Through the Pearl River Estuary Wan Qing-sha W2 core AMS 14^C dating of sediments, combining with paleomagnetic test, pollen analysis, and comprehensive comparison with other relevant records, the regional framework o...Through the Pearl River Estuary Wan Qing-sha W2 core AMS 14^C dating of sediments, combining with paleomagnetic test, pollen analysis, and comprehensive comparison with other relevant records, the regional framework of Holocene age was established. Using the combined feature grain size and magnetic susceptibility proxies for the environment, climate change information in the area since about 6 000 cal yr BP was obtained. The result showed the area since the middle Holocene had experienced three stages climate changes of warm and dry - cool and wet temperature and humidity South area of China in the late Holocene climate (especially rainfall) had important changes, corresponding to the Northern Hemisphere solar radiation reducing, air temperature decreasing, Asian monsoon weakening, and it had close ties with activities to strengthen El Nino - Southern Oscillation events.展开更多
The upmost segment (Holocene series) of the Milanggouwan stratigraphic section (MGS 1) in the Salawusu River valley shows 11 sedimentary cycles of dune sands and fluvio-lacustrine facies, or dune sands and paleoso...The upmost segment (Holocene series) of the Milanggouwan stratigraphic section (MGS 1) in the Salawusu River valley shows 11 sedimentary cycles of dune sands and fluvio-lacustrine facies, or dune sands and paleosols. The analysis of the magnetic susceptibility of this segment suggests that there are 11 magnetic susceptibility cycles with the value alternating from low to high, in which the layers of the dune sands correspond to the lower value of the magnetic susceptibility and the layers of fluvio-lacustrine facies and paleosols correspond to the higher peaks. The study reveals that the low and high magnetic susceptibility values indicate the climate dominated by cold-arid winter monsoon and warm-humid summer monsoon of East Asia, respectively, and the study area has experienced at least 22 times of milleunial-centennial scales climate alternation from the cold-arid to the warm-humid during the Holocene. In terms of the time and the climate nature, the variations basically correspond to those of the North Atlantic and some records of cold-warm changes in China as well. They might be caused by the alternation of winter and summer monsoons in the Mu Us Desert induced by global climate fluctuations in the Holocene.展开更多
This study carried out comprehensive analysis on sedimentology, magnetic susceptibility (7of) and color data of the continental sediments of the Liupanshan Group in Central China so as to obtain climatic change info...This study carried out comprehensive analysis on sedimentology, magnetic susceptibility (7of) and color data of the continental sediments of the Liupanshan Group in Central China so as to obtain climatic change information during the 129.14-122.98 Ma interval. Based on the results of the Xlf and of the redness (a*), the section can be divided into two segments: (1) 129.14-126.3 Ma, with the lowest Xlf values and strongly variable relatively high values of redness and (2) 126.3-122.98 Ma, with high Elf values and relatively low redness. Analysis of the lithology and facies as well as the magnetic minerals and their contents points to a detrital origin of the magnetic minerals and this allow us to interpret the relationship between magnetic susceptibility variations and climate changes. Our study shows that the climate was significantly dry and hot during the whole studied interval although the interval between 126.3 Ma and 122.98 was a little bit cooler with increased humidity.展开更多
