Wide collection on the historic records of the climatic changes and flood events is performed in the Yangtze Delta. Man-Kendall (MK) method is applied to explore the changing trends of the time series of the flood dis...Wide collection on the historic records of the climatic changes and flood events is performed in the Yangtze Delta. Man-Kendall (MK) method is applied to explore the changing trends of the time series of the flood discharge and the maximum high summer temperature. The research results indicate that the flood magnitudes increased during the transition from the medieval warm interval into the early Little Ice Age. Fluctuating climate changes of the Little Ice Age characterized by arid climate events followed by the humid and cold climate conditions give rise to the frequent flood hazards. Low-lying terrain made the study region prone to the flood hazards, storm tide and typhoon. MK analysis reveals that the jumping point of the time series of the flood discharge changes occurred in the mid-1960s, that of the maximum summer temperature changes in the mid-1990s, and the exact jump point in 1993. The flood discharge changes are on negative trend before the 1990s, they are on positive tendency after the 1990s; the maximum high summer temperature changes are on negative trend before the 1990s and on positive tendency after the 1990s. These results indicate that the trend of flood discharge matches that of the maximum high summer temperature in the Yangtze Delta. The occurrence probability of the maximum high summer temperature will be increasing under the climatic warming scenario and which will in turn increase the occurrence probability of the flood events. More active solar action epochs and the higher sea surface temperature index (SST index) of the south Pacific Ocean area lying between 4 o N-4 o S and 150 o W-90 o W correspond to increased annual precipitation, flood discharge and occurrence frequency of floods in the Yangtze Delta. This is partly because the intensified solar activities and the higher SST index give rise to accelerated hydrological circulation from ocean surface to the continent, resulting in increased precipitation on the continent.展开更多
The Sediment Delivery Ratio(SDR) has multi-fold environmental implications both in evaluating the soil and water losses and the effectiveness of conservation measures in watersheds. Various factors, including hydrolog...The Sediment Delivery Ratio(SDR) has multi-fold environmental implications both in evaluating the soil and water losses and the effectiveness of conservation measures in watersheds. Various factors, including hydrological regime and watershed properties, may influence the SDR at interannual timescales. However, the effect of certain important dynamic factors, such as rainfall peak distribution, runoff erosion power and sediment bulk density, on the sediment delivery ratio of single flood events(SDRe) has received little attention. The Qiaogou headwater basin is in the hilly-gully region of the Chinese Loess Plateau, and it encompasses a 0.45 km^2 catchment. Three large-scale field runoff plots at different geomorphological positions were chosen to obtain the observation data, and the 20-year period between 1986 and 2005 is presented. The results showed that the SDRe of the Qiaogou headwaters varied from 0.49 to 2.77. Among the numerous influential factors, rainfall and runoff were the driving factors causing slope erosion and sediment transport. The rainfall erosivity had a significant positive relationship with the sediment transport modulus(R^2=0.85, P<0.01) but had no significant relationship with SDRe. The rainfall peak coefficient was significantly positively correlated with the SDRe(R^2=0.64, P<0.05), indicating the influence of rainfall energy distribution on the SDRe. The runoff erosion power index was not only significantly related to the sediment transport modulus(R^2=0.84, P<0.01) but also significantly related to the SDRe(R^2=0.57, P<0.01). In addition, the relative bulk density was significantly related to the SDRe, indicating that hyper-concentrated flow characteristics contributed to more transported sediment in the catchment. Thus, the rainfall peak coefficient, runoff erosion power and sediment relative bulk density could be used as dynamic indexes to predict the SDRe in the hilly areas of the Chinese Loess Plateau.展开更多
