The mechanical properties of the SiC fiber-reinforced Mg-Al metal matrix composite materials have been studied on internal microstructure by (scanning electron microscopy) SEM in-situ tensile test. The emergence and p...The mechanical properties of the SiC fiber-reinforced Mg-Al metal matrix composite materials have been studied on internal microstructure by (scanning electron microscopy) SEM in-situ tensile test. The emergence and propagation of the crack, and the fracture behavior in materials have been observed and studied. It is found that in the case of the tensile test, the crack emerged in SiC fiber initially. In the case of the strong cohesion of the fiber-metal interface, the crack propagated in the fiber, meanwhile the fibers in the neighborhood of the cracked fiber began to crack and the Mg-Al metal deformed plastically, and at last the material fractured. Otherwise the toughness of the materials grows in the case of the lower cohesion of the fiber-metal matrix interface.展开更多
Additive layer manufacturing (ALM) of aerospace grade titanium components shows great promise in supplying a cost-effective alternative to the conventional production routes. Complex microstructures comprised of col...Additive layer manufacturing (ALM) of aerospace grade titanium components shows great promise in supplying a cost-effective alternative to the conventional production routes. Complex microstructures comprised of columnar remnants of directionally solidifiedβ-grains, with interior inhabited by colonies of finerα-plate structures, were found in samples produced by layered plasma welding of Ti-6Al-4V alloy. The application of in-situ tensile tests combined with rapid offline electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analysis provides a powerful tool for understanding and drawing qualitative correlations between microstructural features and deformation characteristics. Non-uniform deformation occurs due to a strong variation in strain response between colonies and across columnar grain boundaries. Prismatic and basal slip systems are active, with the prismatic systems contributing to the most severe deformation through coarse and widely spaced slip lines. Certain colonies behave as microstructural units, with easy slip transmission across the entire colony. Other regions exhibit significant deformation mismatch, with local build-up of strain gradients and stress concentration. The segmentation occurs due to the growth morphology and variant constraints imposed by the columnar solidification structures through orientation relationships, interface alignment and preferred growth directions. Tensile tests perpendicular to columnar structures reveal deformation localization at columnar grain boundaries. In this work connections are made between the theoretical macro- and microstructural growth mechanisms and the observed microstructure of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy, which in turn is linked to observations during in-situ tensile tests.展开更多
In this study, the interaction between cylindrical specimen made ofhomogeneous, isotropic, and linearlyelastic material and loading jaws of any curvature is considered in the Brazilian test. It is assumed thatthe spec...In this study, the interaction between cylindrical specimen made ofhomogeneous, isotropic, and linearlyelastic material and loading jaws of any curvature is considered in the Brazilian test. It is assumed thatthe specimen is diametrically compressed by elliptic normal contact stresses. The frictional contactstresses between the specimen and platens are neglected. The analytical solution starts from the contactproblem of the loading jaws of any curvature and cylindrical specimen. The contact width, correspondingloading angle (2 ^0), and elliptical stresses obtained through solution of the contact problems are used asboundary conditions for a cylindrical specimen. The problem of the theory of elasticity for a cylinder issolved using Muskhelishvili's method. In this method, the displacements and stresses are represented interms of two analytical functions of a complex variable. In the main approaches, the nonlinear interactionbetween the loading bearing blocks and the specimen as well as the curvature of their surfacesand the elastic parameters of their materials are taken into account. Numerical examples are solved usingMATLAB to demonstrate the influence of deformability, curvature of the specimen and platens on thedistribution of the normal contact stresses as well as on the tensile and compressive stresses actingacross the loaded diameter. Derived equations also allow calculating the modulus of elasticity, totaldeformation modulus and creep parameters of the specimen material based on the experimental data ofradial contraction of the specimen.展开更多
The stress on a test specimen during tensile testing is generally measured by a strain gauge. This method has some problems in that it would influence the measurement conditions of the tensile test and can evaluate on...The stress on a test specimen during tensile testing is generally measured by a strain gauge. This method has some problems in that it would influence the measurement conditions of the tensile test and can evaluate only the position at which the strain gauge is attached. The acoustoelastic method is proposed as a method replacing the strain gauge method. However, an ultrasonic sensor with a piezoelectric oscillator requires a coupling medium to inject an ultrasonic wave into a solid material. This condition, due to the error factor of the stress measurement, makes it difficult for the ultrasonic sensor to move on the specimen. We then tried to develop a non-contact stress measurement system during tensile testing using an electromagnetic acoustic transducer (EMAT) with an SH0-plate wave and S0-Lamb wave. The EMAT can measure the propagation time in which the ultrasonic wave travels between a receiver and a transmitter without a coupling medium during the tensile testing and can move easily. The interval between the transmitter and the receiver is 10mm and can be moved along the parallel direction or the vertical direction of the tensile load. The transit time was measured by a cross-correlation method and converted into the stress on the test specimen using the acoustoelastic method. We confirmed that the stress measurement using an SH0-plate wave was superior to that with an S0-Lamb wave.展开更多
The mechanical and damage properties of single fibres used in fibrous composite have gained tremendous importance in recent years. These properties are used in determination of effective properties of composites by mi...The mechanical and damage properties of single fibres used in fibrous composite have gained tremendous importance in recent years. These properties are used in determination of effective properties of composites by micromechanics. These are also used in the micromechanical damage modeling. Further, these properties are used as an indicator of the excellence of product by manufacturers. In the present study the axial tensile modulus, ultimate strength and failure strain of single fibres are determined for carbon and glass fibres. ASTM D3379-75 standard is followed and a number of fibers are tested for statistical analysis. The axial tensile moduli measured are 246.7 GPa and 93.3 GPa, respectively and strength are 3031.6 MPa and 2035.9 MPa, respectively for carbon and glass fibres. Further, the respective axial tensile failure strains are 0.0137 and 0.0224. The error in the measurement of axial modulus is below 8% while for axial tensile strength is below 1%.展开更多
