Distinguishing high-grade mafic-ultramafic rocks originally crystallized from within-plate basaltic magmatism is challenging and crucial because the chemical composition of the igneous rocks has been modified during h...Distinguishing high-grade mafic-ultramafic rocks originally crystallized from within-plate basaltic magmatism is challenging and crucial because the chemical composition of the igneous rocks has been modified during high-grade metamorphism,causing misidentification of the characters of the parental magma.Proterozoic metamorphosed mafic dykes occur throughout the Chhotanagpur Gneissic Complex(CGC)of eastern Indian shield.The E-W trending mafic dykes from the Saltora area in the southeastern CGC underwent metamorphism in two episodes:M1(650 MPa;770℃)and M2(300 MPa;744℃).The metamafics are enriched in LILE,depleted in HFSE,and display strong fractionation of LREE,nearly flat HREE patterns in a chondrite-normalized REE diagram,and show tholeiitic differentiation trend.Their geochemical affinity is towards rift-related,continental within-plate basalts.About 7%–10%melting of the carbonated spinel-peridotite sub-continental lithospheric mantle(SCLM)produced the parental mafic magma.The pre-existing SCLM was metasomatized by slab-derived fluid during the previous subduction.The upwelling of the asthenosphere in a post-collisional tectonic setting caused E-W trending fractures,lithospheric thinning,and gravitational collapse.These dykes were emplaced during crustal extension around 1070 Ma.The remarkable geochemical similarity between the mafic dykes of Saltora and Dhanbad,the ca.1096 Ma Mahoba(Bundelkhand craton),and the ca.1070 Ma Alcurra mafic dykes in Australia supports a genetic link.展开更多
The doleritic dykes present in the Téra-Ayorou pluton crosscut the basement of the Nigerien Liptako and are part of the system of intrusive mafic dykes in the Paleoproterozoic domain of the Léo-Man ridge. In...The doleritic dykes present in the Téra-Ayorou pluton crosscut the basement of the Nigerien Liptako and are part of the system of intrusive mafic dykes in the Paleoproterozoic domain of the Léo-Man ridge. In the previous work, emphasis was placed on the petrology, geochemistry and geochronology of the Liptako doleritic dykes. This study aims to analyze the tectonic style of intrusive doleritic dykes in the Téra-Ayorou pluton. The characterization of the deformation which affected the doleritic dykes of the Téra-Ayorou pluton is important for the evaluation of their economic potential. To this end, measurements of tectonic structure planes were taken in the field, and samples were taken from the chilled margin and cores of dolerite dykes, before being processed in the laboratory. Analysis of the tectonic structures collected revealed a brittle tectonic pattern, characterizing a phase of deformation subdivided into two episodes D1 and D2. Episode D1, with its subvertically dipping normal faults and simple N70˚ - N110˚ fractures, is compatible with N-S extension. On the other hand, episode D2, which created shear corridors by reactivation of pre-existing fractures and oriented N150˚ - N170˚, is associated with a WSW-ENE extension. These results open up prospects for the exploration of gold, uranium mineralization and diamonds in the north-west of Niger.展开更多
The prominent linear dyke ridges outcropped in the Narmada-Tapi dykes’ swarm represent an intrusion in the Deccan Traps. Understanding the relationship among the underlying geological structures, the strike of the dy...The prominent linear dyke ridges outcropped in the Narmada-Tapi dykes’ swarm represent an intrusion in the Deccan Traps. Understanding the relationship among the underlying geological structures, the strike of the dykes, and the channel patterns is essential. Dykes act as obstructions to stream flow, causing diversions, and their geometry and patterns significantly impact the rivers and streams that drain and cross the dyke swarm zone. For this study, Google Earth images, LISS III images, and Cartosat DEM were used to delineate the Shivan basin and extract dyke features. The Shivan River basin is a sixth-order drainage system that reflects superimposed drainage systems within the Tapi dyke swarm zone. About 65% (169 km2) of its area is controlled by dyke orientation. The dyke ridges align predominantly in an East-West (E-W) direction, a pattern mainly followed by lower-order streams, which have developed an insequent, transverse drainage network within the dyke swarm zone. In the lower parts of the Shivan basin, where the number of dykes decreases, the drainage network follows the general slope and is oriented in a North-South direction. The Shivan River and its tributaries have partially adjusted to the dyke orientation, resulting in a transverse drainage pattern in areas characterized by parallel dyke ridges.展开更多
Neoproterozoic rifting-related mafic igneous rocks are widely distributed both in the northern and southern margins of the Tarim Block,NW China.Here we report the geochronology and systematic whole-rock geochemistry o...Neoproterozoic rifting-related mafic igneous rocks are widely distributed both in the northern and southern margins of the Tarim Block,NW China.Here we report the geochronology and systematic whole-rock geochemistry of the Neoproterozoic mafic dykes and basalts along the southern margin of Tarim.Our zircon U-Pb age,in combination with stratigraphic constraint on their emplacement ages,indicates that the mafic dykes were crystallized at ca.802 Ma,and the basalt, possibly coeval with the ca.740 Ma volcanic rocks in Quruqtagh in the northern margin of Tarim. Elemental and Nd isotope geochemistry of the mafic dykes and basalts suggest that their primitive magma was derived from asthenospheric mantle(OIB-like) and lithospheric mantle respectively,with variable assimilation of crustal materials.Integrating the data supplied in the present study and that reported previously in the northern margin of Tarim,we recognize two types of mantle sources of the Neoproterozoic mafic igneous rocks in Tarim,namely the matasomatized subcontinental lithospheric mantle(SCLM) in the northern margin and the long-term enriched lithospheric mantle and asthenospheric mantle in the southern margin.A comprehensive synthesis of the Neoproterozoic igneous rocks throughout the Tarim Block led to the recognition of two major episodes of Neoproterozoic igneous activities at ca.820-800 Ma and ca.780-740 Ma,respectively.These two episodes of igneous activities were concurrent with those in many other Rodinian continents and were most likely related to mantle plume activities during the break-up of the Rodinia.展开更多
In the Beishan rift in the eastern Tianshan orogen, Xinjiang Province, a N-S-trending dyke swarm is present in the Pobei area. The swarm cuts through the 270-290 Ma mafic-ultramafic intrusions associated with Ni-Cu su...In the Beishan rift in the eastern Tianshan orogen, Xinjiang Province, a N-S-trending dyke swarm is present in the Pobei area. The swarm cuts through the 270-290 Ma mafic-ultramafic intrusions associated with Ni-Cu sulphide mineralization. These mafic-ultramafic intrusions are typically found along E-W major faults in the Tianshan orogenic belts. We report SHRIMP U-Pb dating of zircons from a dyke of alkaline composition, which yielded a mean age of 252~9 Ma. Alkaline dykes of the same age are found in the Altay region of Siberia. This age is younger than the 270-290 Ma intraplate magmatic events that produced the mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the region, but in general agreement with the 250-260 Ma Permian plume event that gave rise to the Siberian traps and the Emeishan flood basalts in SW China. We suggest that there is a link between the Emeishan event and the dyke swarm in the Beishan rift and that the intraplate magmatism at 270-290 Ma reflects an early stage of mantle plume activity. The N-S trending dyke swarm in the Beishan rift may represent a later stage in the evolution of mantle plume activity in the NW and SW of China. We also speculate that in Beishan rift and possibly elsewhere in the Tianshan region, the dykes fed basaltic volcanism, whose products have since been eroded due to the strong uplift of the Tianshan orogen as a result of the IndiaEurasia collision in the Cenozoic.展开更多
