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Socially Excluded Children: Listening to the Experiences of the Inmates of the Institutional Care
作者 Rashmi Pramanik 《Sociology Study》 2013年第9期684-696,共13页
Children without parents are not only among the most vulnerable members of society--their care and protection also present a major child-care policy challenge. In spite of this, they are all but doomed to have their s... Children without parents are not only among the most vulnerable members of society--their care and protection also present a major child-care policy challenge. In spite of this, they are all but doomed to have their special needs ignored and their rights abused in many cases. Children without a biological family, who are cared for in some forms, also run the risk of a life which holds fewer possibilities for healthy development and a supportive environment than that of their peers with families. The range of threats is wide, from extreme neglect (lack of access to education, medical care, a balanced diet, etc.) to social stigmatization and marginalization and the fact that the loss of a family represents a serious trauma that stays with a person throughout his/her life and can potentially be seriously damaging if the person has not had any support in coping with it in childhood. The present study is conducted among the inmates (children) admitted in the ashrams (orphanages) who come from underprivileged socio-economic backgrounds. Information was collected from two orphanages of Sambalpur district situated in the western part of Odisha. These are Dhankauda Kanyaashram (for girls) and Dhankauda Balashram (for boys). The paper examines a wide range of care interventions for orphans, including family care, institutional care, community-based care, and rights-based care. A lack of direction, inadequate care, ignorance, and discrimination can make the trauma experienced by orphans more intense and ultimately ensure that they really do not succeed. 展开更多
关键词 Orphan children institutional care family care rights-based care community-based care
Remuneration Reforms in Public Sector: A Case of Russian Healthcare
作者 Marina Kolosnitsyna 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第1期109-118,共10页
In 2008 remuneration reform for public sector was introduced in Russia. Its main idea was to implement P4P principle well-known in business, including more flexible approach to wage setting. This paper presents an att... In 2008 remuneration reform for public sector was introduced in Russia. Its main idea was to implement P4P principle well-known in business, including more flexible approach to wage setting. This paper presents an attempt to estimate an influence of the new remuneration system (NRS) on earnings level, inequalities and job motivation. The estimates are based on microdata of monitoring survey of healthcare economic problems conducted in Russia in 2009 and 2010. The extended specification of Mincer earning equation and probit-models were used. One could observe increasing wage rates and earning inequalities within healthcare institutions adopted NRS though worker's experience and regional economic differences remain significant wage determining factors. As it occurs, NRS is widely adopted by large regional and central hospitals while smaller health care institutions show less enthusiasm in implementing reform. Obviously, the larger institutions have more money and better educated administrative staff to introduce the new system. Those chief physicians who adopted NRS point out a positive correlation between earnings and individual input. At the same time, those committed to old principles of wage setting more often note declining job turnover. This latter result could possibly indicate negative personnel sorting, less productive workers tending to stay with employer who doesn't assess their performance. As concerns anticipated NRS results such as increasing motivation and quality of health services, the evidence is still ambiguous. 展开更多
关键词 remuneration system pay for performance health care institutions job motivation
