The giant panda(Ailuropoda melanoleuca),as a rare and endangered wild animal in China,has attracted wide attention from all walks of life.In this study,the changes of disturbances in the habitat of giant panda populat...The giant panda(Ailuropoda melanoleuca),as a rare and endangered wild animal in China,has attracted wide attention from all walks of life.In this study,the changes of disturbances in the habitat of giant panda population in the Qionglai Mountains of Sichuan Province were studied and analyzed by comparing the data of two giant panda surveys in Qionglai Mountains and combining with the remote sensing(ES)data of related areas.The results showed that the number of general disturbances in the habitat of giant pandas in Qionglai Mountains greatly reduced in 10 years,and the types of disturbances also changed greatly.The logging disturbance which was most distributed in the third survey almost disappeared in the fourth survey,and the grazing disturbance in the habitat became the disturbance type with the highest encounter rate.The density of human activities in the whole mountain system greatly decreased,but the scope was slightly expanded.Baoxing and Lushan were areas with high density of giant panda activities,and the number of various human activities was relatively large.In the two surveys,the avoidance effect of giant pandas on logging,grazing,roads,hunting and other disturbances showed significant differences.The activity density of local small populations of giant pandas in Qionglai Mountains changed.展开更多
Chemical communication plays an important role in survival and reproductive success in mammalian species. In the present study, we examined the ontogenetic pattern of behavioral responses of male giant pandas (Ailuro...Chemical communication plays an important role in survival and reproductive success in mammalian species. In the present study, we examined the ontogenetic pattern of behavioral responses of male giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca ) to urine odors of conspecific individuals. Our data showed that exposure to the urine of adult females induced a significant increase in sniffing and environmental sniffing/licking behaviors, but a decrease in biting behavior, in males. Males of different ages displayed specific behaviors to female urine odors. Adult males spent more time licking than juvenile and sub-adult males. Further, sub-adult and adult males displayed high levels of environmental sniffing/licking, which was absent in the juvenile males. Juvenile males displayed scent rubbing behavior significantly more frequently than sub-adult and adult males, and also spent more time showing biting behavior than sub-adult males. Finally, juvenile and sub-aduh males showed no difference in response to female and male urine odors. Together, these data suggest that chemosensory cues from conspecific urines induce age-specific responses in male giant pandas.展开更多
In order to survey the infectious situation of canine coronavirus (CCV) in giant panda population, a virus neutralization test detecting specific antibodies against CCV in giant panda抯 sera was established by using t...In order to survey the infectious situation of canine coronavirus (CCV) in giant panda population, a virus neutralization test detecting specific antibodies against CCV in giant panda抯 sera was established by using two-fold dilutions of serum and 100 TCID50 of the virus. The 62 sera samples of giant pandas, which were gathered from zoos and reserve region of Sichuan Province, China were detected. The neutralization antibody titer of 1:4 was recognized as the positive criterion, 8 sera samples were detected to be positive, and the positive rate was 12.9%. The titers of neutralizing antibody ranged from 1:8 to 1:32. It was the first comprehensive investigation on neutralization antibodies against CCV in giant panda population in China. The results of study showed that the infection of CCV in giant panda population was universal, which has posed a threat to the health of giant panda. Therefore, it is incumbent on us to study safe and effective vaccines to protect giant panda against CCV infection.展开更多
The goal of the giant panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ) breeding program is to develop a self sustaining,genetically diverse population.Due to the common problems about sexual incompatibility and a limited number of...The goal of the giant panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ) breeding program is to develop a self sustaining,genetically diverse population.Due to the common problems about sexual incompatibility and a limited number of captive born males that breed naturally,artificial insemination (AI) has become a critical genetic management tool.It is common practice,however,to combine natural mating and AI using semen from non breeding males.From 1998 to 2000 at the Wolong breeding facility,12 of 18 (66.7%) females produced 20 cubs following combined natural mating and AI.The objective of this study was to determine the efficiency of AI without natural breeding.In 1998 and 2000,seven females were anesthetized for transcervical AI on two consecutive days.Ejaculates from six males were collected by electroejaculation,diluted in an egg yolk diluent containing 0% or 4% glycerol and used either fresh or following cold storage at 4℃ (for 24 or 48 h) or cryopreservation using the pellet freezing method.Mean (±SEM) ejaculate traits in six male sperm donors were:ejaculate volume,3.3±0.5 ml;sperm concentration,1,429.8±235.4×10 6/ml;sperm motility,81.7±2.1%;progression (0~5,5=best),3.1±0.1;and normal sperm,79.3±9.2%.For AI (n = 14) in seven females,mean inseminate traits were:spermic volume inseminated,2.4±0.3 ml;sperm motility,73.5±2.9%;progression,2.5±0.1;and total motile sperm inseminated/AI,684.2±118.2×10 6.Four of seven (57.1%) females became pregnant and produced five cubs of which four survived.Mean gestation and litter size was 131.5±9.7 days and 1.3±0.3 cubs/litter,respectively.These results indicate that the efficiency of AI is sufficient for recovering valuable genes from non breeding individuals to enhance genetic diversity in the ex situ population of giant pandas.展开更多
The habitat of giant pandas borders the living areas of farmers in surrounding communities. Due to the low level of economic development and resource used method, the life of community farmers depends on the natural r...The habitat of giant pandas borders the living areas of farmers in surrounding communities. Due to the low level of economic development and resource used method, the life of community farmers depends on the natural resources of the habitat of giant pandas. Analyzing the natural resource utilization of farmers in communities around the habitat of giant pandas is conducive to formulating more reasonable management policies and protecting the habitat of giant pandas more effectively. Based on the field survey data, this paper classifies the main ways of community farmers using the natural resources of the habitat of giant pandas, counts the quantity of resources used and analyzes their change trends. On this basis, this paper selects indicators, constructs a model and analyzes the main influencing factors affecting the natural resources utilization of community farmers from three aspects: the individual characteristics of household heads, the family characteristics of community farmers and the residence characteristics of community farmers.展开更多