U-Pb zircon age, geochemical, and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data of mafic dykes from eastern Shandong Province, eastern China is reported herein. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) U-Pb ...U-Pb zircon age, geochemical, and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data of mafic dykes from eastern Shandong Province, eastern China is reported herein. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) U-Pb zircon analyses of two samples from the investigated mafic dykes yield consistent ages ranging from 121.9 Ma ± 0.47 Ma to 122.9 Ma ± 0.61 Ma. The mafic dykes are characterized by high (87Sr/86Sr) i ranging from 0.7087 to 0.7089, low εNd(t) values ranging from -16.9 to -17.8, 206Pb/204Pb = 17.15 to 17.17, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.45 to 15.47, and 208Pb/204Pb = 37.59 to 37.68. Results from the current study suggest that the mafic dykes are derived from partial melting of ancient lithospheric mantle that was variably hybridized by melts derived from foundered lower crustal eclogite. The mafic dykes may have been generated through subsequent insignificant crystal fractionation and very minor crustal contamination during magma ascent. Combined with previous studies, the current findings provide new evidence that the intense lithospheric thinning beneath the eastern Shandong Province of eastern China occurred at ~120 Ma, and that this condition was caused by the removal of the lower lithosphere (mantle and lower crust).展开更多
Geologic, petrographic and petrochemical studies of the late Mesozoic K-rich melanocratic dykes, including lamprophyres, andesite porphyrites and dacite-porphyry in the gold field system in the Jiaodong Peninsula, Chi...Geologic, petrographic and petrochemical studies of the late Mesozoic K-rich melanocratic dykes, including lamprophyres, andesite porphyrites and dacite-porphyry in the gold field system in the Jiaodong Peninsula, China, have shown that these dykes are characterized by rich potassium and alkali but poor titanium. They belong to an ultra-high potassic, shoshonitic and high potassic calc-alkaline rock series. The parental magma has relatively high initial strontium ratios ((87Sr/86Sr),=0.70895-0.71140) and low (143Nd/144Nd)1 ratios (varying from 0.51135 to 0.51231); and its δ18Osmow, whole rock values vary from +5.8%c to +10.6%c with a mean of +7.1%c. These features suggest that the source region of the magma is an enriched mantle wedge transformed from a continental lithosphere mantle which has experienced metasomatism by mantle-derived fluids with H2O-dominated fluids that were provided during the underthrusting of an ocean crust. The initial magma was generated by low-degree partial melting of the enriched mantle in its mature stage in the back-arc spreading environment. The evolution of magmas is associated with two trends, i.e., fractional crystallization and mixing with or intensive contamination by palaeo-crust materials or metamorphic rocks. The former process is evident in the gold field system of quartz-vein type, whereas the latter is dominated in the gold field system of the altered-rock type. This conclusion is very important for more detailed study of petrogenesis and mineralization through the crust-mantle interaction (exchange) in the Mesozoic in this region.展开更多
The Helanshan tectonic belt(HTB) is a major tectonic divide between the Alxa and Ordos blocks in the North China Craton. The geochronology and petrogenesis of the mafic dykes in the northern HTB are keys to understand...The Helanshan tectonic belt(HTB) is a major tectonic divide between the Alxa and Ordos blocks in the North China Craton. The geochronology and petrogenesis of the mafic dykes in the northern HTB are keys to understanding the tectonic evolution of this belt. The mafic dykes, intruded into the Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic metamorphic basement, are mainly composed of diabase with a mineral assemblage of plagioclase(45%-60%), pyroxene(25%-35%), minor quartz and Fe-Ti oxides. The LA-ICPMS U-Pb analysis of zircon grains from representative dykes yield a weighted mean age of 206 ± 1.9 Ma, which represents the crystallization age of the dyke. The diabases show high contents of Fe_2 O_3~T(11.88-17.55 wt.%), low contents of SiO_2(45.65-50.95 wt.%) and MgO(3.31-5.50 wt.%) with low Mg#(=100×MgO/(MgO + FeO) atomic ration) of 33-44. They are characterized by enrichment of light rare earth elements(LREEs) and large ion lithophile elements(LILEs)(e.g., Rb, Ba and Pb), and slight depletion of high field strength elements(HFSEs). These features suggest that the magma has undergone extensive fractionation of olivine and pyroxene but only minor crustal contamination during its evolution. Their high Sm contents and La/Sm ratios, and low Sm/Yb ratios indicate that magma from which the dykes formed was derived from low degree(about 5%) partial melting of an enriched garnet + spinel lherzolite mantle source. Together with regional geology, these geochemical and geochronological data suggest that the mafic dykes in the HTB were formed in an intracontinental extensional setting during the late Triassic.展开更多
Fifteen samples from three study areas (the Bancun diabase dykes, the Bali hornblende gabbro dykes, the Linzifen gabbro-diabase dykes) were collected and analyzed for selenium (Se), sulfur (S), copper (Cu), ma...Fifteen samples from three study areas (the Bancun diabase dykes, the Bali hornblende gabbro dykes, the Linzifen gabbro-diabase dykes) were collected and analyzed for selenium (Se), sulfur (S), copper (Cu), major and trace elements. In general, Se, S and Cu do positively correlate to each other. The concentration of S and Se and the S/Se ratio are higher than the corresponding value of primitive mantle (PM), and the Cu/S ratio falls in a narrow range (0.04-0.29), which is consistent with that of primitive mantle (0.05-0.20). The Bancun diabase dykes and the Bali hornblende gabbro dykes were located in an intraplate environment during the Late Mesozoic. Oceanic subduction was closely related to magmatic activities. The magmatic activities play an important role in the transportation mechanism of Se and S. Because those two groups were closer to fault zones, which may affect the distribution of S and Se and other elements. In the two groups, no crustal contamination was observed, indicating that all analyzed elements may come from enriched mantle metasomtism associated with slab subduction. However, the Linzifen gabbro-diabase dykes were located in an intraplate rift environment, and its invading age is older than the other two groups, the primitive magma comes from mantle, and there is an anomalous relation between S, Se and Al2O3, (La/Sm)N, and all these factors could result in higher S and Se concentration.展开更多
The Qingkuangshan Ni-Cu-PGE deposit, located in the Xiaoguanhe region of Huili County, Sichuan Province, is one of several Ni-Cu-PGE deposits in the Emeishan Large Igneous Province (ELIP). The ore-bearing intrusion ...The Qingkuangshan Ni-Cu-PGE deposit, located in the Xiaoguanhe region of Huili County, Sichuan Province, is one of several Ni-Cu-PGE deposits in the Emeishan Large Igneous Province (ELIP). The ore-bearing intrusion is a mafic-ultramafic body. This paper reports major elements, trace elements and platinum-group elements in different types of rocks and sulfide-mineralized samples in the intrusion. These data are used to evaluate the source mantle characteristics, the degree of mantle partial melting, the composition of parental magma and the ore-forming processes. The results show that Qingkuangshan intrusion is part of the ELIP. The rocks have trace element ratios similar to the coeval Emeishan basalts. The primitive mantle-normalized patterns of Ni-Cu-PGE have positive slopes, and the ratios of Pd/Ir are lower than 22. The PGE compositions of sulfide ores and associated rocks are characterized by Ru depletion. The PGE contents in bulk sulfides are slightly depleted relative to Ni and Cu, which is similar to the Yangliuping Ni-Cu-PGE deposit. The composition of the parental magma for the intrusion is estimated to contain about 14.65 wt% MgO, 48.66 wt% SiO2 and 15.48 wt% FeOt, and the degree of mantle partial melting is estimated to be about 20%. In comparison with other typical Ni-Cu-PGE deposits in the ELIP, the Qingkuangshan Ni-Cu-PGE deposit has lower PGE contents than the Jinbaoshan PGE deposit, but has higher PGE contents than the Limahe and Baimazhai Ni-Cu deposit, and has similar PGE contents to the Yangliuping Ni-Cu-PGE deposit. The moderate PGE depletions in the bulk sulfide of the Qingkuanghan deposit suggest that the parental magma of the host intrusion may have undergone minor sulfide segregation at depth. The mixing calculations suggests that an average of 10% crustal contamination in the magma, which may have been the main cause of sulfide saturation in the magma. We propose that sulfide segregation from a moderately PGE depleted magma took place prior to magma emplacement at Qingkuangshan, that small amounts of immiscible sulfide droplets and olivine and chromite crystals were suspended in the ascending magma, and that the suspended materials settled down when the magma passed trough the Qingkuangshan conduit. The Qingkuangshan sulfide-bearing intrusion is interpreted to a feeder of Emeishan flood basalts in the region.展开更多
