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Thoracoscopy in Cameroon: Indications, Technics and Short Term Results
作者 Guy Aristide Bang Richard II Mbele +4 位作者 Fabrice Stephane Arroye Betou Arlette Joelle Moukitek Banaken Amos Bella Ela Charles Mve Mvondo Arthur Essomba 《Surgical Science》 2024年第4期278-288,共11页
Introduction: Thoracoscopy is a video-assisted surgical approach that mirrors the techniques used in thoracotomy. Our aim is to map the current state of thoracoscopy practice in Cameroon’s hospitals. Methods: This wa... Introduction: Thoracoscopy is a video-assisted surgical approach that mirrors the techniques used in thoracotomy. Our aim is to map the current state of thoracoscopy practice in Cameroon’s hospitals. Methods: This was a descriptive study that collected both retrospective and prospective data over 57 months across four hospitals in Cameroon. It included 13 patients and focused on variables such as socio-demographic factors, clinical profiles, surgical procedures, and postoperative follow-up. Results: Thirteen patients, predominantly male (84.6%, n = 11), with a mean age of 37.5 ± 16 years, were enrolled. Alcohol use (61.5%) and smoking (38.5%) were the most common past histories. The major complaints were dyspnea (84.6%) and chest pain (58.3%). The primary surgical procedure was clot-free thoracoscopy in 30.8% of cases, mainly for persistent hemothorax (41.8%). Most surgeries were elective (76.9%) and performed under general anesthesia with selective intubation (61.5%). The most common approach was single-port thoracoscopy (U-VATS) (76.9%), with no reported difficulties;however, one intraoperative incident occurred and was successfully treated. Drainage was performed systematically in all patients, and one case required conversion to open surgery. Postoperative complications were minor (Clavien-Dindo grade I) and mainly consisted of pain, with a mortality rate of 15.4%. No significant association was found between risk factors and the occurrence of complications or postoperative mortality. Conclusion: Thoracoscopy, a novel approach in our context, primarily focuses on minor thoracic surgeries. 展开更多
关键词 thoracoscopy SINGLE-PORT HEMOTHORAX Cameroon
Primary repair of esophageal atresia Gross type C via thoracoscopic magnetic compression anastomosis:Is it the best option?
作者 Sonia Pérez-Bertólez Jorge Godoy-Lenz 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery》 SCIE 2024年第5期1474-1481,共8页
Magnetic compression anastomosis is a promising treatment option for patients with complex esophageal atresia;but,at the present time,should not be the first therapeutic option in those cases where the surgeon can per... Magnetic compression anastomosis is a promising treatment option for patients with complex esophageal atresia;but,at the present time,should not be the first therapeutic option in those cases where the surgeon can perform a primary anastomosis of the two ends of the esophagus with acceptable tension. 展开更多
关键词 Esophageal atresia Tracheoesophageal fistula thoracoscopy Magnamosis Magnetic anastomosis
作者 郭亮 贾明选 +1 位作者 马文杰 闫宪飞 《罕少疾病杂志》 2025年第1期63-65,共3页
目的 探讨单孔电视胸腔镜手术在非小细胞肺癌根治术中的效果。方法 选取河南科技大学附属黄河三门峡医院2021年1月至2023年1月收治的100例非小细胞肺癌患者,分为对照组50例(常规胸腔镜手术),观察组50例(单孔电视胸腔镜手术),分组方法为... 目的 探讨单孔电视胸腔镜手术在非小细胞肺癌根治术中的效果。方法 选取河南科技大学附属黄河三门峡医院2021年1月至2023年1月收治的100例非小细胞肺癌患者,分为对照组50例(常规胸腔镜手术),观察组50例(单孔电视胸腔镜手术),分组方法为随机数字表法。比较两组临床指标。结果 观察组引流管留置时间、住院时间短于对照组(P<0.05);观察组术后1d、2d、3d的疼痛评分均低于对照组(P<0.05);观察手术后组血清生长激素、PGE2、Cor水平低于对照组(P<0.05),各项临床症状评分均高于对照组(P<0.05),并发症发生率低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 非小细胞肺癌根治术患者应用单孔电视胸腔镜手术对缩短住院时间、缓解临床症状、降低疼痛水平、减轻应激反应方面具有积极作用,更利于患者康复。 展开更多
关键词 非小细胞肺癌 单孔电视胸腔镜 临床症状 应激反应 疼痛水平
作者 邓达 曾文飞 +1 位作者 裴万敏 唐莲 《中国医刊》 2025年第1期94-98,共5页
