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Service Functions of Private Community Health Stations in China: A Comparison Analysis with Government-sponsored Community Health Stations
作者 侯万里 樊宏 +8 位作者 许静 王芳 柴云 徐汉成 李永斌 刘利群 王斌 金建强 卢祖洵 《Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Medical Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2012年第2期159-166,共8页
In China, with the restructuring of health care system moving forward, private community health facilities have been playing a complementary but increasingly important role in providing public health and basic medical... In China, with the restructuring of health care system moving forward, private community health facilities have been playing a complementary but increasingly important role in providing public health and basic medical care services in urban areas. However, only limited evidence is available con-cerning the service functions of private community health facilities in China. The aim of this study was to explore the functions of private community health stations (PCHSs) to provide evidence-based rec-ommendations for policy-making and practice in the development of urban community health services systems. A total of 818 PCHSs and 4320 government-sponsored community health stations (GCHSs) located in 28 cities of China were investigated in 2008. The percentages of stations that provided health services and the annual workload per community health worker (CHW) were compared between the two types of institutions. The results showed that the percentages of PCHSs providing public health services were significantly higher than those of GCHSs (P<0.05); but no significant differences were found in the percentages of basic medical services providing between PCHSs and GCHSs (P>0.05). The annual workloads of all the public health services and basic medical services per CHW in PCHSs were lighter than those in GCHSs (P<0.05), except for resident health records establishment and health education materials distribution (P>0.05). At present, the GCHSs are still the mainstream in urban China, which will last for a long period in future. However, our findings showed that the annual workloads of CHWs in PCHSs were no heavier than those in GCHSs, and the PCHSs were willing to provide public health services. In view of current inadequacy of health resources in China, it is feasible to further develop PCHSs under the guidance of the government, given that PCHSs can perform the basic functions of community health services, which is useful for the formation of public-private partnerships (PPP) and the improvement of community health services. 展开更多
关键词 private community health stations government-sponsored community health stations services functions
Electricity Carbon Quota Trading Scheme based on Certificateless Signature and Blockchain
作者 Xiaodong Yang Runze Diao +2 位作者 Tao Liu Haoqi Wen Caifen Wang 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第2期1695-1712,共18页