The work is a vivid description of the structural relationship between brittle deformation of the Precambrian basement in the southern continental part of the Cameroon Line and intrusive Paleozoic and Mesozoic basalt ...The work is a vivid description of the structural relationship between brittle deformation of the Precambrian basement in the southern continental part of the Cameroon Line and intrusive Paleozoic and Mesozoic basalt dykes swarms. A multidisciplinary approach that involves a combination of remote sensing techniques and field studies show that the major trend of brittle structures correspond to well-known regional structures: N70°E (Adamawa Shear Zone), N135°E (upper Benue trend) and N30°E (Cameroon Volcanic Line) corresponding to E-W and N-S directions respectively. Basalt dykes are associated to NE-SW, E-W and NW-SE oriented fractures. An integration of the available information on brittle structures and basalt dykes directions suggest an emplacement of the Mesozoic and Paleozoic basalt dykes structurally controlled by Precambrian structures that were originated through Riedel’s fracture kinematic model with dextral strike-slip Adamawa Shear Zone as the main shear zone during late stage of the Pan-African collision. Spatially, the restriction of the basalt dykes to the corridor of the Adamawa Shear Zone indicate that a rejuvenation of Precambrian faults may very well be the origin of the dykes with possibility that they may have been reworked several times during the Phanerozoic eon.展开更多
Whether swarms of preferentially oriented dykes are controlled by regional stress fields, or passively exploit basement structural fabric, is a much debated question, with support for either scenario in individual cas...Whether swarms of preferentially oriented dykes are controlled by regional stress fields, or passively exploit basement structural fabric, is a much debated question, with support for either scenario in individual case studies. The Sarnu-Dandali alkaline complex, near the northwestern limit of the Deccan Traps continental flood basalt province, contains mafic to felsic alkaline volcano-plutonic rocks and carbonatites. The complex is situated near the northern end of the 600 km long, NNWe SSE-trending Barmer-Cambay rift. Mafic enclave swarms in the syenites suggest synplutonic mafic dykes injected into a largely liquid felsic magma chamber. Later coherent dykes in the complex, of all compositions and sizes,dominantly strike NNWe SSE, parallel to the Barmer-Cambay rift. The rift formed during two distinct episodes of extension, NWe SE in the early Cretaceous and NEe SW in the late Cretaceous. Control of the southern Indian Dharwar structural fabric on the rift trend, as speculated previously, is untenable,whereas the regional Precambrian basement trends(Aravalli and Malani) run NEe SW and NNEe SSW.We therefore suggest that the small-scale Sarnu-Dandali dykes and the much larger-scale BarmerCambay rift were not controlled by basement structure, but related to contemporaneous, late Cretaceous regional ENEe WSW extension, for which there is varied independent evidence.展开更多
The influence of anthropogenic activities,especially artificial dykes,on the coastal wetland landscape is now considered as a serious problem to the coastal ecosystem.It is important and necessary to analyze changes o...The influence of anthropogenic activities,especially artificial dykes,on the coastal wetland landscape is now considered as a serious problem to the coastal ecosystem.It is important and necessary to analyze changes of coastal landscape pattern under the influence of artificial dykes for the protection and management of coastal wetland.Our study aimed to reveal the quantitative characteristics of the coastal wetland landscape and its spatial-temporal dynamics under the influence of artificial dykes in the Yellow River delta(YRD).It was analyzed by the methods of the statistical analysis of landscape structure,five selected landscape indices and the changes of spatial centroids of three typical wetland types,including reed marshes,tidal fiats and aquaculture-salt fields.The results showed that:(1)Reduction of wetland area,especially the degradation of natural wetlands,had been the principal problem since the dykes were constructed in the YRD.The dykes created conditions for the development of artificial wetlands.However,the new born artificial wetlands were still less than the vanished natural wetlands.(2)Compared with the open area,the building of artificial dykes significantly speeded up the changes of landscape patterns and the aggravation of the landscape fragmentation in the closed area.(3)The changes of area-weighted centroids of three typical wetland landscapes were greatly affected by dykes,and the movement of the centroid of the aquaculture-salt field was very sensitive to the dykes constructed in the corresponding period.展开更多
Numeral Permian mafic-ultramafic complexes occur in the Beishan terrane atthe northeastern margin of the Tarim craton,southwestern Central Asian Orogenic Belt,including the Pobei,Cantoushan,Bijiashan,Hongshishan,Xuanw...Numeral Permian mafic-ultramafic complexes occur in the Beishan terrane atthe northeastern margin of the Tarim craton,southwestern Central Asian Orogenic Belt,including the Pobei,Cantoushan,Bijiashan,Hongshishan,Xuanwoling,Zhongposhan and Luodong etc.,intrusions(Qin et al.,2011;Zhang et al.,2017;Xue et al.,2018).These Beishan mafic-ultramafic complexes are composed of peridotite,pyroxenite.展开更多
Two carbonatite dykes separetely located on Dulahala Mountain and within Erdaowa Group strata in Bayan Ebo mineral deposit have been studied.For Dulahala carbonatite the content of RE2O3 is 23.9 wt%,higher than that i...Two carbonatite dykes separetely located on Dulahala Mountain and within Erdaowa Group strata in Bayan Ebo mineral deposit have been studied.For Dulahala carbonatite the content of RE2O3 is 23.9 wt%,higher than that in the rare earth ores of both Main Ore-body and Eastern Ore-body,the distribution patterns of rare earth elements and rare earth mineral assemblage are consistent with those in both Ore-bodies.The evidence indicates a material source for RE in Bayan Ebo deposit.Fenite occurring at the edge of the carbonatite in Erdaowa Group yields an isochron age of 343.26±7.33 Ma by Rb-Sr method.It implies the geological time of mineralization.展开更多
