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作者 王红 谢红太 《铁道学报》 北大核心 2025年第1期38-46,共9页
为实现高速列车风阻制动系统在高速运行或紧急制动阶段,满足双向多模式多级选择制动,同时具备优良的空气动力学特性,以设计速度为400 km/h的高速动车组为参考,提出“窗形”风阻制动装置及其改进型设计方案,并进行气动分析与制动性能研... 为实现高速列车风阻制动系统在高速运行或紧急制动阶段,满足双向多模式多级选择制动,同时具备优良的空气动力学特性,以设计速度为400 km/h的高速动车组为参考,提出“窗形”风阻制动装置及其改进型设计方案,并进行气动分析与制动性能研究。以改进型“窗形”风阻制动装置前后两排风阻制动板纵向中间补偿板有效长度为变量,建立计算流体动力学模型,研究发现:当中间补偿板有效长度增加至1.75 m制动工作时,双排风阻制动板整体产生的气动阻力约为4.37 kN,气动阻力系数为1.08,附加气动升力约为0 kN,阻力贡献与单排风阻制动板产生的制动力基本相当,前排对后排的直接干涉系数为临界值1;当中间补偿板有效长度为2 m时,计算风阻制动板纵向对称面内距离外围轮廓100 mm处空间范围的声压级达102.20 dBA,对应声功率为2.82×10^(-2)W/m^(3);当每节车辆均布1组改进型“窗形”风阻制动装置时,其所能提供的有效风阻制动力为28.7 kN,风阻瞬时减速度为0.0674 m/s^(2),为列车紧急制动减速度的13%,同时大于1级常用制动减速度,阻力贡献明显。 展开更多
关键词 高速列车 空气动力学 风阻制动装置 气动特性 数值仿真
作者 熊海贝 武喆 +2 位作者 欧阳禄 王治方 陈佳炜 《湖南大学学报(自然科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期34-48,共15页
连接节点的设计是保证木-混凝土混合结构中两种材料协同工作的基础.为研究常用工程木-混凝土螺栓连接节点的力学性能及破坏模式,分别选用正交胶合木(Crosslaminated timber,CLT)-混凝土螺栓连接和云杉-松木-冷杉(Spruce Pine Fir,SPF)... 连接节点的设计是保证木-混凝土混合结构中两种材料协同工作的基础.为研究常用工程木-混凝土螺栓连接节点的力学性能及破坏模式,分别选用正交胶合木(Crosslaminated timber,CLT)-混凝土螺栓连接和云杉-松木-冷杉(Spruce Pine Fir,SPF)规格材-混凝土螺栓连接作为试验对象,设计了27组单调加载试验和低周往复加载试验,归纳并对比了两类木-混凝土螺栓连接的典型破坏模式.结果表明:木-混凝土螺栓连接节点承载力大小与螺栓屈服模式相关,CLT-混凝土螺栓连接相较于SPF-混凝土螺栓连接更易发生双铰破坏,且CLT-混凝土螺栓连接具有更好的延性.基于对两类连接力学性能差异的影响机理分析,考虑钢垫板对承载力的影响,并引入CLT等效截面,提出了木-混凝土螺栓连接的承载力力学模型.计算结果与试验结果对比的平均误差为12.18%,表明计算值与试验值吻合良好,可为木-混凝土螺栓连接的设计与应用提供参考. 展开更多
关键词 木-混凝土混合结构 螺栓连接 破坏模式 力学性能 计算模型
Changes and Correlations of Duroc Muscle pH,Glycogen,Lactic Acid and TBA under Different Storage Condition
作者 郭建凤 王继英 +4 位作者 蔺海朝 张印 呼红梅 王诚 武英 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第12期2795-2800,共6页
The changes and correlations of muscle pH, glycogen, lactic acid and in- tramuscular fat oxidation in Duroc pigs 10 d after their slaughter, and the effects of different storage temperature and time on Duroc muscle pH... The changes and correlations of muscle pH, glycogen, lactic acid and in- tramuscular fat oxidation in Duroc pigs 10 d after their slaughter, and the effects of different storage temperature and time on Duroc muscle pH value, water loss rate, glycogen, lactic acid and 2-thiobarbituric acid (TBA) were studied. The results showed that during the 10 h after the slaughter, the pH value was decreased rapid- ly, the lactic acid content was increased significantly, while the glycogen and TBA contents were remained stable. At the storage temperature of 4 ℃, storage time showed no significant effects on Duroc muscle pH value and glycogen, lactic acid and TBA contents. At the storage temperature of -20 ℃, storage temperature had significant effects on pH value, while no significant effects on other