Background Two studies were designed to determine standard ileal crude protein(CP)and amino acid(AA)digestibility of soybean meal(SBM)from different origins fed to non-pregnant and pregnant sows.Seven solvent-extracte...Background Two studies were designed to determine standard ileal crude protein(CP)and amino acid(AA)digestibility of soybean meal(SBM)from different origins fed to non-pregnant and pregnant sows.Seven solvent-extracted SBMs from soybeans produced in the USA,Brazil,and China were selected.In Exp.1,eight different diets were created:a nitrogen(N)-free diet and 7 experimental diets containing SBM from different origins as the only N source.Eight non-pregnant,multiparous sows were arranged in an 8×8 Latin square design(8 periods and 8 diets).In Exp.2,the diet formula was the same as in Exp.1.Eight gestating sows(parity 3)were assigned to 4 different diets in a replicated 4×3 Youden square design(three periods and four diets)in mid-gestation and again in late-gestation stages.Results When fed to non-pregnant and late-gestating sows,the standardized ileal digestibility(SID)of CP and most AAs from different SBM were not significantly different(P>0.05).When fed to mid-gestating sows,the SID values for Arg,His,Lys,Phe,Cys,Gly,Ser,and Tyr in SBM 1 were lower than in SBM 4 and 5(P<0.05),whereas SID for Leu from SBM 5 was higher than in SBM 1 and 4(P<0.05).SID values for Ile,Ala,and Asp from SBM 4 were lower than in SBM 1 and 5(P<0.05).Sows had significantly greater SID values for Lys,Ala,and Asp during mid-gestation when compared with late-gestation stages(P<0.05).Mid-gestating sows had greater SID value for Val and lower SID value for Tyr when compared with non-pregnant and late-gestating sows(P<0.01),whereas non-pregnant sows had significantly greater SID value for Met when compared with gestating sows(P<0.01).Conclusions When fed to mid-gestating sows,the SID values for most AAs varied among SBM samples.The SID values for Lys,Met,Val,Ala,Asp,and Tyr in SBM were affected by sow gestation stages.Our findings provide a cornerstone for accurate SBM use in sow diets.展开更多
Background: The study aimed to determine the apparent total tract digestibility coefficients(ATTDC) of nutrients, the apparent metabolizable energy(AME and AMEn) and the amino acid(AA) apparent ileal digestibility coe...Background: The study aimed to determine the apparent total tract digestibility coefficients(ATTDC) of nutrients, the apparent metabolizable energy(AME and AMEn) and the amino acid(AA) apparent ileal digestibility coefficients(AIDC)of a partially defatted(BSFp) and a highly defatted(BSFh) black soldier fly larvae meal. The experimental diets were: a basal diet and two diets prepared by substituting 250 g/kg(w/w) of the basal diet with BSFp or BSFh, respectively.Results: Significant differences were found between BSFp and BSFh meals for ATTDC of the nutrients: BSFp resulted more digestible than BSFh, except for ATTDC of CP which did not differed between meals, while a statistical trend was observed for ATTDC of DM and EE. The AME and AMEn values were significantly(P < 0.05) different between the two BSF meals, with higher levels for BSFp(16.25 and 14.87 MJ/kg DM, respectively). The AIDC of the AA in BSFp ranged from 0.44 to 0.92, while in BSFh they ranged from 0.45 to 0.99. No significant differences were observed for the AA digestibility(0.77 and 0.80 for BSFp and BSFh, respectively), except for glutamic acid, proline and serine that were more digestible in the BSFh meal(P < 0.05).Conclusions: Defatted BSF meals can be considered as an excellent source of AME and digestible AA for broilers with a better efficient nutrient digestion. These considerations suggested the effective utilization of defatted BSF larvae meal in poultry feed formulation.展开更多
Background: Basal ileal endogenous amino acid(AA) losses(IAAend) and standardized ileal digestibility(SID) values of cereal grains, such as barley, are apparently underestimated when determined according to the...Background: Basal ileal endogenous amino acid(AA) losses(IAAend) and standardized ileal digestibility(SID) values of cereal grains, such as barley, are apparently underestimated when determined according to the nitrogen(N)-free method. Regression analysis between the dietary apparent ileal digestible content(c AID) and total crude protein(CP) and AA can be considered as alternative approach to obtain more accurate values for IAAendand SID of AA in cereal grains.Methods: Eight hulled barley genotypes were used, with barley being the only source of CP and AA in the assay diets. The diets contained 95 % as-fed of these eight barley genotypes each, ranging in CP content between 109.1 and 123.8 g/kg dry matter(DM). Nine ileally T-cannulated barrows, average body weight(BW) 30 ± 2 kg, were allotted to a row-column design comprising eight periods with 6 d each and nine pigs. On d 5 and the night of d 6 of every period, ileal digesta were collected for a total of 12 h. The IAAend and the SID were determined by linear regression analysis between c AID and total dietary CP and AA.Results: There exist linear relationships between cA ID and total CP and AA(P 〈 0.001). The IAAend of CP, Lys, Met, Thr and Trp amounted to 35.34, 1.08, 0.25, 1.02 and 0.38 g/kg DM intake(DMI), respectively, which are greater compared to average IAAend determined previously under N-free feeding conditions. The SID of CP, Lys, Met, Thr and Trp was 90,79, 85, 79 and 86 %, respectively, and was greater when compared to tabulated values. Moreover, these SID values were greater than those reported in literature, based on correction of apparent ileal digestibility(AID) of CP and AA for their IAAendvalues. Summarized, the results of the present regression analysis indicate greater IAAendin barley-based diets compared to those obtained by N-free feeding.Conclusions: For low-protein feed ingredients like barley the regression method may be preferred over correction of AID values for their IAAenddetermined under N-free feeding conditions, as intercepts and slopes of the linear regression equations between cA ID and total dietary CP and AA provide direct estimates of IAAendand SID of CP and AA in the presence of the assay feed ingredient.展开更多
