The long-term and continuous carbon fluxes of Changbaishan temperate mixed forest (CBS), Qianyanzhou subtropical evergreen coniferous forest (QYZ), Dinghushan subtropical evergreen mixed forest (DHS) and Xishuangbana ...The long-term and continuous carbon fluxes of Changbaishan temperate mixed forest (CBS), Qianyanzhou subtropical evergreen coniferous forest (QYZ), Dinghushan subtropical evergreen mixed forest (DHS) and Xishuangbana tropical rainforest (XSBN) have been measured with eddy covariance techniques. In 2003, different responses of carbon exchange to the environment appeared across the four ecosystems. At CBS, the carbon exchange was mainly determined by radiation and temperature. 0℃and 10℃were two important temperature thresholds; the former determined the length of the growing season and the latter affected the magnitude of carbon exchange. The maximum net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of CBS occurred in early summer because maximum ecosystem photosynthesis (GPP) occurred earlier than maximum ecosystem respiration (Rθ). During summer, QYZ experienced severe drought and NEE decreased significantly mainly as a result of the depression of GPP. At DHS and XSBN, NEE was higher in the drought season than the wet season, especially the conversion between carbon sink and source occurring during the transition season at XSBN. During the wet season, increased fog and humid weather resulted from the plentiful rainfall, the ecosystem GPP was dispressed. The Q10 and annual respiration of XSBN were the highest among the four ecosystems, while the average daily respiration of CBS during the growing season was the highest. Annual NEE of CBS, QYZ, DHS and XSBN were 181.5, 360.9, 536.2 and -320.0 g·C·m-2·a-1, respectively. From CBS to DHS, the temperature and precipitation increased with the decrease in latitude. The ratio of WEE/Rθincreased with latitude, while Rθ/Gpp, ecosystem light use efficiency (LUE), precipitation use efficiency and average daily GPP decreased gradually. However, XSBN usually escaped such latitude trend probably because of the influence of the south-west monsoon climate which does not affect the other ecosystems. Long-term measurement and more research were necessary to understand the adaptation of forest ecosystems to climate change and to evaluate the ecosystem carbon balance due to the complexity of structure and function of forest ecosystems.展开更多
We investigated the floristic composition of the Hyrcanian forests and the related forest-steppe ecotone in Northern Iran by using two long ecological transects, from lowland to upper mountain areas. The study was con...We investigated the floristic composition of the Hyrcanian forests and the related forest-steppe ecotone in Northern Iran by using two long ecological transects, from lowland to upper mountain areas. The study was conducted during 2008 and 2009 and yielded the identification of 395 plant taxa belonging to 233 genera and 78 families. Dicots with 300 taxa were the richest groups of the flora, followed by monocots with 75 taxa, pteridophytes with 18 species,and gymnosperms with two species. The largest families were Asteraceae(33 taxa); Rosaceae(32 taxa); and Poaceae(30 taxa), and the most diverse genera included Carex(15 taxa); Alchemilla(7 taxa); and Poa, Geranium and Acer(6 taxa each). Hemicryptophytes were the most dominant life forms in the area(40 %); followed by geophytes(31.4 %); phanerophytes(15.4 %); therophytes(11.4 %); and chamaephytes(1.8 %). Phytogeographically,Euro-Siberian/Irano-Turanian elements(86 taxa, 21.8 %)and Euro-Siberian elements(85 taxa, 21.5 %) were the most common chorotypes in the area. Out of 395 taxa, 66taxa(16.7 %) were endemics and subendemics in Iran, of which 26 taxa were exclusively endemics of Iran.According to the IUCN Red List Categories, 48 threatened plant taxa were found in the study area. Plant diversity, life form, and chorotypes in the current study were compared with similar transect studies in other areas of the Hyrcanian forests and in different altitudinal belts, using S?renson similarity indices. Floristic composition of the surveyed transects demonstrated almost 50 % similarity between them.展开更多
