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作者 柴荣 陈泽 《河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2025年第1期44-52,共9页
在重视法律的历史背景下,宋代形成了以“防止奸弊”为目的,以“听”“断”分离为形式的“鞫谳分司”制度。司法参军作为“谳司”官员,是宋代地方州一级的重要司法属官,主要负责对“检出”的量刑法条进行核定与“驳正”。出生于簪缨之家... 在重视法律的历史背景下,宋代形成了以“防止奸弊”为目的,以“听”“断”分离为形式的“鞫谳分司”制度。司法参军作为“谳司”官员,是宋代地方州一级的重要司法属官,主要负责对“检出”的量刑法条进行核定与“驳正”。出生于簪缨之家的毛滂,深受当时社会环境和家庭的影响,养成了较高的法律素养。分析毛滂在司法参军任上的“检法”实例,可以看出他在遵守法律的前提下,对“止杀”“仁民”“爱物”等司法活动多重价值的权衡取舍。结合具体的司法实践,可以更加深入地认识宋代重视法律的历史背景和“鞫谳分司”的运行机制,以及其与司法官员之间相互影响、相互作用的紧密关系。 展开更多
关键词 重视法律 “鞫谳分司” 司法参军 改易风俗
JU2000E自升式钻井平台桩腿K型节点焊接残余应力分析 被引量:1
作者 赵宏权 邹家生 +2 位作者 刘川 周宏 王江超 《船舶工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第7期107-115,共9页
Ju2000E自升式钻井平台的桩腿K型节点由于焊接结构复杂,各构件采用高强度大厚板,焊缝多且不规则,焊接残余应力分布复杂,对其评估非常困难,焊接残余应力表面测量配合应力计算是最有效的方法。采用一系列的高效计算方法实现桩腿K型节点焊... Ju2000E自升式钻井平台的桩腿K型节点由于焊接结构复杂,各构件采用高强度大厚板,焊缝多且不规则,焊接残余应力分布复杂,对其评估非常困难,焊接残余应力表面测量配合应力计算是最有效的方法。采用一系列的高效计算方法实现桩腿K型节点焊接残余应力的高效计算,并通过X衍射法和小孔法验证计算的可靠性,同时通过计算机模拟软件建立的三维实体模型分析该结构的应力分布特征。计算结果表明,整个模拟件各方向的峰值拉应力出现在半圆板焊接区域表层,特别是焊趾位置呈现较大的应力集中,而焊缝材料和支撑管的屈服强度相对半圆板材料屈服强度低,故焊缝区域的各方向拉应力幅值稍低于半圆板焊接区域;整个模拟件各焊缝区域从外到内部的等效应力呈现300 MPa^600 MPa的较大应力,靠近半圆板的焊趾位置出现较大应力集中,等效应力达到600 MPa以上。 展开更多
关键词 ju2000E自升式钻井平台 桩腿 K型节点 焊接残余应力
作者 徐传骧 储九荣 +1 位作者 崔秀芳 邓泽全 《电力电子技术》 CSCD 北大核心 1999年第6期51-53,共3页
研究了JUS有机硅凝胶与各种材料的相容性问题。已固化聚苯硫醚(PPS) 外壳材料与硅凝胶有很好的相容性,而未固化PPS却使铂催化剂中毒,表明含有毒素的物质是否会使铂催化剂中毒,与毒素的存在形式和活性有关。一般常用的D... 研究了JUS有机硅凝胶与各种材料的相容性问题。已固化聚苯硫醚(PPS) 外壳材料与硅凝胶有很好的相容性,而未固化PPS却使铂催化剂中毒,表明含有毒素的物质是否会使铂催化剂中毒,与毒素的存在形式和活性有关。一般常用的DCB板和GD406 硅胶粘剂与JUS硅凝胶都有较好的相容性,但含有硫元素的703 硅胶粘剂却使硅凝胶中毒。最后研究了预防硅凝胶不固化的方法,认为使用SP漆作屏蔽层是有效的办法。 展开更多
关键词 相容性 有机硅凝胶 juS SP漆 电力电子器件
作者 黄江平 王喜全 +1 位作者 王自发 梁丹青 《安全与环境工程》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第5期46-51,共6页
发展了一个能够考虑昼夜大气稳定度差异的城市应急重气扩散模型——SLAB_URBAN模型,利用该模型对美国Oklahoma City Joint Urban 2003(JU2003)城市扩散试验进行了模拟,主要关注下风方向不同观测距离的Cmaxu/Q值,并将模型模拟出的Cmaxu/... 发展了一个能够考虑昼夜大气稳定度差异的城市应急重气扩散模型——SLAB_URBAN模型,利用该模型对美国Oklahoma City Joint Urban 2003(JU2003)城市扩散试验进行了模拟,主要关注下风方向不同观测距离的Cmaxu/Q值,并将模型模拟出的Cmaxu/Q值与JU2003试验观测的Cmaxu/Q值进行了对比验证。结果表明:SLAB_URBAN模型能够模拟出昼夜不同稳定度条件下城市重气扩散在下风方向浓度的分布状况;SLAB_URBAN模型的统计误差分析显示其模拟结果与观测值较一致;此外,从应急反应和安全角度考虑,SLAB_URBAN模型也符合实际工作的需求。 展开更多
关键词 城市 重气扩散模型 SLAB_URBAN模型 大气稳定度 ju2003扩散试验
作者 王燕彬 《云南社会科学》 北大核心 2025年第1期104-117,共14页
