Surface waves have a considerable effect on vertical mixing in the upper ocean.In the past two decades,the vertical mixing induced through nonbreaking surface waves has been used in ocean and climate models to improve...Surface waves have a considerable effect on vertical mixing in the upper ocean.In the past two decades,the vertical mixing induced through nonbreaking surface waves has been used in ocean and climate models to improve the simulation of the upper ocean.Thus far,several nonbreaking wave-induced mixing parameterization schemes have been proposed;however,no quantitative comparison has been performed among them.In this paper,a one-dimensional ocean model was used to compare the performances of five schemes,including those of Qiao et al.(Q),Hu and Wang(HW),Huang and Qiao(HQ),Pleskachevsky et al.(P),and Ghantous and Babanin(GB).Similar to previous studies,all of these schemes can decrease the simulated sea surface temperature(SST),increase the subsurface temperature,and deepen the mixed layer,thereby alleviating the common thermal deviation problem of the ocean model for upper ocean simulation.Among these schemes,the HQ scheme exhibited the weakest wave-induced mixing effect,and the HW scheme exhibited the strongest effect;the other three schemes exhibited roughly the same effect.In particular,the Q and P schemes exhibited nearly the same effect.In the simulation based on observations from the Ocean Weather Station Papa,the HQ scheme exhibited the best performance,followed by the Q scheme.In the experiment with the HQ scheme,the root-mean-square deviation of the simulated SST from the observations was 0.43℃,and the mixed layer depth(MLD)was 2.0 m.As a contrast,the deviations of the SST and MLD reached 1.25℃ and 8.4 m,respectively,in the experiment without wave-induced mixing.展开更多
The tide plays a pivotal role in the ocean,affecting the global ocean circulation and supplying the bulk of the energy for the global meridional overturning circulation.To further investigate internal tides and their ...The tide plays a pivotal role in the ocean,affecting the global ocean circulation and supplying the bulk of the energy for the global meridional overturning circulation.To further investigate internal tides and their impacts on circulation,it is imperative to incorporate tidal forcing into the eddy-resolving global ocean circulation model.In this study,we successfully incorporated explicit tides(eight major constituents)into a global eddy-resolving general ocean circulation model and evaluated its tidal simulation ability.We obtained harmonic constants by analyzing sea surface height through tidal harmonic analysis and compared them with the analysis data Topex Poseidon Cross-Overs v9(TPXO9),the open ocean tide dataset from 102 open-ocean tide observations,and tide gauge stations from World Ocean Circulation Experiment.The results demonstrated that the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics/Institute of Atmospheric Physics(LASG/IAP)Climate System Ocean Model 3.0(LICOM3.0)effectively simulated tides,with errors predominantly occurring in nearshore regions.The tidal amplitude simulated in LICOM3.0 was greater than that of TPXO9,and these high-amplitude areas exhibited greater errors.The amplitude error of the M_(2) constituent was larger,while the phase error of the K_(1) constituent was more significant.Furthermore,we further compared our results with those from other models.展开更多
Objective:To analyze the effects of a general medicine management model in the treatment of chronic coronary syndrome.Methods:The study included 100 patients with chronic coronary syndrome admitted to the hospital bet...Objective:To analyze the effects of a general medicine management model in the treatment of chronic coronary syndrome.Methods:The study included 100 patients with chronic coronary syndrome admitted to the hospital between April 2022 and May 2023.Patients were divided into an observation group and a control group to compare the outcomes of the general medicine-based management model with those of the conventional management model.Results:The incidence of adverse cardiovascular events in the observation group was significantly lower than in the control group(P<0.05).Anxiety and depression scores in the observation group were also significantly lower than those in the control group(P<0.05).Quality-of-life scores and patient satisfaction in the observation group were significantly higher than those in the control group(P<0.05).Conclusion:Implementing a general medicine-based management model for patients with chronic coronary syndrome effectively reduces the incidence of adverse cardiovascular events,significantly improves patients’emotional well-being and quality of life,and has notable clinical significance for wider adoption.展开更多
The algebraic reconstruction technique(ART),multiplicative algebraic reconstruction technique(MART),and simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique(SIRT)are computational methodologies extensively utilized within ...The algebraic reconstruction technique(ART),multiplicative algebraic reconstruction technique(MART),and simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique(SIRT)are computational methodologies extensively utilized within the field of computerized ionospheric tomography(CIT)to facilitate three-dimensional reconstruction of the ionospheric morphology.However,reconstruction accuracy elicits recurrent disputes over its practical application,and people usually attribute this issue to incomplete and uneven coverage of the measurements.The Thermosphere Ionosphere Electrodynamics General Circulation Model(TIEGCM)offers a reasonable physics-based ionospheric background and is widely utilized in ionospheric research.We use the TIEGCM simulations as the targeted ionosphere because the current measurements are far from able to realistically reproduce the ionosphere in detail.Optimized designations of satellite measurements are conducted to investigate the limiting performance of CIT methods in ionospheric reconstruction.Similar to common practice,electron density distributions from outputs of the International Reference Ionosphere(IRI)model are used as the iterative initial value in CIT applications.The outcomes suggest that despite data coverage,iterative initial conditions also play an essential role in ionospheric reconstruction.In particular,in the longitudinal sectors where the iterative initial height of the F2-layer peak electron density(hmF2)differs substantially from the background densities,none of the three CIT methods can reproduce the exact background profile.When hmF2 is close but the ionospheric F2-layer peak density(NmF2)is different between the targeted background and initial conditions,the MART performs better than the ART and SIRT,as evidenced by the correlation coefficients of MART being above 0.97 and those of ART and SIRT being below 0.85.In summary,this investigation reveals the potential uncertainties in traditional CIT reconstruction,particularly when realistic hmF2 or NmF2 values differ substantially from the initial CIT conditions.展开更多
Necessary and sufficient conditions for equalities between a 2 y′(I-P Xx)y and minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimator of variance under the general linear model, where a 2 is a known positive number, are...Necessary and sufficient conditions for equalities between a 2 y′(I-P Xx)y and minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimator of variance under the general linear model, where a 2 is a known positive number, are derived. Further, when the Gauss? Markov estimators and the ordinary least squares estimator are identical, a relative simply equivalent condition is obtained. At last, this condition is applied to an interesting example.展开更多
