This article first presents an overview of the Internationa] Symposium on Lepton-Photon Interactions (LP’95) and briefly introduce Chinese research achievements in the discipline. It highlights the necessity and impo...This article first presents an overview of the Internationa] Symposium on Lepton-Photon Interactions (LP’95) and briefly introduce Chinese research achievements in the discipline. It highlights the necessity and importance of international cooperation in the HEP community of the world.展开更多
Besides using the laser beam, it is very tempting to directly testify the Bell inequality at high energy experiments where the spin correlation is exactly what the original Bell inequality investigates. In this work, ...Besides using the laser beam, it is very tempting to directly testify the Bell inequality at high energy experiments where the spin correlation is exactly what the original Bell inequality investigates. In this work, we follow the proposal raised in literature and use the successive decays J/ψ →γηc→ ∧∧ → pπ^- pπ^+ to testify the Bell inequality. Our goal is twofold, namely, we first make a Monte-Carlo simulation of the processes based on the quantum field theory (QFT). Since the underlying theory is QFT, it implies that we pre-admit the validity of quantum picture. Even though the QFT is true, we need to find how big the database should be, so that we can clearly show deviations of the correlation from the Bell inequality determined by the local hidden variable theory. There have been some critiques on the proposed method, so in the second part, we suggest some improvements which may help to remedy the ambiguities indicated by the critiques. It may be realized at an updated facility of high energy physics, such as BES III.展开更多
HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS is a science periodical focusing on specialized fields with its first issue published in 1977.It is sponsored by the Chinese Physical Society,and supported by the Institute of.H...HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS is a science periodical focusing on specialized fields with its first issue published in 1977.It is sponsored by the Chinese Physical Society,and supported by the Institute of.High Energy Physics and the Institute of Modern Physics,the Chinese Academy of Sciences.It is a monthly journal,distributed both at home and abroad.展开更多
Pulsed power technology,whereas the electrical energy stored in a relative long period is released in much shorter timescale,is an efficient method to create high energy density physics(HEDP)conditions in laboratory.A...Pulsed power technology,whereas the electrical energy stored in a relative long period is released in much shorter timescale,is an efficient method to create high energy density physics(HEDP)conditions in laboratory.Around the beginning of this century,China Academy of Engineering Physics(CAEP)began to build some experimental facilities for HEDP investigations,among which the Primary Test Stand(PTS),a multi-module pulsed power facility with a nominal current of 10 MA and a current rising time~90 ns,is an important achievement on the roadmap of the electro-magnetically driven inertial confinement fusion(ICF)researches.PTS is the first pulsed power facility beyond 10 TW in China.Therefore,all the technologies have to be demonstrated,and all the engineering issues have to be overcome.In this article,the research outline,key technologies and the preliminary HEDP experiments are reviewed.Prospects on HEDP research on PTS and pulsed power development for the next step are also discussed.展开更多
We review the development of High Energy Density Physics(HEDP)with intense heavy ion beams as a tool to induce extreme states of matter.The development of this field connects intimately to the advances in accelerator ...We review the development of High Energy Density Physics(HEDP)with intense heavy ion beams as a tool to induce extreme states of matter.The development of this field connects intimately to the advances in accelerator physics and technology.We will cover the generation of intense heavy ion beams starting from the ion source and follow the acceleration process and transport to the target.Intensity limitations and potential solutions to overcome these limitations are discussed.This is exemplified by citing examples from existing machines at the Gesellschaft fur Schwerionenforschung(GSI-Darmstadt),the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics in Moscow(ITEP-Moscow),and the Institute of Modern Physics(IMP-Lanzhou).Facilities under construction like the FAIR facility in Darmstadt and the High Intensity Accelerator Facility(HIAF),proposed for China will be included.Developments elsewhere are covered where it seems appropriate along with a report of recent results and achievements.展开更多
We have developed a conceptual design of a 15-TW pulsed-power accelerator based on the linear-transformer-driver(LTD)architecture described by Stygar[W.A.Stygar et al.,Phys.Rev.ST Accel.Beams 18,110401(2015)].The driv...We have developed a conceptual design of a 15-TW pulsed-power accelerator based on the linear-transformer-driver(LTD)architecture described by Stygar[W.A.Stygar et al.,Phys.Rev.ST Accel.Beams 18,110401(2015)].The driver will allow multiple,high-energy-density experiments per day in a university environment and,at the same time,will enable both fundamental and integrated experiments that are scalable to larger facilities.In this design,many individual energy storage units(bricks),each composed of two capacitors and one switch,directly drive the target load without additional pulse compression.Ten LTD modules in parallel drive the load.Each module consists of 16 LTD cavities connected in series,where each cavity is powered by 22 bricks connected in parallel.This design stores up to 2.75 MJ and delivers up to 15 TW in 100 ns to the constant-impedance,water-insulated radial transmission lines.The transmission lines in turn deliver a peak current as high as 12.5 MA to the physics load.To maximize its experimental value and flexibility,the accelerator is coupled to a modern,multibeam laser facility(four beams with up to 5 kJ in 10 ns and one beam with up to 2.6 kJ in 100 ps or less)that can provide auxiliary heating of the physics load.The lasers also enable advanced diagnostic techniques such as X-ray Thomson scattering and multiframe and three-dimensional radiography.The coupled accelerator-laser facility will be the first of its kind and be capable of conducting unprecedented high-energy-densityephysics experiments.展开更多