Understanding the temporal variations of extreme floods that occur in response to climate change is essential to anticipate the trends in flood magnitude and frequency in the context of global warming. However, long-t...Understanding the temporal variations of extreme floods that occur in response to climate change is essential to anticipate the trends in flood magnitude and frequency in the context of global warming. However, long-term records of paleofloods in arid regions are scarce, thus preventing a thorough understanding of such events. In this study, a reconstruction of paleofloods over the past 300 years was conducted through an analysis of grain sizes from the sediments of Kanas Lake in the Altay Mountains of northwestern China. Results showed that grain parameters and frequency distributions can be used to infer possible abrupt environmental events within the lake sedimentary sequence, and two extreme flood events corresponding to ca. 1736–1765 AD and ca. 1890 AD were further identified based on canonical discriminant analysis(CDA) and coarse percentile versus median grain size(C-M) pattern analysis, both of which occurred during warmer and wetter climate conditions by referring to tree-ring records. These two flood events are also evidenced by lake sedimentary records in the Altay and Tianshan mountains. Furthermore, through a comparison with other records, the flood event from ca. 1736–1765 AD in the study region seems to have occurred in both the arid central Asia and the Alps in Europe, and thus may have been associated with changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation(NAO) index.展开更多
Various orders of condensed sections are recognized in the Cambrian of North China Carbonate Platform. Study of comparative sedimentology proves that CS4-CS5 in the Changshanian age is the maximum sea flooding sedimen...Various orders of condensed sections are recognized in the Cambrian of North China Carbonate Platform. Study of comparative sedimentology proves that CS4-CS5 in the Changshanian age is the maximum sea flooding sediments in the Cambrian, regardless of the distribution, thickness, internal structure of the condensed section series and K2O abundance. It is a two-layered composite condensed section series, characterized by the enrichment of such elements as K, P, Mn, Ti, Co, V, Cr, Cu, Zr, Ni, Li, Th, La, Ce, Nd, Dy, Y, Sc and Be. The Changshanian maximum flooding event can be correlated on a global scale, and the corresponding sedimentary records are discovered in 26 intercontinental sections in N. Europe, N. America, and Tarim and the Yangtze Platform of China. Through detailed sedimentological research, meter-scale cycle analysis and Fischer plots, it is concluded that the Changshanian maximum flooding was a composite effect of the second-order eustacy superimposed by the third-and fourth-order eustacy, which lasted for 1.2-3 Ma. An intercontinental model of the Changshanian maximum flooding is proposed at the end of this paper.展开更多
This study aims to apply a hydrogeological approaches and analysis of the 2021 flood event of Tasi-Tolu Lagoon to achieve four specific goals. Firstly, the study seeks to determine the natural characteristics of the l...This study aims to apply a hydrogeological approaches and analysis of the 2021 flood event of Tasi-Tolu Lagoon to achieve four specific goals. Firstly, the study seeks to determine the natural characteristics of the lagoon, which include factors such as size, depth, water quality, and ecosystem composition. Secondly, the influence of precipitation on the water volume in the lagoon will be examined. This analysis involves assessing historical rainfall patterns in the region, as well as the amount and frequency of precipitation during the 2021 flood event. Thirdly, the hydrogeologic and geologic conditions of the lagoon will be evaluated. This involves examining factors such as the type and structure of the soil and bedrock, the presence of aquifers or other underground water sources, and the movement of water through the surrounding landscape. Finally, the study seeks to assess the risk of future flooding in Tasi-Tolu Lagoon, based on the insights gained from the previous analyses. Overall, this study’s goal is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the hydrogeological factors that contribute to flooding in Tasi-Tolu Lagoon. This knowledge could be used to inform flood mitigation strategies or to improve our ability to predict and respond to future flooding events in the region.展开更多
The Yangtze Delta is one of the economically most developed areas in China. It is located in the eastern China monsoon region. Archaeological excavations and environment-archaeology studies over many yea...The Yangtze Delta is one of the economically most developed areas in China. It is located in the eastern China monsoon region. Archaeological excavations and environment-archaeology studies over many years in this region provide exceptional information about climate changes, development of human civilization and also human-environment interactions. Archaeological excavations made in the study region reveal that the development of Neolithic cultures is not continuous, which may be a result of extreme climatic events. The analysis of 14 C-dated buried paleotrees, peat and shell ridges show the rise and fall of human civilization in the study area. The research results presented in this paper confirm that human civilization