To reveal the geometry of the seismogenic structure of the Aug. 8, 2017 M_S 7.0 Jiuzhaigou earthquake in northern Sichuan,data from the regional seismic network from the time of the main event to Oct. 31, 2017 were us...To reveal the geometry of the seismogenic structure of the Aug. 8, 2017 M_S 7.0 Jiuzhaigou earthquake in northern Sichuan,data from the regional seismic network from the time of the main event to Oct. 31, 2017 were used to relocate the earthquake sequence by the tomoDD program, and the focal mechanism solutions and centroid depths of the M_L ≥ 3.5 events in the sequence were determined using the CAP waveform inversion method. Further, the segmental tectonic deformation characteristics of the seismogenic faults were analyzed preliminarily by using strain rosettes and areal strains(As). The results indicate:(1) The relocated M_S 7.0 Jiuzhaigou earthquake sequence displays a narrow ~ 38 km long NNW-SSE-trending zone between the NW-striking Tazang Fault and the nearly NSstriking Minjiang Fault, two branches of the East Kunlun Fault Zone. The spatial distribution of the sequence is narrow and deep for the southern segment, and relatively wide and shallow for the northern segment. The initial rupture depth of the mainshock is 12.5 km, the dominant depth range of the aftershock sequence is between 0 and 10 km with an average depth of 6.7 km. The mainshock epicenter is located in the middle of the aftershock region, showing a bilateral rupture behavior. The centroid depths of 32 M_L ≥ 3.5 events range from 3 to 12 km with a mean of about 7.3 km, consistent with the predominant focal depth of the whole sequence.(2) The geometric structure of the seismogenic fault on the southern section of the aftershock area(south of the mainshock) is relatively simple, with overall strike of ~150° and dip angle ~75°, but the dip angle and dip-orientation exhibit some variation along the segment. The seismogenic structure on the northern segment is more complicated; several faults, including the Minjiang Fault, may be responsible for the aftershock activities. The overall strike of this section is ~159° and dip angle is ~59°, illustrating a certain clockwise rotation and a smaller dip angle than the southern segment. The differences between the two segments demonstrate variation of the geometric structure along the seismogenic faults.(3) The focal mechanism solutions of 32 M_L ≥ 3.5 events in the earthquake sequence have obvious segmental characteristics. Strike-slip earthquakes are dominant on the southern segment, while 50% of events on the northern segment are thrusting and oblique thrusting earthquakes, revealing significant differences in the kinematic features of the seismogenic faults between the two segments.(4) The strain rosettes for the mainshock and the entire sequence of 31 M_L ≥ 3.5 aftershocks correspond to strike-slip type with NWW-SEE compressional white lobes and NNE-SSW extensional black lobes of nearly similar size. The strain rosette and As value of the entire sequence of 22 M_L ≥ 3.5 events on the southern segment are the same as those of the M_S 7.0 mainshock,indicating that the tectonic deformation here is strike-slip. However, the strain rosette of the entire sequence of 10 M_L ≥ 3.5 events on the northern segment show prominent white compressional lobes and small black extensional lobes, and the related As value is up to 0.52,indicating that the tectonic deformation of this segment is oblique thrusting with a certain strike-slip component. Differences between the two segments all reveal distinctly obvious segmental characteristics of the tectonic deformation of the seismogenic faults for the Jiuzhaigou earthquake sequence.展开更多
The structural evolution of tectonically deformed coals (TDC) with different deformational mechanisms and different deformational intensities are investigated in depth through X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis on 3...The structural evolution of tectonically deformed coals (TDC) with different deformational mechanisms and different deformational intensities are investigated in depth through X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis on 31 samples of different metamorphic grades (R : 0.7%-3.1%) collected from the Huaibei coalfield. The results indicated that there are different evolution characteristics between the ductile and brittle deformational coals with increasing of metamorphism and deformation. On the one hand, with the increase of metamorphism, the atomic plane spacing (d002) is decreasing at step velocity, the stacking of the BSU layer (Lc) is increasing at first and then decreasing, but the extension of the BSU layer (La) and the ratio of La/Lc are decreasing initially and then increasing. On the other hand, for the brittle deformational coal, d002 is increasing initially and then decreasing, which causes an inversion of the variation of Lc and La under the lower-middle or higher-middle metamorphism grade when the deformational intensity was increasing. In contrast, in the ductile deformational coals, d002 decreased initially and then increased, and the value of L~ decreased with the increase of deformational intensity. But the value of La increased under the lower-middle metamorphism grade and increased at first and then decreased under the higher-middle metamorphism grade. We conclude that the degradation and polycondensation of TDC macromolecular structure can be obviously impacted during the ductile deformational process, because the increase and accumulation of unit dislocation perhaps transforms the stress into strain energy. Meanwhile, the brittle deformation can transform the stress into frictional heat energy, and promote the metamorphism and degradation as well. It can be concluded that deformation is more important than metamorphism to the differential evolution of the ductile and brittle deformational coals.展开更多
Detailed three-dimensional structural studies indicate that the Bixiling area, Dabie massif, central China shows the deepest exposed levels of the orogenic wedge formed during the Triassic Yangtze -Sino-Korean contine...Detailed three-dimensional structural studies indicate that the Bixiling area, Dabie massif, central China shows the deepest exposed levels of the orogenic wedge formed during the Triassic Yangtze -Sino-Korean continental collision. New 1 : 10 000 scale structural mapping, combined with detailed petrological analysis in this area, has enabled us to accurately distinguish structures related to the Triassic continental collision from those related to post-collisional deformation in the ultrahigh pressure (UHP) metamorphic unit. The collisional or compressional structures include the massive eclogite with a weak foliation, foliated eclogite or UHP ductile shear zones, as well as upper amphibolite facies shear zones, whereas the post-collisional deformation is characterized by a regionally, flat-lying foliation containing stretching lineations and common reclined folds. The former is present exclusively in the eclogite lenses and their margins, representing orogenic thickening or syn-collisional events, while the latter was best occurred on variable scales under amphibolite facies conditions, showing sub-vertical, extreme shortening and ductile thinning of the metamorphic rock stack. The eclogite facies tectonites that have a marked fabric discordance to the penetrative amphibolite facies extension flow fabric are common. It is emphasized that an extensional tectonic setting following the collision-orogenic thickening stage was, at least partly, responsible for exhumation of the UHP metamorphic rocks in the Dabie massif. A new tectonic evolution model is proposed for the UHP metamorphic belt on the scale of the Dabie massif. The Bixiling area thus provides a window, from which the dynamic processes concerning the formation and exhumation of the UHP rocks can be observed. Regional studies in the Dabie Mountains have confirmed this interpretation.展开更多
Soft-sediment deformation structures are abundant in the Cambrian Zhushadong and Mantou formations of the Dengfeng area, Henan Province, China. Soft-sediment deformation structures of the Zhushadong Formation consist ...Soft-sediment deformation structures are abundant in the Cambrian Zhushadong and Mantou formations of the Dengfeng area, Henan Province, China. Soft-sediment deformation structures of the Zhushadong Formation consist of fluidized deformation, synsedimentary faults, seismo-folds and plastic deformation; the Mantou Formation is dominated by small-scale horst faults, intruded dikes, fluidized veins, and seismo-cracks. These structures are demonstrated to be earthquake-related by analysis of trigger mechanisms, and may indicate the activity of the Qinling tectonic belt during the early Cambrian. Furthermore, the assemblages of soft-sediment deformation structures altered with time: large-scale, intense deformation in the Zhushadong Formation alters to small-scale, weak deformation in the Mantou Formation. This striking feature may have been caused by changes in hypocentral depth from deep-focus to shallow-focus earthquakes, indicating that the Qinling tectonic belt developed from the subduction of the Shangdan Ocean to the extension of the Erlangping back-arc basin. This study suggests that soft-sediment deformation structures can be used to reveal the activity of a tectonic belt, and, more importantly, changes in deformation assemblages can track the evolution of a tectonic belt.展开更多