In this study we present new mineral chemistry,whole-rock geochemical and zircon U-Pb geochronological data for 12 metamafic dykes in the mantle sequence of the Sangsang ophiolite in South Tibet(China).Modal analyses ...In this study we present new mineral chemistry,whole-rock geochemical and zircon U-Pb geochronological data for 12 metamafic dykes in the mantle sequence of the Sangsang ophiolite in South Tibet(China).Modal analyses of these dykes gave averages of^40%-65%plagioclase and^35%-60%amphibole and small amounts of(igneous)clinopyroxene,epidote and opaque minerals.This mineral assemblage resembles that of typical orthoamphibolites.Nevertheless,due to the absence of foliation the investigated rocks are described as metamafic lithologies.These rocks have primitive mantle(PM)-normalized multi-element patterns with negative Nb and Ta anomalies as well as weak,negative Ti anomalies.In addition,they have initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios[(87Sr/86Sr)1]of0.702844-0.703581,initial 143Nd/144Nd ratios[(143Nd/144Nd)i]of 0.512891-0.512959 and high εNd(t)values(+7.9 to+9.3).Uranium-Pb ages of magmatic zircons separated from the investigated metamafic dykes indicate that the parental melts of their protoliths intruded the Sangsang mantle at^119.0-118.5 Ma.The metamorphic mineral assemblages recognized in the investigated dykes are suggestive of a retrograde metamorphic process,from(epidote-)amphibolite facies(~470-610℃,-1.9-4.3 kbar)and to prehnitepumpellyite facies(≤280℃,<3 kbar),active within a rift-produced oceanic lithosphere.Microtextural and geochemical data suggest that the protoliths of the dykes were most likely massive gabbros.Compositional data show that the parental magmas of the gabbroic protoliths were generated by melting of a depleted mantle(DM)source that had been weakly modified by fluids emanating from a subducted oceanic lithospheric slab.The age of the gabbroic protoliths is slightly younger than the existing ages for ophiolites from the central Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone(YZSZ)in the literature(~129-123 Ma).We,therefore,suggest that the gabbroic protoliths of the Sangsang metamafic dykes were formed in an incipient forearc setting during Neo-Tethyan subduction reinitiation(Aptian).Our tectonomagmatic model provides insights into the igneous accretion and postsolidification evolution of the oceanic lithosphere in South Tibet.展开更多
The Eastern Kunlun Orogenic Belt(EKOB)has a complex geological structure and diverse magmatic activities,which are closely related to the Qaidam Basin and the Tethys tectonic evolution.There are at least 3 stages mafi...The Eastern Kunlun Orogenic Belt(EKOB)has a complex geological structure and diverse magmatic activities,which are closely related to the Qaidam Basin and the Tethys tectonic evolution.There are at least 3 stages mafic-ultramafic rocks occurred in the Early Paleozoic in EKOB.The first stage is the Later-Silurian to Early Devonian,represented by the giant Xiarihamu super large magmatic Cu-Ni deposit,containing about 1.18 million metric tons(Mt)of nickel with average grades of 0.65%Ni,and its age of ore-forming pyroxene peridotite is 411 Ma;The second stage is the Early Carboniferous,represented by the large Shitoukengde magmatic Cu-Ni sulfide deposit,and its ore-forming age of the olivine websterite is 334 Ma;The third stage of mafic-ultramafic rocks occurred mainly during the Middle-Late Triassic,represented by Xiaojianshan,Lalinggaoli,and Kaimuqi complexes,and no economical ore bodies have been found in this period.The authors summarized the difference between the ore-bearing and the nonmineralized mafic-ultramafic rocks in the EKOB.The olivine of the ore-bearing complexes contains higher MgO and SiO2 content but lower FeO and CaO contents,and the clinopyroxene of ore-bearing complexes contains lower FeO and CaO contents.Crustal sulfur contamination is key to the formation of the giant Xiarihamu Ni deposit,and crustal sulfur contamination degree of the giant magmatic Ni deposit is higher than that of large Ni deposit.The above indicators could guide the exploration and evaluation of similar deposits in the EKOB.展开更多
Syenogranitic dykes in the north of Egypt's Eastern Desert are of geological and economic interest because of the presence of magmatic and supergene enrichment of radioactive mineralization. Zircon crystal morphol...Syenogranitic dykes in the north of Egypt's Eastern Desert are of geological and economic interest because of the presence of magmatic and supergene enrichment of radioactive mineralization. Zircon crystal morphology within the syenogranitic dykes allows precise definition of sub-alkaline series granites and crystallized at mean temperature of about 637 °C. The growth pattern of the zircons suggest magmatic and hydrothermal origins of radioactive mineralization. Hydrothermal processes are responsible for the formation of significant zircon overgrowth; high U-zircon margins might have occurred contemporaneously with the emplacement of syenogranitic dykes which show anomalous uranium(e U) and thorium(e Th) contents of up to 1386 and 7330 ppm, respectively.Zircon chemistry revealed a relative increase of Hf consistent with decreasing Zr content, suggesting the replacement of Zr by Hf during hydrothermal activity.Visible uranium mineralization is present and recognized by the presence of uranophane and autunite.展开更多
The Sidingheishan mafic-ultramafic intrusion is located in the eastern part of the Northern Tianshan Mountain, along the southern margin of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt in northern Xinjiang autonomous region of Chi...The Sidingheishan mafic-ultramafic intrusion is located in the eastern part of the Northern Tianshan Mountain, along the southern margin of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt in northern Xinjiang autonomous region of China. The Sidingheishan intrusion is mainly composed of wehrlite, olivine websterite, olivine gabbro, gabbro and hornblende gabbro. At least two pulses of magma were involved in the formation of the intrusion. The first pulse of magma produced an olivine-free unit and the second pulse produced an olivine-bearing unit. The magmas intruded the Devonian granites and granodiorites.An age of 351.4±5.8 Ma(Early Carboniferous) for the Sidingheishan intrusion has been determined by U-Pb SHRIMP analysis of zircon grains separated from the olivine gabbro unit. A U-Pb age of 359.2±6.4 Ma from the gabbro unit has been obtained by LA-ICP-MS. Olivine of the Sidingheishan intrusion reaches 82.52 mole% Fo and 1414 ppm Ni. On the basis of olivine-liquid equilibria, it has been calculated that the MgO and FeO included in the parental magma of a wehrlite sample were approximately10.43 wt% and 13.14 wt%, respectively. The Sidingheishan intrusive rocks are characterized by moderate enrichments in Th and Sm, slight enrichments in light REE, and depletions in Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf. The εNd(t) values in the rock units vary from +6.70 to +9.64, and initial87Sr/86Sr ratios range between 0.7035 and0.7042. Initial206Pb/204Pb,207Pb/204Pb and208Pb/204Pb values fall in the ranges of 17.23-17.91,15.45-15.54 and 37.54-38.09 respectively. These characteristics are collectively similar to the Heishan intrusion and the Early Carboniferous subduction related volcanic rocks in the Santanghu Basin, North Tianshan and Beishan area. The low(La/Gd)PMvalues between 0.26 and 1.77 indicate that the magma of the Sidingheishan intrusion was most likely derived from a depleted spinel-peridotite mantle.(Th/Nb)PMratios from 0.59 to 20.25 indicate contamination of the parental magma in the upper crust.Crystallization modeling methods suggest that the parental magma of the Sidingheishan intrusion was generated by flush melting of the asthenosphere and subsequently there was about 10 vol%contamination from a granitic melt. This was followed by about 5 vol% assimilation of upper crustal rocks. Thus, the high-Mg basaltic parental magma of Sidingheishan intrusion is interpreted to have formed from partial melting of the asthenosphere during the break-off of a subducted slab.展开更多
The Xingdi mafic-ultramafic intrusions occur in the northeastern margin of the Tarim craton. The Xingdi No. 3 intrusion is the smallest of four intrusions, with an exposed area of 1.7 km2, and the zircon U-Pb age of t...The Xingdi mafic-ultramafic intrusions occur in the northeastern margin of the Tarim craton. The Xingdi No. 3 intrusion is the smallest of four intrusions, with an exposed area of 1.7 km2, and the zircon U-Pb age of the intrusion is 752±4 Ma. The intrusion consists of gabbros, pyroxenites and peridotites, and exhibits a crystallization sequence of the main rock-forming minerals as olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and plagioclase. Mineralization occurred at or near the boundaries of the intrusion between pyroxenites and peridotites, and appears as a layered or lenticular shape about 500 m long and 4–15 m wide. The primary sulfides have a relatively simple mineralogy dominated by pyrrhotite-pentlandite-chalcopyrite assemblages, which occur as droplet, star-like and graphic texture and locally sideronitic structures. Geochronological and geochemistry investigations suggest that the Xingdi mafic-ultramafic intrusions and coeval volcanic rock in the Kuluktag area of the Tarim craton formed in an intracontinental breakup environment. Based on the composition of the dominant rockforming minerals and covariant relationships of other oxides versus Mg O, the parental magma of the Xingdi No.3 intrusion belongs to high-Mg tholeiitic basaltic magmas with Mg O of 10.78 wt%. The Xingdi No.3 intrusive rocks are characterized by light REE enrichment relative to heavy REE, negative Nb-Ta anomalies, low 143Nd/144Nd ratios(from 0.511183 to 0.511793) and high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios(from 0.7051 to 0.7113). The magma was derived from the enriched-lithospheric mantle and was contaminated during emplacement. According to rock assemblages, mineralization, olivine characteristics, geochemical characteristics and mass balance, there are better copper-nickel ore prospects in the Xingdi No.3 intrusion than in the other three intrusions in the area.展开更多
