A substantial body of research has been conducted on the potential water quality impairments associated with land application of poultry broiler litter. However, until recently, little attention has focused on the pot...A substantial body of research has been conducted on the potential water quality impairments associated with land application of poultry broiler litter. However, until recently, little attention has focused on the potential for nutrient runoff from dust emitted from broiler production houses despite related air quality concerns raised by the United States (US) Environmental Protection Agency. The objective of this study was to characterize the composition of broiler house dust (BHD) and compare BHD composition to that of broiler litter (BL). Dust composition varied significantly (P < 0.05) among facilities operated by different integrator companies, likely due to differences in feed and house management among integrators. Specifically, BHD pH was lower (P < 0.05) in Facility 1 than in Facilities 2 and 3, which did not differ, whereas BHD K and Ca were greatest (P < 0.05) in Facility 1 and 2, respectively. The facility average moisture content of BHD was at least 1.9 times lower than that for the BL from the same facility. The facility average total phosphorus (TP) and water extractable phosphorus (WEP) concentrations in BHD were at least 1.2 and 1.6 times greater, respectively, than that for BL from the same facility. The greater WEP in BHD than in BL is of particular environmental importance given that extensive research shows WEP to be a major variable influencing P runoff risk. The facility average total nitrogen (TN) concentration in BHD was at least 3.0 times greater than that for BL from the same facility. As TP, WEP, and TN are greater in BHD than in BL, there is a greater risk of nutrient enrichment of runoff from an equivalent mass of BHD than BL. The results of this study highlight the need for careful management of dust emissions from broiler houses and a need for conservation practices to minimize the risk of BHD increasing nutrient runoff and its loss to waters of the US.展开更多
Until recently, little attention has been given to the loss of nutrients that may occur in stormwater runoff from poultry houses. Dust emitted from poultry house fans and deposited near the fans has been shown to cont...Until recently, little attention has been given to the loss of nutrients that may occur in stormwater runoff from poultry houses. Dust emitted from poultry house fans and deposited near the fans has been shown to contain similar amounts of phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) as in poultry litter, thus, there is need for information on the potential of runoff to transport deposited dust off-site. The objectives of this study are to quantify P and N in simulated rainfall-runoff from sites immediately adjacent to fans (sidewall and tunnel) from a commercial poultry house in northwest Arkansas. Runoff from fan plots range in total P (TP) and total N (TN) concentration from 1.0 to 26.0 mg·L<sup>-1</sup> and from 5.1 to 189 mg·L<sup>-1</sup>. The concentration of P and N in runoff from plots adjacent to sidewall fans is significantly lower (P < 0.05) during warmer (June to August;1 and 2 mg·L<sup>-1</sup> for TP and TN, respectively) than cooler months (November through March;3 and 7 mg·L<sup>-1</sup> for TP and TN, respectively). In contrast, TP and TN concentrations of runoff from tunnel fan plots are significantly greater (P < 0.05) during warm (14 and 170 mg·L<sup>-1</sup>, respectively) than cool months (5 and 60 mg·L<sup>-1</sup>, respectively). The results of this research indicate that conservation practices are needed around poultry production houses to minimize the potential for runoff of nutrients in emitted dust entering nearby surface waters.展开更多
The Hong Kong housing authority houses a half po pulation of Hong Kong. It constructs and manages pro perty on a massive scale. In 1989, the housing authority makes the decision that by 1993, its construction proj...The Hong Kong housing authority houses a half po pulation of Hong Kong. It constructs and manages pro perty on a massive scale. In 1989, the housing authority makes the decision that by 1993, its construction project management arm, and all construction companies working for the Housing Authority would be certified to the ISO 9000 standard. This decision is to have a profound and lasting impact on the construction industry in Hong Kong. In 1996, a management enhancement programme is launched. Targeting all 15 000 staff in the housing department, the programme aims at changing the culture of the organization and its partners in delivering high calibre services to customers. This paper examines the motivation and reasons behind the initiatives. It outlines the approach and framework used as the authority changes the mindset of a large department of the civil service.展开更多
