted on a well-maintained pilot-scale filter unit (9 bags of 500 g/m^2 calendered polyester needle felt; total surface area 4.2 m^2) operated in Ap-controlled mode over a range of pulsing intensities, with two types of test dust (one free-flowing and the other cohesive) at inlet concentrations of 10 and 30 g/m^3. Leaks included single holes between 0.5 and 4 mm diameter, intentionally placed in either the plenum plate or one of the filter bags, as well as seamlines from bag confectioning. Emissions were sep- arated by source into a transient contribution due to dust penetration through the filter bags after each cleaning pulse, and a continuous contribution from leaks. This separation was based on a novel method of data processing that relies on time-resolved concentration measurements with a specially calibrated optical particle counter. Tiny leaks on the order of 1 mm generated the same emission level as all the bags combined, and dominated continuous emissions. The equivalent leak cross section (leakage = media emission) was about 1 ppm of the total installed filter surface, independent of upstream dust concentra- tion. Leakage through open seamlines amounted to 75% of media emissions in case of free-flowing test dust. Leakage was restricted to aerodynamic diameters less than ~5 μm (roughly the PM2.s mass frac- tion). For comparison, time-averaged mass penetration through conventional needle-felt media ranged from about 10^-5 to 10^-6, depending on cohesiveness of the particle material and pulse cleaning intensity, giving emission levels between about 0.02 and 0.2 mg/m^3 at the reference concentration of 10 R/m^2. 展开更多
关键词 Air filtration Baghouse Pulse-cleaned filters Leaks pm2.5 Dust emission
Experimental study on PM2.5 removal by magnetic polyimide loaded with cobalt ferrate 被引量:3
作者 Fashan Zhou Yongfa Diao +2 位作者 Ruge Wang Bingwen Yang Teng Zhang 《Energy and Built Environment》 2020年第4期404-409,共6页
A novel functional magnetic polyimide loaded with cobalt ferrite nanoparticles by coprecipitation method was proposed,and XRD,FTIR,SEM technologies were employed to study their physicochemical properties.The filtra-ti... A novel functional magnetic polyimide loaded with cobalt ferrite nanoparticles by coprecipitation method was proposed,and XRD,FTIR,SEM technologies were employed to study their physicochemical properties.The filtra-tion performance of non-magnetic and magnetic polyimide were examined by experimental system.The effects of dust resistance,filtration velocity and initial dust concentration on the filtration performance of magnetic polyimide were investigated under different dust loadings.The results revealed that presence of𝜌-лconjuga-tion between the cobalt ferrite and polyimide fiber resulted in easily load on the fiber surface for cobalt ferrite nanoparticles.The magnetic polyimide exhibited good filtration efficiency especially in the range of particle size less than 2μm.The filtration efficiency of magnetic polyimide filter materials increased by nearly 20%com-pared with the primary polyimide.Due to the loading of cobalt ferrite,the resistance of the magnetic polyimide increased,while the resistance growth rate decreased from 100%to 29%with increased filtration velocity from 0.5 m/min to 2.5 m/min. 展开更多
关键词 Magnetic polyimide Cobalt ferrite pm2.5 filtration performance
Impacts of fuel feeding methods on the thermal and emission performance of modern coal burning stoves
作者 Riaz Ahmad Yuguang Zhou +5 位作者 Nan Zhao Crispin Pemberton-Pigott Harold John Annegarn Muhammad Sultan Renjie Dong Xinxin Ju 《International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS 2019年第3期160-167,共8页
The extensive use of traditional cooking and heating stoves to meet domestic requirements creates a serious problem of indoor and outdoor air pollution.This study reports the impacts of two fuel feeding methods-front-... The extensive use of traditional cooking and heating stoves to meet domestic requirements creates a serious problem of indoor and outdoor air pollution.This study reports the impacts of two fuel feeding methods-front-loading and top-loading on the thermal and emissions performance of a modern coal-fired water-heating and cooking stove using a contextual test sequence that replicates typical patterns of domestic use.Known as a low-pressure boiler,when this stove was fueled with raw coal,the findings indicate that front-loading the fuel,which devolatilizes the new fuel gradually,produced consistently higher space heating efficiency and lower emission factors than top-loading the same stove,which devolatilizes new fuel all at once.Comparing the performance at both high and low power gave the similar results:front-loading with raw coal produced consistently better results than top-loading.The average water heating efficiency when front-loading was(58.6±2.3)%and(53.4±1.8)%for top-loading.Over the sixteen-hour test sequence,front-loading produced 22%lower emissions of PM2.5(3.9±0.6)mg/MJNET than top-loading(4.7±0.9)mg/MJNET.The same pattern was observed for carbon monoxide and the CO/CO2 ratio.CO was reduced from(5.0±0.4)g/MJNET to(4.1±0.5)g/MJNET.The combustion efficiency(CO/CO2 ratio)improved from(8.2±0.8)%to(6.6±0.6)%.Briquetted semi-coked coal briquettes are promoted as a raw coal substitute,and the tests were replicated using this fuel.Again,the same pattern of improved performance was observed.Front loading produced 3.5%higher heating efficiency,10%lower CO and a 0.9%lower CO/CO2 ratio.It is concluded that,compared with top loading,the manufacturers recommended front-loading refueling behavior delivered better thermal,emissions and combustion performance under all test conditions with those two fuels. 展开更多
关键词 stoves front-loading top-loading REFUELING domestic coal thermal efficiency pm2.5 emissions semi-coked coal briquettes
Silk nanofibers as high efficient and lightweight air filter 被引量:24
作者 Chunya Wang Shuyi Wu +5 位作者 Muqiang Jian Jiarong Xie Luping Xu Xudong Yang Quanshui Zheng Yingying Zhang 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第9期2590-2597,共8页
Silk is a widely available, edible, biocompatible, and environmentally sustainable natural material. Particulate matter (PM) pollution has drawn considerable attention because it is a serious threat to public health. ... Silk is a widely available, edible, biocompatible, and environmentally sustainable natural material. Particulate matter (PM) pollution has drawn considerable attention because it is a serious threat to public health. Herein, we report a human-friendly silk nanofiber air filter, which exhibits superior filtration efficiency for both PM2.5and submicron particles with obviously low pressure drop and low basis weight compared to typical commercial microfiber air filters. Additionally, other functions such as antibacterial activity could be easily integrated into the silk nanofiber air filters, enabling the fabrication of multifunctional air filters. All the above characteristics, combined with the natural abundance and biocompatibility of silk, suggest a great potential for the use of silk nanofibers as air filters, especially as comfortable and personal air purifiers. [Figure not available: see fulltext.] © 2016, Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 展开更多
关键词 silk nanofibers air filtration pm2.5 submicron particles LIGHTWEIGHT
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