文摘Distinguishing high-grade mafic-ultramafic rocks originally crystallized from within-plate basaltic magmatism is challenging and crucial because the chemical composition of the igneous rocks has been modified during high-grade metamorphism,causing misidentification of the characters of the parental magma.Proterozoic metamorphosed mafic dykes occur throughout the Chhotanagpur Gneissic Complex(CGC)of eastern Indian shield.The E-W trending mafic dykes from the Saltora area in the southeastern CGC underwent metamorphism in two episodes:M1(650 MPa;770℃)and M2(300 MPa;744℃).The metamafics are enriched in LILE,depleted in HFSE,and display strong fractionation of LREE,nearly flat HREE patterns in a chondrite-normalized REE diagram,and show tholeiitic differentiation trend.Their geochemical affinity is towards rift-related,continental within-plate basalts.About 7%–10%melting of the carbonated spinel-peridotite sub-continental lithospheric mantle(SCLM)produced the parental mafic magma.The pre-existing SCLM was metasomatized by slab-derived fluid during the previous subduction.The upwelling of the asthenosphere in a post-collisional tectonic setting caused E-W trending fractures,lithospheric thinning,and gravitational collapse.These dykes were emplaced during crustal extension around 1070 Ma.The remarkable geochemical similarity between the mafic dykes of Saltora and Dhanbad,the ca.1096 Ma Mahoba(Bundelkhand craton),and the ca.1070 Ma Alcurra mafic dykes in Australia supports a genetic link.
文摘The doleritic dykes present in the Téra-Ayorou pluton crosscut the basement of the Nigerien Liptako and are part of the system of intrusive mafic dykes in the Paleoproterozoic domain of the Léo-Man ridge. In the previous work, emphasis was placed on the petrology, geochemistry and geochronology of the Liptako doleritic dykes. This study aims to analyze the tectonic style of intrusive doleritic dykes in the Téra-Ayorou pluton. The characterization of the deformation which affected the doleritic dykes of the Téra-Ayorou pluton is important for the evaluation of their economic potential. To this end, measurements of tectonic structure planes were taken in the field, and samples were taken from the chilled margin and cores of dolerite dykes, before being processed in the laboratory. Analysis of the tectonic structures collected revealed a brittle tectonic pattern, characterizing a phase of deformation subdivided into two episodes D1 and D2. Episode D1, with its subvertically dipping normal faults and simple N70˚ - N110˚ fractures, is compatible with N-S extension. On the other hand, episode D2, which created shear corridors by reactivation of pre-existing fractures and oriented N150˚ - N170˚, is associated with a WSW-ENE extension. These results open up prospects for the exploration of gold, uranium mineralization and diamonds in the north-west of Niger.
文摘The prominent linear dyke ridges outcropped in the Narmada-Tapi dykes’ swarm represent an intrusion in the Deccan Traps. Understanding the relationship among the underlying geological structures, the strike of the dykes, and the channel patterns is essential. Dykes act as obstructions to stream flow, causing diversions, and their geometry and patterns significantly impact the rivers and streams that drain and cross the dyke swarm zone. For this study, Google Earth images, LISS III images, and Cartosat DEM were used to delineate the Shivan basin and extract dyke features. The Shivan River basin is a sixth-order drainage system that reflects superimposed drainage systems within the Tapi dyke swarm zone. About 65% (169 km2) of its area is controlled by dyke orientation. The dyke ridges align predominantly in an East-West (E-W) direction, a pattern mainly followed by lower-order streams, which have developed an insequent, transverse drainage network within the dyke swarm zone. In the lower parts of the Shivan basin, where the number of dykes decreases, the drainage network follows the general slope and is oriented in a North-South direction. The Shivan River and its tributaries have partially adjusted to the dyke orientation, resulting in a transverse drainage pattern in areas characterized by parallel dyke ridges.
基金supported by National Science Foundation of China(40772123,40721063).
文摘Neoproterozoic rifting-related mafic igneous rocks are widely distributed both in the northern and southern margins of the Tarim Block,NW China.Here we report the geochronology and systematic whole-rock geochemistry of the Neoproterozoic mafic dykes and basalts along the southern margin of Tarim.Our zircon U-Pb age,in combination with stratigraphic constraint on their emplacement ages,indicates that the mafic dykes were crystallized at ca.802 Ma,and the basalt, possibly coeval with the ca.740 Ma volcanic rocks in Quruqtagh in the northern margin of Tarim. Elemental and Nd isotope geochemistry of the mafic dykes and basalts suggest that their primitive magma was derived from asthenospheric mantle(OIB-like) and lithospheric mantle respectively,with variable assimilation of crustal materials.Integrating the data supplied in the present study and that reported previously in the northern margin of Tarim,we recognize two types of mantle sources of the Neoproterozoic mafic igneous rocks in Tarim,namely the matasomatized subcontinental lithospheric mantle(SCLM) in the northern margin and the long-term enriched lithospheric mantle and asthenospheric mantle in the southern margin.A comprehensive synthesis of the Neoproterozoic igneous rocks throughout the Tarim Block led to the recognition of two major episodes of Neoproterozoic igneous activities at ca.820-800 Ma and ca.780-740 Ma,respectively.These two episodes of igneous activities were concurrent with those in many other Rodinian continents and were most likely related to mantle plume activities during the break-up of the Rodinia.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.40973028)Geological Survey Project(No.1212011085060)
文摘In the Beishan rift in the eastern Tianshan orogen, Xinjiang Province, a N-S-trending dyke swarm is present in the Pobei area. The swarm cuts through the 270-290 Ma mafic-ultramafic intrusions associated with Ni-Cu sulphide mineralization. These mafic-ultramafic intrusions are typically found along E-W major faults in the Tianshan orogenic belts. We report SHRIMP U-Pb dating of zircons from a dyke of alkaline composition, which yielded a mean age of 252~9 Ma. Alkaline dykes of the same age are found in the Altay region of Siberia. This age is younger than the 270-290 Ma intraplate magmatic events that produced the mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the region, but in general agreement with the 250-260 Ma Permian plume event that gave rise to the Siberian traps and the Emeishan flood basalts in SW China. We suggest that there is a link between the Emeishan event and the dyke swarm in the Beishan rift and that the intraplate magmatism at 270-290 Ma reflects an early stage of mantle plume activity. The N-S trending dyke swarm in the Beishan rift may represent a later stage in the evolution of mantle plume activity in the NW and SW of China. We also speculate that in Beishan rift and possibly elsewhere in the Tianshan region, the dykes fed basaltic volcanism, whose products have since been eroded due to the strong uplift of the Tianshan orogen as a result of the IndiaEurasia collision in the Cenozoic.
