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作者 王昊 张立新 +2 位作者 胡雪 李文春 王晓瑛 《农机化研究》 北大核心 2025年第4期50-56,64,共8页
在水肥一体控制器中,PID控制算法易引起超调,产生振荡;Fuzzy-PID控制算法由于参数基于人为经验设定,控制欠细腻。针对上述问题,研究并设计了一种基于GA-Fuzzy-PID算法的控制器,以期实现施肥灌溉系统的精准控制。在不同目标EC设定值下,对... 在水肥一体控制器中,PID控制算法易引起超调,产生振荡;Fuzzy-PID控制算法由于参数基于人为经验设定,控制欠细腻。针对上述问题,研究并设计了一种基于GA-Fuzzy-PID算法的控制器,以期实现施肥灌溉系统的精准控制。在不同目标EC设定值下,对PID算法、Fuzzy-PID算法和GA-Fuzzy-PID算法进行仿真对比。结果表明:基于GA-Fuzzy-PID的控制器具有优异的控制效果,更能满足施肥灌溉系统精准控制的要求。 展开更多
关键词 棉田 灌溉施肥 精准控制 遗传优化 GA-fuzzy-pid
作者 刘九庆 丁鹏 于文吉 《农机化研究》 北大核心 2025年第3期234-241,共8页
由于拖拉机实际作业环境较为恶劣,为保证驾驶员的安全,提出了一种拖拉机遥控转向系统的设计方案。首先,对拖拉机现有的液压转向系统进行了分析,并提出了遥控转向系统的结构设计和控制策略设计;然后,通过AMEsim和Simulink分别搭建了遥控... 由于拖拉机实际作业环境较为恶劣,为保证驾驶员的安全,提出了一种拖拉机遥控转向系统的设计方案。首先,对拖拉机现有的液压转向系统进行了分析,并提出了遥控转向系统的结构设计和控制策略设计;然后,通过AMEsim和Simulink分别搭建了遥控转向系统的液压部分模型和模糊PID控制器并进行了联合仿真实验。实验结果表明:设计的遥控转向系统能够实现拖拉机的转向,模糊PID控制器相对于常规PID控制器的控制效果更好,阶跃响应时间由1.49 s缩短到1.07 s,正弦跟踪响应最大误差由0.028 m缩短到0.015 m,抗干扰性也更强。 展开更多
关键词 拖拉机转向 遥控转向系统 模糊pid控制 联合仿真
Fuzzy PID control system for hose pulse experiment based on LabVIEW 被引量:2
作者 刘力平 刘新福 +1 位作者 宫玉洁 郭欢 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2015年第2期161-168,共8页
The hose pulse testing bench generally uses electro-hydraulic servo system. It occupies little space, tracks signals fast and has simple structure, and therefore it is widely used in industrial control field. However,... The hose pulse testing bench generally uses electro-hydraulic servo system. It occupies little space, tracks signals fast and has simple structure, and therefore it is widely used in industrial control field. However, there are lots of problems such as little accuracy and instability caused by slow response of hydraulic and various interference factors. Simple proportional integra- tion derivatiation (PID) control method of traditional pulse bench is simple in principle, but it is difficult in parameter adjust- ment. According to the special requirements of the control system, a PID method based on fuzzy control is proposed in the pa- per. This method not only retains the advantages of the conventional control system, but also ameliorates the drawbacks of parameter uncertainty, instability and lag. It has been testified that the method is practicable and can improve the precision and adaptation. 展开更多
关键词 fuzzy control servo system proportional integration derivatiation pid hose pulse
作者 谢涛 周邵萍 +1 位作者 王佳硕 裴梓敬 《华东理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期770-778,共9页
为解决气动调节阀控制过程中出现的超调大、精度低等问题,本文采用BP神经网络整定出较优的PID(Proportional Integral Derivative)控制参数,对Smith预估控制器以及模糊控制器进行设计,实现了基于BP神经网络的Smith-Fuzzy-PID控制方法。... 为解决气动调节阀控制过程中出现的超调大、精度低等问题,本文采用BP神经网络整定出较优的PID(Proportional Integral Derivative)控制参数,对Smith预估控制器以及模糊控制器进行设计,实现了基于BP神经网络的Smith-Fuzzy-PID控制方法。搭建了实验平台,通过阶跃响应实验来对控制方法进行验证,验证结果表明,提出的方法调节过程无超调,调节时间仅为1.9 s,定位精度在±0.5%以内,有效提高了系统的稳定性,实现了气动调节阀的快速精准定位。 展开更多
关键词 气动调节阀 Smith预估 模糊控制 BP神经网络 pid控制
作者 薛星星 胡斌 +1 位作者 贾首星 王健 《农机化研究》 北大核心 2024年第5期53-59,共7页
为解决棉花打顶机作业过程中由于仿形时与刀盘移动滞后、定位精准度低,导致的棉花漏打、过打及伤苗的问题,基于模糊控制技术对棉花打顶装置高度控制系统进行研究。以3MDZF-6棉花打顶机升降系统为分析对象,确定了刀盘在升降过程中的定位... 为解决棉花打顶机作业过程中由于仿形时与刀盘移动滞后、定位精准度低,导致的棉花漏打、过打及伤苗的问题,基于模糊控制技术对棉花打顶装置高度控制系统进行研究。以3MDZF-6棉花打顶机升降系统为分析对象,确定了刀盘在升降过程中的定位精度要求。以液压阀-液压缸为对象,在AMESim中建立打顶升降装置的控制模型,并将其导入到MatLab中,设计相应的模糊规则和模糊控制器,对其进行仿真分析,从超调量和响应时间两方面验证了PID和模糊PID控制方法的可行性。仿真结果表明:无外界干扰的情况下,PID参数分别为100800、500、30时,输入信号达到稳态的响应时间为0.55s;模糊PID控制下输入信号达到稳态的响应时间为0.31s。经过对比分析固定参数PID控制和模糊PID控制在不同扰动下的控制效果,发现模糊PID控制系统的超调量为0.84%,输入信号达到稳态所需的时间为0.39s,小于固定参数PID的0.64s。该方法实现了打顶升降装置的位移控制,提高了刀盘的定位精度及控制系统的抗干扰性和鲁棒性,可为棉田环境下的棉花打顶升降装置的精确控制问题提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 棉花打顶机 升降装置 高度控制 模糊pid 仿真研究
矿井带式输送机液压拉紧Fuzzy-PID控制技术研究 被引量:2
作者 王伟峰 杨泽 +3 位作者 赵轩冲 纪晓涵 贵晓云 何地 《煤炭科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期217-224,共8页