马林诺夫斯基功能论是魁阁学者的重要思想资源,尤其是他关于精神文化的分类。在边疆民族调查过程中,田汝康和许烺光等学者认识到,马氏的精神文化分类建立于个体心理的基础上,因而内含西方中心主义的想象和秩序。他们分别扬弃和改造了马... 马林诺夫斯基功能论是魁阁学者的重要思想资源,尤其是他关于精神文化的分类。在边疆民族调查过程中,田汝康和许烺光等学者认识到,马氏的精神文化分类建立于个体心理的基础上,因而内含西方中心主义的想象和秩序。他们分别扬弃和改造了马氏的精神文化讨论的不同方面,提出“文化心理”或“文化模式”才是这些文化现象及其分类的基石。由此,他们克服了马林诺夫斯基功能论的中心-边缘叙事和进化论色彩,构成了功能论中国化的魁阁阶段。 展开更多
关键词 功能主义 文化分类 边疆调查 田汝康 许烺光
作者 邹艳 徐清 《湖北科技学院学报》 2025年第1期19-25,共7页
学界多以“才子”与“浪子”评判陈方恪,前者是指他古典诗词创作的才能,以及文献整理与鉴别的学识,后者是指其在年轻时生活上的放纵以及履历上的任伪职。民国报刊收藏了有关陈方恪的图片、诗作、序文等,这些史料有助于打破学界对陈方恪... 学界多以“才子”与“浪子”评判陈方恪,前者是指他古典诗词创作的才能,以及文献整理与鉴别的学识,后者是指其在年轻时生活上的放纵以及履历上的任伪职。民国报刊收藏了有关陈方恪的图片、诗作、序文等,这些史料有助于打破学界对陈方恪评价的“定形”。陈方恪不仅追求雅致的风范而且还具有救亡图存的责任意识,并将其书写进文学创作中。而报刊文献中的《适屦集》序文和追和王国维之创作,展现了陈方恪反映本我、追求创新的文学创作理念。 展开更多
关键词 民国报刊 陈方恪 《适屦集》
作者 汤建石 孙建波 《江苏技术师范学院学报》 2010年第6期61-68,共8页
高校教师作为一个比较大的社会群体,其健康状况显得尤为重要,应当日益引起重视。通过对JU学院2007年和2009年教师体检结果的统计,找寻该学院教师病例的共性和规律,试图为该学院有关教师健康方面的决策提供参考,亦希望能够对高校教师改... 高校教师作为一个比较大的社会群体,其健康状况显得尤为重要,应当日益引起重视。通过对JU学院2007年和2009年教师体检结果的统计,找寻该学院教师病例的共性和规律,试图为该学院有关教师健康方面的决策提供参考,亦希望能够对高校教师改善健康状况有所裨益。 展开更多
关键词 ju学院 体检 教师 健康
“JU2000E”钻井平台在临港前沿码头区域插拔桩分析 被引量:2
作者 姚进 《科技创新与应用》 2017年第15期8-9,共2页
文章以上海临港码头前沿海域工程地质资料为依据,根据区域内地层特点,采用《海洋井场调查规范》及上海地方经验计算各土层承载力情况,分析了该区域针对"JU2000E"自升式钻井平台桩靴式基础插桩深度及拔桩过量吃水深度,并对钻... 文章以上海临港码头前沿海域工程地质资料为依据,根据区域内地层特点,采用《海洋井场调查规范》及上海地方经验计算各土层承载力情况,分析了该区域针对"JU2000E"自升式钻井平台桩靴式基础插桩深度及拔桩过量吃水深度,并对钻井平台插桩过程中土层刺穿效应作出评价,为该区域内桩靴式基础插拔桩提供经验参数。 展开更多
关键词 地基承载力 ju2000E”自升式钻井平台 插桩深度 拔桩过量吃水深度 刺穿效应
近地小行星(162173) 1999 JU3的热惯量和表面特征研究
作者 余亮亮 季江徽 王素 《天文学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期537-549,共13页
研究了隼鸟2号样品返回计划目标小行星(162173)1999JU3的表面物理与热性质.利用先进热物理模型(Advanced Thermal Physical Model,简称ATPM)研究了该小行星可能的表面热惯量分布,并进一步推测其表面物质特征.同时,估算了其有效直径和几... 研究了隼鸟2号样品返回计划目标小行星(162173)1999JU3的表面物理与热性质.利用先进热物理模型(Advanced Thermal Physical Model,简称ATPM)研究了该小行星可能的表面热惯量分布,并进一步推测其表面物质特征.同时,估算了其有效直径和几何反照率,分别为D_(eff)=1.13±0.03 km,p_v=0.042±0.003,并得到其平均热惯量大约为(300±50)J·m^(-2)·s^(-0.5)·K^(-1).通过考虑1999 JU3可能的热惯量分布,推测其表面绝大部分区域可能由岩石碎末或细沙等松散物质覆盖,部分区域可能是粗沙和石头的混合物,极少的区域覆盖着大岩石.从这个意义上讲,隼鸟2号样品返回计划在工程上是可行的,其科学意义也是显而易见的. 展开更多
关键词 小行星 个别 1999 ju3 方法 数值
作者 陈静 施幽芬 +1 位作者 李长根 朱守一 《医药工业》 CAS 1981年第3期37-42,48,共7页
本文介绍通过系统测试Ju型空气过滤纸的操作特性,并与国内同类产品进行对比,证明该滤纸具有机械强度高、湿韧性能好,过滤效率较高等优点,同时分析其初阻偏高但仍然低于国外类似产品的对比结果,指出应用该滤纸的操作气速设计范围,确认该... 本文介绍通过系统测试Ju型空气过滤纸的操作特性,并与国内同类产品进行对比,证明该滤纸具有机械强度高、湿韧性能好,过滤效率较高等优点,同时分析其初阻偏高但仍然低于国外类似产品的对比结果,指出应用该滤纸的操作气速设计范围,确认该滤纸是医药工业抗菌素发酵过程较好的除菌滤纸。 展开更多
关键词 滤纸 机械强度 超细玻璃纤维 工业用纸 贝塔纤维 ju 过滤效率