Mechanical properties of structural materials are particularly important for design, performance realization and reliability analysis of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Furthermore, accurate database of mecha...Mechanical properties of structural materials are particularly important for design, performance realization and reliability analysis of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Furthermore, accurate database of mechanical properties at the micro scale can provide indispensable reference for establishing MEMS standard. Electroplated nickel film is one of the most favored structural materials used in MEMS, thus its mechanical properties has been studied for many years. However, the measured values show large scatter in Yotmg's modulus of nickel film. Young's modulus and yield stress of electroplated nickel film are measured by using a micro-tensile testing instrument. The tensile load applied on the specimen is measured by a load cell with accuracy 0.25 mN directly, without additional friction. Through measuring the axial stiffness coefficient of the tensile instnunent in situ, the tensile strain of the specimen is obtained by using two-serial spring model. The electroplated nickel films were fabricated from sulfarnate baths, and the gauge section is 500μm long and 10μm wide nominally, and thickness range between 25 μm and 50μm. The obtained Young's modulus from tensile testing is 83+6 GPa for nickel specimens electroplated at current density of 20 mA/cm2 and it increases to 124+5 GPa as current density is decreased to 10 mA/cm2. The phenomena are interpreted in terms of porosity of microstructure. The higher current density produced rnicrostucture with low density and high volume fraction of pores, and the microstructure of high porosity corresponds to a lower modulus. The measured values of Young's modulus are consistent with those of calculated from the exponential empirical formula between Young's modulus and porosity. The micro-tensile testing instrument can also be used for mechanical measurement of other MEMS films.展开更多
The tensile properties of three different carbonfiberreinforced carbon composites (C/C), mat C/C, 2D laminate and 4D C/C, were investigated under the combined influence of temperature and loading rate. From the experi...The tensile properties of three different carbonfiberreinforced carbon composites (C/C), mat C/C, 2D laminate and 4D C/C, were investigated under the combined influence of temperature and loading rate. From the experiments the following could be concluded: loading rate between 10-1-10 mm/min was valid; the fracture stress of the three kinds of C/C composites increased with increasing temperature in the range from room temperature to 1900, and the initial modulus of 2D laminate C/C composites increased with the increase of temperature up to 2000.展开更多
The design and development of jaw grip for circular tensile test samples in a universal mechanical tester were undertaken in this work. In developing economies, the cost of acquiring laboratory testing equipment and a...The design and development of jaw grip for circular tensile test samples in a universal mechanical tester were undertaken in this work. In developing economies, the cost of acquiring laboratory testing equipment and accessories is huge, thereby depriving most of the supposedly advanced laboratories of most of this necessary research equipment. Where the equipment is available, they are either non-functional due to inadequate maintenance know-how or non-availability of necessary accessories. The developed grip in this work is part of an effort at providing accessories as their need arises. Advanced design and manufacturing tools were deployed to develop the jaw grip by using austenitic stainless steel. The developed jaw grip was used on the test equipment to conduct tensile tests on steel samples and the results were found to conform to international standard. Consequently, replacement of worn-out accessories has been carried out in resent time, which eventually saves idle time of equipment or otherwise importation for replacement.展开更多
Static and dynamic splitting tests were conducted on ring marble specimens with different internal diameters to study the tensile strength and failure modes with the change of the ratio of internal radius to external ...Static and dynamic splitting tests were conducted on ring marble specimens with different internal diameters to study the tensile strength and failure modes with the change of the ratio of internal radius to external radius (ρ) under different loading rates. The results show that the dynamic tensile strength of disc rock specimen is approximately five times its static tensile strength. The failure modes of ring specimens are related to the dimension of the internal hole and loading rate. Under static loading tests, when the ratio of internal radius to external radius of the rock ring is small enough (ρ〈0.3), specimens mostly split along the diametral loading line. With the increase of the ratio, the secondary cracks are formed in the direction perpendicular to the loading line. Under dynamic loading tests, specimens usually break up into four pieces. When the ratio ρreaches 0.5, the secondary cracks are formed near the input bar. The tensile strength calculated by Hobbs’ formula is greater than the Brazilian splitting strength. The peak load and the radius ratio show a negative exponential relationship under static test. Using ring specimen to determine tensile strength of rock material is more like a test indicator rather than the material properties.展开更多
Soil tensile strength is a critical parameter governing the initiation and propagation of tensile cracking.This study proposes an eco-friendly approach to improve the tensile behavior and crack resistance of clayey so...Soil tensile strength is a critical parameter governing the initiation and propagation of tensile cracking.This study proposes an eco-friendly approach to improve the tensile behavior and crack resistance of clayey soils.To validate the feasibility and efficacy of the proposed approach,direct tensile tests were employed to determine the tensile strength of the compacted soil with different W-OH treatment concentrations and water contents.Desiccation tests were also performed to evaluate the effectiveness of W-OH treatment in enhancing soil tensile cracking resistance.During this period,the effects of W-OH treatment concentration and water content on tensile properties,soil suction and microstructure were investigated.The tensile tests reveal that W-OH treatment has a significant impact on the tensile strength and failure mode of the soil,which not only effectively enhances the tensile strength and failure displacement,but also changes the brittle failure behavior into a more ductile quasi-brittle failure behavior.The suction measurements and mercury intrusion porosimetry(MIP)tests show that W-OH treatment can slightly reduce soil suction by affecting skeleton structure and increasing macropores.Combined with the microstructural analysis,it becomes evident that the significant improvement in soil tensile behavior through W-OH treatment is mainly attributed to the W-OH gel's ability to provide additional binding force for bridging and encapsulating the soil particles.Moreover,desiccation tests demonstrate that W-OH treatment can significantly reduce or even inhibit the formation of soil tensile cracking.With the increase of W-OH treatment concentration,the surface crack ratio and total crack length are significantly reduced.This study enhances a fundamental understanding of eco-polymer impacts on soil mechanical properties and provides valuable insight into their potential application for improving soil crack resistance.展开更多