A Study on the Quality of Life of Elderly Nurses in Two Selected Elderly Care Institutions in Shandong Province
作者 Qing Ji 《Journal of Clinical and Nursing Research》 2023年第4期89-93,共5页
Objective: To comprehensively understand the impact of the quality of life of elderly nurses in two selected elderly care institutions in Zibo city, Shandong province, and to provide a scientific basis for improving t... Objective: To comprehensively understand the impact of the quality of life of elderly nurses in two selected elderly care institutions in Zibo city, Shandong province, and to provide a scientific basis for improving the professional quality of life of elderly nurses. Methods: The convenient sampling method was used to investigate the professional quality of life (proQOL) questionnaire Version 5 and the self-designed demographic data of 82 elderly nurses working in two elderly care institutions. Result: From this score, it can be seen that the occupational burnout problem of elderly nursing staff in the two nursing homes is the most significant, with empathy and secondary trauma emergency at a moderate level. After controlling the demographic variables, the working hours and monthly income level had a significant impact on nurses’ job burnout. Conclusion: Due to the particularity and high intensity of elderly nurses’ work, their physical and mental health faces many challenges, which affect their quality of life. At present, efforts will be made to reduce work pressure, increase wages and benefits, and thereby improve the quality of life. 展开更多
关键词 Elderly care institutions nurses Quality of life Compassion fatigue BURNOUT
Exploration on the Implementation of the Integration of Medical and Preventive Model in China’s Primary Health Care Institutions
作者 Chen Hui Wang Shuling 《Asian Journal of Social Pharmacy》 2022年第2期167-177,共11页
Objective To explore the different modes and approaches of medical and preventive integration in current primary health care institutions in China.Methods Through literature analysis,field research,telephone interview... Objective To explore the different modes and approaches of medical and preventive integration in current primary health care institutions in China.Methods Through literature analysis,field research,telephone interviews,and other methods the implementation status was evaluated to systematically study the main experience and effect of implementing medical and preventive integration services in pilot areas.Results and Conclusion At present,there are three implementation modes of medical-prevention integration,namely,vertical mode based on the medical community,internal mode with optimized service process,and internal mode with great service capabilities.The three medical-prevention integration modes have their respective focuses,but they need to be further improved in terms of policy support,technical staffing,information system construction,and drug use. 展开更多
关键词 primary health care institution medical and preventive integration model
Management of chronic hepatitis B infection: Current treatment guidelines, challenges, and new developments 被引量:42
作者 Ceen-Ming Tang Tung On Yau Jun Yu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2014年第20期6262-6278,共17页
Chronic hepatitis B(CHB)virus infection is a global public health problem,affecting more than 400 million people worldwide.The clinical spectrum is wide,ranging from a subclinical inactive carrier state,to progressive... Chronic hepatitis B(CHB)virus infection is a global public health problem,affecting more than 400 million people worldwide.The clinical spectrum is wide,ranging from a subclinical inactive carrier state,to progressive chronic hepatitis,cirrhosis,decompensation,and hepatocellular carcinoma.However,complications of hepatitis B virus(HBV)-related chronic liver disease may be reduced by viral suppression.Current international guidelines recommend first-line treatment of CHB infection with pegylated interferon,entecavir,or tenofovir,but the optimal treatment for an individualpatient is