The end of a red carpet welcome to all kinds of foreign investment is nearing as China gears up to choose where and how much foreign capital it will absorb
本文的一个重要名词是Dyslexic(adj.),查英汉词典,得到的释义是:诵读困难的。什么是“诵读困难的”?令查阅人似懂非懂。因为,“诵读困难的”的解释可能是心理的(如注意力分散等),也可能是生理的(如近视等)。查阅英英词典,问题便迎刃而解...本文的一个重要名词是Dyslexic(adj.),查英汉词典,得到的释义是:诵读困难的。什么是“诵读困难的”?令查阅人似懂非懂。因为,“诵读困难的”的解释可能是心理的(如注意力分散等),也可能是生理的(如近视等)。查阅英英词典,问题便迎刃而解。 Dyslexia(n.):inability to read,considered by modern educational thinkersas a condition to be treated and cured like an illness.(见Longman Dictionaryof Contemporary English,p.344)—此释义告诉读者,所谓Dyslexic,实指眼疾。 此眼疾的患者人数之众令人吃惊: Developmental dyslexia strikes nearly 20 percent of boys and five percent ofgirls,making it difficult for them to learn to read. 这么高的比例是否特指英国?文章未加说明。本文提供了一个简单而神奇的治疗方法:patching one eye(蒙住一只眼睛,而仅仅使用独眼来作阅读)。展开更多
文摘The end of a red carpet welcome to all kinds of foreign investment is nearing as China gears up to choose where and how much foreign capital it will absorb
文摘本文的一个重要名词是Dyslexic(adj.),查英汉词典,得到的释义是:诵读困难的。什么是“诵读困难的”?令查阅人似懂非懂。因为,“诵读困难的”的解释可能是心理的(如注意力分散等),也可能是生理的(如近视等)。查阅英英词典,问题便迎刃而解。 Dyslexia(n.):inability to read,considered by modern educational thinkersas a condition to be treated and cured like an illness.(见Longman Dictionaryof Contemporary English,p.344)—此释义告诉读者,所谓Dyslexic,实指眼疾。 此眼疾的患者人数之众令人吃惊: Developmental dyslexia strikes nearly 20 percent of boys and five percent ofgirls,making it difficult for them to learn to read. 这么高的比例是否特指英国?文章未加说明。本文提供了一个简单而神奇的治疗方法:patching one eye(蒙住一只眼睛,而仅仅使用独眼来作阅读)。