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作者 韩卫萍 盖磊 《水处理技术》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期114-119,共6页
针对农村低C/N污水污染物和营养盐去除率差的问题,以倒置A^(2)/O耦联膜生物反应器(MBR)组合工艺为探究对象,通过控制进水污染物浓度,在中温条件下考察了有机负荷(OLR)对倒置A^(2)/O耦联MBR组合工艺处理农村低C/N污水的影响。结果表明,OL... 针对农村低C/N污水污染物和营养盐去除率差的问题,以倒置A^(2)/O耦联膜生物反应器(MBR)组合工艺为探究对象,通过控制进水污染物浓度,在中温条件下考察了有机负荷(OLR)对倒置A^(2)/O耦联MBR组合工艺处理农村低C/N污水的影响。结果表明,OLR由150 mg/L提高至450 mg/L时,总氮(TN)和溶解性磷酸盐(SOP)去除率分别由67.6%和86.6%提高至72.4%和94.3%,进一步提高OLR降低了组合工艺对污染物和营养盐的去除。此外,OLR能影响新工艺内污泥特征,提高OLR促进了胞外聚合物(EPS)分泌,尤其在OLR为600 mg/L组别内,EPS含量提高至139.6 mg/g。进水OLR对缺氧池内EPS的影响要大于其对厌氧池内EPS的影响。OLR能影响新工艺内污染物和营养盐去除相关关键酶的活性,当OLR为450 mg/L时,污染物和营养盐去除相关关键活性酶最强。研究结果为农村低C/N污水的高效处理提供了理论依据和数据支撑。 展开更多
关键词 农村低C/N污水 倒置A^(2)/o MBR 胞外聚合物 关键酶
作者 计建洪 耿学坚 +2 位作者 王丽聪 杭彩云 庄惠生 《印染》 北大核心 2025年第1期64-67,共4页
采用“倒置A^(2)/O+A生化法+膜法+磁混凝物化法”组合工艺处理污水,分析了工艺特点,并详述了主要构筑物及设备参数。该组合工艺处理效果优良,除磷脱氮效果好,出水COD、TP、NH_(3)-N、TN月均值分别为28、0.2、0.3、6.06mg/L,达到了DB32/1... 采用“倒置A^(2)/O+A生化法+膜法+磁混凝物化法”组合工艺处理污水,分析了工艺特点,并详述了主要构筑物及设备参数。该组合工艺处理效果优良,除磷脱氮效果好,出水COD、TP、NH_(3)-N、TN月均值分别为28、0.2、0.3、6.06mg/L,达到了DB32/1072—2018《太湖地区城镇污水处理厂及重点工业行业主要水污染物排放限值》其他区域污染物排放标准,其中COD、TP和NH_(3)-N三个指标达到了GB3838—2002《地表水环境质量标准》Ⅳ类水排放标准。 展开更多
关键词 废水处理 倒置A^(2)/o 除磷脱氮 磁混凝沉淀 膜法
作者 陈慧玲 齐鲁 +7 位作者 陈加波 夏智恒 李乾岗 敖梓鼎 姜昭 张彤彤 王洪臣 刘国华 《中国环境科学》 北大核心 2025年第2期718-726,共9页
主要对比了SBR和AAO这两类典型污水处理工艺中N_(2)O的排放特征,并分析引起差异的机制.结果表明,按照SBR的总氮去除量计算的N_(2)O排放因子为2.36%,比AAO高1.92倍.其中好氧段为两种工艺中N_(2)O产生的主要阶段,占总产生量的90%以上.间... 主要对比了SBR和AAO这两类典型污水处理工艺中N_(2)O的排放特征,并分析引起差异的机制.结果表明,按照SBR的总氮去除量计算的N_(2)O排放因子为2.36%,比AAO高1.92倍.其中好氧段为两种工艺中N_(2)O产生的主要阶段,占总产生量的90%以上.间歇运行的SBR工艺相较于连续运行的AAO工艺,低DO时间占比更久,在好氧运行开始时会发生NH_(4)^(+)-N浓度的突增,且存在NO_(2)^(-)-N的高浓度积累.微生物菌群结构及酶活性分析显示了SBR工艺的硝化细菌AOB/NOB比值及NOR活性分别为AAO工艺的1.7倍和1.4倍,进一步促进好氧阶段AOB介导的硝化反硝化途径产生更多的N_(2)O,这是SBR具有高N_(2)O排放因子的本质原因. 展开更多
关键词 污水处理 N_(2)o AAo SBR 排放特征 机制
作者 韩超 王越 +5 位作者 冯开宇 高娜 张礼格 崔天成 李涛 肖国萍 《燃料化学学报(中英文)》 北大核心 2025年第2期198-210,共13页
本综述重点介绍了固体氧化物电解池(SOEC)的发展历史、基本机理和关键阴极材料的研究进展。在共电解过程中,SOEC阴极在控制电池运行稳定性方面具有至关重要的作用,然而目前最常用的Ni-YSZ金属陶瓷材料由于Ni的粗化、团聚等原因,导致其... 本综述重点介绍了固体氧化物电解池(SOEC)的发展历史、基本机理和关键阴极材料的研究进展。在共电解过程中,SOEC阴极在控制电池运行稳定性方面具有至关重要的作用,然而目前最常用的Ni-YSZ金属陶瓷材料由于Ni的粗化、团聚等原因,导致其稳定性不佳,研究者在探索提高金属陶瓷电极稳定性方法的同时,也在尝试寻找SOEC共电解中可替代金属陶瓷电极的阴极材料,钙钛矿材料由于具有较好的混合导电性、抗积炭性、杂质耐受性、氧化还原稳定性被研究者所关注,但其相对较低的催化活性是大多数钙钛矿相关氧化物面临的主要挑战,研究者发现通过浸渍、掺杂、脱溶等技术可以增加材料表面氧空位和活性三相界面,这些氧空位可以作为宿主位点在高温下容纳CO_(2)分子,从而降低电极极化电阻,提高电极的电化学性能,且浸渍法具有易于操作、效率高、制备温度低等优点,掺杂法具有掺杂过程简单、无污染和低成本等优点,原位溶出法具有稳定性高、效率高、性能好等优点,均易于后期推广。因此本文结合金属陶瓷和钙钛矿等阴极材料存在的问题和挑战,归纳了采用浸渍、掺杂、脱溶等技术提升阴极材料的性能和稳定性等方面的进展,为SOEC的商业化提供技术可行性分析。 展开更多
关键词 固体氧化物电解池 Co_(2)/H_(2)o共电解 金属陶瓷 钙钛矿
作者 魏家帅 石明全 《制造技术与机床》 北大核心 2025年第2期90-98,共9页
TC4(Ti-6Al-4V)钛合金因其低密度、高比强度和良好的加工性能,在航空航天、航海石油和国防等领域得到了广泛应用。然而,其硬度低、耐磨性差,限制了其在摩擦工况下的使用。基于涂层与TC4基材的相容性及基体对生成相的润湿性原理,在TC4表... TC4(Ti-6Al-4V)钛合金因其低密度、高比强度和良好的加工性能,在航空航天、航海石油和国防等领域得到了广泛应用。然而,其硬度低、耐磨性差,限制了其在摩擦工况下的使用。基于涂层与TC4基材的相容性及基体对生成相的润湿性原理,在TC4表面制备了Ti基稀土激光熔覆层,研究了Y2O3对涂层显微硬度和耐磨性能的影响。通过COMSOL软件模拟单道和多道TC4粉末熔覆动态过程,结合试验研究温度变化与熔覆层厚度,阐明了熔覆机理并验证了模型的正确性。对熔覆层的组织结构和物相组成进行了详细分析,利用显微维氏硬度计测量熔覆层硬度,结果表明,Y2O3增加显著减少了气泡和裂纹数量,促进了组织细化。为TC4表面激光熔覆涂层的微观组织调控、成形质量提供了试验和理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 TC4钛合金 Y2o3增强 激光熔覆 微观组织 耐磨性能 显微硬度 CoMSoL仿真 组织细化