controversial.The indications for treatment are contentious,and increasing evidence suggests that HBV genotyping,as well as serial on-treatment measurements of hepatitis B surface antigen and HBV DNA kinetics should be used to predict antiviral treatment response.The likelihood of achieving a sustained virological response is also increased by extending treatment duration,and using combination therapy.Hence the paradigm for treatment of CHB is constantly evolving.This article summarizes the different indications for treatment,and systematically reviews the evidence for the efficacy of various antiviral agents.It further discusses the shortcomings of current guidelines,use of rescue therapy in drug-resistant strains of HBV,and highlights the promising clinical trials for emerging therapies in the pipeline.This concise overview presents an updated practical approach to guide the clinical management of CHB. 展开更多
关键词 Chronic hepatitis B virus infection National institute for health and care excellence Treatment guidelines INTERFERON Pegylated interferon Nucleos(t)ide analogues Antiviral resistance Rescue therapy Clinical trials
基于DEA-Malmquist模型的养老机构供给效率研究 被引量:8
作者 边妗伟 《中国卫生资源》 北大核心 2022年第5期669-674,共6页
目的 评价国内养老机构服务供给效率,了解国内养老机构服务供给现状。方法 应用数据包络分析法对2016—2020年的国内养老机构相关数据进行分析,评估国内养老机构服务供给效率。结果 2016年国内养老机构服务供给的综合技术效率、纯技术... 目的 评价国内养老机构服务供给效率,了解国内养老机构服务供给现状。方法 应用数据包络分析法对2016—2020年的国内养老机构相关数据进行分析,评估国内养老机构服务供给效率。结果 2016年国内养老机构服务供给的综合技术效率、纯技术效率和规模效率分别为0.872、0.891和0.976,2020年分别为0.940、0.959和0.980。2016—2020年全要素生产率指数均值为0.988,综合技术效率上升2.2%,纯技术效率上升2.0%,技术进步均值下降3.3%。结论 养老机构的整体管理和技术水平是影响服务供给综合技术效率的主要因素。服务供给效率省际发展不均衡,区域间服务供给效率差距有所减小。技术进步是影响养老机构服务供给效率的主要因素。建议提高对养老机构管理水平的重视程度,合理配置养老机构资源,通过加强技术研发、加强养老人才队伍建设等方式提高国内养老机构服务供给效率。 展开更多
关键词 数据包络分析data envelopment analysis DEA Malmquist指数Malmquist index 养老机构elderly care institution 供给效率supply efficiency 综合技术效率comprehensive technical efficiency 纯技术效率pure technical efficiency 规模效率scale efficiency 全要素生产率total factor productivity
山东省基层妇幼保健机构资源效率的空间分布 被引量:2
作者 高杰 魏梦珂 +4 位作者 房学强 贾秀才 罗丽梅 张丽红 郑世存 《中国卫生资源》 北大核心 2022年第5期641-643,649,共4页
目的 研究山东省县(区、市)级妇幼保健机构资源效率的空间分布特征及聚集性,为妇幼保健机构资源效率的提升提供科学依据。方法 用ArcGIS 10.5软件进行Moran’s Ⅰ空间自相关分析和Getis-Ord G~*热点分析。结果 目前,山东省还有13家(占9.... 目的 研究山东省县(区、市)级妇幼保健机构资源效率的空间分布特征及聚集性,为妇幼保健机构资源效率的提升提供科学依据。方法 用ArcGIS 10.5软件进行Moran’s Ⅰ空间自相关分析和Getis-Ord G~*热点分析。结果 目前,山东省还有13家(占9.42%)基层妇幼保健机构没有开展门诊服务,41家(占29.71%)未开展住院服务。山东省基层妇幼保健机构的日均住院工作负担和床位使用率呈空间正相关(Moran’s Ⅰ=0.194,P=0.001;Moran’s Ⅰ=0.223,P < 0.001)。Getis-Ord Gi~*热点分析显示,日均门急诊工作负担、日均住院工作负担和床位使用率均存在热点和冷点聚集区域。其中,热点区域主要分布在临沂、潍坊和烟台等市,冷点区域主要分布在济南市、青岛市、东营市和菏泽市。结论 山东省基层妇幼保健机构的资源使用效率指标具有空间异质性,应密切关注冷热点区域,分类指导、统筹规划,提高妇幼保健资源的利用效率。 展开更多
关键词 妇幼保健机构maternal and child health care institution 卫生资源health resource 效率efficiency 空间自相关spatial autocorrelation 空间分布spatial distribution
上海妇幼保健系统党员和业务骨干“双培养”工作现状与对策建议 被引量:1
作者 金晔 张辉 +4 位作者 黄思颖 郝思佳 曹海亮 李文先 沙卫涛 《中国卫生资源》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期768-772,共5页
目的调查当前上海市妇幼保健机构党员和业务骨干“双培养”工作现状,对本系统人才队伍建设提出对策建议,为打造一支政治过硬、业务精湛、作风优良的妇幼健康人才队伍打好基础。方法通过召开1场人才工作专题会,发放17张机构调查表和321... 目的调查当前上海市妇幼保健机构党员和业务骨干“双培养”工作现状,对本系统人才队伍建设提出对策建议,为打造一支政治过硬、业务精湛、作风优良的妇幼健康人才队伍打好基础。方法通过召开1场人才工作专题会,发放17张机构调查表和321份调查问卷,到3个区妇幼保健院(所)实地调研,收集17家机构工作总结等方式,了解2020—2022年上海市、区两级17家妇幼保健机构党员和业务骨干“双培养”工作情况。结果上海妇幼保健系统党员和业务骨干“双培养”工作在机制建设、思想引领和培养方式上已经取得一定成效,但在受访者中,仍有39.75%对该项工作不了解;57%的非党员业务骨干不愿意或不确定是否入党;82名非业务骨干党员认为自身与业务骨干在工作格局(27.27%)、管理能力(24.43%)、业务能力(14.2%)和人际沟通能力(11.93%)等方面存在差距。结论本市妇幼保健系统要进一步加强党员和业务骨干“双培养”工作的推进力度:一要立足“党管”、立足“精准”、立足“长远”;二要加强对业务骨干思想引领和文化引领;三要实现党员工作格局、职业素养和综合实力三方面超越,从而不断提升人才素质,夯实妇幼事业的人才基础。 展开更多
关键词 党员member of the Chinese Communist Party 业务骨干key personnel 双培养dual development 妇幼保健机构women and children’s health care institution
Research on the Construction of Pharmacy Organization and the Development of Pharmaceutical Services in China’s Primary Medical and Health Institutions—Based on the Survey of 5 Provinces
作者 Cai Hongning Sun Lihua 《Asian Journal of Social Pharmacy》 2021年第1期93-101,共9页