The structural feature shown on a remote sensing image is a synthetic result ofcombination of the deformations produced during the entire geological history of an area.Therefore, the respective tectonic stress field o...The structural feature shown on a remote sensing image is a synthetic result ofcombination of the deformations produced during the entire geological history of an area.Therefore, the respective tectonic stress field of each of the different stages in the complexdeformation of an area can be reconstructed in three steps: (1) geological structures formed atdifferent times are distinguished in remote sensing image interpretation; (2) structuraldeformation fields at different stages are determined by analyzing relationships betweenmicrostructures (joints and fractures) and the related structures (folds and faults); and (3)tectonic stress fields at different stages are respectively recovered through a study of the featuresof structural deformation fields in different periods. Circular structures and related circlular and radial joints are correlated in space to con-cealed structural rises. The authors propose a new method for establishing a natural model ofthe concealed structural rises and calculating the tectonic stress field by using quantitative dataof the remote sensing information of circular structures and related linear structures.展开更多
To fully exploit the technical advantages of the large-depth and high-precision artificial source electromagnetic method in the complex structure area of southern Sichuan and compensate for the shortcomings of the con...To fully exploit the technical advantages of the large-depth and high-precision artificial source electromagnetic method in the complex structure area of southern Sichuan and compensate for the shortcomings of the conventional electromagnetic method in exploration depth,precision,and accuracy,the large-depth and high-precision wide field electromagnetic method is applied to the complex structure test area of the Luochang syncline and Yuhe nose anticline in the southern Sichuan.The advantages of the wide field electromagnetic method in detecting deep,low-resistivity thin layers are demonstrated.First,on the basis of the analysis of physical property data,a geological–geoelectric model is established in the test area,and the wide field electromagnetic method is numerically simulated to analyze and evaluate the response characteristics of deep thin shale gas layers on wide field electromagnetic curves.Second,a wide field electromagnetic test is conducted in the complex structure area of southern Sichuan.After data processing and inversion imaging,apparent resistivity logging data are used for calibration to develop an apparent resistivity interpretation model suitable for the test area.On the basis of the results,the characteristics of the electrical structure change in the shallow longitudinal formation of 6 km are implemented,and the transverse electrical distribution characteristics of the deep shale gas layer are delineated.In the prediction area near the well,the subsequent data verification shows that the apparent resistivity obtained using the inversion of the wide field electromagnetic method is consistent with the trend of apparent resistivity revealed by logging,which proves that this method can effectively identify the weak response characteristics of deep shale gas formations in complex structural areas.This experiment,it is shown shows that the wide field electromagnetic method with a large depth and high precision can effectively characterize the electrical characteristics of deep,low-resistivity thin layers in complex structural areas,and a new set of low-cost evaluation technologies for shale gas target layers based on the wide field electromagnetic method is explored.展开更多
The macromolecular structure of tectonically deformed coals(TDC)may be determined by the deformation mechanisms of coal.Alterations of the macromolecular structure change the pore structure of TDC and thereby impact p...The macromolecular structure of tectonically deformed coals(TDC)may be determined by the deformation mechanisms of coal.Alterations of the macromolecular structure change the pore structure of TDC and thereby impact physical properties such as porosity and permeability.This study focuses on structure and properties of TDC from the Huaibei and Huainan coal mining areas of southern North China.Relationships between the macromolecular structure and the pore structure of TDC were analyzed using techniques such as X-ray diffraction,high-resolution transmission electron microcopy,and the low-temperature nitrogen adsorption.The results indicated that the directional stress condition can cause the arrangement of basic structural units(BSU)more serious and closer.And,the orientation is stronger in ductile deformed coal than in brittle deformed coal.Tectonic deformation directly influences the macromolecular structure of coal and consequently results in dynamic metamorphism.Because the size of BSU in brittle deformed coal increases more slowly than in ductile deformed coal,frictional heating and stress-chemistry of shearing areas might play a more important role,locally altering coal structure under stress,in brittle deformed coal.Strain energy is more significant in increasing the ductile deformation of coal.Furthermore,mesopores account for larger percentage of the nano-scale pore volume in brittle deformed coals,while mesopores volume in ductile deformed coal diminishes rapidly along with an increase in the proportion of micropores and sub-micropores.This research also approved that the deformations of macromolecular structures change nano-scale pore structures,which are very important for gas adsorption and pervasion space for gas.Therefore,the exploration and development potential of coal bed methane is promising for reservoirs that are subjected to a certain degree of brittle deformation(such as schistose structure coal,mortar structure coal and cataclastic structure coal).It also holds promise for TDC resulting from wrinkle structure coal of low ductile deformation and later superimposed by brittle deformation.Other kinds of TDC suffering from strong brittle-ductile and ductile deformation,such as scale structure coal and mylonitic structure coal,are difficult problems to resolve.展开更多
This paper is one of the series papers about the study on strike-slip earthquake-generating structure in the Chinese mainland. In the first part of this paper, based on the large amount of data from large earthquake i...This paper is one of the series papers about the study on strike-slip earthquake-generating structure in the Chinese mainland. In the first part of this paper, based on the large amount of data from large earthquake investigation and the latest results of focal mechanism, the earthquake-generating structure in the Chinese mainland interior and its neighbouring region is discussed. It is concluded that the absolutely predominated earthquake, not only in number, but also in intensity, as well as in distributing area, is strike slip earthquake, and it is further stressed that the study on the strike slip earthquake-generating structure is significant for seismic risk analysis. In the second part, the characteristics of tectonic stress field about strike slip earthquake-generating structure and the compiled distribution outline of strike slip earthquake-generating fault, normal fault, and thrust fault in the Chinese mainland interior and its neighbouring region, in the light of stress characteristics of fault plane solutions, are also discussed.展开更多
The Tongchang orefield is located in the central part of the Mianxian-Lueyang-Yangpingguan area that is celebrated as a 'gold triangle' area,at the juncture of the latitudinal tectonic zone of South Qinling,th...The Tongchang orefield is located in the central part of the Mianxian-Lueyang-Yangpingguan area that is celebrated as a 'gold triangle' area,at the juncture of the latitudinal tectonic zone of South Qinling,the Longmenshan Cathysian tectonic zone and the Sichuan-Yunnan longitudinal tectonic zone,where there are distributed Cu-Au polymetallic ore deposits(occurrences) including the Tongchang,Chenjiaba,Qinjiabian,Hongtushi,Yinshangou and Xiakouyi ore deposits(mineralization).Based on the "giant pressure shadow" structure put forward and demonstrated by numerical modeling of the tectonic stress field and the static photoelasticity experiments on the basis of tectonic ore-controlling laws in the orefield,tectonic metallogenesis driven by orefield tectonic stress has been discussed in terms of its geological setting,orefield geomechanics,and tectonic stress field.It is thought that the dynamic evolution model of the tectonic stress field controls the whole process of formation of the polymetallic ore deposits(mineralization) in the orefield,as well as the deformation field.As a result,it controls the emplacement of rockbodies and the transformation of ore-source bodies,and provides both the channel-ways for ore-forming fluids and ore-hosting space.Furthermore,it controls the migration potential field of fluids and,thereafter,its flow direction,rate and volume;the tectonic stress field also controls the energy field and hence controls the position of occurrence of ore deposits and their scale.The method of tectonic stress field has been applied to ore prognosis in the orefield.The rules of magmatic emplacement and metallogenic fluid migrating and concentrating under the control of the structural stress field were expounded,hence providing the theoretical basis for the prognosis of concealed ores.In addition,a number of important target areas have been defined.展开更多