目的构建胸腔镜肺癌根治术患者麻醉苏醒期发生低氧血症的列线图模型,并进行验证。方法选取2022年6月至2023年10月在湖南省人民医院进行胸腔镜肺癌根治术的221例患者为研究对象,根据麻醉苏醒期是否发生低氧血症将研究对象分为低氧血症组... 目的构建胸腔镜肺癌根治术患者麻醉苏醒期发生低氧血症的列线图模型,并进行验证。方法选取2022年6月至2023年10月在湖南省人民医院进行胸腔镜肺癌根治术的221例患者为研究对象,根据麻醉苏醒期是否发生低氧血症将研究对象分为低氧血症组(发生低氧血症,63例)和非低氧血症组(未发生低氧血症,158例)。比较分析两组患者的临床资料。采用多因素logistic回归方法分析胸腔镜肺癌根治术患者麻醉苏醒期发生低氧血症的独立影响因素,以此建立列线图模型并进行验证。结果低氧血症组患者的年龄、体重指数、美国麻醉医师协会分级为Ⅱ级比例、吸烟史比例、贫血比例、术后镇痛泵种类为舒芬太尼泵比例、术中镇痛药物种类为右美托咪定比例、术中低血压比例、手术体位为仰卧位比例、气道不通比例、意识恢复不良比例、术后躁动比例均大于或高于非低氧血症组,第1秒用力呼气容积占用力肺活量比值(FEV1/FVC)低于非低氧血症组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,年龄、体重指数、术中镇痛药物种类、手术体位、术后躁动均为胸腔镜肺癌根治术患者麻醉苏醒期发生低氧血症的独立危险因素(P<0.05),FEV1/FVC为胸腔镜肺癌根治术患者麻醉苏醒期发生低氧血症的独立保护因素(P<0.05)。根据多因素logistic回归分析结果,通过R软件构建基于年龄、体重指数、FEV1/FVC、术中镇痛药物种类、手术体位、术后躁动等6个影响因素的列线图模型。ROC曲线分析结果显示,列线图模型预测胸腔镜肺癌根治术患者麻醉苏醒期发生低氧血症的曲线下面积为0.835(95%CI 0.776~0.894);校正曲线显示,列线图模型的预测概率与实际概率的拟合度较好;决策曲线显示,当列线图模型阈值概率为0.10~0.85时,其预测胸腔镜肺癌根治术患者麻醉苏醒期发生低氧血症的净获益最高。结论年龄、体重指数、FEV1/FVC、术中镇痛药物种类、手术体位、术后躁动是胸腔镜肺癌根治术患者麻醉苏醒期发生低氧血症的主要影响因素,以此为基础构建的列线图模型对胸腔镜肺癌根治术患者麻醉苏醒期发生低氧血症具有较好的预测效果。 展开更多
关键词 胸腔镜 肺癌根治术 麻醉苏醒期 低氧血症 列线图模型
作者 许琳 邢曼兮 张瑞杰 《中国内镜杂志》 2025年第1期86-90,共5页
目的探讨自制标本袋在单孔胸腔镜肺叶切除术中的应用效果。方法回顾性分析2021年10月-2022年7月该院40例接受单孔胸腔镜肺叶切除术的患者的临床资料,按照操作方法不同,分为常规方法组和新式方法组,各20例。常规方法组一次性使用医用无... 目的探讨自制标本袋在单孔胸腔镜肺叶切除术中的应用效果。方法回顾性分析2021年10月-2022年7月该院40例接受单孔胸腔镜肺叶切除术的患者的临床资料,按照操作方法不同,分为常规方法组和新式方法组,各20例。常规方法组一次性使用医用无菌防护套1个,保留一侧约20 cm的长度,底部打结并内翻,用两把卵圆钳夹持袋口,置入胸腔内取出标本;新式方法组在常规方法组操作基础上,于袋口穿入一根引流管。术中标本均由自制标本袋取出。比较两组患者标本装入时间、一次性成功率、伤口愈合情况和近期预后。结果新式方法组无标本脱落,均一次性成功,常规方法组出现两次标本脱落(2/20),两组患者一次性成功率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);新式方法组标本装入时间平均(36.20±6.08)s,明显短于常规方法组的(57.95±6.59)s,两组患者比较,差异有统计学意义(t=10.85,P<0.01)。所有标本袋均无破损,所有患者手术切口愈合良好,无切口感染和肿瘤种植,并且在1年内无胸腔内播散转移。结论自制胸腔镜取物标本袋制作简单,成本低廉,使用安全便捷,能够节省手术时间,降低医疗成本。 展开更多
关键词 自制标本袋 单孔胸腔镜 肺叶切除 引流管 医用无菌防护套
作者 朱秀文 陈银连 +1 位作者 陈诗敏 蔡敏仪 《临床医药实践》 2025年第1期14-18,共5页
目的:探讨手汗症双侧胸腔镜下交感神经链切除术患者实施喉罩全身麻醉(以下简称全麻)和双腔气管插管全麻的临床效果。方法:回顾性分析2023年10月—2024年5月收治的40例单孔法完成手汗症病例的临床资料,随机分对照组和观察组,每组20例。... 目的:探讨手汗症双侧胸腔镜下交感神经链切除术患者实施喉罩全身麻醉(以下简称全麻)和双腔气管插管全麻的临床效果。方法:回顾性分析2023年10月—2024年5月收治的40例单孔法完成手汗症病例的临床资料,随机分对照组和观察组,每组20例。对照组实行双腔气管插管全麻,观察组实行喉罩全麻。比较两组麻醉复苏时间、双侧手术总时间、术中出血量、术后视觉模拟疼痛评分(VAS)、住院时间和住院费用、术后并发症发生率及应激反应指标。结果:观察组麻醉复苏时间短于对照组(P<0.05);两组双侧手术总时间、术中出血量比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);观察组术后1 d的VAS评分和白细胞计数(WBC)水平低于对照组,住院时间短于对照组,住院费用少于对照组(P<0.05);观察组术后咽痛、呛咳等发生率低于对照组(P<0.05);两组术后1 d的炎症因子水平较之前均呈升高趋势,但观察组白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、肿瘤坏死因子(TNF-α)、C反应蛋白(CRP)水平低于对照组(P<0.05);术后1 d观察组皮质醇(COR)、去甲肾上腺素(NE)水平均低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:胸腔镜下交感神经链切断术中实施喉罩全麻,有效且安全,与双腔气管插管全麻相比,具有减轻术后疼痛、降低并发症风险、节约住院时间等突出优势。 展开更多
关键词 喉罩 胸腔镜 交感神经链切断术 应用效果
作者 韩欣 张沛刚 《中国医学物理学杂志》 2025年第2期250-255,共6页
随着高分辨率、低辐射剂量计算机断层扫描(CT)的广泛应用,尤其是随着参加肺癌筛查项目或健康体检人群的增加,肺部小结节的检出越来越多。对于高度怀疑恶性结节者,电视胸腔镜下手术是当前首选的诊疗方法。但在胸腔镜手术过程中术者很难... 随着高分辨率、低辐射剂量计算机断层扫描(CT)的广泛应用,尤其是随着参加肺癌筛查项目或健康体检人群的增加,肺部小结节的检出越来越多。对于高度怀疑恶性结节者,电视胸腔镜下手术是当前首选的诊疗方法。但在胸腔镜手术过程中术者很难通过手指去触摸、定位肺结节,因此需要使用肺结节定位技术辅助术者在术中准确找到肺结节并切除。根据定位与手术的顺序可分为术前定位及术中定位,前者主要有CT引导下经皮穿刺辅助定位、CT引导下液体材料定位、虚拟支气管镜导航定位等;后者有电磁导航支气管镜引导定位、术中超声定位、利用射频识别系统定位等。本文就以上定位技术及近年来肺结节定位的研究进展进行综述。 展开更多
关键词 肺部小结节 电视胸腔镜 定位方法 综述
Combined thoracoscopic and endoscopic surgery for a large esophageal schwannoma 被引量:3
作者 Yu Onodera Toru Nakano +7 位作者 Daisuke Takeyama Shota Maruyama Yusuke Taniyama Tadashi Sakurai Takahiro Heishi Chiaki Sato Takuro Kumagai Takashi Kamei 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第46期8256-8260,共5页
A 47-year-old woman presented to our hospital with complaints of dysphagia. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy identified a submucosal tumor in the left wall of the esophagus that was diagnosed as a benign schwannoma on biops... A 47-year-old woman presented to our hospital with complaints of dysphagia. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy identified a submucosal tumor in the left wall of the esophagus that was diagnosed as a benign schwannoma on biopsy. Computed tomography revealed a tumor of length 60 mm in the thoracic esophagus, with its cranial edge at the level of the aortic arch. On endoscopy, a submucosal tunnel was created 40 mm proximal to the cranial edge of the tumor, and its oral end was dissected from the mucosal and muscular layers. This was followed by the resection of the entire tumor by left-sided thoracoscopy. The esophageal defect was closed in layer by continuous suture from the thoracic side. Endoscopic closure was achieved by using clips. No postoperative complications were observed. Oral diet was resumed from postoperative day 7 and the patient was discharged on postoperative day 9. This combined approach has not been described for similar tumors. Our experience demonstrated that large esophageal tumors can be safely excised with minimally invasive surgery by using a combination of thoracoscopy and endoscopy. 展开更多