[Objective] This study aimed to examine the simulated effect of Computable General Equilibrium (CGE)-based agricultural policy simulation system. [Method] The policy simulation platform based on CGE model was constr...[Objective] This study aimed to examine the simulated effect of Computable General Equilibrium (CGE)-based agricultural policy simulation system. [Method] The policy simulation platform based on CGE model was constructed by integrating policy simulation, CGE model and Decision Supporting System (DSS). The scenario analysis method was used to analyze the agricultural subsides policy simulation through empirical analysis. [Result] Farmers were the main beneficiaries of increasing agricultural production subsidies, which increased farmers' income and improved the export of agriculture products. The prototype system could solve the problems in actual policy simulation. [Conclusion] The results lay the foundation for the quantitative study on agricultural subsidy policy in China.展开更多
Different versions of a new nine-layer general circulation model which is rhomboidally truncated at zonal wavenumber 15(L9R15)are introduced in this paper.On using the observed global monthly sea surfaCe temperature(S...Different versions of a new nine-layer general circulation model which is rhomboidally truncated at zonal wavenumber 15(L9R15)are introduced in this paper.On using the observed global monthly sea surfaCe temperature(SST)and sea ice(SI)data from 1979 to 1988 offered by the internahonal Atmospheric Model Iute-comparison Program(AMIP),these different model versions were integrated for the ten-year AMIP period. Results show that the model iscapable of simulating the basic states of the atmosphere and its interannual variability,and in performing reasonablesensitivity experiments.展开更多
A new generation of the IAP / LASG world ocean general circulation model is designed and presented based on the previous 20-layer model, with enhanced spatial resolutions and improved parameterizations. The model uses...A new generation of the IAP / LASG world ocean general circulation model is designed and presented based on the previous 20-layer model, with enhanced spatial resolutions and improved parameterizations. The model uses a triangular-truncated spectral horizontal grid system with its zonal wave number of 63 (T63) to match its atmospheric counterpart of a T63 spectral atmosphere general circulation model in a planned coupled ocean-atmosphere system. There are 30 layers in vertical direction, of which 20 layers are located above 1000 m for better depicting the permanent thermocline. As previous ocean models developed in IAP / LASG, a free surface (rather than “rigid-lid” approximation) is included in this model. Compared with the 20-layer model, some more detailed physical parameterizations are considered, including the along / cross isopycnal mixing scheme adapted from the Gent-MacWilliams scheme. The model is spun up from a motionless state. Initial conditions for temperature and salinity are taken from the three-dimensional distributions of Levitus’ annual mean observation. A preliminary analysis of the first 1000-year integration of a control experiment shows some encouraging improvements compared with the twenty-layer model, particularly in the simulations of permanent thermocline, thermohaline circulation, meridional heat transport, etc. resulted mainly from using the isopycnal mixing scheme. However, the use of isopycnal mixing scheme does not significantly improve the simulated equatorial thermocline. A series of numerical experiments show that the most important contribution to the improvement of equatorial thermocline and the associated equatorial under current comes from reducing horizontal viscosity in the equatorial regions. It is found that reducing the horizontal viscosity in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean may slightly weaken the overturning rate of North Atlantic Deep Water.展开更多
This paper describes a numerical model of the world ocean based on the fully primitive equations. A 'Standard' ocean state is introduced into the equations of the model and the perturbed thermodynamic variable...This paper describes a numerical model of the world ocean based on the fully primitive equations. A 'Standard' ocean state is introduced into the equations of the model and the perturbed thermodynamic variables are used in the modlc's calculations. Both a free upper surface and a bottom topography are included in the model and a sigma coordinate is used to normalize the model's vertical component. The model has four unevenly-spaced layers and 4 × 5 horizontal resolution based on C-grid system. The finite-difference scheme of the model is designed to conserve the gross available energy in order to avoid fictitious energy generation or decay.The model has been tested in response to the annual mean surface wind stress, sea level air pressure and sea level air temperature as a preliminary step to its further improvement and its coupling with a global atmospheric general circulation model. Some of results, including currents, temperature and sea surface elevation simulated by the mode! arc presented.展开更多
An eddy-permitting, quasi-global oceanic general circulation model, LICOM (LASG/IAP (State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Atmospheric Physi...An eddy-permitting, quasi-global oceanic general circulation model, LICOM (LASG/IAP (State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Atmospheric Physics) Climate System Ocean Model), with a uniform grid of 0.5? × 0.5? is established. Forced by wind stresses from Hellerman and Rosenstain (1983), a 40-yr integration is conducted with sea surface temperature and salinity being restored to the Levitus 94 datasets. The evaluation of the annual mean climatology of the LICOM control run shows that the large-scale circulation can be well reproduced. A comparison between the LICOM control run and a parallel integration of L30T63, which has the same framework but a coarse resolution, is also made to con?rm the impact of resolution on the model performance. On account of the reduction of horizontal viscosity with the enhancement of the horizontal resolution, LICOM improves the simulation with respect to not only the intensity of the large scale circulations, but also the magnitude and structure of the Equatorial Undercurrent and South Equatorial Current. Taking advantage of the ?ne grid size, the pathway of the Indonesian Through?ow (ITF) is better represented in LICOM than in L30T63. The transport of ITF in LICOM is more convergent in the upper layer. As a consequence, the Indian Ocean tends to get warmer in LICOM. The poleward heat transports for both the global and individual basins are also signi?cantly improved in LICOM. A decomposed analysis indicates that the transport due to the barotropic gyre, which primarily stands for the barotropic e?ect of the western boundary currents, plays a crucial role in making the di?erence.展开更多
The dynamical framework of the nine-level version of the IAP AGCM is presented in this paper. The emphasis of the model's description is put on the following two aspects:(1) A model's standard atmosphere, whic...The dynamical framework of the nine-level version of the IAP AGCM is presented in this paper. The emphasis of the model's description is put on the following two aspects:(1) A model's standard atmosphere, which is a satisfactory approximation to the observed troposphere and lower stratosphere standard atmosphere, is introduced into the equations of the model to permit a more accurate calculation of the vertical transport terms, especially near the tropopause; (2) The vertical levels of the model are carefully selected to guarantee a smooth dependence of layer thickness upon pressure in order to reduce the truncation error involved in the unequal interval vertical finite-differencing. For testing the model, two kinds of linear baroclinic Rossby-Haurwitz waves, one of which has a dynamically stable vertical structure and the other has a relatively unstable one, are constructed to provide initial conditions for numerical experiments. The two waves have been integrated for more than 300 days and 100 days respectively by using the model and both of them are propagating westward with almost identical phase-speed during the time period of the integrations. No obvious change of the wave patterns is found at the levels in the model's troposphere. The amplitudes of both two waves at the uppermost level, however, exhibit rather significant oscillation with time, of which the periods are exactly 20 days and 25 days espectively.The explanation of this interesting phenomena is still under investigation.展开更多