The structural deformation of NO2 group induced by an intense femtosecond laser field of liquid nitromethane(NM)molecule is detected by time-and frequency-resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy(CARS) tec...The structural deformation of NO2 group induced by an intense femtosecond laser field of liquid nitromethane(NM)molecule is detected by time-and frequency-resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy(CARS) technique with the intense pump laser. Here, we present the mechanism of molecular alignment and deformation. The CARS spectra and its FFT spectra of liquid NM show that the NO2 torsional mode couples with the CN symmetric stretching mode and that the NO2 group undergoes ultrafast structural deformation with a relaxation time of 195 fs. The frequency of the NO2 torsional mode in liquid NM(50.8±0.3 cm^-1) at room temperature is found. Our results prove the structural deformation of two groups in liquid NM molecule occur simultaneously in the intense laser field.展开更多
In order to study the failure process of an anchorage structure and the evolution law of the body's defor- mation field, anchor push-out tests were carried out based on digital speckle correlation methods (DSCM). T...In order to study the failure process of an anchorage structure and the evolution law of the body's defor- mation field, anchor push-out tests were carried out based on digital speckle correlation methods (DSCM). The stress distribution of the anchorage interface was investigated using the particle flow numerical simulation method. The results indicate that there are three stages in the deformation and fail- ure process of an anchorage structure: elastic bonding stage, a de-bonding stage and a failure stage. The stress distribution in the interface controls the stability of the structure. In the elastic bonding stage, the shear stress peak point of the interface is close to the loading end, and the displacement field gradually develops into a "V" shape, in the de-bonding stage, there is a shear stress plateau in the center of the anchorage section, and shear strain localization begins to form in the deformation field. In the failure stage, the bonding of the interface fails rapidly and the shear stress peak point moves to the anchorage free end. The anchorage structure moves integrally along the macro-cracl~ The de-bonding stage is a research focus in the deformation and failure process of an anchorage structure, and plays an important guiding role in roadway support design and prediction of the stability of the surrounding rock.展开更多
The authors introduced two kinds of newly found soft-sediment deformation-synsedimentary extension structure and syn-sedimentary compression structure, and discuss their origins and constraints on basin tectonic evolu...The authors introduced two kinds of newly found soft-sediment deformation-synsedimentary extension structure and syn-sedimentary compression structure, and discuss their origins and constraints on basin tectonic evolution. One representative of the syn-sedimentary extension structure is syn-sedimentary boudinage structure, while the typical example of the syn-sedimentary compression structure is compression sand pillows or compression wrinkles. The former shows NW-SE-trendlng contemporaneous extension events related to earthquakes in the rift basin near a famous Fe-Nb-REE deposit in northern China during the Early Paleozoic (or Mesoproterozoic as proposed by some researches), while the latter indicates NE-SW-trending contemporaneous compression activities related to earthquakes in the Middle Triassic in the Nanpanjiang remnant basin covering south Guizhou, northwestern Guangxi and eastern Yunnan in southwestern China. The syn-sedimentary boudinage structure was found in an earthquake slump block in the lower part of the Early Paleozoic Sailinhudong Group, 20 km to the southeast of Bayan Obo, Inner Mongolia, north of China. The slump block is composed of two kinds of very thin layers-pale-gray micrite (microcrystalline limestone) of 1-2 cm thick interbedded with gray muddy micrite layers with the similar thickness. Almost every thin muddy micrite layer was cut into imbricate blocks or boudins by abundant tiny contemporaneous faults, while the interbedded micrite remain in continuity. Boudins form as a response to layer-parallel extension (and/or layer-perpendicular flattening) of stiff layers enveloped top and bottom by mechanically soft layers. In this case, the imbricate blocks cut by the tiny contemporaneous faults are the result of abrupt horizontal extension of the crust in the SE-NW direction accompanied with earthquakes. Thus, the rock block is, in fact, a kind of seismites. The syn-sedimentary boudins indicate that there was at least a strong earthquake belt on the southeast side of the basin during the early stage of the Sailinhudong Group. This may be a good constraint on the tectonic evolution of the Bayan Obo area during the Early Paleozoic time. The syn-sedimentary compression structure was found in the Middle Triassic flysch in the Nanpanjiang Basin. The typical structures are compression sand pillows and compression wrinkles. Both of them were found on the bottoms of sand units and the top surface of the underlying mud units. In other words, the structures were found only in the interfaces between the graded sand layer and the underlying mud layer of the flysch. A deformation experiment with dough was conducted, showing that the tectonic deformation must have been instantaneous one accompanied by earthquakes. The compression sand pillows or wrinkles showed uniform directions along the bottoms of the sand layer in the flysch, revealing contemporaneous horizontal compression during the time between deposition and diagenesis of the related beds. The Nanpanjiang Basin was affected, in general, with SSW-NNE compression during the Middle Triassic, according to the syn-sedimentary compression structure. The two kinds of syn-sedimentary tectonic deformation also indicate that the related basins belong to a rift basin and a remnant basin, respectively, in the model of Wilson Cycle.展开更多
This article discusses in detail chemical composition, molecular structure, microstructure phenomena, estimate of the palaeo-stress, paleo-temperature and the strain rate to deepen the knowledge for the correlation of...This article discusses in detail chemical composition, molecular structure, microstructure phenomena, estimate of the palaeo-stress, paleo-temperature and the strain rate to deepen the knowledge for the correlation of coal deformation and metamorphism with structural environment in Xinhua Hunan by coal quality analysis, XRD and SEM methods, which provide dependable theoretical foundation for coal resource exploitation and utilization. The results show that 1) d002 value of six coal samples is from 3.36 to 3.39 nm, coal resolved itself into aphanitic graphite with the increase of coal rank during coalification, which is characterized by graphite flakes, and the crystallite size is from 50 nm to 250 nm;A certain degree of 3R-structure content is increases and the crystallite size is extend with the coalification process, but RH-structure content is decreased;2) the tectonic environment of research area belongs to the ductile-brittle deformation, which was characterized by low temperature, low stress, high strain rate;3) Tianlongshan magmatic intrusion provided heat source, its side-extrusion made the molecules structure of coal ordering, distance between layers decreased, finally it caused the formation of aphanitic graphite.展开更多
The Sangzhi-Shimen synclinorium, which is in the western margin region of the Hunan-Hubei Province and as the southeast part of the middle Yangtze platform, is a second-level tectonics unit in the south of this region...The Sangzhi-Shimen synclinorium, which is in the western margin region of the Hunan-Hubei Province and as the southeast part of the middle Yangtze platform, is a second-level tectonics unit in the south of this region. Along the profile, it can be divided into 5 third-level structure belts. By the comprehensive interpretation of seismic data and magnetotelluric (MT) sounding data, it is found that the surface structure is not in accordance with that of the underground, and this un-coordination can be conducted by many decollement surfaces between the layers. There are three periods of deformation in its geo-history in this region: before the early (Yanshan) stage, during the early Yanshan stage and after the early Yanshan stage, while the main deformation period is during the early (Yanshan) stage. And the mechanism of deformation is the thrust faults in basement, which are controlled by many decollements, in addition to the decollement of the cap-rock.展开更多