In this paper, we present a new form of “special relativity” (BSR), which is isomorphic to Einstein’s “special relativity” (ESR). This in turn proves the non-uniqueness of Einstein’s “special relativity” and i...In this paper, we present a new form of “special relativity” (BSR), which is isomorphic to Einstein’s “special relativity” (ESR). This in turn proves the non-uniqueness of Einstein’s “special relativity” and implies the inconclusiveness of so-called “relativistic physics”. This work presents new results of principal significance for the foundations of physics and practical results for high energy physics, deep space astrophysics, and cosmology as well. The entire exposition is done within the formalism of the Lorentz <em>SL</em>(2<em>C</em>) group acting via isometries on <strong>real 3-dimensional Lobachevskian (hyperbolic) spaces</strong> <em>L</em><sup>3</sup> regarded as quotients <span style="white-space:nowrap;"><em>SL</em>(2<em>C</em>)/<em>SU</em>(2)</span>. We show via direct calculations that both ESR and BSR are parametric maps from Lobachevskian into Euclidean space, namely a <strong>gnomonic</strong> (central) map in the case of ESR, and a<strong> stereographic </strong>map in the case of BSR. Such an identification allows us to link these maps to relevant models of Lobachevskian geometry. Thus, we identify ESR as the physical realization of the Beltrami-Klein (non-conformal) model, and BSR as the physical realization of the Poincare (conformal) model of Lobachevskian geometry. Although we focus our discussion on ball models of Lobachevskian geometry, our method is quite general, and for instance, may be applied to the half-space model of Lobachevskian geometry with appropriate “Lorentz group” acting via isometries on (positive) half space, resulting yet in another “special relativity” isomorphic with ESR and BSR. By using the notion of a<strong> homotopy</strong> of maps, the identification of “special relativities” as maps from Lobachevskian into Euclidean space allows us to justify the existence of an uncountable infinity of hybrid “special relativities” and consequently an uncountable infinity of “relativistic physics” built upon them. This is another new result in physics and it states that so called “relativistic physics” is unique only up to a homotopy. Finally, we show that “paradoxes” of “special relativities” in either ESR or BSR are simply common distortions of maps between non-isometric spaces. The entire exposition is kept at elementary level accessible to majority of students in physics and/or engineering.展开更多
This paper reports the high-energy proton irradiation effects on GaAs/Ge space solar cells. The solar cells were irradiated by protons with energy of 5-20 MeV at fluence ranging from 1×109 to 7×1013 cm-2, an...This paper reports the high-energy proton irradiation effects on GaAs/Ge space solar cells. The solar cells were irradiated by protons with energy of 5-20 MeV at fluence ranging from 1×109 to 7×1013 cm-2, and then their electric parameters were measured at AM0. It was shown that the Isc, Voc and Pmax decrease as the proton energy increasing, and the degradation is relative to proton irradiation-induced defect with a level of Ec-0.41 eV in irradiated GaAs/Ge cells.展开更多
A high energy pulsed terahertz(THz) laser is studied experimentally.The laser cavity simply consists of a quartz glass waveguide,a coated GaAs input window,and a crystal quartz output window.NH3 is filled in the cav...A high energy pulsed terahertz(THz) laser is studied experimentally.The laser cavity simply consists of a quartz glass waveguide,a coated GaAs input window,and a crystal quartz output window.NH3 is filled in the cavity as gain medium,and pumped by an 8-J line-tunable transversely excited atmospheric(TEA) CO_2 laser.When 9R(16) transition acts as the pump line,55.6-mJ THz radiation(90μm) is obtained at 730-Pa NH_3 pressure.The corresponding conversion efficiency is 13.54%.Energy and optimal pressure of amplified spontaneous emission and laser oscillation are compared.展开更多
The work of Chinese scientists conducted at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research(JINR)(1956–1965)was inextricably linked to the Sino-Soviet relations in the 1950 s–1960 s.During the early stage of the JINR,with ...The work of Chinese scientists conducted at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research(JINR)(1956–1965)was inextricably linked to the Sino-Soviet relations in the 1950 s–1960 s.During the early stage of the JINR,with the aid of advanced equipment and the international cooperation mechanism,Chinese scientists yielded significant results,such as the discovery of the antisigma-minus hyperon and the proof of the law of partial conservation of axial current(PCAC).After the Sino-Soviet split,Chinese scientists’activities at the institute were hampered by political tensions,eventually resulting in China’s withdrawal from the JINR in 1965.But through the involvement at the JINR,Chinese scientists were trained in scientific practices and participated in international exchange and cooperation which turned them into a new force in China’s nuclear industry,boosting its nuclear weapons,particle physics theory,and accelerator technology.In the meantime,the scientists’activities extended the international influence of the JINR.The withdrawal of China from the institute impacted both the JINR and the development of science in China.展开更多
