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The present status of infectious diseases of laboratory animals in Bangladesh
作者 Abdul Awal 《中国实验动物学报》 CAS CSCD 2005年第S1期18-,共1页
关键词 The present status of infectious diseases of laboratory animals in Bangladesh
Complete Isolation System for Laboratory Infectious Animal
作者 Jean Pierre 《中国实验动物学报》 CAS CSCD 2005年第S1期31-32,共2页
关键词 BODY Complete Isolation System for laboratory Infectious Animal
The 53rd annual meeting of the Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science
作者 Yuzuru Kurabayashi 《中国实验动物学报》 CAS CSCD 2005年第S1期14-15,共2页
关键词 The 53rd annual meeting of the Japanese Association for laboratory Animal Science
Development of animal model for Chandipura virus in laboratory mice
作者 Raut CG Jadi RS +1 位作者 Chinchwale AS Daware MM 《中国实验动物学报》 CAS CSCD 2005年第S1期20-21,共2页
关键词 Development of animal model for Chandipura virus in laboratory mice
Clinical/Behavioral Monitoring of Rodents and Rabbits Undergoing Scientific Experiments
作者 Luiz Cesar Cavalcanti Pereira Jhônata Willy Rocha Coelho +5 位作者 Hyago da Silva Medeiros Elidio Rita de Cássia dos Passos Ferraz Da Silva João Gabriel Regis Sobral Bárbara Alves de Brito Soledade Leandro Thomaz Vilela Isabele Barbieri Dos Santos 《Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine》 CAS 2024年第5期91-109,共19页
Background: We currently have international and national guidelines regarding the assessment and monitoring of clinical signs and humane endpoints in animals used in teaching and research, which make the performance o... Background: We currently have international and national guidelines regarding the assessment and monitoring of clinical signs and humane endpoints in animals used in teaching and research, which make the performance of these activities mandatory for any experiment and professional working in this area. Assigning the severity of a research experiment is the result of an analysis of records of observations of the animal’s behavior, and clinical signs. The aim of this study was to describe the importance of carrying out a severity assessment associated with clinical and behavioral monitoring of rodents and rabbits during experimentation to maintain the welfare of these animals undergoing scientific research. Methods: The literature search was carried out using the following terms: “Monitoring”;“Humane endpoints”;“Animal welfare”, “Rodents”;“Rabbits”, and as connectors “and”;“or”, in the following databases: PubMed;LILACS/BIREME and SciELO. Results: A total of 987 articles were identified in the databases, and 20 of these studies were included in this review. Conclusions: Humane endpoint protocols and procedure severity tables are of the utmost importance, both from an ethical point and to refine the results of research conducted on laboratory animals. They should be drawn up jointly by the teams responsible for the project and the maintenance of the animals during the research period, and the data obtained should be published so that the scientific community can have access to it, helping to disseminate these practices, as well as helping to draw up new procedures. Monitoring and evaluating the welfare and clinical condition of animals undergoing scientific research procedures is the responsibility of the professors, researchers, veterinarians, and animal facility coordinators. The Ethics Committee on the Use of Animals must monitor all the activities conducted with the animals, by inspecting the experimental procedures and the physical environment of the laboratory animal facility where the animals are housed. 展开更多
关键词 MONITORING Humane Endpoints Animal Welfare Experimental Design laboratory animals Investigations
氨溴索治疗豚鼠分泌性中耳炎实验观察 被引量:6
作者 侯玉凡 李泽民 +2 位作者 郭颖 姜涛 华娜 《中国耳鼻咽喉头颈外科》 北大核心 2010年第1期18-18,共1页
咽鼓管压力平衡、引流和保护功能的体现与其黏膜表面活性物质有关,咽鼓管黏膜内磷脂堆积形成板层结构,称为板层体即是表面活性物质的前体,咽鼓管表面活性物质的合成、分泌及作用与板层体有关。已有研究表明,氨溴索能够增加肺II型细胞及... 咽鼓管压力平衡、引流和保护功能的体现与其黏膜表面活性物质有关,咽鼓管黏膜内磷脂堆积形成板层结构,称为板层体即是表面活性物质的前体,咽鼓管表面活性物质的合成、分泌及作用与板层体有关。已有研究表明,氨溴索能够增加肺II型细胞及板层体的数量,提高表面活性物质的作用。由此我们设计本课题,应用氨溴索治疗豚鼠分泌中耳炎,观察其疗效。 展开更多
关键词 动物 实验(animals laboratory) 豚鼠(Guinea Pigs) 咽鼓管(Eustachian Tube) 中耳炎 伴渗出液(Otitis Media with Effusion) 药物疗法(Drug Therapy)
Animal experiments and clinical application of CT during percutaneous splenoportography 被引量:2
作者 ZHANG Xue Lin, QIU Shi Jun, CHANG Ren Min and ZOU Chang Jing 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1998年第3期34-38,共5页