This paper presents the end Late Paleozoic tectonic stress field in the southern edge of Junggar Basin by interpreting stress-response structures (dykes, folds, faults with slickenside and conjugate joints). The dir...This paper presents the end Late Paleozoic tectonic stress field in the southern edge of Junggar Basin by interpreting stress-response structures (dykes, folds, faults with slickenside and conjugate joints). The direction of the maximum principal stress axes is interpreted to be NW-SE (about 325°), and the accommodated motion among plates is assigned as the driving force of this tectonic stress field. The average value of the stress index Rt is about 2.09, which indicates a variation from strike-slip to compressive tectonic stress regime in the study area during the end Late Paleozoic period. The reconstruction of the tectonic field in the southern edge of Junggar Basin provides insights into the tectonic deformation processes around the southern Junggar Basin and contributes to the further understanding of basin evolution and tectonic settings during the culmination of the Paleo- zoic.展开更多
The northwestern Sichuan region has experienced multi-stage tectonic evolution including marine cratonic basin from the Sinian to the Middle Triassic and intra-continental basin from the Late Triassic to the Cenozoic....The northwestern Sichuan region has experienced multi-stage tectonic evolution including marine cratonic basin from the Sinian to the Middle Triassic and intra-continental basin from the Late Triassic to the Cenozoic. Several regional tectonic activities caused complicated stratigraphic distribution and structural deformations in the deep-buried layers. During the key tectonic periods, some characteristic sedimentary and deformation structures were formed, including the step-shaped marginal carbonate platform of Dengying Formation, the western paleo-high at the end of Silurian, and the passive continental margin of the Late Paleozoic–Middle Triassic. The Meso-Cenozoic intra-continental compressional tectonic processes since the Late Triassic controlled the formation of complex thrusting structures surrounding and inside the northwestern basin. The northern Longmenshan fold-thrust belt has a footwall in-situ thrust structure,which is controlled by two sets of detachments in the Lower Triassic and Lower Cambrian and presents as a multi-level deformation structure with the shallow folds, the middle thin-skin thrusts and the deeper basement-involved folds. The thrust belt in front of the Micangshan Mountain shows a double-layer deformation controlled by the Lower Triassic salt detachment, which is composed by the upper monocline and deep-buried imbricate thrust structures. The interior of the basin is characterized by several rows of large-scale basement-involved folds with NEE strike direction. From the perspective of structural geology, the favorable exploration reservoirs and belts in northwestern Sichuan have obvious zoning characteristics. The favorable exploration layers of Dengying Formation of Upper Sinian are mainly distributed in the eastern and northern areas of the northwestern Sichuan Basin, in which the Jiulongshan structural belt, Zitong syncline and Yanting slope are the most favorable. The Lower Paleozoic was transformed by Caledonian paleo-uplift and late Cenozoic folding, and the midwest area such as the Zitong syncline is a potential area for hydrocarbon exploration. The favorable part of the Upper Paleozoic is mainly distributed in the northern Longmenshan belt and its frontal area, where the deep-buried thin-skin thrust structures in the footwall are the key exploration targets.展开更多
Based on the seismic data gathered in past years and the correlation between the sea and land areas of the Lower Yangtze Platform,the structural characteristics of the South Yellow Sea Basin since the Indosinian tecto...Based on the seismic data gathered in past years and the correlation between the sea and land areas of the Lower Yangtze Platform,the structural characteristics of the South Yellow Sea Basin since the Indosinian tectonic movement is studied in this paper.Three stages of structural deformation can be distinguished in the South Yellow Sea Basin since the Indosinian.The first stage,Late Indosinian to Early Yanshanian, was dominated by foreland deformation including both the uplifting and subsidence stages under an intensively compressional environment.The second stage,which is called the Huangqiao Event in the middle Yanshanian,was a change for stress fields from compression to extension.While in the third stage (the Sanduo Event)in the Late Himalayan,the basin developed a depression in the Neogene-Quatemary after rifting in the Late Cretaceous-Paleogene.The long-time evolution controlled 3 basin formation stages from a foreland basin,then a fault basin to a final depression basin.In conclusion,since the Indosinian,the South Yellow Sea Basin has experienced compressional fold and thrust,collisional orogen,compressional and tensional pulsation,strike-slip,extensional fault block and inversion structures,compression and convergence.The NE,NEE,nearly EW and NW trending structures developed in the basin.From west to east,the structural trend changed from NEE to near EW to NW.While from north to south,they changed from NEE to near EW with a strong-weak-strong zoning sequence.Vertically,the marine and terrestrial facies basins show a "seesaw"pattern with fold and thrust in the early stages,which is strong in the north and weak in the south and an extensional fault in later stages,which is strong in the north and weak in the south.In the marine facies'basin,thrust deformation is more prevailing in the upper structural layer than that in the lower layer.The tectonic mechanism in the South Yellow Sea Basin is mainly affected by the collision between the Yangtze and North China Block,while the stress environment of large-scale strike- slip faults was owing to subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate.The southern part of the Laoshan uplift is a weak deformation zone as well as a stress release zone,and the Meso-Paleozoic had been weakly reformed in later stages.The southern part of the Laoshan uplift is believed,therefore,to be a promising area for oil and gas exploration.展开更多
Having analysised the data collected by our survey ship'Ocean IV 'in the Bransfield Strait in 1991,we recognized that the geomorphology,gravity and magnetic anomalies trending NE direction along bandings. The ...Having analysised the data collected by our survey ship'Ocean IV 'in the Bransfield Strait in 1991,we recognized that the geomorphology,gravity and magnetic anomalies trending NE direction along bandings. The sediments in the Bransfield Strait can be subdivided into two sequences:the first rifting equence and the second rifting sequence.The basement was faulted into a half-graben in northwestern side of the Bransfield trough. Considering the crustal structure crossing the South Shetland Islands,the Bransfield Strait and the Antarctic Peninsula, we propse a two-phase rifting tectonic evolution model and a layered-shear model for the lithospheric deformation under the effects of extensional stress field.展开更多
Under the dual influence of the mining disturbance of the previous working face and the advanced mining of the working face,the roadway is prone to large deformation,failure,and rockburst.Roadway stabilization has alw...Under the dual influence of the mining disturbance of the previous working face and the advanced mining of the working face,the roadway is prone to large deformation,failure,and rockburst.Roadway stabilization has always significantly influenced deep mining safety.In this article we used the research background of the large deformation failure roadway of Fa-er Coal Mine in Guizhou Province of China to propose two control methods:bolt-cable-mesh+concrete blocks+directional energy-gathering blasting(BCM-CBDE method)and 1st Generation-Negative Poisson’s Ratio(1G NPR)cable+directional energy-gathering blasting+dynamic pressure stage support(πgirder+single hydraulic prop+retractable U steel)(NPR-DEDP method).Meantime,we compared the validity of the large deformation failure control method in a deep gob-side roadway based on theoretical analysis,numerical simulations,and field experiments.The results show that directional energy-gathering blasting can weaken the pressure acting on the concrete blocks.However,the vertical stress of the surrounding rock of the roadway is still concentrated in the entity coal side and the concrete blocks,showing a’bimodal’distribution.BCM-CBDE method cannot effectively control the stability of the roadway.NPR-DEDP method removed the concrete blocks.It shows using the 1G NPR cable with periodic slipping-sticking characteristics can adapt to repeated mining disturbances.The peak value of the vertical stress of the roadway is reduced and transferred to the deep part of the surrounding rock mass,which promotes the collapse of the gangue in the goaf and fills the goaf.The pressure of the roadway roof is reduced,and the gob-side roadway is fundamentally protected.Meantime,the dynamic pressure stage support method withπgirder+single hydraulic prop+retractable U steel as the core effectively protects the roadway from dynamic pressure impact when the main roof is periodically broken.After the on-site implementation of NPR-DEDP method,the deformation of the roadway is reduced by more than 45%,and the deformation rate is reduced by more than 50%.展开更多