Population viability analysis(PVA) is a tool to evaluate the risk of extinction for endangered species and aid conservation decision-making.The quality of PVA output is dependent on parameters related to population dy...Population viability analysis(PVA) is a tool to evaluate the risk of extinction for endangered species and aid conservation decision-making.The quality of PVA output is dependent on parameters related to population dynamics and life-history;however,it has been difficult to collect this information for the giant panda(Aliuropoda melanoleuca),a rare and endangered mammal native to China,confined to some 30 fragmented habitat patches.Since giant pandas are long-lived,mature late,have lower reproductive rates,and show little sexual dimorphism,obtaining data to perform adequate PVA has been difficult.Here,we develop a parameter sensitivity index by modeling the dynamics of six giant panda populations in the Minshan Mountains,in order to determine the parameters most influential to giant panda populations.Our data shows that the giant panda populations are most sensitive to changes in four female parameters:initial breeding age,reproductive rate,mortality rate between age 0 and 1,and mortality rate of adults.The parameter sensitivity index strongly correlated with initial population size,as smaller populations were more sensitive to changes in these four variables.This model suggests that demographic parameters of females have more influence on the results of PVA,indicating that females may play a more important role in giant panda population dynamics than males.Consequently,reintroduction of female individuals to a small giant panda population should be a high priority for conservation efforts.Our findings form a technical basis for the coming program of giant panda reintroduction,and inform which parameters are crucial to successfully and feasibly monitoring wild giant panda populations.展开更多
A critical function of animal movement is to maximize access to essential resources in temporally fluctuating and spatially heterogeneous environments.Seasonally mediated resource fluctuations may influence animal mov...A critical function of animal movement is to maximize access to essential resources in temporally fluctuating and spatially heterogeneous environments.Seasonally mediated resource fluctuations may influence animal movements,enabling them to track changing resource distributions,resulting in annual migration patterns.The conservation-dependent giant panda(Ailuropoda melanoleuca) displays seasonal movement patterns;however,the key factor driving these seasonal migration patterns remains poorly understood.Here,we used GPS tracking collars to monitor the movements of six giant pandas over a 12-year period across different elevations,and performed statistical analysis of seasonal migration directions,routes,habitat revisitation,home range overlap,first arrival events,and stability.Our results revealed a compelling pattern of seasonal migrations that facilitated the ability of the pandas to forage at the appropriate time and place to maximize nutritional intake.Our results indicated that pandas utilize spatial memory to locate reliable food resources,as evidenced by their annual return to the same or similar winter and summer home ranges and the consistently maintained percentage of home range overlap.These novel insights into giant panda foraging and movement ecology not only enhance our understanding of its ability to adapt to nutritionally poor dietary resources but also provide important information for the development of resource utilization-based protection and management strategies.展开更多
Population viability analysis(PVA)is a tool to evaluate the risk of extinction for endangered species and aid conservation decision-making.The quality of PVA output is dependent on parameters related to population dyn...Population viability analysis(PVA)is a tool to evaluate the risk of extinction for endangered species and aid conservation decision-making.The quality of PVA output is dependent on parameters related to population dynamics and life-history;however,it has been difficult to collect this information for the giant panda(Aliuropoda melanoleuca),a rare and endangered mammal native to China,confined to some 30 fragmented habitat patches.Since giant pandas are long-lived,mature late,have lower reproductive rates,and show little sexual dimorphism,obtaining data to perform adequate PVA has been difficult.Here,we develop a parameter sensitivity index by modeling the dynamics of six giant panda populations in the Minshan Mountains,in order to determine the parameters most influential to giant panda populations.Our data shows that the giant panda populations are most sensitive to changes in four female parameters:initial breeding age,reproductive rate,mortality rate between age 0 and 1,and mortality rate of adults.The parameter sensitivity index strongly correlated with initial population size,as smaller populations were more sensitive to changes in these four variables.This model suggests that demographic parameters of females have more influence on the results of PVA,indicating that females may play a more important role in giant panda population dynamics than males.Consequently,reintroduction of female individuals to a small giant panda population should be a high priority for conservation efforts.Our findings form a technical basis for the coming program of giant panda reintroduction,and inform which parameters are crucial to successfully and feasibly monitoring wild giant panda populations.展开更多