collapsed six times in the Yangtze Delta, matching six high sea level epoches, peat accumulation and buried paleotrees formation periods respectively. This indicates that human activities in the Yangtze Delta are controlled by local climate changes and changing hydrological conditions. The collapse of the Liangzhu culture (5000 aBP-3800 aBP) in about 4000 aBP, after a tremendous flooding event, followed by a relatively backward Maqiao culture (3800 aBP-3200 aBP) confused researchers and aroused their great interest. The research results in this paper show that the collapse of the Liangzhu culture is a result of several factors, for example war and food shortage, but the flooding event occurred in the late Liangzhu culture epoch is the main factor therein.展开更多
Land use/cover change (LUCC) is one of the main boundary conditions which influence many hydrologic processes. In view of the importance of Taihu Lake Watershed in China and the urgency of discovering the impacts of L...Land use/cover change (LUCC) is one of the main boundary conditions which influence many hydrologic processes. In view of the importance of Taihu Lake Watershed in China and the urgency of discovering the impacts of LUCC on storm runoff, two flood events under five land cover scenarios in the Xitiaoxi River Basin of the upstream of Taihu Lake watershed were simulated by distributed hydrologic modeling system HEC-HMS. The influences of each land cover on storm runoff were discussed. It was concluded that under the same rainstorm the ascending order of runoff coefficient and peak flow produced by the 5 different land covers were woodland, shrub, grassland, arable land, and built-up land; the descending order of swelling time were woodland, shrub, grassland, arable land, and built-up land. Scenario of built-up land was the first to reach peak flow, then arable land, grassland, shrub, and woodland. There were close relationships between the runoff coefficients produced by the 5 different land covers. The degrees of impacts on runoff coefficient of land cover change modes were sorted by descending: woodland to built-up land, shrub to built-up land, grassland to built-up land, arable land to built-up land, woodland to arable land, shrub to arable land, arable land to grassland, shrub to grassland, grassland to arable land, and woodland to shrub. Urbanization will contribute to flood disaster, while forestation will mitigate flood disaster.展开更多
Flood events vary with sub-regions, sites and time and show complex characteristics. This study investigated temporal variabilities in flood discharges and relationships with principal driving factors in data scarce W...Flood events vary with sub-regions, sites and time and show complex characteristics. This study investigated temporal variabilities in flood discharges and relationships with principal driving factors in data scarce Wabi Shebele River Basin. The preliminary analysis using exploratory data analysis (EDA) on annual and seasonal maximum discharge reveals that there are cycles of extreme flows at five- and ten-year intervals respectively throughout the basin. The statistical verification using the Mann-Kendall test and Quantile perturbation method indicates a significant trend in flood magnitude and frequency entire the basin in the early 21st century. For longest period (1980-2010) annual maximum stream flow shows significant positive trend (p-value < 0.05) in middle catchments and negative trend (p-value < 0.05) in eastern catchments. The years: 1986-1995, 2006-2010 are the years in which positive significant anomalies occurred in all seasons, while the years: 1980-1985, 1996-2005 are the occurrence years of significant negative anomalies. Rainfall from climate drivers;DA, BE, VS and fraction of sand from environmental background drivers;fraction of forest and population density from external factors were identified as the powerful driving factors of flood variabilities in the Wabi Shebele River Basin.展开更多
As a key factor limiting primary productivity in marine ecosystem, dissolved iron(DFe) export from fluvial systems has increased recently. There is particular concern about discharges of DFe during extreme flooding, w...As a key factor limiting primary productivity in marine ecosystem, dissolved iron(DFe) export from fluvial systems has increased recently. There is particular concern about discharges of DFe during extreme flooding, when they are thought to increase considerably. An extreme flood event that caused inundation of extensive areas of Far Eastern Russia and Northeastern China occurred in the basin of the Amur River during summer and autumn 2013. During this event, water samples were collected in the middle reaches of the Amur River and the lower reaches at Khabarovsk City and analyzed for DFe concentrations and other aquatic parameters. The results show that the average DFe concentrations in the middle reaches of the Amur River(right bank) and at Khabarovsk were 1.11 mg/L and 0.32 mg/L, respectively, during the extreme flood in 2013. The total discharge of DFe during the flood event was 6.25 × 104 t. The high discharge of DFe during the flood reflects the elevated discharge of the river, hydrologically connected riparian wetlands, vast quantities of terrestrial runoff, and flood discharges from the Zeya and Bureya reservoirs. These results show that long-term monitoring is needed to identify and assess the impacts of DFe transport on the downstream reaches, estuarine area, and coastal ecosystems of the Amur River.展开更多