关键词 ESOPHAGUS thoracoscopy ENDOSCOPY SCHWANNOMA Submucosal tumor
Thoracoscopic segmentectomy and lobectomy assisted by threedimensional computed-tomography bronchography and angiography for the treatment of primary lung cancer 被引量:8
作者 Yun-Jiang Wu Qing-Tong Shi +1 位作者 Yong Zhang Ya-Li Wang 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2021年第34期10494-10506,共13页
BACKGROUND Anatomical segmentectomy has been proposed as a substitution for lobectomy for early-stage lung cancer.However,it requires technical meticulousness due to the complex anatomical variations of segmental vess... BACKGROUND Anatomical segmentectomy has been proposed as a substitution for lobectomy for early-stage lung cancer.However,it requires technical meticulousness due to the complex anatomical variations of segmental vessels and bronchi.AIM To assess the safety and feasibility of three-dimensional computed-tomography bronchography and angiography(3D-CTBA)in performing video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery(VATS)for lung cancers.METHODS In this study,we enrolled 123 patients who consented to undergo thoracoscopic segmentectomy and lobectomy assisted by 3D-CTBA between May 2017 and June 2019.The image data of enhanced computed tomography(CT)scans was reconstructed three-dimensionally by the Mimics software.The results of preoperative 3D-CTBA,in combination with intraoperative navigation,guided the surgery.RESULTS A total of 59 women and 64 men were enrolled,of whom 57(46.3%)underwent segmentectomy and 66(53.7%)underwent lobectomy.The majority of tumor appearance on CT was part-solid ground-glass nodule(pGGN;55.3%).The mean duration of chest tube placement was 3.5±1.6 d,and the average length of postoperative hospital stay was 6.8±1.8 d.Surgical complications included one case of pneumonia and four cases of prolonged air leak lasting>5 d.Notably,there was no intraoperative massive hemorrhage,postoperative intensive-care unit stay,or 30-d mortality.Preoperative 3D-CTBA images can display clearly and vividly the targeted structure and the variations of vessels and bronchi.To reduce the risk of locoregional recurrence,the application of 3D-CTBA with a virtual 3D surgical margin help the VATS surgeon determine accurate distances and positional relations among the tumor,bronchial trees,and the intersegmental vessels.Three-dimensional navigation was performed to confirm the segmental structure,precisely cut off the targeted segment,and avoid intersegmental veins injury.CONCLUSION VATS and 3D-CTBA worked in harmony in our study.This combination also provided a new pattern of transition from lesion-directed location of tumors to computer-aided surgery for the management of early lung cancer. 展开更多
关键词 thoracoscopy SEGMENTECTOMY LOBECTOMY Three-dimensional computed tomography Bronchography and angiography
Efficacy of thoracoscopic anatomical segmentectomy for small pulmonary nodules 被引量:7
作者 Hui Li Yang Liu +1 位作者 Bao-Cun Ling Bo Hu 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2020年第11期2227-2234,共8页
BACKGROUND Small pulmonary nodules are tissue shadows and thoracoscopic segmentectomy in China is still at the exploratory stage with limited application.AIM To evaluate the efficacy of thoracoscopic anatomical segmen... BACKGROUND Small pulmonary nodules are tissue shadows and thoracoscopic segmentectomy in China is still at the exploratory stage with limited application.AIM To evaluate the efficacy of thoracoscopic anatomical segmentectomy for small pulmonary nodules.METHODS Medical records of 86 patients with small pulmonary nodules treated at our hospital between August 2016 and October 2019 were retrospectively analyzed;40 cases who underwent thoracoscopic lobectomy were set as a reference group,and 46 cases who underwent thoracoscopic anatomical segmentectomy were set as an observation group.Preoperative and postoperative parameters were measured in both