Seasonal prediction of Asian-Australian monsoon (A-AM) precipitation is one of the most important and challenging tasks in climate prediction. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of Grid Atmospheric Model of ...Seasonal prediction of Asian-Australian monsoon (A-AM) precipitation is one of the most important and challenging tasks in climate prediction. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of Grid Atmospheric Model of IAP LASG (GAMIL) on retrospective prediction of the A-AM interannual variation (IAV), and determine to what extent GAMIL can capture the two major observed modes of A-AM rainfall IAV for the period 1979-2003. The first mode is associated with the turnabout of warming (cooling) in the Nifio 3.4 region, whereas the second mode leads the warming/cooling by about one year, signaling precursory conditions for ENSO. We show that the GAMIL one-month lead prediction of the seasonal precipitation anomalies is primarily able to capture major features of the two observed leading modes of the IAV, with the first mode better predicted than the second. It also depicts the relationship between the first mode and ENSO rather well. On the other hand, the GAMIL has deficiencies in capturing the relationship between the second mode and ENSO. We conclude: (1) successful reproduction of the E1 Nifio-excited monsoon-ocean interaction and E1 Nifio forcing may be critical for the seasonal prediction of the A-AM rainfall IAV with the GAMIL; (2) more efforts are needed to improve the simulation not only in the Nifio 3.4 region but also in the joining area of Asia and the Indian-Pacific Ocean; (3) the selection of a one-tier system may improve the ultimate prediction of the A-AM rainfall IAV. These results offer some references for improvement of the GAMIL and associated seasonal prediction skill.展开更多
This paper examines the performance of an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) developed at the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institute of ...This paper examines the performance of an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) developed at the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Atmospheric Physics (LASG/IAP). It is a spectral model truncated at R42(2.8125°long×1.66°lat) resolution and with nine vertical levels, and referred to as R42L9/LASG hereafter. It is also the new version of atmospheric component model R15L9 of the global ocean-atmosphere-land system (GOALS/LASG). A 40-year simulation in which the model is forced with the climatological monthly mean sea surface temperature is compared with the 40-year (1958-97) U.S. National Center for Environmental Prediction (NGEP) global reanalysis and the 22-year (1979-2000) Xie-Arkin monthly precipitation climatology. The mean DJF and JJA geographical distributions of precipitation, sea level pressure, 500-hPa geopotential height, 850-hPa and 200-hPa zonal wind, and other fields averaged for the last 30-year integration of the R42L9 model are analyzed. Results show that the model reproduces well the observed basic patterns, particularly precipitation over the East Asian region. Comparing the new model with R15L9/LASG, the old version with coarse resolution (nearly 7.5°long×4.5°lat), shows an obvious improvement in the simulation of regional climate, especially precipitation. The weaknesses in simulation and future improvements of the model are also discussed.展开更多
On the basis of Zeng's theorehcal design, a coupled general circulation model(CGCM) is develO ̄ with itscharacteristics different from other CGCMs such as the unified vertical coordinates and subtraction of the st...On the basis of Zeng's theorehcal design, a coupled general circulation model(CGCM) is develO ̄ with itscharacteristics different from other CGCMs such as the unified vertical coordinates and subtraction of the standard stratification for both atmosphere and ocean, available energy consideration,and so on.The oceanic comPOnent is a free surface tropical Pacific Ocean GCM betWeen 30W and 30'S with horizontal grid spacing of ic in latitude and 2°in longitude,and with 14 vertical layers.The atmospheric component is a global GCM with low-resolution of 4°in lahtude and 5°in longitude,and tWo layers of equal mass in the verhcal between the surfaCe and 200 hFa.The atmospheric GCM includes comprehensive physical processes.The coupled model is subjected to seasonally-varying cycle.Several coupling experiments,ranging from straight forward coupling without flux correction to one with flux correchon,and to so-called predictor-corrector monthly coupling(PCMC),are conducted tO show the esistence and final controlling of the climate drift in the coupled system.After removing the climate drift with the PCMC SCheme,the coupled model is integrated for more than twenty years.The results show reasonable simulations of the anneal mean and its seasollal cycle of the atmospheric and ̄ante circulahon.The model also ProduCeS the coherent intermnual variations of the climate system, manifesting the observed EI Nifio/Southern OSCillation(ENSO).展开更多
Mesoscale eddies (MEs) in the South China Sea (SCS) simulated by a quasi-global eddy-resolving ocean general circulation model are evaluated against satellite data during 1993-2007. The modeled ocean data show mor...Mesoscale eddies (MEs) in the South China Sea (SCS) simulated by a quasi-global eddy-resolving ocean general circulation model are evaluated against satellite data during 1993-2007. The modeled ocean data show more activity than shown by the satellite data and reproduces more eddies in the SCS. A total of 345 (428) cyclonic eddies (CEs) and 330 (371) anti-cyclonic eddies (AEs) generated for satellite (model) data are identified during the study period, showing increase of -24% and -12% for the model data, respectively. Compared with eddies in satellite, the simulated eddies tend to have smaller radii, larger amplitudes, a slightly longer lifetime, faster movement and rotation speed, a slightly larger nonlinear properties (U/c) in the model. However, the spatial distribution of generated eddies appears to be inhomogeneous, with more CEs in the northern part of SCS and fewer AEs in the southern part. This is attributed to the exaggerated Kuroshio intrusion in the model because the small islands in the Luzon Strait are still not well resolved although the horizontal resolution reaches (1/10)°. The seasonal variability in the number and the amplitude of eddies generated is also investigated.展开更多
The direct radiative forcing (DRF) of sulfate aerosols depends highly on the atmospheric sulfate loading and the meteorology, both of which undergo strong regional and seasonal variations. Because the optical proper...The direct radiative forcing (DRF) of sulfate aerosols depends highly on the atmospheric sulfate loading and the meteorology, both of which undergo strong regional and seasonal variations. Because the optical properties of sulfate aerosols are also sensitive to atmospheric relative humidity, in this study we first examine the scheme for optical properties that considers hydroscopic growth. Next, we investigate the seasonal and regional distributions of sulfate DRF using the sulfate loading simulated from NCAR CAM-Chem together with the meteorology modeled from a spectral atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) developed by LASG-IAP. The global annual-mean sulfate loading of 3.44 mg m-2 is calculated to yield the DRF of -1.03 and -0.57 W m-2 for clear-sky and all-sky conditions, respectively. However, much larger values occur on regional bases. For example, the maximum all-sky sulfate DRF over Europe, East Asia, and North America can be up to -4.0 W m-2. The strongest all-sky sulfate DRF occurs in the Northern Hemispheric July, with a hemispheric average of -1.26 W m-2. The study results also indicate that the regional DRF are strongly affected by cloud and relative humidity, which vary considerably among the regions during different seasons. This certainly raises the issue that the biases in model-sinmlated regional meteorology can introduce biases into the sulfate DRF. Hence, the model processes associated with atmospheric humidity and cloud physics should be modified in great depth to improve the simulations of the LASG-IAP AGCM and to reduce the uncertainty of sulfate direct effects on global and regional climate in these simulations.展开更多