The Center for Hydrometeorology and Remote Sensing at the University of California, Irvine (CHRS) has been collaborating with UNESCO's International Hydrological Program (IHP) to build a facility for forecasting ...The Center for Hydrometeorology and Remote Sensing at the University of California, Irvine (CHRS) has been collaborating with UNESCO's International Hydrological Program (IHP) to build a facility for forecasting and mitigating hydrological disasters. This collaboration has resulted in the development of the Water and Development Information for Arid Lands-- a Global Network (G-WADI) PERSIANN-CCS GeoServer, a near real-time global precipitation visualization and data service. This GeoServer pro- vides to end-users the tools and precipitation data needed to support operational decision making, research and sound water man- agement. This manuscript introduces and demonstrates the practicality of the G-WADI PERSIANN-CCS GeoServer for monitor- ing extreme precipitation events even over regions where ground measurements are sparse. Two extreme events are analyzed. The first event shows an extreme precipitation event causing widespread flooding in Beijing, China and surrotmding districts on July 21, 2012. The second event shows tropical storm Nock-Ten that occurred in late July of 2011 causing widespread flooding in Thailand. Evaluation of PERSIANN-CCS precipitation over Thailand using a rain gauge network is also conducted and discussed.展开更多
The Xinzhai Period (35503400 aBP) belongs to Late Neolithic Culture, which bridges the Longshan Culture and the Xia Culture in the Central Plains of China. By studying the living environment of ancient human beings at...The Xinzhai Period (35503400 aBP) belongs to Late Neolithic Culture, which bridges the Longshan Culture and the Xia Culture in the Central Plains of China. By studying the living environment of ancient human beings at the Xinzhai site, Henan Province, this paper pre-sents the discovery of extreme floods which threatened and destroyed the living environment of the ancient human beings during the Xinzhai Period. Pollen analysis and carbon-oxygen isotope measurement suggest that the climate was warm and wet during the Xinzhai Period, in contrast to the warm and arid climate during the Longshan Culture Period. The frequent flood events were the response of abrupt climate change during the Xinzhai Period. The conclusions drawn from this study not only help better understand the environmental change in the Central Plains of China around 3500 aBP, but also provide important clues to the environmental background for the origin of Chinese civilization.展开更多
Flood is one of the severest natural disasters in the world and has caused enormous causalities and property losses.Previous studies usually focus on flood magnitude and occurrence time at event scale,which are insuff...Flood is one of the severest natural disasters in the world and has caused enormous causalities and property losses.Previous studies usually focus on flood magnitude and occurrence time at event scale,which are insufficient to contain entire behavior characteristics of flood events.In our study,nine behavior metrics in five categories(e.g.,magnitude,duration,timing,rates of changes and variability)are adopted to fully describe a flood event.Regional and interannual variations of representative flood classes are investigated based on behavior similarity classification of numerous events.Contributions of geography,land use,hydrometeorology and human regulation on these variations are explored by rank analysis method.Results show that:five representative classes are identified,namely,conventional events(Class 1,61.7% of the total),low discharge events with multiple peaks(Class 2,5.3%),low discharge events with low rates of changes(Class 3,18.1%),low discharge events with high rates of changes(Class 4,10.8%)and high discharge events with long durations(Class 5,4.1%).Classes 1 and 3 are the major flood events and distributed across the whole region.Class 4 is mainly distributed in river sources,while Classes 2 and 5 are in the middle and down streams.Moreover,the flood class is most diverse in normal precipitation years(2006,2008-2010 and 2015),followed by wet years(2007,2013-2014),and dry years(2011 and 2012).All the impact factor categories explain 34.0%-84.1% of individual flood class variations.The hydrometeorological category(7.2%-56.9%)is the most important,followed by geographical(1.0%-6.3%),regulation(1.7%-5.1%)and land use(0.9%-2.2%)categories.This study could provide new insights into flood event variations in a comprehensive manner,and provide decision-making basis for flood control and resource utilization at basin scale.展开更多