Magnetic susceptibility(MS)data were obtained from 11 sections of the Doushantuo(Edicaran)cap carbonate that directly overlies the Nantuo glacial diamictite in the southeastern margin of the Yangtze plat-form.The MS d...Magnetic susceptibility(MS)data were obtained from 11 sections of the Doushantuo(Edicaran)cap carbonate that directly overlies the Nantuo glacial diamictite in the southeastern margin of the Yangtze plat-form.The MS data revealed two regionally correlatable peaks at the bottom and top of the cap carbonate,sepa-rated by an interval of low values.The lower MS peak coincides with high percentage of insoluble siliciclastic residues that are compositionally identical to the matrix of the underlying diamictite,suggesting its origin con-trolled mainly by detrital components during the first phase of cap carbonate deposition at the end of the glacia-tion.The upper MS peak is associated with high clay content and iron sulfides,and can be interpreted as either derived from enhanced greenhouse weathering that could have brought more terrigenous components into the ocean,or the result of ocean anoxia at the late stage of cap carbonate deposition that could led to formation of abundant iron sulfides.The regionally consistent MS curves from the cap carbonates provided the first geo-physical record for the rapid climate change from icehouse to greenhouse conditions in the aftermath of the Neoproterozoic“snowball Earth”event.展开更多
Objective Aeolian sediments on the Chinese Loess Plateau contain some of the best continental archives of palaeoclimate change in the Late Cenozoic. The consensus that alternating MS in loess-paleosols in China was du...Objective Aeolian sediments on the Chinese Loess Plateau contain some of the best continental archives of palaeoclimate change in the Late Cenozoic. The consensus that alternating MS in loess-paleosols in China was due to the strengthening and weakening of the East Asian palaeomonsoon provides an excellent climate record when correlated with global ice volume. Significantly, new basal dates from the red clay underlying the loess-paleosol sequence indicate that wind-blown dust began to accumulate on the Chinese Loess Plateau at least 22 million years ago. There are differences of opinion,展开更多
Based on the volume magnetic susceptibility and specific gravity measurements and mineral and lithologic identification results for 540 samples,the rock type,density,and magnetic susceptibility of rocks from northern ...Based on the volume magnetic susceptibility and specific gravity measurements and mineral and lithologic identification results for 540 samples,the rock type,density,and magnetic susceptibility of rocks from northern Borneo were analyzed,and the applicability of gravity and magnetic data to the lithologic identification of the Mesozoic strata in the southern South China Sea was assessed accordingly.The results show that there are 3 types and 25 subtypes of rocks in northern Borneo,mainly intermediate-mafic igneous rocks and exogenous clastic sedimentary rocks,with small amounts of endogenous sedimentary rocks,felsic igneous rocks,and metamorphic rocks.The rocks that are very strongly-strongly magnetic and have high-medium densities are mostly igneous rocks,tuffaceous sandstones,and their metamorphic equivalents.The rocks that are weakly magnetic-non-magnetic and have medium-very low densities are mostly conglomerates,sandstones,siltstones,mudstones,and coal.The rocks that are weakly magnetic-diamagnetic and have highmedium densities are mostly limestones and siliceous rocks.The Cenozoic rocks are characterized by low densities and medium susceptibilities;the Mesozoic rocks are characterized by medium densities and medium-high susceptibilities;and the pre-Mesozoic rocks are characterized by high densities and low magnetism.Based on these results and the distribution characteristics of the various rock types,it was found that the pre-Mesozoic rocks produce weak regional gravity anomalies;the Mesozoic sedimentary rocks produce negative regional gravity anomalies;whereas the Mesozoic igneous rocks produce positive regional gravity anomalies;and the Cenozoic igneous rocks produce positive regional gravity anomalies.The regional high magnetic anomalies in the southern part of the South China Sea originate from the Mesozoic mafic igneous rocks and their metamorphic equivalents;and the regional medium magnetic anomalies may be produced by the felsic igneous rocks and their metamorphic equivalents.Accordingly,the identification of the Mesozoic lithology in the southern South China Sea shows that the Mesozoic sedimentary rocks are distributed over a large area of the southern South China Sea.Thus,it is concluded that the Mesozoic strata in this area have the potential for oil and gas exploration.展开更多