The role that visual discriminative ability plays among giant pandas in social communication and individual discrimination has received less attention than olfactory and auditory modalities.Here,we used an eye-tracker...The role that visual discriminative ability plays among giant pandas in social communication and individual discrimination has received less attention than olfactory and auditory modalities.Here,we used an eye-tracker technology to investigate pupil fixation patterns for 8 captive male giant pandas Ailuropoda melanoleuca.We paired images(N=26)of conspecifics against:1)sympatric predators(gray wolves and tigers),and non-threatening sympatric species(golden pheasant,golden snub-nosed monkey,takin,and red panda),2)conspecifics with atypical fur colora-tion(albino and brown),and 3)zookeepers/non-zookeepers wearing either work uniform or plain clothing.For each session,we tracked the pan-da's pupil movements and measured pupil first fixation point(FFP),fixation latency,total fixation count(TFC),and duration(TFD)of attention to each image.Overall,pandas exhibited similar attention(FFPs and TFCs)to images of predators and non-threatening sympatric species.Images of golden pheasant,snub-nosed monkey,and tiger received less attention(TFD)than images of conspecifics,whereas images of takin and red panda received more attention,suggesting a greater alertness to habitat or food competitors than to potential predators.Pandas'TFCs were greater for images of black-white conspecifics than for albino or brown phenotypes,implying that familiar color elicited more interest.Pandas reacted differently to images of men versus women.For images of women only,pandas gave more attention(TFC)to familiar combinations(uniformed zookeepers and plain-clothed non-zookeepers),consistent with the familiarity hypothesis.That pandas can use visual perception to discriminate intra-specifically and inter-specifically,including details of human appearance,has applications for panda conservation and captive husbandry.展开更多
WWF发布的报道显示,我国的“国宝”大熊猫的野外生存目前仍面临威胁。这种威胁主要来自森林的锐减和栖息地的破碎化。在大熊猫生存数量最多的四川省,其栖息地面积在1974年到1989年间就减少了一半。1999年在四川省青川县的试点调查发现,...WWF发布的报道显示,我国的“国宝”大熊猫的野外生存目前仍面临威胁。这种威胁主要来自森林的锐减和栖息地的破碎化。在大熊猫生存数量最多的四川省,其栖息地面积在1974年到1989年间就减少了一半。1999年在四川省青川县的试点调查发现,这个县的大熊猫栖息地面积自1987年以来减少了30%。本文的末尾句值得我们注意: …whereas surveys in recent years showed that in the wild all adults,male andfemale,were sexually active. 这句话实际上驳斥了大熊猫“交配有问题”的观点。虽然大熊猫在圈养条件下可能生活得更长久,但野生大熊猫的繁殖成功率要远远高于圈养种群。在自然状态下,所有的成年大熊猫,无论雄性雌性,都能积极参与交配。而1999年11月的大熊猫谱系表明,只有28%的圈养成年大熊猫能够繁殖。展开更多
Sociality is an important factor in both the mechanism and function of kin recognition, yet it is little explored in solitary species. While there may be future opportunities for nepotistic functions of kin discrimina...Sociality is an important factor in both the mechanism and function of kin recognition, yet it is little explored in solitary species. While there may be future opportunities for nepotistic functions of kin discrimination among solitary species, the ability to discriminate kin from nonkin may still have important roles in social regulation. The solitary giant panda Ailuropoda melanoleuca offers a good model system to explore kin discrimination in a solitary mammal. As kin discrimination in many other mammals is olfactorily mediated, we investigated whether giant pandas are able to discriminate odor cues from daughters even after months and years of separation. Our results indicate that giant pandas are capable of discriminating between kin and nonkin using odor cues available in urine and body odor. Daughters preferentially investigated the odors of unrelated adult female pandas over the odors of their mothers, and mothers spent more time investigating the odors of unrelated age- matched female pandas over those from their daughters. Because these studies were conducted months or years after the mother-daughter period of dependency ended, it is still unclear what mechanism is used for recognition. Long-term olfactory memories and phenotype matching should both be considered, and further studies are required for such determination.展开更多
Telemetry studies that track animals through space and time can lead to advances in scientific understanding that are vital in conservation efforts.For example,telemetry studies of the giant panda(Ailuropoda melano...Telemetry studies that track animals through space and time can lead to advances in scientific understanding that are vital in conservation efforts.For example,telemetry studies of the giant panda(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)have shed light on many aspects of panda biology,but small sample sizes in each separate study make it difficult to draw broad conclusions.To overcome this problem we conducted the first synthesis of all 5 panda telemetry studies conducted to date.Using these data we investigated patterns in 6 main topics:home range,space-use interactions,core areas,movement patterns,seasonal migration and natal dispersal.We found that panda home range sizes do not vary between 2 main mountain ranges(Qionglai and Qinling),as was previously believed.Our results also suggest that female pandas increase their movement in the mating season:a behavior typically attributed only to males.We found and summarized telemetry and genetic evidence for female natal dispersal in the giant panda.Our synthesis highlights the need for additional research relating panda behavior to human disturbance factors,and can aid future studies on giant pandas as well as other species.展开更多
Seasonal changes of progesterone content (PSC) in hair of three female giant pandas and testosterone content (TSC) in hair of two male giant pandas were tested. It was found that the two hormones could be detected by ...Seasonal changes of progesterone content (PSC) in hair of three female giant pandas and testosterone content (TSC) in hair of two male giant pandas were tested. It was found that the two hormones could be detected by radioimmunoassay in all the hair samples scissored from the female and male giant pandas respectively. During March to early June, PSC in two non-pregnent giant pandas (±SD = 13.40 ± 10.06 and10.60±8.88 ng / g hair respectively) were higher than those in non-breeding season (3.07 ± 1.07 and 3.20 ±1.15 ng / g, P< 0.01). PSC in a 18--year--old female giant panda remained at low levels (2.72 ± 1.49 ng / g) during March to December. In a twin--beargiant panda, PSC (6.77± 3.66 ng / g) appeared higher than non--pregnant giantpandas in non--breeding season. Around February tO the end of May, TSC in two male giant pandas (1.89± 1.71 and 1.82 ± 1.04 ng / g respectively) were also higher than that in non-breeding season (0.98 ± 0.57 and 0.75 ± 0.39 ng / g, P< 0.01). The findings from the study implied that giant panda's hair is possible to be used as a specimen tO carryout steroids research in the endangered species.展开更多
In this study, non radioactive Digoxigenin labeled ribosomal DNA(rDNA) probes were used for Southern blotting analysis to study the molecular phylogeny of the giant panda and related species. Restriction maps in the ...In this study, non radioactive Digoxigenin labeled ribosomal DNA(rDNA) probes were used for Southern blotting analysis to study the molecular phylogeny of the giant panda and related species. Restriction maps in the regions of rDNA spacers were compared between giant panda( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ), lesser panda( Ailurus fulgens ), Asiatic black bear( Selenarctos thibetanus ), sun bear( Helarctos malayanus ), raccoon( Procyon lotor ) and lynx( Felis lynx ). Phylogenetic trees for these species were constructed using maximum likelihood and parsimony method. The results show that in respect to rDNA RFLPs, the giant panda is more closely related to bear than to lesser panda; while the lesser panda is slightly related to the raccoon.展开更多