A new type of solid-conversion gas detector is investigated for high energy X-ray industrial computed tomography (HECT). The conversion efficiency is calculated by using the EGSnrc Monte Carlo code on the Linux platfo...A new type of solid-conversion gas detector is investigated for high energy X-ray industrial computed tomography (HECT). The conversion efficiency is calculated by using the EGSnrc Monte Carlo code on the Linux platform to simulate the transport process of photons and electrons in the detector. The simulation results show that the conversion efficiency could be more than 65%, if the X-ray beam width is less than about 0.2 mm, and a tungsten slab with 0.2 mm thickness and 30 mm length is employed as a radiation conversion medium. Meanwhile the results indicate that this new detector has higher conversion efficiency as well as less volume. Theoretically this new kind of detector could take place of the traditional scintillation detector for HECT.展开更多
A cosmological model for the very early universe is proposed which may modify the present point of view of physicists and astrophysicists, concerning the very early universe at a miniscule fraction of a second, approx...A cosmological model for the very early universe is proposed which may modify the present point of view of physicists and astrophysicists, concerning the very early universe at a miniscule fraction of a second, approximately 10<sup>-60</sup> seconds after the Big Bang. The model proposes the presence of a primordial s-particle that, following the Big Bang, was violently ejected in all spatial directions together with extremely high-frequency radiation that dominates this era. The proposed s-particles underwent two geometrical phase transitions in space-time that led to the formation of the known fundamental particles (i.e., dark matter, quarks, electrons, neutrinos, etc.). Furthermore, in the model, the four fundamental forces may be accommodated within one structural framework. It shows that the electronic charge is not a fundamental quantity (intrinsic property of the particle), but rather that it can be derived from the tangential velocity of the s-particle. Moreover, it appears that the masses of the fundamental particles are proportional to the curvature of the path of the s-particle.展开更多
The physics of compressible turbulence in high energy density(HED) plasmas is an unchartered experimental area.Simulations of compressible and radiative flows relevant for astrophysics rely mainly on subscale paramete...The physics of compressible turbulence in high energy density(HED) plasmas is an unchartered experimental area.Simulations of compressible and radiative flows relevant for astrophysics rely mainly on subscale parameters. Therefore,we plan to perform turbulent hydrodynamics experiments in HED plasmas(TurboHEDP) in order to improve our understanding of such important phenomena for interest in both communities: laser plasma physics and astrophysics. We will focus on the physics of supernovae remnants which are complex structures subject to fluid instabilities such as the Rayleigh–Taylor and Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities. The advent of megajoule laser facilities, like the National Ignition Facility and the Laser Megajoule, creates novel opportunities in laboratory astrophysics, as it provides unique platforms to study turbulent mixing flows in HED plasmas. Indeed, the physics requires accelerating targets over larger distances and longer time periods than previously achieved. In a preparatory phase, scaling from experiments at lower laser energies is used to guarantee the performance of future MJ experiments. This subscale experiments allow us to develop experimental skills and numerical tools in this new field of research, and are stepping stones to achieve our objectives on larger laser facilities. We review first in this paper recent advances in high energy density experiments devoted to laboratory astrophysics. Then we describe the necessary steps forward to commission an experimental platform devoted to turbulent hydrodynamics on a megajoule laser facility. Recent novel experimental results acquired on LULI2000, as well as supporting radiative hydrodynamics simulations, are presented. Together with the development of LiF detectors as transformative X-ray diagnostics, these preliminary results are promising on the way to achieve micrometric spatial resolution in turbulent HED physics experiments in the near future.展开更多
Giant electromagnetic pulses(EMP) generated during the interaction of high-power lasers with solid targets can seriously degrade electrical measurements and equipment. EMP emission is caused by the acceleration of hot...Giant electromagnetic pulses(EMP) generated during the interaction of high-power lasers with solid targets can seriously degrade electrical measurements and equipment. EMP emission is caused by the acceleration of hot electrons inside the target, which produce radiation across a wide band from DC to terahertz frequencies. Improved understanding and control of EMP is vital as we enter a new era of high repetition rate, high intensity lasers(e.g. the Extreme Light Infrastructure).We present recent data from the VULCAN laser facility that demonstrates how EMP can be readily and effectively reduced. Characterization of the EMP was achieved using B-dot and D-dot probes that took measurements for a range of different target and laser parameters. We demonstrate that target stalk geometry, material composition, geodesic path length and foil surface area can all play a significant role in the reduction of EMP. A combination of electromagnetic wave and 3 D particle-in-cell simulations is used to inform our conclusions about the effects of stalk geometry on EMP,providing an opportunity for comparison with existing charge separation models.展开更多
We present a new experimental platform for studying laboratory astrophysics that combines a high-intensity, highrepetition-rate laser with the Large Plasma Device at the University of California, Los Angeles. To demon...We present a new experimental platform for studying laboratory astrophysics that combines a high-intensity, highrepetition-rate laser with the Large Plasma Device at the University of California, Los Angeles. To demonstrate the utility of this platform, we show the first results of volumetric, highly repeatable magnetic field and electrostatic potential measurements, along with derived quantities of electric field, charge density and current density, of the interaction between a super-Alfv′enic laser-produced plasma and an ambient, magnetized plasma.展开更多