作者 杨玉东 杨桂林 《科技创新与应用》 2017年第24期61-62,共2页
关键词 ju2000E 自升式钻井平台 桩腿 桩靴 合拢 建造周期
作者 Zhu Lidong,Wang Chengshan,Liu Dengzhong 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 2000年第S1期290-290,共1页
Lanping basin was a massif (land massif) in late Palaeozoic Era. The ocean of Jinshajiang separated it from Yangtze plate in east. Lancangjiang ocean separated it from Yunnan—Tibet plate in west. From late Permian Ep... Lanping basin was a massif (land massif) in late Palaeozoic Era. The ocean of Jinshajiang separated it from Yangtze plate in east. Lancangjiang ocean separated it from Yunnan—Tibet plate in west. From late Permian Epoch, the oceanic crust of Jinshajiang subduced the west from east, the one of Lancangjiang down went the east from west, and then the Yunnan—Tibet ancient land gradually closed to the Yangtze. In the end of the Permian Period, two continents and Lanping plate touched together, and the evolution history of the Paleotethys was end. Hercynian orogenic belt in the east and west sides of Lanping had volcanic rock colliding in early—middle Triassic Epoch. In Ladinian in middle Triassic and Carnian in late Triassic, the north side of Lanping basin formed the serial volcanic rock of spilite—quartz keratophyre because mantle\|derived magma causing by delamination rose and mixed with the constituent of continental crust. The volcanic rock overlapped the middle Triassic and late Palaeozoic stratum in angular unconformity. It was the feature of double peak or evolution from the basic to the acid. The race element distribution of volcanic rock was same as the one of tholeiite in island and inter\|arc basin. The rate of lead isotope of the volcanic rock was much higher. These points all distributed above the NHRL in Pb\|Pb. This indicated that the Pb of volcanic rock was the mantle\|derived magma mixed with crust one. The large\|area progression in Lanping rift basin begun in late Carnian.. The east side in Lanping basin developed the sedimentary system that was granule gravel (grit) rock in border facies—limestone in beach facies—black shale, and the middle had black shale, banded siliceous rock, brecciform limestone in late Carnian to Norian. The geochemistry research of siliceous rock showed that the genesis of the chert was hot water. The development of brecciform limestone was related with action