Objective As the world's third largest volcanic type uranium ore field,the Xiangshan volcanic basin has attracted much attention for its large industrial value.The ore hosting rocks are mainly the early Cretaceous rh...Objective As the world's third largest volcanic type uranium ore field,the Xiangshan volcanic basin has attracted much attention for its large industrial value.The ore hosting rocks are mainly the early Cretaceous rhyodacite and porphyroclastic lava,as well as small amounts of high level intrusive acidic rocks and metamorphic rocks.展开更多
The structural and magnetic properties of an oxide-fluoride mixed vitreous matrix 2B2O3-SrF2, were explored by using Fe impurities as probes. Information about the structural units involving iron ions, their valence s...The structural and magnetic properties of an oxide-fluoride mixed vitreous matrix 2B2O3-SrF2, were explored by using Fe impurities as probes. Information about the structural units involving iron ions, their valence state, the strengths and type of interactions involving them was obtained using EPR spectroscopy and magnetic susceptibility measurements.展开更多
The three sets of crystal field parameters (CFPs) obtained from spectroscopic and magnetic susceptibility studies of Tb3+(4f^8) ions in TbAlO3 by Gruber et al. (J. Lumin. 128 (2008) 1271) were reanalyzed. The...The three sets of crystal field parameters (CFPs) obtained from spectroscopic and magnetic susceptibility studies of Tb3+(4f^8) ions in TbAlO3 by Gruber et al. (J. Lumin. 128 (2008) 1271) were reanalyzed. These sets, fitted from experimental energy levels, are physically equivalent and correspond to specific choices of the axis system. Proper interpretation of experimental data for Tb3+ ions at monoclinic C8 symmetry sites in TbAlO3 crystal requires clarification of several intricate low syrmnetry aspects, namely, (a) three equivalent forms of monoclinic CF Hamiltouian, (b) relative orientation of the crystallographic axis system w.r.t, the symmetry-adapted axis system, (c) monoclinic standardization of CFPs, (d) distinction between the actual and apparent low symmetry effects exhibited by CFPs, and (e) nominal nature of all fitted CFP sets. For this purpose, modeling of CFPs for Tb3+ in TbAlO3 was carried out using at the first stage only the Coulomb, i.e. point charge, eonlribntions in the exchange charge model. The point charge model calculated CFPs disagree with the experimental CFPs, especially the rank k=6 CFPs. To explain this discrepancy and to verify the correcmess of the theoretical CFP calculations additionally the superposition model was employed. The methods of analysis and modeling of CFP sets for monoclinic symmetry cases proposed here proved useful for the studied case as well as might be used for other ion-host systems exhibiting monoclinic or triclinic local site symmetry. Partial results for Tb3+ ions in TbAlO3 were presented here, whereas detailed results were given in a follow-up paper.展开更多
The role of metakaolin in the properties of Portland cement hydrated with ground water and sea water was described by magnetic susceptibility study. Cement pastes containing 0wt%, 10wt%, 20wt% and 30wt% replacement of...The role of metakaolin in the properties of Portland cement hydrated with ground water and sea water was described by magnetic susceptibility study. Cement pastes containing 0wt%, 10wt%, 20wt% and 30wt% replacement of metakaolin and in a water/cement (W/C) ratio of 0.4 were prepared. The susceptibility at different hydration periods was determined by Faraday Curie balance and it was related to the changes in setting time and compressive strength of admixtured cement. Compared with sea water-treated cement paste, the magnetic susceptibility of ground water-treated cement paste is higher in value. The observed result shows that, irrespective of water, the magnetic susceptibility increases with increasing metakaolin percentage replacement level in cement.展开更多
By using EPR and magnetic susceptibility measurements, the Cr ion distribution in the xCr2O3.(1-x)[70TeO2·25B2O3·5PbO] glasses with 0<x≤20 mol% was studied. EPR investigation evidencedthe presence of Cr3+ ...By using EPR and magnetic susceptibility measurements, the Cr ion distribution in the xCr2O3.(1-x)[70TeO2·25B2O3·5PbO] glasses with 0<x≤20 mol% was studied. EPR investigation evidencedthe presence of Cr3+ ions in agreement with the experimentally obtained atomic magnetic moment values. For concentrations x≤3 mol%, the isolated Cr3+ ions coexist with those coupledby dipole-dipole interactions. For x>3 mol%, the Cr3+ ions participate in superexchange interactions and are predominantly antiferromagnetically coupled.展开更多