indicators. The correlation analysis demonstrated that during the 10 h after the slaughter, the TBA content was negatively related to glycogen content (P〈0.05), but positively related to lactic content (P〈0.05); the pH value was negatively related to lactic acid content (P〈0.05). At the storage temperature of 4 ℃, the TBA content was negatively relat- ed to water loss rate (P〈0.01) and lactic acid content (P〈0.05); the water loss rate was positively related to pH value (P〈0.01) and lactic acid content (P〈0.05). At the storage temperature of -20 ℃, the TBA content was negatively related to pH value (P〈0.01) and positively related to water loss rate (P〈0.05); the water loss rate was negatively related to pH value (P〈0.01) and lactic acid content (P〈0.05). 展开更多
关键词 DUROC Temperature Time pH value GLYCOGEN Lipid oxidation Corre- lation
作者 陈胜新 贾浩 +4 位作者 张添淇 郝建民 赵茂丰 白鸿飞 刘立东 《汽车实用技术》 2025年第1期46-51,共6页
为了提高中国大学生电动方程式大赛(FSEC)赛车在急加速及过弯时,极限工况条件下的传动效率,文章介绍了轮边减速器系统及其工作原理,对系统各项设计参数进行了具体的研究计算,简要描述了系统零件的研究设计及ANSYS静力学仿真分析的过程... 为了提高中国大学生电动方程式大赛(FSEC)赛车在急加速及过弯时,极限工况条件下的传动效率,文章介绍了轮边减速器系统及其工作原理,对系统各项设计参数进行了具体的研究计算,简要描述了系统零件的研究设计及ANSYS静力学仿真分析的过程。研究结果表明,轮边行星齿轮减速器运行稳定可靠、装配方便,整体质量相对于其他传动方式较轻,传动效率较高;该系统将装配在辽宁工业大学万得电车队10号赛车上,以实际验证其设计合理性。研究结果可为后续赛车的轮边系统设计提供参考,以提高赛车的传动效率,满足赛车的轻量化要求,提高赛车性能。 展开更多
关键词 FSEC 轮边系统 行星齿轮减速器 AMK轮毂电机 ANSYS仿真分析 结构创新
作者 杨宇飞 魏佐君 +1 位作者 任光明 李成 《推进技术》 北大核心 2025年第2期57-66,共10页
为在不增加整机性能计算复杂度和数据信息要求的前提下,考虑进气道防冰热空气排入所造成的流动掺混和畸变的影响,本文提供了一种快速评估进气道防冰引气对压气机性能影响的计算方法。该方法采用多维度耦合计算方法,对于具有防冰引气排... 为在不增加整机性能计算复杂度和数据信息要求的前提下,考虑进气道防冰热空气排入所造成的流动掺混和畸变的影响,本文提供了一种快速评估进气道防冰引气对压气机性能影响的计算方法。该方法采用多维度耦合计算方法,对于具有防冰引气排入的进气道采用全三维CFD计算,同时引入平行压气机模型的思想评估畸变进气下的压气机特性,从而实现进气道与压气机的不同维度数据在AIP界面的动态交互,进而通过迭代求得进气道流量与防冰引气流量的匹配。通过该评估方法分析了进气道出口不同周向和径向分区数对压气机性能评估的影响,从而说明了耦合计算的重要性。采用本方法计及防冰引气引起的畸变影响后,防冰引气比为1.6%时压气机失速边界流量增加约2%,失速边界变窄,堵塞流量减小约2%。防冰引气排入流量越大,压气机性能下降越大。 展开更多
关键词 防冰引气 进气道 压气机性能 多维度耦合计算 快速评估方法
作者 周祎伟 段海涛 +4 位作者 李健 马利欣 李文轩 尤锦鸿 贾丹 《材料导报》 北大核心 2025年第2期156-174,共19页
随着测控设备和机械装备所处电磁环境的日益复杂,越来越多的摩擦副材料在磁场环境下工作服役,外加磁场对摩擦副材料摩擦磨损及腐蚀性能的影响对指导涉磁场机械装备的安全、可靠、长寿命运行有着重要意义。本文系统总结了外加磁场对金属... 随着测控设备和机械装备所处电磁环境的日益复杂,越来越多的摩擦副材料在磁场环境下工作服役,外加磁场对摩擦副材料摩擦磨损及腐蚀性能的影响对指导涉磁场机械装备的安全、可靠、长寿命运行有着重要意义。本文系统总结了外加磁场对金属和聚合物两种常用摩擦副材料摩擦磨损性能影响的作用机理,梳理并分析了磁场强度、磁场方向和频率等磁场参数对金属和聚合物摩擦副材料摩擦磨损性能的影响形式及程度,归纳了腐蚀过程中外加磁场对摩擦副材料的腐蚀起到促进或抑制作用的本质原因,对比分析了磁场强度、磁场方向等对摩擦副材料的腐蚀速度、极化曲线、腐蚀产物形貌造成不同程度的影响,概述了磁场条件下分子动力学模拟的研究进展,最后提出了现有研究中存在的不足,并对外加磁场条件下,尤其对涉水环境中摩擦副材料磨损和腐蚀交互作用的研究提出了展望。 展开更多
关键词 磁场环境 摩擦磨损性能 腐蚀性能 磨损和腐蚀交互作用 分子动力学模拟
基于Plant Simulation软件的地铁车辆车体生产产能分析 被引量:4
作者 李树栋 赵云峰 +2 位作者 丁洁琼 阮国靖 耿烽 《南京工程学院学报(自然科学版)》 2017年第1期78-82,共5页
