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Measurement of Ξcc++ production in pp collisions at s1/2=13 TeV 被引量:2
作者 R.Aaij C.Abellán Beteta +903 位作者 T.Ackernley B.Adeva M.Adinolfi H.Afsharnia C.A.Aidala S.Aiola Z.Ajaltouni S.Akar P.Albicocco J.Albrecht F.Alessio M.Alexander A.Alfonso Albero G.Alkhazov P.Alvarez Cartelle A.A.Alves Jr S.Amato Y.Amhis L.An L.Anderlini G.Andreassi M.Andreotti F.Archilli A.Artamonov M.Artuso K.Arzymatov E.Aslanides M.Atzeni B.Audurier S.Bachmann J.J.Back S.Baker V.Balagura W.Baldini A.Baranov R.J.Barlow S.Barsuk W.Barter M.Bartolini F.Baryshnikov J.M.Basels G.Bassi V.Batozskaya B.Batsukh A.Battig A.Bay M.Becker F.Bedeschi I.Bediaga A.Beiter L.J.Bel V.Belavin S.Belin V.Bellee K.Belous I.Belyaev G.Bencivenni E.Ben-Haim S.Benson S.Beranek A.Berezhnoy R.Bernet D.Berninghoff H.C.Bernstein C.Bertella E.Bertholet A.Bertolin C.Betancourt F.Betti M.O.Bettler Ia.Bezshyiko S.Bhasin J.Bhom M.S.Bieker S.Bifani P.Billoir A.Bizzeti M.Bjørn M.P.Blago T.Blake F.Blanc S.Blusk D.Bobulska V.Bocci O.Boente Garcia T.Boettcher A.Boldyrev A.Bondar N.Bondar S.Borghi M.Borisyak M.Borsato J.T.Borsuk T.J.V.Bowcock C.Bozzi M.J.Bradley S.Braun A.Brea Rodriguez M.Brodski J.Brodzicka A.Brossa Gonzalo D.Brundu E.Buchanan A.Buonaura C.Burr A.Bursche A.Butkevich J.S.Butter J.Buytaert W.Byczynski S.Cadeddu H.Cai R.Calabrese L.Calero Diaz S.Cali R.Calladine M.Calvi M.Calvo Gomez P.Camargo Magalhaes A.Camboni P.Campana D.H.Campora Perez A.F.Campoverde Quezada L.Capriotti A.Carbone G.Carboni R.Cardinale A.Cardini I.Carli P.Carniti K.Carvalho Akiba A.Casais Vidal G.Casse M.Cattaneo G.Cavallero S.Celani R.Cenci J.Cerasoli M.G.Chapman M.Charles Ph.Charpentier G.Chatzikonstantinidis M.Chefdeville V.Chekalina C.Chen S.Chen A.Chernov S.-G.Chitic V.Chobanova S.Cholak M.Chrzaszcz A.Chubykin P.Ciambrone M.F.Cicala X.Cid Vidal G.Ciezarek F.Cindolo P.E.L.Clarke M.Clemencic H.V.Cliff J.Closier J.L.Cobbledick V.Coco J.A.B.Coelho J.Cogan E.Cogneras L.Cojocariu P.Collins T.Colombo A.Comerma-Montells A.Contu N.Cooke G.Coombs S.Coquereau G.Corti C.M.Costa Sobral B.Couturier D.C.Craik J.Crkovska A.Crocombe M.Cruz Torres R.Currie C.L.Da Silva E.Dall'Occo J.Dalseno C.D'Ambrosio A.Danilina P.d'Argent A.Davis O.De Aguiar Francisco K.De Bruyn S.De Capua M.De Cian J.M.De Miranda L.De Paula M.De Serio P.De Simone J.A.de Vries C.T.Dean W.Dean D.Decamp L.Del Buono B.Delaney H.-P.Dembinski A.Dendek V.Denysenko D.Derkach O.Deschamps F.Desse F.Dettori B.Dey A.Di Canto P.Di Nezza S.Didenko H.Dijkstra V.Dobishuk F.Dordei M.Dorigo A.C.dos Reis L.Douglas A.Dovbnya K.Dreimanis M.W.Dudek L.Dufour G.Dujany P.Durante J.M.Durham D.Dutta M.Dziewiecki A.Dziurda A.Dzyuba S.Easo U.Egede V.Egorychev S.Eidelman S.Eisenhardt R.Ekelhof S.Ek-In L.Eklund S.Ely A.Ene E.Epple S.Escher S.Esen T.Evans A.Falabella J.Fan N.Farley S.Farry D.Fazzini P.Fedin M.Féo P.Fernandez Declara A.Fernandez Prieto F.Ferrari L.Ferreira Lopes F.Ferreira Rodrigues