The carbon tradingmarket can promote“carbon peaking”and“carbon neutrality”at low cost,but carbon emission quotas face attacks such as data forgery,tampering,counterfeiting,and replay in the electricity trading mar... The carbon tradingmarket can promote“carbon peaking”and“carbon neutrality”at low cost,but carbon emission quotas face attacks such as data forgery,tampering,counterfeiting,and replay in the electricity trading market.Certificateless signatures are a new cryptographic technology that can address traditional cryptography’s general essential certificate requirements and avoid the problem of crucial escrowbased on identity cryptography.However,most certificateless signatures still suffer fromvarious security flaws.We present a secure and efficient certificateless signing scheme by examining the security of existing certificateless signature schemes.To ensure the integrity and verifiability of electricity carbon quota trading,we propose an electricity carbon quota trading scheme based on a certificateless signature and blockchain.Our scheme utilizes certificateless signatures to ensure the validity and nonrepudiation of transactions and adopts blockchain technology to achieve immutability and traceability in electricity carbon quota transactions.In addition,validating electricity carbon quota transactions does not require time-consuming bilinear pairing operations.The results of the analysis indicate that our scheme meets existential unforgeability under adaptive selective message attacks,offers conditional identity privacy protection,resists replay attacks,and demonstrates high computing and communication performance. 展开更多
关键词 Electricity carbon trading certificateless signature blockchain forgery attack carbon quota
作者 胡静 董宜君 《河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2025年第1期135-149,共15页
我国对碳排放权概念的使用经历了从经济学语境拓展到法学语境的过程。碳排放权的本来面目是经济学上的产权。若将其代入法学语境,碳排放权的性质应为法律权利的客体,地位相当于碳配额。目前法学上将碳排放权作为一项法律权利进行诠释可... 我国对碳排放权概念的使用经历了从经济学语境拓展到法学语境的过程。碳排放权的本来面目是经济学上的产权。若将其代入法学语境,碳排放权的性质应为法律权利的客体,地位相当于碳配额。目前法学上将碳排放权作为一项法律权利进行诠释可能会造成该概念理解上的混乱和实际应用上的困难。基于我国碳交易制度的实践,以碳配额作为权利客体,以权利人对碳配额的占有(持有)、使用(排放)、处分(转让、设立担保)等为权利内容的碳配额所有权对制度更有解释力和指引力。若将碳排放权视为排放碳的权利,则行使碳排放权实质上就是运用碳配额所有权的使用权能。碳配额所有权具有广义的政策性,以“行政本质、民法路径”为特点,以减排目标的实现为根本遵循,是以实行公法义务为目的的工具性权利,区别于作为目的性权利的传统民事权利。碳配额所有权的成立以配额的界定为前提,碳配额、核证自愿减排量的界定依赖碳排放量和减排量的检测和认定,基于此,行政机关应对数据质量进行严格监管。 展开更多
关键词 碳排放权交易 碳排放权 碳配额所有权 配额 核证自愿减排量
作者 柯坚 曹辰 《河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2025年第1期123-134,共12页
当下我国碳排放权交易制度体系正在经历着由政策引领向法治构建的转变。目前碳排放权交易制度行政立法中简单将“权利”与“配额”等同的做法,既无法体现碳排放权所兼具的公法、私法双重特征,也难以有效回应碳排放权交易市场的发展需求... 当下我国碳排放权交易制度体系正在经历着由政策引领向法治构建的转变。目前碳排放权交易制度行政立法中简单将“权利”与“配额”等同的做法,既无法体现碳排放权所兼具的公法、私法双重特征,也难以有效回应碳排放权交易市场的发展需求以及完善碳排放权交易制度的规范构建。为此,需要构建以碳排放权交易市场为语境、以碳排放“权利”为逻辑主线的碳排放权交易制度,夯实其法治基础并明确其规范进路。从语境与语义出发,“碳排放权”的表述本身就意味着其私法的权利属性。在碳排放权交易制度的理论逻辑层面,双阶理论可以为碳排放权交易制度中“配额”到“权利”的过渡提供理论支撑;在其实践逻辑层面,碳排放权交易制度需要借助“权利”的确立为其交易市场的展开提供法治的基础。最后,考虑到碳排放权权利属性共识不足、碳排放权交易制度结构尚待稳定、权利基础呈现多元特征以及权利来源并非稳固不变等因素,策略上可以考虑暂时搁置碳排放权权属争议,以权益为抓手、以“权益表现—适用规范领域—法律保护方式”为主线,分步骤、分阶段推进碳排放权交易制度的规范构建。 展开更多
关键词 碳排放权 权益 配额 权利逻辑 规范进路
作者 叶文 张磊 +2 位作者 张海明 谷文豪 郭伟 《江苏水利》 2025年第1期26-29,共4页
为加强水资源管理,协调水资源与经济社会发展的关系,对水资源论证区域评估开展研究。通过全面调查江苏宿城经济开发区水资源利用情况及水资源条件,结合开发区产业布局与功能定位,开展节水水平分析、节水潜力分析等,对区域用水量进行预... 为加强水资源管理,协调水资源与经济社会发展的关系,对水资源论证区域评估开展研究。通过全面调查江苏宿城经济开发区水资源利用情况及水资源条件,结合开发区产业布局与功能定位,开展节水水平分析、节水潜力分析等,对区域用水量进行预测与核定,并提出取用水管理、水资源节约保护管理对策。 展开更多