A global ocean general circulation model (L30T63) is employed to study the uptake and distribution of anthropogenic CO2 in the ocean. A subgrid-scale mixing scheme called GM90 is used in the model. There are two mai...A global ocean general circulation model (L30T63) is employed to study the uptake and distribution of anthropogenic CO2 in the ocean. A subgrid-scale mixing scheme called GM90 is used in the model. There are two main GM90 parameters including isopycnal diffusivity and skew (thickness) diffusivity. Sensitivities of the ocean circulation and the redistribution of dissolved anthropogenic CO2 to these two parameters are examined. Two runs estimate the global oceanic anthropogenic CO2 uptake to be 1.64 and 1.73 Pg C yr^-1 for the 1990s, and that the global ocean contained 86.8 and 92.7 Pg C of anthropogenic CO2 at the end of 1994, respectively. Both the total inventory and uptake from our model are smaller than the data-based estimates. In this presentation, the vertical distributions of anthropogenic CO2 at three meridional sections are discussed and compared with the available data-based estimates. The inventory in the individual basins is also calculated. Use of large isopycnal diffusivity can generally improve the simulated results, including the exchange flux, the vertical distribution patterns, inventory, storage, etc. In terms of comparison of the vertical distributions and column inventory, we find that the total inventory in the Pacific Ocean obtained from our model is in good agreement with the data-based estimate, but a large difference exists in the Atlantic Ocean, particularly in the South Atlantic. The main reasons are weak vertical mixing and that our model generates small exchange fluxes of anthropogenic CO2 in the Southern Ocean. Improvement in the simulation of the vertical transport and sea ice in the Southern Ocean is important in future work.展开更多
This paper investigates the processes behind the double ITCZ phenomenon, a common problem in Coupled ocean-atmosphere General Circulation Models (CGCMs), using a CGCM—FGCM-0 (Flexible General Circulat...This paper investigates the processes behind the double ITCZ phenomenon, a common problem in Coupled ocean-atmosphere General Circulation Models (CGCMs), using a CGCM—FGCM-0 (Flexible General Circulation Model, version 0). The double ITCZ mode develops rapidly during the ?rst two years of the integration and becomes a perennial phenomenon afterwards in the model. By way of Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) for SST, sea surface pressure, and sea surface wind, some air-sea interactions are analyzed. These interactions prompt the anomalous signals that appear at the beginning of the coupling to develop rapidly. There are two possible reasons, proved by sensitivity experiments: (1) the overestimated east-west gradient of SST in the equatorial Paci?c in the ocean spin-up process, and (2) the underestimated amount of low-level stratus over the Peruvian coast in CCM3 (the Community Climate Model, Version Three). The overestimated east-west gradient of SST brings the anomalous equatorial easterly. The anomalous easterly, a?ected by the Coriolis force in the Southern Hemisphere, turns into an anomalous westerly in a broad area south of the equator and is enhanced by atmospheric anomalous circulation due to the underestimated amount of low-level stratus over the Peruvian coast simulated by CCM3. The anomalous westerly leads to anomalous warm advection that makes the SST warm in the southeast Paci?c. The double ITCZ phenomenon in the CGCM is a result of a series of nonlocal and nonlinear adjustment processes in the coupled system, which can be traced to the uncoupled models, oceanic component, and atmospheric component. The zonal gradient of the equatorial SST is too large in the ocean component and the amount of low-level stratus over the Peruvian coast is too low in the atmosphere component.展开更多
The eight main tidal constituents have been implemented in the global ocean general circulation model with approximate 1° horizontal resolution.Compared with the observation data,the patterns of the tidal amplitu...The eight main tidal constituents have been implemented in the global ocean general circulation model with approximate 1° horizontal resolution.Compared with the observation data,the patterns of the tidal amplitudes and phases had been simulated fairly well.The responses of mean circulation,temperature and salinity are further investigated in the global sense.When implementing the tidal forcing,wind-driven circulations are reduced,especially those in coastal regions.It is also found that the upper cell transport of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation(AMOC) reduces significantly,while its deep cell transport is slightly enhanced from 9×106m3/s to 10×106 m3/s.The changes of circulations are all related to the increase of a bottom friction and a vertical viscosity due to the tidal forcing.The temperature and salinity of the model are also significantly affected by the tidal forcing through the enhanced bottom friction,mixing and the changes in mean circulation.The largest changes occur in the coastal regions,where the water is cooled and freshened.In the open ocean,the changes are divided into three layers:cooled and freshened on the surface and below 3 000 m,and warmed and salted in the middle in the open ocean.In the upper two layers,the changes are mainly caused by the enhanced mixing,as warm and salty water sinks and cold and fresh water rises;whereas in the deep layer,the enhancement of the deep overturning circulation accounts for the cold and fresh changes in the deep ocean.展开更多
Direct climate responses to dust shortwave and longwave radiative forcing (RF) are studied using the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model Version 3 (CAM3). The simulated RF at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) is-0.45 ...Direct climate responses to dust shortwave and longwave radiative forcing (RF) are studied using the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model Version 3 (CAM3). The simulated RF at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) is-0.45 W m-2 in the solar spectrum and +0.09 W m-2 in the thermal spectrum on a global average. The magnitude of surface RF is larger than the TOA forcing, with global mean shortwave forcing of-1.76 W m-2 and longwave forcing of +0.31 W m-2 . As a result, dust aerosol causes the absorption of 1.1 W m-2 in the atmosphere. The RF of dust aerosol is predicted to lead to a surface cooling of 0.5 K over the Sahara Desert and Arabian Peninsula. In the meantime, the upper troposphere is predicted to become warmer because of the absorption by dust. These changes in temperature lead to a more stable atmosphere, which results in increases in surface humidity. The upward sensible and latent heat fluxes at the surface are reduced, largely balancing the surface energy loss caused by the backscattering and absorption of dust aerosol. Precipitation is predicted to decrease moderately on a global scale.展开更多
基金supported by the Laoshan Laboratory(No.LSKJ202201600)the National Key Research and Development Program of China(No.2022YFC2808304).
