This study developed a hierarchical Bayesian(HB)model for local and regional flood frequency analysis in the Dongting Lake Basin,in China.The annual maximum daily flows from 15 streamflow-gauged sites in the study are...This study developed a hierarchical Bayesian(HB)model for local and regional flood frequency analysis in the Dongting Lake Basin,in China.The annual maximum daily flows from 15 streamflow-gauged sites in the study area were analyzed with the HB model.The generalized extreme value(GEV)distribution was selected as the extreme flood distribution,and the GEV distribution location and scale parameters were spatially modeled through a regression approach with the drainage area as a covariate.The Markov chain Monte Carlo(MCMC)method with Gibbs sampling was employed to calculate the posterior distribution in the HB model.The results showed that the proposed HB model provided satisfactory Bayesian credible intervals for flood quantiles,while the traditional delta method could not provide reliable uncertainty estimations for large flood quantiles,due to the fact that the lower confidence bounds tended to decrease as the return periods increased.Furthermore,the HB model for regional analysis allowed for a reduction in the value of some restrictive assumptions in the traditional index flood method,such as the homogeneity region assumption and the scale invariance assumption.The HB model can also provide an uncertainty band of flood quantile prediction at a poorly gauged or ungauged site,but the index flood method with L-moments does not demonstrate this uncertainty directly.Therefore,the HB model is an effective method of implementing the flexible local and regional frequency analysis scheme,and of quantifying the associated predictive uncertainty.展开更多
The state of in situ stress is a crucial parameter in subsurface engineering,especially for critical projects like nuclear waste repository.As one of the two ISRM suggested methods,the overcoring(OC)method is widely u...The state of in situ stress is a crucial parameter in subsurface engineering,especially for critical projects like nuclear waste repository.As one of the two ISRM suggested methods,the overcoring(OC)method is widely used to estimate the full stress tensors in rocks by independent regression analysis of the data from each OC test.However,such customary independent analysis of individual OC tests,known as no pooling,is liable to yield unreliable test-specific stress estimates due to various uncertainty sources involved in the OC method.To address this problem,a practical and no-cost solution is considered by incorporating into OC data analysis additional information implied within adjacent OC tests,which are usually available in OC measurement campaigns.Hence,this paper presents a Bayesian partial pooling(hierarchical)model for combined analysis of adjacent OC tests.We performed five case studies using OC test data made at a nuclear waste repository research site of Sweden.The results demonstrate that partial pooling of adjacent OC tests indeed allows borrowing of information across adjacent tests,and yields improved stress tensor estimates with reduced uncertainties simultaneously for all individual tests than they are independently analysed as no pooling,particularly for those unreliable no pooling stress estimates.A further model comparison shows that the partial pooling model also gives better predictive performance,and thus confirms that the information borrowed across adjacent OC tests is relevant and effective.展开更多
Ore sorting is a preconcentration technology and can dramatically reduce energy and water usage to improve the sustainability and profitability of a mining operation.In porphyry Cu deposits,Cu is the primary target,wi...Ore sorting is a preconcentration technology and can dramatically reduce energy and water usage to improve the sustainability and profitability of a mining operation.In porphyry Cu deposits,Cu is the primary target,with ores usually containing secondary‘pay’metals such as Au,Mo and gangue elements such as Fe and As.Due to sensing technology limitations,secondary and deleterious materials vary in correlation type and strength with Cu but cannot be detected simultaneously via magnetic resonance(MR)ore sorting.Inferring the relationships between Cu and other elemental abundances is particularly critical for mineral processing.The variations in metal grade relationships occur due to the transition into different geological domains.This raises two questions-how to define these geological domains and how the metal grade relationship is influenced by these geological domains.In this paper,linear relationship is assumed between Cu grade and other metal grades.We applies a Bayesian hierarchical(partial-pooling)model to quantify the linear relationships between Cu,Au,and Fe grades from geochemical bore core data.The