Objective To explore the current situation and problems of the pharmacy organization and pharmaceutical services in primary medical and health institutions so as to provide a reference for improving relevant policies.... Objective To explore the current situation and problems of the pharmacy organization and pharmaceutical services in primary medical and health institutions so as to provide a reference for improving relevant policies.Methods Multi-stage stratified random sampling was used to collect questionnaires from primary medical and health institutions in 5 provinces,and 102 questionnaires were distributed.Then Excel 2016 and IBM SPSS 21.0 software were applied for descriptive statistical analysis,chi-square test and multiple response analysis.Results and Conclusion A total of 92 primary medical and health institutions participated in the survey,and 92 valid questionnaires were recovered.The survey shows that 54.1%of the institutions have established more than 8 pharmaceutical administration regulations.63.5%and 31.8%of the institutions have formulated pharmaceutical administration and pharmacotherapy team charters(or management systems).29.7%of institutions have pharmacy personnel in accordance with relevant regulations.The higher proportion of pharmacy services are prescription review and adjustment,medication guidance,collecting and reporting adverse reactions,medication errors and medication hazard information.Primary medical and health institutions still need to further improve their pharmaceutical administration system,organizational structure,pharmacy professional training and clinical pharmacy service. 展开更多
关键词 primary health care institutions pharmaceutical administration system construction organizational structure pharmaceutical service
The impacts of national essential medicine policies on the rational use of medicines in China: A cross-sectional study in primary health care institution 被引量:3
作者 Xinpu Lu Zhigang Guo +3 位作者 Mengyuan Fu Haishaerjiang Wushouer Luwen Shi Xiaodong Guan 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS CSCD 2019年第1期49-55,共7页
Irrational use of medicines is a major problem worldwide, and it is believed there would be positive correlation between the National Essential Medicines Policies(NEMPs) and the level of rational use of medicines(RUMs... Irrational use of medicines is a major problem worldwide, and it is believed there would be positive correlation between the National Essential Medicines Policies(NEMPs) and the level of rational use of medicines(RUMs). Though there is some early evidence on the NEMPs’ effects on RUMs in China, the evidence is scarce, and conclusions vary. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the impacts of the NEMPs of China on the RUMs in the primary health care institutions(PHCs). A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 2010. A total of 201 PHCs from six provinces of China were selected, and 39 181 prescriptions were extracted from January to June, 2010. Six indicators were used and tested by independent-samples T test. We found that the average number of drugs per prescription in PHCs with NEMP implementation(the treatment group) was significantly higher than that of the group without NEMP implementation(the control group)(3.37 vs. 2.83, P<0.01). There was no significant difference in the average cost per prescription(81.43 vs. 75.02). The percentage of prescriptions, including an antibiotic(53.40% vs. 36.48%, P<0.01) or an injection(40.54% vs. 27.94%, P<0.01), was higher in the treatment group, and the percentage of drugs prescribed by general name was significantly lower(83.71% vs. 93.11%, P<0.01). For the percentage of drugs prescribed from essential medicines list, the treatment group exhibited the higher ratio(76.12% vs. 53.45%, P<0.01). From this study, the NEMPs were not likely to have a positive impact on RUMs. China still needed efforts to improve the selection, the absence of physicians’ active involvement, and the patients’ habits of irrational medication use. 展开更多
关键词 Rational use of medicines Primary health care institutions National Essential Medicines Policies Health care reforms
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