The tensile strength at the rock-concrete interface is one of the crucial factors controlling the failure mechanisms of structures,such as concrete gravity dams.Despite the critical importance of the failure mechanism...The tensile strength at the rock-concrete interface is one of the crucial factors controlling the failure mechanisms of structures,such as concrete gravity dams.Despite the critical importance of the failure mechanism and tensile strength of rock-concrete interfaces,understanding of these factors remains very limited.This study investigated the tensile strength and fracturing processes at rock-mortar interfaces subjected to direct and indirect tensile loadings.Digital image correlation(DIC)and acoustic emission(AE)techniques were used to monitor the failure mechanisms of specimens subjected to direct tension and indirect loading(Brazilian tests).The results indicated that the direct tensile strength of the rock-mortar specimens was lower than their indirect tensile strength,with a direct/indirect tensile strength ratio of 65%.DIC strain field data and moment tensor inversions(MTI)of AE events indicated that a significant number of shear microcracks occurred in the specimens subjected to the Brazilian test.The presence of these shear microcracks,which require more energy to break,resulted in a higher tensile strength during the Brazilian tests.In contrast,microcracks were predominantly tensile in specimens subjected to direct tension,leading to a lower tensile strength.Spatiotemporal monitoring of the cracking processes in the rock-mortar interfaces revealed that they show AE precursors before failure under the Brazilian test,whereas they show a minimal number of AE events before failure under direct tension.Due to different microcracking mechanisms,specimens tested under Brazilian tests showed lower roughness with flatter fracture surfaces than those tested under direct tension with jagged and rough fracture surfaces.The results of this study shed light on better understanding the micromechanics of damage in the rock-concrete interfaces for a safer design of engineering structures.展开更多
As shallow resources are increasingly depleted,the mechanics'theory and testing technology of deep insitu rock has become urgent.Traditional coring technologies obtain rock samples without retaining the in-situ en...As shallow resources are increasingly depleted,the mechanics'theory and testing technology of deep insitu rock has become urgent.Traditional coring technologies obtain rock samples without retaining the in-situ environmental conditions,leading to distortion of the measured parameters.Herein,a coring and testing systems retaining in-situ geological conditions is presented:the coring system that obtains in-situ rock samples,and the transfer and testing system that stores and analyzes the rocks under a reconstructed environment.The ICP-Coring system mainly consists of the pressure controller,active insulated core reactor and insulation layer and sealing film.The ultimate bearing strength of 100 MPa for pressurepreservation,temperature control accuracy of 0.97%for temperature-retained are realized.CH_(4)and CO permeability of the optimized sealing film are as low as 3.85 and 0.33 ppm/min.The average tensile elongation of the film is 152.4%and the light transmittance is reduced to 0%.Additionally,the pressure and steady-state temperature accuracy for reconstructing the in-situ environment of transfer and storage system up to 1%and±0.2 is achieved.The error recorded of the noncontact sensor ring made of lowdensity polymer is less than 6%than that of the contact test.The system can provide technical support for the deep in-situ rock mechanics research,improving deep resource acquisition capabilities and further clarifying deep-earth processes.展开更多
For understanding acoustic emission (AE) activity and accumulation of micro-damage inside rock under pure tensile state, the AE signals has been monitored on the test of directly tension on two kinds of marble speci...For understanding acoustic emission (AE) activity and accumulation of micro-damage inside rock under pure tensile state, the AE signals has been monitored on the test of directly tension on two kinds of marble specimens. A tensile constitutive model was proposed with the damage factor calculated by AE energy rate. The tensile strength of marble was discrete obviously and was sensitive to the inside microdefects and grain composition. With increasing of loading, the tensile stress-strain curve obviously showed nonlinear with the tensile tangent modulus decreasing. In repeated loading cycle, the tensile elastic modulus was less than that in the previous loading cycle because of the generation of micro damage during the prior loading. It means the linear weakening occurring in the specimens. The AE activity was corresponding with occurrence of nonlinear deformation. In the initial loading stage which only elastic deformation happened on the specimens, there were few AE events occurred; while when the nonlinear deformation happened with increasing of loading, lots of AE events were generated. The quantity and energy of AE events were proportionally related to the variation of tensile tangent modulus. The Kaiser effect of AE activity could be clearly observed in tensile cycle loading. Based on the theory of damage mechanics, the damage factor was defined by AE energy rate and the tensile damage constitutive model was proposed which only needed two property constants. The theoretical stress-strain curve was well fitted with the curve plotted with tested datum and the two property constants were easily gotten by the laboratory testing.展开更多
Tensile failure(spalling or slabbing)often occurs on the sidewall of deep tunnel,which is closely related to the coupled stress state of deep rock mass under high pre-static load and dynamic disturbance.To reveal the ...Tensile failure(spalling or slabbing)often occurs on the sidewall of deep tunnel,which is closely related to the coupled stress state of deep rock mass under high pre-static load and dynamic disturbance.To reveal the mechanism of rock tensile failure caused by this coupled stress mode,the Brazilian disc tests were carried on red sandstone under high pre-static load induced by dynamic disturbance.Based on the pure static tensile fracture load of red sandstone specimen,two static load levels(80%and 90%of the pure static tensile fracture load)were selected as the initial high pre-static loading state,and then the dynamic disturbance load was applied until the rock specimen was destroyed.The dynamic disturbance loading mode adopted a sinusoidal wave(sine-wave)load,and the loading wave amplitude was 20%and 10%of the pure static tensile fracture load,respectively.The dynamic disturbance frequencies were set to 1,10,20,30,40,and 50 Hz.The results show that the tensile failure strength and peak displacement of red sandstone specimens under coupled load actions are lower than those under pure static tensile load,and both parameters decrease significantly with the increase of dynamic disturbance frequency.With the increase of dynamic disturbance frequency,the decrease range of tensile strength of red sandstone increased from 3.3%to 9.4%when the pre-static load level is 80%.While when the pre-static load level is 90%,the decrease range will increase from 7.4%to 11.6%.This weakening effect of tensile strength shows that the deep surrounding rock is more likely to fail under the coupled load actions of pre-static load and dynamic disturbance.In this tensile failure mechanism of the deep surrounding rock,the stress environment of deep sidewall rock determines that the failure mode of rock is a tensile failure,the pre-static load level dominates the tensile failure strength of surrounding rock,and dynamic disturbance promotes the strength-weakening effect and affects the weakening range.展开更多