of central\|axis rift. The Lanping rift basin went into consuming stage in Rhaetian Epoch of the late Triassic. The basin developed clastic rock bearing coal of continental\|oceanic alternation facies. In early Jurassic, the sedimentary area atrophied further, and the fine lacustrine sediment whose thickness was not great developed in the east of central\|axis. The west stratum of the basin in late Triassic Epoch touched directly with the one in middle Jurassic. Lanping basin was going into another evolution stage that was down\|warped basin. 展开更多
关键词 Lanping RIFT basin LADINIAN in MIDDLE TRIASSIC to early ju rassic EPOCH
作者 刘洪 《物探化探计算技术》 CAS CSCD 1996年第3期260-265,共6页
本文概述JU函数的建立,JU变换方法的定义、计算式,离散JU变换计算式等基本理论。为了说明方法的特点和正确性,本文列举了在应用地球物理勘探资料解释中的几个简单例子,并进行了变换处理计算。在这些实例中,不但能以显函数计... 本文概述JU函数的建立,JU变换方法的定义、计算式,离散JU变换计算式等基本理论。为了说明方法的特点和正确性,本文列举了在应用地球物理勘探资料解释中的几个简单例子,并进行了变换处理计算。在这些实例中,不但能以显函数计算式的方法进行解反演问题,而且计算简捷,结果精确度高。由此可以看出,本方法在地球物理勘探资料解释中独具的特点和应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 ju函数 ju变换 地球物理勘探 数据解释
Probe into the Logic and Rhetoric of Propriety in The Book of Songs :Taking “Guan Ju” as the Core Example
作者 Lu Yong 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期209-217,共9页
The Book of Songs is a book of propriety passing on rites and teaching people by the form of poetry with unique logic and rhetoric.“Guan Ju”is the most typical poem deducing the propriety of humans from the laws of ... The Book of Songs is a book of propriety passing on rites and teaching people by the form of poetry with unique logic and rhetoric.“Guan Ju”is the most typical poem deducing the propriety of humans from the laws of nature,which is acceptable,convinced and obeyed by the people naturally,friendly and eloquently.Therefore,the logic and rhetoric in The Book of Songs can be reconciled and self-consistent in the poetic thinking of the unity of heaven and humans. 展开更多
关键词 The Book of Songs Guan ju LOGIC RHETORIC
作者 汤梓顺 《晋东南师专学报》 1995年第4期15-17,共3页
关键词 南宋 ju 文学研究 《建炎以来系年要录》
作者 陈永培 《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1993年第4期103-110,共8页
本文介绍美音/ju/和/or/近百年来的演变,指出过去的一些权威词典对这种变化有偏见,注音有保守倾向。作者根据对国内外一批常用英语词典注音的比较研究,指出目前的某些词典仍然未能充分反映这种变化的现状,显得注音落后于发音的实际,并... 本文介绍美音/ju/和/or/近百年来的演变,指出过去的一些权威词典对这种变化有偏见,注音有保守倾向。作者根据对国内外一批常用英语词典注音的比较研究,指出目前的某些词典仍然未能充分反映这种变化的现状,显得注音落后于发音的实际,并针对这种状况提出对注音的原则主张。 展开更多