Background: Nutritional value of proteins in feed ingredients can be negatively affected by hydrothermal processing, which causes large variation in the bioavailability of amino acids(AA) and negatively affects animal...Background: Nutritional value of proteins in feed ingredients can be negatively affected by hydrothermal processing, which causes large variation in the bioavailability of amino acids(AA) and negatively affects animal productive performance. Supplementation of exogenous proteases could increase the rate of digestion of damaged proteins, thereby increasing overall AA digestibility and bioavailability. The aim was to determine the effect of exogenous protease supplementation on the apparent ileal digestibility(AID) of crude protein(CP) and AA of soybean meals(SBM) with different degrees of hydrothermal processing in broilers.Methods: The experiment involved a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement, with SBM processing time(commercial SBM or autoclaved for 30 or 60 min at 120 ℃) and protease supplementation(not supplemented and supplemented) as factors. Protease was included at three times the recommended dose(0.06%) and the experimental diets were fed from 15 to 21 d.Results: The interaction between the effects of SBM processing and protease supplementation was significant for the AID of CP(P = 0.01), Trp(P = 0.01), Gly(P = 0.03) and Pro(P = 0.03), and also for the average daily gain(P = 0.01)and feed conversion ratio(P = 0.04). Increasing the processing time of SBM decreased(P < 0.0001) the AID of all amino acids, whilst the effect of protease supplementation was only significant for the AID of Phe(P = 0.02) and Tyr(P = 0.01).Conclusions: Exogenous protease supplementation at three times the commercial dose does not seem to offset the negative effects of hydrothermal processing of SBM on the apparent ileal digestibility of CP and amino acids or performance of broilers. Whilst positive numerical improvements of digestibility and performance(ADG and FCR)were noticed with protease supplementation at relatively mild processing levels, negative results were obtained with the harsh-processed meals.展开更多
Background: This study aimed to determine the effect of the inclusion of corn gluten feed (CGF) on the apparent and standardized ileal digestibility of protein and amino acids and the apparent ileal and total tract...Background: This study aimed to determine the effect of the inclusion of corn gluten feed (CGF) on the apparent and standardized ileal digestibility of protein and amino acids and the apparent ileal and total tract digestibility of energy in growing pigs. The study was performed using 16 barrows (weight, 45.3 ±4.5 kg) that were fitted with a T cannula at the terminal ileum. There were four treatments: a corn-soybean diet without CGF and three corn-soybean diets containing increasing levels of CGF (65, 130, and 195 g/kg). Data were analyzed according to a randomized complete block design, four blocks with four pigs each (one pig per treatment). The trend of the response (linear or quadratic) was determined using orthogonal contrasts, and when a linear effect was determined, a linear equation was obtained. Results: The results showed that the inclusion up to 195 g/kg of CGF in the corn-soybean diet did not diminish the ileal digestibility (apparent and standardized) of protein and amino acids (P 〉 0.05), except that of phenylalanine, cystine, and proline. A linear decrease (P 〈 0.05) per gram of CGF added to the diet in the apparent and standardized ileal digestibility of phenylalanine (0.011 and 0.015 percentage units, respectively), cystine (0.048 and 0.043 percentage units, respectively), and proline (0.045 and 0.047 percentage units, respectively) was noted. Similarly, ileal digestibility of dry matter and energy were adversely affected (reduced by 0.028 and 0.025 percentage units, respectively, per gram of CGF increment in the diet). A significant (P 〈 0.05) linear reduction in total tract digestibility with increase in CGF amount in the diet was observed for energy (0.027 percentage units), dry matter (0.027 percentage units), crude protein (0.020 percentage units), and neutral detergent fiber (0.041 percentage units) per gram of CGF added to the diet. Conclusion: CGF did not affect the ileal digestibility of protein and most amino acids but reduced the ileal and total tract digestibility of energy.展开更多