We investigated the altitudinal variation of Carpinus betulus L. in the Hyrcanian forest using leaf macro-morphological and micro-morphological traits. We collected a total of 1600 leaves from two locations. In each l...We investigated the altitudinal variation of Carpinus betulus L. in the Hyrcanian forest using leaf macro-morphological and micro-morphological traits. We collected a total of 1600 leaves from two locations. In each location, we sampled six populations along an altitudinal gradient ranging from 100 m to 1,150 m. We found that trees in the higher elevations have smaller leaf lamina than those in the lower elevations. In contrast, leaf mass per area was high at low altitudes and increased newly at the higher ones. Stomatal dimension was negatively correlated with elevation, while stomatal density was positively correlated with elevation. We also found that two transects showed the same plasticity trend. Leaf area showed the highest plasticity, while the number of veins showed the lowest plasticity. This study shows that altitude, and related temperature and rainfall, represents an important driving force in Carpinus betulus leaf morphological variation. Moreover, our results suggest that leaf area, leaf mass per area and stomatal density could influence the species responses to different ecological conditions.展开更多
The main aim of this study was to evaluate methods for fixed area and distance sampling in the Zagros open forest area in western Iran. Basic forest management and planning required appropriate quantitative and qualit...The main aim of this study was to evaluate methods for fixed area and distance sampling in the Zagros open forest area in western Iran. Basic forest management and planning required appropriate quantitative and qualitative information. Two sampling methods were compared on the basis of the actual means of characteristics derived from the 100 % survey. In total, 37 sampling plots were systematically installed with a grid of 100 m × 100 m in the study area. Density, crown canopy, and basal area of the stands were measured. The 100 % survey showed that tree density above 12.5 cm diameter at breast height was 68.04 stem ha-1, basal area was 15.16 m2 ha-1 and crown canopy percentage was 35.71% ha-1. The values for the traits determined by the two sampling methods differed significantly (P = 0.05). When the time required for the methods was compared, transect sampling required less than systematic-random sampling. Therefore, the transect sampling method was the more economical method for the Zagros open forests. The transect sampling method was statistically defensible and practical for quantitating characteristics of the Zagros open forests.展开更多
One of the basic parameters in forest management planning is detailed knowledge of growing stock,information collected by forest inventory.Sampling methods must be accurate,inexpensive,and be easy to implement in the ...One of the basic parameters in forest management planning is detailed knowledge of growing stock,information collected by forest inventory.Sampling methods must be accurate,inexpensive,and be easy to implement in the field.This study presents a new sampling method called branching transect for use in the Iranian Zagros forests and similar forests.Features of the new method include greater accuracy,easy implementation in nature,simplicity of statistical calculations,and low cost.In this method,transect is used,which includes some subtransects(side branches).The length of the main transect,side branches,number of trees measured in each side branch,and the number of sub-branches in this method are changeable based on homogeneity,heterogeneity,and density of a forest.In this study,based on the density and heterogeneity of the forest area studied,20-m transects with four and eight side branches were used.Sampling plots(Transects)in four inventory networks(100 m×100 m,100 m×150 m,150 m×150 m and 100 m×200 m)were implemented in the GIS environment.The results of this sampling method were compared to the results of total inventory(100%count)in terms of accuracy,precision(t-test),and inventory error percentage.Branching transect results were statistially similar to total inventory counts in all cases.The results show that this method of estimating density and canopy per hectare can be used in Zagros forests and similar forests.展开更多
Local communities depend on Kalinzu Forest Reserve (KFR) for plant resources. This resource utilization affects the population of tree species in the forest. This study set out to estimate the population of ten tree s...Local communities depend on Kalinzu Forest Reserve (KFR) for plant resources. This resource utilization affects the population of tree species in the forest. This study set out to estimate the population of ten tree species in the forest. Results of this study are hoped to provide a basis for studying future changes in population dynamics of the species. The ten species selected were: Newtonia buchananii, Cynometra alexandrei, Teclea nobilis, Prunus africana, Entandrophragma exelsum, Sapium ellipticum, Diospyros abyssinica, Zanthoxylum gilletii, Rytiginia kigeziensis and Spathodea nilotica. Their selection was based on the results of a study (Aine-Omucunguzi et al., 2010) about utilization of plant resources by the local people around KFR. Species with high demand from the local people were selected. Alternate nested quadrants along five line transects, were used to estimate the