Introduction to Computer Science,as one of the fundamental courses in computer-related majors,plays an important role in the cultivation of computer professionals.However,traditional teaching models and content can no...Introduction to Computer Science,as one of the fundamental courses in computer-related majors,plays an important role in the cultivation of computer professionals.However,traditional teaching models and content can no longer fully meet the needs of modern information technology development.In response to these issues,this article introduces the concept of computational creative thinking,optimizes course content,adopts exploratory teaching methods,and innovates course assessment methods,aiming to comprehensively enhance students’computational thinking and innovative abilities.By continuously improving and promoting this teaching model,it will undoubtedly promote computer education in universities to a new level.展开更多
“Introduction to Language,”as the core course of the English major,mainly reveals the basic laws of language,enabling the students to have the ability to apply linguistic theories to explain language phenomena and s...“Introduction to Language,”as the core course of the English major,mainly reveals the basic laws of language,enabling the students to have the ability to apply linguistic theories to explain language phenomena and solve specific language problems.This course is highly theoretical and has a certain degree of difficulty.The evaluation of student grades has always been based on examination reform,but several problems have been encountered during the implementation process.This article analyzes the current situation of the reform and implementation of the“Introduction to Language”course examination in applied universities and puts forth suggestions and specific measures to improve the assessment of the course,aiming to enhance the teaching effectiveness of the course and scientifically and comprehensively evaluate students’abilities.展开更多
Marx,as one of the founders of Marxism,experienced a significant transformation in his thought during the period of 1843-1844.The Introduction to Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right(hereafter referred to as the I...Marx,as one of the founders of Marxism,experienced a significant transformation in his thought during the period of 1843-1844.The Introduction to Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right(hereafter referred to as the Introduction)is one of Marx’s most representative works from this time.Lenin noted that this text,along with Marx’s On the Jewish Question,marks Marx’s transition from idealism and revolutionary democracy to materialism.In this renowned text,Marx offers a rational critique of the absolute authority of religion,articulates a vision for human emancipation,and envisages the possibility of free and comprehensive human development.During this intellectual shift,Marx absorbed the essence of German classical philosophy and,from a positivist perspective,began employing critical thinking and materialist expression.This enabled him to embark on a path of critique addressing both the religious and real social worlds.In the new era,systematically studying Marxist classic works allows for the exploration of their contemporary relevance.By aligning these classics with specific directions outlined in reports such as those from the 20th CPC Central Committee’s Third Plenary Session,the vitality of these works can be reinvigorated for the modern age.展开更多
At present,the world Hi-tech hasbecoming the locomotive of the econom-ic development.In Hi-tech,computerinformation technology has taken up afore running position.Meanwhile,com-puters technology goes deep into manyare...At present,the world Hi-tech hasbecoming the locomotive of the econom-ic development.In Hi-tech,computerinformation technology has taken up afore running position.Meanwhile,com-puters technology goes deep into manyareas such as economy,finance,trade,business,culture life and family life. Thus,the popularity of computer ap-plications technology becomes charac-terizing the important feature of thesocial development.And mastering com-puter technology also becomes a nece-ssary basis of individual,work and life.展开更多
Pinus radiata was introduced to the summer rainfall environments of Sichuan Province, China in the 1990s as a part of an afforestation pmgram for soil and water conservation in the arid and semi-arid river valley area...Pinus radiata was introduced to the summer rainfall environments of Sichuan Province, China in the 1990s as a part of an afforestation pmgram for soil and water conservation in the arid and semi-arid river valley area of Aba Prefecture. Within this region a total area of 26 000 ha have been identified through climate matching as suitable and a further 63 000 ha potentially suitable for environmental plantings of P. radiata. The plantations are being established in widely separated small patches on steep and degraded slopes along the dry river valley The newly introduced P. radiata are exposed to