S.Ferreres Sole M.Ferrillo M.Ferro-Luzzi S.Filippov R.A.Fini M.Fiorini M.Firlej K.M.Fischer C.Fitzpatrick T.Fiutowski F.Fleuret M.Fontana F.Fontanelli R.Forty V.Franco Lima M.Franco Sevilla M.Frank C.Frei D.A.Friday J.Fu M.Fuehring W.Funk E.Gabriel A.Gallas Torreira D.Galli S.Gallorini S.Gambetta Y.Gan M.Gandelman P.Gandini Y.Gao L.M.Garcia Martin J.García Pardiñas B.Garcia Plana F.A.Garcia Rosales L.Garrido44 D.Gascon C.Gaspar D.Gerick E.Gersabeck M.Gersabeck T.Gershon D.Gerstel Ph.Ghez V.Gibson A.Gioventù O.G.Girard P.Gironell Gironell L.Giubega C.Giugliano K.Gizdov V.V.Gligorov C.Göbel D.Golubkov A.Golutvin A.Gomes P.Gorbounov I.V.Gorelov C.Gotti E.Govorkova J.P.Grabowski R.Graciani Diaz T.Grammatico L.A.Granado Cardoso E.Graugés E.Graverini G.Graziani A.Grecu R.Greim P.Griffith L.Grillo L.Gruber B.R.Gruberg Cazon C.Gu E.Gushchin A.Guth Yu.Guz T.Gys P.A.Günther T.Hadavizadeh G.Haefeli C.Haen S.C.Haines P.M.Hamilton Q.Han X.Han T.H.Hancock S.Hansmann-Menzemer N.Harnew T.Harrison R.Hart C.Hasse M.Hatch J.He M.Hecker K.Heijhoff K.Heinicke A.M.Hennequin K.Hennessy L.Henry J.Heuel A.Hicheur D.Hill M.Hilton P.H.Hopchev J.Hu W.Hu W.Huang W.Hulsbergen T.Humair R.J.Hunter M.Hushchyn D.Hutchcroft D.Hynds P.Ibis M.Idzik P.Ilten A.Inglessi K.Ivshin R.Jacobsson S.Jakobsen E.Jans B.K.Jashal A.Jawahery V.Jevtic F.Jiang M.John D.Johnson C.R.Jones B.Jost N.Jurik S.Kandybei M.Karacson J.M.Kariuki N.Kazeev M.Kecke F.Keizer M.Kelsey M.Kenzie T.Ketel B.Khanji A.Kharisova K.E.Kim T.Kirn V.S.Kirsebom S.Klaver K.Klimaszewski S.Koliiev A.Kondybayeva A.Konoplyannikov P.Kopciewicz R.Kopecna P.Koppenburg I.Kostiuk O.Kot S.Kotriakhova L.Kravchuk R.D.Krawczyk M.Kreps F.Kress S.Kretzschmar P.Krokovny W.Krupa W.Krzemien W.Kucewicz M.Kucharczyk V.Kudryavtsev H.S.Kuindersma G.J.Kunde T.Kvaratskheliya D.Lacarrere G.Lafferty A.Lai D.Lancierini J.J.Lane G.Lanfranchi C.Langenbruch O.Lantwin T.Latham F.Lazzari C.Lazzeroni R.Le Gac R.Lefèvre A.Leflat O.Leroy T.Lesiak B.Leverington H.Li L.Li X.Li Y.Li Z.Li X.Liang R.Lindner V.Lisovskyi G.Liu X.Liu D.Loh A.Loi J.Lomba Castro I.Longstaff J.H.Lopes G.Loustau G.H.Lovell Y.Lu D.Lucchesi M.Lucio Martinez Y.Luo A.Lupato E.Luppi O.Lupton A.Lusiani X.Lyu S.Maccolini F.Machefert F.Maciuc V.Macko P.Mackowiak S.Maddrell-Mander L.R.Madhan Mohan O.Maev A.Maevskiy D.Maisuzenko M.W.Majewski S.Malde B.Malecki A.Malinin T.Maltsev H.Malygina G.Manca G.Mancinelli R.Manera Escalero D.Manuzzi D.Marangotto J.Maratas J.F.Marchand U.Marconi S.Mariani C.Marin Benito M.Marinangeli P.Marino J.Marks P.J.Marshall G.Martellotti L.Martinazzoli M.Martinelli D.Martinez Santos F.Martinez Vidal A.Massafferri M.Materok R.Matev A.Mathad Z.Mathe V.Matiunin C.Matteuzzi K.R.Mattioli A.Mauri E.Maurice M.McCann L.Mcconnell A.McNab R.McNulty J.V.Mead B.Meadows C.Meaux G.Meier N.Meinert D.Melnychuk S.Meloni M.Merk A.Merli M.Mikhasenko D.A.Milanes E.Millard M.