Ground improvement has been used on many construction sites to densify granular materials, in other word, to improve soil properties and reduce potential settlement. This work presents a case study of ground improveme...Ground improvement has been used on many construction sites to densify granular materials, in other word, to improve soil properties and reduce potential settlement. This work presents a case study of ground improvement using rapid impact compaction (RIC). The research site comprises the construction of workshop and depots as part of railway development project at Batu Gajah-Ipoh, Malaysia. In-situ testing results show that the subsurface soil comprises mainly of sand and silty sand through the investigated depth extended to 10 m. Groundwater is approximately 0.5 m below the ground surface. Evaluation of improvement was based on the results of pre- and post-improvement cone penetration test (CPT). Interpretation software has been used to infer soil properties. Load test was conducted to estimate soil settlement. It is found that the technique succeeds in improving soil properties namely the relative density increases from 45% to 70%, the friction angle of soil is increased by an average of 3°, and the soil settlement is reduced by 50%: The technique succeeds in improving soil properties to approximately 5.0 m in depth depending on soil uniformity with depth.展开更多
With the depletion of shallow resources,the exploration of deep earth resources has become a global strategy.The study of the different patterns in the physical mechanical properties of rocks at different occurrence d...With the depletion of shallow resources,the exploration of deep earth resources has become a global strategy.The study of the different patterns in the physical mechanical properties of rocks at different occurrence depths is the basis for exploring deep into the earth,with the core and premise being the acquisition and testing of deep in-situ core specimens.Based on the original idea of deep in-situ condition preserved coring(ICP-Coring)and testing,combined with theoretical modeling,numerical analysis,test platform development,indoor testing and engineering application,the principles and technologies of deep ICP-Coring are developed.This principle and technology consists of five parts:in-situ pressurepreserved coring(IPP-Coring),in-situ substance-preserved coring(ISP-Coring),in-situ temperaturepreserved coring(ITP-Coring),in-situ light-preserved coring(ILP-Coring),and in-situ moisturepreserved coring(IMP-Coring).The theory and technology of temperature and pressure reconstruction at different occurrence depths and in different environments are proposed,and prototype trial production was completed by following the principle of displacement and tests based on the in-situ reconstructed environment.The notable advances are as follows:(1)Deep in-situ coring system:A pressure-preserved controller with an ultimate bearing capacity greater than 140 MPa,highperformance(temperature-resistant,pressure-resistant,and low thermally conductive)temperaturepreserved materials,an active temperature control system,and high-barrier quality-preserved membrane materials were developed;a deep ICP-Coring capacity calibration platform was independently developed,a deep in-situ coring technology system was developed,and the acquisition of deep in-situ cores was realized.(2)In-situ storage displacement system:Following the dual-circuit hydraulic design idea,a single-drive source push-pull composite grabbing mechanism was designed;the design of the overall structure for the deep in-situ displacement storage system and ultrahigh pressure cabin structure was completed,which could realize docking the coring device and core displacement in the in-situ reconstructed environment.(3)Test analysis system:A noncontact acoustic-electric-magnetic test system was developed under the in-situ reconstructed environment,and the errors between the test results and traditional contact test results were mostly less than 10%;a detachable deep in-situ core true triaxial test system was developed,which could perform loading tests for deep in-situ cores.The relevant technological achievements were successfully applied to the exploration and development of deep resources,such as deep mines,deep-sea natural gas hydrates,and deep oil and gas.The research results provide technical and equipment support for the construction of a theoretical system for deep in-situ rock mechanics,the development of deep earth resources and energy,and the scientific exploration of different layers and occurrence depths(deep and ultradeep)of the Earth.展开更多
It is claimed that the formula used for calculating the tensile strength of a disk-shaped rock specimen in the Brazilian test is not accurate, because the formula is based on the 2-dimensional elastic theory and only ...It is claimed that the formula used for calculating the tensile strength of a disk-shaped rock specimen in the Brazilian test is not accurate, because the formula is based on the 2-dimensional elastic theory and only suitable for very long or very short cylinders. The Matlab software was used to obtain the 2-dimensional distribution of stress in the rock specimen for Brazilian test. Then the 2-dimensional stress distribution in Brazilian disk was analyzed by the Marc FEM software. It can be found that the results obtained by the two software packages can verify each other. Finally, the 3-dimensional elastic stress in the specimen was calculated. The results demonstrate that the distribution of stress on the cross section of the specimen is similar to that in 2-dimension. However, the value of the stress on the cross section varies along the thickness of the specimen and the stress is bigger when getting closer to the end of the specimen. For the specimen with a height-to-diameter ratio of 1 and a Poisson's ratio of 0.25, the tensile strength calculated with the classical 2-D formula is 23.3% smaller than the real strength. Therefore, the classical 2-D formula is too conservative.展开更多
The deformation and fracture behaviors of low-carbon steel, medium-carbon steel, and high-carbon steel were studied on internal microstructure using the scanning electron microscopy in situ tensile test. The microstru...The deformation and fracture behaviors of low-carbon steel, medium-carbon steel, and high-carbon steel were studied on internal microstructure using the scanning electron microscopy in situ tensile test. The microstructure mechanism of their deformation and fracture behavior was analyzed. The results show that the deformation and fracture behavior of low-carbon steel depends on the grain size of ferrite, the deformation and fracture behavior of medium-carbon steel depends on the size of ferrite grain and pearlite lump, and the deformation and fracture behavior of high-carbon steel depends on the size of pearlite lump and the pearlitic interlamellar spacing.展开更多
The tensile stress-strain curves of NiTi wires are obtained by tensile experiments under different heat treatments. A phenomenological physical model based on hysteresis element method is developed to describe the exp...The tensile stress-strain curves of NiTi wires are obtained by tensile experiments under different heat treatments. A phenomenological physical model based on hysteresis element method is developed to describe the experimentally determined stress-strain curves of shape memory alloy (SMA) wires. Numerical simulations are made. Simulation results show that:(1) a series of unusual changes on physical and mechanical properties of SMA wires occur when martensitic, especially R (rhombohedral) phase transformation emerge. The stress-strain relation of SMA wires is highly non-linear; (2) there are no notable yielding phenomena before NiTi wires are broken; (3) numerical results obtained by the physical model are in good agreement with experimental data.展开更多
文摘The mechanical properties of the SiC fiber-reinforced Mg-Al metal matrix composite materials have been studied on internal microstructure by (scanning electron microscopy) SEM in-situ tensile test. The emergence and propagation of the crack, and the fracture behavior in materials have been observed and studied. It is found that in the case of the tensile test, the crack emerged in SiC fiber initially. In the case of the strong cohesion of the fiber-metal interface, the crack propagated in the fiber, meanwhile the fibers in the neighborhood of the cracked fiber began to crack and the Mg-Al metal deformed plastically, and at last the material fractured. Otherwise the toughness of the materials grows in the case of the lower cohesion of the fiber-metal matrix interface.