population. The plants were categorized into three classes as trees (>5 cm diameter at breast height), saplings (2 cm root collar diameter-5 cm diameter at breast height) and wildings (<2 cm root collar diameter). Population, population density, relative density, frequency, and relative frequency of each species were determined. Generally, the number of wildings, saplings and trees of each species increased away from the forest edge inwards. For all the species, wildings had the highest population density followed by saplings and then trees. Teclea nobilis had the highest number of individual per hectare, followed by Newtonia buchananii, while Rytiginia kigeziensis and Spathodea nilotica had the lowest number of individuals per hectare.展开更多
Forest plays a crucial role in providing essential ecosystem services, including water supply, climate regulation, and biodiversity conservation. This study aimed to assess the current state of the forest in Barangay ...Forest plays a crucial role in providing essential ecosystem services, including water supply, climate regulation, and biodiversity conservation. This study aimed to assess the current state of the forest in Barangay Nambalan, Mayantoc, Tarlac. The specific objectives were to identify tree species in the area and determine the tree diversity index, with a focus on endemism and conservation status. Two transect lines, each spanning one kilometer, were established and a total of 10 sampling quadrats were surveyed. Ecological parameters (relative frequency, relative density, relative dominance, and importance value index) and diversity indices (Shannon-Weiner index, Simpson’s index) were computed using the Paleontological Statistic Software Package for Educational Analysis (PAST 4.03). A comprehensive inventory revealed a total of 756 individuals representing 52 species, 46 genera, and 25 families. Among the recorded species, 10 (17.2%) were endemic and 11 (21.6%) were classified as threatened. The Fabaceae (20.8%), Moraceae (14.6%), and Euphorbiaceae (8.3%) were identified as the most abundant families. The computed diversity indices indicated that Barangay Nambalan retains a diverse forest cover;however, species composition was found to be relatively low. Based on the finding, this study recommends the strict enforcement of protective measures and legislation to mitigate further degradation of the remaining forest in Barangay Nambalan.展开更多
An abrupt ice and snow storm disaster which occurred in the spring of 2008 severely destroyed forests over a surprisingly large portion of southern China. A transect crossing Jinggang Mountain-Jitai Basin-Yushan Mount...An abrupt ice and snow storm disaster which occurred in the spring of 2008 severely destroyed forests over a surprisingly large portion of southern China. A transect crossing Jinggang Mountain-Jitai Basin-Yushan Mountain-Wuyi Mountain was selected as the study area. The authors integrated field data collected in two field surveys to analyze the impacts of the disturbance on forests. The following results were obtained. (1) The extent of damage to plantations along the transect decreased in the order of slash pine 〉 masson pine 〉 mixed plantation 〉 Chinese fir. Slash pine is an introduced species from southern America which is characterized by fast growth, low wood quality and rich oleoresin, and showed a damage rate of 61.3% of samples, of which 70.4% cannot recover naturally. Masson pine is the native pioneer species of forests with harder wood, and 52.5% were damaged due to turpentine, of which 60.9% cannot recovery naturally. Chinese fir is a local tree species and samples showed a rate of 46% and a relative rate of 32.5%, lower than the mixed plantation. (2) From west to east along the transect, we can see that evergreen broad-leaved forest of the western transect on Jinggang Mountain showed the lightest damage extent, and a Cryptomeria plantation at an altitude of 700 m was severely destroyed while Chinese fir showed light damage below 700 m and relatively severe damage above 900 m. Masson pine and slash pine in the central transect in Jitai Basin were damaged severely due to turpentine activities, and closed natural secondary deciduous broad-leaved forest was damaged severely due to high ice and snow accumulation on intertwined shrubs. Masson pine aerial-seeding plantations below 400 m along the eastern transect in Xingguo and Ningdu counties were nearly undamaged for small tree sizes, and Chinese fir at 500-900 m altitude showed a lighter damage extent. However, masson pine which was distributed above 400 m and planted in the 1960s, was severely damaged due to turpentine.展开更多
基金This study was supported by the Knowledge Innovation Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KZCX1-SW-01-01A) the National Key Research and Development Program (Grant No.2002CB412501).