Background: Many studies have investigated endogenous loss of proteins and amino acids (AAs) at the ileal level in growing pigs. However, only a few studies have researched this subject in piglets. Knowledge regard...Background: Many studies have investigated endogenous loss of proteins and amino acids (AAs) at the ileal level in growing pigs. However, only a few studies have researched this subject in piglets. Knowledge regarding AA ileal digestibility in piglets would be helpful during the formulation of diets for weaning piglets, rather than just using coefficients obtained in growing pigs. Therefore, in this study, we sought to estimate endogenous protein and AA ileal losses in piglets. Furthermore, apparent and true ileal digestibility (AID and TID) of protein and AAs from casein were measured. Results: The average flow of protein was 20.8 g/kg of dry matter intake (DMI). Basal protein loss, as estimated by regression, was 16.9 g/kg DMI. Glutamic acid, arginine, and aspartic acid (2.2, 1.4, and 1.2 g/kg DMI, respectively) were the AAs for which greater losses were seen. The AID of protein and AAs increased as the protein level in the diet increased. A higher increment in AID was observed between diets with 80 and160 g CP/kg of feed; this finding was mainly attributable to increases in glycine and arginine (46.1% and 18%, respectively). The TID of protein was 97.8, and the TID of AAs varied from 93.9 for histidine to 100.2 for phenylalanine. Conclusions: The basal endogenous protein loss in piglets was 16.9 g/kg DMI. Endogenous protein was rich in glutamic acid, aspartic acid, and arginine, which represented 32.7% of endogenous protein loss in weaning piglets. The TID of casein was high and varied from 93.0 for histidine to 100.2 for phenylalanine.展开更多
Background: The nutritional value of rapeseed meal may be variable due to the variation of its chemical composition. And a precise understandin9 of the nutritional value of an ingredient is beneficial for the accurat...Background: The nutritional value of rapeseed meal may be variable due to the variation of its chemical composition. And a precise understandin9 of the nutritional value of an ingredient is beneficial for the accurate diet formulation and reduction of feed costs. This study was conducted to determine the chemical composition, dicjestible energy (DE) and metabolizable enercjy (ME) content, and apparent ileal digestibility (AID) and standardized ileal dicjestibility (SID) of amino acids (AA) for growincj pigs. Thirteen solvent-extracted double-low rapeseed meal (DLIRSM) samples were obtained from the main double-low rapeseed producing areas in China. Methods: The DE and ME contents of the 13 DLRSM samples were measured in cjrowin9 pigs (six pigs per DLRSM sample, average initial body weicjht (BW) =48.3 kg). The AID and SID of AA of 10 DLRSM samples were determined in 12 crossbred barrows (average initial BW = 35.3 kcj) by using two 6 x 6 Latin square designs. Each Latin square comprised one N-flee diet and 5 DLRSM test diets. Results: The chemical composition of DLRSM varied among samples, and the coefficient of variation was greater than ]0 % for ether extract (EE), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), calcium (Ca), and total 91ucosinolates. The AA content of DLRSM varied among samples especially for lysine (Lys) and methionine (Met). On a dry matter (DM) basis, the apparent total tract digestibility (ATFD) of gross energy (GE), the DE and ME and the ME:DE ratio of DLRSM averaged 62.39 %, 2862 kcal/k9 and 2723 kcal/kcj, and 94.95 %, respectively. The mean value of S1D of Lys was 70.52 % which varied from 66.54-76.54 %. The SID of crude protein (CP), Met, and threonine (Thr) averaged 72.81%, 82.41%, and 69.76 %, respectively. Conclusions: There was great variability in chemical composition especially in the concentration of EE, NDF and ADF, but no significant differences in energy content of the DLIRSM samples were observed. In addition, the AID and SID of all AA were relatively similar amoncj DLRSM samples except for that of Lys.展开更多
The effects of kafirins on protein and amino acid ileal digestibility have not been evaluated in vivo in pigs.The aim of this study was to determine the effects of protein profile on apparent ileal digestibility(AID)o...The effects of kafirins on protein and amino acid ileal digestibility have not been evaluated in vivo in pigs.The aim of this study was to determine the effects of protein profile on apparent ileal digestibility(AID)of amino acids. We used a sorghum hybrid with low tannin content(<0.5%). The same hybrid was harvested from 2 different plots with different kafirin profile. Sorghum with greater content of total kafirins had less content of y-and al-kafirins and higher content of β-and a2-kafirins than that with lower content of total kafirins. Two sorghum-soybean meal(SBM) diets were formulated: 1) low kafirin(LK) content(32.2 g/kg) and 2) high kafirin(HK) content(48.1 g/kg). A control diet(maize-SBM) and a reference SBM-diet were also prepared. The reference diet was fed to all pigs following the experimental period and was used to estimate the AID of cereals by the difference method. 'T' cannulas were fixed in the distal ileum of 18 barrows(6 by treatment), divided into 2 groups of 9 pigs. The pigs were fed 2.5 times their maintenance requirement of digestible energy(110 kcal/kg BW00.75). The AID of dry matter,protein, amino acids, and energy of the experimental diets was measured;the AID of cereals(maize, LK sorghum and HK sorghum) was estimated by the difference method. The maize-SBM diet was more digestible than the sorghum-SBM diets, only with respect to valine(P < 0.05). The AID of valine in the maize-SBM diet was higher than that in sorghum-SBM diets. The changes in kafirin profile between the diets only affected the AID of threonine(P < 0.01), which decreased by 9.5 percentage units in LK diet compared with HK diet. Regarding the AID of cereals, maize exhibited greater AID than sorghum, with respect to valine(P < 0.01) and serine(P < 0.10). A comparison of sorghum with LK and HK content showed that the AID of threonine and serine increased by 50.5(P < 0.001) and 19.2 percentage units(P < 0.05) in the latter, respec:tively. The higher content of γ-kafirins in LK sorghum negatively affected threonine and serine digestibility, implying that the AID of amino acids is affected more by the profile than the content of kafirins.展开更多
