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An Exploration of How Practitioners Make Meaning in a Chinese Medicine Consultation and Treatment
作者 Felicity Clare Moir 《Chinese Medicine and Culture》 2024年第1期63-71,共9页
In Chinese medicine, practitioners assess patients’ complaints, analyze their underlying problems, identify causes and come to a diagnosis, which then directs treatment. What is not obvious and not recorded in a cons... In Chinese medicine, practitioners assess patients’ complaints, analyze their underlying problems, identify causes and come to a diagnosis, which then directs treatment. What is not obvious and not recorded in a consultation is the clinical reasoning process that practitioners use. The research filmed three practitioners in the UK while they conducted a consultation and treatment on new patients. The practitioners and researchers viewed the films and used them as aide-memoirs while the reasoning process throughout was discussed. In order to determine the pattern, practitioners used the four examinations to gather information from the patient in an iterative process;their aesthetic reasoning was highly developed. Through triangulation they checked the information they received against a detailed understanding of the qi-dynamic. They used highly analytical strategies of forward(inductive) and backward(deductive) reasoning against the prototypes of the signs and symptoms that indicate a specific Zheng. This was achieved through an abductive process that linked description with explanation and causal factors with pathological mechanisms. The feedback loop with the patient continued through the consultation and into the treatment. A process of translation and interpretation was needed to turn the patient’s story into the practitioner’s story of qi-dynamics that then directed the treatment. Awareness of our clinical reasoning process will mitigate against biases, improve our diagnoses and treatment choices and support the training of students. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese medicine Clinical reasoning ABDUCTION translation and interpretation
Differences between Interpreting and Translation
作者 张韧弦 徐曙 《当代外语研究》 1999年第9期22-26,共5页
本文并非学术性的专论,而是深入浅出地将口译和笔译的特点和区别介绍给读者。口译和笔译分别为interpreting和translation.文章的重点在前者,并将其分为consecutive(连贯口译或即席翻译)和simultaneous(同声传译)。如果读者认为同声传... 本文并非学术性的专论,而是深入浅出地将口译和笔译的特点和区别介绍给读者。口译和笔译分别为interpreting和translation.文章的重点在前者,并将其分为consecutive(连贯口译或即席翻译)和simultaneous(同声传译)。如果读者认为同声传译一定比即席翻译难的话,不妨看一下作者的详细分析。 有些问题,笔者虽热衷翻译多年,却也未考虑过,如:The key skills of thetranslator are the ability to understand the source language and the culture ofthe country where the text originated,and,using a good library of dictionariesand reference materials,render that material into the target language.此言概括得极为精当,特别有见地的是开门见山地提出了翻译和文化的关系。从这些类似的论述中,读者似可一窥翻译工作的个中辛苦,理解成为一名experiencedinterpreter(还有translator)的不易。从这个意义上说,本对照读本的翻译工作虽已尽编写人员之心力,但由于翻译工作的高度复杂性,错讹之处肯定难免.欢迎广大读者的批评指正。 展开更多
关键词 译出语 翻译工作 Differences between Interpreting and translation 口译员 同声传译
Lofty Expectations and Bitter Reality: Chinese Interpreters for the US Army during the Second World War, 1941-1945
作者 Zach Fredman 《Frontiers of History in China》 2017年第4期566-598,共33页
Between 1941 and 1945, the Nationalist government supervised a program that trained more than 3,300 male college students and recent graduates to serve as interpreters for the US military in the China-Burma-India (CB... Between 1941 and 1945, the Nationalist government supervised a program that trained more than 3,300 male college students and recent graduates to serve as interpreters for the US military in the China-Burma-India (CB1) Theater. These interpreters made the Sino-US alliance a reality by enabling American servicemen to communicate with other Chinese. But despite the program's operational success, interpreters suffered from intractable morale problems. Interpreters began their service with lofty expectations. Senior officials and intellectuals encouraged them to see themselves as central figures in China's struggle for nafonal rejuvenation. They would uplift the country by convincing American servicemen to see Chinese as equals and by introducing American technology, traits, and habits to the Chinese Army. It all sounded glorious to cadets undergoing training, but actual interpreter service proved bitterly disappointing to most young men. They found their monotonous duties unworthy of their position The Nationalist government, for its part, lacked the capacity to keep them clothed, paid, and fed. Their own compatriots--soldiers and civilians alike--regarded them with suspicion. Most frustrating of all, American soldiers refused to treat them as equals. By examining interpreter morale problems in China fronl 1941 to 1945, this article enriches our understanding of wartime interpreting, China in a global World War II, and sources of friction in the Sino-US alliance 展开更多
关键词 nationalism US-China relations INTERPRETERS Anti-Japanese War World War II wartime translation and interpreting Huang Renlin
A Good Beginning——Report on Completion of First-Cycle of U.N.Interpreter/Translator Training Course
作者 钟述孔 《中国翻译》 1981年第2期45-46,共2页
The recruitment examination of the First-Enrolment Trainee-Graduates of the U. N. Trans-lator and Interpreter Training Course run byBeijing Foreign Languages Institute, was conduct-ed in late January and early Februar... The recruitment examination of the First-Enrolment Trainee-Graduates of the U. N. Trans-lator and Interpreter Training Course run byBeijing Foreign Languages Institute, was conduct-ed in late January and early February by a Unit-ed Nations Joint Examination Board headed byMr. D.Rutledge, senior U.N. official in chargeof the U. N. Department of Conference Services.During the recruitment exam, the translator con-didates were tested with three different papers ofconsiderable complexity; and the interpreter can-didates, with the live-recording of four tapedU.N. speeches of considerable difficulty. Thiswas followed by a process of individual 展开更多
关键词 Report on Completion of First-Cycle of U.N.Interpreter/Translator Training Course A Good Beginning
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