groups,including the percentage of forced expiratory volume in the first second(FEV1%),the percentage of forced vital capacity(FVC%),and the FEV1/FVC ratio(FEV1/FVC).Patients with positive pathological diagnosis received tests for neuron-specific enolase,carbohydrate antigen 125(CA125),CA19-9,and squamous cell carcinoma antigen.Intraoperative bleeding volume,drainage volume,the number of dissected lymph nodes,drainage time,hospital stay,treatment cost,postoperative complications,and postoperative pain condition were compared between the two groups.RESULTS No significant difference was observed in the results of four serum tumor marker(CA125,CA19-9,squamous cell carcinoma antigen,and neuron-specific enolase),the number of dissected lymph nodes,treatment cost,or preoperative pulmonary ventilation index between the two groups.Intraoperative bleeding volume,drainage volume,drainage time,hospital stay,and visual analogue scale score were significantly lower in the observation group(P<0.05).The results of FEV1%,FVC%,and FEV1/FVC were significantly higher in the observation group(P<0.05).CONCLUSION The efficacy of thoracoscopic anatomical segmentectomy and lobectomy for small pulmonary nodules shows no significant difference in terms of lesion removal,but anatomical segmentectomy is less invasive with fewer postoperative complications and less influence on lung function. 展开更多
关键词 thoracoscopy Small pulmonary nodules Anatomical segmentectomy Clinical efficacy LOBECTOMY
Natural orifice transesophageal thoracoscopic surgery:A review of the current state 被引量:1
作者 Brian G Turner Denise W Gee 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy》 CAS 2010年第1期3-9,共7页
Since the concept of Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery(NOTES) was introduced,it has continued to gain significantly in popularity and enthusiasm for its potential clinical applications.The ability to per... Since the concept of Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery(NOTES) was introduced,it has continued to gain significantly in popularity and enthusiasm for its potential clinical applications.The ability to perform conventional laparoscopic and thoracoscopic procedures without the creation of scars and perhaps faster and less painful recovery has prompted a worldwide devotion to further this field.While intraabdominal NOTES has rapidly transitioned from animal models to human trials,applying the NOTES concept to perform thoracic procedures has been slower to gain momentum.The goal of this review is to summarize the current state of transesophageal NOTES thoracoscopy by looking at its potential for diagnostic and therapeutic interventions as well as the challenges in transitioning to human trials. 展开更多
作者 Bin Yu Jian-guo Zhang Gui-xing Qiu Yi-peng Wang Xin-yu Yang 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2007年第3期144-151,共8页
Objective To evaluate the operative technique and preliminary results of video-assisted thoracoscopic anterior correction and fusion of scoliosis. Methods Eleven cases underwent thoracoscopic anterior correction and f... Objective To evaluate the operative technique and preliminary results of video-assisted thoracoscopic anterior correction and fusion of scoliosis. Methods Eleven cases underwent thoracoscopic anterior correction and fusion of scoliosis from March 2003 to April 2005 in our hospital were reviewed. They were all females with an average age of 13.1 years old. Of which, 9 cases were idiopathic scoliosis, 1 case was congenital scoliosis, and 1 case was Marian syndrome scoliosis. The coronal Cobb angle and apical vertebral translation before and after surgery as well as at final follow-up were measured. The operation time, blood loss during operation, and peri-operative complications were recorded. The mean operation time was 6. 4 hours, mean instrumented vertebrae were 6.4 segments, and mean blood loss during operation was 364 mU The coronal Cobb angles of the thoracic curve before and after surgery were 45.5° and 15.4° respectively, with an average correction rate of 65.4%. The lumbar curve was corrected from 28.4° to 11.8° , with an average simultaneous correction rate of 57.2%. All of the patients were followed up regularly with an average time of 21.4 months. At the final foUow-up, the coronal Cobb angles of the thoracic and lumbar curves were 19.0° and 20. 