作者 张梦鑫 张技术 +3 位作者 陆鑫 刘雷艮 王薇 吴建兵 《毛纺科技》 北大核心 2025年第1期1-7,共7页
为了进一步提升负离子功能纤维的性能,选取Cu、CuO、Cu_(2)O和电气石(TM)为主要原料,采用分步合成和直接添加法制备新型Cu_(2)O/TM微纳结构复合材料,并测试样品的微观形貌(SEM)、物相构成(XRD)、红外光谱(FTIR)、电子自旋共振图谱(ESR)... 为了进一步提升负离子功能纤维的性能,选取Cu、CuO、Cu_(2)O和电气石(TM)为主要原料,采用分步合成和直接添加法制备新型Cu_(2)O/TM微纳结构复合材料,并测试样品的微观形貌(SEM)、物相构成(XRD)、红外光谱(FTIR)、电子自旋共振图谱(ESR)、紫外-可见漫反射光谱和负离子释放量,深入研究负离子发射的效率增强机制。研究结果表明:研磨未对电气石粉体的分子结构造成破坏;分步合成法制备的电气石复合材料性能优于直接添加法;当球磨时间控制在50 h(第1阶段)和20 h(第2阶段)时,分步合成法制备的粉体粒径分布和微观结构较好;当Cu、CuO和电气石粉末的物质的量比为1∶1.25∶2.50时,制备的复合材料负离子发射量为1647个/cm^(3),与未研磨的电气石粉末相比提高了50.1%。 展开更多
关键词 电气石 Cu_(2)o 微纳结构复合材料 功能纤维 负离子发射
作者 屈建海 陈亚春 +2 位作者 王碧蓉 徐瑞年 陈标华 《化工环保》 北大核心 2025年第1期19-27,共9页
在“双碳”背景下,以硝酸、己二酸为代表的化工生产环节中产生的温室气体N_(2)O及随之一起排放的NH_(3)、NOx、VOCs等气体污染物的减污降碳协同净化技术备受关注。本文总结了近年来化工尾气中上述单一气体污染物净化技术以及N_(2)O与其... 在“双碳”背景下,以硝酸、己二酸为代表的化工生产环节中产生的温室气体N_(2)O及随之一起排放的NH_(3)、NOx、VOCs等气体污染物的减污降碳协同净化技术备受关注。本文总结了近年来化工尾气中上述单一气体污染物净化技术以及N_(2)O与其他气体污染物协同净化技术的研究成果,探讨了其工业化应用实绩,并对该领域未来的研究方向进行了展望。指出,未来应致力于提高该技术催化剂的低温活性和抗毒性,构建分子筛催化剂结构与催化活性之间的关系,以及不断推进该技术的工业化应用进程。 展开更多
关键词 N_(2)o 协同净化 催化分解 化工尾气 NH_(3)选择性催化还原
作者 杜嘉琪 张紫薇 +7 位作者 王若飞 黎星 郭红艳 杨硕 冯成 何堂庆 Giri Bhoopander 张学林 《中国农业科学》 北大核心 2025年第1期101-116,共16页
【背景】有机肥替代化肥(organic fertilizer substitution:OF)是一种有效的农田化肥减量策略,可以改变土壤有机碳与无机氮的比例,调节土壤氧化亚氮(N_(2)O)排放。丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)通过与大多数陆生植物... 【背景】有机肥替代化肥(organic fertilizer substitution:OF)是一种有效的农田化肥减量策略,可以改变土壤有机碳与无机氮的比例,调节土壤氧化亚氮(N_(2)O)排放。丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)通过与大多数陆生植物共生增加植物对土壤养分的吸收,调控N_(2)O排放。【目的】探索不同土壤类型有机肥替代化肥比例及其与丛枝菌根真菌互作对土壤N_(2)O排放的影响,分析其作用机制,为农田化肥减施提供技术支撑。【方法】选用砂姜黑土和潮土两种土壤类型,在玉米生育期设置有机肥替代化肥(仅施化学氮肥180 kg N·hm^(-2),0%OF;等氮有机肥替代25%化学氮肥,25%OF;等氮有机肥替代50%化学氮肥,50%OF)和AMF(不接种丛枝菌根真菌:M-;接种丛枝菌根真菌:M+)双因素试验,并设不施肥对照(CK),于玉米生育期测定植株生物量、氮素累积量、籽粒产量、土壤无机氮和N_(2)O排放通量,同时测定砂姜黑土反硝化相关功能基因nirK和nirS的丰度。【结果】砂姜黑土上有机肥替代化肥不同比例之间玉米产量无显著差异,而潮土的玉米产量随替代比例增加呈降低趋势。与0%OF处理相比,砂姜黑土25%OF和50%OF处理N_(2)O累积排放量分别减少17.6%和18%;而潮土分别减少13.5%和3.9%。与M-相比,M+处理能够增加玉米籽粒硝酸还原酶、亚硝酸还原酶、谷氨酰胺合成酶、谷氨酸合成酶和籽粒产量,同时减少N_(2)O排放量,砂姜黑土N_(2)O累积排放量减少26.5%—28.2%,潮土减少2.7%—13.5%,其中砂姜黑土和潮土的25%OFM+处理N_(2)O累积排放量分别减少34.6%和22.5%,而根系总长度、根系表面积、根体积、根直径均显著增加。相关分析表明,砂姜黑土和潮土N_(2)O排放均与土壤NH_(4)^(+)-N、NO_(3)^(-)-N呈正相关,与AMF侵染率呈负相关;砂姜黑土N_(2)O排放与nirK和nirS基因拷贝数呈正相关。【结论】不同土壤类型有机肥替代化肥并接种AMF均能降低N_(2)O排放,这种影响主要通过AMF侵染扩大玉米根系氮素吸收范围和调控土壤反硝化关键功能微生物表达而实现。其中有机肥替代25%化肥(25%OF)并接种AMF是实现玉米稳产、减肥、减排较为合理的施肥方式。 展开更多
关键词 N_(2)o排放 有机肥替代 丛枝菌根真菌 反硝化微生物 砂姜黑土 潮土
Exploration of Gas‑Dependent Self‑Adaptive Reconstruction Behavior of Cu_(2)O for Electrochemical CO_(2) Conversion to Multi‑Carbon Products