-N.Minard O.Mineev L.Minzoni S.E.Mitchell B.Mitreska D.S.Mitzel A.Mödden A.Mogini R.D.Moise T.Mombächer I.A.Monroy S.Monteil M.Morandin G.Morello M.J.Morello J.Moron A.B.Morris A.G.Morris R.Mountain H.Mu F.Muheim M.Mukherjee M.Mulder D.Müller K.Müller C.H.Murphy D.Murray P.Muzzetto P.Naik T.Nakada R.Nandakumar T.Nanut I.Nasteva M.Needham N.Neri S.Neubert N.Neufeld R.Newcombe T.D.Nguyen C.Nguyen-Mau E.M.Niel S.Nieswand N.Nikitin N.S.Nolte C.Nunez A.Oblakowska-Mucha V.Obraztsov S.Ogilvy D.P.O'Hanlon R.Oldeman C.J.G.Onderwater J.D.Osborn A.Ossowska J.M.Otalora Goicochea T.Ovsiannikova P.Owen49 A.Oyanguren P.R.Pais48 T.Pajero A.Palano M.Palutan G.Panshin A.Papanestis M.Pappagallo L.L.Pappalardo C.Pappenheimer W.Parker C.Parkes G.Passaleva A.Pastore M.Patel C.Patrignani A.Pearce A.Pellegrino M.Pepe Altarelli S.Perazzini D.Pereima P.Perret L.Pescatore K.Petridis A.Petrolini A.Petrov S.Petrucci M.Petruzzo B.Pietrzyk G.Pietrzyk M.Pili D.Pinci J.Pinzino F.Pisani A.Piucci V.Placinta S.Playfer J.Plews M.Plo Casasus F.Polci M.Poli Lener M.Poliakova A.Poluektov N.Polukhina I.Polyakov E.Polycarpo G.J.Pomery S.Ponce A.Popov D.Popov S.Poslavskii K.Prasanth L.Promberger C.Prouve V.Pugatch A.Puig Navarro H.Pullen G.Punzi W.Qian J.Qin R.Quagliani B.Quintana N.V.Raab R.I.Rabadan Trejo B.Rachwal J.H.Rademacker M.Rama M.Ramos Pernas M.S.Rangel F.Ratnikov G.Raven M.Reboud F.Redi F.Reiss C.Remon Alepuz Z.Ren V.Renaudin S.Ricciardi D.S.Richards S.Richards K.Rinnert P.Robbe A.Robert A.B.Rodrigues E.Rodrigues J.A.Rodriguez Lopez M.Roehrken S.Roiser A.Rollings V.Romanovskiy M.Romero Lamas A.Romero Vidal J.D.Roth M.Rotondo M.S.Rudolph T.Ruf J.Ruiz Vidal A.Ryzhikov J.Ryzka J.J.Saborido Silva N.Sagidova N.Sahoo B.Saitta C.Sanchez Gras C.Sanchez Mayordomo R.Santacesaria C.Santamarina Rios M.Santimaria E.Santovetti G.Sarpis A.Sarti C.Satriano A.Satta M.Saur D.Savrina L.G.Scantlebury Smead S.Schael M.Schellenberg M.Schiller H.Schindler M.Schmelling T.Schmelzer B.Schmidt O.Schneider A.Schopper H.F.Schreiner M.Schubiger S.Schulte M.H.Schune R.Schwemmer B.Sciascia A.Sciubba S.Sellam A.Semennikov A.Sergi N.Serra J.Serrano L.Sestini A.Seuthe P.Seyfert D.M.Shangase M.Shapkin L.Shchutska T.Shears L.Shekhtman V.Shevchenko E.Shmanin J.D.Shupperd B.G.Siddi R.Silva Coutinho L.Silva de Oliveira G.Simi S.Simone I.Skiba N.Skidmore T.Skwarnicki M.W.Slater J.G.Smeaton A.Smetkina E.Smith I.T.Smith M.Smith A.Snoch M.Soares L.Soares Lavra M.D.Sokoloff F.J.P.Soler B.Souza De Paula B.Spaan E.Spadaro Norella P.Spradlin F.Stagni M.Stahl S.Stahl P.Stefko O.Steinkamp S.Stemmle O.Stenyakin M.Stepanova H.Stevens S.Stone S.Stracka M.E.Stramaglia M.Straticiuc S.Strokov J.Sun L.Sun Y.Sun P.Svihra K.Swientek A.Szabelski T.Szumlak M.Szymanski S.Taneja Z.Tang T.Tekampe F.Teubert E.Thomas K.A.Thomson M.J.Tilley V.Tisserand S.T'Jampens M.Tobin S.Tolk L.Tomassetti D.Tonelli D.Torres Machado D.Y.Tou E.Tournefier M.Traill M.T.Tran E.Trifonova C.Trippl A.Trisovic A.Tsaregorodtsev G.Tuci A.Tully N.Tuning A.Ukleja A.Usachov A.Ustyuzhanin