基金supported by Opening Project(201206)of the State Key Laboratory of Ore deposit Geochemistry,Chinese Academia of Sciencesthe National Nature Science Foundation of China(40773020,40972071,90714010,and 40634020)
文摘U-Pb zircon age, geochemical, and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data of mafic dykes from eastern Shandong Province, eastern China is reported herein. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) U-Pb zircon analyses of two samples from the investigated mafic dykes yield consistent ages ranging from 121.9 Ma ± 0.47 Ma to 122.9 Ma ± 0.61 Ma. The mafic dykes are characterized by high (87Sr/86Sr) i ranging from 0.7087 to 0.7089, low εNd(t) values ranging from -16.9 to -17.8, 206Pb/204Pb = 17.15 to 17.17, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.45 to 15.47, and 208Pb/204Pb = 37.59 to 37.68. Results from the current study suggest that the mafic dykes are derived from partial melting of ancient lithospheric mantle that was variably hybridized by melts derived from foundered lower crustal eclogite. The mafic dykes may have been generated through subsequent insignificant crystal fractionation and very minor crustal contamination during magma ascent. Combined with previous studies, the current findings provide new evidence that the intense lithospheric thinning beneath the eastern Shandong Province of eastern China occurred at ~120 Ma, and that this condition was caused by the removal of the lower lithosphere (mantle and lower crust).
文摘Geologic, petrographic and petrochemical studies of the late Mesozoic K-rich melanocratic dykes, including lamprophyres, andesite porphyrites and dacite-porphyry in the gold field system in the Jiaodong Peninsula, China, have shown that these dykes are characterized by rich potassium and alkali but poor titanium. They belong to an ultra-high potassic, shoshonitic and high potassic calc-alkaline rock series. The parental magma has relatively high initial strontium ratios ((87Sr/86Sr),=0.70895-0.71140) and low (143Nd/144Nd)1 ratios (varying from 0.51135 to 0.51231); and its δ18Osmow, whole rock values vary from +5.8%c to +10.6%c with a mean of +7.1%c. These features suggest that the source region of the magma is an enriched mantle wedge transformed from a continental lithosphere mantle which has experienced metasomatism by mantle-derived fluids with H2O-dominated fluids that were provided during the underthrusting of an ocean crust. The initial magma was generated by low-degree partial melting of the enriched mantle in its mature stage in the back-arc spreading environment. The evolution of magmas is associated with two trends, i.e., fractional crystallization and mixing with or intensive contamination by palaeo-crust materials or metamorphic rocks. The former process is evident in the gold field system of quartz-vein type, whereas the latter is dominated in the gold field system of the altered-rock type. This conclusion is very important for more detailed study of petrogenesis and mineralization through the crust-mantle interaction (exchange) in the Mesozoic in this region.
基金Financial support for this study was jointly provided by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41421002and 41225008)MOST Special Fund from the State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics,Northwest UniversityProject for Key Innovative Research Team of Science and Technology in Shaanxi Province(Grant No.2013KCT-18)
文摘The Helanshan tectonic belt(HTB) is a major tectonic divide between the Alxa and Ordos blocks in the North China Craton. The geochronology and petrogenesis of the mafic dykes in the northern HTB are keys to understanding the tectonic evolution of this belt. The mafic dykes, intruded into the Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic metamorphic basement, are mainly composed of diabase with a mineral assemblage of plagioclase(45%-60%), pyroxene(25%-35%), minor quartz and Fe-Ti oxides. The LA-ICPMS U-Pb analysis of zircon grains from representative dykes yield a weighted mean age of 206 ± 1.9 Ma, which represents the crystallization age of the dyke. The diabases show high contents of Fe_2 O_3~T(11.88-17.55 wt.%), low contents of SiO_2(45.65-50.95 wt.%) and MgO(3.31-5.50 wt.%) with low Mg#(=100×MgO/(MgO + FeO) atomic ration) of 33-44. They are characterized by enrichment of light rare earth elements(LREEs) and large ion lithophile elements(LILEs)(e.g., Rb, Ba and Pb), and slight depletion of high field strength elements(HFSEs). These features suggest that the magma has undergone extensive fractionation of olivine and pyroxene but only minor crustal contamination during its evolution. Their high Sm contents and La/Sm ratios, and low Sm/Yb ratios indicate that magma from which the dykes formed was derived from low degree(about 5%) partial melting of an enriched garnet + spinel lherzolite mantle source. Together with regional geology, these geochemical and geochronological data suggest that the mafic dykes in the HTB were formed in an intracontinental extensional setting during the late Triassic.
基金This project was funded by the "National Basic Research Program of China" (2007CB411402);Natural Science Foundation of China (40773034); "West Light" of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;the Guizhou Natural Science Foundation (J(2007)2170).
文摘Fifteen samples from three study areas (the Bancun diabase dykes, the Bali hornblende gabbro dykes, the Linzifen gabbro-diabase dykes) were collected and analyzed for selenium (Se), sulfur (S), copper (Cu), major and trace elements. In general, Se, S and Cu do positively correlate to each other. The concentration of S and Se and the S/Se ratio are higher than the corresponding value of primitive mantle (PM), and the Cu/S ratio falls in a narrow range (0.04-0.29), which is consistent with that of primitive mantle (0.05-0.20). The Bancun diabase dykes and the Bali hornblende gabbro dykes were located in an intraplate environment during the Late Mesozoic. Oceanic subduction was closely related to magmatic activities. The magmatic activities play an important role in the transportation mechanism of Se and S. Because those two groups were closer to fault zones, which may affect the distribution of S and Se and other elements. In the two groups, no crustal contamination was observed, indicating that all analyzed elements may come from enriched mantle metasomtism associated with slab subduction. However, the Linzifen gabbro-diabase dykes were located in an intraplate rift environment, and its invading age is older than the other two groups, the primitive magma comes from mantle, and there is an anomalous relation between S, Se and Al2O3, (La/Sm)N, and all these factors could result in higher S and Se concentration.
基金financially supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (grant no.KZCX2-YW-Q04-06)the National Key Basic Research Program of China (grant no. 2009CB421005)the National Science Foundation of China (grant no.40973039)
文摘The Qingkuangshan Ni-Cu-PGE deposit, located in the Xiaoguanhe region of Huili County, Sichuan Province, is one of several Ni-Cu-PGE deposits in the Emeishan Large Igneous Province (ELIP). The ore-bearing intrusion is a mafic-ultramafic body. This paper reports major elements, trace elements and platinum-group elements in different types of rocks and sulfide-mineralized samples in the intrusion. These data are used to evaluate the source mantle characteristics, the degree of mantle partial melting, the composition of parental magma and the ore-forming processes. The results show that Qingkuangshan intrusion is part of the ELIP. The rocks have trace element ratios similar to the coeval Emeishan basalts. The primitive mantle-normalized patterns of Ni-Cu-PGE have positive slopes, and the ratios of Pd/Ir are lower than 22. The PGE compositions of sulfide ores and associated rocks are characterized by Ru depletion. The PGE contents in bulk sulfides are slightly depleted relative to Ni and Cu, which is similar to the Yangliuping Ni-Cu-PGE deposit. The composition of the parental magma for the intrusion is estimated to contain about 14.65 wt% MgO, 48.66 wt% SiO2 and 15.48 wt% FeOt, and the degree of mantle partial melting is estimated to be about 20%. In comparison with other typical Ni-Cu-PGE deposits in the ELIP, the Qingkuangshan Ni-Cu-PGE deposit has lower PGE contents than the Jinbaoshan PGE deposit, but has higher PGE contents than the Limahe and Baimazhai Ni-Cu deposit, and has similar PGE contents to the Yangliuping Ni-Cu-PGE deposit. The moderate PGE depletions in the bulk sulfide of the Qingkuanghan deposit suggest that the parental magma of the host intrusion may have undergone minor sulfide segregation at depth. The mixing calculations suggests that an average of 10% crustal contamination in the magma, which may have been the main cause of sulfide saturation in the magma. We propose that sulfide segregation from a moderately PGE depleted magma took place prior to magma emplacement at Qingkuangshan, that small amounts of immiscible sulfide droplets and olivine and chromite crystals were suspended in the ascending magma, and that the suspended materials settled down when the magma passed trough the Qingkuangshan conduit. The Qingkuangshan sulfide-bearing intrusion is interpreted to a feeder of Emeishan flood basalts in the region.