文摘The long-term and continuous carbon fluxes of Changbaishan temperate mixed forest (CBS), Qianyanzhou subtropical evergreen coniferous forest (QYZ), Dinghushan subtropical evergreen mixed forest (DHS) and Xishuangbana tropical rainforest (XSBN) have been measured with eddy covariance techniques. In 2003, different responses of carbon exchange to the environment appeared across the four ecosystems. At CBS, the carbon exchange was mainly determined by radiation and temperature. 0℃and 10℃were two important temperature thresholds; the former determined the length of the growing season and the latter affected the magnitude of carbon exchange. The maximum net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of CBS occurred in early summer because maximum ecosystem photosynthesis (GPP) occurred earlier than maximum ecosystem respiration (Rθ). During summer, QYZ experienced severe drought and NEE decreased significantly mainly as a result of the depression of GPP. At DHS and XSBN, NEE was higher in the drought season than the wet season, especially the conversion between carbon sink and source occurring during the transition season at XSBN. During the wet season, increased fog and humid weather resulted from the plentiful rainfall, the ecosystem GPP was dispressed. The Q10 and annual respiration of XSBN were the highest among the four ecosystems, while the average daily respiration of CBS during the growing season was the highest. Annual NEE of CBS, QYZ, DHS and XSBN were 181.5, 360.9, 536.2 and -320.0 g·C·m-2·a-1, respectively. From CBS to DHS, the temperature and precipitation increased with the decrease in latitude. The ratio of WEE/Rθincreased with latitude, while Rθ/Gpp, ecosystem light use efficiency (LUE), precipitation use efficiency and average daily GPP decreased gradually. However, XSBN usually escaped such latitude trend probably because of the influence of the south-west monsoon climate which does not affect the other ecosystems. Long-term measurement and more research were necessary to understand the adaptation of forest ecosystems to climate change and to evaluate the ecosystem carbon balance due to the complexity of structure and function of forest ecosystems.
文摘We investigated the floristic composition of the Hyrcanian forests and the related forest-steppe ecotone in Northern Iran by using two long ecological transects, from lowland to upper mountain areas. The study was conducted during 2008 and 2009 and yielded the identification of 395 plant taxa belonging to 233 genera and 78 families. Dicots with 300 taxa were the richest groups of the flora, followed by monocots with 75 taxa, pteridophytes with 18 species,and gymnosperms with two species. The largest families were Asteraceae(33 taxa); Rosaceae(32 taxa); and Poaceae(30 taxa), and the most diverse genera included Carex(15 taxa); Alchemilla(7 taxa); and Poa, Geranium and Acer(6 taxa each). Hemicryptophytes were the most dominant life forms in the area(40 %); followed by geophytes(31.4 %); phanerophytes(15.4 %); therophytes(11.4 %); and chamaephytes(1.8 %). Phytogeographically,Euro-Siberian/Irano-Turanian elements(86 taxa, 21.8 %)and Euro-Siberian elements(85 taxa, 21.5 %) were the most common chorotypes in the area. Out of 395 taxa, 66taxa(16.7 %) were endemics and subendemics in Iran, of which 26 taxa were exclusively endemics of Iran.According to the IUCN Red List Categories, 48 threatened plant taxa were found in the study area. Plant diversity, life form, and chorotypes in the current study were compared with similar transect studies in other areas of the Hyrcanian forests and in different altitudinal belts, using S?renson similarity indices. Floristic composition of the surveyed transects demonstrated almost 50 % similarity between them.