作者 Chaoran Zhang Yichuan Gu +7 位作者 Qu Jiang Ziyang Sheng Ruohan Feng Sihong Wang Haoyue Zhang Qianqing Xu Zijian Yuan Fang Song 《Nano-Micro Letters》 SCIE EI CAS 2025年第3期280-296,共17页
Structural reconstruction of electrocatalysts plays a pivotal role in catalytic performances for CO_(2)reduction reaction(CO_(2)RR),whereas the behavior is by far superficially understood.Here,we report that CO_(2)acc... Structural reconstruction of electrocatalysts plays a pivotal role in catalytic performances for CO_(2)reduction reaction(CO_(2)RR),whereas the behavior is by far superficially understood.Here,we report that CO_(2)accessibility results in a universal self-adaptive structural reconstruction from Cu_(2)O to Cu@CuxO composites,ending with feeding gas-dependent microstructures and catalytic performances.The CO_(2)-rich atmosphere favors reconstruction for CO_(2)RR,whereas the CO_(2)-deficient one prefers that for hydrogen evolution reaction.With the assistance of spectroscopic analysis and theoretical calculations,we uncover a CO_(2)-induced passivation behavior by identifying a reductionresistant but catalytic active Cu(I)-rich amorphous layer stabilized by*CO intermediates.Additionally,we find extra CO production is indispensable for the robust production of C2H4.An inverse correlation between durability and FECO/FEC2H4 is disclosed,suggesting that the selfstabilization process involving the absorption of*CO intermediates on Cu(I)sites is essential for durable electrolysis.Guided by this insight,we design hollow Cu_(2)O nanospheres for durable and selective CO_(2)RR electrolysis in producing C2H4.Our work recognizes the previously overlooked passivation reconstruction and self-stabilizing behavior and highlights the critical role of the local atmosphere in modulating reconstruction and catalytic processes. 展开更多
关键词 Co_(2)reduction reaction ELECTRoCATALYSTS Cu_(2)o RECoNSTRUCTIoN Self-adaptive electrocatalysis
作者 屈连友 《油气田地面工程》 2025年第1期90-96,共7页
针对高寒地区冬季采用A^(2)O(厌氧-缺氧-好氧)工艺+水平潜流人工湿地联合处理生活污水出水中的氮、磷可能存在超标和污水水质多变等问题,对传统的A^(2)O工艺、水平潜流人工湿地结构进行创新性改进设计:A^(2)O工艺采用厌氧池、缺氧池、... 针对高寒地区冬季采用A^(2)O(厌氧-缺氧-好氧)工艺+水平潜流人工湿地联合处理生活污水出水中的氮、磷可能存在超标和污水水质多变等问题,对传统的A^(2)O工艺、水平潜流人工湿地结构进行创新性改进设计:A^(2)O工艺采用厌氧池、缺氧池、好氧池环绕在圆形竖流沉淀池外围,呈环状布置,减少污水热量损失、改善水力条件、提高微生物活性;厌氧池、缺氧池增设曝气工艺,实现ANO(缺氧-好氧)工艺、APO(厌氧-好氧)工艺、A^(2)O工艺可调式功能;O(好氧)工艺中添加悬浮填料,增加单位池容微生物含量,提高有机物、氮、磷等去除率。人工湿地通过试验优选高效除磷填料、根系发达植被根系深入低水位、填料正反粒度双级配布设,提高了氮、磷去除率和悬浮物截留率;人工湿地低水位进出水可提高冬季池内污水温度。结果表明,强化后的工艺系统不同工况下的实际运行效果达到了预期目标。 展开更多
关键词 高寒地区 A^(2)o工艺 水平潜流人工湿地 集约化 适应性改进
作者 靳鑫 《煤》 2025年第1期92-95,共4页
古城煤矿近年来一直致力于节能减排增效等技术的研究、试验和推广应用。文章结合古城煤矿生活污水的特点,对比当前国内煤矿生活污水处理典型技术,设计了一套基于A^(2)/O技术,辅以智慧化曝气装置的生活污水处理系统,为提高古城煤矿未来... 古城煤矿近年来一直致力于节能减排增效等技术的研究、试验和推广应用。文章结合古城煤矿生活污水的特点,对比当前国内煤矿生活污水处理典型技术,设计了一套基于A^(2)/O技术,辅以智慧化曝气装置的生活污水处理系统,为提高古城煤矿未来生活污水处理能效,促进节能减排提供有益参考。 展开更多
关键词 煤矿生活污水 污水处理系统 智慧化曝气装置 A^(2)/o技术
作者 黄宇 陈强 +8 位作者 翟云冉 徐垠 胡燕婷 崔春婷 任纪辉 刘志雪 胡荣彬 李智龙 张会京 《化学与生物工程》 北大核心 2025年第1期59-61,共3页