基金Sino-France Cooperation Foundation (PRA E02-07) The key project of CAS+3 种基金No.KZCX3-SW-331 National Natural Science Foundation of China No.40271112 Foundation of Key Laboratory of Flood and Waterlogging and Wet Land Agriculture of Hubei Province
文摘Wide collection on the historic records of the climatic changes and flood events is performed in the Yangtze Delta. Man-Kendall (MK) method is applied to explore the changing trends of the time series of the flood discharge and the maximum high summer temperature. The research results indicate that the flood magnitudes increased during the transition from the medieval warm interval into the early Little Ice Age. Fluctuating climate changes of the Little Ice Age characterized by arid climate events followed by the humid and cold climate conditions give rise to the frequent flood hazards. Low-lying terrain made the study region prone to the flood hazards, storm tide and typhoon. MK analysis reveals that the jumping point of the time series of the flood discharge changes occurred in the mid-1960s, that of the maximum summer temperature changes in the mid-1990s, and the exact jump point in 1993. The flood discharge changes are on negative trend before the 1990s, they are on positive tendency after the 1990s; the maximum high summer temperature changes are on negative trend before the 1990s and on positive tendency after the 1990s. These results indicate that the trend of flood discharge matches that of the maximum high summer temperature in the Yangtze Delta. The occurrence probability of the maximum high summer temperature will be increasing under the climatic warming scenario and which will in turn increase the occurrence probability of the flood events. More active solar action epochs and the higher sea surface temperature index (SST index) of the south Pacific Ocean area lying between 4 o N-4 o S and 150 o W-90 o W correspond to increased annual precipitation, flood discharge and occurrence frequency of floods in the Yangtze Delta. This is partly because the intensified solar activities and the higher SST index give rise to accelerated hydrological circulation from ocean surface to the continent, resulting in increased precipitation on the continent.
基金jointly supported by the National key research priorities program of China (2016YFC0402402)National Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment (2017ZX07101001)+1 种基金the National Natural Science Foundation (41301299)the Construction Project of Innovative Scientific and Technological Talents in Henan Province (162101510004)
文摘The Sediment Delivery Ratio(SDR) has multi-fold environmental implications both in evaluating the soil and water losses and the effectiveness of conservation measures in watersheds. Various factors, including hydrological regime and watershed properties, may influence the SDR at interannual timescales. However, the effect of certain important dynamic factors, such as rainfall peak distribution, runoff erosion power and sediment bulk density, on the sediment delivery ratio of single flood events(SDRe) has received little attention. The Qiaogou headwater basin is in the hilly-gully region of the Chinese Loess Plateau, and it encompasses a 0.45 km^2 catchment. Three large-scale field runoff plots at different geomorphological positions were chosen to obtain the observation data, and the 20-year period between 1986 and 2005 is presented. The results showed that the SDRe of the Qiaogou headwaters varied from 0.49 to 2.77. Among the numerous influential factors, rainfall and runoff were the driving factors causing slope erosion and sediment transport. The rainfall erosivity had a significant positive relationship with the sediment transport modulus(R^2=0.85, P<0.01) but had no significant relationship with SDRe. The rainfall peak coefficient was significantly positively correlated with the SDRe(R^2=0.64, P<0.05), indicating the influence of rainfall energy distribution on the SDRe. The runoff erosion power index was not only significantly related to the sediment transport modulus(R^2=0.84, P<0.01) but also significantly related to the SDRe(R^2=0.57, P<0.01). In addition, the relative bulk density was significantly related to the SDRe, indicating that hyper-concentrated flow characteristics contributed to more transported sediment in the catchment. Thus, the rainfall peak coefficient, runoff erosion power and sediment relative bulk density could be used as dynamic indexes to predict the SDRe in the hilly areas of the Chinese Loess Plateau.