文摘We investigated the altitudinal variation of Carpinus betulus L. in the Hyrcanian forest using leaf macro-morphological and micro-morphological traits. We collected a total of 1600 leaves from two locations. In each location, we sampled six populations along an altitudinal gradient ranging from 100 m to 1,150 m. We found that trees in the higher elevations have smaller leaf lamina than those in the lower elevations. In contrast, leaf mass per area was high at low altitudes and increased newly at the higher ones. Stomatal dimension was negatively correlated with elevation, while stomatal density was positively correlated with elevation. We also found that two transects showed the same plasticity trend. Leaf area showed the highest plasticity, while the number of veins showed the lowest plasticity. This study shows that altitude, and related temperature and rainfall, represents an important driving force in Carpinus betulus leaf morphological variation. Moreover, our results suggest that leaf area, leaf mass per area and stomatal density could influence the species responses to different ecological conditions.
文摘The main aim of this study was to evaluate methods for fixed area and distance sampling in the Zagros open forest area in western Iran. Basic forest management and planning required appropriate quantitative and qualitative information. Two sampling methods were compared on the basis of the actual means of characteristics derived from the 100 % survey. In total, 37 sampling plots were systematically installed with a grid of 100 m × 100 m in the study area. Density, crown canopy, and basal area of the stands were measured. The 100 % survey showed that tree density above 12.5 cm diameter at breast height was 68.04 stem ha-1, basal area was 15.16 m2 ha-1 and crown canopy percentage was 35.71% ha-1. The values for the traits determined by the two sampling methods differed significantly (P = 0.05). When the time required for the methods was compared, transect sampling required less than systematic-random sampling. Therefore, the transect sampling method was the more economical method for the Zagros open forests. The transect sampling method was statistically defensible and practical for quantitating characteristics of the Zagros open forests.
文摘One of the basic parameters in forest management planning is detailed knowledge of growing stock,information collected by forest inventory.Sampling methods must be accurate,inexpensive,and be easy to implement in the field.This study presents a new sampling method called branching transect for use in the Iranian Zagros forests and similar forests.Features of the new method include greater accuracy,easy implementation in nature,simplicity of statistical calculations,and low cost.In this method,transect is used,which includes some subtransects(side branches).The length of the main transect,side branches,number of trees measured in each side branch,and the number of sub-branches in this method are changeable based on homogeneity,heterogeneity,and density of a forest.In this study,based on the density and heterogeneity of the forest area studied,20-m transects with four and eight side branches were used.Sampling plots(Transects)in four inventory networks(100 m×100 m,100 m×150 m,150 m×150 m and 100 m×200 m)were implemented in the GIS environment.The results of this sampling method were compared to the results of total inventory(100%count)in terms of accuracy,precision(t-test),and inventory error percentage.Branching transect results were statistially similar to total inventory counts in all cases.The results show that this method of estimating density and canopy per hectare can be used in Zagros forests and similar forests.
文摘Local communities depend on Kalinzu Forest Reserve (KFR) for plant resources. This resource utilization affects the population of tree species in the forest. This study set out to estimate the population of ten tree species in the forest. Results of this study are hoped to provide a basis for studying future changes in population dynamics of the species. The ten species selected were: Newtonia buchananii, Cynometra alexandrei, Teclea nobilis, Prunus africana, Entandrophragma exelsum, Sapium ellipticum, Diospyros abyssinica, Zanthoxylum gilletii, Rytiginia kigeziensis and Spathodea nilotica. Their selection was based on the results of a study (Aine-Omucunguzi et al., 2010) about utilization of plant resources by the local people around KFR. Species with high demand from the local people were selected. Alternate nested quadrants along five line transects, were used to estimate the population. The plants were categorized into three classes as trees (>5 cm diameter at breast height), saplings (2 cm root collar diameter-5 cm diameter at breast height) and wildings (<2 cm root collar diameter). Population, population density, relative density, frequency, and relative frequency of each species were determined. Generally, the number of wildings, saplings and trees of each species increased away from the forest edge inwards. For all the species, wildings had the highest population density followed by saplings and then trees. Teclea nobilis had the highest number of individual per hectare, followed by Newtonia buchananii, while Rytiginia kigeziensis and Spathodea nilotica had the lowest number of individuals per hectare.
