The Remains of the Day is one of Kazuo Ishiguro’s renowned novels.The protagonist Stevens is an English butler whose life is deeply entwined with the concepts of dignity and honor.Set against the backdrop of post-Wor...The Remains of the Day is one of Kazuo Ishiguro’s renowned novels.The protagonist Stevens is an English butler whose life is deeply entwined with the concepts of dignity and honor.Set against the backdrop of post-World War II Britain and reflecting on the interwar period,the novel examines Stevens’devotion to his role and the traditional values of English aristocracy.The essay discusses how Stevens’identity is shaped by his unwavering commitment to professionalism and his admiration for British gentleman culture and highlights the identity crisis Stevens faces as he realizes the flawed nature of his employer and the outdated ideals he upheld.Through Stevens’journey of self-reassessment and eventual epiphany,the essay delves into the complexities of his internal struggle to reconstruct his identity,ultimately advocating for a more authentic understanding of dignity and honor.展开更多
文摘The Remains of the Day is one of Kazuo Ishiguro’s renowned novels.The protagonist Stevens is an English butler whose life is deeply entwined with the concepts of dignity and honor.Set against the backdrop of post-World War II Britain and reflecting on the interwar period,the novel examines Stevens’devotion to his role and the traditional values of English aristocracy.The essay discusses how Stevens’identity is shaped by his unwavering commitment to professionalism and his admiration for British gentleman culture and highlights the identity crisis Stevens faces as he realizes the flawed nature of his employer and the outdated ideals he upheld.Through Stevens’journey of self-reassessment and eventual epiphany,the essay delves into the complexities of his internal struggle to reconstruct his identity,ultimately advocating for a more authentic understanding of dignity and honor.