Knowledge of the amounts and digestibility of amino acids in pig feedstuffs is essential for calculating the appropriate inclusion level in a complete diet.Wet chemical analysis and in vivo digestibility trials are ti...Knowledge of the amounts and digestibility of amino acids in pig feedstuffs is essential for calculating the appropriate inclusion level in a complete diet.Wet chemical analysis and in vivo digestibility trials are time-consuming and costly and cannot be used for routine assessment.Near-infrared spectroscopy(NIRS)offers a rapid,cost effective and environmentally friendly method for evaluating feedstuffs.Calibrations models were developed using NIRS to predict the content of crude protein and 18 amino acids from a wide range of feedstuffs used in pig production(n=607).The samples ranged from single feed ingredients(containing amino acids from 0.3 to 129.8 g/kg of dry matter)to feed mixtures(containing amino acids from 1.2 to 53.2 g/kg of dry matter).The predictive ability of the calibrations was tested with an independent dataset(n=150)and with cross-validation.Furthermore,we compare these calibrations with calibrations developed on more narrowly defined groups of samples and with predictions from regression analysis of crude protein.The models were able to predict the concentrations of crude protein and 18 amino acids with good levels of precision and high coefficients of determination for calibration(RSQ^(CAL))from 0.91 to 0.99 and validation(RSQ^(VAL))from 0.87 to 0.97.Calibration models were able to predict all amino acids except tryptophan and valine with greater accuracy than those from protein regression.We also developed calibration models to predict the apparent ileal and total tract digestibility of protein and amino acids.With the exception of tryptophan,RSQ values(>0.7)and standard error of cross validation(SECV)values(<5%)were obtained for the digestibility of most of the amino acids.In conclusion,NIRS can be used to predict crude protein and amino acid concentrations from a wide range of single ingredients and feed mixtures used for pig diets without separate models for each feedstuff.The digestibility of protein and amino acids can be predicted with an acceptable accuracy to be useful in formulating pig diets.展开更多
Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of dietary cellulose levels on the determination of the ileal endogenous losses(IEL) of amino acids(AA), apparent ileal digestibility(AID) and standardized ile...Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of dietary cellulose levels on the determination of the ileal endogenous losses(IEL) of amino acids(AA), apparent ileal digestibility(AID) and standardized ileal digestibility(SID) of AA in corn-soybean meal diets for growing pigs. In the first experiment, 28 pigs(BW, 45.1 ± 2.0 kg) that were fitted with simple T-cannulas at the distal ileum were fed 4 nitrogen-free diets consisting of 4 dietary cellulose levels(0, 3%, 6% and 9%) in a randomized complete block design. In the second experiment, 28 pigs(BW, 45.6 ± 2.0 kg) fitted with simple Tcannulas at the distal ileum were fed 4 corn-soybean meal diets consisting of 4 dietary cellulose levels(0,3%, 6% and 9%) in a randomized complete block design. There were 7 replicates per diet with 1 pig as a replicate in each treatment. Both experiments consisted of a 7-d adjustment period and a 2-d ileal digesta collection period on d 8 and 9. Chromic oxide was used as an indigestible marker to calculate IEL and digestibility of AA. The results showed that the IEL of AA for growing pigs was not influenced by dietary cellulose supplementation(P > 0.05). The AID of Thr, Ser, Glu, Cys, Ile, Tyr, Phe, Lys and His decreased with increasing cellulose supplementation levels for pigs fed corn-soybean meal diets(P < 0.05). The SID of Thr, Ser, Cys, Val, Ile, Tyr, Phe, Lys and His decreased with increasing cellulose supplementation levels in corn-soybean meal diets(P < 0.05). In summary, dietary cellulose levels had no effect on the estimation of IEL of AA for growing pigs. The AID and SID of most AA in corn-soybean meal diets decreased with increasing levels of dietary cellulose supplementation.展开更多
基金funded by the National Key R&D Program of China(No.2021YFD1300202)the nutritional value evaluation and parameter establishment of protein feedstuffs for sowsthe Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People’s Republic of China(125D0203-16190295)the Major Scientific and Technological Special Project of Sichuan Province(No.2021ZDZX0009)。