针对矿井传统带式输送机拉紧系统响应速度慢、调节能力差、拉紧控制时变性和非线性等问题,提出了一种矿井带式输送机液压拉紧系统Fuzzy-PID控制(基于模糊算法的PID控制)方法。首先,根据液压拉紧装置建立数学模型,其次通过Matlab内置的Si... 针对矿井传统带式输送机拉紧系统响应速度慢、调节能力差、拉紧控制时变性和非线性等问题,提出了一种矿井带式输送机液压拉紧系统Fuzzy-PID控制(基于模糊算法的PID控制)方法。首先,根据液压拉紧装置建立数学模型,其次通过Matlab内置的Simulink仿真库分别对Fuzzy-PID控制器和PID控制器的液压拉紧系统进行仿真,得出输送带拉紧张力启动响应阶段和张力突变的调节响应图,并做出对比分析。最后,通过试验测试来验证算法模型的有效性。仿真结果表明:矿井带式输送机液压拉紧Fuzzy-PID控制系统不仅在启动阶段还有张力突变过程中都具有更好的稳态性能、更快的响应速度。在拉紧装置启动响应阶段的张力超调量降低了13.5%、到达期望值的时间缩短了0.5 s。在拉紧装置张力突变即模拟拉紧和松带阶段,当张力增加时,Fuzzy-PID控制器的调节速度缩短了0.4 s,超调量下降了4%。当张力减少时,Fuzzy-PID控制器的调节速度缩短了0.3 s,超调量降低了2%。试验结果表明:采用Fuzzy-PID控制的效果更佳优异稳定,且损耗更小。对比于PID控制,Fuzzy-PID控制效果更为良好,平均时间缩短31%且总体趋于稳定。对于矿井带式输送机这种连续运输作业的设备,Fuzzy-PID控制技术为矿井带式输送带平稳运行提供了一定保障,不仅减少了电能浪费,也降低了维护保养带式输送机的保养成本。 展开更多
关键词 带式输送机 液压拉紧装置 模糊算法(fuzzy) pid控制器
Fuzzy self-tuning PID control of the operation temperatures in a two-staged membrane separation process 被引量:8
作者 Lei Wang Wencai Du +1 位作者 Hai Wang Hong Wu 《Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry》 EI CAS CSCD 2008年第4期409-414,共6页
A two-staged membrane separation process for hydrogen recovery from refinery gases is introduced. The principle of the gas membrane separation process and the influence of the operation temperatures are analyzed. As t... A two-staged membrane separation process for hydrogen recovery from refinery gases is introduced. The principle of the gas membrane separation process and the influence of the operation temperatures are analyzed. As the conventional PID controller is difficult to make the operation temperatures steady, a fuzzy self-tuning PID control algorithm is proposed. The application shows that the algorithm is effective, the operation temperatures of both stages can be controlled steadily, and the operation flexibility and adaptability of the hydrogen recovery unit are enhanced with safety. This study lays a foundation to optimize the control of the membrane separation process and thus ensure the membrane performance. 展开更多
关键词 membrane separation hydrogen recovery operation temperature fuzzy self-tuning pid control
Tuning of fuzzy PID controller for Smith predictor 被引量:11
作者 荣辉桂 郑蕙 +1 位作者 黎峥强 夏宇翔 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第3期566-571,共6页
An analytical tuning method was proposed for fuzzy PID controller used in Smith predictor in order to extend its application and improve its robustness. The fuzzy PID controller was expressed as a sliding mode control... An analytical tuning method was proposed for fuzzy PID controller used in Smith predictor in order to extend its application and improve its robustness. The fuzzy PID controller was expressed as a sliding mode control. Based on Lyapunov theory, Smith predictor was analyzed in time domain. The parameters of the fuzzy PID controller can be obtained using traditional linear control theory and sliding mode control theory. The simulation experiments were implemented. The simulation results show that the control performance, robustness and stability of the fuzzy PID controller are better than those of the PID controller in Smith predictor. 展开更多
关键词 Smith predictor Lyapunov theory fuzzy pid controller ROBUSTNESS
Fuzzy-GA PID controller with incomplete derivation and its application to intelligent bionic artificial leg 被引量:8
作者 谭冠政 李安平 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 2003年第3期237-243,共7页
An optimal PID controller with incomplete derivation is proposed based on fuzzy inference and the geneticalgorithm, which is called the fuzzy-GA PID controller with incomplete derivation. It consists of the off-line p... An optimal PID controller with incomplete derivation is proposed based on fuzzy inference and the geneticalgorithm, which is called the fuzzy-GA PID controller with incomplete derivation. It consists of the off-line part andthe on-line part. In the off-line part, by taking the overshoot, rise time, and settling time of system unit step re-sponse as the performance indexes and by using the genetic algorithm, a group of optimal PID parameters K*p , Ti* ,and Tj are obtained, which are used as the initial values for the on-line tuning of PID parameters. In the on-linepart, based on K; , Ti* , and T*d and according to the current system error e and its time derivative, a dedicatedprogram is written, which is used to optimize and adjust the PID parameters on line through a fuzzy inference mech-anism to ensure that the system response has optimal dynamic and steady-state performance. The controller has beenused to control the D. C. motor of the intelligent bionic artificial leg designed by the authors. The result of computersimulation shows that this kind of optimal PID controller has excellent control performance and robust performance. 展开更多