two kinds of forest health risks: they may be attacked by (a) indigenous pathogens and pests against which they may not possess any resistance or (b) by inadvertently introduced foreign pests or pathogens. This paper presents a survey of the potential damaging pests and a preliminary assessment of forest health risks facing the P. radiata plantations over a much longer timeframe than the initial phase of introduction and early plantation establishment. An empirical appmach was adopted to evaluate forest health risks by a combination of literature review, examination of historical records of pest and disease outbreaks in the surrounding conifemus forests, field surveys and inspections, specimen collection and identification, and most importantly, expert analysis of the likelihood of attack by specific pests and pathogens and the subsequent impact of such attacks. The assessment identified some specific forest health risks to the long-term success of P. radiata introduction in this area. These risks are closely associated with the indigenous pests and pathogens of the two native pine species, P. tabulaeformis and P. armondii since these pests and pathogens are considered more likely to establish on P. radiata over time. Exotic pests and pathogens are of a quarantine concern at present. Based on the results of assessment, recommendations are pmvided to improve forest vigour and to reduce the forest health risks posed by indigenous as well as exotic pests and pathogens to the introduced P. radiata. Ways to increase the ability to manage the forest health risks once a particular pest infestation and disease eventuates are also recommended. Although detrimental to the survival and growth of the introduced P. radiata, the impact of identified forest health risks are not considered to be fatal to the long term success ofP. radiata in this area.展开更多
随着中国"一带一路"倡议的推进和高等教育国际化的发展,高职层次商科留学生人数迅速增加,相应的英文授课课程建设迅速涌现。本文对江苏高校留学生精品课程"Introduction to Economics"的课程定位、课程内容设置、...随着中国"一带一路"倡议的推进和高等教育国际化的发展,高职层次商科留学生人数迅速增加,相应的英文授课课程建设迅速涌现。本文对江苏高校留学生精品课程"Introduction to Economics"的课程定位、课程内容设置、教学资源建设、教学方法使用、考核评价方式等建设过程进行了总结,并提出了进一步强化建设效果的设想,为高职商科全英文授课课程建设提供参考。展开更多
为培养材料专业高素质创新人才,与世界教育接轨,开设《Introduction to Materials》双语课程势在必行。本文探讨了双语课程的意义,针对材料学科专业的特点,对课程的教学模式、教材选用和教学效果进行了探讨,以期进一步提高双语教学的课...为培养材料专业高素质创新人才,与世界教育接轨,开设《Introduction to Materials》双语课程势在必行。本文探讨了双语课程的意义,针对材料学科专业的特点,对课程的教学模式、教材选用和教学效果进行了探讨,以期进一步提高双语教学的课程建设和教学质量。展开更多
Pinus radiata D. Don, native to a Californian coastal environment, has been introduced to many parts of the world as an exotic species for afforestation. It is now a major plantation species in the Southern Hemisphere...Pinus radiata D. Don, native to a Californian coastal environment, has been introduced to many parts of the world as an exotic species for afforestation. It is now a major plantation species in the Southern Hemisphere. In 1990, it was introduced to the heavily degraded, dry Min river valley area in Aba prefecture of Sichuan Province, P. R. China. Survival and growth of young trees planted at several sites appear to be reasonable. This review is to serve as an introduction to the large body of literature on P. radiata for forest scientists in China. It covers the following aspects: P. radiata in its native environment and in ex situ plantations, provenance and genetic variations, environmental limitations and climate niche, diseases and pests, lessons from unsuccessful introductions, and the use of P. radiata for ecological restoration. The early growth of P. radiata planted in the dry river valley area is briefly described. Potential problems associated with the introduction of P. radiata in Aba and future research needs are also identified.展开更多
The Middle-Upper Cambrian boundary is one of the current stratigraphical problems which remain openin the geological world, since there have been no universally acknowledged delimiting standard and stratotype.Acting o...The Middle-Upper Cambrian boundary is one of the current stratigraphical problems which remain openin the geological world, since there have been no universally acknowledged delimiting standard and stratotype.Acting on the instruction of Profs. Lu Yanhao and An Taixiang the author studied in details the Paibi Section,which is well exposed as a continuous sequence at an easily accessible locality. The Middle-Upper Cambrianboundary strata are composed of biocalcimicrosparite, indicating the sedimentary environment of anunderwater upheaval on the gentle slope along the frontal margin of the Yangtze carbonate platform. For the upper Middle and lower Upper Cambrian agnostid trilobite zones and conodont zones are erected,and a more accurate correlation between the trilobite and conodont sequences is established. Based on these,the Middle-Upper Cambrian boundary is drawn more reasonably and precisely than what was done before. Inshort, the section studied is superior to other known sections of Middle-Upper Cambrian. and it will probablybe an ideal candidate for the Middle-Upper Cambrian boundary stratotype.展开更多