Using the joint inversion method with the amplitude ratio of P-wave,SV-wave and SHwaves,this paper calculates the focal mechanisms of the aftershock sequence of the Yaoan earthquake with MS6. 0. According to the spati...Using the joint inversion method with the amplitude ratio of P-wave,SV-wave and SHwaves,this paper calculates the focal mechanisms of the aftershock sequence of the Yaoan earthquake with MS6. 0. According to the spatial distribution of earthquake sequence,the author analyzes the characteristics of the stress field and seismogenic fault. The result shows that:( 1) the seismogenic fault of the Yaoan earthquake is a vertical right-lateral strike-slip fault,striking NWW-SEE. The result is reliable and consistent with the nodal planes of the Harvard CMT solution and also in accord with the predominant direction of aftershocks.( 2) The predominant direction of principal compressive stress,NWW-SEE is consistent with the regional tectonic stress,and some aftershocks are different from the main shock. The stress field of the main shock is controlled by the regional tectonic stress field,indicating the diversity and complexity in the seismic area.( 3) By comprehensively analyzing the distribution of the earthquake sequence,focal mechanism and fault structure in the seismic area,it is found that the Maweijing fault is the seismogenic fault of the Yaoan earthquake.展开更多
基金supported by National Science Foundation of China(41574047)National Key R&D Program of China(2018YFC150330501)
文摘To reveal the geometry of the seismogenic structure of the Aug. 8, 2017 M_S 7.0 Jiuzhaigou earthquake in northern Sichuan,data from the regional seismic network from the time of the main event to Oct. 31, 2017 were used to relocate the earthquake sequence by the tomoDD program, and the focal mechanism solutions and centroid depths of the M_L ≥ 3.5 events in the sequence were determined using the CAP waveform inversion method. Further, the segmental tectonic deformation characteristics of the seismogenic faults were analyzed preliminarily by using strain rosettes and areal strains(As). The results indicate:(1) The relocated M_S 7.0 Jiuzhaigou earthquake sequence displays a narrow ~ 38 km long NNW-SSE-trending zone between the NW-striking Tazang Fault and the nearly NSstriking Minjiang Fault, two branches of the East Kunlun Fault Zone. The spatial distribution of the sequence is narrow and deep for the southern segment, and relatively wide and shallow for the northern segment. The initial rupture depth of the mainshock is 12.5 km, the dominant depth range of the aftershock sequence is between 0 and 10 km with an average depth of 6.7 km. The mainshock epicenter is located in the middle of the aftershock region, showing a bilateral rupture behavior. The centroid depths of 32 M_L ≥ 3.5 events range from 3 to 12 km with a mean of about 7.3 km, consistent with the predominant focal depth of the whole sequence.(2) The geometric structure of the seismogenic fault on the southern section of the aftershock area(south of the mainshock) is relatively simple, with overall strike of ~150° and dip angle ~75°, but the dip angle and dip-orientation exhibit some variation along the segment. The seismogenic structure on the northern segment is more complicated; several faults, including the Minjiang Fault, may be responsible for the aftershock activities. The overall strike of this section is ~159° and dip angle is ~59°, illustrating a certain clockwise rotation and a smaller dip angle than the southern segment. The differences between the two segments demonstrate variation of the geometric structure along the seismogenic faults.(3) The focal mechanism solutions of 32 M_L ≥ 3.5 events in the earthquake sequence have obvious segmental characteristics. Strike-slip earthquakes are dominant on the southern segment, while 50% of events on the northern segment are thrusting and oblique thrusting earthquakes, revealing significant differences in the kinematic features of the seismogenic faults between the two segments.(4) The strain rosettes for the mainshock and the entire sequence of 31 M_L ≥ 3.5 aftershocks correspond to strike-slip type with NWW-SEE compressional white lobes and NNE-SSW extensional black lobes of nearly similar size. The strain rosette and As value of the entire sequence of 22 M_L ≥ 3.5 events on the southern segment are the same as those of the M_S 7.0 mainshock,indicating that the tectonic deformation here is strike-slip. However, the strain rosette of the entire sequence of 10 M_L ≥ 3.5 events on the northern segment show prominent white compressional lobes and small black extensional lobes, and the related As value is up to 0.52,indicating that the tectonic deformation of this segment is oblique thrusting with a certain strike-slip component. Differences between the two segments all reveal distinctly obvious segmental characteristics of the tectonic deformation of the seismogenic faults for the Jiuzhaigou earthquake sequence.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41030422, 40972131,40772135 and 41202120)the National Basic Research Program of China(Grant Nos.2009CB219601 and 2006CB202201)the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Funded Project(2012M510590)
文摘The structural evolution of tectonically deformed coals (TDC) with different deformational mechanisms and different deformational intensities are investigated in depth through X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis on 31 samples of different metamorphic grades (R : 0.7%-3.1%) collected from the Huaibei coalfield. The results indicated that there are different evolution characteristics between the ductile and brittle deformational coals with increasing of metamorphism and deformation. On the one hand, with the increase of metamorphism, the atomic plane spacing (d002) is decreasing at step velocity, the stacking of the BSU layer (Lc) is increasing at first and then decreasing, but the extension of the BSU layer (La) and the ratio of La/Lc are decreasing initially and then increasing. On the other hand, for the brittle deformational coal, d002 is increasing initially and then decreasing, which causes an inversion of the variation of Lc and La under the lower-middle or higher-middle metamorphism grade when the deformational intensity was increasing. In contrast, in the ductile deformational coals, d002 decreased initially and then increased, and the value of L~ decreased with the increase of deformational intensity. But the value of La increased under the lower-middle metamorphism grade and increased at first and then decreased under the higher-middle metamorphism grade. We conclude that the degradation and polycondensation of TDC macromolecular structure can be obviously impacted during the ductile deformational process, because the increase and accumulation of unit dislocation perhaps transforms the stress into strain energy. Meanwhile, the brittle deformation can transform the stress into frictional heat energy, and promote the metamorphism and degradation as well. It can be concluded that deformation is more important than metamorphism to the differential evolution of the ductile and brittle deformational coals.
基金This study is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 49972067) the Major State Basic Research Development Program (No. G1999075506).
文摘Detailed three-dimensional structural studies indicate that the Bixiling area, Dabie massif, central China shows the deepest exposed levels of the orogenic wedge formed during the Triassic Yangtze -Sino-Korean continental collision. New 1 : 10 000 scale structural mapping, combined with detailed petrological analysis in this area, has enabled us to accurately distinguish structures related to the Triassic continental collision from those related to post-collisional deformation in the ultrahigh pressure (UHP) metamorphic unit. The collisional or compressional structures include the massive eclogite with a weak foliation, foliated eclogite or UHP ductile shear zones, as well as upper amphibolite facies shear zones, whereas the post-collisional deformation is characterized by a regionally, flat-lying foliation containing stretching lineations and common reclined folds. The former is present exclusively in the eclogite lenses and their margins, representing orogenic thickening or syn-collisional events, while the latter was best occurred on variable scales under amphibolite facies conditions, showing sub-vertical, extreme shortening and ductile thinning of the metamorphic rock stack. The eclogite facies tectonites that have a marked fabric discordance to the penetrative amphibolite facies extension flow fabric are common. It is emphasized that an extensional tectonic setting following the collision-orogenic thickening stage was, at least partly, responsible for exhumation of the UHP metamorphic rocks in the Dabie massif. A new tectonic evolution model is proposed for the UHP metamorphic belt on the scale of the Dabie massif. The Bixiling area thus provides a window, from which the dynamic processes concerning the formation and exhumation of the UHP rocks can be observed. Regional studies in the Dabie Mountains have confirmed this interpretation.