关键词 水资源 区域评估 用水定额
Soil Moisture Variation under Different Irrigation Quota 被引量:2
作者 李仕华 贺军奇 赵宝峰 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第2期164-168,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to study variation of soil moisture under different irrigation quota.[Method] By using Trime-TDR apparatus,soil moisture with different irrigation quota infiltration was measured;combining the ... [Objective] The aim was to study variation of soil moisture under different irrigation quota.[Method] By using Trime-TDR apparatus,soil moisture with different irrigation quota infiltration was measured;combining the characteristics of soil texture,curve characteristics of soil moisture variation with soil depth under different irrigation quota were analyzed.[Result] Different irrigation quota has resulted in variation of soil moisture in different layer depth.Soil moisture is 9.88%,17%,25% and 24.45% in so... 展开更多
关键词 Irrigation quota Depth of soil layer Soil moisture Guanzhong plain
作者 黄挺 余金凤 +3 位作者 罗维钢 粟世华 莫凡 刘志枫 《中国农村水利水电》 北大核心 2025年第1期129-135,共7页
灌溉定额影响水稻水分利用率和稻田产能,为探寻水稻灌溉定额的变化规律及其与产量的关系,2014-2021年在南宁市灌溉试验站,连续8年开展稻田水层定位监测补充灌溉试验,为量化桂南双季稻区水稻灌溉定额提供基础数据。在水稻返青期、分蘖期... 灌溉定额影响水稻水分利用率和稻田产能,为探寻水稻灌溉定额的变化规律及其与产量的关系,2014-2021年在南宁市灌溉试验站,连续8年开展稻田水层定位监测补充灌溉试验,为量化桂南双季稻区水稻灌溉定额提供基础数据。在水稻返青期、分蘖期、拔节孕穗期、抽穗开花期、乳熟期和黄熟期,分别设置稻田水层上下限范围,利用测针每天定位监测水层深度。低于下限时进行补灌,计算累积灌水量。同时利用站内气象设施测降雨量。水稻成熟期,测量穗长、千粒重和产量等指标。试验结果显示:(1)降雨量大小及其时间分布是影响稻田灌溉定额的重要因素,其中,水稻生长期间降雨量分布不均,是造成灌溉定额出现显著差异的主要因素;早稻灌溉定额210.1~438.4 mm,晚稻灌溉定额243.9~477.5 mm。(2)灌溉定额在200~320 mm的范围内,水稻穗长、千粒重和产量均随灌水量的增加而提高;灌溉定额大于320mm时,继续加灌不利于水稻增产。由此可见,在整个试验期间,水稻的适宜灌溉定额为320 mm。灌水不足或过量均会影响水稻收成,降低水资源的有效利用率。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 灌溉定额 变化规律 产量
作者 郑锐 王宇 鲍丽娜 《管理工程学报》 北大核心 2025年第2期118-129,共12页
本文研究了零售商应对供应中断风险下消费者恐慌囤货行为的涨价策略与限购策略。研究模型考虑一个垄断零售商在两个订货周期内向市场销售一种生活必需品,第二期的供应中断风险可能导致消费者在第一期发生恐慌囤货。研究基于对消费者恐... 本文研究了零售商应对供应中断风险下消费者恐慌囤货行为的涨价策略与限购策略。研究模型考虑一个垄断零售商在两个订货周期内向市场销售一种生活必需品,第二期的供应中断风险可能导致消费者在第一期发生恐慌囤货。研究基于对消费者恐慌囤货决策模型的刻画,分析了消费者恐慌囤货行为如何影响零售商利润以及社会总福利,然后进一步分析了零售商分别在什么条件下应采取涨价策略或限购策略以及这些策略将如何影响社会总福利。研究结果表明:(1)当零售商拥有足够的库存时,一定程度的恐慌囤货可以增加零售商利润和社会总福利;而当恐慌囤货导致零售商严重缺货时,恐慌囤货将损害零售商利润和社会总福利。(2)当零售商需要采取策略应对消费者恐慌囤货行为时,存在一个消费者恐慌强度的阈值,当恐慌强度低于阈值时,零售商应采取涨价策略调节消费者的囤货需求;当恐慌强度高于阈值时,零售商应采取限购策略限制消费者的囤货。(3)零售商不同的应对策略对社会总福利有不同的影响,当恐慌强度非常高时,采取限购策略可以显著改善社会总福利;采取涨价策略可以提高零售商的备货动机,在一定条件下可以改善社会总福利。 展开更多
关键词 供应链管理 供应中断风险 恐慌囤货 需求管理 限购策略
利用quota在RHEL6系统中实现磁盘配额管理 被引量:1
作者 曲广平 郭迎娣 《潍坊学院学报》 2013年第4期26-30,共5页
关键词 quota 磁盘配额 RHEL6系统
作者 刘静 赵金辉 +2 位作者 吴凯 吴良满 刘志超 《江苏水利》 2025年第1期33-37,共5页
服务业是现代经济的主要组成部分,也是城市用水的重要方面。结合相关政策以及节约用水管理需要,制定宿迁市服务业用水定额。针对宿迁市《服务业用水定额》制定过程中的编制原则、现状分析、编制方法以及研制过程,进行深入分析和探讨并... 服务业是现代经济的主要组成部分,也是城市用水的重要方面。结合相关政策以及节约用水管理需要,制定宿迁市服务业用水定额。针对宿迁市《服务业用水定额》制定过程中的编制原则、现状分析、编制方法以及研制过程,进行深入分析和探讨并提出实施建议,以期为服务业节水管理工作提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 服务业 用水定额 标准制定 用水调查
作者 张海 《中国井矿盐》 2025年第1期42-43,共2页
关键词 设计变更 限额设计 超概算
作者 费丽丽 《江苏水利》 2025年第1期30-32,48,共4页