RAPD markers were used to assess the relationships among 6 species of Sonneratia in the National Mangrove Nature Reserve of Dongzhai Harbor in Hainan. By using the 15 effective 10 -oligonucleotide arbitrary primers, a...RAPD markers were used to assess the relationships among 6 species of Sonneratia in the National Mangrove Nature Reserve of Dongzhai Harbor in Hainan. By using the 15 effective 10 -oligonucleotide arbitrary primers, a total of 512 DNA bands were amplified, among which 297 (58.01%) were polymorphic. Based on UPGMA cluster analysis of 512 DNA bands amplified by the thirty primers, a DNA molecular dendrogram was established, which divided 6 species of Sonneratia into three main groups. Group A included 4 species: Sonneratia apetala , S. hainanensis, S. abla, S. ovata, and Group B: S. paracaseolaris and Group C: S. caseolaris only contained one species respectively. Group A could be divided into two subgroups, A1; Sonneratia apetala , S. hainanensis, S. covata and A2: S. abla; Two populations of Sonneratia apetala, which were from Hainan and Fujian (introduced from Hainan) respectively, were compared by RAPDs. The phenotypic frequencies detected by the 15 primers were calculated and used to estimate diversity (H) within sub-populations. Fujian sub-population exhibited 0.669 and Hainan exhibited 0.671 variability. Shannon's index of phenotypic diversity was then used to partition the diversity within and between sub-populations components. An assessment of the proportion of diversity present within sub-populations, Hpop/Hsp = 0.933, compared with that between sub-populations, (Hsp- Hpop) /Hsp = 0.067, indicates that, on average, most of the diversity (93.3%) is detected within sub-populations; while only 6.7% between populations. The plant introduction of S. hainanensis and S. ovata, which have the nearer genetic distance with Sonneratia apetala , is also discussed.展开更多
The Chinese Optics and Applied Optics Abstracts , sponsored by the Documentation andInformation Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Optical Information Networkof the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chan...The Chinese Optics and Applied Optics Abstracts , sponsored by the Documentation andInformation Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Optical Information Networkof the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanicsand Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is one of the series of science andtechnology indexing periodicals published by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.The Chinese Optics and Applied Optics Abstracts started a quarterly publication in 1985,with the name of Chinese Science and Technology Document Catalogues: Optics andApplied Optics. It changed into a bimonthly publication with the name of Chinese Opticsand Applied Optics Abstracts in 1987. In combination with the Chinese Optics Documen-展开更多
The Journal of SPECIAL CASTING & NON-FERROUS ALLOYS cosponsored by Foundry Institution of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (FICMES)and Wuhan Machinery Technology institute. Appoved by National Science and Te...The Journal of SPECIAL CASTING & NON-FERROUS ALLOYS cosponsored by Foundry Institution of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (FICMES)and Wuhan Machinery Technology institute. Appoved by National Science and Technology Committee of China as state-wide periodical. Issued both home and abroad, one of the core journals of China. Indexed in CHINESE ACADEMIC JOURNAL(CD)for Chinese Scientific and technical papers statistics and analysis. Cited by EI, CA etc. Domestic and foreign authoritative data base and...展开更多
Large superconducting Fe Se crystals of(001) orientation have been prepared via a hydrothermal ion release/introduction route for the first time. The hydrothermally derived Fe Se crystals are up to 10 mm×5 mm...Large superconducting Fe Se crystals of(001) orientation have been prepared via a hydrothermal ion release/introduction route for the first time. The hydrothermally derived Fe Se crystals are up to 10 mm×5 mm×0.3 mm in dimension. The pure tetragonal FeSe phase has been confirmed by x-ray diffraction(XRD) and the composition determined by both inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy(ICP-AES) and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy(EDX). The superconducting transition of the Fe Se samples has been characterized by magnetic and transport measurements. The zero-temperature upper critical field H(c2) is calculated to be 13.2–16.7 T from a two-band model. The normal-state cooperative paramagnetism is found to be predominated by strong spin frustrations below the characteristic temperature T(sn), where the Ising spin nematicity has been discerned in the FeSe superconductor crystals as reported elsewhere.展开更多