车体作为车辆的重要组成部分,提高车体产能是工厂日益迫切需要解决的问题.运用Plant Simulation仿真软件建立车体生产线模型,对生产过程进行仿真计算,识别瓶颈工序,提出解决方法.对关键设备的利用率进行计算,进行相应产能优化.结果表明... 车体作为车辆的重要组成部分,提高车体产能是工厂日益迫切需要解决的问题.运用Plant Simulation仿真软件建立车体生产线模型,对生产过程进行仿真计算,识别瓶颈工序,提出解决方法.对关键设备的利用率进行计算,进行相应产能优化.结果表明,优化后的车体生产产能可以提升33.33%. 展开更多
关键词 地铁车辆 车体生产 产能 PlantS腿lation软件
融合裂缝形态信息的电阻率测井成像图空白条带填充方法 被引量:1
作者 夏文鹤 韩玉娇 +3 位作者 郭全兴 官文婷 杨燚恺 陈向东 《石油地球物理勘探》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期533-542,共10页
电阻率测井成像图中存在宽度和位置不定的空白条带,而目前常用的空白条带反距离加权插值填充法仅依靠像素点距离参数计算插值,往往导致填充后区域与实测区域纹理不连贯,纹理易呈现直线状,与实际状况不符。为此,将裂缝区域形态与分布信... 电阻率测井成像图中存在宽度和位置不定的空白条带,而目前常用的空白条带反距离加权插值填充法仅依靠像素点距离参数计算插值,往往导致填充后区域与实测区域纹理不连贯,纹理易呈现直线状,与实际状况不符。为此,将裂缝区域形态与分布信息作为参量,构建插值计算模型,形成融合裂缝形态分布信息的空白条带填充法。该填充算法能根据插值点与裂缝形态拟合线的相对位置关系,动态调整参考点对插值点插值的权重系数,填充后的裂缝区域纹理连贯平滑,更符合裂缝实际形态和分布的规律。实际测井数据应用表明,相较于传统填充方法,采用该方法填充后的裂缝分布拟合线与霍夫变换后曲线相似度提升25%以上,不连贯填充点数量下降88%以上,性能提升明显。该方法的应用成果可为后续测井图像中各种裂缝的智能识别和精确分割提供更好的数据支撑。 展开更多
关键词 电测井成像图 空白条带填充 井壁裂缝 反距离迭代插值法
作者 谢佐福 林贤东 +1 位作者 周冬梅 林声 《Chinese Journal of Cancer Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1998年第3期37-39,共3页
Objective: To establish a HPLC method using fluorometric detection for quantitatively determinating intracellular accumulation of verapamil (VER). Methods: Chromatography column was packed with spherisorb ODS(250&... Objective: To establish a HPLC method using fluorometric detection for quantitatively determinating intracellular accumulation of verapamil (VER). Methods: Chromatography column was packed with spherisorb ODS(250×4.6 mm,10 μm).The mobile phase consisted of the mixture of methanol:NaAC (0.01 mol/L): diethylamine (65:35:0.25). The detect wavelength was 280/310 nm (Ex/Em). Results: The standard curve showed a good correlation between concentration and peak area within the range of 5-50 ng/ml. RSD was 0.86%, and recovery radio of loading sample, 100%. The detection limit for cell sample was 0.2-148 ng/ml. Intracellular accumulation of VER was observed to decrease from a 13 fold to 5 fold in K562/ADM cells, and from a 3.5 fold to 4.3 fold in K562/VER cells and from a 2.1 fold to 6.5 fold in K562/ADM/VER cells, compared with the relevant control cells. Conclusion: HPLC method was proved to be sensitive and specific for using to quantitatively determine the intracellular accumulation of VER. 展开更多
关键词 HPLC VERAPAMIL Intracellular accumu lation Leukemic cells.
Modifications of Norditerpenoid Alkaloids: Ⅰ.N-Deethylation Reactions
作者 Fend Peng WANG Ju Zheng FAN +3 位作者 Zheng Bang LI Jin Song YANG Bo Gang LI (Department of Chemistry of Medicinal Natural Products. School of Pharlnacy.West of China University of Medical Sciences. Chengdu 610041Chengdu Institute of Biology Chinese Academy of 《Chinese Chemical Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1999年第5期375-378,共4页