文摘Background Two studies were designed to determine standard ileal crude protein(CP)and amino acid(AA)digestibility of soybean meal(SBM)from different origins fed to non-pregnant and pregnant sows.Seven solvent-extracted SBMs from soybeans produced in the USA,Brazil,and China were selected.In Exp.1,eight different diets were created:a nitrogen(N)-free diet and 7 experimental diets containing SBM from different origins as the only N source.Eight non-pregnant,multiparous sows were arranged in an 8×8 Latin square design(8 periods and 8 diets).In Exp.2,the diet formula was the same as in Exp.1.Eight gestating sows(parity 3)were assigned to 4 different diets in a replicated 4×3 Youden square design(three periods and four diets)in mid-gestation and again in late-gestation stages.Results When fed to non-pregnant and late-gestating sows,the standardized ileal digestibility(SID)of CP and most AAs from different SBM were not significantly different(P>0.05).When fed to mid-gestating sows,the SID values for Arg,His,Lys,Phe,Cys,Gly,Ser,and Tyr in SBM 1 were lower than in SBM 4 and 5(P<0.05),whereas SID for Leu from SBM 5 was higher than in SBM 1 and 4(P<0.05).SID values for Ile,Ala,and Asp from SBM 4 were lower than in SBM 1 and 5(P<0.05).Sows had significantly greater SID values for Lys,Ala,and Asp during mid-gestation when compared with late-gestation stages(P<0.05).Mid-gestating sows had greater SID value for Val and lower SID value for Tyr when compared with non-pregnant and late-gestating sows(P<0.01),whereas non-pregnant sows had significantly greater SID value for Met when compared with gestating sows(P<0.01).Conclusions When fed to mid-gestating sows,the SID values for most AAs varied among SBM samples.The SID values for Lys,Met,Val,Ala,Asp,and Tyr in SBM were affected by sow gestation stages.Our findings provide a cornerstone for accurate SBM use in sow diets.
基金supported by the University of Turin(Ex 60% 2014–2015)
文摘Background: The study aimed to determine the apparent total tract digestibility coefficients(ATTDC) of nutrients, the apparent metabolizable energy(AME and AMEn) and the amino acid(AA) apparent ileal digestibility coefficients(AIDC)of a partially defatted(BSFp) and a highly defatted(BSFh) black soldier fly larvae meal. The experimental diets were: a basal diet and two diets prepared by substituting 250 g/kg(w/w) of the basal diet with BSFp or BSFh, respectively.Results: Significant differences were found between BSFp and BSFh meals for ATTDC of the nutrients: BSFp resulted more digestible than BSFh, except for ATTDC of CP which did not differed between meals, while a statistical trend was observed for ATTDC of DM and EE. The AME and AMEn values were significantly(P < 0.05) different between the two BSF meals, with higher levels for BSFp(16.25 and 14.87 MJ/kg DM, respectively). The AIDC of the AA in BSFp ranged from 0.44 to 0.92, while in BSFh they ranged from 0.45 to 0.99. No significant differences were observed for the AA digestibility(0.77 and 0.80 for BSFp and BSFh, respectively), except for glutamic acid, proline and serine that were more digestible in the BSFh meal(P < 0.05).Conclusions: Defatted BSF meals can be considered as an excellent source of AME and digestible AA for broilers with a better efficient nutrient digestion. These considerations suggested the effective utilization of defatted BSF larvae meal in poultry feed formulation.
基金supported in the framework of Grain Up by funds of the Federal Ministry of Food,AgricultureConsumer Protection(BMELV)based on a decision of the Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany via the Federal Office for Agriculture Food and(BLE)under the innovation support program
文摘Background: Basal ileal endogenous amino acid(AA) losses(IAAend) and standardized ileal digestibility(SID) values of cereal grains, such as barley, are apparently underestimated when determined according to the nitrogen(N)-free method. Regression analysis between the dietary apparent ileal digestible content(c AID) and total crude protein(CP) and AA can be considered as alternative approach to obtain more accurate values for IAAendand SID of AA in cereal grains.Methods: Eight hulled barley genotypes were used, with barley being the only source of CP and AA in the assay diets. The diets contained 95 % as-fed of these eight barley genotypes each, ranging in CP content between 109.1 and 123.8 g/kg dry matter(DM). Nine ileally T-cannulated barrows, average body weight(BW) 30 ± 2 kg, were allotted to a row-column design comprising eight periods with 6 d each and nine pigs. On d 5 and the night of d 6 of every period, ileal digesta were collected for a total of 12 h. The IAAend and the SID were determined by linear regression analysis between c AID and total dietary CP and AA.Results: There exist linear relationships between cA ID and total CP and AA(P 〈 0.001). The IAAend of CP, Lys, Met, Thr and Trp amounted to 35.34, 1.08, 0.25, 1.02 and 0.38 g/kg DM intake(DMI), respectively, which are greater compared to average IAAend determined previously under N-free feeding conditions. The SID of CP, Lys, Met, Thr and Trp was 90,79, 85, 79 and 86 %, respectively, and was greater when compared to tabulated values. Moreover, these SID values were greater than those reported in literature, based on correction of apparent ileal digestibility(AID) of CP and AA for their IAAendvalues. Summarized, the results of the present regression analysis indicate greater IAAendin barley-based diets compared to those obtained by N-free feeding.Conclusions: For low-protein feed ingredients like barley the regression method may be preferred over correction of AID values for their IAAenddetermined under N-free feeding conditions, as intercepts and slopes of the linear regression equations between cA ID and total dietary CP and AA provide direct estimates of IAAendand SID of CP and AA in the presence of the assay feed ingredient.