Since we have entered in the 21 st century, the economy of the whole world has experienced a process of transformation and upgrading, the outstanding performance is the proportion of the third industry in the national...Since we have entered in the 21 st century, the economy of the whole world has experienced a process of transformation and upgrading, the outstanding performance is the proportion of the third industry in the national economy, and the third industry's contribution to the national economy is growing. Since our government has taken the reform and opening up policy,they attach great importance to the development of the third industry in our country. After more than 30 years of reform and opening- up,the development of tourism industry, also be called the"Smokeless Industry", has been given priority within the booming third industry. There is no doubt that tourism has a bright development prospect. With the rapid development of economy and the deepening of the opening degree, there will be more and more foreigners coming to China for sightseeing. Under this big background, the high quality English introduction of tourist attractions is in great demand. This article is aimed at exploring the practical value of functional equivalence applying to the translation of scenic spots introduction, and provides some feasible solution for tourism translation.展开更多
Introduction to education is one of the basic courses in teacher education professional education, it covers a wide range of subjects. Thus, in order to practice the management teaching goals, the interdisciplinary de...Introduction to education is one of the basic courses in teacher education professional education, it covers a wide range of subjects. Thus, in order to practice the management teaching goals, the interdisciplinary developed mathematical tools are applied for the study. The participants of this study are students in course of introduction to education, and the research instruments applied are rough set, grey structural modeling (GSM), and matrix based-structural modeling (MSM). The purposes of this paper are: 1) To logically analyze educational datasets to practice the scientific traits in education;2) To benefit from directed hierarchical analysis to identify and propose action planning;3) To construct core-oriented educational structure as the criterion-reference for one-lesson-multiple-design and to provide the whole scope and visualized analysis with GSM and MSM.展开更多
Using Swales’CARS model,the present study combines the methods of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis and makes a comparative analysis on the moves and steps of RA introductions between Chinese English jou...Using Swales’CARS model,the present study combines the methods of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis and makes a comparative analysis on the moves and steps of RA introductions between Chinese English journals and international English journals,which will benefit researchers in RA writing and publishing in core English journals.展开更多
The Center for RESDS is an R&D body for comprehensive study under the joint sponsorship of the CAS Nanjing Branch,Nanjing University and Hehai University, all being research and educational institutions in the vic...The Center for RESDS is an R&D body for comprehensive study under the joint sponsorship of the CAS Nanjing Branch,Nanjing University and Hehai University, all being research and educational institutions in the vicinity of Nanjing. The Center’s headquarters are the CAS Nanjing Branch. The Center’s objective is to answer the challenge posed by the 21st century and serve the economic reconstruction across the land by marrying campuses with research institutes so that the center might grow into展开更多
Military Medical Research is an open access,peer-reviewed journal publishing cutting-edge findings on basic medical science and clinical research that is related to military medicine.indexed in:·Science Citation ...Military Medical Research is an open access,peer-reviewed journal publishing cutting-edge findings on basic medical science and clinical research that is related to military medicine.indexed in:·Science Citation Index Expanded(SCI)·Medline·PubMed,PubMed Central·Scopus·DOAJThe journal aims to translate the basic science research into the clinical practice and combine advances in civilian and military medicine,with a special focus on the modern military medicine disciplines and the leading progress in precision medicine and translational medicine.展开更多
基金2024 Education and Teaching Reform Research Project of Hainan Normal University(hsjg2024-04)。
文摘Introduction to Computer Science,as one of the fundamental courses in computer-related majors,plays an important role in the cultivation of computer professionals.However,traditional teaching models and content can no longer fully meet the needs of modern information technology development.In response to these issues,this article introduces the concept of computational creative thinking,optimizes course content,adopts exploratory teaching methods,and innovates course assessment methods,aiming to comprehensively enhance students’computational thinking and innovative abilities.By continuously improving and promoting this teaching model,it will undoubtedly promote computer education in universities to a new level.