从体制机制、法规依据、征收主体、加价项目、加价费用性质、加价用途等方面,对城镇不同水源非居民用水超定额累进加价制度开展对比分析,在此基础上提出了针对性的改进建议,为完善城镇非居民用水超定额累进加价制度并充分发挥其实效提... 从体制机制、法规依据、征收主体、加价项目、加价费用性质、加价用途等方面,对城镇不同水源非居民用水超定额累进加价制度开展对比分析,在此基础上提出了针对性的改进建议,为完善城镇非居民用水超定额累进加价制度并充分发挥其实效提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 节约用水 不同水源 用水定额 对比分析
Local Area Quotas for Industrial Emissions along Reaches of the Pearl River in Guangdong 被引量:1
作者 Dai Ming Qin Jian Dai Xie'er 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 北大核心 2008年第1期72-78,共7页
There is an obvious departure from the regional equi-librium of developments between the upper and lower reaches of the Pearl River in Guangdong, which resulted in "the effects of contra-geography-grads developme... There is an obvious departure from the regional equi-librium of developments between the upper and lower reaches of the Pearl River in Guangdong, which resulted in "the effects of contra-geography-grads development". It is mainly because the upriver mountainous areas have been deeply stuck in industriali-zation delay and marginalization plights, so that nearly 40 million local people have conceived a dream to get rid of "the vicious circle of poverty" by speeding up industrial development. But the problem is that such industrialization efforts on a large scale in mountainous areas are encountering the bottleneck of environ-mental capacity that strictly limits industrial emissions along the upper reaches of any water system. As a solution, an institutional arrangement called "the Local Area Quotas for Industrial Emis-sions along the Pearl River" is put forward supposed to give cor-responding compensation to the rights of industrial development yielded by some areas with lower environmental capacity through the distribution and trading of IDQs. 展开更多
关键词 Pearl River regional developments in equilibrium industrial discharge quotas (IDQs) local area quotas (LAQs)
作者 邵鹏 张亭亭 《科教文汇》 2012年第15期77-78,共2页
随着现代教育技术的飞速发展和教学改革的需要,FTP服务的使用以其方便、快捷、安全地把文件从远程计算机上拷到本地计算机,或把本地计算机的文件送到远程计算机去这一技术特点受到越来越多的使用,为无纸化的办公自动化系统建立了一个良... 随着现代教育技术的飞速发展和教学改革的需要,FTP服务的使用以其方便、快捷、安全地把文件从远程计算机上拷到本地计算机,或把本地计算机的文件送到远程计算机去这一技术特点受到越来越多的使用,为无纸化的办公自动化系统建立了一个良好的基础。但如何更好地使用与维护成了FTP服务器管理员的难题。 展开更多
关键词 LINUX FTP quota
Wildlife Export Quota and Its Administrative System
作者 孟宪林 马建章 +3 位作者 陈化鹏 常弘 高二虎 温战强 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1998年第2期95-101,共7页
The authors discussed the administrative system of export quota and its method of calculation in the international wildlife trade. Three methods for determining wildlife export quota in China was put forvvard, based o... The authors discussed the administrative system of export quota and its method of calculation in the international wildlife trade. Three methods for determining wildlife export quota in China was put forvvard, based on the trend and status, domestic use, and historical export of wildlife resources. They include the single factor method, the double factor method, and the multiple faCtor method. In addition, the approaches and measures to establish and carry out the administrative system of wildlife export quota in China were discussed in this paper. 展开更多
Random Route and Quota Sampling: Do They Offer Any Advantage over Probably Sampling Methods?
