For exploring the influences of application and residue of chemical fungi- cides on chlamydospore preparations of Trichoderma spp., the effects of seven chemical fungicides on chlamydospore germination and mycelia gro...For exploring the influences of application and residue of chemical fungi- cides on chlamydospore preparations of Trichoderma spp., the effects of seven chemical fungicides on chlamydospore germination and mycelia growth of two bio- control fungi T. harzianum 610 and T. Iongibrachiatum 758 were studied. Carben- dazim, tebuconazole and difenoconazole showed strong toxicities, thiram and car- bexin showed moderate toxicities, and metalaxyl showed Mycelia growth of the two strains was more sensitive to most tested fungicides than those of chlamydospore germination. Chlamydospore germination of 610 was more sensitive to tested fungicides than those of 758, and mycelia growth of 758 was more sensitive to most tested fungi- cides than those of 610. Among the seven fungicides, 98% carbendazim had the strongest effects (ECru values were 1.64 and 0.05μpg/ml), and 70% pentachloroni- trobenzene had the weakest effects (EC50 values were 1.64 and 0,05 μg/ml) for chlamydospore germination and mycelia growth of 610. As for 758, 98% carbendaz- im had the strongest inhibitory effects and 95% metalaxyl had the weakest inhibitory for chlamydospore germination of 756 (EC50 values were 0.62 and 1 108.61 μg/ml respectively), whereas 96.2% tebuconazole showed the strongest inhibitory effects for mycelia growth of 758 (EC= value was 0.32μg/ml), and 95% metalaxyl was the weakest (EC= value was 1 206.29 μg/ml). According to the applied concentration of different fungicides in practice, we concluded that chlamydospore preparations of 610 and 758 could not be combined with carbendazim, tebuconazole, thiram and carboxin for controlling plant diseases, and the pesticide residues to the biocontrol effects should be kept in mind. Chlamydospore preparations of 610 and 758 can be and difenoconazole for controlling plant dis- eases, 758 chlamydospore preparations and germinated chlamydospore of 610 can be combined with metalaxyl for controlling plant diseases, and pesticide residue risk was not serious.展开更多
山东蒙山国家地质公园佛塔谷堆积了大量的巨砾,其形成原因存在着很大的争论。探讨蒙山佛塔谷砾石堆积体的形成年代有助于了解蒙山环境演化和气候变化。关于佛塔谷砾石的微地貌已有相关作者探讨,本文在前人研究的基础上从拦马墙砾石堆积...山东蒙山国家地质公园佛塔谷堆积了大量的巨砾,其形成原因存在着很大的争论。探讨蒙山佛塔谷砾石堆积体的形成年代有助于了解蒙山环境演化和气候变化。关于佛塔谷砾石的微地貌已有相关作者探讨,本文在前人研究的基础上从拦马墙砾石堆积体的宇生核素^(10)Be暴露年代以及全新世以来的气候环境和人类文化等方面进行探讨。研究结果表明:①拦马墙砾石宇生核素^(10)Be暴露年代结果为5.0~6.0 ka BP左右,不支持先前发表的"8.2 ka BP拦马冰期"的结论;②全新世以来山东蒙山区域处于一个暖湿的环境下,尽管有几次降温事件,但是不足以提供形成冰川的条件。展开更多
基金Supported by Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest(201303057)948 Program(2011-G4)~~
文摘For exploring the influences of application and residue of chemical fungi- cides on chlamydospore preparations of Trichoderma spp., the effects of seven chemical fungicides on chlamydospore germination and mycelia growth of two bio- control fungi T. harzianum 610 and T. Iongibrachiatum 758 were studied. Carben- dazim, tebuconazole and difenoconazole showed strong toxicities, thiram and car- bexin showed moderate toxicities, and metalaxyl showed Mycelia growth of the two strains was more sensitive to most tested fungicides than those of chlamydospore germination. Chlamydospore germination of 610 was more sensitive to tested fungicides than those of 758, and mycelia growth of 758 was more sensitive to most tested fungi- cides than those of 610. Among the seven fungicides, 98% carbendazim had the strongest effects (ECru values were 1.64 and 0.05μpg/ml), and 70% pentachloroni- trobenzene had the weakest effects (EC50 values were 1.64 and 0,05 μg/ml) for chlamydospore germination and mycelia growth of 610. As for 758, 98% carbendaz- im had the strongest inhibitory effects and 95% metalaxyl had the weakest inhibitory for chlamydospore germination of 756 (EC50 values were 0.62 and 1 108.61 μg/ml respectively), whereas 96.2% tebuconazole showed the strongest inhibitory effects for mycelia growth of 758 (EC= value was 0.32μg/ml), and 95% metalaxyl was the weakest (EC= value was 1 206.29 μg/ml). According to the applied concentration of different fungicides in practice, we concluded that chlamydospore preparations of 610 and 758 could not be combined with carbendazim, tebuconazole, thiram and carboxin for controlling plant diseases, and the pesticide residues to the biocontrol effects should be kept in mind. Chlamydospore preparations of 610 and 758 can be and difenoconazole for controlling plant dis- eases, 758 chlamydospore preparations and germinated chlamydospore of 610 can be combined with metalaxyl for controlling plant diseases, and pesticide residue risk was not serious.
文摘山东蒙山国家地质公园佛塔谷堆积了大量的巨砾,其形成原因存在着很大的争论。探讨蒙山佛塔谷砾石堆积体的形成年代有助于了解蒙山环境演化和气候变化。关于佛塔谷砾石的微地貌已有相关作者探讨,本文在前人研究的基础上从拦马墙砾石堆积体的宇生核素^(10)Be暴露年代以及全新世以来的气候环境和人类文化等方面进行探讨。研究结果表明:①拦马墙砾石宇生核素^(10)Be暴露年代结果为5.0~6.0 ka BP左右,不支持先前发表的"8.2 ka BP拦马冰期"的结论;②全新世以来山东蒙山区域处于一个暖湿的环境下,尽管有几次降温事件,但是不足以提供形成冰川的条件。
文摘欧洲环境卫星-高级合成孔径雷达(Environmental Satellite-Advanced Synthetic ApertureRadar,Envisat-ASAR)波模式数据提供了全球风、浪要素信息,在海浪模式预报与同化方面有重要作用。该数据合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar,SAR)图像普遍存在海浪条纹清晰度不同的现象,但是否影响数据精度尚无定论。本文通过比较2010年NODC(the National Oceanographic Date Center)浮标观测数据和波模式数据,发现经过官方修正后的海浪参数反而具有更大误差。进而通过对比不同条纹清晰度的SAR图像反演参数误差,揭示了ASAR产品海浪参数与浮标测量值之间的误差与海浪条纹清晰度的关系。结果表明:海浪条纹清晰的SAR图像的主波波长和主波周期的反演误差更小,而条纹不清晰SAR图像的有效波高和风速的反演误差更小。通过分析海浪参数对海浪条纹清晰度的敏感性,证实了有效波高和方位向截断波长对SAR图像条纹清晰度的响应最好,波陡次之,与卫星飞行方位角和入射角无关。因此,在反演和修正SAR波模式数据时,考虑图像的条纹清晰度,将会有效提高反演数据的精度。该研究可为高分三号等卫星的波模式数据波浪要素反演精度的提升提供有价值的参考。