A new approach to realize high-energy and high-power stimulated Brillouin scattering phase conjugation mirrors (SBS-PCMs) is described.The reflectivity of SBS-PCM is investigated under a 10-Hz repetition rate and a ...A new approach to realize high-energy and high-power stimulated Brillouin scattering phase conjugation mirrors (SBS-PCMs) is described.The reflectivity of SBS-PCM is investigated under a 10-Hz repetition rate and a high energy load.The relationship between reflectivity and input energy is examined experimentally with different PCM structures,focus lengths,and medium cell structures.A medium cell with a circulating structure is designed,and its advantage is demonstrated through an experimental comparison with traditional PCM structures.The 30-cm focus lens and 150-cm collimation lens are optimized when the input energy reaches 1010 mJ at 10-Hz repetition rate.Therefore,a reflectivity of 84.7% and a higher energy load using the circulating two-cell structure are achieved.展开更多
In accordance with nonperturbative quantum scattering theory, we investigate photoelectron angular distri- butions (PADs) from above-threshold detachment (ATD) of negative ions irradiated by circularly polarized f...In accordance with nonperturbative quantum scattering theory, we investigate photoelectron angular distri- butions (PADs) from above-threshold detachment (ATD) of negative ions irradiated by circularly polarized few-cycle laser fields. Electrons ejected on the polarization plane demonstrate distinct anisotropies in an- gular distributions which distinctly vary with the carrier-envelope (CE) phase. The anisotropy is caused by interference between transition channels; it also depends strongly on laser frequency, pulse duration, and kinetic energy of photoelectrons. Optimal emission of photoelectrons, which varies with CE phase, makes it possible to control photoelectron motion.展开更多
In this paper we discuss the reasons for our work towards establishing a new collaboration between Jefferson Lab (JLab) and the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) in Beijing. We seek to combine experimentalis...In this paper we discuss the reasons for our work towards establishing a new collaboration between Jefferson Lab (JLab) and the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) in Beijing. We seek to combine experimentalists and theorists into a dedicated group focused on better understanding the current and future data from JLab and from the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC). Recent JLab results on the extraction of single- and double-polarization observables in both the lπ- and 2π-channel show their high sensitivity to small production amplitudes and therefore their importance for the extraction of resonance parameters. The Beijing Electron Spectrometer (BES) at the BEPC has collected high statistics data on J/ψ production. Its decay into baryon-antibaryon channels offers a unique and complementary way of probing nucleon resonances. The CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer, CLAS, has access to N* form factors at high Q2 which is advantageous for the study of dynamical properties of nucleon resonances, while the low-background BES results will be able to provide guidance for the search for less-dominant excited states at JLab. Moreover, with the recently approved experimental proposal Nucleon Resonance Studies with CLAS12 and the high-quality data streaming from BES-Ⅲand CLAS, the time has come for forging a new Trans-Pacific collaboration of theorists and experimentalists on NSTAR physics.展开更多
This paper presents the impact of the lepton transverse momentum p^(l)_(T) threshold on the W boson charge asymmetry predictions in perturbative QCD for the inclusive W^(±)+X→l^(±)v+X production in proton-p...This paper presents the impact of the lepton transverse momentum p^(l)_(T) threshold on the W boson charge asymmetry predictions in perturbative QCD for the inclusive W^(±)+X→l^(±)v+X production in proton-proton(pp)collisions.The predictions are obtained at various low-p^(l)_(T) thresholds p^(l)_(T)>20,25,30,and 40 GeV in a fiducial region encompassing both the central and forward detector acceptances in terms of the lepton pseudorapidity 0≤ηl≤<4.5.The predicted distributions for the lepton charge asymmetry,which is defined by ηl(Aηl),at the next-to-next-to-leading order(NNLO)accuracy are compared with the CMS and LHCb data at 8 TeV center-of-mass collision energy.The 8 TeV predictions reproduce the data fairly well within the quoted uncertainties.The predictions from the CT14 parton distribution function(PDF)model are in a slightly better agreement with the data over the other PDF sets that are tested.The 13 TeV predictions using various p^(l)_(T) thresholds are reported for An,and the charge asymmetries that are defined in terms of the differential cross sections in bins of the W boson rapidity yw(A_(yw))and transverse momentum(Apw).The NNLO predictions for the Ayw,and Apw distributions are assessed to be in close correlation with the plT value.The An,and A_(yw) distributions are particularly shown to be more correlated at a higher ^(l)_(T) threshold.The Apw distributions are also reported from the merged predictions with improved accuracy by the inclusion of the next-to-next-to-next-to-leading logarithm(N^(3)LL)corrections,i.e.,at NNLO+N^(3)LL.The predicted distributions from various ^(l)_(T) thresholds represent a finer probe in terms of the capability to provide more constraints on the ratio of u and d quark distribution functions in the parton momentum fraction range 10^(-4)<x<1.展开更多
文摘This article first presents an overview of the Internationa] Symposium on Lepton-Photon Interactions (LP’95) and briefly introduce Chinese research achievements in the discipline. It highlights the necessity and importance of international cooperation in the HEP community of the world.
