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作者 X. C. Ding Wang Yongsheng Zhao quan Sun Longhe Zhou Shenghuai(The Electro-Optical Equipment Instiute of Aerospace Ministry,471009,P. O. Box 017 Luoyang, P. R. China) 《电光与控制》 1991年第S1期54-65,共12页
Infrared windshear prediction is one of airborne LLWS remote sensing methods.Before it is applied,the prediction system should be tested on ground to prove it’s feasibility.The LLWS simulation system isused to check ... Infrared windshear prediction is one of airborne LLWS remote sensing methods.Before it is applied,the prediction system should be tested on ground to prove it’s feasibility.The LLWS simulation system isused to check whether the infrared windshear prediction system operate properly.In this paper,according tothe requirement of the LLWS detection and the characteristic of LLWS"source",we will analyze the theoryof the LLWS simulation and give a basic description of the system construction in which we pay more atten-tion to optical simulation and flight simulation.The optical simulation is used to simulate the atmospherc in-frared radiation as a LLWS occurs.The flight simulation is used to simulate the aircraft airspeed,pitch,alti-tude etc..The works presented here are necessary for the LLWS infrared prediction system. 展开更多
Numerical Simulation of the Heavy Rainfall in the Yangtze-Huai River Basin during Summer 2003 Using the WRF Model 被引量:13
作者 LIU Hong-Bo 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2012年第1期20-25,共6页
In this study, a 47-day regional climate simulation of the heavy rainfall in the Yangtze-Huai River Basin during the summer of 2003 was conducted using the Weather Research and Forecast (WRY) model. The simulation r... In this study, a 47-day regional climate simulation of the heavy rainfall in the Yangtze-Huai River Basin during the summer of 2003 was conducted using the Weather Research and Forecast (WRY) model. The simulation reproduces reasonably well the evolution of the rainfall during the study period's three successive rainy phases, especially the frequent heavy rainfall events occurring in the Huai River Basin. The model captures the major rainfall peak observed by the monitoring stations in the morning. Another peak appears later than that shown by the observations. In addition, the simulation realistically captures not only the evolution of the low-level winds but also the characteristics of their diurnal variation. The strong southwesterly (low-level jet, LLJ) wind speed increases beginning in the early evening and reaches a peak in the morning; it then gradually decreases until the afternoon. The intense LLJ forms a strong convergent circulation pattern in the early morning along the Yangtze-Huai River Basin. This pattern partly explains the rainfall peak observed at this time. This study furnishes a basis for the further analysis of the mechanisms of evolution of the LLJ and for the further study of the interactions between the LLJ and rainfall. 展开更多
关键词 heavy rainfall Yangtze-Huai River Basin the Weather Research and Forecast model low-level jet
Impacts of an Improved Low-Level Cloud Scheme on the Eastern Pacific ITCZ-Cold Tongue Complex 被引量:3
作者 戴福山 宇如聪 +2 位作者 张学洪 俞永强 李江龙 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第4期559-574,共16页