文摘Surface waves have a considerable effect on vertical mixing in the upper ocean.In the past two decades,the vertical mixing induced through nonbreaking surface waves has been used in ocean and climate models to improve the simulation of the upper ocean.Thus far,several nonbreaking wave-induced mixing parameterization schemes have been proposed;however,no quantitative comparison has been performed among them.In this paper,a one-dimensional ocean model was used to compare the performances of five schemes,including those of Qiao et al.(Q),Hu and Wang(HW),Huang and Qiao(HQ),Pleskachevsky et al.(P),and Ghantous and Babanin(GB).Similar to previous studies,all of these schemes can decrease the simulated sea surface temperature(SST),increase the subsurface temperature,and deepen the mixed layer,thereby alleviating the common thermal deviation problem of the ocean model for upper ocean simulation.Among these schemes,the HQ scheme exhibited the weakest wave-induced mixing effect,and the HW scheme exhibited the strongest effect;the other three schemes exhibited roughly the same effect.In particular,the Q and P schemes exhibited nearly the same effect.In the simulation based on observations from the Ocean Weather Station Papa,the HQ scheme exhibited the best performance,followed by the Q scheme.In the experiment with the HQ scheme,the root-mean-square deviation of the simulated SST from the observations was 0.43℃,and the mixed layer depth(MLD)was 2.0 m.As a contrast,the deviations of the SST and MLD reached 1.25℃ and 8.4 m,respectively,in the experiment without wave-induced mixing.
基金The National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract Nos 41931182,42090040,42176024,and 42206006the National Key Program for Developing Basic Sciences under contract No.2022YFC3104802.
文摘The tide plays a pivotal role in the ocean,affecting the global ocean circulation and supplying the bulk of the energy for the global meridional overturning circulation.To further investigate internal tides and their impacts on circulation,it is imperative to incorporate tidal forcing into the eddy-resolving global ocean circulation model.In this study,we successfully incorporated explicit tides(eight major constituents)into a global eddy-resolving general ocean circulation model and evaluated its tidal simulation ability.We obtained harmonic constants by analyzing sea surface height through tidal harmonic analysis and compared them with the analysis data Topex Poseidon Cross-Overs v9(TPXO9),the open ocean tide dataset from 102 open-ocean tide observations,and tide gauge stations from World Ocean Circulation Experiment.The results demonstrated that the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics/Institute of Atmospheric Physics(LASG/IAP)Climate System Ocean Model 3.0(LICOM3.0)effectively simulated tides,with errors predominantly occurring in nearshore regions.The tidal amplitude simulated in LICOM3.0 was greater than that of TPXO9,and these high-amplitude areas exhibited greater errors.The amplitude error of the M_(2) constituent was larger,while the phase error of the K_(1) constituent was more significant.Furthermore,we further compared our results with those from other models.
文摘Objective:To analyze the effects of a general medicine management model in the treatment of chronic coronary syndrome.Methods:The study included 100 patients with chronic coronary syndrome admitted to the hospital between April 2022 and May 2023.Patients were divided into an observation group and a control group to compare the outcomes of the general medicine-based management model with those of the conventional management model.Results:The incidence of adverse cardiovascular events in the observation group was significantly lower than in the control group(P<0.05).Anxiety and depression scores in the observation group were also significantly lower than those in the control group(P<0.05).Quality-of-life scores and patient satisfaction in the observation group were significantly higher than those in the control group(P<0.05).Conclusion:Implementing a general medicine-based management model for patients with chronic coronary syndrome effectively reduces the incidence of adverse cardiovascular events,significantly improves patients’emotional well-being and quality of life,and has notable clinical significance for wider adoption.
基金supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2022YFF0503702)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 42074186)
文摘The algebraic reconstruction technique(ART),multiplicative algebraic reconstruction technique(MART),and simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique(SIRT)are computational methodologies extensively utilized within the field of computerized ionospheric tomography(CIT)to facilitate three-dimensional reconstruction of the ionospheric morphology.However,reconstruction accuracy elicits recurrent disputes over its practical application,and people usually attribute this issue to incomplete and uneven coverage of the measurements.The Thermosphere Ionosphere Electrodynamics General Circulation Model(TIEGCM)offers a reasonable physics-based ionospheric background and is widely utilized in ionospheric research.We use the TIEGCM simulations as the targeted ionosphere because the current measurements are far from able to realistically reproduce the ionosphere in detail.Optimized designations of satellite measurements are conducted to investigate the limiting performance of CIT methods in ionospheric reconstruction.Similar to common practice,electron density distributions from outputs of the International Reference Ionosphere(IRI)model are used as the iterative initial value in CIT applications.The outcomes suggest that despite data coverage,iterative initial conditions also play an essential role in ionospheric reconstruction.In particular,in the longitudinal sectors where the iterative initial height of the F2-layer peak electron density(hmF2)differs substantially from the background densities,none of the three CIT methods can reproduce the exact background profile.When hmF2 is close but the ionospheric F2-layer peak density(NmF2)is different between the targeted background and initial conditions,the MART performs better than the ART and SIRT,as evidenced by the correlation coefficients of MART being above 0.97 and those of ART and SIRT being below 0.85.In summary,this investigation reveals the potential uncertainties in traditional CIT reconstruction,particularly when realistic hmF2 or NmF2 values differ substantially from the initial CIT conditions.