hierarchical model was compared with two other models-‘complete-pooling’model and‘nopooling’model.Mining blocks were split based on spatial domain to construct hierarchical model.Geochemical bore core data records metal grades measured from laboratory assay with spatial coordinates of sample location.Two case studies from different porphyry Cu deposits were used to evaluate the performance of the hierarchical model.Markov chain Monte Carlo(MCMC)was used to sample the posterior parameters.Our results show that the Bayesian hierarchical model dramatically reduced the posterior predictive variance for metal grades regression compared to the no-pooling model.In addition,the posterior inference in the hierarchical model is insensitive to the choice of prior.The data is wellrepresented in the posterior which indicates a robust model.The results show that the spatial domain can be successfully utilised for metal grade regression.Uncertainty in estimating the relationship between pay metals and both secondary and gangue elements is quantified and shown to be reduced with partial-pooling.Thus,the proposed Bayesian hierarchical model can offer a reliable and stable way to monitor the relationship between metal grades for ore sorting and other mineral processing options.展开更多
As one of the top four commercially important species in China,yellow croaker(Larimichthys polyactis)with two geographic subpopulations,has undergone profound changes during the last several decades.It is widely compr...As one of the top four commercially important species in China,yellow croaker(Larimichthys polyactis)with two geographic subpopulations,has undergone profound changes during the last several decades.It is widely comprehended that understanding its population dynamics is critically important for sustainable management of this valuable fishery in China.The only two existing population dynamics models assessed the population of yellow croaker using short time-series data,without considering geographical variations.In this study,Bayesian models with and without hierarchical subpopulation structure were developed to explore the spatial heterogeneity of the population dynamics of yellow croaker from 1968 to 2015.Alternative hypotheses were constructed to test potential temporal patterns in yellow croaker’s population dynamics.Substantial variations in population dynamics characteristics among space and time were found through this study.The population growth rate was revealed to increase since the late 1980s,and the catchability increased more than twice from 1981 to 2015.The East China Sea’s subpopulation witnesses faster growth,but suffers from higher fishing pressure than that in the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea.The global population and two subpopulations all have high risks of overfishing and being overfished according to the MSY-based reference points in recent years.More conservative management strategies with subpopulation considerations are imperative for the fishery management of yellow croaker in China.The methodology developed in this study could also be applied to the stock assessment and fishery management of other species,especially for those species with large spatial heterogeneity data.展开更多
Indirect approaches to estimation of biomass factors are often applied to measure carbon flux in the forestry sector. An assumption underlying a country-level carbon stock estimate is the representativeness of these f...Indirect approaches to estimation of biomass factors are often applied to measure carbon flux in the forestry sector. An assumption underlying a country-level carbon stock estimate is the representativeness of these factors. Although intensive studies have been conducted to quantify biomass factors, each study typically covers a limited geographic area. The goal of this study was to employ a meta-analysis approach to develop regional bio- mass factors for Quercus mongolica forests in South Korea. The biomass factors of interest were biomass conversion and expansion factor (BCEF), biomass expansion factor (BEF) and root-to-shoot ratio (RSR). Our objectives were to select probability density functions (PDFs) that best fitted the three biomass factors and to quantify their means and uncertainties. A total of 12 scientific publications were selected as data sources based on a set of criteria. Fromthese publications we chose 52 study sites spread out across South Korea. The statistical model for the meta- analysis was a multilevel model with publication (data source) as the nesting factor specified under the Bayesian framework. Gamma, Log-normal and Weibull PDFs were evaluated. The Log-normal PDF yielded the best quanti- tative and qualitative fit for the three biomass factors. However, a poor fit of the PDF to the long right tail of observed BEF and RSR distributions was apparent. The median posterior estimates for means and 95 % credible intervals for BCEF, BEF and RSR across all 12 publica- tions were 1.016 (0.800-1.299), 1.414 (1.304-1.560) and 0.260 (0.200-0.335), respectively. The Log-normal PDF proved useful for estimating carbon stock of Q. mongolica forests on a regional scale and for uncertainty analysis based on Monte Carlo simulation.展开更多