Four theoretically-deduced hypotheses about geographical and temporal variations in exterior housing quality within a neighbourhood are summarized as a renovation- or deterioration-of-self effect, a contagion-down-the...Four theoretically-deduced hypotheses about geographical and temporal variations in exterior housing quality within a neighbourhood are summarized as a renovation- or deterioration-of-self effect, a contagion-down-the-street effect, a distance-from-riverbank effect, and a distance-from core effect. These hypotheses are tested with data for the exterior conditions of hundreds of single- detached (-like) houses that have been individually surveyed twice with the same instrument in four older-urban neighbourhoods in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Each surveyed house’s rated conditions of 12 exterior attributes are in particular utilized to calculate its overall exterior quality as a percentage above or below normal. Findings are that houses’ exteriors had average “normal” weathered conditions for Canada. Even so, overall exterior housing qualities in three neighbourhoods exemplified a hypothesized deterioration-of-self effect and proximity-to-core effect, as they had especially declined from their original survey to their resurvey for houses located near to a core such as downtown or a casino. In addition, the hypothesized distance-from-riverbank effect was observed in one neighbourhood where overall exterior housing quality linearly deteriorated with farther distance from a riverbank. Finally, overall exterior housing qualities had no observable contagion-down-the-street effect, and so, residents were not reacting positively or negatively to their neighbours’ maintenance and improvement of their homes’ exteriors. The practical implications of the study’s findings are discussed in the conclusion.展开更多
This paper presents the quality assessment of the built environment in the social housing for seniors "Village of the Elderly", located in the central area of Silo Paulo (Brazil) and it is the case study analyzed ...This paper presents the quality assessment of the built environment in the social housing for seniors "Village of the Elderly", located in the central area of Silo Paulo (Brazil) and it is the case study analyzed here. This multi-method study aimed to evaluate the quality of the built environment through the following indicators: community public facilities in the neighborhood, accessibility, safety and quality of housing. The results showed that "Village of the Elderly" was designed to house residents with income of up to three minimum wages, however, for lack of specific technical knowledge on human aging, some problems related to accessibility and safety of residents were neglected. The research contributes to studies on the quality of the ambience of constructed space and the results can support public policies, programs and projects of social housing for the elderly.展开更多
Base on the investigation results of residential housing construction quality recent years in China,this research first analyzes the general quality condition of residential housing construction,then demonstrates the ...Base on the investigation results of residential housing construction quality recent years in China,this research first analyzes the general quality condition of residential housing construction,then demonstrates the quality condition in different regions in our country,finds out main quality problems in the residential housing construction and studies the new characteristics of quality problems,finally provides the construction industry positive foundation to solve the quality problems objectively for residential housing construction.展开更多
为了改善软件的质量和生产性,注目于与其密切相关的软件结构.首先,讨论了现有方法中软件结构分析和设计的问题;然后根据质量设计中的质量屋HOQ(house of quality)与产品设计中的工程图之间的相似性,将质量功能展开QFD(quality function ...为了改善软件的质量和生产性,注目于与其密切相关的软件结构.首先,讨论了现有方法中软件结构分析和设计的问题;然后根据质量设计中的质量屋HOQ(house of quality)与产品设计中的工程图之间的相似性,将质量功能展开QFD(quality function deployment)中的质量屋HOQ概念扩展成一种软件描述工具,并引入H.A.西蒙的系统准分解可能性原理,提出了基于数量化理论3类QMT3(quantification method of type 3)的软件定量结构化方法,再通过与现有方法的比较分析,阐明了该方法的特点;最后,通过应用实例验证了该方法对软件结构分析和设计的有效性.因而为软件质量保证提供了有力的支持.展开更多
目的利用质量屋HOQ(The House of Quality)进行康养手环产品的研究与设计。方法通过对质量屋HOQ的应用分析,创建了基于HOQ的康养手环产品设计模型,并以此为理论基础,采用PDS(Product Design Specification)方法对目标用户进行调研,得到...目的利用质量屋HOQ(The House of Quality)进行康养手环产品的研究与设计。方法通过对质量屋HOQ的应用分析,创建了基于HOQ的康养手环产品设计模型,并以此为理论基础,采用PDS(Product Design Specification)方法对目标用户进行调研,得到危险预警、一键报警等10项核心用户需求,并将其作为康养手环质量屋HOQ的左墙输入。随后将核心用户需求转化为配置软件、快捷报警按键等技术特性并作为质量屋HOQ的天花板输入,再调研用户需求与技术特性关系强度以及产品满意度目标值等相关数据,根据公式推导出相对修正权重较高的用户需求和技术特性为一键报警、健康分析等,并以此辅助康养手环的初步设计方向。根据分析判定康养手环HOQ屋顶具有两对负相关的冲突技术特性,分别是快捷报警按键和低误操率、个性化和成本低。通过对照39项工程参数表和矛盾矩阵表以及40项发明原理,采用分离原理和预操作原理进行冲突的解决,从而消除设计矛盾。结论利用HOQ理论能够保证康养手环产品设计高效有序的进行。展开更多