基金Under the auspices of National Key Research and Development Program of China(No.2017YFA0603400)National Science Foundation of China(No.41671200,U1603242)
文摘Understanding the temporal variations of extreme floods that occur in response to climate change is essential to anticipate the trends in flood magnitude and frequency in the context of global warming. However, long-term records of paleofloods in arid regions are scarce, thus preventing a thorough understanding of such events. In this study, a reconstruction of paleofloods over the past 300 years was conducted through an analysis of grain sizes from the sediments of Kanas Lake in the Altay Mountains of northwestern China. Results showed that grain parameters and frequency distributions can be used to infer possible abrupt environmental events within the lake sedimentary sequence, and two extreme flood events corresponding to ca. 1736–1765 AD and ca. 1890 AD were further identified based on canonical discriminant analysis(CDA) and coarse percentile versus median grain size(C-M) pattern analysis, both of which occurred during warmer and wetter climate conditions by referring to tree-ring records. These two flood events are also evidenced by lake sedimentary records in the Altay and Tianshan mountains. Furthermore, through a comparison with other records, the flood event from ca. 1736–1765 AD in the study region seems to have occurred in both the arid central Asia and the Alps in Europe, and thus may have been associated with changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation(NAO) index.
文摘Various orders of condensed sections are recognized in the Cambrian of North China Carbonate Platform. Study of comparative sedimentology proves that CS4-CS5 in the Changshanian age is the maximum sea flooding sediments in the Cambrian, regardless of the distribution, thickness, internal structure of the condensed section series and K2O abundance. It is a two-layered composite condensed section series, characterized by the enrichment of such elements as K, P, Mn, Ti, Co, V, Cr, Cu, Zr, Ni, Li, Th, La, Ce, Nd, Dy, Y, Sc and Be. The Changshanian maximum flooding event can be correlated on a global scale, and the corresponding sedimentary records are discovered in 26 intercontinental sections in N. Europe, N. America, and Tarim and the Yangtze Platform of China. Through detailed sedimentological research, meter-scale cycle analysis and Fischer plots, it is concluded that the Changshanian maximum flooding was a composite effect of the second-order eustacy superimposed by the third-and fourth-order eustacy, which lasted for 1.2-3 Ma. An intercontinental model of the Changshanian maximum flooding is proposed at the end of this paper.
文摘This study aims to apply a hydrogeological approaches and analysis of the 2021 flood event of Tasi-Tolu Lagoon to achieve four specific goals. Firstly, the study seeks to determine the natural characteristics of the lagoon, which include factors such as size, depth, water quality, and ecosystem composition. Secondly, the influence of precipitation on the water volume in the lagoon will be examined. This analysis involves assessing historical rainfall patterns in the region, as well as the amount and frequency of precipitation during the 2021 flood event. Thirdly, the hydrogeologic and geologic conditions of the lagoon will be evaluated. This involves examining factors such as the type and structure of the soil and bedrock, the presence of aquifers or other underground water sources, and the movement of water through the surrounding landscape. Finally, the study seeks to assess the risk of future flooding in Tasi-Tolu Lagoon, based on the insights gained from the previous analyses. Overall, this study’s goal is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the hydrogeological factors that contribute to flooding in Tasi-Tolu Lagoon. This knowledge could be used to inform flood mitigation strategies or to improve our ability to predict and respond to future flooding events in the region.