关键词 fuzzy inference genetic algorithm fuzzy-GA pid controller INCOMPLETE derivation OFF-LINE on-line INTELLIGENT BIONIC artificial LEG
Study on Fuzzy Self-Adaptive PID Control System of Biomass Boiler Drum Water 被引量:8
作者 Junran Jin Hengshuo Huang +1 位作者 Junman Sun Yongchao Pang 《Journal of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems》 2013年第1期93-98,共6页
The paper discusses the features of the Biomass Boiler drum water level. Conventional PID Control System can not reach a satisfaction result in nonlinearity and time different from Biomass Boiler Drum Water Control Sy... The paper discusses the features of the Biomass Boiler drum water level. Conventional PID Control System can not reach a satisfaction result in nonlinearity and time different from Biomass Boiler Drum Water Control System. In this study, a kind of fuzzy self-adaptive PID controller is described and this controller is used in biomass boiler’s drum water level control system. Using the simulink tool of MATLAB simulation software to simulate the fuzzy adaptive PID and conventional PID control system, the result of the comparison shows that the fuzzy self-adaptive PID has the strong anti-jamming, flexibility and adaptability as well as the higher control precision in Biomass Boiler Drum Water. 展开更多
关键词 BIOMASS BOILER fuzzy ADAPTIVE pid fuzzy control
作者 张震昊 段文勇 於锋 《电子设计工程》 2025年第1期55-60,共6页
针对磁力搅拌器的电阻炉盘具有大滞后、非线性以及无法精确获得数学模型的问题,在温度-电流串级控制的基础上提出了一种基于模糊PID的磁力搅拌器温度控制方法,能够更好地应对电阻炉盘的特性。通过模糊化输入和输出,利用模糊规则进行推理... 针对磁力搅拌器的电阻炉盘具有大滞后、非线性以及无法精确获得数学模型的问题,在温度-电流串级控制的基础上提出了一种基于模糊PID的磁力搅拌器温度控制方法,能够更好地应对电阻炉盘的特性。通过模糊化输入和输出,利用模糊规则进行推理,根据实时的温度偏差和变化率来调整控制器的输出,以实现更快的响应并且减小超调的程度。PID控制器的比例、积分和微分部分也能够对系统进行精确调节,进一步提高温度控制的准确性。实验表明,在50~350℃的温控范围之间,系统的稳态误差在±1℃内,并且超调量小,可以满足磁力搅拌器的应用需求。 展开更多
关键词 温度控制 模糊pid 串级控制 电阻炉盘
A Novel Design of Fuzzy PID Controllers for Dual-Sensor Cardiac Pacemaker Systems 被引量:3
作者 Wei Vivien Shi 《Open Journal of Applied Biosensor》 2013年第2期29-38,共10页
This work proposes to design a fuzzy proportional-integral derivative (FPID) controller for dual-sensor cardiac pacemaker systems, which can automatically control the heart rate to accurately track a desired preset pr... This work proposes to design a fuzzy proportional-integral derivative (FPID) controller for dual-sensor cardiac pacemaker systems, which can automatically control the heart rate to accurately track a desired preset profile. The combination of fuzzy logic and conventional PID control approaches is adopted for the controller design based on dual-sensors. This controller offers good adaptation of the heart rate to the physiological needs of the patient under different states (rest and walk). Through comparing with the conventional fuzzy control algorithm, FPID provides a more suitable control strategy to determine a pacing rate in order to achieve a closer match between actual heart rate and a desired profile. To assist the heartbeat recovery, the stimuli with adjustable pacing rate is generated by the pacemaker according to the FPID controller, such actual heart rate may track the preset heart rate faithfully. Simulation results confirm that this proposed control design is effective for heartbeat recovery and maintenance. This study will be helpful not only for the analysis and treatment of bradycardias but also for improving the performance of medical devices. 展开更多
关键词 ADAPTATION Dual-Sensors fuzzy pid controlLER HEART Rate PACEMAKER
Fuzzy PID Controllers Using FPGA Technique for Real Time DC Motor Speed Control 被引量:4
作者 Basil Hamed Moayed Almobaied 《Intelligent Control and Automation》 2011年第3期233-240,共8页