1° , with a 3.6° and 8. 3° loss of correction, respectively. The apical vertebral translation was improved from 32. 3 mm to 10.5 mm for the thoracic curve, and from 13.1 mm to 8.2 mm for the lumbar curve. There were 6 cases with peri-opemtive complications, including 1 case of thoracic effusion, 1 case of chylothomx, 1 case of locking plug loosing, 2 cases of aggravation of the unfused lumbar curve ( 1 case also with thoracolumbar kyphosis), and 1 case with a screw tip causing a contour deformity of the aorta. And 4 of them underwent revision surgery.Conclusions Video-assisted thoracoscopic anterior correction and fusion of scoliosis has good correction capability, less intraoperative bleeding, and favorable cosmetic effect for mild and moderate thoracic scoliosis, but with higher rates of cor- rection loss of the lumbar curve and peri-operative complications. A surgeon should be cautious to perform this technique. 展开更多
关键词 SCOLIOSIS anterior fusion thoracoscopy intemal fixation
Diagnostic value and safety of medical thoracoscopy for pleural effusion of different causes 被引量:2
作者 Xiao-Ting Liu Xi-Lin Dong +3 位作者 Yu Zhang Ping Fang Hong-Yang Shi Zong-Juan Ming 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2022年第10期3088-3100,共13页
BACKGROUND Pleural effusions occur for various reasons,and their diagnosis remains challenging despite the availability of different diagnostic modalities.Medical thoracoscopy(MT)can be used for both diagnostic and th... BACKGROUND Pleural effusions occur for various reasons,and their diagnosis remains challenging despite the availability of different diagnostic modalities.Medical thoracoscopy(MT)can be used for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes,especially in patients with undiagnosed pleural effusion.AIM To assess the diagnostic efficacy and safety of MT in patients with pleural effusion of different causes.METHODS Between January 1,2012 and April 30,2021,patients with pleural effusion underwent MT in the Department of Respiratory Medicine,The Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University(Shaanxi,China).According to the discharge diagnosis,patients were divided into malignant pleural effusion(MPE),tuberculous pleural effusion(TBPE),and inflammatory pleural effusion(IPE)groups.General information,and tuberculosis-and effusion-related indices of the three groups were analyzed.The diagnostic yield,diagnostic accuracy,performance under thoracoscopy,and complications of patients were compared among the three groups.Then,the significant predictive factors for diagnosis between the MPE and TBPE groups were analyzed.RESULTS Of the 106 patients enrolled in this 10-year study,67 were male and 39 female,with mean age of 57.1±14.184 years.Among the 74 thoracoscopy-confirmed patients,41(38.7%)had MPE,21 had(19.8%)TBPE,and 32(30.2%)were undiagnosed.Overall diagnostic yield of MT was 69.8%(MPE:75.9%,TBPE:48.8%,and IPE:75.0%,with diagnostic accuracies of 100%,87.5%,and 75.0%,respectively).Under thoracoscopy,single or multiple pleural nodules were observed in 81.1%and pleural adhesions in 34.0%with pleural effusions.The most common complication was chest pain(41.5%),followed by chest tightness(11.3%)and fever(10.4%).Multivariate logistic regression analyses showed effusion appearance[odds ratio(OR):0.001,95%CI:0.000-0.204;P=0.010]and carcinoembryonic antigen(OR:0.243,95%CI:0.081-0.728;P=0.011)as significant for differentiating MPE and TBPE,with area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.977(95%CI:0.953-1.000;P<0.001).CONCLUSION MT is an effective,safe,and minimally invasive procedure with high diagnostic yield for pleural effusion of different causes. 展开更多
关键词 Medical thoracoscopy Pleural effusion Diagnostic value SAFETY Thoracoscopic performance Differential diagnosis
Pleural lump after paragonimiasis treated by thoracoscopy: A case report 被引量:1
作者 Yue Xie Ya-Rui Luo +3 位作者 Meng Chen Yi-Min Xie Chen-Yu Sun Qiang Chen 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2021年第3期666-671,共6页