Estimating safety effectiveness of roadway improvements and countermeasures,using cross-sectional models,generally requires large amounts of data such as road geometric and traffic-related characteristics at road segm...Estimating safety effectiveness of roadway improvements and countermeasures,using cross-sectional models,generally requires large amounts of data such as road geometric and traffic-related characteristics at road segment levels.These models do not consider all confounding crash contributory factors such as driving culture and environmental conditions at the segment level due to a lack of readily available data.This may result in inaccurate models representing actual conditions at road segment levels,followed by erroneous estimations of safety effectiveness.To minimize the effect of not including such variables,this study develops a new methodology to estimate safety effectiveness of roadway countermeasures,based on generalized linear mixed models,assuming zeroinflated Poisson distribution for the response,and adjusting for spatial autocorrelation using the spatial random effect.The Bayesian approach,with Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation,was used to make inference on this model with computational efficiency.Results showed that incorporating a spatial random effect into the models provided better model fit than non-spatial models;hence,estimated safety effectiveness based on such models is more accurate.The proposed approach is a methodological advancement in traffic safety,which allows evaluation of safety effectiveness or roadway improvements when data are not readily available.展开更多
Demographic estimation becomes a problem of small area estimation when detaileddisaggregation leads to small cell counts.The usual difficulties of small area estimation are compounded when the available data sources c...Demographic estimation becomes a problem of small area estimation when detaileddisaggregation leads to small cell counts.The usual difficulties of small area estimation are compounded when the available data sources contain measurement errors.We present a Bayesianapproach to the problem of small area estimation with imperfect data sources.The overall modelcontains separate submodels for underlying demographic processes and for measurement processes.All unknown quantities in the model,including coverage ratios and demographic rates,are estimated jointly via Markov chain Monte Carlo methods.The approach is illustrated usingthe example of provincial fertility rates in Cambodia.展开更多
The aim of this work is to explore the impact of regional transit service on tour-based commuter travel behavior by using the Bayesian hierarchical multinomial logit model, accounting for the spatial heterogeneity of ...The aim of this work is to explore the impact of regional transit service on tour-based commuter travel behavior by using the Bayesian hierarchical multinomial logit model, accounting for the spatial heterogeneity of the people living in the same area.With two indicators, accessibility and connectivity measured at the zone level, the regional transit service is captured and then related to the travel mode choice behavior. The sample data are selected from Washington-Baltimore Household Travel Survey in 2007,including all the trips from home to workplace in morning hours in Baltimore city. Traditional multinomial logit model using Bayesian approach is also estimated. A comparison of the two different models shows that ignoring the spatial context can lead to a misspecification of the effects of the regional transit service on travel behavior. The results reveal that improving transit service at regional level can be effective in reducing auto use for commuters after controlling for socio-demographics and travel-related factors.This work provides insights for interpreting tour-based commuter travel behavior by using recently developed methodological approaches. The results of this work will be helpful for engineers, urban planners, and transit operators to decide the needs to improve regional transit service and spatial location efficiently.展开更多