基金granted by the doctor foundation of Henan Polytechnic University(NO:B2013-076)the National Nature Science Foundation of China(NO:4147208341440016)
文摘Soft-sediment deformation structures are abundant in the Cambrian Zhushadong and Mantou formations of the Dengfeng area, Henan Province, China. Soft-sediment deformation structures of the Zhushadong Formation consist of fluidized deformation, synsedimentary faults, seismo-folds and plastic deformation; the Mantou Formation is dominated by small-scale horst faults, intruded dikes, fluidized veins, and seismo-cracks. These structures are demonstrated to be earthquake-related by analysis of trigger mechanisms, and may indicate the activity of the Qinling tectonic belt during the early Cambrian. Furthermore, the assemblages of soft-sediment deformation structures altered with time: large-scale, intense deformation in the Zhushadong Formation alters to small-scale, weak deformation in the Mantou Formation. This striking feature may have been caused by changes in hypocentral depth from deep-focus to shallow-focus earthquakes, indicating that the Qinling tectonic belt developed from the subduction of the Shangdan Ocean to the extension of the Erlangping back-arc basin. This study suggests that soft-sediment deformation structures can be used to reveal the activity of a tectonic belt, and, more importantly, changes in deformation assemblages can track the evolution of a tectonic belt.
基金This study was sponsored by The Open Research Laboratory of Quantitative Prediction,Exploration and Assessment of Mineral Resources,MGMR,China.
文摘The structural feature shown on a remote sensing image is a synthetic result ofcombination of the deformations produced during the entire geological history of an area.Therefore, the respective tectonic stress field of each of the different stages in the complexdeformation of an area can be reconstructed in three steps: (1) geological structures formed atdifferent times are distinguished in remote sensing image interpretation; (2) structuraldeformation fields at different stages are determined by analyzing relationships betweenmicrostructures (joints and fractures) and the related structures (folds and faults); and (3)tectonic stress fields at different stages are respectively recovered through a study of the featuresof structural deformation fields in different periods. Circular structures and related circlular and radial joints are correlated in space to con-cealed structural rises. The authors propose a new method for establishing a natural model ofthe concealed structural rises and calculating the tectonic stress field by using quantitative dataof the remote sensing information of circular structures and related linear structures.
文摘To fully exploit the technical advantages of the large-depth and high-precision artificial source electromagnetic method in the complex structure area of southern Sichuan and compensate for the shortcomings of the conventional electromagnetic method in exploration depth,precision,and accuracy,the large-depth and high-precision wide field electromagnetic method is applied to the complex structure test area of the Luochang syncline and Yuhe nose anticline in the southern Sichuan.The advantages of the wide field electromagnetic method in detecting deep,low-resistivity thin layers are demonstrated.First,on the basis of the analysis of physical property data,a geological–geoelectric model is established in the test area,and the wide field electromagnetic method is numerically simulated to analyze and evaluate the response characteristics of deep thin shale gas layers on wide field electromagnetic curves.Second,a wide field electromagnetic test is conducted in the complex structure area of southern Sichuan.After data processing and inversion imaging,apparent resistivity logging data are used for calibration to develop an apparent resistivity interpretation model suitable for the test area.On the basis of the results,the characteristics of the electrical structure change in the shallow longitudinal formation of 6 km are implemented,and the transverse electrical distribution characteristics of the deep shale gas layer are delineated.In the prediction area near the well,the subsequent data verification shows that the apparent resistivity obtained using the inversion of the wide field electromagnetic method is consistent with the trend of apparent resistivity revealed by logging,which proves that this method can effectively identify the weak response characteristics of deep shale gas formations in complex structural areas.This experiment,it is shown shows that the wide field electromagnetic method with a large depth and high precision can effectively characterize the electrical characteristics of deep,low-resistivity thin layers in complex structural areas,and a new set of low-cost evaluation technologies for shale gas target layers based on the wide field electromagnetic method is explored.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.40772135,4097213141030422)+1 种基金the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(XDA05030100)National Science and Technology Major Project(No.2011ZX05060-005).
文摘The macromolecular structure of tectonically deformed coals(TDC)may be determined by the deformation mechanisms of coal.Alterations of the macromolecular structure change the pore structure of TDC and thereby impact physical properties such as porosity and permeability.This study focuses on structure and properties of TDC from the Huaibei and Huainan coal mining areas of southern North China.Relationships between the macromolecular structure and the pore structure of TDC were analyzed using techniques such as X-ray diffraction,high-resolution transmission electron microcopy,and the low-temperature nitrogen adsorption.The results indicated that the directional stress condition can cause the arrangement of basic structural units(BSU)more serious and closer.And,the orientation is stronger in ductile deformed coal than in brittle deformed coal.Tectonic deformation directly influences the macromolecular structure of coal and consequently results in dynamic metamorphism.Because the size of BSU in brittle deformed coal increases more slowly than in ductile deformed coal,frictional heating and stress-chemistry of shearing areas might play a more important role,locally altering coal structure under stress,in brittle deformed coal.Strain energy is more significant in increasing the ductile deformation of coal.Furthermore,mesopores account for larger percentage of the nano-scale pore volume in brittle deformed coals,while mesopores volume in ductile deformed coal diminishes rapidly along with an increase in the proportion of micropores and sub-micropores.This research also approved that the deformations of macromolecular structures change nano-scale pore structures,which are very important for gas adsorption and pervasion space for gas.Therefore,the exploration and development potential of coal bed methane is promising for reservoirs that are subjected to a certain degree of brittle deformation(such as schistose structure coal,mortar structure coal and cataclastic structure coal).It also holds promise for TDC resulting from wrinkle structure coal of low ductile deformation and later superimposed by brittle deformation.Other kinds of TDC suffering from strong brittle-ductile and ductile deformation,such as scale structure coal and mylonitic structure coal,are difficult problems to resolve.
文摘This paper is one of the series papers about the study on strike-slip earthquake-generating structure in the Chinese mainland. In the first part of this paper, based on the large amount of data from large earthquake investigation and the latest results of focal mechanism, the earthquake-generating structure in the Chinese mainland interior and its neighbouring region is discussed. It is concluded that the absolutely predominated earthquake, not only in number, but also in intensity, as well as in distributing area, is strike slip earthquake, and it is further stressed that the study on the strike slip earthquake-generating structure is significant for seismic risk analysis. In the second part, the characteristics of tectonic stress field about strike slip earthquake-generating structure and the compiled distribution outline of strike slip earthquake-generating fault, normal fault, and thrust fault in the Chinese mainland interior and its neighbouring region, in the light of stress characteristics of fault plane solutions, are also discussed.
基金Granted jointly by the Funds for Program for NCET in University (NCET-04-917)NSF (40863002)Project for the Distinguishing Discipline of KUST (2008)
文摘The Tongchang orefield is located in the central part of the Mianxian-Lueyang-Yangpingguan area that is celebrated as a 'gold triangle' area,at the juncture of the latitudinal tectonic zone of South Qinling,the Longmenshan Cathysian tectonic zone and the Sichuan-Yunnan longitudinal tectonic zone,where there are distributed Cu-Au polymetallic ore deposits(occurrences) including the Tongchang,Chenjiaba,Qinjiabian,Hongtushi,Yinshangou and Xiakouyi ore deposits(mineralization).Based on the "giant pressure shadow" structure put forward and demonstrated by numerical modeling of the tectonic stress field and the static photoelasticity experiments on the basis of tectonic ore-controlling laws in the orefield,tectonic metallogenesis driven by orefield tectonic stress has been discussed in terms of its geological setting,orefield geomechanics,and tectonic stress field.It is thought that the dynamic evolution model of the tectonic stress field controls the whole process of formation of the polymetallic ore deposits(mineralization) in the orefield,as well as the deformation field.As a result,it controls the emplacement of rockbodies and the transformation of ore-source bodies,and provides both the channel-ways for ore-forming fluids and ore-hosting space.Furthermore,it controls the migration potential field of fluids and,thereafter,its flow direction,rate and volume;the tectonic stress field also controls the energy field and hence controls the position of occurrence of ore deposits and their scale.The method of tectonic stress field has been applied to ore prognosis in the orefield.The rules of magmatic emplacement and metallogenic fluid migrating and concentrating under the control of the structural stress field were expounded,hence providing the theoretical basis for the prognosis of concealed ores.In addition,a number of important target areas have been defined.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.21673211 and 21203047)the Foundation of Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University,China(Grant No.XZR2014-16)the Science Challenging Program of China(Grant No.JCKY2016212A501)
文摘The structural deformation of NO2 group induced by an intense femtosecond laser field of liquid nitromethane(NM)molecule is detected by time-and frequency-resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy(CARS) technique with the intense pump laser. Here, we present the mechanism of molecular alignment and deformation. The CARS spectra and its FFT spectra of liquid NM show that the NO2 torsional mode couples with the CN symmetric stretching mode and that the NO2 group undergoes ultrafast structural deformation with a relaxation time of 195 fs. The frequency of the NO2 torsional mode in liquid NM(50.8±0.3 cm^-1) at room temperature is found. Our results prove the structural deformation of two groups in liquid NM molecule occur simultaneously in the intense laser field.