基金Knowledge Innovation Project of CAS No.KZCX3-SW-331+1 种基金 National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaNo. 40271112
文摘The Yangtze Delta is one of the economically most developed areas in China. It is located in the eastern China monsoon region. Archaeological excavations and environment-archaeology studies over many years in this region provide exceptional information about climate changes, development of human civilization and also human-environment interactions. Archaeological excavations made in the study region reveal that the development of Neolithic cultures is not continuous, which may be a result of extreme climatic events. The analysis of 14 C-dated buried paleotrees, peat and shell ridges show the rise and fall of human civilization in the study area. The research results presented in this paper confirm that human civilization collapsed six times in the Yangtze Delta, matching six high sea level epoches, peat accumulation and buried paleotrees formation periods respectively. This indicates that human activities in the Yangtze Delta are controlled by local climate changes and changing hydrological conditions. The collapse of the Liangzhu culture (5000 aBP-3800 aBP) in about 4000 aBP, after a tremendous flooding event, followed by a relatively backward Maqiao culture (3800 aBP-3200 aBP) confused researchers and aroused their great interest. The research results in this paper show that the collapse of the Liangzhu culture is a result of several factors, for example war and food shortage, but the flooding event occurred in the late Liangzhu culture epoch is the main factor therein.
基金Under the auspices of Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX3-SW-331)
文摘Land use/cover change (LUCC) is one of the main boundary conditions which influence many hydrologic processes. In view of the importance of Taihu Lake Watershed in China and the urgency of discovering the impacts of LUCC on storm runoff, two flood events under five land cover scenarios in the Xitiaoxi River Basin of the upstream of Taihu Lake watershed were simulated by distributed hydrologic modeling system HEC-HMS. The influences of each land cover on storm runoff were discussed. It was concluded that under the same rainstorm the ascending order of runoff coefficient and peak flow produced by the 5 different land covers were woodland, shrub, grassland, arable land, and built-up land; the descending order of swelling time were woodland, shrub, grassland, arable land, and built-up land. Scenario of built-up land was the first to reach peak flow, then arable land, grassland, shrub, and woodland. There were close relationships between the runoff coefficients produced by the 5 different land covers. The degrees of impacts on runoff coefficient of land cover change modes were sorted by descending: woodland to built-up land, shrub to built-up land, grassland to built-up land, arable land to built-up land, woodland to arable land, shrub to arable land, arable land to grassland, shrub to grassland, grassland to arable land, and woodland to shrub. Urbanization will contribute to flood disaster, while forestation will mitigate flood disaster.
文摘Flood events vary with sub-regions, sites and time and show complex characteristics. This study investigated temporal variabilities in flood discharges and relationships with principal driving factors in data scarce Wabi Shebele River Basin. The preliminary analysis using exploratory data analysis (EDA) on annual and seasonal maximum discharge reveals that there are cycles of extreme flows at five- and ten-year intervals respectively throughout the basin. The statistical verification using the Mann-Kendall test and Quantile perturbation method indicates a significant trend in flood magnitude and frequency entire the basin in the early 21st century. For longest period (1980-2010) annual maximum stream flow shows significant positive trend (p-value < 0.05) in middle catchments and negative trend (p-value < 0.05) in eastern catchments. The years: 1986-1995, 2006-2010 are the years in which positive significant anomalies occurred in all seasons, while the years: 1980-1985, 1996-2005 are the occurrence years of significant negative anomalies. Rainfall from climate drivers;DA, BE, VS and fraction of sand from environmental background drivers;fraction of forest and population density from external factors were identified as the powerful driving factors of flood variabilities in the Wabi Shebele River Basin.
基金Under the auspices of National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41271499,41471406)
文摘As a key factor limiting primary productivity in marine ecosystem, dissolved iron(DFe) export from fluvial systems has increased recently. There is particular concern about discharges of DFe during extreme flooding, when they are thought to increase considerably. An extreme flood event that caused inundation of extensive areas of Far Eastern Russia and Northeastern China occurred in the basin of the Amur River during summer and autumn 2013. During this event, water samples were collected in the middle reaches of the Amur River and the lower reaches at Khabarovsk City and analyzed for DFe concentrations and other aquatic parameters. The results show that the average DFe concentrations in the middle reaches of the Amur River(right bank) and at Khabarovsk were 1.11 mg/L and 0.32 mg/L, respectively, during the extreme flood in 2013. The total discharge of DFe during the flood event was 6.25 × 104 t. The high discharge of DFe during the flood reflects the elevated discharge of the river, hydrologically connected riparian wetlands, vast quantities of terrestrial runoff, and flood discharges from the Zeya and Bureya reservoirs. These results show that long-term monitoring is needed to identify and assess the impacts of DFe transport on the downstream reaches, estuarine area, and coastal ecosystems of the Amur River.