It iswell known that traditionalmean-variance optimal portfolio delivers rather erratic and unsatisfactory out-of-sample performance due to the neglect of estimation errors.Constrained solutions,such as no-short-sale-...It iswell known that traditionalmean-variance optimal portfolio delivers rather erratic and unsatisfactory out-of-sample performance due to the neglect of estimation errors.Constrained solutions,such as no-short-sale-constrained and norm-constrained portfolios,can usually achieve much higher ex post Sharpe ratio.Bayesian methods have also been shown to be superior to traditional plug-in estimator by incorporating parameter uncertainty through prior distributions.In this paper,we develop an innovative method that induces priors directly on optimal portfolio weights and imposing constraints a priori in our hierarchical Bayes model.We showthat such constructed portfolios are well diversified with superior out-of-sample performance.Our proposed model is tested on a number of Fama–French industry portfolios against the na飗e diversification strategy and Chevrier and McCulloch’s(2008)economically motivated prior(EMP)strategy.On average,our model outperforms Chevrier and McCulloch’s(2008)EMP strategy by over 15%and outperform the‘1/N’strategy by over 50%.展开更多
Acid grasslands are threatened both by agricultural intensification with nutrient addition and increased livestock densities as well as by land abandonment.In order to understand and quantify the effect of selected en...Acid grasslands are threatened both by agricultural intensification with nutrient addition and increased livestock densities as well as by land abandonment.In order to understand and quantify the effect of selected environmental and land-use factors on the observed variation and changes in the vegetation of acid grasslands,large-scale spatial and temporal pin-point plant cover monitoring data are fitted in a structural equation model.The important sources of measurement and sampling uncertainties have been included using a hierarchical model structure.Furthermore,uncertainties associated with the measurement and sampling are separated from the process uncertainty,which is important when generating ecological predictions that may feed into local conservation management decisions.Generally,increasing atmospheric nitrogen deposition led to more grass-dominated acid grassland habitats at the expense of the cover of forbs.Sandy soils were relatively more acidic,and the effects of soil type on the vegetation include both direct effects of soil type and indirect effects mediated by the effect of soil type on soil pH.Both soil type and soil pH affected the vegetation of acid grasslands.Even though only a relatively small proportion of the temporal variation in cover was explained by the model,it would still be useful to quantify the uncertainties when using the model for generating local ecological predictions and adaptive management plans.展开更多
The first step in the analysis of high-throughput experiment results is often to identify genes orproteins with certain characteristics, such as genes being differentially expressed (DE). To gainmore insights into the...The first step in the analysis of high-throughput experiment results is often to identify genes orproteins with certain characteristics, such as genes being differentially expressed (DE). To gainmore insights into the underlying biology, functional enrichment analysis is then conductedto provide functional interpretation for the identified genes or proteins. The hypergeometricP value has been widely used to investigate whether genes from predefined functional terms,e.g., Reactome, are enriched in the DE genes. The hypergeometric P value has several limitations: (1) computed independently for each term, thus neglecting biological dependence;(2) subject to a size constraint that leads to the tendency of selecting less-specific terms. In this paper,a Bayesian approach is proposed to overcome these limitations by incorporating the interconnected dependence structure of biological functions in the Reactome database through a CARprior in a Bayesian hierarchical logistic model. The inference on functional enrichment is thenbased on posterior probabilities that are immune to the size constraint. This method can detectmoderate but consistent enrichment signals and identify sets of closely related and biologicallymeaningful functional terms rather than isolated terms. The performance of the Bayesian methodis demonstrated via a simulation study and a real data application.展开更多