基金funded by Consejo Nacional para Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas(CONICIT),Costa Rica,grant number RE-006-17.
文摘Background: Nutritional value of proteins in feed ingredients can be negatively affected by hydrothermal processing, which causes large variation in the bioavailability of amino acids(AA) and negatively affects animal productive performance. Supplementation of exogenous proteases could increase the rate of digestion of damaged proteins, thereby increasing overall AA digestibility and bioavailability. The aim was to determine the effect of exogenous protease supplementation on the apparent ileal digestibility(AID) of crude protein(CP) and AA of soybean meals(SBM) with different degrees of hydrothermal processing in broilers.Methods: The experiment involved a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement, with SBM processing time(commercial SBM or autoclaved for 30 or 60 min at 120 ℃) and protease supplementation(not supplemented and supplemented) as factors. Protease was included at three times the recommended dose(0.06%) and the experimental diets were fed from 15 to 21 d.Results: The interaction between the effects of SBM processing and protease supplementation was significant for the AID of CP(P = 0.01), Trp(P = 0.01), Gly(P = 0.03) and Pro(P = 0.03), and also for the average daily gain(P = 0.01)and feed conversion ratio(P = 0.04). Increasing the processing time of SBM decreased(P < 0.0001) the AID of all amino acids, whilst the effect of protease supplementation was only significant for the AID of Phe(P = 0.02) and Tyr(P = 0.01).Conclusions: Exogenous protease supplementation at three times the commercial dose does not seem to offset the negative effects of hydrothermal processing of SBM on the apparent ileal digestibility of CP and amino acids or performance of broilers. Whilst positive numerical improvements of digestibility and performance(ADG and FCR)were noticed with protease supplementation at relatively mild processing levels, negative results were obtained with the harsh-processed meals.
基金funded in part by the Ministry of Agriculture,Livestock and Fishing(SAGARPA) of Mexico and The National Council for Science and Technology(CONACYT) of Mexico via the financial support provided to Research Project SAGARPA-CONACYT 2003-2-169
文摘Background: This study aimed to determine the effect of the inclusion of corn gluten feed (CGF) on the apparent and standardized ileal digestibility of protein and amino acids and the apparent ileal and total tract digestibility of energy in growing pigs. The study was performed using 16 barrows (weight, 45.3 ±4.5 kg) that were fitted with a T cannula at the terminal ileum. There were four treatments: a corn-soybean diet without CGF and three corn-soybean diets containing increasing levels of CGF (65, 130, and 195 g/kg). Data were analyzed according to a randomized complete block design, four blocks with four pigs each (one pig per treatment). The trend of the response (linear or quadratic) was determined using orthogonal contrasts, and when a linear effect was determined, a linear equation was obtained. Results: The results showed that the inclusion up to 195 g/kg of CGF in the corn-soybean diet did not diminish the ileal digestibility (apparent and standardized) of protein and amino acids (P 〉 0.05), except that of phenylalanine, cystine, and proline. A linear decrease (P 〈 0.05) per gram of CGF added to the diet in the apparent and standardized ileal digestibility of phenylalanine (0.011 and 0.015 percentage units, respectively), cystine (0.048 and 0.043 percentage units, respectively), and proline (0.045 and 0.047 percentage units, respectively) was noted. Similarly, ileal digestibility of dry matter and energy were adversely affected (reduced by 0.028 and 0.025 percentage units, respectively, per gram of CGF increment in the diet). A significant (P 〈 0.05) linear reduction in total tract digestibility with increase in CGF amount in the diet was observed for energy (0.027 percentage units), dry matter (0.027 percentage units), crude protein (0.020 percentage units), and neutral detergent fiber (0.041 percentage units) per gram of CGF added to the diet. Conclusion: CGF did not affect the ileal digestibility of protein and most amino acids but reduced the ileal and total tract digestibility of energy.