文摘The 27th Meeting of the Sino-U.S. Joint Committee on High Energy Physics took place on 17 and 18 November at the CAS Institute of High Energy Physics
基金Supported by NSFC (10775073)Special Grant for Ph.D. Programs of Education Ministry of China
文摘Besides using the laser beam, it is very tempting to directly testify the Bell inequality at high energy experiments where the spin correlation is exactly what the original Bell inequality investigates. In this work, we follow the proposal raised in literature and use the successive decays J/ψ →γηc→ ∧∧ → pπ^- pπ^+ to testify the Bell inequality. Our goal is twofold, namely, we first make a Monte-Carlo simulation of the processes based on the quantum field theory (QFT). Since the underlying theory is QFT, it implies that we pre-admit the validity of quantum picture. Even though the QFT is true, we need to find how big the database should be, so that we can clearly show deviations of the correlation from the Bell inequality determined by the local hidden variable theory. There have been some critiques on the proposed method, so in the second part, we suggest some improvements which may help to remedy the ambiguities indicated by the critiques. It may be realized at an updated facility of high energy physics, such as BES III.
文摘HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS is a science periodical focusing on specialized fields with its first issue published in 1977.It is sponsored by the Chinese Physical Society,and supported by the Institute of.High Energy Physics and the Institute of Modern Physics,the Chinese Academy of Sciences.It is a monthly journal,distributed both at home and abroad.
文摘Pulsed power technology,whereas the electrical energy stored in a relative long period is released in much shorter timescale,is an efficient method to create high energy density physics(HEDP)conditions in laboratory.Around the beginning of this century,China Academy of Engineering Physics(CAEP)began to build some experimental facilities for HEDP investigations,among which the Primary Test Stand(PTS),a multi-module pulsed power facility with a nominal current of 10 MA and a current rising time~90 ns,is an important achievement on the roadmap of the electro-magnetically driven inertial confinement fusion(ICF)researches.PTS is the first pulsed power facility beyond 10 TW in China.Therefore,all the technologies have to be demonstrated,and all the engineering issues have to be overcome.In this article,the research outline,key technologies and the preliminary HEDP experiments are reviewed.Prospects on HEDP research on PTS and pulsed power development for the next step are also discussed.
基金support of the German BMBF is acknowledged for many supporting grants for PRIOR,cryo-target development,beam diagnostics and material properties researchthe support of DFGRFBR(German Science Foundation-Russian Foundation of Basic Research)+1 种基金the Russian grant of Scientific school НШ-5814.2014.2 is acknowledgedgrateful for funding from National Natural Science Foundation of China NSFC grants Nos.:U1532263,11505248,11375034,11205225,11275241,and 11275238.
文摘We review the development of High Energy Density Physics(HEDP)with intense heavy ion beams as a tool to induce extreme states of matter.The development of this field connects intimately to the advances in accelerator physics and technology.We will cover the generation of intense heavy ion beams starting from the ion source and follow the acceleration process and transport to the target.Intensity limitations and potential solutions to overcome these limitations are discussed.This is exemplified by citing examples from existing machines at the Gesellschaft fur Schwerionenforschung(GSI-Darmstadt),the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics in Moscow(ITEP-Moscow),and the Institute of Modern Physics(IMP-Lanzhou).Facilities under construction like the FAIR facility in Darmstadt and the High Intensity Accelerator Facility(HIAF),proposed for China will be included.Developments elsewhere are covered where it seems appropriate along with a report of recent results and achievements.