关键词 美国英语语音 /ju/、/or/的演变 词典注音
The Interpretation of "Ju Men","Wen Qu" from Kun Ren Yi of Qing Nang Ao Yu-Also Discuss on the Cognition of the Study of Traditional Feng Shui
作者 Liu Yi Zhang Yan 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2019年第6期654-659,共6页
There are three different opinions of the first sentence from Qin Nang Ao Yu (青囊奥语), which was written by Yang Jun-song (杨筠松). They are “Kun Ren Yi (坤壬乙) should start from the star Ju Men (巨门)”;“Kun Ren... There are three different opinions of the first sentence from Qin Nang Ao Yu (青囊奥语), which was written by Yang Jun-song (杨筠松). They are “Kun Ren Yi (坤壬乙) should start from the star Ju Men (巨门)”;“Kun Ren Yi should start from the star Wen Qu (文曲)” and “Kun Ren Yi should start from both the star Lian Zhen and the star Ju Men (Lian Ju (廉巨))”. Because of the sectarianism,though the people were at odds with the opinions, we cannot find out any comprehensive and objective study on these. According to the analysis of some relevant literatures, it can be seen that there are two viewpoints nowadays. One of the viewpoints deemed that the first sentence was falsified by Jiang Da-hong (蒋大鸿), and another one deemed that was falsified by Zhang Shou-qi (张受祺). But neither of the view was credible. More precisely is that “Wen Qu” and “Ju Men” were both found in the publications simultaneously, and there were more “Wen Qu”, during the period of the end of the Ming Dynasty and the era of the emperors Kangxi and Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. The influence of “Ju Meg” was gradually spread when Jiang Da-hong used it in his book and also Si Ku Quan Shu (四库全书) cited it, then let to more pithy formulas of “Ju Men” to be used now. And the “Lian Ju” was rare to be used except Duan Mu Guo-hu (端木国瑚) who used to use it. The way of interpretation is so multiple and complex on the “Wen Qu” and “Ju Men” from the Qin Nang Ao Yu, according to the perspective of Feng Shui, which is reflecting the pluralism and uncertainty of the interpretation of the traditional Feng Shui. And it is still need to be required a further more careful consideration on how to treat the studies of the traditional Feng Shui for the nowadays scholars. 展开更多
关键词 Qin Nang AO Yu ju MEN Wen Qu
Ju Er Hutong Project:A Rehabilitation Model or an Unsuccessful Attempt?