U.Uwer A.Vagner V.Vagnoni A.Valassi G.Valenti M.van Beuzekom H.Van Hecke E.van Herwijnen C.B.Van Hulse M.van Veghel R.Vazquez Gomez P.Vazquez Regueiro C.Vázquez Sierra S.Vecchi J.J.Velthuis M.Veltri A.Venkateswaran M.Vernet M.Veronesi M.Vesterinen J.V.Viana Barbosa D.Vieira M.Vieites Diaz H.Viemann X.Vilasis-Cardona A.Vitkovskiy V.Volkov A.Vollhardt D.Vom Bruch A.Vorobyev V.Vorobyev N.Voropaev R.Waldi J.Walsh J.Wang J.Wang J.Wang M.Wang Y.Wang Z.Wang D.R.Ward H.M.Wark N.K.Watson D.Websdale A.Weiden C.Weisser B.D.C.Westhenry D.J.White M.Whitehead D.Wiedner G.Wilkinson M.Wilkinson I.Williams M.Williams M.R.J.Williams T.Williams F.F.Wilson W.Wislicki M.Witek L.Witola G.Wormser S.A.Wotton H.Wu K.Wyllie Z.Xiang D.Xiao Y.Xie H.Xing A.Xu L.Xu M.Xu Q.Xu Z.Xu Z.Yang Z.Yang Y.Yao L.E.Yeomans H.Yin J.Yu X.Yuan O.Yushchenko K.A.Zarebski M.Zavertyaev M.Zdybal M.Zeng D.Zhang L.Zhang S.Zhang W.C.Zhang Y.Zhang A.Zhelezov Y.Zheng X.Zhou Y.Zhou X.Zhu V.Zhukov J.B.Zonneveld S.Zucchelli 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第2期13-23,共11页
The production of ■baryons in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of √s = 13 TeV is measured in the transverse-momentum range 4<pT<15GeV/c and the rapidity range2.0<y<4.5.The data used in... The production of ■baryons in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of √s = 13 TeV is measured in the transverse-momentum range 4<pT<15GeV/c and the rapidity range2.0<y<4.5.The data used in this measurement correspond to an integrated luminosity of 1.7fb^-1,recorded by the LHCb experiment during 2016.The ratio of the ■ production cross-section times the branching fraction of the■→∧^+cK^-π^+ π^+decay relative to the prompt ∧^+c production cross-section is found to be(2.22±0.27±0.29)×10^-4,assuming the central value of the measured lifetime,where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic. 展开更多
关键词 doubly charmed baryons hadron production QCD
Atomic mass dependence of hadron production in semi-inclusive deep inelastic lepton-nucleus scattering
作者 宋丽华 刘娜 段春贵 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第8期29-33,共5页
Hadron production in lepton-nucleus deep inelastic scattering is studied in a quark energy loss model. The leading-order computations for hadron multiplicity ratios are presented and compared with the selected HERMES ... Hadron production in lepton-nucleus deep inelastic scattering is studied in a quark energy loss model. The leading-order computations for hadron multiplicity ratios are presented and compared with the selected HERMES pions production data with the quark hadronization occurring outside the nucleus by means of the hadron formation time. It is found that the obtained energy loss per unit length is 0.440±0.013 GeV/fm for an outgoing quark by the global fit. It is confirmed that the atomic mass number dependence of hadron attenuation is theoretically and experimentally in good agreement with the A2/3 power law for quark hadronization occurring outside the nucleus, 展开更多