文摘We have developed a conceptual design of a 15-TW pulsed-power accelerator based on the linear-transformer-driver(LTD)architecture described by Stygar[W.A.Stygar et al.,Phys.Rev.ST Accel.Beams 18,110401(2015)].The driver will allow multiple,high-energy-density experiments per day in a university environment and,at the same time,will enable both fundamental and integrated experiments that are scalable to larger facilities.In this design,many individual energy storage units(bricks),each composed of two capacitors and one switch,directly drive the target load without additional pulse compression.Ten LTD modules in parallel drive the load.Each module consists of 16 LTD cavities connected in series,where each cavity is powered by 22 bricks connected in parallel.This design stores up to 2.75 MJ and delivers up to 15 TW in 100 ns to the constant-impedance,water-insulated radial transmission lines.The transmission lines in turn deliver a peak current as high as 12.5 MA to the physics load.To maximize its experimental value and flexibility,the accelerator is coupled to a modern,multibeam laser facility(four beams with up to 5 kJ in 10 ns and one beam with up to 2.6 kJ in 100 ps or less)that can provide auxiliary heating of the physics load.The lasers also enable advanced diagnostic techniques such as X-ray Thomson scattering and multiframe and three-dimensional radiography.The coupled accelerator-laser facility will be the first of its kind and be capable of conducting unprecedented high-energy-densityephysics experiments.
文摘In this paper, we present a new form of “special relativity” (BSR), which is isomorphic to Einstein’s “special relativity” (ESR). This in turn proves the non-uniqueness of Einstein’s “special relativity” and implies the inconclusiveness of so-called “relativistic physics”. This work presents new results of principal significance for the foundations of physics and practical results for high energy physics, deep space astrophysics, and cosmology as well. The entire exposition is done within the formalism of the Lorentz <em>SL</em>(2<em>C</em>) group acting via isometries on <strong>real 3-dimensional Lobachevskian (hyperbolic) spaces</strong> <em>L</em><sup>3</sup> regarded as quotients <span style="white-space:nowrap;"><em>SL</em>(2<em>C</em>)/<em>SU</em>(2)</span>. We show via direct calculations that both ESR and BSR are parametric maps from Lobachevskian into Euclidean space, namely a <strong>gnomonic</strong> (central) map in the case of ESR, and a<strong> stereographic </strong>map in the case of BSR. Such an identification allows us to link these maps to relevant models of Lobachevskian geometry. Thus, we identify ESR as the physical realization of the Beltrami-Klein (non-conformal) model, and BSR as the physical realization of the Poincare (conformal) model of Lobachevskian geometry. Although we focus our discussion on ball models of Lobachevskian geometry, our method is quite general, and for instance, may be applied to the half-space model of Lobachevskian geometry with appropriate “Lorentz group” acting via isometries on (positive) half space, resulting yet in another “special relativity” isomorphic with ESR and BSR. By using the notion of a<strong> homotopy</strong> of maps, the identification of “special relativities” as maps from Lobachevskian into Euclidean space allows us to justify the existence of an uncountable infinity of hybrid “special relativities” and consequently an uncountable infinity of “relativistic physics” built upon them. This is another new result in physics and it states that so called “relativistic physics” is unique only up to a homotopy. Finally, we show that “paradoxes” of “special relativities” in either ESR or BSR are simply common distortions of maps between non-isometric spaces. The entire exposition is kept at elementary level accessible to majority of students in physics and/or engineering.
基金supported by Visiting Scholar Foundation of Key LaboratoryMinistry of Education,China and Initiative Foundation of Scaence and Technology,Beijing
文摘This paper reports the high-energy proton irradiation effects on GaAs/Ge space solar cells. The solar cells were irradiated by protons with energy of 5-20 MeV at fluence ranging from 1×109 to 7×1013 cm-2, and then their electric parameters were measured at AM0. It was shown that the Isc, Voc and Pmax decrease as the proton energy increasing, and the degradation is relative to proton irradiation-induced defect with a level of Ec-0.41 eV in irradiated GaAs/Ge cells.
基金supported by the Creative Foundation of Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics under Grant No.Z080007
文摘A high energy pulsed terahertz(THz) laser is studied experimentally.The laser cavity simply consists of a quartz glass waveguide,a coated GaAs input window,and a crystal quartz output window.NH3 is filled in the cavity as gain medium,and pumped by an 8-J line-tunable transversely excited atmospheric(TEA) CO_2 laser.When 9R(16) transition acts as the pump line,55.6-mJ THz radiation(90μm) is obtained at 730-Pa NH_3 pressure.The corresponding conversion efficiency is 13.54%.Energy and optimal pressure of amplified spontaneous emission and laser oscillation are compared.