The present study examined the impact of aging on ethical decision-making in simulated critical driving scenarios.204 participants from North America,grouped into two age groups(18–30 years and 65 years and above),we...The present study examined the impact of aging on ethical decision-making in simulated critical driving scenarios.204 participants from North America,grouped into two age groups(18–30 years and 65 years and above),were asked to decide whether their simulated automated vehicle should stay in or change from the current lane in scenarios mimicking the Trolley Problem.Each participant viewed a video clip rendered by the driving simulator at Old Dominion University and pressed the space-bar if they decided to intervene in the control of the simulated automated vehicle in an online experiment.Bayesian hierarchical models were used to analyze participants’responses,response time,and acceptability of utilitarian ethical decision-making.The results showed significant pedestrian placement,age,and time-to-collision(TTC)effects on participants’ethical decisions.When pedestrians were in the right lane,participants were more likely to switch lanes,indicating a utilitarian approach prioritizing pedestrian safety.Younger participants were more likely to switch lanes in general compared to older participants.The results imply that older drivers can maintain their ability to respond to ethically fraught scenarios with their tendency to switch lanes more frequently than younger counterparts,even when the tasks interacting with an automated driving system.The current findings may inform the development of decision algorithms for intelligent and connected vehicles by considering potential ethical dilemmas faced by human drivers across different age groups.展开更多
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grants No.51779074 and 41371052)the Special Fund for the Public Welfare Industry of the Ministry of Water Resources of China(Grant No.201501059)+3 种基金the National Key Research and Development Program of China(Grant No.2017YFC0404304)the Jiangsu Water Conservancy Science and Technology Project(Grant No.2017027)the Program for Outstanding Young Talents in Colleges and Universities of Anhui Province(Grant No.gxyq2018143)the Natural Science Foundation of Wanjiang University of Technology(Grant No.WG18030)
文摘This study developed a hierarchical Bayesian(HB)model for local and regional flood frequency analysis in the Dongting Lake Basin,in China.The annual maximum daily flows from 15 streamflow-gauged sites in the study area were analyzed with the HB model.The generalized extreme value(GEV)distribution was selected as the extreme flood distribution,and the GEV distribution location and scale parameters were spatially modeled through a regression approach with the drainage area as a covariate.The Markov chain Monte Carlo(MCMC)method with Gibbs sampling was employed to calculate the posterior distribution in the HB model.The results showed that the proposed HB model provided satisfactory Bayesian credible intervals for flood quantiles,while the traditional delta method could not provide reliable uncertainty estimations for large flood quantiles,due to the fact that the lower confidence bounds tended to decrease as the return periods increased.Furthermore,the HB model for regional analysis allowed for a reduction in the value of some restrictive assumptions in the traditional index flood method,such as the homogeneity region assumption and the scale invariance assumption.The HB model can also provide an uncertainty band of flood quantile prediction at a poorly gauged or ungauged site,but the index flood method with L-moments does not demonstrate this uncertainty directly.Therefore,the HB model is an effective method of implementing the flexible local and regional frequency analysis scheme,and of quantifying the associated predictive uncertainty.
基金supported by the Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation(2023A1515011244).
文摘The state of in situ stress is a crucial parameter in subsurface engineering,especially for critical projects like nuclear waste repository.As one of the two ISRM suggested methods,the overcoring(OC)method is widely used to estimate the full stress tensors in rocks by independent regression analysis of the data from each OC test.However,such customary independent analysis of individual OC tests,known as no pooling,is liable to yield unreliable test-specific stress estimates due to various uncertainty sources involved in the OC method.To address this problem,a practical and no-cost solution is considered by incorporating into OC data analysis additional information implied within adjacent OC tests,which are usually available in OC measurement campaigns.Hence,this paper presents a Bayesian partial pooling(hierarchical)model for combined analysis of adjacent OC tests.We performed five case studies using OC test data made at a nuclear waste repository research site of Sweden.The results demonstrate that partial pooling of adjacent OC tests indeed allows borrowing of information across adjacent tests,and yields improved stress tensor estimates with reduced uncertainties simultaneously for all individual tests than they are independently analysed as no pooling,particularly for those unreliable no pooling stress estimates.A further model comparison shows that the partial pooling model also gives better predictive performance,and thus confirms that the information borrowed across adjacent OC tests is relevant and effective.
基金This research was funded by the CSIRO ResearchPlus Science Leader Grant Program.