In the implementation of quality function deployment (QFD), the determination of the target values of engineering characteristics is a complex decision process with multiple variables and multiple objectives that sh...In the implementation of quality function deployment (QFD), the determination of the target values of engineering characteristics is a complex decision process with multiple variables and multiple objectives that should trade off, and optimize all kinds of conflicts and constraints. A fuzzy linear programming model (FLP) is proposed. On the basis of the inherent fuzziness of QFD system, triangular fuzzy numbers are used to represent all the relationships and correlations, and then, the functional relationships between the customer needs and engineering characteristics and the functional correlations among the engineering characteristics are determined with the information in the house of quality (HoQ) fully used. The fuzzy linear programming (FLP) model aims to find the optimal target values of the engineering characteristics to maximize the customer satisfaction. Finally, the proposed method is illustrated by a numerical example.展开更多
为了以一种有效的方式反映客观环境的复杂性和备选方案工程特性值的分布特征,首先,结合产品规划质量屋(product planning house of quality,PPHoQ)的相关理论,客户代表使用区间型语言短语表征顾客需求的重要性,进而集结顾客需求与工程...为了以一种有效的方式反映客观环境的复杂性和备选方案工程特性值的分布特征,首先,结合产品规划质量屋(product planning house of quality,PPHoQ)的相关理论,客户代表使用区间型语言短语表征顾客需求的重要性,进而集结顾客需求与工程特性的关联度以及工程特性的自相关度,得到各项工程特性的重要度;其次,通过对备选方案工程特性目标值分布与最优值的差距分析,计算各个备选方案工程特性差距的总体分布期望值;进一步地,引入随机占优度的思想,构建备选方案两两比较的占优度矩阵;最后,依据工程特性的重要度、占优度矩阵和赋值优先关系矩阵,确定各个备选方案的综合评估指数.将本文方法应用于某颚式破碎机的设计,项目团队确定了该产品的5项顾客需求和5项工程特性,通过基于产品规划质量屋和随机变量的优选方法对拟定的备选方案进行了选择,最终结果验证了所提方法的可行性.展开更多
This paper evaluates the livability and convenience of social housing in Liberia from the residents’ perspectives. Using residents’ appraisal from several social housing projects in the suburb of Monrovia, residents...This paper evaluates the livability and convenience of social housing in Liberia from the residents’ perspectives. Using residents’ appraisal from several social housing projects in the suburb of Monrovia, residents’ satisfaction index with regards to the aesthetic, durability and comfort of their homes were measured. It also assessed their overall living environment which includes access to road and basic service facilities such as hospitals, schools, shopping and recreational centers. How secured and comfortable do they feel within their homes? What are the driving factors that led them to acquire their homes? Data were collected from 662 household heads from three housing estates in the suburb of Monrovia using the stratified systematic sampling method and analyzed using IBM SPSS descriptive statistic. Results show that while occupants of public housing are satisfied with certain aspects of their homes, they are generally unsatisfied with their living environment. This investigation is detailed to inform architects, designers and policymakers’ decisions toward social housing in Liberia. It looks at the underlining challenges affecting the improvement of social housing from the end users’ perspective and how these challenges can be mitigated to meet consumers’ satisfaction and make them part of the design process and policymaking.展开更多
文摘A substantial body of research has been conducted on the potential water quality impairments associated with land application of poultry broiler litter. However, until recently, little attention has focused on the potential for nutrient runoff from dust emitted from broiler production houses despite related air quality concerns raised by the United States (US) Environmental Protection Agency. The objective of this study was to characterize the composition of broiler house dust (BHD) and compare BHD composition to that of broiler litter (BL). Dust composition varied significantly (P < 0.05) among facilities operated by different integrator companies, likely due to differences in feed and house management among integrators. Specifically, BHD pH was lower (P < 0.05) in Facility 1 than in Facilities 2 and 3, which did not differ, whereas BHD K and Ca were greatest (P < 0.05) in Facility 1 and 2, respectively. The facility average moisture content of BHD was at least 1.9 times lower than that for the BL from the same facility. The facility average total phosphorus (TP) and water extractable phosphorus (WEP) concentrations in BHD were at least 1.2 and 1.6 times greater, respectively, than that for BL from the same facility. The greater WEP in BHD than in BL is of particular environmental importance given that extensive research shows WEP to be a major variable influencing P runoff risk. The facility average total nitrogen (TN) concentration in BHD was at least 3.0 times greater than that for BL from the same facility. As TP, WEP, and TN are greater in BHD than in BL, there is a greater risk of nutrient enrichment of runoff from an equivalent mass of BHD than BL. The results of this study highlight the need for careful management of dust emissions from broiler houses and a need for conservation practices to minimize the risk of BHD increasing nutrient runoff and its loss to waters of the US.
