Anthony Burgess's novel A Clockwork Orange explores human being's predicament of freedom—the contradiction between Libertarianism and Totalitarianism. The issues Burgess explores in this fiction share affinit...Anthony Burgess's novel A Clockwork Orange explores human being's predicament of freedom—the contradiction between Libertarianism and Totalitarianism. The issues Burgess explores in this fiction share affinities with what Sartrean existentialism elucidate. This paper attempts to discuss the inter-human relationship between the protagonist—Alex and other two important characters from the perspective of Sartre's elaboration of "being-with-others", to find the evidence for Sartre's famous dictum "hell is the other people."展开更多
During the last months of 1888 the populous quarter of Whitechapel, London, was stained with the blood of five women, all booked prostitutes and chronic alcoholics, worthy representatives of the diseases/vices of the ...During the last months of 1888 the populous quarter of Whitechapel, London, was stained with the blood of five women, all booked prostitutes and chronic alcoholics, worthy representatives of the diseases/vices of the Victorian East End. The shrewd and sanguinary Monster who realized these violent murders called himself "Jack the Ripper", signing with his "trade name" the letters he sent to the Central News Agency and through the press he soon became a myth, the most famous "serial killer" of all time. As a matter of fact, his legend survived, and his evil figure still haunts the pages of books and---of course--the frames of many films; among the most famous From Hell (2001) by Albert and Allen Hughes, taken from the graphic novel of the same name by Moore and Campbell; Jack the Ripper (1976) by Jess Franco, with a disturbing Klaus Kinski, but also the TV movie directed by David Wickes in 1998 entitled Jack The Ripper; more obliquely, Jack appears also in The Lodger (1913) and Frenzy (1972) by Alfred Hitchcock. But can these movies be defined as true biopics of Jack? Strangely enough, it seems, these biographies contribute to build the mythic "anonymity" of the Ripper, encouraging (and fascinating) fear and nightmares.展开更多
2007年9月刊《星际Ⅱ歪批第一弹》为大家送上了许多"异想天开"的理念,许多读者也对此表示了极大的兴趣。距离上次Blizzoon的Re-Aplah版,如今已经过了8个月了。在这期间,暴雪也不定期地为大家放出官方的FAQ。万众期待的Zerg虫...2007年9月刊《星际Ⅱ歪批第一弹》为大家送上了许多"异想天开"的理念,许多读者也对此表示了极大的兴趣。距离上次Blizzoon的Re-Aplah版,如今已经过了8个月了。在这期间,暴雪也不定期地为大家放出官方的FAQ。万众期待的Zerg虫族也终于在3月10日这天大举入侵地球。中、美、韩三地玩家都先后领略到了新生Zerg的恐怖之处。同时我们也看到了更多更详细的有关星际Ⅱ的资料,这让全世界玩家都兴奋得很。小编自然也坐不住了,我们这个对星际Ⅱ评头论足的栏目也应该继续了,这里仍然会不定期地出现最新的星际Ⅱ消息、评论和不负责任的猜想。Hell,it's about time!展开更多
This thesis is intended to interpret Jack London's The Call of the Wild from the per-spective of four western classical myths:the loss of happiness,initiation,the descent into hell and resurrection.This article is...This thesis is intended to interpret Jack London's The Call of the Wild from the per-spective of four western classical myths:the loss of happiness,initiation,the descent into hell and resurrection.This article is aimed at providing fans of The Call of the Wild with a new perspective in exploring the novel.展开更多
The elements of Sartre's existentialism are shown in Shirley Jackson's The Lottery: The world abounds with absurdities and bitterness; people can be the hell to each other; an individual has a free choice and ...The elements of Sartre's existentialism are shown in Shirley Jackson's The Lottery: The world abounds with absurdities and bitterness; people can be the hell to each other; an individual has a free choice and act, but should be responsible for his or her behavior. Shirley discusses the problem of the existence of an individual in the complex web of society and environment in The Lottery, just as Sartre in his works of existentialism.展开更多
文摘Anthony Burgess's novel A Clockwork Orange explores human being's predicament of freedom—the contradiction between Libertarianism and Totalitarianism. The issues Burgess explores in this fiction share affinities with what Sartrean existentialism elucidate. This paper attempts to discuss the inter-human relationship between the protagonist—Alex and other two important characters from the perspective of Sartre's elaboration of "being-with-others", to find the evidence for Sartre's famous dictum "hell is the other people."
文摘During the last months of 1888 the populous quarter of Whitechapel, London, was stained with the blood of five women, all booked prostitutes and chronic alcoholics, worthy representatives of the diseases/vices of the Victorian East End. The shrewd and sanguinary Monster who realized these violent murders called himself "Jack the Ripper", signing with his "trade name" the letters he sent to the Central News Agency and through the press he soon became a myth, the most famous "serial killer" of all time. As a matter of fact, his legend survived, and his evil figure still haunts the pages of books and---of course--the frames of many films; among the most famous From Hell (2001) by Albert and Allen Hughes, taken from the graphic novel of the same name by Moore and Campbell; Jack the Ripper (1976) by Jess Franco, with a disturbing Klaus Kinski, but also the TV movie directed by David Wickes in 1998 entitled Jack The Ripper; more obliquely, Jack appears also in The Lodger (1913) and Frenzy (1972) by Alfred Hitchcock. But can these movies be defined as true biopics of Jack? Strangely enough, it seems, these biographies contribute to build the mythic "anonymity" of the Ripper, encouraging (and fascinating) fear and nightmares.
文摘2007年9月刊《星际Ⅱ歪批第一弹》为大家送上了许多"异想天开"的理念,许多读者也对此表示了极大的兴趣。距离上次Blizzoon的Re-Aplah版,如今已经过了8个月了。在这期间,暴雪也不定期地为大家放出官方的FAQ。万众期待的Zerg虫族也终于在3月10日这天大举入侵地球。中、美、韩三地玩家都先后领略到了新生Zerg的恐怖之处。同时我们也看到了更多更详细的有关星际Ⅱ的资料,这让全世界玩家都兴奋得很。小编自然也坐不住了,我们这个对星际Ⅱ评头论足的栏目也应该继续了,这里仍然会不定期地出现最新的星际Ⅱ消息、评论和不负责任的猜想。Hell,it's about time!
文摘This thesis is intended to interpret Jack London's The Call of the Wild from the per-spective of four western classical myths:the loss of happiness,initiation,the descent into hell and resurrection.This article is aimed at providing fans of The Call of the Wild with a new perspective in exploring the novel.
文摘The elements of Sartre's existentialism are shown in Shirley Jackson's The Lottery: The world abounds with absurdities and bitterness; people can be the hell to each other; an individual has a free choice and act, but should be responsible for his or her behavior. Shirley discusses the problem of the existence of an individual in the complex web of society and environment in The Lottery, just as Sartre in his works of existentialism.