The design of intelligent control systems has become an area of intense research interest. The development of an effective methodology for the design of such control systems undoubtedly requires the synthesis of many ... The design of intelligent control systems has become an area of intense research interest. The development of an effective methodology for the design of such control systems undoubtedly requires the synthesis of many concepts from artificial intelligence. The most commonly used controller in the industry field is the proportional-plus-integral-plus-derivative (PID) controller. Fuzzy logic controller (FLC) provides an alternative to PID controller, especially when the available system models are inexact or unavailable. Also rapid advances in digital technologies have given designers the option of implementing controllers using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) which depends on parallel programming. This method has many advantages over classical microprocessors. In this research, A model of the fuzzy PID control system is implemented in real time with a Xilinx FPGA (Spartan-3A, Xilinx Company, 2007). It is introduced to maintain a constant speed to when the load varies.,The model of a DC motor is considered as a second order system with load variation as a an example for complex model systems. For comparison purpose, two widely used controllers “PID and Fuzzy” have been implemented in the same FPGA card to examine the performance of the proposed system. These controllers have been tested using Matlab/Simulink program under speed and load variation conditions. The controllers were implemented to run the motor as real time application under speed and load variation conditions and showed the superiority of Fuzzy-PID. 展开更多
关键词 DC MOTOR fuzzy LOGIC control pid controlLER REAL Time FPGA
Turbine speed control system based on a fuzzy-PID 被引量:2
作者 孙建华 汪伟 余海燕 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2008年第4期268-272,共5页
The flexibility demand of marine nuclear power plant is very high,the multiple parameters of the marine nuclear power plant with the once-through steam generator are strongly coupled,and the normal PID control of the ... The flexibility demand of marine nuclear power plant is very high,the multiple parameters of the marine nuclear power plant with the once-through steam generator are strongly coupled,and the normal PID control of the turbine speed can't meet the control demand.This paper introduces a turbine speed Fuzzy-PID controller to coordinately control the steam pressure and thus realize the demand for quick tracking and steady state control over the turbine speed by using the Fuzzy control's quick dynamic response and PID control's steady state performance.The simulation shows the improvement of the response time and steady state performance of the control system. 展开更多
关键词 turbine speed control system fuzzy control pid control
Fuzzy adaptive PID control on hydraulic servo system of quadruped robot 被引量:1
作者 李杰 罗庆生 +1 位作者 王雷 常青 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2013年第4期447-453,共7页
Quadruped robot driven by high power density hydraulic device works in unstructured en- vironment. With variable load and various external disturbance, the hydraulic servo system has fea- tures such as nonlinear, time... Quadruped robot driven by high power density hydraulic device works in unstructured en- vironment. With variable load and various external disturbance, the hydraulic servo system has fea- tures such as nonlinear, time-varying parameters. Traditional control method has some limitation. In order to help the hydraulic servo system of the quadruped robot to adapt to harsh environments, and to obtain high control quality and control precision, an incremental fuzzy adaptive PID controller based on position feedback is designed to solve the related technical problems. Matlab/Simulink sim- ulation and experimental results show that the incremental fuzzy adaptive PID controller improves the dynamic performance of the system, enhances the respond speed and precision of the hydraulic ser- vo system, and has some theory significance and practical value. 展开更多