文摘Necessary and sufficient conditions for equalities between a 2 y′(I-P Xx)y and minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimator of variance under the general linear model, where a 2 is a known positive number, are derived. Further, when the Gauss? Markov estimators and the ordinary least squares estimator are identical, a relative simply equivalent condition is obtained. At last, this condition is applied to an interesting example.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (70133011)~~
文摘[Objective] This study aimed to examine the simulated effect of Computable General Equilibrium (CGE)-based agricultural policy simulation system. [Method] The policy simulation platform based on CGE model was constructed by integrating policy simulation, CGE model and Decision Supporting System (DSS). The scenario analysis method was used to analyze the agricultural subsides policy simulation through empirical analysis. [Result] Farmers were the main beneficiaries of increasing agricultural production subsidies, which increased farmers' income and improved the export of agriculture products. The prototype system could solve the problems in actual policy simulation. [Conclusion] The results lay the foundation for the quantitative study on agricultural subsidy policy in China.
文摘Different versions of a new nine-layer general circulation model which is rhomboidally truncated at zonal wavenumber 15(L9R15)are introduced in this paper.On using the observed global monthly sea surfaCe temperature(SST)and sea ice(SI)data from 1979 to 1988 offered by the internahonal Atmospheric Model Iute-comparison Program(AMIP),these different model versions were integrated for the ten-year AMIP period. Results show that the model iscapable of simulating the basic states of the atmosphere and its interannual variability,and in performing reasonablesensitivity experiments.
文摘A new generation of the IAP / LASG world ocean general circulation model is designed and presented based on the previous 20-layer model, with enhanced spatial resolutions and improved parameterizations. The model uses a triangular-truncated spectral horizontal grid system with its zonal wave number of 63 (T63) to match its atmospheric counterpart of a T63 spectral atmosphere general circulation model in a planned coupled ocean-atmosphere system. There are 30 layers in vertical direction, of which 20 layers are located above 1000 m for better depicting the permanent thermocline. As previous ocean models developed in IAP / LASG, a free surface (rather than “rigid-lid” approximation) is included in this model. Compared with the 20-layer model, some more detailed physical parameterizations are considered, including the along / cross isopycnal mixing scheme adapted from the Gent-MacWilliams scheme. The model is spun up from a motionless state. Initial conditions for temperature and salinity are taken from the three-dimensional distributions of Levitus’ annual mean observation. A preliminary analysis of the first 1000-year integration of a control experiment shows some encouraging improvements compared with the twenty-layer model, particularly in the simulations of permanent thermocline, thermohaline circulation, meridional heat transport, etc. resulted mainly from using the isopycnal mixing scheme. However, the use of isopycnal mixing scheme does not significantly improve the simulated equatorial thermocline. A series of numerical experiments show that the most important contribution to the improvement of equatorial thermocline and the associated equatorial under current comes from reducing horizontal viscosity in the equatorial regions. It is found that reducing the horizontal viscosity in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean may slightly weaken the overturning rate of North Atlantic Deep Water.
文摘This paper describes a numerical model of the world ocean based on the fully primitive equations. A 'Standard' ocean state is introduced into the equations of the model and the perturbed thermodynamic variables are used in the modlc's calculations. Both a free upper surface and a bottom topography are included in the model and a sigma coordinate is used to normalize the model's vertical component. The model has four unevenly-spaced layers and 4 × 5 horizontal resolution based on C-grid system. The finite-difference scheme of the model is designed to conserve the gross available energy in order to avoid fictitious energy generation or decay.The model has been tested in response to the annual mean surface wind stress, sea level air pressure and sea level air temperature as a preliminary step to its further improvement and its coupling with a global atmospheric general circulation model. Some of results, including currents, temperature and sea surface elevation simulated by the mode! arc presented.
基金the Chinese Academy of Sciences "Innovation Program" (Grant No. ZKCX2-SW-210) the National Key Program for Developing Basic Sciences (Grant No.ZKCX2-SW-210)+1 种基金 the National Key Program for Developing Basic Sciences (Grant G 1999043808 , G2000078502) the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 40233031 , 40231004.
文摘An eddy-permitting, quasi-global oceanic general circulation model, LICOM (LASG/IAP (State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Atmospheric Physics) Climate System Ocean Model), with a uniform grid of 0.5? × 0.5? is established. Forced by wind stresses from Hellerman and Rosenstain (1983), a 40-yr integration is conducted with sea surface temperature and salinity being restored to the Levitus 94 datasets. The evaluation of the annual mean climatology of the LICOM control run shows that the large-scale circulation can be well reproduced. A comparison between the LICOM control run and a parallel integration of L30T63, which has the same framework but a coarse resolution, is also made to con?rm the impact of resolution on the model performance. On account of the reduction of horizontal viscosity with the enhancement of the horizontal resolution, LICOM improves the simulation with respect to not only the intensity of the large scale circulations, but also the magnitude and structure of the Equatorial Undercurrent and South Equatorial Current. Taking advantage of the ?ne grid size, the pathway of the Indonesian Through?ow (ITF) is better represented in LICOM than in L30T63. The transport of ITF in LICOM is more convergent in the upper layer. As a consequence, the Indian Ocean tends to get warmer in LICOM. The poleward heat transports for both the global and individual basins are also signi?cantly improved in LICOM. A decomposed analysis indicates that the transport due to the barotropic gyre, which primarily stands for the barotropic e?ect of the western boundary currents, plays a crucial role in making the di?erence.
文摘The dynamical framework of the nine-level version of the IAP AGCM is presented in this paper. The emphasis of the model's description is put on the following two aspects:(1) A model's standard atmosphere, which is a satisfactory approximation to the observed troposphere and lower stratosphere standard atmosphere, is introduced into the equations of the model to permit a more accurate calculation of the vertical transport terms, especially near the tropopause; (2) The vertical levels of the model are carefully selected to guarantee a smooth dependence of layer thickness upon pressure in order to reduce the truncation error involved in the unequal interval vertical finite-differencing. For testing the model, two kinds of linear baroclinic Rossby-Haurwitz waves, one of which has a dynamically stable vertical structure and the other has a relatively unstable one, are constructed to provide initial conditions for numerical experiments. The two waves have been integrated for more than 300 days and 100 days respectively by using the model and both of them are propagating westward with almost identical phase-speed during the time period of the integrations. No obvious change of the wave patterns is found at the levels in the model's troposphere. The amplitudes of both two waves at the uppermost level, however, exhibit rather significant oscillation with time, of which the periods are exactly 20 days and 25 days espectively.The explanation of this interesting phenomena is still under investigation.