以2-氨基-2′-O-甲基腺苷为原料、腺苷脱氨酶(ADA)为催化剂,采用酶催化法合成了核酸药中间体2′-O-甲基鸟苷,研究了ADA加量、反应温度、缓冲溶液pH值等条件对反应的影响。结果表明,在ADA加量为150~200 U·(g 2-氨基-2′-O-甲基腺苷... 以2-氨基-2′-O-甲基腺苷为原料、腺苷脱氨酶(ADA)为催化剂,采用酶催化法合成了核酸药中间体2′-O-甲基鸟苷,研究了ADA加量、反应温度、缓冲溶液pH值等条件对反应的影响。结果表明,在ADA加量为150~200 U·(g 2-氨基-2′-O-甲基腺苷)-1、反应温度为40℃、缓冲溶液pH值为7.45的最佳条件下,44 h内2′-O-甲基鸟苷含量最高可达80.00%,为2′-O-甲基鸟苷的工业化生产提供了数据支持。 展开更多
关键词 酶催化反应 2′-o-甲基鸟苷 腺苷脱氨酶(ADA)
响应面优化1T/2H O-MoS_(2)@S-pCN光催化去除Cr(Ⅵ)及环丙沙星
作者 胡蓉仪 黄烨 +3 位作者 张绪霖 余策锦 涂天资 刘志华 《环境科学与技术》 北大核心 2025年第1期1-9,共9页
为光催化同步处理Cr(Ⅵ)和环丙沙星(CIP),文章采用一步水热反应法合成1T/2HO-MoS_2@S-pCN复合材料,通过响应面实验,研究不同条件(催化剂添加量、pH、Cr^(6+)浓度、CIP浓度)下光催化还原Cr(Ⅵ)和氧化CIP的效率。研究结果表明,单因素分析... 为光催化同步处理Cr(Ⅵ)和环丙沙星(CIP),文章采用一步水热反应法合成1T/2HO-MoS_2@S-pCN复合材料,通过响应面实验,研究不同条件(催化剂添加量、pH、Cr^(6+)浓度、CIP浓度)下光催化还原Cr(Ⅵ)和氧化CIP的效率。研究结果表明,单因素分析可知催化剂用量、pH值、CIP浓度和Cr(Ⅵ)浓度对光催化Cr(Ⅵ)和CIP的转化效率影响较大。建立了响应面优化实验模型,模型的P<0.0001,失拟项大于0.05,决定系数R^(2)均接近于1,说明实际值和模型预测值相关性较高。根据预测,当pH为3.00、催化剂添加量为60.00 mg、Cr(Ⅵ)初始浓度为5.01 mg/L、CIP浓度为5.04 mg/L时,Cr(Ⅵ)和CIP的去除率达最高。 展开更多
关键词 1T/2H o-MoS_(2)@S-pCN 光催化 六价铬 环丙沙星 响应面法
作者 王梦霄 陈志勇 +1 位作者 罗涵 张光钢 《实用医学杂志》 北大核心 2025年第1期53-59,共7页
目的探究改良CO_(2)点阵激光治疗难愈性创面的临床疗效及机制。方法选取2022年5月至2024年5月医院接诊的难愈性创面患者122例,以抽签法随机分为常规组(常规换药治疗+光动力治疗+常规CO_(2)点阵激光治疗)、改良组(常规换药治疗+光动力治... 目的探究改良CO_(2)点阵激光治疗难愈性创面的临床疗效及机制。方法选取2022年5月至2024年5月医院接诊的难愈性创面患者122例,以抽签法随机分为常规组(常规换药治疗+光动力治疗+常规CO_(2)点阵激光治疗)、改良组(常规换药治疗+光动力治疗+改良CO_(2)点阵激光治疗),各61例。比较治疗前及治疗1、2、3周后两组血清C反应蛋白(CRP)、红细胞沉降率(ESR)水平及创面细菌数量;比较治疗1、2、3周后两组创面愈合率;比较两组临床疗效;比较治疗前及治疗1、2、3周后创面渗液碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF)、促血管生成素-1(Ang-1)水平;比较两组不良反应。结果重复测量方差分析显示,两组血清CRP、ESR水平及创面细菌数量在组间、时间上均存在交互作用(P<0.05);治疗前两组血清CRP、ESR水平及创面细菌数量比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);治疗1、2、3周后改良组血清CRP、ESR水平及创面细菌数量均低于常规组(P<0.05);重复测量方差分析显示,两组创面愈合率在组间、时间上均存在交互作用(P<0.05);治疗1、2、3周后改良组创面愈合率均高于常规组(P<0.05);改良组临床总有效率高于常规组(P<0.05)。重复测量方差分析显示,两组创面渗液bFGF、Ang-1水平在组间、时间上均存在交互作用(P<0.05);治疗前两组创面渗液bFGF、Ang-1水平比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);治疗1、2、3周后改良组创面渗液bFGF、Ang-1水平均高于常规组(P<0.05);两组疼痛、瘙痒、红疹发生率比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论难愈性创面的治疗中改良CO_(2)点阵激光联合光动力疗法可促进创面渗液生长因子分泌,抑制创面细菌繁殖及炎症反应,加快创面愈合,提高临床疗效,且安全性高,其作用机制与促进创面渗液生长因子分泌有关。 展开更多
关键词 难愈性创面 改良Co_(2)点阵激光 光动力治疗 生长因子
Heterogeneous interfacial engineering of Pd/TiO2 with controllable carbon content for improved direct synthesis efficiency of H2O2 被引量:3
作者 Wei Yan Rui Sun +5 位作者 Meng Li Licheng Li Zhuhong Yang Zelin Hua Xiaohua Lu Chang Liu 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期312-321,共10页
Series of heterogeneous interfacial engineered TiO2(C-TiO2) with controllable carbon content were facilely synthesized by incipient-wet impregnation using glucose and subsequent thermal carbonization. The obtained C-T... Series of heterogeneous interfacial engineered TiO2(C-TiO2) with controllable carbon content were facilely synthesized by incipient-wet impregnation using glucose and subsequent thermal carbonization. The obtained C-TiO2 were used