文摘Additive layer manufacturing (ALM) of aerospace grade titanium components shows great promise in supplying a cost-effective alternative to the conventional production routes. Complex microstructures comprised of columnar remnants of directionally solidifiedβ-grains, with interior inhabited by colonies of finerα-plate structures, were found in samples produced by layered plasma welding of Ti-6Al-4V alloy. The application of in-situ tensile tests combined with rapid offline electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analysis provides a powerful tool for understanding and drawing qualitative correlations between microstructural features and deformation characteristics. Non-uniform deformation occurs due to a strong variation in strain response between colonies and across columnar grain boundaries. Prismatic and basal slip systems are active, with the prismatic systems contributing to the most severe deformation through coarse and widely spaced slip lines. Certain colonies behave as microstructural units, with easy slip transmission across the entire colony. Other regions exhibit significant deformation mismatch, with local build-up of strain gradients and stress concentration. The segmentation occurs due to the growth morphology and variant constraints imposed by the columnar solidification structures through orientation relationships, interface alignment and preferred growth directions. Tensile tests perpendicular to columnar structures reveal deformation localization at columnar grain boundaries. In this work connections are made between the theoretical macro- and microstructural growth mechanisms and the observed microstructure of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy, which in turn is linked to observations during in-situ tensile tests.
文摘In this study, the interaction between cylindrical specimen made ofhomogeneous, isotropic, and linearlyelastic material and loading jaws of any curvature is considered in the Brazilian test. It is assumed thatthe specimen is diametrically compressed by elliptic normal contact stresses. The frictional contactstresses between the specimen and platens are neglected. The analytical solution starts from the contactproblem of the loading jaws of any curvature and cylindrical specimen. The contact width, correspondingloading angle (2 ^0), and elliptical stresses obtained through solution of the contact problems are used asboundary conditions for a cylindrical specimen. The problem of the theory of elasticity for a cylinder issolved using Muskhelishvili's method. In this method, the displacements and stresses are represented interms of two analytical functions of a complex variable. In the main approaches, the nonlinear interactionbetween the loading bearing blocks and the specimen as well as the curvature of their surfacesand the elastic parameters of their materials are taken into account. Numerical examples are solved usingMATLAB to demonstrate the influence of deformability, curvature of the specimen and platens on thedistribution of the normal contact stresses as well as on the tensile and compressive stresses actingacross the loaded diameter. Derived equations also allow calculating the modulus of elasticity, totaldeformation modulus and creep parameters of the specimen material based on the experimental data ofradial contraction of the specimen.
文摘The stress on a test specimen during tensile testing is generally measured by a strain gauge. This method has some problems in that it would influence the measurement conditions of the tensile test and can evaluate only the position at which the strain gauge is attached. The acoustoelastic method is proposed as a method replacing the strain gauge method. However, an ultrasonic sensor with a piezoelectric oscillator requires a coupling medium to inject an ultrasonic wave into a solid material. This condition, due to the error factor of the stress measurement, makes it difficult for the ultrasonic sensor to move on the specimen. We then tried to develop a non-contact stress measurement system during tensile testing using an electromagnetic acoustic transducer (EMAT) with an SH0-plate wave and S0-Lamb wave. The EMAT can measure the propagation time in which the ultrasonic wave travels between a receiver and a transmitter without a coupling medium during the tensile testing and can move easily. The interval between the transmitter and the receiver is 10mm and can be moved along the parallel direction or the vertical direction of the tensile load. The transit time was measured by a cross-correlation method and converted into the stress on the test specimen using the acoustoelastic method. We confirmed that the stress measurement using an SH0-plate wave was superior to that with an S0-Lamb wave.