关键词 quadruped robot hydraulic model fuzzy pid control adaptive control Matlab/Simu-link
New Asymmetric Fuzzy PID Control for Pneumatic Position Control System 被引量:1
作者 薛阳 彭光正 +1 位作者 范萌 伍清河 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2004年第1期29-33,共5页
A fuzzy control algorithm of asymmetric fuzzy strategy is introduced for a servo-pneumatic position system. It can effectively solve the difficult problems of single rod low friction cylinders, which are mainly caused... A fuzzy control algorithm of asymmetric fuzzy strategy is introduced for a servo-pneumatic position system. It can effectively solve the difficult problems of single rod low friction cylinders, which are mainly caused by asymmetric structures and different friction characteristics in two directions. On the basis of this algorithm, a traditional PID control is used to improve dynamic performance. Furthermore, a new asymmetric fuzzy PID control with α factor is advanced to improve the self-adaptability and robustness of the system. Both the theoretical analyses and experimental results prove that, with this control strategy, the dynamic performance of the system can be greatly improved. The system using this control algorithm has strong robustness and it obtains desired overshoot and repeatability in both transient and steady-state responses. 展开更多
关键词 pneumatic position control system asymmetric fuzzy strategy construct function fuzzy pid control with α factor
Intelligent PID controller based on ant system algorithm and fuzzy inference and its application to bionic artificial leg 被引量:2
作者 谭冠政 曾庆冬 李文斌 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 2004年第3期316-322,共7页
A designing method of intelligent proportional-integral-derivative(PID) controllers was proposed based on the ant system algorithm and fuzzy inference. This kind of controller is called Fuzzy-ant system PID controller... A designing method of intelligent proportional-integral-derivative(PID) controllers was proposed based on the ant system algorithm and fuzzy inference. This kind of controller is called Fuzzy-ant system PID controller. It consists of an off-line part and an on-line part. In the off-line part, for a given control system with a PID controller,by taking the overshoot, setting time and steady-state error of the system unit step response as the performance indexes and by using the ant system algorithm, a group of optimal PID parameters K*p , Ti* and T*d can be obtained, which are used as the initial values for the on-line tuning of PID parameters. In the on-line part, based on Kp* , Ti*and Td* and according to the current system error e and its time derivative, a specific program is written, which is used to optimize and adjust the PID parameters on-line through a fuzzy inference mechanism to ensure that the system response has optimal transient and steady-state performance. This kind of intelligent PID controller can be used to control the motor of the intelligent bionic artificial leg designed by the authors. The result of computer simulation experiment shows that the controller has less overshoot and shorter setting time. 展开更多
关键词 ant system algorithm fuzzy inference pid controller fuzzy-ant system pid controller intelligent bionic artificial leg
Optimal fuzzy PID controller with adjustable factors based on flexible polyhedron search algorithm 被引量:2
作者 谭冠政 肖宏峰 王越超 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2002年第2期128-133,共6页