as catalytic supports to load Pd nanoparticles for H2 O2 direct synthesis from H2 and O2. The as-prepared samples were systematically studied by transmission electron microscopy(TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS), air isothermal microcalorimeter, temperature-programmed reduction of H2(H2-TPR), and so on. The catalytic results showed that H2 O2 productivity and H2O2 selectivity of Pd/C-TiO2 firstly rose with increasing carbon content and then declined. Pd/C-TiO2 catalyst with 1.89 wt% of carbon content showed the best catalytic performance that had 61.2% of selectivity and 2192 mmol H2O2/g Pd/h of productivity, which were significantly better than those of pristine Pd/TiO2(45.2% and 1827 mmol H2O2/g Pd/h). Various characterization results displayed that the carbon species were heterogeneously dispersed on TiO2 surface. Moreover, no obvious geometric transformation in supports and Pd nanoparticles were observed among different catalysts. The superficial hydrophobicity of Pd/C-TiO2 was gradually promoted with increasing carbon content, which led to the corresponding decrease in adsorption energy of H2O2 with catalysts. According to structure-performance relationship analyses, the heterogeneous interfacial engineering of carbon could maintain the interaction of Pd nanoparticles with TiO2 and simultaneously accelerate the H2O2 desorption. Both factors further determined the excellent H2O2 direct synthesis performance of Pd/C-TiO2. 展开更多
关键词 Direct synthesis of H2o2 Tio2 CARBoN Heterogeneous interfacial engineering PD
Improvement of stability of trivalent chromium electroplating of Ti based IrO_2+Ta_2O_5 coating anodes 被引量:3
作者 LI Baosong LIN An GAN Fuxing 《Rare Metals》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第z1期645-649,共5页
The preparation process and properties of the thermally prepared Ti anodes coated with IrO2+Ta2O5 was studied. The structure and morphologies of the IrO2+Ta2O5 coatings were determined by XRD and SEM. Their electroche... The preparation process and properties of the thermally prepared Ti anodes coated with IrO2+Ta2O5 was studied. The structure and morphologies of the IrO2+Ta2O5 coatings were determined by XRD and SEM. Their electrochemical properties were studied by polarization curve and cyclic voltammetry. Trivalent chromium electroplating using Ti/IrO2+Ta2O5 anodes is carried out and the results were analyzed. Results show that this anode exhibits excellent electrochemical activity and stability in sulfate electrolysis. The electrocatalytic activity is determined not only by the content of IrO2 but also the structure and morphology of the anode coatings. The electroplating results indicats that Ti/IrO2+Ta2O5 anodes have excellent capabilities and merits in improving the stability of trivalent chromium electroplating in sulfate system. 展开更多