基金the support of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.40523001 and 40605022)the Chinese Acadiemy of the International Partnership Creative Group entitled"Climate System Model Development and Application Studies".
文摘Seasonal prediction of Asian-Australian monsoon (A-AM) precipitation is one of the most important and challenging tasks in climate prediction. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of Grid Atmospheric Model of IAP LASG (GAMIL) on retrospective prediction of the A-AM interannual variation (IAV), and determine to what extent GAMIL can capture the two major observed modes of A-AM rainfall IAV for the period 1979-2003. The first mode is associated with the turnabout of warming (cooling) in the Nifio 3.4 region, whereas the second mode leads the warming/cooling by about one year, signaling precursory conditions for ENSO. We show that the GAMIL one-month lead prediction of the seasonal precipitation anomalies is primarily able to capture major features of the two observed leading modes of the IAV, with the first mode better predicted than the second. It also depicts the relationship between the first mode and ENSO rather well. On the other hand, the GAMIL has deficiencies in capturing the relationship between the second mode and ENSO. We conclude: (1) successful reproduction of the E1 Nifio-excited monsoon-ocean interaction and E1 Nifio forcing may be critical for the seasonal prediction of the A-AM rainfall IAV with the GAMIL; (2) more efforts are needed to improve the simulation not only in the Nifio 3.4 region but also in the joining area of Asia and the Indian-Pacific Ocean; (3) the selection of a one-tier system may improve the ultimate prediction of the A-AM rainfall IAV. These results offer some references for improvement of the GAMIL and associated seasonal prediction skill.
文摘This paper examines the performance of an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) developed at the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Atmospheric Physics (LASG/IAP). It is a spectral model truncated at R42(2.8125°long×1.66°lat) resolution and with nine vertical levels, and referred to as R42L9/LASG hereafter. It is also the new version of atmospheric component model R15L9 of the global ocean-atmosphere-land system (GOALS/LASG). A 40-year simulation in which the model is forced with the climatological monthly mean sea surface temperature is compared with the 40-year (1958-97) U.S. National Center for Environmental Prediction (NGEP) global reanalysis and the 22-year (1979-2000) Xie-Arkin monthly precipitation climatology. The mean DJF and JJA geographical distributions of precipitation, sea level pressure, 500-hPa geopotential height, 850-hPa and 200-hPa zonal wind, and other fields averaged for the last 30-year integration of the R42L9 model are analyzed. Results show that the model reproduces well the observed basic patterns, particularly precipitation over the East Asian region. Comparing the new model with R15L9/LASG, the old version with coarse resolution (nearly 7.5°long×4.5°lat), shows an obvious improvement in the simulation of regional climate, especially precipitation. The weaknesses in simulation and future improvements of the model are also discussed.
文摘On the basis of Zeng's theorehcal design, a coupled general circulation model(CGCM) is develO ̄ with itscharacteristics different from other CGCMs such as the unified vertical coordinates and subtraction of the standard stratification for both atmosphere and ocean, available energy consideration,and so on.The oceanic comPOnent is a free surface tropical Pacific Ocean GCM betWeen 30W and 30'S with horizontal grid spacing of ic in latitude and 2°in longitude,and with 14 vertical layers.The atmospheric component is a global GCM with low-resolution of 4°in lahtude and 5°in longitude,and tWo layers of equal mass in the verhcal between the surfaCe and 200 hFa.The atmospheric GCM includes comprehensive physical processes.The coupled model is subjected to seasonally-varying cycle.Several coupling experiments,ranging from straight forward coupling without flux correction to one with flux correchon,and to so-called predictor-corrector monthly coupling(PCMC),are conducted tO show the esistence and final controlling of the climate drift in the coupled system.After removing the climate drift with the PCMC SCheme,the coupled model is integrated for more than twenty years.The results show reasonable simulations of the anneal mean and its seasollal cycle of the atmospheric and ̄ante circulahon.The model also ProduCeS the coherent intermnual variations of the climate system, manifesting the observed EI Nifio/Southern OSCillation(ENSO).
基金The National Key Program for Developing Basic Science of China under contract No.2013CB956204the National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract Nos 41275084 and 41575084the Strategic Priority Research of the Chinese Academy of Science under contract No.XDA 11010304
文摘Mesoscale eddies (MEs) in the South China Sea (SCS) simulated by a quasi-global eddy-resolving ocean general circulation model are evaluated against satellite data during 1993-2007. The modeled ocean data show more activity than shown by the satellite data and reproduces more eddies in the SCS. A total of 345 (428) cyclonic eddies (CEs) and 330 (371) anti-cyclonic eddies (AEs) generated for satellite (model) data are identified during the study period, showing increase of -24% and -12% for the model data, respectively. Compared with eddies in satellite, the simulated eddies tend to have smaller radii, larger amplitudes, a slightly longer lifetime, faster movement and rotation speed, a slightly larger nonlinear properties (U/c) in the model. However, the spatial distribution of generated eddies appears to be inhomogeneous, with more CEs in the northern part of SCS and fewer AEs in the southern part. This is attributed to the exaggerated Kuroshio intrusion in the model because the small islands in the Luzon Strait are still not well resolved although the horizontal resolution reaches (1/10)°. The seasonal variability in the number and the amplitude of eddies generated is also investigated.
基金supported jointly by the grant from National Basic Research Program of China(Grant No.2012CB955303)and from the Office of Biological and Environmental Sciences,US Department of Energy
文摘The direct radiative forcing (DRF) of sulfate aerosols depends highly on the atmospheric sulfate loading and the meteorology, both of which undergo strong regional and seasonal variations. Because the optical properties of sulfate aerosols are also sensitive to atmospheric relative humidity, in this study we first examine the scheme for optical properties that considers hydroscopic growth. Next, we investigate the seasonal and regional distributions of sulfate DRF using the sulfate loading simulated from NCAR CAM-Chem together with the meteorology modeled from a spectral atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) developed by LASG-IAP. The global annual-mean sulfate loading of 3.44 mg m-2 is calculated to yield the DRF of -1.03 and -0.57 W m-2 for clear-sky and all-sky conditions, respectively. However, much larger values occur on regional bases. For example, the maximum all-sky sulfate DRF over Europe, East Asia, and North America can be up to -4.0 W m-2. The strongest all-sky sulfate DRF occurs in the Northern Hemispheric July, with a hemispheric average of -1.26 W m-2. The study results also indicate that the regional DRF are strongly affected by cloud and relative humidity, which vary considerably among the regions during different seasons. This certainly raises the issue that the biases in model-sinmlated regional meteorology can introduce biases into the sulfate DRF. Hence, the model processes associated with atmospheric humidity and cloud physics should be modified in great depth to improve the simulations of the LASG-IAP AGCM and to reduce the uncertainty of sulfate direct effects on global and regional climate in these simulations.