基金financially supported by the National Key Basic Research Program of China (No.2010CB226805)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.51474136 and 51474013)+1 种基金the Opening Project Fund of State Key Laboratory of Mining Disaster Prevention and Control Co-founded by Shandong Province and the Ministry of Science and Technology (No.MDPC2013KF06)the Research Award Fund for the Excellent Youth of Shandong University of Science and Technology (No.2011KYJQ106)
文摘In order to study the failure process of an anchorage structure and the evolution law of the body's defor- mation field, anchor push-out tests were carried out based on digital speckle correlation methods (DSCM). The stress distribution of the anchorage interface was investigated using the particle flow numerical simulation method. The results indicate that there are three stages in the deformation and fail- ure process of an anchorage structure: elastic bonding stage, a de-bonding stage and a failure stage. The stress distribution in the interface controls the stability of the structure. In the elastic bonding stage, the shear stress peak point of the interface is close to the loading end, and the displacement field gradually develops into a "V" shape, in the de-bonding stage, there is a shear stress plateau in the center of the anchorage section, and shear strain localization begins to form in the deformation field. In the failure stage, the bonding of the interface fails rapidly and the shear stress peak point moves to the anchorage free end. The anchorage structure moves integrally along the macro-cracl~ The de-bonding stage is a research focus in the deformation and failure process of an anchorage structure, and plays an important guiding role in roadway support design and prediction of the stability of the surrounding rock.
基金This paper was sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grant No.40272049)Doctor Research Foundation of China University of Petroleum(Project No.Y020109).
文摘The authors introduced two kinds of newly found soft-sediment deformation-synsedimentary extension structure and syn-sedimentary compression structure, and discuss their origins and constraints on basin tectonic evolution. One representative of the syn-sedimentary extension structure is syn-sedimentary boudinage structure, while the typical example of the syn-sedimentary compression structure is compression sand pillows or compression wrinkles. The former shows NW-SE-trendlng contemporaneous extension events related to earthquakes in the rift basin near a famous Fe-Nb-REE deposit in northern China during the Early Paleozoic (or Mesoproterozoic as proposed by some researches), while the latter indicates NE-SW-trending contemporaneous compression activities related to earthquakes in the Middle Triassic in the Nanpanjiang remnant basin covering south Guizhou, northwestern Guangxi and eastern Yunnan in southwestern China. The syn-sedimentary boudinage structure was found in an earthquake slump block in the lower part of the Early Paleozoic Sailinhudong Group, 20 km to the southeast of Bayan Obo, Inner Mongolia, north of China. The slump block is composed of two kinds of very thin layers-pale-gray micrite (microcrystalline limestone) of 1-2 cm thick interbedded with gray muddy micrite layers with the similar thickness. Almost every thin muddy micrite layer was cut into imbricate blocks or boudins by abundant tiny contemporaneous faults, while the interbedded micrite remain in continuity. Boudins form as a response to layer-parallel extension (and/or layer-perpendicular flattening) of stiff layers enveloped top and bottom by mechanically soft layers. In this case, the imbricate blocks cut by the tiny contemporaneous faults are the result of abrupt horizontal extension of the crust in the SE-NW direction accompanied with earthquakes. Thus, the rock block is, in fact, a kind of seismites. The syn-sedimentary boudins indicate that there was at least a strong earthquake belt on the southeast side of the basin during the early stage of the Sailinhudong Group. This may be a good constraint on the tectonic evolution of the Bayan Obo area during the Early Paleozoic time. The syn-sedimentary compression structure was found in the Middle Triassic flysch in the Nanpanjiang Basin. The typical structures are compression sand pillows and compression wrinkles. Both of them were found on the bottoms of sand units and the top surface of the underlying mud units. In other words, the structures were found only in the interfaces between the graded sand layer and the underlying mud layer of the flysch. A deformation experiment with dough was conducted, showing that the tectonic deformation must have been instantaneous one accompanied by earthquakes. The compression sand pillows or wrinkles showed uniform directions along the bottoms of the sand layer in the flysch, revealing contemporaneous horizontal compression during the time between deposition and diagenesis of the related beds. The Nanpanjiang Basin was affected, in general, with SSW-NNE compression during the Middle Triassic, according to the syn-sedimentary compression structure. The two kinds of syn-sedimentary tectonic deformation also indicate that the related basins belong to a rift basin and a remnant basin, respectively, in the model of Wilson Cycle.
文摘This article discusses in detail chemical composition, molecular structure, microstructure phenomena, estimate of the palaeo-stress, paleo-temperature and the strain rate to deepen the knowledge for the correlation of coal deformation and metamorphism with structural environment in Xinhua Hunan by coal quality analysis, XRD and SEM methods, which provide dependable theoretical foundation for coal resource exploitation and utilization. The results show that 1) d002 value of six coal samples is from 3.36 to 3.39 nm, coal resolved itself into aphanitic graphite with the increase of coal rank during coalification, which is characterized by graphite flakes, and the crystallite size is from 50 nm to 250 nm;A certain degree of 3R-structure content is increases and the crystallite size is extend with the coalification process, but RH-structure content is decreased;2) the tectonic environment of research area belongs to the ductile-brittle deformation, which was characterized by low temperature, low stress, high strain rate;3) Tianlongshan magmatic intrusion provided heat source, its side-extrusion made the molecules structure of coal ordering, distance between layers decreased, finally it caused the formation of aphanitic graphite.
文摘The Sangzhi-Shimen synclinorium, which is in the western margin region of the Hunan-Hubei Province and as the southeast part of the middle Yangtze platform, is a second-level tectonics unit in the south of this region. Along the profile, it can be divided into 5 third-level structure belts. By the comprehensive interpretation of seismic data and magnetotelluric (MT) sounding data, it is found that the surface structure is not in accordance with that of the underground, and this un-coordination can be conducted by many decollement surfaces between the layers. There are three periods of deformation in its geo-history in this region: before the early (Yanshan) stage, during the early Yanshan stage and after the early Yanshan stage, while the main deformation period is during the early (Yanshan) stage. And the mechanism of deformation is the thrust faults in basement, which are controlled by many decollements, in addition to the decollement of the cap-rock.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant(Nos.40772121,40314141 and 40172066)China National Project 973(No.2009CB219302)
文摘This paper presents the end Late Paleozoic tectonic stress field in the southern edge of Junggar Basin by interpreting stress-response structures (dykes, folds, faults with slickenside and conjugate joints). The direction of the maximum principal stress axes is interpreted to be NW-SE (about 325°), and the accommodated motion among plates is assigned as the driving force of this tectonic stress field. The average value of the stress index Rt is about 2.09, which indicates a variation from strike-slip to compressive tectonic stress regime in the study area during the end Late Paleozoic period. The reconstruction of the tectonic field in the southern edge of Junggar Basin provides insights into the tectonic deformation processes around the southern Junggar Basin and contributes to the further understanding of basin evolution and tectonic settings during the culmination of the Paleo- zoic.