文摘Forest plays a crucial role in providing essential ecosystem services, including water supply, climate regulation, and biodiversity conservation. This study aimed to assess the current state of the forest in Barangay Nambalan, Mayantoc, Tarlac. The specific objectives were to identify tree species in the area and determine the tree diversity index, with a focus on endemism and conservation status. Two transect lines, each spanning one kilometer, were established and a total of 10 sampling quadrats were surveyed. Ecological parameters (relative frequency, relative density, relative dominance, and importance value index) and diversity indices (Shannon-Weiner index, Simpson’s index) were computed using the Paleontological Statistic Software Package for Educational Analysis (PAST 4.03). A comprehensive inventory revealed a total of 756 individuals representing 52 species, 46 genera, and 25 families. Among the recorded species, 10 (17.2%) were endemic and 11 (21.6%) were classified as threatened. The Fabaceae (20.8%), Moraceae (14.6%), and Euphorbiaceae (8.3%) were identified as the most abundant families. The computed diversity indices indicated that Barangay Nambalan retains a diverse forest cover;however, species composition was found to be relatively low. Based on the finding, this study recommends the strict enforcement of protective measures and legislation to mitigate further degradation of the remaining forest in Barangay Nambalan.
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40971281 International Science and Technology Cooperative Program of China, No.2006DFB91920 National Key Project of Scientific and Technical Supporting Programs, No.2006BAC08B00 Acknowledgments We express our thanks to Mr. Fan Zhewen, who is the director of the Remote Sensing Center of Jiangxi province, and Mr. Qiu Zuozhen, who is the director of the Mountain-River-Lake Office of Ji'an City, for their help in the field investigation, and Prof. Wang Hongqing for logistic support. We also gratefully acknowledge the local governments of Jinggangshan City, Taihe County, Xingguo County and Ningdu County, especially Mr. Tang Xiongjie and Ms. He Qingping, for facilitating the field survey and data collection.
文摘An abrupt ice and snow storm disaster which occurred in the spring of 2008 severely destroyed forests over a surprisingly large portion of southern China. A transect crossing Jinggang Mountain-Jitai Basin-Yushan Mountain-Wuyi Mountain was selected as the study area. The authors integrated field data collected in two field surveys to analyze the impacts of the disturbance on forests. The following results were obtained. (1) The extent of damage to plantations along the transect decreased in the order of slash pine 〉 masson pine 〉 mixed plantation 〉 Chinese fir. Slash pine is an introduced species from southern America which is characterized by fast growth, low wood quality and rich oleoresin, and showed a damage rate of 61.3% of samples, of which 70.4% cannot recover naturally. Masson pine is the native pioneer species of forests with harder wood, and 52.5% were damaged due to turpentine, of which 60.9% cannot recovery naturally. Chinese fir is a local tree species and samples showed a rate of 46% and a relative rate of 32.5%, lower than the mixed plantation. (2) From west to east along the transect, we can see that evergreen broad-leaved forest of the western transect on Jinggang Mountain showed the lightest damage extent, and a Cryptomeria plantation at an altitude of 700 m was severely destroyed while Chinese fir showed light damage below 700 m and relatively severe damage above 900 m. Masson pine and slash pine in the central transect in Jitai Basin were damaged severely due to turpentine activities, and closed natural secondary deciduous broad-leaved forest was damaged severely due to high ice and snow accumulation on intertwined shrubs. Masson pine aerial-seeding plantations below 400 m along the eastern transect in Xingguo and Ningdu counties were nearly undamaged for small tree sizes, and Chinese fir at 500-900 m altitude showed a lighter damage extent. However, masson pine which was distributed above 400 m and planted in the 1960s, was severely damaged due to turpentine.