Using oxidation with KMnO4. KMnO4/acetone-H2O. NAS. followed by Polonovskyreaction and imine formation. the N-deethylation of six norditerpenoid alkaloids 6-epi-forsticille.yunnaconitine. 3. 13-diacetylyunnaconitine. ... Using oxidation with KMnO4. KMnO4/acetone-H2O. NAS. followed by Polonovskyreaction and imine formation. the N-deethylation of six norditerpenoid alkaloids 6-epi-forsticille.yunnaconitine. 3. 13-diacetylyunnaconitine. 13-dehydroxy-indaconitine. indaconitine and 3-acetylpseudaconine are reported in 36-60% yields. 展开更多
关键词 Norditerpenpid alkaloids N-deethy lation
Study of the immunoisolating effects of barium-alginate microencapsu lation on rat islets allograft survival
作者 MeiZhang ChaoLiu CuipingLiu YouwenQin ZhaosunZhen 《Journal of Nanjing Medical University》 2005年第2期81-85,共5页
Objective: To evaluate the immunoisola ti ng effects of barium-alginate microencapsulation on islets allograft survival. Methods: The nonmicroencapsulated and microencapsulated islets w ere transplanted under the kid... Objective: To evaluate the immunoisola ti ng effects of barium-alginate microencapsulation on islets allograft survival. Methods: The nonmicroencapsulated and microencapsulated islets w ere transplanted under the kidney capsule or intraperitoneally into Wistar rat w ith STZ-induced diabetes. The blood glucose and insulin secretion of grafts wer e observed. Graft function was tested by oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Results: ①Five diabetic rats became normoglycemic for 48 to 72 h after microencapsulated islets transplantation. The survival of transplanted i slets was on an average of 6 W. ②The normalization of the glycemia and insulin in the transplanted rats was associated with normal glucose and insulin profiles in response to OGTT. Conclusion: Microencapsulation with barium -alginate membrane can prolong islet survival and protect islets against allore jection. 展开更多
关键词 allogeneic transplantation immunoiso lation MICROENCAPSUlation ISLETS RAT
Structure Analysis for Hydrate Models of Ethyleneimine Oligomer by Quantum Chemical Calculation 被引量:1
作者 Minoru Kobayashi Hisaya Sato 《Pharmacology & Pharmacy》 2010年第2期60-68,共9页
Structure analyses for hydrate models of ethyleneimine oligomer (5-mer as model of PEI) were investigated by quantum chemical calculations. Conformation energies and structures optimized for hydrate models of (ttt)5 a... Structure analyses for hydrate models of ethyleneimine oligomer (5-mer as model of PEI) were investigated by quantum chemical calculations. Conformation energies and structures optimized for hydrate models of (ttt)5 and (tgt)5 