文摘Until recently, little attention has been given to the loss of nutrients that may occur in stormwater runoff from poultry houses. Dust emitted from poultry house fans and deposited near the fans has been shown to contain similar amounts of phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) as in poultry litter, thus, there is need for information on the potential of runoff to transport deposited dust off-site. The objectives of this study are to quantify P and N in simulated rainfall-runoff from sites immediately adjacent to fans (sidewall and tunnel) from a commercial poultry house in northwest Arkansas. Runoff from fan plots range in total P (TP) and total N (TN) concentration from 1.0 to 26.0 mg·L<sup>-1</sup> and from 5.1 to 189 mg·L<sup>-1</sup>. The concentration of P and N in runoff from plots adjacent to sidewall fans is significantly lower (P < 0.05) during warmer (June to August;1 and 2 mg·L<sup>-1</sup> for TP and TN, respectively) than cooler months (November through March;3 and 7 mg·L<sup>-1</sup> for TP and TN, respectively). In contrast, TP and TN concentrations of runoff from tunnel fan plots are significantly greater (P < 0.05) during warm (14 and 170 mg·L<sup>-1</sup>, respectively) than cool months (5 and 60 mg·L<sup>-1</sup>, respectively). The results of this research indicate that conservation practices are needed around poultry production houses to minimize the potential for runoff of nutrients in emitted dust entering nearby surface waters.
文摘The Hong Kong housing authority houses a half po pulation of Hong Kong. It constructs and manages pro perty on a massive scale. In 1989, the housing authority makes the decision that by 1993, its construction project management arm, and all construction companies working for the Housing Authority would be certified to the ISO 9000 standard. This decision is to have a profound and lasting impact on the construction industry in Hong Kong. In 1996, a management enhancement programme is launched. Targeting all 15 000 staff in the housing department, the programme aims at changing the culture of the organization and its partners in delivering high calibre services to customers. This paper examines the motivation and reasons behind the initiatives. It outlines the approach and framework used as the authority changes the mindset of a large department of the civil service.
文摘Four theoretically-deduced hypotheses about geographical and temporal variations in exterior housing quality within a neighbourhood are summarized as a renovation- or deterioration-of-self effect, a contagion-down-the-street effect, a distance-from-riverbank effect, and a distance-from core effect. These hypotheses are tested with data for the exterior conditions of hundreds of single- detached (-like) houses that have been individually surveyed twice with the same instrument in four older-urban neighbourhoods in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Each surveyed house’s rated conditions of 12 exterior attributes are in particular utilized to calculate its overall exterior quality as a percentage above or below normal. Findings are that houses’ exteriors had average “normal” weathered conditions for Canada. Even so, overall exterior housing qualities in three neighbourhoods exemplified a hypothesized deterioration-of-self effect and proximity-to-core effect, as they had especially declined from their original survey to their resurvey for houses located near to a core such as downtown or a casino. In addition, the hypothesized distance-from-riverbank effect was observed in one neighbourhood where overall exterior housing quality linearly deteriorated with farther distance from a riverbank. Finally, overall exterior housing qualities had no observable contagion-down-the-street effect, and so, residents were not reacting positively or negatively to their neighbours’ maintenance and improvement of their homes’ exteriors. The practical implications of the study’s findings are discussed in the conclusion.
文摘This paper presents the quality assessment of the built environment in the social housing for seniors "Village of the Elderly", located in the central area of Silo Paulo (Brazil) and it is the case study analyzed here. This multi-method study aimed to evaluate the quality of the built environment through the following indicators: community public facilities in the neighborhood, accessibility, safety and quality of housing. The results showed that "Village of the Elderly" was designed to house residents with income of up to three minimum wages, however, for lack of specific technical knowledge on human aging, some problems related to accessibility and safety of residents were neglected. The research contributes to studies on the quality of the ambience of constructed space and the results can support public policies, programs and projects of social housing for the elderly.
文摘Base on the investigation results of residential housing construction quality recent years in China,this research first analyzes the general quality condition of residential housing construction,then demonstrates the quality condition in different regions in our country,finds out main quality problems in the residential housing construction and studies the new characteristics of quality problems,finally provides the construction industry positive foundation to solve the quality problems objectively for residential housing construction.