基金supported in part by the Youth Innovation Promotion Association CAS(2018186)the National Science Foundation of China(NSFC)under Grant No.11775207。
文摘The work of Chinese scientists conducted at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research(JINR)(1956–1965)was inextricably linked to the Sino-Soviet relations in the 1950 s–1960 s.During the early stage of the JINR,with the aid of advanced equipment and the international cooperation mechanism,Chinese scientists yielded significant results,such as the discovery of the antisigma-minus hyperon and the proof of the law of partial conservation of axial current(PCAC).After the Sino-Soviet split,Chinese scientists’activities at the institute were hampered by political tensions,eventually resulting in China’s withdrawal from the JINR in 1965.But through the involvement at the JINR,Chinese scientists were trained in scientific practices and participated in international exchange and cooperation which turned them into a new force in China’s nuclear industry,boosting its nuclear weapons,particle physics theory,and accelerator technology.In the meantime,the scientists’activities extended the international influence of the JINR.The withdrawal of China from the institute impacted both the JINR and the development of science in China.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.60672098)the Tackling Key Problems of Science and Technology of ChongQing (No.CSTC2009AC3047)
文摘A new type of solid-conversion gas detector is investigated for high energy X-ray industrial computed tomography (HECT). The conversion efficiency is calculated by using the EGSnrc Monte Carlo code on the Linux platform to simulate the transport process of photons and electrons in the detector. The simulation results show that the conversion efficiency could be more than 65%, if the X-ray beam width is less than about 0.2 mm, and a tungsten slab with 0.2 mm thickness and 30 mm length is employed as a radiation conversion medium. Meanwhile the results indicate that this new detector has higher conversion efficiency as well as less volume. Theoretically this new kind of detector could take place of the traditional scintillation detector for HECT.
文摘A cosmological model for the very early universe is proposed which may modify the present point of view of physicists and astrophysicists, concerning the very early universe at a miniscule fraction of a second, approximately 10<sup>-60</sup> seconds after the Big Bang. The model proposes the presence of a primordial s-particle that, following the Big Bang, was violently ejected in all spatial directions together with extremely high-frequency radiation that dominates this era. The proposed s-particles underwent two geometrical phase transitions in space-time that led to the formation of the known fundamental particles (i.e., dark matter, quarks, electrons, neutrinos, etc.). Furthermore, in the model, the four fundamental forces may be accommodated within one structural framework. It shows that the electronic charge is not a fundamental quantity (intrinsic property of the particle), but rather that it can be derived from the tangential velocity of the s-particle. Moreover, it appears that the masses of the fundamental particles are proportional to the curvature of the path of the s-particle.
基金supported by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the ANR project TurboHEDP(ANR-15-CE30-0011)
文摘The physics of compressible turbulence in high energy density(HED) plasmas is an unchartered experimental area.Simulations of compressible and radiative flows relevant for astrophysics rely mainly on subscale parameters. Therefore,we plan to perform turbulent hydrodynamics experiments in HED plasmas(TurboHEDP) in order to improve our understanding of such important phenomena for interest in both communities: laser plasma physics and astrophysics. We will focus on the physics of supernovae remnants which are complex structures subject to fluid instabilities such as the Rayleigh–Taylor and Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities. The advent of megajoule laser facilities, like the National Ignition Facility and the Laser Megajoule, creates novel opportunities in laboratory astrophysics, as it provides unique platforms to study turbulent mixing flows in HED plasmas. Indeed, the physics requires accelerating targets over larger distances and longer time periods than previously achieved. In a preparatory phase, scaling from experiments at lower laser energies is used to guarantee the performance of future MJ experiments. This subscale experiments allow us to develop experimental skills and numerical tools in this new field of research, and are stepping stones to achieve our objectives on larger laser facilities. We review first in this paper recent advances in high energy density experiments devoted to laboratory astrophysics. Then we describe the necessary steps forward to commission an experimental platform devoted to turbulent hydrodynamics on a megajoule laser facility. Recent novel experimental results acquired on LULI2000, as well as supporting radiative hydrodynamics simulations, are presented. Together with the development of LiF detectors as transformative X-ray diagnostics, these preliminary results are promising on the way to achieve micrometric spatial resolution in turbulent HED physics experiments in the near future.
基金funding from EPSRC grants EP/L01663X/1 and EP/L000644/1the Newton UK grant+1 种基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China NSFC/11520101003the LLNL Academic Partnership in ICF
文摘Giant electromagnetic pulses(EMP) generated during the interaction of high-power lasers with solid targets can seriously degrade electrical measurements and equipment. EMP emission is caused by the acceleration of hot electrons inside the target, which produce radiation across a wide band from DC to terahertz frequencies. Improved understanding and control of EMP is vital as we enter a new era of high repetition rate, high intensity lasers(e.g. the Extreme Light Infrastructure).We present recent data from the VULCAN laser facility that demonstrates how EMP can be readily and effectively reduced. Characterization of the EMP was achieved using B-dot and D-dot probes that took measurements for a range of different target and laser parameters. We demonstrate that target stalk geometry, material composition, geodesic path length and foil surface area can all play a significant role in the reduction of EMP. A combination of electromagnetic wave and 3 D particle-in-cell simulations is used to inform our conclusions about the effects of stalk geometry on EMP,providing an opportunity for comparison with existing charge separation models.