conformers were examined. Hydrate ratio, h [h = H2O/N (mol)], was set from 0.5 to 2. In anhydrates, (tg+t)5 conformer was more stable (?1.8 kcal/m.u.) than (ttt)5. In hydrates, (ttt)5 conformers were more stable (?0.7 - ?4.3) than (tg+t)5. These results corresponded to experimental results that anhydrous linear PEI crystal changes from double helical to single planar chain in hydration process. Structures calculated for (ttt)5 agreed in those observed for hydrates of PEI. In all (tg+t)5 conformers, O???H bonds between waters were found with the decreases of N???H bonds between imino group and water. The O???H bonds in (tg+t)5 conformer resulted in its high chain torsion, and strongly related with instability and structure change (large swelling). 展开更多
关键词 Structure Analysis CONFORMATION HYDRATE Poly(Ethyleneimine) OLIGOMER QUANTUM Chemical Calcu-lation
术语翻译与使用——论蒯因术语“Radical Translation”之译名
作者 廖世兰 《成都理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第6期97-101,共5页
术语及其翻译是同一个所指的不同能指,多个能指出现会导致学术研究基础不牢、精密性缺失、术语污染和理解堵车现象,这不仅关乎哲学术语界的纯净,也是所有术语工作者会遇到的难题。论文以美国著名哲学家、逻辑学家蒯因提出的术语"ra... 术语及其翻译是同一个所指的不同能指,多个能指出现会导致学术研究基础不牢、精密性缺失、术语污染和理解堵车现象,这不仅关乎哲学术语界的纯净,也是所有术语工作者会遇到的难题。论文以美国著名哲学家、逻辑学家蒯因提出的术语"radical translation"为例,基于中国知网期刊数据,回归原文,查阅并总结前人译法,一并考虑其派生术语"radical interpretation",再运用术语使用的"广泛"、"约定俗成性"和术语翻译的"准确性"、"经济性",分析"radical translation"已有部分译名,指出其优劣,综合考虑后得出"radical translation"应译为"彻底翻译"的结论。术语是学术的基础,其翻译及使用应引起高度重视。 展开更多
Genetic algorithm for λ-optimal translation sequence of rough communication
作者 Hongkai Wang Yanyong Guan Chunhua Yuan 《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》 SCIE EI CSCD 2011年第4期609-614,共6页
In rough communication, because each agent has a different language and can not provide precise communication to each other, the concept translated among multi-agents will loss some information, and this results in a ... In rough communication, because each agent has a different language and can not provide precise communication to each other, the concept translated among multi-agents will loss some information, and this results in a less or rougher concept. With different translation sequences the amount of the missed knowledge is varied. The λ-optimal translation sequence of rough communication, which concerns both every agent and the last agent taking part in rough communication to get information as much as he (or she) can, is given. In order to get the λ-optimal translation sequence, a genetic algorithm is used. Analysis and simulation of the algorithm demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach. 展开更多
关键词 rough sets rough communication λ-optimal trans-lation sequence genetic algorithm.