The Wenchuan Earthquake that occurred in May of 2008 caused damages to large areas of Sichuan,Gansu,and Shaanxi provinces in China.Reports from local governments and related management agencies show that the giant pan...The Wenchuan Earthquake that occurred in May of 2008 caused damages to large areas of Sichuan,Gansu,and Shaanxi provinces in China.Reports from local governments and related management agencies show that the giant panda nature reserves in the earthquake-hit areas were heavily damaged.Our estimates in this paper of the impacts of the earthquake on the giant panda in the earthquake-hit areas were made based on the interpretation of remote sensing images and information collected by field survey.A rapid assessment method was designed to estimate the damages of the earthquake on giant panda habitats.By using visual interpretation methods,we decoded the remote sensing images of the disaster area in the 49 giant panda nature reserves.Research results showed that the Wenchuan Earthquake and the succeeding secondary geological disasters caused great damages to the giant panda nature reserves and disturbed the normal life of the giant pandas there (e.g.,landscape fragmentation increased significantly).Undoubtedly,the life of the giant pandas there was affected.However,although the earthquake caused certain impacts on the giant pandas,it did not really threat their survival.Even so,we still strongly advocate for protection of the giant pandas,and have prioritized a couple of measures to be taken to restore the giant panda nature reserves in the earthquake-hit areas.展开更多
In this study,we used remotely sensed data,GIS modeling,and statistical methods to evaluate the damage caused by the Wenchuan Earthquake (May 12,2008) to the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) habitat in the World N...In this study,we used remotely sensed data,GIS modeling,and statistical methods to evaluate the damage caused by the Wenchuan Earthquake (May 12,2008) to the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) habitat in the World Nature Heritage Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuary (WHSGPS) in China.A landscape ecological analysis found increases of landscape heterogeneity,complexity,and fragmentation in the giant panda habitat after the earthquake.A terrain analysis found that slope and elevation are directly associated with the distribution of the damaged areas.As slope and elevation increase,the size of the damaged area keeps increase until to a peak,and then starts to drop.The total area of the damaged vegetation in our study area is 114.26 km 2,accounting for 3.78% of the study area;30.46% of that 114.26 km 2 is located in the Core Zone of WHSGPS.There are 18.57km 2 of the damaged vegetation located in the identified suitable giant panda habitat,accounting for 1.75% of the total area of suitable giant panda habitats in the study area.Based on these findings,we conclude that the Wenchuan Earthquake does not have significant impact on the WHSGPS as a whole.展开更多
The general aim of this study is to find the relationship between the panda distribution and human activities. Comparison of the potential panda habitat and the real panda distribution shows a difference between them....The general aim of this study is to find the relationship between the panda distribution and human activities. Comparison of the potential panda habitat and the real panda distribution shows a difference between them. Seven human activities were identified and analyzed. They are settlements, farming, road construction, firewood collection, timber production, mining and Chinese medicinal plant collection. The spatial distributions of these activities were characterized. The analysis of their spatial distributions and the pandas' habitat and distribution revealed that there is a relation existing between the human activities and the panda distribution, and the Giant Pandas have disappeared from the areas where the human activities are concentrated. GIS is the main tool used in this study to collect, store, retrieve, transform and present the spatial data of human activities and panda habitat and distribution in Wolong Nature Reserve.展开更多
Many nature reserves are established to protect the habitat needs of particular endangered species of interest but their effectiveness for protecting other species is questionable.In this study,this effectiveness was ...Many nature reserves are established to protect the habitat needs of particular endangered species of interest but their effectiveness for protecting other species is questionable.In this study,this effectiveness was evaluated in a nature reserve network located in the Qinling Mountains,Shaanxi Province,China.The network of reserves was established mainly for the conservation of the giant panda,a species considered as a surrogate for the conservation of many other endangered species in the region.The habitat suitability of nine protected species,including the giant panda,was modeled by using Maximum Entropy(MAXENT)and their spatial congruence was analyzed.Habitat suitability of these species was also overlapped with nature reserve boundaries and their management zones(i.e.,core,buffer and experimental zones).Results show that in general the habitat of the giant panda constitutes a reasonable surrogate of the habitat of other protected species,and giant panda reserves protect a relatively high proportion of the habitat of other protected species.Therefore,giant panda habitat conservation also allows the conservation of the habitat of other protected species in the region.However,a large area of suitable habitat was excluded from the nature reserve network.In addition,four species exhibited a low proportion of highly suitable habitat inside the core zones of nature reserves.It suggests that a high proportion of suitable habitat of protected species not targeted for conservation is located in the experimental and buffer zones,thus,is being affected by human activities.To increase their conservation effectiveness,nature reserves and their management zones need to be re-examined in order to include suitable habitat of more endangered species.The procedures described in this study can be easily implemented for the conservation of many endangered species not only in China but in many other parts of the world.展开更多