作者 Vidal Díaz de Rada Valentín Martínez Martín 《Open Journal of Statistics》 2014年第5期391-401,共11页
The aim of this paper is to compare sample quality across two probability samples and one that uses probabilistic cluster sampling combined with random route and quota sampling within the selected clusters in order to... The aim of this paper is to compare sample quality across two probability samples and one that uses probabilistic cluster sampling combined with random route and quota sampling within the selected clusters in order to define the ultimate survey units. All of them use the face-to-face interview as the survey procedure. The hypothesis to be tested is that it is possible to achieve the same degree of representativeness using a combination of random route sampling and quota sampling (with substitution) as it can be achieved by means of household sampling (without substitution) based on the municipal register of inhabitants. We have found such marked differences in the age and gender distribution of the probability sampling, where the deviations exceed 6%. A different picture emerges when it comes to comparing the employment variables, where the quota sampling overestimates the economic activity rate (2.5%) and the unemployment rate (8%) and underestimates the employment rate (3.46%). 展开更多
关键词 Sampling Methods RANDOM Sampling MULTISTAGE Cluster Sampling RANDOM ROUTE Method quota Sampling
Efficient allocation of coal de-capacity quota among Chinese provinces:a zero-sum gains data envelopment model
作者 Gang Ma Xu Li Jianping Zheng 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2019年第3期229-240,共12页
An efficient coal de-capacity quota allocation scheme is key for accelerating China's coal supplyside structure reform.This paper allocates the coal de-capacity quota from the perspective of efficiency to seek the... An efficient coal de-capacity quota allocation scheme is key for accelerating China's coal supplyside structure reform.This paper allocates the coal de-capacity quota from the perspective of efficiency to seek the optimal capacity allocation in each Chinese province.First,we estimate the coal capacity of 24 coal-producing provinces based on boundary production function model.According to the actual coal overcapacity in each province,we initially allocate the coal decapacity quota of reducing 0.8 billion tons among them.Then,we optimize the initial allocation plan by using the zero-sum gains data envelopment model(ZSG-DEA)considering backward coal capacity,coal economic output,and coal resource endowment of each province.The results indicate that:First,there is coal overcapacity all over China,and there are obvious differences among the provinces.Second,the optimal allocation results show that the large coal producing provinces,including Shanxi,Inter Mongolia,Shaanxi,etc.,need to undertake most of the coal decapacity tasks,while the old coal producing provinces in northeast and west China should undertake a heavier burden of coal de-capacity.Third,the“one-size fits-all”approach burdens the small coal producing provinces with reducing coal capacity,leading to a general low enthusiasm for coal de-capacity in these regions. 展开更多
关键词 Coal de-capacity ZSG-DEA model Chinese provinces quota allocation
China Mulls Easing QFII Quota Management
《China's Foreign Trade》 2019年第3期4-5,共2页
China’s forex regulator said recently that the country will properly ease and even cancel quota management for Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors(QFII)in a bid to further widen the investment scope for oversea... China’s forex regulator said recently that the country will properly ease and even cancel quota management for Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors(QFII)in a bid to further widen the investment scope for overseas investors. 展开更多
关键词 China Mulls Easing QFII quota MANAGEMENT
不同滴灌定额对玉米花后叶片光合性状及籽粒生长发育的影响 被引量:4
作者 徐晨 赵仁杰 +8 位作者 刘晓龙 边少锋 赵洪祥 闫伟平 孙宁 李前 王洪君 张治安 张丽华 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期83-94,共12页