关键词 atomic mass dependence quark energy loss hadron production deep inelastic scattering
A proposal on complementary determination of the effective electro-weak mixing angles via doubly heavy-flavored hadron production at a super Z-factory
作者 Xu-Chang Zheng Chao-Hsi Chang Tai-Fu Feng 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第8期61-70,共10页
To test the standard model(SM)precisely and to look for the clues deviating from SM,a proposal for determining the effective electro-weak mixing angles sin2θefff(particularly f=lept,c,b)is proposed.It is via observin... To test the standard model(SM)precisely and to look for the clues deviating from SM,a proposal for determining the effective electro-weak mixing angles sin2θefff(particularly f=lept,c,b)is proposed.It is via observing the asymmetries(the forward-backward one AFB,the left-right one ALR and the combined left-right forward-backward one ALRFB)of the doubly heavy-flavored hadrons in the production at a super Z-factory(an e+e-collider designed with a luminosity as high as possible for modernday techniques runs around the center-of-mass energy s1/2=mZ).To see the sensitivity,uncertainties as well as the event accumulation precisely,the observables for describing the asymmetries of the produced hadrons are computed numerically with varying effective mixing angles,and based on the result analyses,it is concluded that the proposal may offer an independent complement determination of the effective mixing angles. 展开更多
关键词 electro-weak mixing angle production of doubly heavy-flavored hadron ASYMMETRIES super Z-factory
Hadron formation in semi-inclusive deep inelastic lepton-nucleus scattering
作者 宋丽华 刘娜 段春贵 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第10期26-32,共7页
Hadron production in lepton-nucleus deep inelastic scattering is studied in a model including quark energy loss and nuclear absorption. The leading-order computations for hadron multiplicity ratios are presented and c... Hadron production in lepton-nucleus deep inelastic scattering is studied in a model including quark energy loss and nuclear absorption. The leading-order computations for hadron multiplicity ratios are presented and compared with the selected HERMES experimental data with the quark hadronization occurring inside the nucleus by means of the hadron formation time. It is shown that with increase of the energy fraction carried by the hadron, the nuclear suppression on hadron multiplicity ratio from nuclear absorption gets bigger. It is found that when hadronization occurs inside the nucleus, the nuclear absorption is the dominant mechanism causing a reduction of the hadron yield. The atomic mass dependence of hadron attenuation for quark hadronization starting inside the nucleus is confirmed theoretically and experimentally to be proportional to A1/3. 展开更多
关键词 deep inelastic scattering NUCLEI nuclear absorption hadron production