文摘The work is a vivid description of the structural relationship between brittle deformation of the Precambrian basement in the southern continental part of the Cameroon Line and intrusive Paleozoic and Mesozoic basalt dykes swarms. A multidisciplinary approach that involves a combination of remote sensing techniques and field studies show that the major trend of brittle structures correspond to well-known regional structures: N70°E (Adamawa Shear Zone), N135°E (upper Benue trend) and N30°E (Cameroon Volcanic Line) corresponding to E-W and N-S directions respectively. Basalt dykes are associated to NE-SW, E-W and NW-SE oriented fractures. An integration of the available information on brittle structures and basalt dykes directions suggest an emplacement of the Mesozoic and Paleozoic basalt dykes structurally controlled by Precambrian structures that were originated through Riedel’s fracture kinematic model with dextral strike-slip Adamawa Shear Zone as the main shear zone during late stage of the Pan-African collision. Spatially, the restriction of the basalt dykes to the corridor of the Adamawa Shear Zone indicate that a rejuvenation of Precambrian faults may very well be the origin of the dykes with possibility that they may have been reworked several times during the Phanerozoic eon.
基金supported by the Industrial Research and Consultancy Centre (IRCC), IIT Bombay (Grant No. 09YIA001 to Sheth)supported by a Ph.D. Scholarship from the University Grants Commission (UGC), Govt. of India
文摘Whether swarms of preferentially oriented dykes are controlled by regional stress fields, or passively exploit basement structural fabric, is a much debated question, with support for either scenario in individual case studies. The Sarnu-Dandali alkaline complex, near the northwestern limit of the Deccan Traps continental flood basalt province, contains mafic to felsic alkaline volcano-plutonic rocks and carbonatites. The complex is situated near the northern end of the 600 km long, NNWe SSE-trending Barmer-Cambay rift. Mafic enclave swarms in the syenites suggest synplutonic mafic dykes injected into a largely liquid felsic magma chamber. Later coherent dykes in the complex, of all compositions and sizes,dominantly strike NNWe SSE, parallel to the Barmer-Cambay rift. The rift formed during two distinct episodes of extension, NWe SE in the early Cretaceous and NEe SW in the late Cretaceous. Control of the southern Indian Dharwar structural fabric on the rift trend, as speculated previously, is untenable,whereas the regional Precambrian basement trends(Aravalli and Malani) run NEe SW and NNEe SSW.We therefore suggest that the small-scale Sarnu-Dandali dykes and the much larger-scale BarmerCambay rift were not controlled by basement structure, but related to contemporaneous, late Cretaceous regional ENEe WSW extension, for which there is varied independent evidence.
基金supported by the Open Fund for Field Stations of Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,CAS and the Ocean Public Welfare Scientific Research Project(Grant No.201105020)
文摘The influence of anthropogenic activities,especially artificial dykes,on the coastal wetland landscape is now considered as a serious problem to the coastal ecosystem.It is important and necessary to analyze changes of coastal landscape pattern under the influence of artificial dykes for the protection and management of coastal wetland.Our study aimed to reveal the quantitative characteristics of the coastal wetland landscape and its spatial-temporal dynamics under the influence of artificial dykes in the Yellow River delta(YRD).It was analyzed by the methods of the statistical analysis of landscape structure,five selected landscape indices and the changes of spatial centroids of three typical wetland types,including reed marshes,tidal fiats and aquaculture-salt fields.The results showed that:(1)Reduction of wetland area,especially the degradation of natural wetlands,had been the principal problem since the dykes were constructed in the YRD.The dykes created conditions for the development of artificial wetlands.However,the new born artificial wetlands were still less than the vanished natural wetlands.(2)Compared with the open area,the building of artificial dykes significantly speeded up the changes of landscape patterns and the aggravation of the landscape fragmentation in the closed area.(3)The changes of area-weighted centroids of three typical wetland landscapes were greatly affected by dykes,and the movement of the centroid of the aquaculture-salt field was very sensitive to the dykes constructed in the corresponding period.
基金supported financially by the NSFC projects(Grant Nos.U1403291,41802074,41830216,41202044)projects of the China Geological Survey(Grant Nos.1212010811033,12120113096500,12120113094000,DD20160123,DD20160009 and DD20179607)+1 种基金the IGCP 662 projectDDE.
文摘Numeral Permian mafic-ultramafic complexes occur in the Beishan terrane atthe northeastern margin of the Tarim craton,southwestern Central Asian Orogenic Belt,including the Pobei,Cantoushan,Bijiashan,Hongshishan,Xuanwoling,Zhongposhan and Luodong etc.,intrusions(Qin et al.,2011;Zhang et al.,2017;Xue et al.,2018).These Beishan mafic-ultramafic complexes are composed of peridotite,pyroxenite.
文摘Two carbonatite dykes separetely located on Dulahala Mountain and within Erdaowa Group strata in Bayan Ebo mineral deposit have been studied.For Dulahala carbonatite the content of RE2O3 is 23.9 wt%,higher than that in the rare earth ores of both Main Ore-body and Eastern Ore-body,the distribution patterns of rare earth elements and rare earth mineral assemblage are consistent with those in both Ore-bodies.The evidence indicates a material source for RE in Bayan Ebo deposit.Fenite occurring at the edge of the carbonatite in Erdaowa Group yields an isochron age of 343.26±7.33 Ma by Rb-Sr method.It implies the geological time of mineralization.
基金funded by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities in China(Grant No.19lgpy99)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41776056,41706055,41602231)the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province(Grant Nos.2020A1515010501,2018B030311030)。
文摘In this study we present new mineral chemistry,whole-rock geochemical and zircon U-Pb geochronological data for 12 metamafic dykes in the mantle sequence of the Sangsang ophiolite in South Tibet(China).Modal analyses of these dykes gave averages of^40%-65%plagioclase and^35%-60%amphibole and small amounts of(igneous)clinopyroxene,epidote and opaque minerals.This mineral assemblage resembles that of typical orthoamphibolites.Nevertheless,due to the absence of foliation the investigated rocks are described as metamafic lithologies.These rocks have primitive mantle(PM)-normalized multi-element patterns with negative Nb and Ta anomalies as well as weak,negative Ti anomalies.In addition,they have initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios[(87Sr/86Sr)1]of0.702844-0.703581,initial 143Nd/144Nd ratios[(143Nd/144Nd)i]of 0.512891-0.512959 and high εNd(t)values(+7.9 to+9.3).Uranium-Pb ages of magmatic zircons separated from the investigated metamafic dykes indicate that the parental melts of their protoliths intruded the Sangsang mantle at^119.0-118.5 Ma.The metamorphic mineral assemblages recognized in the investigated dykes are suggestive of a retrograde metamorphic process,from(epidote-)amphibolite facies(~470-610℃,-1.9-4.3 kbar)and to prehnitepumpellyite facies(≤280℃,<3 kbar),active within a rift-produced oceanic lithosphere.Microtextural and geochemical data suggest that the protoliths of the dykes were most likely massive gabbros.Compositional data show that the parental magmas of the gabbroic protoliths were generated by melting of a depleted mantle(DM)source that had been weakly modified by fluids emanating from a subducted oceanic lithospheric slab.The age of the gabbroic protoliths is slightly younger than the existing ages for ophiolites from the central Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone(YZSZ)in the literature(~129-123 Ma).We,therefore,suggest that the gabbroic protoliths of the Sangsang metamafic dykes were formed in an incipient forearc setting during Neo-Tethyan subduction reinitiation(Aptian).Our tectonomagmatic model provides insights into the igneous accretion and postsolidification evolution of the oceanic lithosphere in South Tibet.