关键词 Iro2+Ta2o5 trivalent chromium electroplating oxygen evolution oxide coated anode
Improved Visible Transparency of SiO_2/ZnO:Al/CeO_2-TiO_2/SiO_2 Multilayer Films with High UV Absorption and Infrared Reflection Rate 被引量:1
作者 倪佳苗 赵修建 +1 位作者 ZHAO Qingnan ZHENG Mindong 《Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science)》 SCIE EI CAS 2015年第5期941-946,共6页
New visible transparent, UV absorption, and high infrared reflection properties have been realized by depositing multilayer Si O2/Zn O: Al/Ce O2-Ti O2/Si O2 films onto glass substrates at low temperature by radio freq... New visible transparent, UV absorption, and high infrared reflection properties have been realized by depositing multilayer Si O2/Zn O: Al/Ce O2-Ti O2/Si O2 films onto glass substrates at low temperature by radio frequency magnetron sputtering. Optimum thickness of Si O2, Zn O: Al(ZAO) and Ce O2-Ti O2(CTO) films were designed with the aid of thin film design software. The degree of antireflection can be controlled by adjusting the thickness and refractive index. The outer Si O2 film can diminish the interference coloring and increase the transparency; the inner Si O2 film improves the adhesion of the coating on the glass substrate and prevents Ca2+, Na+ in the glass substrate from entering the ZAO film. The average transmittance in the visible light range increases by nearly 18%-20%, as compared to double layer ZAO/CTO films. And the films display high infrared reflection rate of above 75% in the wavelength range of 10-25 μm and good UV absorption(> 98%) properties. These systems are easy to produce on a large scale at low cost and exhibit high mechanical and chemical durability. The triple functional films with high UV absorption, antireflective and high infrared reflection rate will adapt to application in flat panel display and architectural coating glass, automotive glass, with diminishing light pollution as well as decreasing eye fatigue and increasing comfort. 展开更多
关键词 Si o2/Zn o:Al /Ce o2-Ti o2/Si o2 TRANSPARENCY high infrared reflection rate ultraviolet absorption optimization
Improved performance of AlGaN/GaN HEMT by N_2O plasma pre-treatment 被引量:1
作者 宓珉瀚 张凯 +4 位作者 赵胜雷 王冲 张进成 马晓华 郝跃 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期382-386,共5页
The influence of an N2O plasma pre-treatment technique on characteristics of AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor(HEMT) prepared by using a plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition(PECVD) system is present... The influence of an N2O plasma pre-treatment technique on characteristics of AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor(HEMT) prepared by using a plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition(PECVD) system is presented.After the plasma treatment,the peak transconductance(gm) increases from 209 mS/mm to 293 mS/mm.Moreover,it is observed that the reverse gate leakage