Massive geological landslides and unstable landslide areas were triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. These landslides caused deaths, damaged infrastructure and threatened endanger species. This study analyzed th...Massive geological landslides and unstable landslide areas were triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. These landslides caused deaths, damaged infrastructure and threatened endanger species. This study analyzed the impact of landslides on giant pandas and their habitats from the following aspects: threatening pandas‘ lives, damaging pandas‘ habitat, influencing giant panda behavior, increasing habitat fragmentation; the final aspect, and blocking gene flow by cutting off corridors. A habitat suitability map was created by integrating the landslide factors with other traditional factors based on a logistics regression method. According to the landslide inventory map, there are 1313 landslides, 818 rock debris flows, 117 rock avalanches and 43 mud flows occurred in the study area. A correlation analysis indicated that landslides caused the pandas to migrate, and the core landslides within 1 km2 had greater influence on panda migration. These core landslides primarily occurred in mid-altitude regionscharacterized by high slopes, old geological ages, large areas and large rock mass volumes. The habitat suitability assessment results for the Wolong Natural Reserve had better prediction performance(80.9%) and demonstrated that 14.5%, 15.9%, 20.5%, 47.6% and 1.5% of the study area can be classified as very high, high, moderate, low and very low giant panda suitability areas, respectively. This study can be used to inform panda and panda habitat research, management and protection during post-quake reconstruction and recovery periods in China.展开更多
文摘The giant panda(Ailuropoda melanoleuca),as a rare and endangered wild animal in China,has attracted wide attention from all walks of life.In this study,the changes of disturbances in the habitat of giant panda population in the Qionglai Mountains of Sichuan Province were studied and analyzed by comparing the data of two giant panda surveys in Qionglai Mountains and combining with the remote sensing(ES)data of related areas.The results showed that the number of general disturbances in the habitat of giant pandas in Qionglai Mountains greatly reduced in 10 years,and the types of disturbances also changed greatly.The logging disturbance which was most distributed in the third survey almost disappeared in the fourth survey,and the grazing disturbance in the habitat became the disturbance type with the highest encounter rate.The density of human activities in the whole mountain system greatly decreased,but the scope was slightly expanded.Baoxing and Lushan were areas with high density of giant panda activities,and the number of various human activities was relatively large.In the two surveys,the avoidance effect of giant pandas on logging,grazing,roads,hunting and other disturbances showed significant differences.The activity density of local small populations of giant pandas in Qionglai Mountains changed.
文摘Chemical communication plays an important role in survival and reproductive success in mammalian species. In the present study, we examined the ontogenetic pattern of behavioral responses of male giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca ) to urine odors of conspecific individuals. Our data showed that exposure to the urine of adult females induced a significant increase in sniffing and environmental sniffing/licking behaviors, but a decrease in biting behavior, in males. Males of different ages displayed specific behaviors to female urine odors. Adult males spent more time licking than juvenile and sub-adult males. Further, sub-adult and adult males displayed high levels of environmental sniffing/licking, which was absent in the juvenile males. Juvenile males displayed scent rubbing behavior significantly more frequently than sub-adult and adult males, and also spent more time showing biting behavior than sub-adult males. Finally, juvenile and sub-aduh males showed no difference in response to female and male urine odors. Together, these data suggest that chemosensory cues from conspecific urines induce age-specific responses in male giant pandas.
基金This research was supported by National Science Founda-tion of China (No. 30000123) and Conversation Department of Wildlife Ani-mal & Plants of State Forestry Bureau.
文摘In order to survey the infectious situation of canine coronavirus (CCV) in giant panda population, a virus neutralization test detecting specific antibodies against CCV in giant panda抯 sera was established by using two-fold dilutions of serum and 100 TCID50 of the virus. The 62 sera samples of giant pandas, which were gathered from zoos and reserve region of Sichuan Province, China were detected. The neutralization antibody titer of 1:4 was recognized as the positive criterion, 8 sera samples were detected to be positive, and the positive rate was 12.9%. The titers of neutralizing antibody ranged from 1:8 to 1:32. It was the first comprehensive investigation on neutralization antibodies against CCV in giant panda population in China. The results of study showed that the infection of CCV in giant panda population was universal, which has posed a threat to the health of giant panda. Therefore, it is incumbent on us to study safe and effective vaccines to protect giant panda against CCV infection.
文摘The goal of the giant panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ) breeding program is to develop a self sustaining,genetically diverse population.Due to the common problems about sexual incompatibility and a limited number of captive born males that breed naturally,artificial insemination (AI) has become a critical genetic management tool.It is common practice,however,to combine natural mating and AI using semen from non breeding males.From 1998 to 2000 at the Wolong breeding facility,12 of 18 (66.7%) females produced 20 cubs following combined natural mating and AI.The objective of this study was to determine the efficiency of AI without natural breeding.In 1998 and 2000,seven females were anesthetized for transcervical AI on two consecutive days.Ejaculates from six males were collected by electroejaculation,diluted in an egg yolk diluent containing 0% or 4% glycerol and used either fresh or following cold storage at 4℃ (for 24 or 48 h) or cryopreservation using the pellet freezing method.Mean (±SEM) ejaculate traits in six male sperm donors were:ejaculate volume,3.3±0.5 ml;sperm concentration,1,429.8±235.4×10 6/ml;sperm motility,81.7±2.1%;progression (0~5,5=best),3.1±0.1;and normal sperm,79.3±9.2%.For AI (n = 14) in seven females,mean inseminate traits were:spermic volume inseminated,2.4±0.3 ml;sperm motility,73.5±2.9%;progression,2.5±0.1;and total motile sperm inseminated/AI,684.2±118.2×10 6.Four of seven (57.1%) females became pregnant and produced five cubs of which four survived.Mean gestation and litter size was 131.5±9.7 days and 1.3±0.3 cubs/litter,respectively.These results indicate that the efficiency of AI is sufficient for recovering valuable genes from non breeding individuals to enhance genetic diversity in the ex situ population of giant pandas.