文摘Ore sorting is a preconcentration technology and can dramatically reduce energy and water usage to improve the sustainability and profitability of a mining operation.In porphyry Cu deposits,Cu is the primary target,with ores usually containing secondary‘pay’metals such as Au,Mo and gangue elements such as Fe and As.Due to sensing technology limitations,secondary and deleterious materials vary in correlation type and strength with Cu but cannot be detected simultaneously via magnetic resonance(MR)ore sorting.Inferring the relationships between Cu and other elemental abundances is particularly critical for mineral processing.The variations in metal grade relationships occur due to the transition into different geological domains.This raises two questions-how to define these geological domains and how the metal grade relationship is influenced by these geological domains.In this paper,linear relationship is assumed between Cu grade and other metal grades.We applies a Bayesian hierarchical(partial-pooling)model to quantify the linear relationships between Cu,Au,and Fe grades from geochemical bore core data.The hierarchical model was compared with two other models-‘complete-pooling’model and‘nopooling’model.Mining blocks were split based on spatial domain to construct hierarchical model.Geochemical bore core data records metal grades measured from laboratory assay with spatial coordinates of sample location.Two case studies from different porphyry Cu deposits were used to evaluate the performance of the hierarchical model.Markov chain Monte Carlo(MCMC)was used to sample the posterior parameters.Our results show that the Bayesian hierarchical model dramatically reduced the posterior predictive variance for metal grades regression compared to the no-pooling model.In addition,the posterior inference in the hierarchical model is insensitive to the choice of prior.The data is wellrepresented in the posterior which indicates a robust model.The results show that the spatial domain can be successfully utilised for metal grade regression.Uncertainty in estimating the relationship between pay metals and both secondary and gangue elements is quantified and shown to be reduced with partial-pooling.Thus,the proposed Bayesian hierarchical model can offer a reliable and stable way to monitor the relationship between metal grades for ore sorting and other mineral processing options.
基金Foundation item:The National Key R&D Program of China under contract No.2017YFE0104400the National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract No.31772852the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities under contract Nos 201512002 and 201562030.
文摘As one of the top four commercially important species in China,yellow croaker(Larimichthys polyactis)with two geographic subpopulations,has undergone profound changes during the last several decades.It is widely comprehended that understanding its population dynamics is critically important for sustainable management of this valuable fishery in China.The only two existing population dynamics models assessed the population of yellow croaker using short time-series data,without considering geographical variations.In this study,Bayesian models with and without hierarchical subpopulation structure were developed to explore the spatial heterogeneity of the population dynamics of yellow croaker from 1968 to 2015.Alternative hypotheses were constructed to test potential temporal patterns in yellow croaker’s population dynamics.Substantial variations in population dynamics characteristics among space and time were found through this study.The population growth rate was revealed to increase since the late 1980s,and the catchability increased more than twice from 1981 to 2015.The East China Sea’s subpopulation witnesses faster growth,but suffers from higher fishing pressure than that in the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea.The global population and two subpopulations all have high risks of overfishing and being overfished according to the MSY-based reference points in recent years.More conservative management strategies with subpopulation considerations are imperative for the fishery management of yellow croaker in China.The methodology developed in this study could also be applied to the stock assessment and fishery management of other species,especially for those species with large spatial heterogeneity data.
文摘Indirect approaches to estimation of biomass factors are often applied to measure carbon flux in the forestry sector. An assumption underlying a country-level carbon stock estimate is the representativeness of these factors. Although intensive studies have been conducted to quantify biomass factors, each study typically covers a limited geographic area. The goal of this study was to employ a meta-analysis approach to develop regional bio- mass factors for Quercus mongolica forests in South Korea. The biomass factors of interest were biomass conversion and expansion factor (BCEF), biomass expansion factor (BEF) and root-to-shoot ratio (RSR). Our objectives were to select probability density functions (PDFs) that best fitted the three biomass factors and to quantify their means and uncertainties. A total of 12 scientific publications were selected as data sources based on a set of criteria. Fromthese publications we chose 52 study sites spread out across South Korea. The statistical model for the meta- analysis was a multilevel model with publication (data source) as the nesting factor specified under the Bayesian framework. Gamma, Log-normal and Weibull PDFs were evaluated. The Log-normal PDF yielded the best quanti- tative and qualitative fit for the three biomass factors. However, a poor fit of the PDF to the long right tail of observed BEF and RSR distributions was apparent. The median posterior estimates for means and 95 % credible intervals for BCEF, BEF and RSR across all 12 publica- tions were 1.016 (0.800-1.299), 1.414 (1.304-1.560) and 0.260 (0.200-0.335), respectively. The Log-normal PDF proved useful for estimating carbon stock of Q. mongolica forests on a regional scale and for uncertainty analysis based on Monte Carlo simulation.
