Our research focused on the analy sis of concrete deterioration mechan ism under the coup ling effects of flexural load,cy clic wetting and dry ing, and sulfate. The relative dy namic modulus of elasticity of a corrod...Our research focused on the analy sis of concrete deterioration mechan ism under the coup ling effects of flexural load,cy clic wetting and dry ing, and sulfate. The relative dy namic modulus of elasticity of a corroded concrete samp le was tested, and scannin g electron microscop e was used to observe the microstructure of concrete under the coup ling effects of flexural load,cy clic wetting and dry ing, and sulf ate. Results manif ested that flexur al load and cy clic wetting and dry ing durin g the concrete service chan ged the corrosion p rocess of the sulfate mediu m in con crete and enh anced the deterioration of con crete p erforman ce.Furthermore, the influencin g p atterns of strength grade of concr ete, mass concentration of sulfate solution, and mineral admixtures on the degree of concrete deterioration were identified.展开更多
基金Funded by Fujian Education Department(Nos.JA11329 and JA12412)Quanzhou(Fujian)Techno logy Research and Development Program(Nos.2013Z158,2013Z47,and 2010G7)
文摘Our research focused on the analy sis of concrete deterioration mechan ism under the coup ling effects of flexural load,cy clic wetting and dry ing, and sulfate. The relative dy namic modulus of elasticity of a corroded concrete samp le was tested, and scannin g electron microscop e was used to observe the microstructure of concrete under the coup ling effects of flexural load,cy clic wetting and dry ing, and sulf ate. Results manif ested that flexur al load and cy clic wetting and dry ing durin g the concrete service chan ged the corrosion p rocess of the sulfate mediu m in con crete and enh anced the deterioration of con crete p erforman ce.Furthermore, the influencin g p atterns of strength grade of concr ete, mass concentration of sulfate solution, and mineral admixtures on the degree of concrete deterioration were identified.