文摘The habitat of giant pandas borders the living areas of farmers in surrounding communities. Due to the low level of economic development and resource used method, the life of community farmers depends on the natural resources of the habitat of giant pandas. Analyzing the natural resource utilization of farmers in communities around the habitat of giant pandas is conducive to formulating more reasonable management policies and protecting the habitat of giant pandas more effectively. Based on the field survey data, this paper classifies the main ways of community farmers using the natural resources of the habitat of giant pandas, counts the quantity of resources used and analyzes their change trends. On this basis, this paper selects indicators, constructs a model and analyzes the main influencing factors affecting the natural resources utilization of community farmers from three aspects: the individual characteristics of household heads, the family characteristics of community farmers and the residence characteristics of community farmers.
基金funded by the State Forestry Administration,China
文摘Population viability analysis(PVA) is a tool to evaluate the risk of extinction for endangered species and aid conservation decision-making.The quality of PVA output is dependent on parameters related to population dynamics and life-history;however,it has been difficult to collect this information for the giant panda(Aliuropoda melanoleuca),a rare and endangered mammal native to China,confined to some 30 fragmented habitat patches.Since giant pandas are long-lived,mature late,have lower reproductive rates,and show little sexual dimorphism,obtaining data to perform adequate PVA has been difficult.Here,we develop a parameter sensitivity index by modeling the dynamics of six giant panda populations in the Minshan Mountains,in order to determine the parameters most influential to giant panda populations.Our data shows that the giant panda populations are most sensitive to changes in four female parameters:initial breeding age,reproductive rate,mortality rate between age 0 and 1,and mortality rate of adults.The parameter sensitivity index strongly correlated with initial population size,as smaller populations were more sensitive to changes in these four variables.This model suggests that demographic parameters of females have more influence on the results of PVA,indicating that females may play a more important role in giant panda population dynamics than males.Consequently,reintroduction of female individuals to a small giant panda population should be a high priority for conservation efforts.Our findings form a technical basis for the coming program of giant panda reintroduction,and inform which parameters are crucial to successfully and feasibly monitoring wild giant panda populations.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31821001)Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDB3100000)。
文摘A critical function of animal movement is to maximize access to essential resources in temporally fluctuating and spatially heterogeneous environments.Seasonally mediated resource fluctuations may influence animal movements,enabling them to track changing resource distributions,resulting in annual migration patterns.The conservation-dependent giant panda(Ailuropoda melanoleuca) displays seasonal movement patterns;however,the key factor driving these seasonal migration patterns remains poorly understood.Here,we used GPS tracking collars to monitor the movements of six giant pandas over a 12-year period across different elevations,and performed statistical analysis of seasonal migration directions,routes,habitat revisitation,home range overlap,first arrival events,and stability.Our results revealed a compelling pattern of seasonal migrations that facilitated the ability of the pandas to forage at the appropriate time and place to maximize nutritional intake.Our results indicated that pandas utilize spatial memory to locate reliable food resources,as evidenced by their annual return to the same or similar winter and summer home ranges and the consistently maintained percentage of home range overlap.These novel insights into giant panda foraging and movement ecology not only enhance our understanding of its ability to adapt to nutritionally poor dietary resources but also provide important information for the development of resource utilization-based protection and management strategies.
文摘Population viability analysis(PVA)is a tool to evaluate the risk of extinction for endangered species and aid conservation decision-making.The quality of PVA output is dependent on parameters related to population dynamics and life-history;however,it has been difficult to collect this information for the giant panda(Aliuropoda melanoleuca),a rare and endangered mammal native to China,confined to some 30 fragmented habitat patches.Since giant pandas are long-lived,mature late,have lower reproductive rates,and show little sexual dimorphism,obtaining data to perform adequate PVA has been difficult.Here,we develop a parameter sensitivity index by modeling the dynamics of six giant panda populations in the Minshan Mountains,in order to determine the parameters most influential to giant panda populations.Our data shows that the giant panda populations are most sensitive to changes in four female parameters:initial breeding age,reproductive rate,mortality rate between age 0 and 1,and mortality rate of adults.The parameter sensitivity index strongly correlated with initial population size,as smaller populations were more sensitive to changes in these four variables.This model suggests that demographic parameters of females have more influence on the results of PVA,indicating that females may play a more important role in giant panda population dynamics than males.Consequently,reintroduction of female individuals to a small giant panda population should be a high priority for conservation efforts.Our findings form a technical basis for the coming program of giant panda reintroduction,and inform which parameters are crucial to successfully and feasibly monitoring wild giant panda populations.
基金supported by grants from International Collaborative Project on The Conservation for the Giant Panda(Grant#2017-127 G.Zhang and 2017-115 to D.Liu)National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant#31772466).
文摘The role that visual discriminative ability plays among giant pandas in social communication and individual discrimination has received less attention than olfactory and auditory modalities.Here,we used an eye-tracker technology to investigate pupil fixation patterns for 8 captive male giant pandas Ailuropoda melanoleuca.We paired images(N=26)of conspecifics against:1)sympatric predators(gray wolves and tigers),and non-threatening sympatric species(golden pheasant,golden snub-nosed monkey,takin,and red panda),2)conspecifics with atypical fur colora-tion(albino and brown),and 3)zookeepers/non-zookeepers wearing either work uniform or plain clothing.For each session,we tracked the pan-da's pupil movements and measured pupil first fixation point(FFP),fixation latency,total fixation count(TFC),and duration(TFD)of attention to each image.Overall,pandas exhibited similar attention(FFPs and TFCs)to images of predators and non-threatening sympatric species.Images of golden pheasant,snub-nosed monkey,and tiger received less attention(TFD)than images of conspecifics,whereas images of takin and red panda received more attention,suggesting a greater alertness to habitat or food competitors than to potential predators.Pandas'TFCs were greater for images of black-white conspecifics than for albino or brown phenotypes,implying that familiar color elicited more interest.Pandas reacted differently to images of men versus women.For images of women only,pandas gave more attention(TFC)to familiar combinations(uniformed zookeepers and plain-clothed non-zookeepers),consistent with the familiarity hypothesis.That pandas can use visual perception to discriminate intra-specifically and inter-specifically,including details of human appearance,has applications for panda conservation and captive husbandry.