current is lowered by one order of magnitude and the drain current dispersion is improved in the plasma-treated device.From the analysis of frequency-dependent conductance,it can be seen that the trap state density(DT) and time constant(τT) of the N20-treated device are smaller than those of a non-treated device.The results indicate that the N2O plasma pre-pretreatment before the gate metal deposition could be a promising approach to enhancing the performance of the device. 展开更多
关键词 GaN-based HEMTs N2o plasma pre-pretreatment frequency-dependent conductance
Improved electrochemical performances of yttrium oxyfluoride-coated Li[Li0.2Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.13]O2 for lithium ion batteries 被引量:3
作者 Yaxin Hao Fangning Yang +2 位作者 Didi Luo Jianhua Tian Zhongqiang Shan 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第4期1239-1246,共8页
The Li-rich layered oxides show a higher discharge capacity over 250 mAh/g and have been developed into a promising positive material for lithium ion batteries. A rare earth metal oxyfluoride YOF-coated Li[Lio.2Mno.54... The Li-rich layered oxides show a higher discharge capacity over 250 mAh/g and have been developed into a promising positive material for lithium ion batteries. A rare earth metal oxyfluoride YOF-coated Li[Lio.2Mno.54Ni0.13Co0.13]O2 composites have been synthesized by a simple wet chem- ical method. Crystal structure, micro-morphology and element valence of the pristine and YOF-coated Li[Li0.2Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.13]O2 materials are characterized by XRD, SEM, TEM, and XPS. The results indicate that all materials exhibit a typical layered structure, and are made up of small and homogenous parti- cles ranging from 100 nm to 200 nm. In addition, YOF layer with a thickness of approximately 3-8 nm is precisely coated on the surface of the Li[Li0.2Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.13]02. Constant current charge/discharge tests at various current densities show that the electrochemical performance of 2 wt% YOF-coated Li[Li0.2Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.13]O2 has been improved significantly. 2 wt% YOF-coated Li[Li0.2Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.13]O2 delivers the highest discharge capacity of 250.4 mAh/g at 20 mA/g among all the samples, and capacity retention of 87% after 100 charge/discharge cycles at 200 mA/g while that of the pristine one is only 81.6%. The superior electrochemical performance of 2wt% YOF-coated sample is ascribed to YOF coating layer, which could not only reduce side reactions between the electrode and liquid electrolyte, but also promote lithium ion migration. 展开更多
关键词 Li[Li0.2 Mn0.54 Ni0.13 Co0.13]o2 YoF-coated Cathode material Lithium ion battery
TiP_2O_7-coated LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)O_2 cathode materials with improved thermal stability and superior cycle life 被引量:1