文摘Estimating safety effectiveness of roadway improvements and countermeasures,using cross-sectional models,generally requires large amounts of data such as road geometric and traffic-related characteristics at road segment levels.These models do not consider all confounding crash contributory factors such as driving culture and environmental conditions at the segment level due to a lack of readily available data.This may result in inaccurate models representing actual conditions at road segment levels,followed by erroneous estimations of safety effectiveness.To minimize the effect of not including such variables,this study develops a new methodology to estimate safety effectiveness of roadway countermeasures,based on generalized linear mixed models,assuming zeroinflated Poisson distribution for the response,and adjusting for spatial autocorrelation using the spatial random effect.The Bayesian approach,with Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation,was used to make inference on this model with computational efficiency.Results showed that incorporating a spatial random effect into the models provided better model fit than non-spatial models;hence,estimated safety effectiveness based on such models is more accurate.The proposed approach is a methodological advancement in traffic safety,which allows evaluation of safety effectiveness or roadway improvements when data are not readily available.
文摘Demographic estimation becomes a problem of small area estimation when detaileddisaggregation leads to small cell counts.The usual difficulties of small area estimation are compounded when the available data sources contain measurement errors.We present a Bayesianapproach to the problem of small area estimation with imperfect data sources.The overall modelcontains separate submodels for underlying demographic processes and for measurement processes.All unknown quantities in the model,including coverage ratios and demographic rates,are estimated jointly via Markov chain Monte Carlo methods.The approach is illustrated usingthe example of provincial fertility rates in Cambodia.
基金Project(71173061)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(2013U-6)supported by Key Laboratory of Eco Planning & Green Building,Ministry of Education(Tsinghua University),China
文摘The aim of this work is to explore the impact of regional transit service on tour-based commuter travel behavior by using the Bayesian hierarchical multinomial logit model, accounting for the spatial heterogeneity of the people living in the same area.With two indicators, accessibility and connectivity measured at the zone level, the regional transit service is captured and then related to the travel mode choice behavior. The sample data are selected from Washington-Baltimore Household Travel Survey in 2007,including all the trips from home to workplace in morning hours in Baltimore city. Traditional multinomial logit model using Bayesian approach is also estimated. A comparison of the two different models shows that ignoring the spatial context can lead to a misspecification of the effects of the regional transit service on travel behavior. The results reveal that improving transit service at regional level can be effective in reducing auto use for commuters after controlling for socio-demographics and travel-related factors.This work provides insights for interpreting tour-based commuter travel behavior by using recently developed methodological approaches. The results of this work will be helpful for engineers, urban planners, and transit operators to decide the needs to improve regional transit service and spatial location efficiently.
基金This work was supported in part by US National Science Foundation(NSF)under grant DMS-1613110。
文摘It iswell known that traditionalmean-variance optimal portfolio delivers rather erratic and unsatisfactory out-of-sample performance due to the neglect of estimation errors.Constrained solutions,such as no-short-sale-constrained and norm-constrained portfolios,can usually achieve much higher ex post Sharpe ratio.Bayesian methods have also been shown to be superior to traditional plug-in estimator by incorporating parameter uncertainty through prior distributions.In this paper,we develop an innovative method that induces priors directly on optimal portfolio weights and imposing constraints a priori in our hierarchical Bayes model.We showthat such constructed portfolios are well diversified with superior out-of-sample performance.Our proposed model is tested on a number of Fama–French industry portfolios against the na飗e diversification strategy and Chevrier and McCulloch’s(2008)economically motivated prior(EMP)strategy.On average,our model outperforms Chevrier and McCulloch’s(2008)EMP strategy by over 15%and outperform the‘1/N’strategy by over 50%.