文摘WWF发布的报道显示,我国的“国宝”大熊猫的野外生存目前仍面临威胁。这种威胁主要来自森林的锐减和栖息地的破碎化。在大熊猫生存数量最多的四川省,其栖息地面积在1974年到1989年间就减少了一半。1999年在四川省青川县的试点调查发现,这个县的大熊猫栖息地面积自1987年以来减少了30%。本文的末尾句值得我们注意: …whereas surveys in recent years showed that in the wild all adults,male andfemale,were sexually active. 这句话实际上驳斥了大熊猫“交配有问题”的观点。虽然大熊猫在圈养条件下可能生活得更长久,但野生大熊猫的繁殖成功率要远远高于圈养种群。在自然状态下,所有的成年大熊猫,无论雄性雌性,都能积极参与交配。而1999年11月的大熊猫谱系表明,只有28%的圈养成年大熊猫能够繁殖。
文摘Sociality is an important factor in both the mechanism and function of kin recognition, yet it is little explored in solitary species. While there may be future opportunities for nepotistic functions of kin discrimination among solitary species, the ability to discriminate kin from nonkin may still have important roles in social regulation. The solitary giant panda Ailuropoda melanoleuca offers a good model system to explore kin discrimination in a solitary mammal. As kin discrimination in many other mammals is olfactorily mediated, we investigated whether giant pandas are able to discriminate odor cues from daughters even after months and years of separation. Our results indicate that giant pandas are capable of discriminating between kin and nonkin using odor cues available in urine and body odor. Daughters preferentially investigated the odors of unrelated adult female pandas over the odors of their mothers, and mothers spent more time investigating the odors of unrelated age- matched female pandas over those from their daughters. Because these studies were conducted months or years after the mother-daughter period of dependency ended, it is still unclear what mechanism is used for recognition. Long-term olfactory memories and phenotype matching should both be considered, and further studies are required for such determination.
文摘Telemetry studies that track animals through space and time can lead to advances in scientific understanding that are vital in conservation efforts.For example,telemetry studies of the giant panda(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)have shed light on many aspects of panda biology,but small sample sizes in each separate study make it difficult to draw broad conclusions.To overcome this problem we conducted the first synthesis of all 5 panda telemetry studies conducted to date.Using these data we investigated patterns in 6 main topics:home range,space-use interactions,core areas,movement patterns,seasonal migration and natal dispersal.We found that panda home range sizes do not vary between 2 main mountain ranges(Qionglai and Qinling),as was previously believed.Our results also suggest that female pandas increase their movement in the mating season:a behavior typically attributed only to males.We found and summarized telemetry and genetic evidence for female natal dispersal in the giant panda.Our synthesis highlights the need for additional research relating panda behavior to human disturbance factors,and can aid future studies on giant pandas as well as other species.
文摘Seasonal changes of progesterone content (PSC) in hair of three female giant pandas and testosterone content (TSC) in hair of two male giant pandas were tested. It was found that the two hormones could be detected by radioimmunoassay in all the hair samples scissored from the female and male giant pandas respectively. During March to early June, PSC in two non-pregnent giant pandas (±SD = 13.40 ± 10.06 and10.60±8.88 ng / g hair respectively) were higher than those in non-breeding season (3.07 ± 1.07 and 3.20 ±1.15 ng / g, P< 0.01). PSC in a 18--year--old female giant panda remained at low levels (2.72 ± 1.49 ng / g) during March to December. In a twin--beargiant panda, PSC (6.77± 3.66 ng / g) appeared higher than non--pregnant giantpandas in non--breeding season. Around February tO the end of May, TSC in two male giant pandas (1.89± 1.71 and 1.82 ± 1.04 ng / g respectively) were also higher than that in non-breeding season (0.98 ± 0.57 and 0.75 ± 0.39 ng / g, P< 0.01). The findings from the study implied that giant panda's hair is possible to be used as a specimen tO carryout steroids research in the endangered species.
文摘In this study, non radioactive Digoxigenin labeled ribosomal DNA(rDNA) probes were used for Southern blotting analysis to study the molecular phylogeny of the giant panda and related species. Restriction maps in the regions of rDNA spacers were compared between giant panda( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ), lesser panda( Ailurus fulgens ), Asiatic black bear( Selenarctos thibetanus ), sun bear( Helarctos malayanus ), raccoon( Procyon lotor ) and lynx( Felis lynx ). Phylogenetic trees for these species were constructed using maximum likelihood and parsimony method. The results show that in respect to rDNA RFLPs, the giant panda is more closely related to bear than to lesser panda; while the lesser panda is slightly related to the raccoon.