基金Second batch of“opening bidding”Wuhan University of Bioengineering“Research on the Evaluation of the Implementation Effect of Curriculum Examination Reform:Taking the Course of Introduction to Language as an Example”(No.2023JGYB37)。
文摘“Introduction to Language,”as the core course of the English major,mainly reveals the basic laws of language,enabling the students to have the ability to apply linguistic theories to explain language phenomena and solve specific language problems.This course is highly theoretical and has a certain degree of difficulty.The evaluation of student grades has always been based on examination reform,but several problems have been encountered during the implementation process.This article analyzes the current situation of the reform and implementation of the“Introduction to Language”course examination in applied universities and puts forth suggestions and specific measures to improve the assessment of the course,aiming to enhance the teaching effectiveness of the course and scientifically and comprehensively evaluate students’abilities.
文摘Marx,as one of the founders of Marxism,experienced a significant transformation in his thought during the period of 1843-1844.The Introduction to Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right(hereafter referred to as the Introduction)is one of Marx’s most representative works from this time.Lenin noted that this text,along with Marx’s On the Jewish Question,marks Marx’s transition from idealism and revolutionary democracy to materialism.In this renowned text,Marx offers a rational critique of the absolute authority of religion,articulates a vision for human emancipation,and envisages the possibility of free and comprehensive human development.During this intellectual shift,Marx absorbed the essence of German classical philosophy and,from a positivist perspective,began employing critical thinking and materialist expression.This enabled him to embark on a path of critique addressing both the religious and real social worlds.In the new era,systematically studying Marxist classic works allows for the exploration of their contemporary relevance.By aligning these classics with specific directions outlined in reports such as those from the 20th CPC Central Committee’s Third Plenary Session,the vitality of these works can be reinvigorated for the modern age.
文摘At present,the world Hi-tech hasbecoming the locomotive of the econom-ic development.In Hi-tech,computerinformation technology has taken up afore running position.Meanwhile,com-puters technology goes deep into manyareas such as economy,finance,trade,business,culture life and family life. Thus,the popularity of computer ap-plications technology becomes charac-terizing the important feature of thesocial development.And mastering com-puter technology also becomes a nece-ssary basis of individual,work and life.
文摘Pinus radiata was introduced to the summer rainfall environments of Sichuan Province, China in the 1990s as a part of an afforestation pmgram for soil and water conservation in the arid and semi-arid river valley area of Aba Prefecture. Within this region a total area of 26 000 ha have been identified through climate matching as suitable and a further 63 000 ha potentially suitable for environmental plantings of P. radiata. The plantations are being established in widely separated small patches on steep and degraded slopes along the dry river valley The newly introduced P. radiata are exposed to two kinds of forest health risks: they may be attacked by (a) indigenous pathogens and pests against which they may not possess any resistance or (b) by inadvertently introduced foreign pests or pathogens. This paper presents a survey of the potential damaging pests and a preliminary assessment of forest health risks facing the P. radiata plantations over a much longer timeframe than the initial phase of introduction and early plantation establishment. An empirical appmach was adopted to evaluate forest health risks by a combination of literature review, examination of historical records of pest and disease outbreaks in the surrounding conifemus forests, field surveys and inspections, specimen collection and identification, and most importantly, expert analysis of the likelihood of attack by specific pests and pathogens and the subsequent impact of such attacks. The assessment identified some specific forest health risks to the long-term success of P. radiata introduction in this area. These risks are closely associated with the indigenous pests and pathogens of the two native pine species, P. tabulaeformis and P. armondii since these pests and pathogens are considered more likely to establish on P. radiata over time. Exotic pests and pathogens are of a quarantine concern at present. Based on the results of assessment, recommendations are pmvided to improve forest vigour and to reduce the forest health risks posed by indigenous as well as exotic pests and pathogens to the introduced P. radiata. Ways to increase the ability to manage the forest health risks once a particular pest infestation and disease eventuates are also recommended. Although detrimental to the survival and growth of the introduced P. radiata, the impact of identified forest health risks are not considered to be fatal to the long term success ofP. radiata in this area.