Iron ions were used as probes to explore the structural and magnetic properties of 70TeO2'25B2O3' 5SrF2 vitreous matrix. The distribution of Fe3+ ions on different structural aggregates was revealed by means ...Iron ions were used as probes to explore the structural and magnetic properties of 70TeO2'25B2O3' 5SrF2 vitreous matrix. The distribution of Fe3+ ions on different structural aggregates was revealed by means of EPR, as depending on Fe2O3 concentration. Strongly distorted octahedral sites were detected for the isolated paramagnetic ions, and also clusters of Fe ions especially at high Fe2O3 content of samples. Magnetic susceptibility measurements evidenced both dipoledipole and superexchange type interactions involving iron ions. Mixed valence states of iron ions were also detected展开更多
This paper has advanced a new method for determining historical earthquakes. Its object of study is lake sediments. The research method is environmental magnetism represented by susceptibility. The purpose is extracti...This paper has advanced a new method for determining historical earthquakes. Its object of study is lake sediments. The research method is environmental magnetism represented by susceptibility. The purpose is extracting historical earthquake informations from lake sediments to explore the correlation between the turbidity current sediments initiated by the earthquakes and historical earthquakes round Fuxian Lake.展开更多
It is well known that fabric of sand may significantly affect mechanical behaviors and liquefaction resistance of sand.Various optical techniques are currently utilized to visualize the fabric,especially the distribut...It is well known that fabric of sand may significantly affect mechanical behaviors and liquefaction resistance of sand.Various optical techniques are currently utilized to visualize the fabric,especially the distribution of the long axis of soil particles.However,none of these methods provides an ideal solution in laboratory tests and in situ observation.In this study,anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility(AMS)was first proposed as a convenient and efficient way to evaluate the liquefaction of clean sand.At first,investigations with scanning electron microscopy(SEM)and AMS were simultaneously conducted on two groups of soil specimens with different initial fabrics to verify the feasibility of the AMS technique.Then,80 in situ samples were collected to analyze the feature of liquefied and non-liquefied sand layers through AMS tests.It is clearly known from the test results that the natural sedimentary fabric was destroyed during liquefaction and the fabric anisotropy was greatly changed after liquefaction.The feasibility of evaluating soil fabric using the AMS survey was verified by the laboratory tests.Furthermore,the applicability of AMS in detecting liquefied layer in situ was confirmed for the first time.展开更多
Despite the proficiency of lithium(Li)-7 NMR spectroscopy in delineating the physical and chemical states of Li metal electrodes,challenges in specimen preparation and interpretation impede its progress.In this study,...Despite the proficiency of lithium(Li)-7 NMR spectroscopy in delineating the physical and chemical states of Li metal electrodes,challenges in specimen preparation and interpretation impede its progress.In this study,we conducted a comprehensive postmortem analysis utilizing ^(7)Li NMR,employing a stan-dard magic angle spinning probe to examine protective-layer coated Li metal electrodes and LiAg alloy electrodes against bare Li metal electrodes within Li metal batteries(LMBs).Our investigation explores the effects of sample burrs,alignment with the magnetic field,the existence of liquid electrolytes,and precycling on the ^(7)Li NMR signals.Through contrasting NMR spectra before and after cycling,we identi-fied alterations in Li^(0) and Li^(+) signals attributable to the degradation of the Li metal electrode.Our NMR analyses decisively demonstrate the efficacy of the protective layer in mitigating dendrite and solid elec-trolyte interphase formation.Moreover,we noted that Li*ions near the Li metal surface exhibit magnetic susceptibility anisotropy,revealing a novel approach to studying diamagnetic species on Li metal elec-trodes in LMBs.This study provides valuable insights and practical guidelines for characterizing distinct lithium states within LMBs.展开更多