Vacuum Insulation and Achievement of 980 keV,185 A/m^2 H-Ion Beam Acceleration at JAEA for the ITER Neutral Beam Injector
作者 Hiroyuki TOBARI Masaki TANIGUCHI +8 位作者 Mieko KASHIWAGI Masayuki DAIRAKU Naotaka UMEDA Haruhiko YAMANAKA Kazuki TSUCHIDA Jumpei TAKEMOTO Kazuhiro WATANABE Takashi INOUE Keishi SAKAMOTO 《Plasma Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第2期179-183,共5页
Abstract Vacuum insulation of -1 MV is a common issue for the HV bushing and the accel- erator for the ITER neutral beam injector (NBI). The HV bushing as an insulating feedthrough has a five-stage structure and eac... Abstract Vacuum insulation of -1 MV is a common issue for the HV bushing and the accel- erator for the ITER neutral beam injector (NBI). The HV bushing as an insulating feedthrough has a five-stage structure and each stage consists of double-layered insulators. To sustain -1 MV in vacuum, reduction of electric field at several triple points existing around the double-layered insulators is a critical issue. To reduce electric field simultaneously at these points, three types of stress ring have been developed. In a voltage holding test of a full-scale mockup equipped with these stress rings, 120% of rated voltage was sustained and the voltage holding capability required in ITER was verified. In the MeV accelerator, whose target is the acceleration of a H- ion beam of 1 MeV, 200 A/mS, the gap between the grid support was extended to suppress breakdowns triggered by electric field concentration at the edge and corner of the grid support. This modi- fication improved the voltage holding capability in vacuum, and the MeV accelerator succeeded in sustaining -1 MV stably, b-~rthermore, it appeared that the H- ions beam was deflected and a part of the beam was intercepted at the acceleration grid, This causes high heat load on the grids and breakdowns during beam acceleration. To suppress the direct interception, a new grid was designed with proper aperture displacement based on a three dimensional beam trajectory analysis, As a result, 980 keV, 185 A/ms H- ion beam acceleration has been demonstrated, which is close to the ITER requirement. 展开更多
关键词 neutral beam injector (NBI) negative ion beam HV bushing vacuum insu-lation
Quantum Chemical Calculation on Preparation of YBa_2Cu_3O_(7-δ) Powders by Hydrolysis of Metal Alkoxides
作者 尹周澜 李新海 +2 位作者 赵秦生 高孝恢 李晶 《Rare Metals》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 1994年第1期72-76,共5页
The structural characteristics of different alkoxides of Y. Ba and Cu are studied with quantum chemi-cal CNDO /2 calculations. The relative hydrolysis rate coefficients k_M of them are obtained according tothe relati... The structural characteristics of different alkoxides of Y. Ba and Cu are studied with quantum chemi-cal CNDO /2 calculations. The relative hydrolysis rate coefficients k_M of them are obtained according tothe relationship between frontier orbitals and organic chemical reactions. Based on the above results. properexperimental conditions for the preparation of homogeneous ultra-purity. submicro high-T_cYBa_2Cu_3O_(7-δ) superconducting powders are proposed. 展开更多
关键词 Metal alkoxides. Hydrolysis. YBa_2Cu_3O_(7-δ) Quantum chemical calcu-lation
基于SERVQUAL模型的水上娱乐设施设计研究 被引量:2
作者 唐德红 阎春蕊 杨维漾 《包装工程》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第2期36-45,共10页