基金This study was financially supported by the Special Fund for Land and Resources Scientific Research of Public Interest(201511020)the Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province(2017JM4002)Natural Science Foundation of China(41873053).
文摘The Eastern Kunlun Orogenic Belt(EKOB)has a complex geological structure and diverse magmatic activities,which are closely related to the Qaidam Basin and the Tethys tectonic evolution.There are at least 3 stages mafic-ultramafic rocks occurred in the Early Paleozoic in EKOB.The first stage is the Later-Silurian to Early Devonian,represented by the giant Xiarihamu super large magmatic Cu-Ni deposit,containing about 1.18 million metric tons(Mt)of nickel with average grades of 0.65%Ni,and its age of ore-forming pyroxene peridotite is 411 Ma;The second stage is the Early Carboniferous,represented by the large Shitoukengde magmatic Cu-Ni sulfide deposit,and its ore-forming age of the olivine websterite is 334 Ma;The third stage of mafic-ultramafic rocks occurred mainly during the Middle-Late Triassic,represented by Xiaojianshan,Lalinggaoli,and Kaimuqi complexes,and no economical ore bodies have been found in this period.The authors summarized the difference between the ore-bearing and the nonmineralized mafic-ultramafic rocks in the EKOB.The olivine of the ore-bearing complexes contains higher MgO and SiO2 content but lower FeO and CaO contents,and the clinopyroxene of ore-bearing complexes contains lower FeO and CaO contents.Crustal sulfur contamination is key to the formation of the giant Xiarihamu Ni deposit,and crustal sulfur contamination degree of the giant magmatic Ni deposit is higher than that of large Ni deposit.The above indicators could guide the exploration and evaluation of similar deposits in the EKOB.
文摘Syenogranitic dykes in the north of Egypt's Eastern Desert are of geological and economic interest because of the presence of magmatic and supergene enrichment of radioactive mineralization. Zircon crystal morphology within the syenogranitic dykes allows precise definition of sub-alkaline series granites and crystallized at mean temperature of about 637 °C. The growth pattern of the zircons suggest magmatic and hydrothermal origins of radioactive mineralization. Hydrothermal processes are responsible for the formation of significant zircon overgrowth; high U-zircon margins might have occurred contemporaneously with the emplacement of syenogranitic dykes which show anomalous uranium(e U) and thorium(e Th) contents of up to 1386 and 7330 ppm, respectively.Zircon chemistry revealed a relative increase of Hf consistent with decreasing Zr content, suggesting the replacement of Zr by Hf during hydrothermal activity.Visible uranium mineralization is present and recognized by the presence of uranophane and autunite.
基金financially supported by the National Science Foundation of China (41402070, 41602082, 4170021021)China Geological Survey (DD20160346)
文摘The Sidingheishan mafic-ultramafic intrusion is located in the eastern part of the Northern Tianshan Mountain, along the southern margin of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt in northern Xinjiang autonomous region of China. The Sidingheishan intrusion is mainly composed of wehrlite, olivine websterite, olivine gabbro, gabbro and hornblende gabbro. At least two pulses of magma were involved in the formation of the intrusion. The first pulse of magma produced an olivine-free unit and the second pulse produced an olivine-bearing unit. The magmas intruded the Devonian granites and granodiorites.An age of 351.4±5.8 Ma(Early Carboniferous) for the Sidingheishan intrusion has been determined by U-Pb SHRIMP analysis of zircon grains separated from the olivine gabbro unit. A U-Pb age of 359.2±6.4 Ma from the gabbro unit has been obtained by LA-ICP-MS. Olivine of the Sidingheishan intrusion reaches 82.52 mole% Fo and 1414 ppm Ni. On the basis of olivine-liquid equilibria, it has been calculated that the MgO and FeO included in the parental magma of a wehrlite sample were approximately10.43 wt% and 13.14 wt%, respectively. The Sidingheishan intrusive rocks are characterized by moderate enrichments in Th and Sm, slight enrichments in light REE, and depletions in Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf. The εNd(t) values in the rock units vary from +6.70 to +9.64, and initial87Sr/86Sr ratios range between 0.7035 and0.7042. Initial206Pb/204Pb,207Pb/204Pb and208Pb/204Pb values fall in the ranges of 17.23-17.91,15.45-15.54 and 37.54-38.09 respectively. These characteristics are collectively similar to the Heishan intrusion and the Early Carboniferous subduction related volcanic rocks in the Santanghu Basin, North Tianshan and Beishan area. The low(La/Gd)PMvalues between 0.26 and 1.77 indicate that the magma of the Sidingheishan intrusion was most likely derived from a depleted spinel-peridotite mantle.(Th/Nb)PMratios from 0.59 to 20.25 indicate contamination of the parental magma in the upper crust.Crystallization modeling methods suggest that the parental magma of the Sidingheishan intrusion was generated by flush melting of the asthenosphere and subsequently there was about 10 vol%contamination from a granitic melt. This was followed by about 5 vol% assimilation of upper crustal rocks. Thus, the high-Mg basaltic parental magma of Sidingheishan intrusion is interpreted to have formed from partial melting of the asthenosphere during the break-off of a subducted slab.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.41302070)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(310827173401,310827153407)China Regional Geological Survey(12120113043100)
文摘The Xingdi mafic-ultramafic intrusions occur in the northeastern margin of the Tarim craton. The Xingdi No. 3 intrusion is the smallest of four intrusions, with an exposed area of 1.7 km2, and the zircon U-Pb age of the intrusion is 752±4 Ma. The intrusion consists of gabbros, pyroxenites and peridotites, and exhibits a crystallization sequence of the main rock-forming minerals as olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and plagioclase. Mineralization occurred at or near the boundaries of the intrusion between pyroxenites and peridotites, and appears as a layered or lenticular shape about 500 m long and 4–15 m wide. The primary sulfides have a relatively simple mineralogy dominated by pyrrhotite-pentlandite-chalcopyrite assemblages, which occur as droplet, star-like and graphic texture and locally sideronitic structures. Geochronological and geochemistry investigations suggest that the Xingdi mafic-ultramafic intrusions and coeval volcanic rock in the Kuluktag area of the Tarim craton formed in an intracontinental breakup environment. Based on the composition of the dominant rockforming minerals and covariant relationships of other oxides versus Mg O, the parental magma of the Xingdi No.3 intrusion belongs to high-Mg tholeiitic basaltic magmas with Mg O of 10.78 wt%. The Xingdi No.3 intrusive rocks are characterized by light REE enrichment relative to heavy REE, negative Nb-Ta anomalies, low 143Nd/144Nd ratios(from 0.511183 to 0.511793) and high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios(from 0.7051 to 0.7113). The magma was derived from the enriched-lithospheric mantle and was contaminated during emplacement. According to rock assemblages, mineralization, olivine characteristics, geochemical characteristics and mass balance, there are better copper-nickel ore prospects in the Xingdi No.3 intrusion than in the other three intrusions in the area.