A statistically-based low-level cloud parameterization scheme is introduced, modified, and applied in the Flexible coupled General Circulation Model (FGCM-O). It is found that the low-level cloud scheme makes improved... A statistically-based low-level cloud parameterization scheme is introduced, modified, and applied in the Flexible coupled General Circulation Model (FGCM-O). It is found that the low-level cloud scheme makes improved simulations of low-level cloud fractions and net surface shortwave radiation fluxes in the subtropical eastern oceans off western coasts in the model. Accompanying the improvement in the net surface shortwave radiation fluxes, the simulated distribution of SSTs is more reasonably asymmetrical about the equator in the tropical eastern Pacific, which suppresses, to some extent, the development of the double ITCZ in the model. Warm SST biases in the ITCZ north of the equator are more realistically reduced, too. But the equatorial cold tongue is strengthened and extends further westward, which reduces the precipitation rate in the western equatorial Pacific but increases it in the ITCZ north of the equator in the far eastern Pacific. It is demonstrated that the low-level cloud-radiation feedback would enhance the cooperative feedback between the equatorial cold tongue and the ITCZ. Based on surface layer heat budget analyses, it is demonstrated that the reduction of SSTs is attributed to both the thermodynamic cooling process modified by the increase of cloud fractions and the oceanic dynamical cooling processes associated with the strengthened surface wind in the eastern equatorial Pacific, but it is mainly attributed to oceanic dynamical cooling processes associated with the strengthening of surface wind in the central and western equatorial Pacific. 展开更多
关键词 parameterization low-level cloud double ITCZ equatorial cold tongue coupled model
The Impact of Low-Level Cloud over the Eastern Subtropical Pacific on the "Double ITCZ" in LASG FGCM-0 被引量:1
作者 戴福山 宇如聪 +2 位作者 张学洪 俞永强 李江龙 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第3期461-474,共14页
Like many other coupled models, the Flexible coupled General Circulation Model (FGCM-0) suffers from the spurious “Double ITCZ”. In order to understand the “Double ITCZ” in FGCM-0, this study first examines the lo... Like many other coupled models, the Flexible coupled General Circulation Model (FGCM-0) suffers from the spurious “Double ITCZ”. In order to understand the “Double ITCZ” in FGCM-0, this study first examines the low-level cloud cover and the bulk stability of the low troposphere over the eastern subtropical Pacific simulated by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Community Climate Model version 3 (CCM3), which is the atmosphere component model of FGCM-0. It is found that the bulk stability of the low troposphere simulated by CCM3 is very consistent with the one derived from the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis, but the simulated low-level cloud cover is much less than that derived from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) D2 data. Based on the regression equations between the low-level cloud cover from the ISCCP data and the bulk stability of the low troposphere derived from the NCEP reanalysis, the parameterization scheme of low-level cloud in CCM3 is modified and used in sensitivity experiments to examine the impact of low-level cloud over the eastern subtropical Pacific on the spurious “Double ITCZ” in FGCM-0. Results show that the modified scheme causes the simulated low-level cloud cover to be improved locally over the cold oceans. Increasing the low-level cloud cover off Peru not only significantly alleviates the SST warm biases in the southeastern tropical Pacific, but