文摘The mechanical and damage properties of single fibres used in fibrous composite have gained tremendous importance in recent years. These properties are used in determination of effective properties of composites by micromechanics. These are also used in the micromechanical damage modeling. Further, these properties are used as an indicator of the excellence of product by manufacturers. In the present study the axial tensile modulus, ultimate strength and failure strain of single fibres are determined for carbon and glass fibres. ASTM D3379-75 standard is followed and a number of fibers are tested for statistical analysis. The axial tensile moduli measured are 246.7 GPa and 93.3 GPa, respectively and strength are 3031.6 MPa and 2035.9 MPa, respectively for carbon and glass fibres. Further, the respective axial tensile failure strains are 0.0137 and 0.0224. The error in the measurement of axial modulus is below 8% while for axial tensile strength is below 1%.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 50535030)National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program, Grant No. 2006CB300407)
文摘Mechanical properties of structural materials are particularly important for design, performance realization and reliability analysis of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Furthermore, accurate database of mechanical properties at the micro scale can provide indispensable reference for establishing MEMS standard. Electroplated nickel film is one of the most favored structural materials used in MEMS, thus its mechanical properties has been studied for many years. However, the measured values show large scatter in Yotmg's modulus of nickel film. Young's modulus and yield stress of electroplated nickel film are measured by using a micro-tensile testing instrument. The tensile load applied on the specimen is measured by a load cell with accuracy 0.25 mN directly, without additional friction. Through measuring the axial stiffness coefficient of the tensile instnunent in situ, the tensile strain of the specimen is obtained by using two-serial spring model. The electroplated nickel films were fabricated from sulfarnate baths, and the gauge section is 500μm long and 10μm wide nominally, and thickness range between 25 μm and 50μm. The obtained Young's modulus from tensile testing is 83+6 GPa for nickel specimens electroplated at current density of 20 mA/cm2 and it increases to 124+5 GPa as current density is decreased to 10 mA/cm2. The phenomena are interpreted in terms of porosity of microstructure. The higher current density produced rnicrostucture with low density and high volume fraction of pores, and the microstructure of high porosity corresponds to a lower modulus. The measured values of Young's modulus are consistent with those of calculated from the exponential empirical formula between Young's modulus and porosity. The micro-tensile testing instrument can also be used for mechanical measurement of other MEMS films.
文摘The tensile properties of three different carbonfiberreinforced carbon composites (C/C), mat C/C, 2D laminate and 4D C/C, were investigated under the combined influence of temperature and loading rate. From the experiments the following could be concluded: loading rate between 10-1-10 mm/min was valid; the fracture stress of the three kinds of C/C composites increased with increasing temperature in the range from room temperature to 1900, and the initial modulus of 2D laminate C/C composites increased with the increase of temperature up to 2000.
文摘The design and development of jaw grip for circular tensile test samples in a universal mechanical tester were undertaken in this work. In developing economies, the cost of acquiring laboratory testing equipment and accessories is huge, thereby depriving most of the supposedly advanced laboratories of most of this necessary research equipment. Where the equipment is available, they are either non-functional due to inadequate maintenance know-how or non-availability of necessary accessories. The developed grip in this work is part of an effort at providing accessories as their need arises. Advanced design and manufacturing tools were deployed to develop the jaw grip by using austenitic stainless steel. The developed jaw grip was used on the test equipment to conduct tensile tests on steel samples and the results were found to conform to international standard. Consequently, replacement of worn-out accessories has been carried out in resent time, which eventually saves idle time of equipment or otherwise importation for replacement.
基金Project(2015CB060200)supported by the National Basic Research Program of ChinaProject(51474250)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(2015JJ3166)supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province,China
文摘Static and dynamic splitting tests were conducted on ring marble specimens with different internal diameters to study the tensile strength and failure modes with the change of the ratio of internal radius to external radius (ρ) under different loading rates. The results show that the dynamic tensile strength of disc rock specimen is approximately five times its static tensile strength. The failure modes of ring specimens are related to the dimension of the internal hole and loading rate. Under static loading tests, when the ratio of internal radius to external radius of the rock ring is small enough (ρ〈0.3), specimens mostly split along the diametral loading line. With the increase of the ratio, the secondary cracks are formed in the direction perpendicular to the loading line. Under dynamic loading tests, specimens usually break up into four pieces. When the ratio ρreaches 0.5, the secondary cracks are formed near the input bar. The tensile strength calculated by Hobbs’ formula is greater than the Brazilian splitting strength. The peak load and the radius ratio show a negative exponential relationship under static test. Using ring specimen to determine tensile strength of rock material is more like a test indicator rather than the material properties.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41925012,42230710)Key Laboratory Cooperation Special Project of Western Cross Team of Western Light,Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.xbzg-zdsys-202107).
文摘Soil tensile strength is a critical parameter governing the initiation and propagation of tensile cracking.This study proposes an eco-friendly approach to improve the tensile behavior and crack resistance of clayey soils.To validate the feasibility and efficacy of the proposed approach,direct tensile tests were employed to determine the tensile strength of the compacted soil with different W-OH treatment concentrations and water contents.Desiccation tests were also performed to evaluate the effectiveness of W-OH treatment in enhancing soil tensile cracking resistance.During this period,the effects of W-OH treatment concentration and water content on tensile properties,soil suction and microstructure were investigated.The tensile tests reveal that W-OH treatment has a significant impact on the tensile strength and failure mode of the soil,which not only effectively enhances the tensile strength and failure displacement,but also changes the brittle failure behavior into a more ductile quasi-brittle failure behavior.The suction measurements and mercury intrusion porosimetry(MIP)tests show that W-OH treatment can slightly reduce soil suction by affecting skeleton structure and increasing macropores.Combined with the microstructural analysis,it becomes evident that the significant improvement in soil tensile behavior through W-OH treatment is mainly attributed to the W-OH gel's ability to provide additional binding force for bridging and encapsulating the soil particles.Moreover,desiccation tests demonstrate that W-OH treatment can significantly reduce or even inhibit the formation of soil tensile cracking.With the increase of W-OH treatment concentration,the surface crack ratio and total crack length are significantly reduced.This study enhances a fundamental understanding of eco-polymer impacts on soil mechanical properties and provides valuable insight into their potential application for improving soil crack resistance.