Evidence for e^+e^-→γχ_(c1,2) at center-of-mass energies from 4.009 to 4.360 GeV
作者 麦迪娜 M.N.Achasov +408 位作者 艾小聪 O.Albayrak M.Albrecht D.J.Ambrose A.Amoroso 安芬芬 安琪 白景芝 R.Baldini Ferroli 班勇 D.W.Bennett J.V.Bennett M.Bertani D.Bettoni 边渐鸣 F.Bianchi E.Boger O.Bondarenko I.Boyko R.A.Briere 蔡浩 蔡啸 O.Cakir A.Calcaterra 曹国富 S.A.Cetin 常劲帆 G.Chelkov 陈刚 陈和生 陈海云 陈江川 陈玛丽 陈申见 谌炫 陈旭荣 陈元柏 程和平 褚新坤 G.Cibinetto D.Cronin-Hennessy 代洪亮 代建平 A.Dbeyssi D.Dedovich 邓子艳 A.Denig I.Denysenko M.Destefani F.De Mori 丁勇 董超 董静 董燎原 董明义 杜书先 段鹏飞 范荆州 方建 房双世 方馨 方易 L.Fava F.Feldbauer G.Felici 封常青 E.Fioravanti M.Fritsch 傅成栋 高清 高原宁 高榛 I.Garzia K.Goetzen 龚文煊 W.Gradl M.Greco 顾旻皓 顾运厅 管颖慧 郭爱强 郭立波 郭墩 郭玥 Y.P.Guo Z.Haddadi A.Hafner 韩爽 韩艳良 F.A.Harris 何康林 何振亚 T.Held 衡月昆 侯治龙 胡琛 胡海明 胡继峰 胡涛 胡誉 黄光明 黄光顺 黄海鹏 黄金书 黄性涛 黄勇 T.Hussain 纪全 姬清平 季晓斌 季筱璐 姜丽丽 姜鲁文 江晓山 焦健斌 焦铮 金大鹏 金山 T.Johansson A.Julin N.Kalantar-Nayestanaki 康晓琳 康晓珅 M.Kavatsyuk B.C.Ke R.Kliemt B.Kloss O.B.Kolcu B.Kopf M.Kornicer W.Kuehn A.Kupsc 赖蔚 J.S.Lange M.Lara P.Larin 李春花 李澄 李德民 李飞 李刚 李海波 李家才 李瑾 李康 李科 李培荣 李腾 李卫东 李卫国 李晓玲 李小梅 李小男 李学潜 李志兵 梁昊 梁勇飞 梁羽铁 廖广睿 Lin 刘北江 C.L.Liu 刘春秀 刘福虎 刘芳 刘峰 刘宏邦 刘汇慧 刘欢欢 刘怀民 刘杰 刘觉平 刘晶译 刘凯 刘魁勇 刘兰雕 刘佩莲 刘倩 刘树彬 刘翔 刘晓霞 刘玉斌 刘振安 刘志强 Zhiqiang Liu H.Loehner 娄辛丑 吕海江 吕军光 鲁睿其 卢宇 卢云鹏 罗成林 罗民兴 T.Luo 罗小兰 吕蒙 吕晓睿 马凤才 马海龙 马连良 马秋梅 马斯 马天 马旭宁 马骁妍 F.E.Maas M.Maggiora Q.A.Malik 冒亚军 毛泽普 S.Marcello J.G.Messchendorp 闵建 闵天觉 R.E.Mitchell 莫晓虎 莫玉俊 C.Morales Morale K.Moriya N.Yu.Muchnoi H.Muramatsu Y.Nefedov F.Nerling I.B.Nikolaev 宁哲 S.Nisar 牛顺利 牛讯伊 马鹏 欧阳群 S.Pacetti P.Patteri M.Pelizaeus 彭海平 K.Peters 平加伦 平荣刚 R.Poling 濮亚男 祁鸣 钱森 乔从丰 秦丽清 覃拈 秦小帅 秦瑶 秦中华 邱进发 K.H.Rashid C.F.Redmer 任海龙 M.Ripka 荣刚 阮向东 V.Santoro A.Sarantsev M.Savrié K.Schoenning S.Schumann 单葳 邵明 沈成平 沈培迅 沈肖雁 盛华义 M.R.Shepherd 宋维民 宋欣颖 S.Sosio S.Spataro B.Spruck 孙功星 孙俊峰 孙胜森 孙勇杰 孙永昭 孙志嘉 孙振田 唐昌建 唐晓 I.Tapan E.H.Thorndike M.Tiemens D.Toth M.Ullrich I.Uman G.S.Varner 王斌 王滨龙 王东 王大勇 王科 王亮亮 王灵淑 王萌 王平 王佩良 王庆娟 王思广 王炜 王雄飞 Yadi 王贻芳 王亚乾 王铮 王志刚 王志宏 王至勇 T.Weber 魏代会 韦江波 P.Weidenkaff 文硕频 U.Wiedner M.Wolke 伍灵慧 吴智 夏力钢 夏宇 肖栋 肖振军 谢宇广 许国发 徐雷 徐庆君 徐庆年 徐新平 严亮 鄢文标 闫文成 颜永红 杨洪勋 杨柳 杨迎 杨永栩 叶桦 叶梅 叶铭汉 殷俊昊 俞伯祥 喻纯旭 于海旺 俞洁晟 苑长征 袁文龙 袁野 A.Yuncu A.A.Zafar A.Zallo 曾云 张丙新 张炳云 张驰 张长春 张达华 张宏浩 章红宇 张佳佳 张杰磊 张敬庆 张家文 张建勇 张景芝 张坤 张磊 张书华 张学尧 张瑶 张银鸿 张亚腾 张正好 张子平 张振宇 赵光 赵京伟 赵静宜 赵京周 赵雷 赵玲 赵明刚 赵强 赵庆旺 赵书俊 赵天池 赵豫斌 赵政国 A.Zhemchugov 郑波 郑建平 郑文静 郑阳恒 钟彬 周莉 周立 周详 周晓康 周小蓉 周兴玉 朱凯 朱科军 朱帅 朱相雷 朱莹春 朱永生 朱自安 庄建 邹冰松 邹佳恒 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第4期1-9,共9页
Using data samples collected at center-of-mass energies of √s=4.009, 4.230, 4.260, and 4.360 GeV with the BES0 detector operating at the BEPC/ collider, we perform a search for the process e+e-→γχc,j (J =0, 1, 2... Using data samples collected at center-of-mass energies of √s=4.009, 4.230, 4.260, and 4.360 GeV with the BES0 detector operating at the BEPC/ collider, we perform a search for the process e+e-→γχc,j (J =0, 1, 2) and find evidence for e+e-→γχc1 and e+e-→γχc2 with statistical significances of 3.0σ and 3.4σ, respectively. The Born cross sections σB(e+e-→γχc,j), as well as their upper limits at the 90% con dence level (C.L.) are determined at each center-of-mass energy. 展开更多