文摘为了改善软件的质量和生产性,注目于与其密切相关的软件结构.首先,讨论了现有方法中软件结构分析和设计的问题;然后根据质量设计中的质量屋HOQ(house of quality)与产品设计中的工程图之间的相似性,将质量功能展开QFD(quality function deployment)中的质量屋HOQ概念扩展成一种软件描述工具,并引入H.A.西蒙的系统准分解可能性原理,提出了基于数量化理论3类QMT3(quantification method of type 3)的软件定量结构化方法,再通过与现有方法的比较分析,阐明了该方法的特点;最后,通过应用实例验证了该方法对软件结构分析和设计的有效性.因而为软件质量保证提供了有力的支持.
文摘目的利用质量屋HOQ(The House of Quality)进行康养手环产品的研究与设计。方法通过对质量屋HOQ的应用分析,创建了基于HOQ的康养手环产品设计模型,并以此为理论基础,采用PDS(Product Design Specification)方法对目标用户进行调研,得到危险预警、一键报警等10项核心用户需求,并将其作为康养手环质量屋HOQ的左墙输入。随后将核心用户需求转化为配置软件、快捷报警按键等技术特性并作为质量屋HOQ的天花板输入,再调研用户需求与技术特性关系强度以及产品满意度目标值等相关数据,根据公式推导出相对修正权重较高的用户需求和技术特性为一键报警、健康分析等,并以此辅助康养手环的初步设计方向。根据分析判定康养手环HOQ屋顶具有两对负相关的冲突技术特性,分别是快捷报警按键和低误操率、个性化和成本低。通过对照39项工程参数表和矛盾矩阵表以及40项发明原理,采用分离原理和预操作原理进行冲突的解决,从而消除设计矛盾。结论利用HOQ理论能够保证康养手环产品设计高效有序的进行。
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (70571041).
文摘In the implementation of quality function deployment (QFD), the determination of the target values of engineering characteristics is a complex decision process with multiple variables and multiple objectives that should trade off, and optimize all kinds of conflicts and constraints. A fuzzy linear programming model (FLP) is proposed. On the basis of the inherent fuzziness of QFD system, triangular fuzzy numbers are used to represent all the relationships and correlations, and then, the functional relationships between the customer needs and engineering characteristics and the functional correlations among the engineering characteristics are determined with the information in the house of quality (HoQ) fully used. The fuzzy linear programming (FLP) model aims to find the optimal target values of the engineering characteristics to maximize the customer satisfaction. Finally, the proposed method is illustrated by a numerical example.
文摘为了以一种有效的方式反映客观环境的复杂性和备选方案工程特性值的分布特征,首先,结合产品规划质量屋(product planning house of quality,PPHoQ)的相关理论,客户代表使用区间型语言短语表征顾客需求的重要性,进而集结顾客需求与工程特性的关联度以及工程特性的自相关度,得到各项工程特性的重要度;其次,通过对备选方案工程特性目标值分布与最优值的差距分析,计算各个备选方案工程特性差距的总体分布期望值;进一步地,引入随机占优度的思想,构建备选方案两两比较的占优度矩阵;最后,依据工程特性的重要度、占优度矩阵和赋值优先关系矩阵,确定各个备选方案的综合评估指数.将本文方法应用于某颚式破碎机的设计,项目团队确定了该产品的5项顾客需求和5项工程特性,通过基于产品规划质量屋和随机变量的优选方法对拟定的备选方案进行了选择,最终结果验证了所提方法的可行性.
文摘This paper evaluates the livability and convenience of social housing in Liberia from the residents’ perspectives. Using residents’ appraisal from several social housing projects in the suburb of Monrovia, residents’ satisfaction index with regards to the aesthetic, durability and comfort of their homes were measured. It also assessed their overall living environment which includes access to road and basic service facilities such as hospitals, schools, shopping and recreational centers. How secured and comfortable do they feel within their homes? What are the driving factors that led them to acquire their homes? Data were collected from 662 household heads from three housing estates in the suburb of Monrovia using the stratified systematic sampling method and analyzed using IBM SPSS descriptive statistic. Results show that while occupants of public housing are satisfied with certain aspects of their homes, they are generally unsatisfied with their living environment. This investigation is detailed to inform architects, designers and policymakers’ decisions toward social housing in Liberia. It looks at the underlining challenges affecting the improvement of social housing from the end users’ perspective and how these challenges can be mitigated to meet consumers’ satisfaction and make them part of the design process and policymaking.