基金funded in part by the Minister of Agriculture,Livestock and Fishing(SAGARPA) of MexicoThe National Council for Science and Technology(CONACYT) of Mexico via the financial support given to Research Project SAGARPA-CONACYT 2003-2-169
文摘Background: Many studies have investigated endogenous loss of proteins and amino acids (AAs) at the ileal level in growing pigs. However, only a few studies have researched this subject in piglets. Knowledge regarding AA ileal digestibility in piglets would be helpful during the formulation of diets for weaning piglets, rather than just using coefficients obtained in growing pigs. Therefore, in this study, we sought to estimate endogenous protein and AA ileal losses in piglets. Furthermore, apparent and true ileal digestibility (AID and TID) of protein and AAs from casein were measured. Results: The average flow of protein was 20.8 g/kg of dry matter intake (DMI). Basal protein loss, as estimated by regression, was 16.9 g/kg DMI. Glutamic acid, arginine, and aspartic acid (2.2, 1.4, and 1.2 g/kg DMI, respectively) were the AAs for which greater losses were seen. The AID of protein and AAs increased as the protein level in the diet increased. A higher increment in AID was observed between diets with 80 and160 g CP/kg of feed; this finding was mainly attributable to increases in glycine and arginine (46.1% and 18%, respectively). The TID of protein was 97.8, and the TID of AAs varied from 93.9 for histidine to 100.2 for phenylalanine. Conclusions: The basal endogenous protein loss in piglets was 16.9 g/kg DMI. Endogenous protein was rich in glutamic acid, aspartic acid, and arginine, which represented 32.7% of endogenous protein loss in weaning piglets. The TID of casein was high and varied from 93.0 for histidine to 100.2 for phenylalanine.
基金financially supported by the Modern Agricultural Industry Technology System(CARS-36)Special Public Sector Fund in Agriculture (200903006)
文摘Background: The nutritional value of rapeseed meal may be variable due to the variation of its chemical composition. And a precise understandin9 of the nutritional value of an ingredient is beneficial for the accurate diet formulation and reduction of feed costs. This study was conducted to determine the chemical composition, dicjestible energy (DE) and metabolizable enercjy (ME) content, and apparent ileal digestibility (AID) and standardized ileal dicjestibility (SID) of amino acids (AA) for growincj pigs. Thirteen solvent-extracted double-low rapeseed meal (DLIRSM) samples were obtained from the main double-low rapeseed producing areas in China. Methods: The DE and ME contents of the 13 DLRSM samples were measured in cjrowin9 pigs (six pigs per DLRSM sample, average initial body weicjht (BW) =48.3 kg). The AID and SID of AA of 10 DLRSM samples were determined in 12 crossbred barrows (average initial BW = 35.3 kcj) by using two 6 x 6 Latin square designs. Each Latin square comprised one N-flee diet and 5 DLRSM test diets. Results: The chemical composition of DLRSM varied among samples, and the coefficient of variation was greater than ]0 % for ether extract (EE), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), calcium (Ca), and total 91ucosinolates. The AA content of DLRSM varied among samples especially for lysine (Lys) and methionine (Met). On a dry matter (DM) basis, the apparent total tract digestibility (ATFD) of gross energy (GE), the DE and ME and the ME:DE ratio of DLRSM averaged 62.39 %, 2862 kcal/k9 and 2723 kcal/kcj, and 94.95 %, respectively. The mean value of S1D of Lys was 70.52 % which varied from 66.54-76.54 %. The SID of crude protein (CP), Met, and threonine (Thr) averaged 72.81%, 82.41%, and 69.76 %, respectively. Conclusions: There was great variability in chemical composition especially in the concentration of EE, NDF and ADF, but no significant differences in energy content of the DLIRSM samples were observed. In addition, the AID and SID of all AA were relatively similar amoncj DLRSM samples except for that of Lys.