关键词 heavy quarkonia decays of hadronic electron-positron collisions hadron production by
Constituent quark number scaling from strange hadron spectra in pp collisions at ■=13 TeV
作者 Jian-Wei Zhang Hai-Hong Li +1 位作者 Feng-Lan Shao Jun Song 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第1期86-98,共13页
We show that the p_T spectra ofΩ^-andφat midrapidity in the inelastic events in pp collisions at■=13 TeV exhibit a constituent quark number scaling property,which is a clear signal of quark combination mechanism at... We show that the p_T spectra ofΩ^-andφat midrapidity in the inelastic events in pp collisions at■=13 TeV exhibit a constituent quark number scaling property,which is a clear signal of quark combination mechanism at hadronization.We use a quark combination model with equal velocity combination approximation to systematically study the production of identified hadrons in pp collisions at■=13 TeV.The midrapidity spectra for protons,∧,Ξ^-,Ω^-,φand K~*in the inelastic events are simultaneously fitted by the model.The multiplicity dependence of the yields of these hadrons are also well understood.The strong p_T dependence of the p/φratio is well explained by the model,which further suggests that the production of two hadrons with similar masses is determined by their quark content at hadronization.The p_T spectra of strange hadrons at midrapidity in different multiplicity classes in pp collisions at■=13 TeV are predicted for further tests of the model.The midrapidity p_T spectra of soft(p_T<2 GeV/c)strange quarks and up/down quarks at hadronization in pp collisions at■=13 TeV are extracted. 展开更多
关键词 strange hadron production quark combination HADRONIZATION quark-gluon plasma
Evidence for further charmonium vector resonances
作者 Eef van Beveren George Rupp 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第4期319-324,共6页
We discuss the shape of threshold signals in production cross sections of the reaction e+e- → D* Dˉ*, at the opening of the Ds* Dˉs* and Λc+ Λ+c channels. Furthermore, evidence for the ψ(3D), ψ(5S),... We discuss the shape of threshold signals in production cross sections of the reaction e+e- → D* Dˉ*, at the opening of the Ds* Dˉs* and Λc+ Λ+c channels. Furthermore, evidence for the ψ(3D), ψ(5S), ψ(4D), ψ(6S), ψ(5D), ψ(7S), ψ(6D), and ψ(8S) new charmonium vector resonances is presented, on the basis of data recently published by the BABAR Collaboration. Central masses and resonance widths are estimated. Confirmation of these resonances would be a huge step in lifting the precision level of hadron spectroscopy towards that of atomic spectroscopy, with far-reaching consequences for theory. 展开更多
关键词 heavy quarkonia hadron production in electron-positron annihilation
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