A new kind of optimal fuzzy PID controller is proposed, which contains two parts. One is an on line fuzzy inference system, and the other is a conventional PID controller. In the fuzzy inference system, three adjustab... A new kind of optimal fuzzy PID controller is proposed, which contains two parts. One is an on line fuzzy inference system, and the other is a conventional PID controller. In the fuzzy inference system, three adjustable factors x p, x i , and x d are introduced. Their functions are to further modify and optimize the result of the fuzzy inference so as to make the controller have the optimal control effect on a given object. The optimal values of these adjustable factors are determined based on the ITAE criterion and the Nelder and Mead′s flexible polyhedron search algorithm. This optimal fuzzy PID controller has been used to control the executive motor of the intelligent artificial leg designed by the authors. The result of computer simulation indicates that this controller is very effective and can be widely used to control different kinds of objects and processes. 展开更多
关键词 OPTIMAL fuzzy inference pid controller adjustable factor flexible polyhedron search algorithm intelligent artificial leg
ACS algorithm-based adaptive fuzzy PID controller and its application to CIP-I intelligent leg 被引量:2
作者 谭冠政 窦红权 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 2007年第4期528-536,共9页
Based on the ant colony system (ACS) algorithm and fuzzy logic control, a new design method for optimal fuzzy PID controller was proposed. In this method, the ACS algorithm was used to optimize the input/output scal... Based on the ant colony system (ACS) algorithm and fuzzy logic control, a new design method for optimal fuzzy PID controller was proposed. In this method, the ACS algorithm was used to optimize the input/output scaling factors of fuzzy PID controller to generate the optimal fuzzy control rules and optimal real-time control action on a given controlled object. The designed controller, called the Fuzzy-ACS PID controller, was used to control the CIP-Ⅰ intelligent leg. The simulation experiments demonstrate that this controller has good control performance. Compared with other three optimal PID controllers designed respectively by using the differential evolution algorithm, the real-coded genetic algorithm, and the simulated annealing, it was verified that the Fuzzy-ACS PID controller has better control performance. Furthermore, the simulation results also verify that the proposed ACS algorithm has quick convergence speed, small solution variation, good dynamic convergence behavior, and high computation efficiency in searching for the optimal input/output scaling factors. 展开更多
关键词 pid controller fuzzy control ACS algorithm optimal control input/output scaling factors
Proportion Integration Differentiation(PID)Control Strategy of Belt Sander Based on Fuzzy Algorithm 被引量:2
作者 陈坤 张亚伟 +1 位作者 张振 桂志伟 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 CAS 2023年第2期177-184,共8页
Aiming at solving the problems of response lag and lack of precision and stability in constant grinding force control of industrial robot belts,a constant force control strategy combining fuzzy control and proportion ... Aiming at solving the problems of response lag and lack of precision and stability in constant grinding force control of industrial robot belts,a constant force control strategy combining fuzzy control and proportion integration differentiation(PID)was proposed by analyzing the signal transmission process and the dynamic characteristics of the grinding mechanism.The simulation results showed that compared with the classical PID control strategy,the system adjustment time was shortened by 98.7%,the overshoot was reduced by 5.1%,and the control error was 0.2%-0.5%when the system was stabilized.The optimized fuzzy control system had fast adjustment speeds,precise force control and stability.The experimental analysis of the surface morphology of the machined blade was carried out by the industrial robot abrasive grinding mechanism,and the correctness of the theoretical analysis and the effectiveness of the control strategy were verified. 展开更多
关键词 grinding mechanism constant force control strategy fuzzy control proportion integration differentiation(pid)
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