AnimalexperimentsandclinicalapplicationofCTduringpercutaneoussplenoportographyZHANGXueLin,QIUShiJun,CHANGR... AnimalexperimentsandclinicalapplicationofCTduringpercutaneoussplenoportographyZHANGXueLin,QIUShiJun,CHANGRenMinandZOUChang... 展开更多
关键词 PORTOGRAPHY tomography X-ray COMPUTED animals laboratory liver neoplasms/radiography
An androgen induced hyperinsulinemic and hyperandrogenic anovulatory rat model 被引量:2
作者 俞谨 杨淑萍 +2 位作者 张月萍 魏美娟 归绥琪 《生殖医学杂志》 CAS 1995年第S1期45-50,共6页
AnandrogeninducedhyperinsulinemicandhyperandrogenicanovulatoryratmodelYuJin(俞谨),YangShuping(杨淑萍),ZhangYuepin... AnandrogeninducedhyperinsulinemicandhyperandrogenicanovulatoryratmodelYuJin(俞谨),YangShuping(杨淑萍),ZhangYueping(张月萍)WeiMeijuan(... 展开更多
关键词 ANDROGEN INSULIN STERILITY animals laboratory
SPIO-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging for differentiating metastatic from hyperplastic lymph nodes: A study in rabbits
作者 吴元魁 许乙凯 +3 位作者 黄其鎏 张嘉宁 吴凤林 刘杏元 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2003年第4期218-221,共4页
Objective: To investigate the potential of superparamagnetic iron oxide particles (SPIO) in MR imaging for the differentiation between hyperplastic and metastatic lymph node. Methods: Animal models of malignant lymph ... Objective: To investigate the potential of superparamagnetic iron oxide particles (SPIO) in MR imaging for the differentiation between hyperplastic and metastatic lymph node. Methods: Animal models of malignant lymph node metastasis were established in 6 New-Zealand rabbits by a unilateral intra-muscular injection of VX2 carcinoma cells, and models of hyperplastic lymph nodes were induced in another 6 rabbits by a unilateral intra-muscular injection of egg yolk emulsion. MR images of the lymph nodes were obtained before and 12 h after interstitial injection of SPIO. Image results were analyzed and compared with pathological findings. Results: On unenhanced images, the signal intensity of hyperplastic and metastatic lymph nodes did not differ significantly. After administration of SPIO, the signal intensity of both hyperplastic and metastatic lymph nodes remained unchanged on T1-weighted SE images. On T2-weighted SE images, the signal intensity of hyperplastic lymph nodes decreased heterogeneously, while that of all metastatic ones remained unchanged. On T2-weighted GRE images, the signal intensity of hyperplastic lymph nodes decreased significantly and homogeneously, while that of 4 metastatic ones remained unchanged and that of the rest 2 decreased heterogeneously. Conclusion: SPIO-enhanced MR imaging may enable the differentiation between the hyperplastic and metastatic lymph nodes. 展开更多
关键词 animal laboratory neoplasm metastasis contrast agent lymph node magnetic resonance imaging
Bridge tendon graft in no mans land: an experimental study in chickens
作者 吴尧平 胡蕴玉 崔述波 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2000年第1期34-38,共5页
To investigate the morphological characteristics of the bridge tendon grafting in no mans land to reconstruct the tendon defect and the effect of passive mobilization on it. Methods: A 2 cm defect was made in bilate... To investigate the morphological characteristics of the bridge tendon grafting in no mans land to reconstruct the tendon defect and the effect of passive mobilization on it. Methods: A 2 cm defect was made in bilateral flexor digitorum profundus tendons of the middle chicken toes, and was then transplanted to the opposite site to serve as a segmental autograft tendon. Postoperatively, passive mobilization of the left and right middle toes began at 5 and 21 d separately. Specimens were studied by light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy at 5, 10, 21 and 35 d. Results: Early repair of the tendon graft of the left middle toes was made by proliferation and ingrowth of the epitenon cells intermingled with newly formed collagen fibers. A gliding surface formed at 10 and 21 d. The tendon graft itself played an active role in the repair. In contrast, adhesions obliterated the surface and occupied the space between the tendon graft and surrounding tissues in the right middle toes. Conclusions: It indicates that the use of the segmental bridge tendon graft in no mans land coupled with early passive motion stimulates an intrisic repair process in both the tendon stump and the autogenous tendon graft and results in a functional healing. 展开更多
关键词 TENDONS Tendon transfer animals laboratory
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