作者 Guan Wu Yingke Zhou 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第1期151-159,共9页
The co-precipitation derived LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)O_2 cathode material was modified by a coating layer of TiP_2O_7 through an ethanol-based process. The TiP_2O_7-coated LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)O_2 is charac... The co-precipitation derived LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)O_2 cathode material was modified by a coating layer of TiP_2O_7 through an ethanol-based process. The TiP_2O_7-coated LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)O_2 is characterized by Xray diffraction analysis, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy to investigate the microstructure and morphology. The differential scanning calorimetry was employed to confirm the improved thermal stability. The electrochemical properties were evaluated by the constant-current charge/discharge tests. The TiP_2O_7 coating layer is effectively suppressing the structural degradation and ameliorating the surface status of LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)O_2 particles, and the intrinsic rhombohedral layered structure of TiP_2O_7-coated LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)O_2 was well maintained during the long-term cycling process, while the surface structure of pristine LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)O_2 was degraded from rhombohedral R3 m layered structure to cubic rock-salt structure. The charged state Ni^(4+) ions will easily transform into Ni^(2+) when the electrolytes oxidized at the interface of cathode/electrolytes and formed the cubic rock-salt NiO type structure, and the cubic rock-salt structure without electrochemical activity on the surface of LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)O_2 particles will finally accelerate capacity fading. The thermal stability and cyclic performances of the LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)O_2 electrode were remarkably improved by TiP_2O_7 coating, the total amount of heat release corresponding to the intensity of thermal runaway were 1075.5 and 964.6 J/g for pristine LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)O_2 and TiP_2O_7-coated LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)O_2 respectively, the pouch shaped full cells that employed TiP 2 O7-coated LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.15)Al_(0.05)O_2 as cathode were able to perform more than 2200 cycles at 25 ℃ and more than 1000 cycles at 45 ℃ before the capacity retention fading to 80%. 展开更多
关键词 LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05o2 Coating Thermal stability Cyclic PERFoRMANCES LITHIUM-IoN batteries
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