BACKGROUND Paragonimiasis is a parasitic disease that has multiple symptoms,with pulmonary types being common.According to our clinical practices,the pleural effusion of our patients is full of fibrous contents.Draina... BACKGROUND Paragonimiasis is a parasitic disease that has multiple symptoms,with pulmonary types being common.According to our clinical practices,the pleural effusion of our patients is full of fibrous contents.Drainage,praziquantel,and triclabendazole are recommended for the treatment,but when fibrous contents are contained in pleural effusion,surgical interventions are necessary.However,no related reports have been noted.Herein,we present a case of pulmonary paragonimiasis treated by thoracoscopy.CASE SUMMARY A 12-year-old girl presented to our outpatient clinic complaining of shortness of breath after exercise for several days.Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay revealed positivity for antibodies against Paragonimus westermani,serological test showed eosinophilia,and moderate left pleural effusion and calcification were detected on computed tomography(CT).She was diagnosed with paragonimiasis,and praziquantel was prescribed.However,radiography showed an egg-sized nodule in the left pleural cavity during follow-up.She was then admitted to our hospital again.The serological results were normal except slight eosinophilia.CT scan displayed a cystic-like node in the lower left pleural cavity.The patient underwent a thoracoscopic mass resection.A mass with a size of 6 cm×4 cm×3 cm adhered to the pleura was resected.The pathological examination showed that the mass was composed of non-structured necrotic tissue,indicating a granuloma.The patient remainded asymptomatic and follow-up X-ray showed complete removal of the mass.CONCLUSION This case highlights that thoracoscopic intervention is necessary when fibrous contents are present on CT scan or chest roentgenogram to avoid later fibrous lump formation in patients with pulmonary paragonimiasis. 展开更多
关键词 Pulmonary paragonimiasis PARAGONIMUS thoracoscopy Pleural lump Pleural effusion Case report
Diagnostic Utility of Sago-Like Nodules on Gross Thoracoscopic Appearance in Tuberculous Pleural Effusion and Their Correlation with Final Histo-Microbiologic Findings
作者 Merlin Thomas Wanis H. Ibrahim +8 位作者 Tasleem Raza Kamran Mushtaq Adeel Arshad Mushtaq Ahmed Salma Taha Shireen Omer Saber Al Sarafandi Omer Rabadi Hisham A. Abdul-Sattar 《Journal of Tuberculosis Research》 2018年第4期270-280,共11页
Background: Distinguishing tuberculous pleural effusion (TPE) from other causes of exudative effusion is often challenging. Delay in treatment initiation can occur while awaiting histo-microbiologic confirmation owing... Background: Distinguishing tuberculous pleural effusion (TPE) from other causes of exudative effusion is often challenging. Delay in treatment initiation can occur while awaiting histo-microbiologic confirmation owing to the paucibacillary nature of the disease. Sago-like nodules are the most common visual finding on gross thoracoscopic appearance. The primary objective was to determine the diagnostic utility of the presence of sago-like nodules on gross thoracoscopic appearance in TPE to help justify early initiation of tuberculosis (TB) treatment based on their finding while awaiting final histo-microbiologic confirmation. Secondary objective was to study the correlation between the presence of sago-like nodules and the final histo-microbiologic findings in pleural biopsy specimens. Methods: This was a retrospective-descriptive study of all patients with exudative pleural effusion who underwent diagnostic medical thoracoscopy (MT) at Hamad General Hospital during an eight-year period (from January, 2008 to December, 2015). Results: The presence of sago-like nodules on gross thoracoscopic appearance of the pleural surface had a sensitivity of 58%, a specificity of 89% and a positive predictive value of 97% for TPE with a diagnostic accuracy of 62%. There is significant association between the presence of sago-like nodules and demonstration of granulomatous inflammation in pleural biopsy specimens (P = 0.000). There is no association between sago-like nodules and positive TB smear and culture in biopsy specimens. Conclusion: The presence of sago-like nodules on gross thoracoscopic appearance has a high specificity and positive predictive value for TPE and significantly correlates with the presence of granulomatous inflammation. Patients from TB prevalent areas with exudative pleural effusion and sago-like nodules on gross thoracoscopic appearance may be commenced on TB chemotherapy while awaiting final histologic confirmation. 展开更多