基金supported by the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZCX-2-YW-218)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (40730106)the Key Frontier Project of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP07114).
文摘A global ocean general circulation model (L30T63) is employed to study the uptake and distribution of anthropogenic CO2 in the ocean. A subgrid-scale mixing scheme called GM90 is used in the model. There are two main GM90 parameters including isopycnal diffusivity and skew (thickness) diffusivity. Sensitivities of the ocean circulation and the redistribution of dissolved anthropogenic CO2 to these two parameters are examined. Two runs estimate the global oceanic anthropogenic CO2 uptake to be 1.64 and 1.73 Pg C yr^-1 for the 1990s, and that the global ocean contained 86.8 and 92.7 Pg C of anthropogenic CO2 at the end of 1994, respectively. Both the total inventory and uptake from our model are smaller than the data-based estimates. In this presentation, the vertical distributions of anthropogenic CO2 at three meridional sections are discussed and compared with the available data-based estimates. The inventory in the individual basins is also calculated. Use of large isopycnal diffusivity can generally improve the simulated results, including the exchange flux, the vertical distribution patterns, inventory, storage, etc. In terms of comparison of the vertical distributions and column inventory, we find that the total inventory in the Pacific Ocean obtained from our model is in good agreement with the data-based estimate, but a large difference exists in the Atlantic Ocean, particularly in the South Atlantic. The main reasons are weak vertical mixing and that our model generates small exchange fluxes of anthropogenic CO2 in the Southern Ocean. Improvement in the simulation of the vertical transport and sea ice in the Southern Ocean is important in future work.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.40221503,40231004, 40233031.
文摘This paper investigates the processes behind the double ITCZ phenomenon, a common problem in Coupled ocean-atmosphere General Circulation Models (CGCMs), using a CGCM—FGCM-0 (Flexible General Circulation Model, version 0). The double ITCZ mode develops rapidly during the ?rst two years of the integration and becomes a perennial phenomenon afterwards in the model. By way of Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) for SST, sea surface pressure, and sea surface wind, some air-sea interactions are analyzed. These interactions prompt the anomalous signals that appear at the beginning of the coupling to develop rapidly. There are two possible reasons, proved by sensitivity experiments: (1) the overestimated east-west gradient of SST in the equatorial Paci?c in the ocean spin-up process, and (2) the underestimated amount of low-level stratus over the Peruvian coast in CCM3 (the Community Climate Model, Version Three). The overestimated east-west gradient of SST brings the anomalous equatorial easterly. The anomalous easterly, a?ected by the Coriolis force in the Southern Hemisphere, turns into an anomalous westerly in a broad area south of the equator and is enhanced by atmospheric anomalous circulation due to the underestimated amount of low-level stratus over the Peruvian coast simulated by CCM3. The anomalous westerly leads to anomalous warm advection that makes the SST warm in the southeast Paci?c. The double ITCZ phenomenon in the CGCM is a result of a series of nonlocal and nonlinear adjustment processes in the coupled system, which can be traced to the uncoupled models, oceanic component, and atmospheric component. The zonal gradient of the equatorial SST is too large in the ocean component and the amount of low-level stratus over the Peruvian coast is too low in the atmosphere component.
基金The National Key Program for Developing Basic Sciences of China under contract No.2013CB956204the National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract Nos 41275084 and 41576025the Strategic Priority Research of the Chinese Academy of Science under contract Nos XDA01020304 and DA05110302
文摘The eight main tidal constituents have been implemented in the global ocean general circulation model with approximate 1° horizontal resolution.Compared with the observation data,the patterns of the tidal amplitudes and phases had been simulated fairly well.The responses of mean circulation,temperature and salinity are further investigated in the global sense.When implementing the tidal forcing,wind-driven circulations are reduced,especially those in coastal regions.It is also found that the upper cell transport of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation(AMOC) reduces significantly,while its deep cell transport is slightly enhanced from 9×106m3/s to 10×106 m3/s.The changes of circulations are all related to the increase of a bottom friction and a vertical viscosity due to the tidal forcing.The temperature and salinity of the model are also significantly affected by the tidal forcing through the enhanced bottom friction,mixing and the changes in mean circulation.The largest changes occur in the coastal regions,where the water is cooled and freshened.In the open ocean,the changes are divided into three layers:cooled and freshened on the surface and below 3 000 m,and warmed and salted in the middle in the open ocean.In the upper two layers,the changes are mainly caused by the enhanced mixing,as warm and salty water sinks and cold and fresh water rises;whereas in the deep layer,the enhancement of the deep overturning circulation accounts for the cold and fresh changes in the deep ocean.
基金supported by the Key Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences under Grant KZCX2-YW-Q11-03supported by the National Basic Research Program of China ("973" program) under Grant2006CB403705+1 种基金the Key Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences under Grants KZCX2-YW-Q1-02, KZCX2-YW-205, and KZCX2-YW-219the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 40631005
文摘Direct climate responses to dust shortwave and longwave radiative forcing (RF) are studied using the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model Version 3 (CAM3). The simulated RF at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) is-0.45 W m-2 in the solar spectrum and +0.09 W m-2 in the thermal spectrum on a global average. The magnitude of surface RF is larger than the TOA forcing, with global mean shortwave forcing of-1.76 W m-2 and longwave forcing of +0.31 W m-2 . As a result, dust aerosol causes the absorption of 1.1 W m-2 in the atmosphere. The RF of dust aerosol is predicted to lead to a surface cooling of 0.5 K over the Sahara Desert and Arabian Peninsula. In the meantime, the upper troposphere is predicted to become warmer because of the absorption by dust. These changes in temperature lead to a more stable atmosphere, which results in increases in surface humidity. The upward sensible and latent heat fluxes at the surface are reduced, largely balancing the surface energy loss caused by the backscattering and absorption of dust aerosol. Precipitation is predicted to decrease moderately on a global scale.