为探讨玉米应对不同滴灌定额的生理响应机制,在控制条件下开展2 a池栽试验,以2个具有耐旱性差异的玉米品种为材料,设置CK1(耐旱型品种、500 mm)、T1(耐旱型品种、350 mm)、T2(耐旱型品种、200 mm)、CK2(干旱敏感型品种、500 mm)、T3(干... 为探讨玉米应对不同滴灌定额的生理响应机制,在控制条件下开展2 a池栽试验,以2个具有耐旱性差异的玉米品种为材料,设置CK1(耐旱型品种、500 mm)、T1(耐旱型品种、350 mm)、T2(耐旱型品种、200 mm)、CK2(干旱敏感型品种、500 mm)、T3(干旱敏感型品种、350 mm)和T4(干旱敏感型品种、200 mm)6个处理,分析玉米叶片光合、叶绿素荧光、光合响应特性及籽粒灌浆特性、籽粒中激素含量、淀粉合成酶活性、产量的变化。结果显示,随滴灌定额减少玉米R3期叶片净光合速率(Pn)等4项光合参数、光系统Ⅱ最大光化学量子产量(Fv/Fm)等4项叶绿素荧光参数均呈下降趋势,气孔限制百分率(Ls)和非光化学猝灭系数(NPQ)呈增加趋势。玉米叶片表观量子效率(AQE)等10项光合响应相关参数均随滴灌定额减少而下降,CK1、T1与CK2处理光补偿点(LCP)与光饱和点(LSP)、CO_(2)补偿点(CCP)与CO_(2)饱和点(CSP)间差值范围较其他处理大。籽粒灌浆速率在开花后25 d达到峰值,T2和T4处理较CK1和CK2处理显著下降。随滴灌定额减少籽粒中细胞分裂素(CTK)、生长素(IAA)含量下降,脱落酸(ABA)含量增加。T2和T4处理籽粒中酸性蔗糖转化酶、蔗糖合酶、淀粉合成酶与腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶活性均较CK1和CK2处理显著下降。玉米产量随滴灌定额减少而显著下降,T1处理较CK1处理仅下降3.45%~4.51%。T1处理与CK1和CK2处理在上述指标间均无显著差异。采用T1处理的玉米叶片仍能维持光合性能和光系统Ⅱ结构,增强叶片对光与CO_(2)适应能力,玉米籽粒相关激素含量和淀粉合成相关酶活性增加,有效调控了籽粒生长发育及灌浆进程,玉米产量及其构成因素均表现较佳。 展开更多
关键词 玉米 滴灌定额 光合特性 籽粒灌浆 产量
Different Deficit Irrigation Lower Limits and Irrigation Quotas Affect the Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Winter Wheat by Regulating Photosynthetic Characteristics
作者 Huiqin Li Mingzhi Zhang +1 位作者 Na Xiao Haijian Yang 《Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany》 SCIE 2023年第12期3211-3236,共26页
To determine suitable thresholds for deficit irrigation of winter wheat in the well-irrigated area of the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain,we investigated the effects of different deficit irrigation lower limits and quotas on the... To determine suitable thresholds for deficit irrigation of winter wheat in the well-irrigated area of the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain,we investigated the effects of different deficit irrigation lower limits and quotas on the photosynthetic characteristics and grain yield of winter wheat.Four irrigation lower limits were set for initiating irrigation(i.e.,light drought(LD,50%,55%,60%and 50%of field holding capacity(FC)at the seedling-regreening,jointing,heading and filling-ripening stages,respectively),medium drought(MD,40%,50%,55%and 45%of FC at the same stages,respectively),adequate moisture(CK1,60%,65%,70%and 60%of FC at the same stages,respectively),heavy drought(CK2,35%,40%,45%and 40%of FC at the same stages,respectively))and five irrigation quota per event(30,60,90,120 and 180 mm)were set for each lower limit.We found that the increase of drought stress is conducive to normal photosynthesis of winter wheat leaves which is supported by the following findings.First,photosynthetic rate(Pn)of LD60 treatment was higher than that of LD30,LD90,LD120,LD180,MD30,MD60,MD90,MD120 and MD180.Then,Under the 90 mm irrigation quota treatment,the yield of winter wheat basically increased with the increase of irrigation’s lower limit.Moreover,With the increase in irrigation quota,the yield of winter wheat increased,and the water use efficiency(WUE)of winter wheat increased at first and then decreased.In addition,compared with the LD30,MD30,MD60,MD90,MD120,and MD180,the yield of winter wheat in LD60 treatment increased by about 3.23%(3-year average),32.3%,19.9%,11.7%,10.1%,and 14.6%.At the same time,the WUE with LD60 treatment of winter wheat was significantly higher than LD90,LD120,LD180,MD30,MD60,MD90,MD120,MD180 treatments.There was a positive correlation between soil volumetric water content and Pn and between yield and Pn.The key period for yield formation in winter wheat is 180 days after sowing.In conclusion,to achieve the dual goals of stable winter wheat yield and efficient utilization of water resources in this region,the suitable threshold for initiating deficit irrigation of winter wheat is the LD60 treatment.This conclusion provides data support for water-saving and stable yield of winter wheat in this area. 展开更多
关键词 Irrigation lower limit irrigation quota soil volume moisture content photosynthetic rate YIELD regression analysis
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