基金supported by the DTRA under Contract No.HDTRA1-12-1-0024the DOE under Contract Nos.DESC0006538 and DE-SC0017900performed at the UCLA Basic Plasma Science Facility(Ba PSF),supported by the DOE and NSF
文摘We present a new experimental platform for studying laboratory astrophysics that combines a high-intensity, highrepetition-rate laser with the Large Plasma Device at the University of California, Los Angeles. To demonstrate the utility of this platform, we show the first results of volumetric, highly repeatable magnetic field and electrostatic potential measurements, along with derived quantities of electric field, charge density and current density, of the interaction between a super-Alfv′enic laser-produced plasma and an ambient, magnetized plasma.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 60878005)the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(No. 20090450966)+1 种基金the Heilongjiang Postdoctoral Science Foundationthe Natural Scientific Research Innovation Foundation in Harbin Institute of Technology(No. HIT. NSRIF.2009010)
文摘A new approach to realize high-energy and high-power stimulated Brillouin scattering phase conjugation mirrors (SBS-PCMs) is described.The reflectivity of SBS-PCM is investigated under a 10-Hz repetition rate and a high energy load.The relationship between reflectivity and input energy is examined experimentally with different PCM structures,focus lengths,and medium cell structures.A medium cell with a circulating structure is designed,and its advantage is demonstrated through an experimental comparison with traditional PCM structures.The 30-cm focus lens and 150-cm collimation lens are optimized when the input energy reaches 1010 mJ at 10-Hz repetition rate.Therefore,a reflectivity of 84.7% and a higher energy load using the circulating two-cell structure are achieved.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.60908006,10804067,and 60407007
文摘In accordance with nonperturbative quantum scattering theory, we investigate photoelectron angular distri- butions (PADs) from above-threshold detachment (ATD) of negative ions irradiated by circularly polarized few-cycle laser fields. Electrons ejected on the polarization plane demonstrate distinct anisotropies in an- gular distributions which distinctly vary with the carrier-envelope (CE) phase. The anisotropy is caused by interference between transition channels; it also depends strongly on laser frequency, pulse duration, and kinetic energy of photoelectrons. Optimal emission of photoelectrons, which varies with CE phase, makes it possible to control photoelectron motion.
文摘In this paper we discuss the reasons for our work towards establishing a new collaboration between Jefferson Lab (JLab) and the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) in Beijing. We seek to combine experimentalists and theorists into a dedicated group focused on better understanding the current and future data from JLab and from the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC). Recent JLab results on the extraction of single- and double-polarization observables in both the lπ- and 2π-channel show their high sensitivity to small production amplitudes and therefore their importance for the extraction of resonance parameters. The Beijing Electron Spectrometer (BES) at the BEPC has collected high statistics data on J/ψ production. Its decay into baryon-antibaryon channels offers a unique and complementary way of probing nucleon resonances. The CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer, CLAS, has access to N* form factors at high Q2 which is advantageous for the study of dynamical properties of nucleon resonances, while the low-background BES results will be able to provide guidance for the search for less-dominant excited states at JLab. Moreover, with the recently approved experimental proposal Nucleon Resonance Studies with CLAS12 and the high-quality data streaming from BES-Ⅲand CLAS, the time has come for forging a new Trans-Pacific collaboration of theorists and experimentalists on NSTAR physics.
文摘This paper presents the impact of the lepton transverse momentum p^(l)_(T) threshold on the W boson charge asymmetry predictions in perturbative QCD for the inclusive W^(±)+X→l^(±)v+X production in proton-proton(pp)collisions.The predictions are obtained at various low-p^(l)_(T) thresholds p^(l)_(T)>20,25,30,and 40 GeV in a fiducial region encompassing both the central and forward detector acceptances in terms of the lepton pseudorapidity 0≤ηl≤<4.5.The predicted distributions for the lepton charge asymmetry,which is defined by ηl(Aηl),at the next-to-next-to-leading order(NNLO)accuracy are compared with the CMS and LHCb data at 8 TeV center-of-mass collision energy.The 8 TeV predictions reproduce the data fairly well within the quoted uncertainties.The predictions from the CT14 parton distribution function(PDF)model are in a slightly better agreement with the data over the other PDF sets that are tested.The 13 TeV predictions using various p^(l)_(T) thresholds are reported for An,and the charge asymmetries that are defined in terms of the differential cross sections in bins of the W boson rapidity yw(A_(yw))and transverse momentum(Apw).The NNLO predictions for the Ayw,and Apw distributions are assessed to be in close correlation with the plT value.The An,and A_(yw) distributions are particularly shown to be more correlated at a higher ^(l)_(T) threshold.The Apw distributions are also reported from the merged predictions with improved accuracy by the inclusion of the next-to-next-to-next-to-leading logarithm(N^(3)LL)corrections,i.e.,at NNLO+N^(3)LL.The predicted distributions from various ^(l)_(T) thresholds represent a finer probe in terms of the capability to provide more constraints on the ratio of u and d quark distribution functions in the parton momentum fraction range 10^(-4)<x<1.