also causes the equatorial cold tongue to be strengthened and to extend further west. Increasing the low-level cloud fraction off California effectively reduces the SST warm biases in ITCZ north of the equator. In order to examine the feedback between the SST and low-level cloud cover off Peru, one additional sensitivity experiment is performed in which the SST over the cold ocean off Peru is restored. It shows that decreasing the SST results in similar impacts over the wide regions from the southeastern tropical Pacific northwestwards to the western/central equatorial Pacific as increasing the low-level cloud cover does. 展开更多
关键词 coupled model double ITCZ low-level cloud
微下击暴流的三维建模与预警仿真研究 被引量:9
作者 刘畅 李滔 +1 位作者 梅江涛 程宇峰 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第12期47-52,共6页
风切变是一种特殊的大气现象,对飞机的飞行形成干扰,会对飞机飞行安全造成很大的危害。为解决上述问题,提出一种三维特征风场建模的方法来仿真微下击暴流。利用流体的数学特征,建立模型,进行风切变雷达回波的仿真,通过对危险因子的判定... 风切变是一种特殊的大气现象,对飞机的飞行形成干扰,会对飞机飞行安全造成很大的危害。为解决上述问题,提出一种三维特征风场建模的方法来仿真微下击暴流。利用流体的数学特征,建立模型,进行风切变雷达回波的仿真,通过对危险因子的判定达到对风切变现象的勘测和预警。风场建模方法以典型微下击暴流为目标,根据流体数学模型,建立了以速度场为特征,风场特征可调的微下击暴流风场,并对所建立的风场进行了分类。随后进行雷达回波信号仿真,结果表明所仿真的风场的确具有风切变特征,并可通过信号处理方法进行危险因子的判决分析,用来完成机载雷达对于风切变预警,并证明特征风场的正确性和有效性。为进一步的风切变信号处理方法提供了基础,有助于提高飞机飞行的安全系数。 展开更多
关键词 风切变 微下击暴流 特征风场 雷达回波模拟与仿真
飞机运行低空气象环境仿真建模分析 被引量:1
作者 谷润平 崔锋 《航空计算技术》 2015年第3期1-3,7,共4页
低空风切变和阵风是影响飞机运行的特殊的大气环境,对飞机的安全运行造成很大的危害。阐述了风切变、阵风等影响飞机飞行安全的低空气象环境的概念,种类以及各自的特点,设计开发了一个基于Matlab的仿真平台,采用工程建模的方法,实现对... 低空风切变和阵风是影响飞机运行的特殊的大气环境,对飞机的安全运行造成很大的危害。阐述了风切变、阵风等影响飞机飞行安全的低空气象环境的概念,种类以及各自的特点,设计开发了一个基于Matlab的仿真平台,采用工程建模的方法,实现对微下击暴流和阵风的模拟仿真。通过仿真的结果,分析出不同气象环境对飞机的影响。 展开更多
关键词 风切变 阵风 微下击暴流 模拟 仿真
TAWS低空风切变告警功能仿真验证平台设计 被引量:3
作者 张冉 肖刚 +1 位作者 徐悦 顾博 《电光与控制》 北大核心 2012年第7期51-56,共6页
低空风切变对飞机运行安全会产生严重的威胁,而地形感知与告警系统(TAWS)的Mode 7能够根据飞机当前空速、攻角、无线电高度等探测低空风切变的存在,从而提示飞行员躲避危险,避免可控飞行撞地(CFIT)的发生以确保飞行安全。为了解决TAWS M... 低空风切变对飞机运行安全会产生严重的威胁,而地形感知与告警系统(TAWS)的Mode 7能够根据飞机当前空速、攻角、无线电高度等探测低空风切变的存在,从而提示飞行员躲避危险,避免可控飞行撞地(CFIT)的发生以确保飞行安全。为了解决TAWS Mode 7功能验证时难以建立真实装机试飞环境的问题,针对某航空研究所研制的TAWS工程样机,设计了低空风切变探测功能的仿真验证平台。仿真验证平台以低空风切变模型和六自由度飞机模型为核心生成低空风切变探测所需的数据,利用飞行场景数据库进行多次仿真,可以验证TAWS Mode 7是否能在飞机穿越风切变时给出准确的提示和告警信息。 展开更多
关键词 风切变告警 仿真验证平台 低空风切变模型 大型飞机
机载前视风切变雷达回波信号的一种仿真方法 被引量:6
作者 张晓荣 李勇 +1 位作者 李滔 程宇峰 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第22期7023-7025,共3页
风切变是造成目前空难事故的主要原因。针对对风切变研究的必要性,提出了一种机载前视风切变雷达回波信号模型和仿真方法,该模型表示了飞机在降落或起飞阶段中低空暴流雨回波和地杂波的回波谱特征,详细介绍了仿真方法的原理和仿真流程,... 风切变是造成目前空难事故的主要原因。针对对风切变研究的必要性,提出了一种机载前视风切变雷达回波信号模型和仿真方法,该模型表示了飞机在降落或起飞阶段中低空暴流雨回波和地杂波的回波谱特征,详细介绍了仿真方法的原理和仿真流程,给出了雨回波和地杂波的仿真结果,仿真结果表明的仿真方法合理、结果正确。 展开更多
关键词 风切变雷达 微下击暴流 回波信号模型与仿真 雨回波 地杂波
A Statistically-Based Low-Level Cloud Scheme and Its Tentative Application in a General Circulation Model 被引量:3
作者 戴福山 宇如聪 +1 位作者 张学洪 俞永强 《Acta meteorologica Sinica》 SCIE 2005年第3期263-274,共12页
In this study, a statistical cloud scheme is first introduced and coupledwith a first-order turbulence scheme with second-order turbulence moments parameterized by thetimescale of the turbulence dissipation and the ve... In this study, a statistical cloud scheme is first introduced and coupledwith a first-order turbulence scheme with second-order turbulence moments parameterized by thetimescale of the turbulence dissipation and the vertical turbulent diffusion coefficient. Then theability of the scheme to simulate cloud fraction at different relative humidity, verticaltemperature profile, and the timescale of the turbulent dissipation is examined by numericalsimulation. It is found that the simulated cloud fraction is sensitive to the parameter used in