作者 Giuseppe Cinà Qi Mu 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2018年第9期629-643,共15页
What will be the future of Chinese urban heritage in the context of globalisation and a socialist market?Ju Er Hutong,as one of the first rehabilitation projects to take place during China’s late-1980s housing reform... What will be the future of Chinese urban heritage in the context of globalisation and a socialist market?Ju Er Hutong,as one of the first rehabilitation projects to take place during China’s late-1980s housing reforms,is generally considered a successful initiative in terms of urban regeneration and historic area conservation.To what extent does this success demonstrate a capacity to develop new policies and a new planning approach in the current Chinese urban regeneration process?To answer this question,and to summarize its achievements and its remaining unsolved problems,this paper provides the following insights:(1)an analysis of the evolution of Ju Er Hutong to its current form;(2)a literature review concerning the background and the outcome of the rehabilitation process;and(3)a critical assessment of the overall process,so as to summarize its constitutive advantages and problems. 展开更多
关键词 URBAN heritage old city preservation ju ER HUTONG URBAN RESTRUCTURING conservation
Oxidative stress in brickmakers of Juárez City, Chihuahua, México: Case-control study
作者 Leobardo Manuel Gómez-Oliván Alba Yadira Corral-Avitia +5 位作者 Katya Aimeé Carrasco-Urrutia Navor Armando González-Granados Marcela Galar-Martínez Nadia Neri-Cruz Hariz Islas-Flores Octavio Dublan-García 《Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology》 2012年第7期1051-1059,共9页
A case-control study was conducted in a brickmaker’s community in Juarez City, Chihuahua in Mexico. This population has been chronically exposed to a wide spectrum of potentially health-damaging pollutants that inclu... A case-control study was conducted in a brickmaker’s community in Juarez City, Chihuahua in Mexico. This population has been chronically exposed to a wide spectrum of potentially health-damaging pollutants that include coarse, fine and ultrafine particles, carbon monoxide (CO), oxides of nitrogen and sulphur, transitional metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), volatile organic compounds and bioaerosols. Lipid peroxidation level (LPX) and protein carbonyl content (PCC) help to evaluate oxidized protein content and activity of the antioxidant enzymes: superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) were evaluated in blood samples of study participants. The group of occupationally exposed (OE) workers consisted of 30 individuals ranging in age from 25 to 55 years, with a mean of 15 years in a brick production-related job. The control group included 30 volunteers who were neither environmentally nor occupationally exposed to brick production activities and whose sociodemo-graphic characteristics were similar to the OE group. Results indicate that none of workers used any type of protective equipment (respirator or face mask, gloves, coveralls) during brick manufacturing. LPX and PCC significantly increased (p < 0.5) in the OE group compared to the control group. SOD, CAT and GPx activity was significantly increased (p < 0.5) in the OE group compared to the control group. Therefore, evaluation of stress oxidative biomarkers is advisable in order to assay chronic exposure to workers in brick manufacturing. 展开更多
关键词 OXIDATIVE Stress Brickmakers Chronic Exposure Biomarkers juárez CITY
A Study on Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang’s Translation of“Guan Ju”
作者 LI Mengting ZHANG Shunsheng 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2021年第6期161-164,共4页
The Book of Songs,as the first collection of poems in China,is of great significance for understanding the culture of China’s pre-Qin Dynasty and plays an important role in the history of Chinese literature.Confucius... The Book of Songs,as the first collection of poems in China,is of great significance for understanding the culture of China’s pre-Qin Dynasty and plays an important role in the history of Chinese literature.Confucius once said,“If you do not study The Book of Songs,you cannot speak”.However,poem translation is of great difficulty and importance during cultural exchange.On the one hand,translators should strike the balance between the original poem’s beauty and readers’understanding.This paper aims to offer suggestions upon how to render Chinese poems into English by analyzing Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang’s translation of“Guan Ju”,the first poem of The Book of Songs. 展开更多
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