文摘Acid grasslands are threatened both by agricultural intensification with nutrient addition and increased livestock densities as well as by land abandonment.In order to understand and quantify the effect of selected environmental and land-use factors on the observed variation and changes in the vegetation of acid grasslands,large-scale spatial and temporal pin-point plant cover monitoring data are fitted in a structural equation model.The important sources of measurement and sampling uncertainties have been included using a hierarchical model structure.Furthermore,uncertainties associated with the measurement and sampling are separated from the process uncertainty,which is important when generating ecological predictions that may feed into local conservation management decisions.Generally,increasing atmospheric nitrogen deposition led to more grass-dominated acid grassland habitats at the expense of the cover of forbs.Sandy soils were relatively more acidic,and the effects of soil type on the vegetation include both direct effects of soil type and indirect effects mediated by the effect of soil type on soil pH.Both soil type and soil pH affected the vegetation of acid grasslands.Even though only a relatively small proportion of the temporal variation in cover was explained by the model,it would still be useful to quantify the uncertainties when using the model for generating local ecological predictions and adaptive management plans.
基金This work has been supported in part by National Institutes of Health(NIH)[grant number 1R15HG006365-01]National Science Foundation(NSF)[grant number IIS-1302564].
文摘The first step in the analysis of high-throughput experiment results is often to identify genes orproteins with certain characteristics, such as genes being differentially expressed (DE). To gainmore insights into the underlying biology, functional enrichment analysis is then conductedto provide functional interpretation for the identified genes or proteins. The hypergeometricP value has been widely used to investigate whether genes from predefined functional terms,e.g., Reactome, are enriched in the DE genes. The hypergeometric P value has several limitations: (1) computed independently for each term, thus neglecting biological dependence;(2) subject to a size constraint that leads to the tendency of selecting less-specific terms. In this paper,a Bayesian approach is proposed to overcome these limitations by incorporating the interconnected dependence structure of biological functions in the Reactome database through a CARprior in a Bayesian hierarchical logistic model. The inference on functional enrichment is thenbased on posterior probabilities that are immune to the size constraint. This method can detectmoderate but consistent enrichment signals and identify sets of closely related and biologicallymeaningful functional terms rather than isolated terms. The performance of the Bayesian methodis demonstrated via a simulation study and a real data application.
基金funded by a Discovery grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council(RGPIN 2019-05304)to Siby Samuel.
文摘The present study examined the impact of aging on ethical decision-making in simulated critical driving scenarios.204 participants from North America,grouped into two age groups(18–30 years and 65 years and above),were asked to decide whether their simulated automated vehicle should stay in or change from the current lane in scenarios mimicking the Trolley Problem.Each participant viewed a video clip rendered by the driving simulator at Old Dominion University and pressed the space-bar if they decided to intervene in the control of the simulated automated vehicle in an online experiment.Bayesian hierarchical models were used to analyze participants’responses,response time,and acceptability of utilitarian ethical decision-making.The results showed significant pedestrian placement,age,and time-to-collision(TTC)effects on participants’ethical decisions.When pedestrians were in the right lane,participants were more likely to switch lanes,indicating a utilitarian approach prioritizing pedestrian safety.Younger participants were more likely to switch lanes in general compared to older participants.The results imply that older drivers can maintain their ability to respond to ethically fraught scenarios with their tendency to switch lanes more frequently than younger counterparts,even when the tasks interacting with an automated driving system.The current findings may inform the development of decision algorithms for intelligent and connected vehicles by considering potential ethical dilemmas faced by human drivers across different age groups.