文摘The tensile strength at the rock-concrete interface is one of the crucial factors controlling the failure mechanisms of structures,such as concrete gravity dams.Despite the critical importance of the failure mechanism and tensile strength of rock-concrete interfaces,understanding of these factors remains very limited.This study investigated the tensile strength and fracturing processes at rock-mortar interfaces subjected to direct and indirect tensile loadings.Digital image correlation(DIC)and acoustic emission(AE)techniques were used to monitor the failure mechanisms of specimens subjected to direct tension and indirect loading(Brazilian tests).The results indicated that the direct tensile strength of the rock-mortar specimens was lower than their indirect tensile strength,with a direct/indirect tensile strength ratio of 65%.DIC strain field data and moment tensor inversions(MTI)of AE events indicated that a significant number of shear microcracks occurred in the specimens subjected to the Brazilian test.The presence of these shear microcracks,which require more energy to break,resulted in a higher tensile strength during the Brazilian tests.In contrast,microcracks were predominantly tensile in specimens subjected to direct tension,leading to a lower tensile strength.Spatiotemporal monitoring of the cracking processes in the rock-mortar interfaces revealed that they show AE precursors before failure under the Brazilian test,whereas they show a minimal number of AE events before failure under direct tension.Due to different microcracking mechanisms,specimens tested under Brazilian tests showed lower roughness with flatter fracture surfaces than those tested under direct tension with jagged and rough fracture surfaces.The results of this study shed light on better understanding the micromechanics of damage in the rock-concrete interfaces for a safer design of engineering structures.
基金supported by the Program for Guangdong Introducing Innovative and Enterpreneurial Teams(No.2019ZT08G315)National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51827901,U2013603,and 52004166)。
文摘As shallow resources are increasingly depleted,the mechanics'theory and testing technology of deep insitu rock has become urgent.Traditional coring technologies obtain rock samples without retaining the in-situ environmental conditions,leading to distortion of the measured parameters.Herein,a coring and testing systems retaining in-situ geological conditions is presented:the coring system that obtains in-situ rock samples,and the transfer and testing system that stores and analyzes the rocks under a reconstructed environment.The ICP-Coring system mainly consists of the pressure controller,active insulated core reactor and insulation layer and sealing film.The ultimate bearing strength of 100 MPa for pressurepreservation,temperature control accuracy of 0.97%for temperature-retained are realized.CH_(4)and CO permeability of the optimized sealing film are as low as 3.85 and 0.33 ppm/min.The average tensile elongation of the film is 152.4%and the light transmittance is reduced to 0%.Additionally,the pressure and steady-state temperature accuracy for reconstructing the in-situ environment of transfer and storage system up to 1%and±0.2 is achieved.The error recorded of the noncontact sensor ring made of lowdensity polymer is less than 6%than that of the contact test.The system can provide technical support for the deep in-situ rock mechanics research,improving deep resource acquisition capabilities and further clarifying deep-earth processes.
文摘For understanding acoustic emission (AE) activity and accumulation of micro-damage inside rock under pure tensile state, the AE signals has been monitored on the test of directly tension on two kinds of marble specimens. A tensile constitutive model was proposed with the damage factor calculated by AE energy rate. The tensile strength of marble was discrete obviously and was sensitive to the inside microdefects and grain composition. With increasing of loading, the tensile stress-strain curve obviously showed nonlinear with the tensile tangent modulus decreasing. In repeated loading cycle, the tensile elastic modulus was less than that in the previous loading cycle because of the generation of micro damage during the prior loading. It means the linear weakening occurring in the specimens. The AE activity was corresponding with occurrence of nonlinear deformation. In the initial loading stage which only elastic deformation happened on the specimens, there were few AE events occurred; while when the nonlinear deformation happened with increasing of loading, lots of AE events were generated. The quantity and energy of AE events were proportionally related to the variation of tensile tangent modulus. The Kaiser effect of AE activity could be clearly observed in tensile cycle loading. Based on the theory of damage mechanics, the damage factor was defined by AE energy rate and the tensile damage constitutive model was proposed which only needed two property constants. The theoretical stress-strain curve was well fitted with the curve plotted with tested datum and the two property constants were easily gotten by the laboratory testing.
基金Projects(42077244,41877272,41472269)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(2242020R10023)supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of Southeast University,China。
文摘Tensile failure(spalling or slabbing)often occurs on the sidewall of deep tunnel,which is closely related to the coupled stress state of deep rock mass under high pre-static load and dynamic disturbance.To reveal the mechanism of rock tensile failure caused by this coupled stress mode,the Brazilian disc tests were carried on red sandstone under high pre-static load induced by dynamic disturbance.Based on the pure static tensile fracture load of red sandstone specimen,two static load levels(80%and 90%of the pure static tensile fracture load)were selected as the initial high pre-static loading state,and then the dynamic disturbance load was applied until the rock specimen was destroyed.The dynamic disturbance loading mode adopted a sinusoidal wave(sine-wave)load,and the loading wave amplitude was 20%and 10%of the pure static tensile fracture load,respectively.The dynamic disturbance frequencies were set to 1,10,20,30,40,and 50 Hz.The results show that the tensile failure strength and peak displacement of red sandstone specimens under coupled load actions are lower than those under pure static tensile load,and both parameters decrease significantly with the increase of dynamic disturbance frequency.With the increase of dynamic disturbance frequency,the decrease range of tensile strength of red sandstone increased from 3.3%to 9.4%when the pre-static load level is 80%.While when the pre-static load level is 90%,the decrease range will increase from 7.4%to 11.6%.This weakening effect of tensile strength shows that the deep surrounding rock is more likely to fail under the coupled load actions of pre-static load and dynamic disturbance.In this tensile failure mechanism of the deep surrounding rock,the stress environment of deep sidewall rock determines that the failure mode of rock is a tensile failure,the pre-static load level dominates the tensile failure strength of surrounding rock,and dynamic disturbance promotes the strength-weakening effect and affects the weakening range.