基金supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2008BAK47B022008BAC44B04+2 种基金2008BAK50B062008BAC43B012006BAC08B06)
文摘The Wenchuan Earthquake that occurred in May of 2008 caused damages to large areas of Sichuan,Gansu,and Shaanxi provinces in China.Reports from local governments and related management agencies show that the giant panda nature reserves in the earthquake-hit areas were heavily damaged.Our estimates in this paper of the impacts of the earthquake on the giant panda in the earthquake-hit areas were made based on the interpretation of remote sensing images and information collected by field survey.A rapid assessment method was designed to estimate the damages of the earthquake on giant panda habitats.By using visual interpretation methods,we decoded the remote sensing images of the disaster area in the 49 giant panda nature reserves.Research results showed that the Wenchuan Earthquake and the succeeding secondary geological disasters caused great damages to the giant panda nature reserves and disturbed the normal life of the giant pandas there (e.g.,landscape fragmentation increased significantly).Undoubtedly,the life of the giant pandas there was affected.However,although the earthquake caused certain impacts on the giant pandas,it did not really threat their survival.Even so,we still strongly advocate for protection of the giant pandas,and have prioritized a couple of measures to be taken to restore the giant panda nature reserves in the earthquake-hit areas.
基金supported by Sichuan Foundation of Excellent Scientists (Grant No.2010JZ0002)the Directional Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No.KZX2-YW-333)
文摘In this study,we used remotely sensed data,GIS modeling,and statistical methods to evaluate the damage caused by the Wenchuan Earthquake (May 12,2008) to the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) habitat in the World Nature Heritage Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuary (WHSGPS) in China.A landscape ecological analysis found increases of landscape heterogeneity,complexity,and fragmentation in the giant panda habitat after the earthquake.A terrain analysis found that slope and elevation are directly associated with the distribution of the damaged areas.As slope and elevation increase,the size of the damaged area keeps increase until to a peak,and then starts to drop.The total area of the damaged vegetation in our study area is 114.26 km 2,accounting for 3.78% of the study area;30.46% of that 114.26 km 2 is located in the Core Zone of WHSGPS.There are 18.57km 2 of the damaged vegetation located in the identified suitable giant panda habitat,accounting for 1.75% of the total area of suitable giant panda habitats in the study area.Based on these findings,we conclude that the Wenchuan Earthquake does not have significant impact on the WHSGPS as a whole.
文摘The general aim of this study is to find the relationship between the panda distribution and human activities. Comparison of the potential panda habitat and the real panda distribution shows a difference between them. Seven human activities were identified and analyzed. They are settlements, farming, road construction, firewood collection, timber production, mining and Chinese medicinal plant collection. The spatial distributions of these activities were characterized. The analysis of their spatial distributions and the pandas' habitat and distribution revealed that there is a relation existing between the human activities and the panda distribution, and the Giant Pandas have disappeared from the areas where the human activities are concentrated. GIS is the main tool used in this study to collect, store, retrieve, transform and present the spatial data of human activities and panda habitat and distribution in Wolong Nature Reserve.
基金Under the auspices of National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.40901289)Major State Basic Research Development Program of China(No.2009CB421104),U.S.National Science Foundation
文摘Many nature reserves are established to protect the habitat needs of particular endangered species of interest but their effectiveness for protecting other species is questionable.In this study,this effectiveness was evaluated in a nature reserve network located in the Qinling Mountains,Shaanxi Province,China.The network of reserves was established mainly for the conservation of the giant panda,a species considered as a surrogate for the conservation of many other endangered species in the region.The habitat suitability of nine protected species,including the giant panda,was modeled by using Maximum Entropy(MAXENT)and their spatial congruence was analyzed.Habitat suitability of these species was also overlapped with nature reserve boundaries and their management zones(i.e.,core,buffer and experimental zones).Results show that in general the habitat of the giant panda constitutes a reasonable surrogate of the habitat of other protected species,and giant panda reserves protect a relatively high proportion of the habitat of other protected species.Therefore,giant panda habitat conservation also allows the conservation of the habitat of other protected species in the region.However,a large area of suitable habitat was excluded from the nature reserve network.In addition,four species exhibited a low proportion of highly suitable habitat inside the core zones of nature reserves.It suggests that a high proportion of suitable habitat of protected species not targeted for conservation is located in the experimental and buffer zones,thus,is being affected by human activities.To increase their conservation effectiveness,nature reserves and their management zones need to be re-examined in order to include suitable habitat of more endangered species.The procedures described in this study can be easily implemented for the conservation of many endangered species not only in China but in many other parts of the world.
基金supported by program of international S&T Cooperation"Fined Earth Observation and Recognition of The Impact of the Global Change of on World Heritage Sites"(Grant No.2013DFG21640)Open Fund of the center for Earth observation and Digital Earth,the Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.2013LDE006)
文摘Massive geological landslides and unstable landslide areas were triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. These landslides caused deaths, damaged infrastructure and threatened endanger species. This study analyzed the impact of landslides on giant pandas and their habitats from the following aspects: threatening pandas‘ lives, damaging pandas‘ habitat, influencing giant panda behavior, increasing habitat fragmentation; the final aspect, and blocking gene flow by cutting off corridors. A habitat suitability map was created by integrating the landslide factors with other traditional factors based on a logistics regression method. According to the landslide inventory map, there are 1313 landslides, 818 rock debris flows, 117 rock avalanches and 43 mud flows occurred in the study area. A correlation analysis indicated that landslides caused the pandas to migrate, and the core landslides within 1 km2 had greater influence on panda migration. These core landslides primarily occurred in mid-altitude regionscharacterized by high slopes, old geological ages, large areas and large rock mass volumes. The habitat suitability assessment results for the Wolong Natural Reserve had better prediction performance(80.9%) and demonstrated that 14.5%, 15.9%, 20.5%, 47.6% and 1.5% of the study area can be classified as very high, high, moderate, low and very low giant panda suitability areas, respectively. This study can be used to inform panda and panda habitat research, management and protection during post-quake reconstruction and recovery periods in China.