基金2018年江苏高校省级外国留学生英文授课精品课程培育项目“Introduction to Economics”扬州工业职业技术学院2019—2020学年校级教育教学改革一般课题《“Introduction to Economics”留学生英文授课精品课程建设研究与实践》,编号:2019XJJG06。
文摘随着中国"一带一路"倡议的推进和高等教育国际化的发展,高职层次商科留学生人数迅速增加,相应的英文授课课程建设迅速涌现。本文对江苏高校留学生精品课程"Introduction to Economics"的课程定位、课程内容设置、教学资源建设、教学方法使用、考核评价方式等建设过程进行了总结,并提出了进一步强化建设效果的设想,为高职商科全英文授课课程建设提供参考。
基金This paper is part of a project funded by Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), State Forests of New South Wales, Australia and Department of Forestry, Sichuan Province China.
文摘Pinus radiata D. Don, native to a Californian coastal environment, has been introduced to many parts of the world as an exotic species for afforestation. It is now a major plantation species in the Southern Hemisphere. In 1990, it was introduced to the heavily degraded, dry Min river valley area in Aba prefecture of Sichuan Province, P. R. China. Survival and growth of young trees planted at several sites appear to be reasonable. This review is to serve as an introduction to the large body of literature on P. radiata for forest scientists in China. It covers the following aspects: P. radiata in its native environment and in ex situ plantations, provenance and genetic variations, environmental limitations and climate niche, diseases and pests, lessons from unsuccessful introductions, and the use of P. radiata for ecological restoration. The early growth of P. radiata planted in the dry river valley area is briefly described. Potential problems associated with the introduction of P. radiata in Aba and future research needs are also identified.
文摘The Middle-Upper Cambrian boundary is one of the current stratigraphical problems which remain openin the geological world, since there have been no universally acknowledged delimiting standard and stratotype.Acting on the instruction of Profs. Lu Yanhao and An Taixiang the author studied in details the Paibi Section,which is well exposed as a continuous sequence at an easily accessible locality. The Middle-Upper Cambrianboundary strata are composed of biocalcimicrosparite, indicating the sedimentary environment of anunderwater upheaval on the gentle slope along the frontal margin of the Yangtze carbonate platform. For the upper Middle and lower Upper Cambrian agnostid trilobite zones and conodont zones are erected,and a more accurate correlation between the trilobite and conodont sequences is established. Based on these,the Middle-Upper Cambrian boundary is drawn more reasonably and precisely than what was done before. Inshort, the section studied is superior to other known sections of Middle-Upper Cambrian. and it will probablybe an ideal candidate for the Middle-Upper Cambrian boundary stratotype.
基金This study was supported by Project of Chinese Ministry of Education for High School Ph.D.Point (1999038410).
文摘RAPD markers were used to assess the relationships among 6 species of Sonneratia in the National Mangrove Nature Reserve of Dongzhai Harbor in Hainan. By using the 15 effective 10 -oligonucleotide arbitrary primers, a total of 512 DNA bands were amplified, among which 297 (58.01%) were polymorphic. Based on UPGMA cluster analysis of 512 DNA bands amplified by the thirty primers, a DNA molecular dendrogram was established, which divided 6 species of Sonneratia into three main groups. Group A included 4 species: Sonneratia apetala , S. hainanensis, S. abla, S. ovata, and Group B: S. paracaseolaris and Group C: S. caseolaris only contained one species respectively. Group A could be divided into two subgroups, A1; Sonneratia apetala , S. hainanensis, S. covata and A2: S. abla; Two populations of Sonneratia apetala, which were from Hainan and Fujian (introduced from Hainan) respectively, were compared by RAPDs. The phenotypic frequencies detected by the 15 primers were calculated and used to estimate diversity (H) within sub-populations. Fujian sub-population exhibited 0.669 and Hainan exhibited 0.671 variability. Shannon's index of phenotypic diversity was then used to partition the diversity within and between sub-populations components. An assessment of the proportion of diversity present within sub-populations, Hpop/Hsp = 0.933, compared with that between sub-populations, (Hsp- Hpop) /Hsp = 0.067, indicates that, on average, most of the diversity (93.3%) is detected within sub-populations; while only 6.7% between populations. The plant introduction of S. hainanensis and S. ovata, which have the nearer genetic distance with Sonneratia apetala , is also discussed.