基金Supported by the China National Science and Technology Major Project(2016ZX05003-001)PetroChina Science and Technology Project(2016E-0601,2016B-0501)
文摘The northwestern Sichuan region has experienced multi-stage tectonic evolution including marine cratonic basin from the Sinian to the Middle Triassic and intra-continental basin from the Late Triassic to the Cenozoic. Several regional tectonic activities caused complicated stratigraphic distribution and structural deformations in the deep-buried layers. During the key tectonic periods, some characteristic sedimentary and deformation structures were formed, including the step-shaped marginal carbonate platform of Dengying Formation, the western paleo-high at the end of Silurian, and the passive continental margin of the Late Paleozoic–Middle Triassic. The Meso-Cenozoic intra-continental compressional tectonic processes since the Late Triassic controlled the formation of complex thrusting structures surrounding and inside the northwestern basin. The northern Longmenshan fold-thrust belt has a footwall in-situ thrust structure,which is controlled by two sets of detachments in the Lower Triassic and Lower Cambrian and presents as a multi-level deformation structure with the shallow folds, the middle thin-skin thrusts and the deeper basement-involved folds. The thrust belt in front of the Micangshan Mountain shows a double-layer deformation controlled by the Lower Triassic salt detachment, which is composed by the upper monocline and deep-buried imbricate thrust structures. The interior of the basin is characterized by several rows of large-scale basement-involved folds with NEE strike direction. From the perspective of structural geology, the favorable exploration reservoirs and belts in northwestern Sichuan have obvious zoning characteristics. The favorable exploration layers of Dengying Formation of Upper Sinian are mainly distributed in the eastern and northern areas of the northwestern Sichuan Basin, in which the Jiulongshan structural belt, Zitong syncline and Yanting slope are the most favorable. The Lower Paleozoic was transformed by Caledonian paleo-uplift and late Cenozoic folding, and the midwest area such as the Zitong syncline is a potential area for hydrocarbon exploration. The favorable part of the Upper Paleozoic is mainly distributed in the northern Longmenshan belt and its frontal area, where the deep-buried thin-skin thrust structures in the footwall are the key exploration targets.
文摘Based on the seismic data gathered in past years and the correlation between the sea and land areas of the Lower Yangtze Platform,the structural characteristics of the South Yellow Sea Basin since the Indosinian tectonic movement is studied in this paper.Three stages of structural deformation can be distinguished in the South Yellow Sea Basin since the Indosinian.The first stage,Late Indosinian to Early Yanshanian, was dominated by foreland deformation including both the uplifting and subsidence stages under an intensively compressional environment.The second stage,which is called the Huangqiao Event in the middle Yanshanian,was a change for stress fields from compression to extension.While in the third stage (the Sanduo Event)in the Late Himalayan,the basin developed a depression in the Neogene-Quatemary after rifting in the Late Cretaceous-Paleogene.The long-time evolution controlled 3 basin formation stages from a foreland basin,then a fault basin to a final depression basin.In conclusion,since the Indosinian,the South Yellow Sea Basin has experienced compressional fold and thrust,collisional orogen,compressional and tensional pulsation,strike-slip,extensional fault block and inversion structures,compression and convergence.The NE,NEE,nearly EW and NW trending structures developed in the basin.From west to east,the structural trend changed from NEE to near EW to NW.While from north to south,they changed from NEE to near EW with a strong-weak-strong zoning sequence.Vertically,the marine and terrestrial facies basins show a "seesaw"pattern with fold and thrust in the early stages,which is strong in the north and weak in the south and an extensional fault in later stages,which is strong in the north and weak in the south.In the marine facies'basin,thrust deformation is more prevailing in the upper structural layer than that in the lower layer.The tectonic mechanism in the South Yellow Sea Basin is mainly affected by the collision between the Yangtze and North China Block,while the stress environment of large-scale strike- slip faults was owing to subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate.The southern part of the Laoshan uplift is a weak deformation zone as well as a stress release zone,and the Meso-Paleozoic had been weakly reformed in later stages.The southern part of the Laoshan uplift is believed,therefore,to be a promising area for oil and gas exploration.
文摘Having analysised the data collected by our survey ship'Ocean IV 'in the Bransfield Strait in 1991,we recognized that the geomorphology,gravity and magnetic anomalies trending NE direction along bandings. The sediments in the Bransfield Strait can be subdivided into two sequences:the first rifting equence and the second rifting sequence.The basement was faulted into a half-graben in northwestern side of the Bransfield trough. Considering the crustal structure crossing the South Shetland Islands,the Bransfield Strait and the Antarctic Peninsula, we propse a two-phase rifting tectonic evolution model and a layered-shear model for the lithospheric deformation under the effects of extensional stress field.
基金funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China(52074300)Yueqi Young Scholars Project of China University of Mining and Technology Beijing(2602021RC84)+1 种基金China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing)fundamental scientific research funds—Doctoral students Top-notch Innovative Talents Fostering Funds(BBJ2023047)Guizhou Provincial Science and Technology Planning Project([2020]2Y030)。
文摘Under the dual influence of the mining disturbance of the previous working face and the advanced mining of the working face,the roadway is prone to large deformation,failure,and rockburst.Roadway stabilization has always significantly influenced deep mining safety.In this article we used the research background of the large deformation failure roadway of Fa-er Coal Mine in Guizhou Province of China to propose two control methods:bolt-cable-mesh+concrete blocks+directional energy-gathering blasting(BCM-CBDE method)and 1st Generation-Negative Poisson’s Ratio(1G NPR)cable+directional energy-gathering blasting+dynamic pressure stage support(πgirder+single hydraulic prop+retractable U steel)(NPR-DEDP method).Meantime,we compared the validity of the large deformation failure control method in a deep gob-side roadway based on theoretical analysis,numerical simulations,and field experiments.The results show that directional energy-gathering blasting can weaken the pressure acting on the concrete blocks.However,the vertical stress of the surrounding rock of the roadway is still concentrated in the entity coal side and the concrete blocks,showing a’bimodal’distribution.BCM-CBDE method cannot effectively control the stability of the roadway.NPR-DEDP method removed the concrete blocks.It shows using the 1G NPR cable with periodic slipping-sticking characteristics can adapt to repeated mining disturbances.The peak value of the vertical stress of the roadway is reduced and transferred to the deep part of the surrounding rock mass,which promotes the collapse of the gangue in the goaf and fills the goaf.The pressure of the roadway roof is reduced,and the gob-side roadway is fundamentally protected.Meantime,the dynamic pressure stage support method withπgirder+single hydraulic prop+retractable U steel as the core effectively protects the roadway from dynamic pressure impact when the main roof is periodically broken.After the on-site implementation of NPR-DEDP method,the deformation of the roadway is reduced by more than 45%,and the deformation rate is reduced by more than 50%.
文摘Using the joint inversion method with the amplitude ratio of P-wave,SV-wave and SHwaves,this paper calculates the focal mechanisms of the aftershock sequence of the Yaoan earthquake with MS6. 0. According to the spatial distribution of earthquake sequence,the author analyzes the characteristics of the stress field and seismogenic fault. The result shows that:( 1) the seismogenic fault of the Yaoan earthquake is a vertical right-lateral strike-slip fault,striking NWW-SEE. The result is reliable and consistent with the nodal planes of the Harvard CMT solution and also in accord with the predominant direction of aftershocks.( 2) The predominant direction of principal compressive stress,NWW-SEE is consistent with the regional tectonic stress,and some aftershocks are different from the main shock. The stress field of the main shock is controlled by the regional tectonic stress field,indicating the diversity and complexity in the seismic area.( 3) By comprehensively analyzing the distribution of the earthquake sequence,focal mechanism and fault structure in the seismic area,it is found that the Maweijing fault is the seismogenic fault of the Yaoan earthquake.