关键词 Tuberculous Pleural EFFUSIONS Medical thoracoscopy Sago-Like NODULES
Thoracoscopic Pneumonectomy for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC): A Case Report and Review of the Literature
作者 Oya Andacoglu James D. Maloney 《International Journal of Clinical Medicine》 2013年第6期23-27,共5页
Minimally invasive resection of lung cancer remains surprisingly uncommon in comparison to the adoption of similar techniques in other surgical disciplines. The reported use of video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) l... Minimally invasive resection of lung cancer remains surprisingly uncommon in comparison to the adoption of similar techniques in other surgical disciplines. The reported use of video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) lobectomy for anatomic resections in comparison to open lobectomy ranges from 10% -40% even though it has been demonstrated to be equivalent in safety and accomplishes the same oncologic goals. Further, it may provide improved survival outcomes as others have reported benefits in perioperative recovery and patient satisfaction. VATS pneumonectomy has been far less commonly described despite the physiologic advantages such as less blood loss, shorter intensive care stay, and less respiratory compromise. This report specifically addresses this lacuna by drawing upon the successful case of a VATS pneumonectomy with fissure invasion and then considering why minimally invasive VATS techniques remain underutilized. In conclusion, we suggest that focused thoracic surgery fellowship training in VATS techniques will make thoracoscopic surgery a more conventional technique rather than a challenging procedure. 展开更多
Thoracoscopy: Outstanding Interventional Modality in Diagnosis of Pleural Nosologies
作者 I. Sotiriou N. Siddique 《Open Journal of Respiratory Diseases》 2014年第4期119-121,共3页
Thoracoscopy is a well established invasive method for the diagnosis and management of pleural nosologies. The role and the impact that this procedure exerts in settings alongside the diagnostic yield in pleural malig... Thoracoscopy is a well established invasive method for the diagnosis and management of pleural nosologies. The role and the impact that this procedure exerts in settings alongside the diagnostic yield in pleural malignancies are unquestionable. New insights and novel techniques promise an even greater future towards the usefulness of this technique in interventional pneumonology. This is a short review highlighting the principles and novel aspects in the evolutionary progress of pleuroscopy. 展开更多
Low cervical incision combined with video-assisted thoracoscopy for resection of a goiter extending to the posterior mediastinum:A case report and literature review
作者 Fei Tong Zhongyu Wu +2 位作者 Shaohua Xu Ziyi Zhu Minjun Dong 《Laparoscopic, Endoscopic and Robotic Surgery》 2023年第1期35-38,共4页
Approximately 25%of goiters extend to the substernal area,and most of them can be removed through a cervical incision.Goiters that extend into the posterior mediastinum are very rare,and resection usually requires tho... Approximately 25%of goiters extend to the substernal area,and most of them can be removed through a cervical incision.Goiters that extend into the posterior mediastinum are very rare,and resection usually requires thoracotomy.In recent years,there have been several reports of resection of substernal goiters by minimally invasive surgery.Here,we present a 75-year-old female with a giant substernal goiter who successfully underwent resection of the goiter extending to the posterior mediastinum using low cervical incision combined with video-assisted thoracoscopy. 展开更多