thestatistical cloud scheme and the timescale of the turbulent dissipation. Based on the analyses, theintroduced statistical cloud scheme is modified. By combining the modified statistical cloud schemewith a boundary layer cumulus scheme, a new statistically-based low-level cloud scheme is proposedand tentatively applied in NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research) CCM3 (Community ClimateModel version 3). It is found that the simulation of low-level cloud fraction is markedly improvedand the centers with maximum low-level cloud fractions are well simulated in the cold oceans off thewestern coasts with the statistically-based low-level cloud scheme applied in CCM3. It suggeststhat the new statistically-based low-level cloud scheme has a great potential in the generalcirculation model for improving the low-level cloud parameterization. 展开更多
关键词 statistical cloud scheme CLOUD low-level cloud cloud parameterization general circulation model (GCM)
TAWS低空风切变探测与告警 被引量:1
作者 于超鹏 黄翔 +1 位作者 钱君 高瑞苹 《机械与电子》 2016年第8期12-15,20,共5页
与风暴相关的微下击暴流现象会产生一股类似于从空中指向地面的喷流。为了高逼真的模拟飞机在扰动风场的飞行并对危险状态进行告警,研究了大型飞机在遭遇微下击暴流风切变的实时仿真。基于涡环原理建立了三维微下击暴流模型。以典型民... 与风暴相关的微下击暴流现象会产生一股类似于从空中指向地面的喷流。为了高逼真的模拟飞机在扰动风场的飞行并对危险状态进行告警,研究了大型飞机在遭遇微下击暴流风切变的实时仿真。基于涡环原理建立了三维微下击暴流模型。以典型民用大型客机建模数据和风切变模型为核心,生成低空风切变探测所需要的数据。基于FAA的危害因子法进行检测并在飞机穿越风切变时及时给出提示与告警信息。整个模型可以在飞行模拟器的实时仿真中运行。 展开更多
关键词 TAWS 风切变模型 大型飞机 风切变检测
作者 刘公波 胡志晋 游来光 《Acta meteorologica Sinica》 SCIE 1993年第4期454-468,共15页
We introduced the two-parameter stratiform cloud model of Hu and Yan (1986) into the mesoscale model ofAnthes et al. (1987), and reprogramed the latter, then constructed a three-dimensional stratiform cloud system mod... We introduced the two-parameter stratiform cloud model of Hu and Yan (1986) into the mesoscale model ofAnthes et al. (1987), and reprogramed the latter, then constructed a three-dimensional stratiform cloud system modelwhich includes three phases of water and detailed cloud physical processes. For the stability and accuracy of calculationin a larger time step, we accepted a set of hybrid-schemes for all and the time split scheme for some of the cloud physicalprocesses, and proposed a parameterized method which calculates different types of phase change processessimultaneously, and designed the falling schemes of particles following the Lagrangian method.We used a dry model, a cumulus parameterization model, a two-phase explicit scheme model, and the model pres-ented here to simulate two low-level mesoscale vortices, compared and analysed the simulating capability of these mod-els. The results show that in simulation of the circulation structure of meso-vortex, the structure of cloud system, andsurface precipitation, the model presented here is more reasonable and closer to the observations than other models. 展开更多
关键词 stratiform cloud system case modeling low-level mesoscale vortex 3D cloud model
低空风切变系统建模及其对直升机飞行安全威胁定性分析 被引量:2
作者 赵燕勤 陈仁良 《航空学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第7期147-158,共12页
系统地建立了含湍流的三维低空风切变模型,并综合分析了其对直升机飞行安全的威胁。建立了微下击暴流风场及大气湍流场组合的风切变模型,在不增加计算量的前提下,选取特征点发展直升机飞行动力学模型,有效捕捉了风切变的切变特性,提高... 系统地建立了含湍流的三维低空风切变模型,并综合分析了其对直升机飞行安全的威胁。建立了微下击暴流风场及大气湍流场组合的风切变模型,在不增加计算量的前提下,选取特征点发展直升机飞行动力学模型,有效捕捉了风切变的切变特性,提高了在风场中的动态响应计算精度。模型配备姿态保持功能的控制增稳系统已符合一般直升机的飞行状态,并改善机体响应。根据风速分布的特点,选取不同飞行速度、不同风场位置进行飞行仿真,定性地对比分析状态量变化与风场对应关系,并且以垂向通道为例,从动力学角度分析验证了响应的理论计算表达式。结果表明:湍流主要导致高频姿态角响应,风切变对飞行状态量变化占主导作用,且垂向风是引起威胁的主要因素,据此提出危险风场规避建议。 展开更多
关键词 风切变 微下击暴流 大气湍流 威胁分析 飞行动力学建模 动态响应
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