The studies on hydrothermal alteration-induced eff ects in surface and subsurface rocks provide useful information in the characterization and exploitation of a geothermal reservoir.Generally,these studies are based o...The studies on hydrothermal alteration-induced eff ects in surface and subsurface rocks provide useful information in the characterization and exploitation of a geothermal reservoir.Generally,these studies are based on traditional,and reliable methods like petrography(primary and secondary minerals,and grade of alteration),and geochemistry(mobility of elements,changes in mass and concentration of elements,and fluid inclusions).Recently,apart from these established methods,some methods based on the geochemical(Chemical Index of Alteration,CIA;Weathering Index of Parkar,WIP;Loss on Ignition,LOI;and Sulfur,S)and rock magnetic properties(magnetic susceptibility,χlf;and percentage frequency-dependent susceptibility,χfd%)are also being applied in the identification of whether a rock is an altered or a fresh one.The Acoculco Geothermal Field(AGF),Mexico,is characterized by high temperature and very low permeability,and it is considered a promissory Enhanced Geothermal System.The following changes are observed in the rocks as a result of an increase in hydrothermal alteration:(1)an increase in CIA,LOI,and S values,and a decrease in WIP;(2)an increase in quartz and quartz polymorph minerals(silicification),and clay minerals(argillization);and(3)decrease inχlf values.At AGF,the most altered surface acid rocks are characterized by entirely quartz and its polymorphs,and clay minerals.The present study also indicates the applicability of the binary plots of major elements(felsic vs mafic component)and rock magnetic parameters(χlf vs.χfd%).The rock withχfd%value of 2-10 andχlf value<0.5×10^(-6)m^(3) kg^(-1)indicate the presence of single domain and stable single domain grains,which in turn suggests that it is an altered rock.These methods are simple to apply,rapid,reliable,and have the potential to become eff ective tools for the identifi cation of hydrothermally altered rocks during the initial stage of geothermal exploration.展开更多
The Mangshan Yuan is a loess platform on the southern bank of the Yellow River, which is located in northwestern Zhengzhou of Henan Province, China. The typical Zhaoxiayu section of the Mangshan Yuan preserves stratig...The Mangshan Yuan is a loess platform on the southern bank of the Yellow River, which is located in northwestern Zhengzhou of Henan Province, China. The typical Zhaoxiayu section of the Mangshan Yuan preserves stratigraphical loess units above S10 with a total thickness of 172.1 m, which includes 15.7 m of the last interglacial paleosol S1, 77.3 m of the last glacial loess L1 that consist of 41.6 m of the late stade L1LL1, 13.2 m of the interstade L1SS1 and 22.5 m of the early stade L1LL2. Based on the age marking points by correlating magnetic susceptibility of the section with the SPECMAP curve, the timescale of the section was constructed, and the average accumulation rate and the resolution of each loess strata over the S2 were subsequently calculated using the susceptibility age model. The results indicate that strata units developed in the glacial, interglacial stages, stadial and interstadial show substantial differences in grain size, average accumulation rate and time resolution ub the Zhaoxiayu section. Specifically, the average accumulation rate of the loess L1LL1 is 3.45 mm/a, whereas that of paleosol S1 is only 0.28 mm/a. Based on the high-resolution records of magnetic susceptibility and >45μm fraction percentage of the loess-paleosol, the summer and winter monsoon variations as well as their interrelations since the last interglaciation have been discussed, which were correlated with the SPECMAP and the GRIP climate records.展开更多