基金Projects(RG148/12AET,RG086/10AET) supported by the UMRG,MalaysiaProject(PS05812010B) supported by the Post Graduate Research Fund,Malaysia
文摘Ground improvement has been used on many construction sites to densify granular materials, in other word, to improve soil properties and reduce potential settlement. This work presents a case study of ground improvement using rapid impact compaction (RIC). The research site comprises the construction of workshop and depots as part of railway development project at Batu Gajah-Ipoh, Malaysia. In-situ testing results show that the subsurface soil comprises mainly of sand and silty sand through the investigated depth extended to 10 m. Groundwater is approximately 0.5 m below the ground surface. Evaluation of improvement was based on the results of pre- and post-improvement cone penetration test (CPT). Interpretation software has been used to infer soil properties. Load test was conducted to estimate soil settlement. It is found that the technique succeeds in improving soil properties namely the relative density increases from 45% to 70%, the friction angle of soil is increased by an average of 3°, and the soil settlement is reduced by 50%: The technique succeeds in improving soil properties to approximately 5.0 m in depth depending on soil uniformity with depth.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51827901)the Program for Guangdong Introducing Innovative and Enterpreneurial Teams(No.2019ZT08G315)Shenzhen Key Research Projects(No.JSGG20220831105002005).
文摘With the depletion of shallow resources,the exploration of deep earth resources has become a global strategy.The study of the different patterns in the physical mechanical properties of rocks at different occurrence depths is the basis for exploring deep into the earth,with the core and premise being the acquisition and testing of deep in-situ core specimens.Based on the original idea of deep in-situ condition preserved coring(ICP-Coring)and testing,combined with theoretical modeling,numerical analysis,test platform development,indoor testing and engineering application,the principles and technologies of deep ICP-Coring are developed.This principle and technology consists of five parts:in-situ pressurepreserved coring(IPP-Coring),in-situ substance-preserved coring(ISP-Coring),in-situ temperaturepreserved coring(ITP-Coring),in-situ light-preserved coring(ILP-Coring),and in-situ moisturepreserved coring(IMP-Coring).The theory and technology of temperature and pressure reconstruction at different occurrence depths and in different environments are proposed,and prototype trial production was completed by following the principle of displacement and tests based on the in-situ reconstructed environment.The notable advances are as follows:(1)Deep in-situ coring system:A pressure-preserved controller with an ultimate bearing capacity greater than 140 MPa,highperformance(temperature-resistant,pressure-resistant,and low thermally conductive)temperaturepreserved materials,an active temperature control system,and high-barrier quality-preserved membrane materials were developed;a deep ICP-Coring capacity calibration platform was independently developed,a deep in-situ coring technology system was developed,and the acquisition of deep in-situ cores was realized.(2)In-situ storage displacement system:Following the dual-circuit hydraulic design idea,a single-drive source push-pull composite grabbing mechanism was designed;the design of the overall structure for the deep in-situ displacement storage system and ultrahigh pressure cabin structure was completed,which could realize docking the coring device and core displacement in the in-situ reconstructed environment.(3)Test analysis system:A noncontact acoustic-electric-magnetic test system was developed under the in-situ reconstructed environment,and the errors between the test results and traditional contact test results were mostly less than 10%;a detachable deep in-situ core true triaxial test system was developed,which could perform loading tests for deep in-situ cores.The relevant technological achievements were successfully applied to the exploration and development of deep resources,such as deep mines,deep-sea natural gas hydrates,and deep oil and gas.The research results provide technical and equipment support for the construction of a theoretical system for deep in-situ rock mechanics,the development of deep earth resources and energy,and the scientific exploration of different layers and occurrence depths(deep and ultradeep)of the Earth.
基金[This work was financially supported by the Fundamental Science Research Fund of Southwest Jiaotong University (No.2004B13).
文摘It is claimed that the formula used for calculating the tensile strength of a disk-shaped rock specimen in the Brazilian test is not accurate, because the formula is based on the 2-dimensional elastic theory and only suitable for very long or very short cylinders. The Matlab software was used to obtain the 2-dimensional distribution of stress in the rock specimen for Brazilian test. Then the 2-dimensional stress distribution in Brazilian disk was analyzed by the Marc FEM software. It can be found that the results obtained by the two software packages can verify each other. Finally, the 3-dimensional elastic stress in the specimen was calculated. The results demonstrate that the distribution of stress on the cross section of the specimen is similar to that in 2-dimension. However, the value of the stress on the cross section varies along the thickness of the specimen and the stress is bigger when getting closer to the end of the specimen. For the specimen with a height-to-diameter ratio of 1 and a Poisson's ratio of 0.25, the tensile strength calculated with the classical 2-D formula is 23.3% smaller than the real strength. Therefore, the classical 2-D formula is too conservative.
文摘The deformation and fracture behaviors of low-carbon steel, medium-carbon steel, and high-carbon steel were studied on internal microstructure using the scanning electron microscopy in situ tensile test. The microstructure mechanism of their deformation and fracture behavior was analyzed. The results show that the deformation and fracture behavior of low-carbon steel depends on the grain size of ferrite, the deformation and fracture behavior of medium-carbon steel depends on the size of ferrite grain and pearlite lump, and the deformation and fracture behavior of high-carbon steel depends on the size of pearlite lump and the pearlitic interlamellar spacing.
文摘The tensile stress-strain curves of NiTi wires are obtained by tensile experiments under different heat treatments. A phenomenological physical model based on hysteresis element method is developed to describe the experimentally determined stress-strain curves of shape memory alloy (SMA) wires. Numerical simulations are made. Simulation results show that:(1) a series of unusual changes on physical and mechanical properties of SMA wires occur when martensitic, especially R (rhombohedral) phase transformation emerge. The stress-strain relation of SMA wires is highly non-linear; (2) there are no notable yielding phenomena before NiTi wires are broken; (3) numerical results obtained by the physical model are in good agreement with experimental data.