目的 由于水上娱乐设施具有普适性,而各景区气候、地形、水系和发展重点不同,本文以木兰天池水上娱乐设施为例,旨在为其提出设计优化策略并对其进行设计研究。方法 首先,提取自然环境要素因子和娱乐设施要素因子,得出综合要素因子分类,... 目的 由于水上娱乐设施具有普适性,而各景区气候、地形、水系和发展重点不同,本文以木兰天池水上娱乐设施为例,旨在为其提出设计优化策略并对其进行设计研究。方法 首先,提取自然环境要素因子和娱乐设施要素因子,得出综合要素因子分类,即人员服务、设施服务、设施安全;其次,以SERVQUAL模型的五个维度为基准,构建出服务评价量表并采用选项隶属度计算进行筛选,得出最终服务评价量表;随后运用调查问卷、信度效度分析、因子分析;最后,计算出各指标感知与期望的差值。结果 舒适度、分流分区、环境安全、材料材质安全、结构安全、维护维修是木兰天池景区水上娱乐设施的主要设计要素,以此进行木兰天池景区水上娱乐设施设计研究。结论 此方法为设计景区同类水上娱乐设施提供了理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 景区水上娱乐设施 木兰天池 SERVQUAL模型 选项隶属度计算
Design of an Integrated SITL and HITL Simulation System for the Control of a Loitering Aerial Vehicle
作者 王正杰 范宁军 张辉 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第2期177-182,共6页
An investigation into the aircraft flight simulation and control system is presented in this paper. The study was firstly focused on the establishment of an integrated hardware-in-the-loop(HITL) platform for aircraf... An investigation into the aircraft flight simulation and control system is presented in this paper. The study was firstly focused on the establishment of an integrated hardware-in-the-loop(HITL) platform for aircraft flight simulation based on MATLAB/Simulink + dSPACE. The platform combines the abundant software and hardware resources of dSPACE simulation platform to simulate the flight attitude of an aircraft in six-DOF ( degree of freedom) motion. Based on the platform, the study was then focused on the flight numerical simulation by taking a loitering aerial vehicle as an example. An aircraft mathematical model was created for a modular design and off-line numerical simulation based on MATLAB/Simulink. Finally, the study was focused on the control system design of the loitering aerial vehicle and conduct of an HITL simulation experiment for the vehicle pitch control. The experiment verifies the system design and control effectiveness. Research results show that the dSPACE simulation system provides a real time good experimental platform to improve the efficiency of study and development of a flight control system. 展开更多
关键词 hardware-in-the-loop (HITL) simulation software-in-the-loop (SITL) platform numerical simu-lation DSPACE loitering aerial vehicle flight control system
作者 李娜 刘利 +5 位作者 李洁 贠新团 刘虎林 刘碧野 吴胜利 胡文波 《真空科学与技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第12期1033-1039,共7页
设计了一种用于质谱仪的19级分离打拿极电子倍增器的结构,构建了器件结构模型,仿真研究了打拿极和收集极的关键结构参数及末级分压电阻阻值对电子倍增器增益的影响,通过分析器件内部电场分布和电子运动轨迹,探究了影响机理,在此基础上... 设计了一种用于质谱仪的19级分离打拿极电子倍增器的结构,构建了器件结构模型,仿真研究了打拿极和收集极的关键结构参数及末级分压电阻阻值对电子倍增器增益的影响,通过分析器件内部电场分布和电子运动轨迹,探究了影响机理,在此基础上对打拿极和收集极的结构及末级分压电阻进行了优化。仿真结果表明,当第3打拿极左侧壁长度和收集极顶部长度分别为2.35 mm和1.9 mm并且末级分压电阻阻值为0.7 MΩ时,可以使第3打拿极和收集极获得较高的电子收集效率,从而使电子倍增器在1800 V和2500 V工作电压下的增益分别达到3.70×10^(4)和5.09×10^(7),在1800 V电压下单电子脉冲上升时间和脉冲宽度分别达到2.38 ns和3.21 ns。设计的电子倍增器在增益和时间特性上达到了目标要求。 展开更多
关键词 质谱仪 电子倍增器 二次电子发射 数值模拟
作者 吴梅琼 林亚洲 +5 位作者 陈林 彭一鸣 张建成 杨志平 陈建泉 连亮华 《福建医药杂志》 CAS 2024年第2期31-35,共5页
目的本研究旨在回顾性分析二代冷冻球囊导管治疗心房颤动合并高血压的有效性和安全性。方法选择在福建省立医院接受二代球囊冷冻消融手术的1027例房颤患者,回顾性分析两组基线资料、术中参数及并发症发生情况。利用Kaplan-Meier法计算术... 目的本研究旨在回顾性分析二代冷冻球囊导管治疗心房颤动合并高血压的有效性和安全性。方法选择在福建省立医院接受二代球囊冷冻消融手术的1027例房颤患者,回顾性分析两组基线资料、术中参数及并发症发生情况。利用Kaplan-Meier法计算术后12个月、24个月及36个月两组房颤患者无房扑/房颤发生的概率。结果高血压组与非高血压组在合并糖尿病、冠心病、BMI、年龄、左房大小、CHA2DS2-VASC评分、HAS-BLED评分差异有统计学意义(P>0.05);两组术中参数差异无统计学意义;围手术期主要并发症相似(3.3%vs.3.0%,P=1),两组术后12个月、24个月及36个月的成功率分别为:82.0%vs.81.2%;74.9%vs.72.9%;66.3%vs.72.9%。生存曲线差异无统计学意义(95%CI:0.75,1.4,P=0.23)。结论二代冷冻球囊肺静脉电隔离PVI治疗房颤合并高血压与治疗非高血压一样,有良好的安全性和成功率。 展开更多
关键词 房颤 冷冻球囊 高血压 长期结果 肺静脉电隔离
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