关键词 Substernal goiter Minimally invasive surgery Video-assisted thoracoscopy
Combined thoracoscopic and laparoscopic approach to remove a large retroperitoneal compound paraganglioma:A case report
作者 Chang Liu Jin Wen +1 位作者 Han-Zhong Li Zhi-Gang Ji 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2021年第23期6935-6942,共8页
BACKGROUND Paragangliomas(PGLs)are rare catecholamine-secreting neuroendocrine tumors,which often present with secondary hypertension.The most common location is the retroperitoneal space.For the first time,we report ... BACKGROUND Paragangliomas(PGLs)are rare catecholamine-secreting neuroendocrine tumors,which often present with secondary hypertension.The most common location is the retroperitoneal space.For the first time,we report a rare case of large retroperitoneal compound PGL,and we have innovatively applied a new surgical plan to completely remove the tumor.CASE SUMMARY A 55-year-old middle-aged man was admitted to the hospital for fluctuating blood pressure for more than 1 year with intermittent headache.He suffered dozens of attacks every day.Blood and urine catecholamines were elevated,somatostatin receptor imaging was positive,and the diagnosis of PGL was clear.The imaging examination revealed a large tumor on the right front of the mediastinal spine at the level of T10-L1(the posterior space of the right phrenic foot).For the first time in our department,a combined thoracoscopic and laparoscopic operation was used to detect and remove large tumors.CONCLUSION This is the first reported case of using a thoracoscopic and laparoscopic approach simultaneously to remove a large retroperitoneal compound PGL,which may provide a new surgical approach for similar cases. 展开更多
关键词 PARAGANGLIOMA Compound paraganglioma Combined thoracoscopy and laparoscopy Case report
Determining the need for a thoracoscopic approach to treat a giant hiatal hernia when abdominal access is poor
作者 Francisco Javier Pérez Lara Rogelio Zubizarreta Jimenez +4 位作者 Tatiana Prieto-Puga Arjona Pilar Gutierrez Delgado Juan Manuel Hernández Carmona Jose Manuel Hernández Gonzalez Maria Pitarch Martinez 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery》 SCIE 2023年第12期2739-2746,共8页
BACKGROUND Giant hernias present a significant challenge for digestive surgeons.The approach taken(laparoscopic vs thoracoscopic)depends largely on the preferences and skills of each surgeon,although in most cases tod... BACKGROUND Giant hernias present a significant challenge for digestive surgeons.The approach taken(laparoscopic vs thoracoscopic)depends largely on the preferences and skills of each surgeon,although in most cases today the laparoscopic approach is preferred.AIM To determine whether patients presenting inadequate laparoscopic access to the intrathoracic hernial sac obtain poorer postoperative results than those with no such problem,in order to assess the need for a thoracoscopic approach.METHODS For the retrospective series of patients treated in our hospital for hiatal hernia(n=112),we calculated the laparoscopic field of view and the working area accessible to surgical instruments,by means of preoperative imaging tests,to assess the likely outcome for cases inaccessible to laparoscopy.RESULTS Patients with giant hiatal hernias for whom a preoperative calculation suggested that the laparoscopic route would not access all areas of the intrathoracic sac presented higher rates of perioperative complications and recurrence during follow-up than those for whom laparoscopy was unimpeded.The difference was statistically significant.Moreover,the insertion of mesh did not improve results for the non-accessible group.CONCLUSION For patients with giant hiatal hernias,it is essential to conduct a preoperative evaluation of the angle of vision and the working area for surgery.When parts of the intrathoracic sac are inaccessible laparoscopically,the thoracoscopic approach should be considered. 展开更多
关键词 Hiatal hernia Abdominal surgery LAPAROSCOPY thoracoscopy surgery
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