基金the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales Agricolas y Pecuarias(INIFAP-México)for the financial support to the Research Project SIGI, Number 10242419454
文摘The effects of kafirins on protein and amino acid ileal digestibility have not been evaluated in vivo in pigs.The aim of this study was to determine the effects of protein profile on apparent ileal digestibility(AID)of amino acids. We used a sorghum hybrid with low tannin content(<0.5%). The same hybrid was harvested from 2 different plots with different kafirin profile. Sorghum with greater content of total kafirins had less content of y-and al-kafirins and higher content of β-and a2-kafirins than that with lower content of total kafirins. Two sorghum-soybean meal(SBM) diets were formulated: 1) low kafirin(LK) content(32.2 g/kg) and 2) high kafirin(HK) content(48.1 g/kg). A control diet(maize-SBM) and a reference SBM-diet were also prepared. The reference diet was fed to all pigs following the experimental period and was used to estimate the AID of cereals by the difference method. 'T' cannulas were fixed in the distal ileum of 18 barrows(6 by treatment), divided into 2 groups of 9 pigs. The pigs were fed 2.5 times their maintenance requirement of digestible energy(110 kcal/kg BW00.75). The AID of dry matter,protein, amino acids, and energy of the experimental diets was measured;the AID of cereals(maize, LK sorghum and HK sorghum) was estimated by the difference method. The maize-SBM diet was more digestible than the sorghum-SBM diets, only with respect to valine(P < 0.05). The AID of valine in the maize-SBM diet was higher than that in sorghum-SBM diets. The changes in kafirin profile between the diets only affected the AID of threonine(P < 0.01), which decreased by 9.5 percentage units in LK diet compared with HK diet. Regarding the AID of cereals, maize exhibited greater AID than sorghum, with respect to valine(P < 0.01) and serine(P < 0.10). A comparison of sorghum with LK and HK content showed that the AID of threonine and serine increased by 50.5(P < 0.001) and 19.2 percentage units(P < 0.05) in the latter, respec:tively. The higher content of γ-kafirins in LK sorghum negatively affected threonine and serine digestibility, implying that the AID of amino acids is affected more by the profile than the content of kafirins.
基金the Feed-a-Gene Project and has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 Program under grant agreement no 633531The funding body had no role in the design of the study and collection,analysis,and interpretation of data or in writing the manuscrip。
文摘Knowledge of the amounts and digestibility of amino acids in pig feedstuffs is essential for calculating the appropriate inclusion level in a complete diet.Wet chemical analysis and in vivo digestibility trials are time-consuming and costly and cannot be used for routine assessment.Near-infrared spectroscopy(NIRS)offers a rapid,cost effective and environmentally friendly method for evaluating feedstuffs.Calibrations models were developed using NIRS to predict the content of crude protein and 18 amino acids from a wide range of feedstuffs used in pig production(n=607).The samples ranged from single feed ingredients(containing amino acids from 0.3 to 129.8 g/kg of dry matter)to feed mixtures(containing amino acids from 1.2 to 53.2 g/kg of dry matter).The predictive ability of the calibrations was tested with an independent dataset(n=150)and with cross-validation.Furthermore,we compare these calibrations with calibrations developed on more narrowly defined groups of samples and with predictions from regression analysis of crude protein.The models were able to predict the concentrations of crude protein and 18 amino acids with good levels of precision and high coefficients of determination for calibration(RSQ^(CAL))from 0.91 to 0.99 and validation(RSQ^(VAL))from 0.87 to 0.97.Calibration models were able to predict all amino acids except tryptophan and valine with greater accuracy than those from protein regression.We also developed calibration models to predict the apparent ileal and total tract digestibility of protein and amino acids.With the exception of tryptophan,RSQ values(>0.7)and standard error of cross validation(SECV)values(<5%)were obtained for the digestibility of most of the amino acids.In conclusion,NIRS can be used to predict crude protein and amino acid concentrations from a wide range of single ingredients and feed mixtures used for pig diets without separate models for each feedstuff.The digestibility of protein and amino acids can be predicted with an acceptable accuracy to be useful in formulating pig diets.
基金supported by the National Science and Technology Support Program (2012BAD39B01:2013BAD21B02-01)the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Program (ASTIP-IAS07) in China
文摘Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of dietary cellulose levels on the determination of the ileal endogenous losses(IEL) of amino acids(AA), apparent ileal digestibility(AID) and standardized ileal digestibility(SID) of AA in corn-soybean meal diets for growing pigs. In the first experiment, 28 pigs(BW, 45.1 ± 2.0 kg) that were fitted with simple T-cannulas at the distal ileum were fed 4 nitrogen-free diets consisting of 4 dietary cellulose levels(0, 3%, 6% and 9%) in a randomized complete block design. In the second experiment, 28 pigs(BW, 45.6 ± 2.0 kg) fitted with simple Tcannulas at the distal ileum were fed 4 corn-soybean meal diets consisting of 4 dietary cellulose levels(0,3%, 6% and 9%) in a randomized complete block design. There were 7 replicates per diet with 1 pig as a replicate in each treatment. Both experiments consisted of a 7-d adjustment period and a 2-d ileal digesta collection period on d 8 and 9. Chromic oxide was used as an indigestible marker to calculate IEL and digestibility of AA. The results showed that the IEL of AA for growing pigs was not influenced by dietary cellulose supplementation(P > 0.05). The AID of Thr, Ser, Glu, Cys, Ile, Tyr, Phe, Lys and His decreased with increasing cellulose supplementation levels for pigs fed corn-soybean meal diets(P < 0.05). The SID of Thr, Ser, Cys, Val, Ile, Tyr, Phe, Lys and His decreased with increasing cellulose supplementation levels in corn-soybean meal diets(P < 0.05). In summary, dietary cellulose levels had no effect on the estimation of IEL of AA for growing pigs. The AID and SID of most AA in corn-soybean meal diets decreased with increasing levels of dietary cellulose supplementation.