基金Partial financial support was provided by the NASA-PMM (Grant No. NNX10AK07G)the US Army Research Office project (Grant No. W911NF-11-1-0422)
文摘The Center for Hydrometeorology and Remote Sensing at the University of California, Irvine (CHRS) has been collaborating with UNESCO's International Hydrological Program (IHP) to build a facility for forecasting and mitigating hydrological disasters. This collaboration has resulted in the development of the Water and Development Information for Arid Lands-- a Global Network (G-WADI) PERSIANN-CCS GeoServer, a near real-time global precipitation visualization and data service. This GeoServer pro- vides to end-users the tools and precipitation data needed to support operational decision making, research and sound water man- agement. This manuscript introduces and demonstrates the practicality of the G-WADI PERSIANN-CCS GeoServer for monitor- ing extreme precipitation events even over regions where ground measurements are sparse. Two extreme events are analyzed. The first event shows an extreme precipitation event causing widespread flooding in Beijing, China and surrotmding districts on July 21, 2012. The second event shows tropical storm Nock-Ten that occurred in late July of 2011 causing widespread flooding in Thailand. Evaluation of PERSIANN-CCS precipitation over Thailand using a rain gauge network is also conducted and discussed.
基金This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40171096) the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant No. 2001BA805B05).
文摘The Xinzhai Period (35503400 aBP) belongs to Late Neolithic Culture, which bridges the Longshan Culture and the Xia Culture in the Central Plains of China. By studying the living environment of ancient human beings at the Xinzhai site, Henan Province, this paper pre-sents the discovery of extreme floods which threatened and destroyed the living environment of the ancient human beings during the Xinzhai Period. Pollen analysis and carbon-oxygen isotope measurement suggest that the climate was warm and wet during the Xinzhai Period, in contrast to the warm and arid climate during the Longshan Culture Period. The frequent flood events were the response of abrupt climate change during the Xinzhai Period. The conclusions drawn from this study not only help better understand the environmental change in the Central Plains of China around 3500 aBP, but also provide important clues to the environmental background for the origin of Chinese civilization.
基金National Key Research and Development Program of China,No.2016YFC0400902National Natural Science Foundation of China,No.41671024,No.41807171。
文摘Flood is one of the severest natural disasters in the world and has caused enormous causalities and property losses.Previous studies usually focus on flood magnitude and occurrence time at event scale,which are insufficient to contain entire behavior characteristics of flood events.In our study,nine behavior metrics in five categories(e.g.,magnitude,duration,timing,rates of changes and variability)are adopted to fully describe a flood event.Regional and interannual variations of representative flood classes are investigated based on behavior similarity classification of numerous events.Contributions of geography,land use,hydrometeorology and human regulation on these variations are explored by rank analysis method.Results show that:five representative classes are identified,namely,conventional events(Class 1,61.7% of the total),low discharge events with multiple peaks(Class 2,5.3%),low discharge events with low rates of changes(Class 3,18.1%),low discharge events with high rates of changes(Class 4,10.8%)and high discharge events with long durations(Class 5,4.1%).Classes 1 and 3 are the major flood events and distributed across the whole region.Class 4 is mainly distributed in river sources,while Classes 2 and 5 are in the middle and down streams.Moreover,the flood class is most diverse in normal precipitation years(2006,2008-2010 and 2015),followed by wet years(2007,2013-2014),and dry years(2011 and 2012).All the impact factor categories explain 34.0%-84.1% of individual flood class variations.The hydrometeorological category(7.2%-56.9%)is the most important,followed by geographical(1.0%-6.3%),regulation(1.7%-5.1%)and land use(0.9%-2.2%)categories.This study could provide new insights into flood event variations in a comprehensive manner,and provide decision-making basis for flood control and resource utilization at basin scale.