文摘The Chinese Optics and Applied Optics Abstracts , sponsored by the Documentation andInformation Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Optical Information Networkof the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanicsand Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is one of the series of science andtechnology indexing periodicals published by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.The Chinese Optics and Applied Optics Abstracts started a quarterly publication in 1985,with the name of Chinese Science and Technology Document Catalogues: Optics andApplied Optics. It changed into a bimonthly publication with the name of Chinese Opticsand Applied Optics Abstracts in 1987. In combination with the Chinese Optics Documen-
文摘The Journal of SPECIAL CASTING & NON-FERROUS ALLOYS cosponsored by Foundry Institution of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (FICMES)and Wuhan Machinery Technology institute. Appoved by National Science and Technology Committee of China as state-wide periodical. Issued both home and abroad, one of the core journals of China. Indexed in CHINESE ACADEMIC JOURNAL(CD)for Chinese Scientific and technical papers statistics and analysis. Cited by EI, CA etc. Domestic and foreign authoritative data base and...
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.11574370,11274358,and 11190020)the National Basic Research Program of China(Grant No.2013CB921700)the Strategic Priority Research Program(B)of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.XDB07020100)
文摘Large superconducting Fe Se crystals of(001) orientation have been prepared via a hydrothermal ion release/introduction route for the first time. The hydrothermally derived Fe Se crystals are up to 10 mm×5 mm×0.3 mm in dimension. The pure tetragonal FeSe phase has been confirmed by x-ray diffraction(XRD) and the composition determined by both inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy(ICP-AES) and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy(EDX). The superconducting transition of the Fe Se samples has been characterized by magnetic and transport measurements. The zero-temperature upper critical field H(c2) is calculated to be 13.2–16.7 T from a two-band model. The normal-state cooperative paramagnetism is found to be predominated by strong spin frustrations below the characteristic temperature T(sn), where the Ising spin nematicity has been discerned in the FeSe superconductor crystals as reported elsewhere.
文摘Since we have entered in the 21 st century, the economy of the whole world has experienced a process of transformation and upgrading, the outstanding performance is the proportion of the third industry in the national economy, and the third industry's contribution to the national economy is growing. Since our government has taken the reform and opening up policy,they attach great importance to the development of the third industry in our country. After more than 30 years of reform and opening- up,the development of tourism industry, also be called the"Smokeless Industry", has been given priority within the booming third industry. There is no doubt that tourism has a bright development prospect. With the rapid development of economy and the deepening of the opening degree, there will be more and more foreigners coming to China for sightseeing. Under this big background, the high quality English introduction of tourist attractions is in great demand. This article is aimed at exploring the practical value of functional equivalence applying to the translation of scenic spots introduction, and provides some feasible solution for tourism translation.
文摘Introduction to education is one of the basic courses in teacher education professional education, it covers a wide range of subjects. Thus, in order to practice the management teaching goals, the interdisciplinary developed mathematical tools are applied for the study. The participants of this study are students in course of introduction to education, and the research instruments applied are rough set, grey structural modeling (GSM), and matrix based-structural modeling (MSM). The purposes of this paper are: 1) To logically analyze educational datasets to practice the scientific traits in education;2) To benefit from directed hierarchical analysis to identify and propose action planning;3) To construct core-oriented educational structure as the criterion-reference for one-lesson-multiple-design and to provide the whole scope and visualized analysis with GSM and MSM.
文摘Using Swales’CARS model,the present study combines the methods of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis and makes a comparative analysis on the moves and steps of RA introductions between Chinese English journals and international English journals,which will benefit researchers in RA writing and publishing in core English journals.
文摘The Center for RESDS is an R&D body for comprehensive study under the joint sponsorship of the CAS Nanjing Branch,Nanjing University and Hehai University, all being research and educational institutions in the vicinity of Nanjing. The Center’s headquarters are the CAS Nanjing Branch. The Center’s objective is to answer the challenge posed by the 21st century and serve the economic reconstruction across the land by marrying campuses with research institutes so that the center might grow into
文摘Military Medical Research is an open access,peer-reviewed journal publishing cutting-edge findings on basic medical science and clinical research that is related to military medicine.indexed in:·Science Citation Index Expanded(SCI)·Medline·PubMed,PubMed Central·Scopus·DOAJThe journal aims to translate the basic science research into the clinical practice and combine advances in civilian and military medicine,with a special focus on the modern military medicine disciplines and the leading progress in precision medicine and translational medicine.