Concentrations of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) and various magnetic parameters in contaminated urban roadside soils were investigated using chemical analysis and magnetic measurements. The results revealed highly ele...Concentrations of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) and various magnetic parameters in contaminated urban roadside soils were investigated using chemical analysis and magnetic measurements. The results revealed highly elevated Cu and Zn concentrations as well as magnetic susceptibility in the roadside soils. The mean concentrations of Cu and Zn in these roadside soils were almost twice those in average Chinese soils, with the mean magnetic susceptibility of the roadside soils reaching about 179 ×10^-8 m^3 kg^-1. This enhanced magnetic susceptibility was attributed to the presence of anthropogenic soft ferrimagnetic particles. A low frequency-dependent susceptibility (2.5%± 1.0%) observed in the roadside soils indicated the coarse multidomain (MD) ferrimagnetic grains to be the dominant contributor to magnetic susceptibility. The Cu and Zn concentration of the soils had highly significant linear correlations with magnetic susceptibility (P 〈 0.01), anhysteretic remanent magnetization (P 〈 0.01), and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (P 〈 0.01). This suggested that heavy metals were associated with ferrimagnetic particles in soils, which were attributed to input of traffic emissions and industrial activities. Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectra of magnetic extracts of the roadside soils further suggested the llnk between the magnetic signal and concentrations of heavy metals. Thus, the magnetic parameters could provide a proxy measure for the level of heavy metal contamination and could be a potential tool for the detection and mapping of contaminated soils.展开更多
Some alternative methods for estimating soil erosion rates rapidly were used to elucidate the relationship between the land use types and land degradation. The 137 Cs content, magnetic susceptibility, aggrega...Some alternative methods for estimating soil erosion rates rapidly were used to elucidate the relationship between the land use types and land degradation. The 137 Cs content, magnetic susceptibility, aggregate stability, and soil properties were studied in the Dongxi River Basin, a mountainous area of western Fujian. A plot of 137 Cs inventory (Y) against slope angle (X) shows a strong inverse log log relationship ( r = -0.83 ), indicating that much more soil erosion occurs on steeper slopes. Average soil loss (in thickness of top soil per year) in the past 30 years for arable slope crest, arable slopes and tea plantation slopes are 1.6 , 10.4 and 8.0 mm year -1 respectively. The surface layer enrichment factor of magnetic susceptibility (Y) in soil also shows an inverse log log relationship ( r =-0.63), indicating a similar tendency with the relationship between the 137 Cs inventory (Y) against slope angle (X). The physical and chemical properties of soils among different land use types show different degraded characteristics at different significant levels.展开更多
Five soils derived from different parent materials were sampled from red soilregion of southern China and studied by magnetic methodology to understand to what extent ironreduction would affect soil magnetic propertie...Five soils derived from different parent materials were sampled from red soilregion of southern China and studied by magnetic methodology to understand to what extent ironreduction would affect soil magnetic properties and how iron reduction would affect the magneticminerals in soils. Reduction associated with organic matter decomposition strongly affected soilmagnetic parameters at low pH. The losses of original soil magnetic signals in terms of magneticsusceptibility (X), 'Soft' isothermal remanent magnetization ('Soft' IRM), anhysteretic remanentmagnetization (ARM) and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM) at pH 4~6 during thetwo-month saturation treatment, were 66%~94%, 54%~90%, 64%~95% and 33%~83%, respectively. Thesechanges were interpreted as a consequence of substantial dissolution of maghaemite and haematite inthe soils. At pH 10, however, there was no significant magnetic change observed. Moreover, stablesingle domain soil maghaemite grains were also sensitive to reduction, which suggested that bothpedogenic and detrital maghaemite were not stable in acid and reducing environments. Goethite,instead, was the most stable iron form under reducing conditions.展开更多
文摘Through the Pearl River Estuary Wan Qing-sha W2 core AMS 14^C dating of sediments, combining with paleomagnetic test, pollen analysis, and comprehensive comparison with other relevant records, the regional framework of Holocene age was established. Using the combined feature grain size and magnetic susceptibility proxies for the environment, climate change information in the area since about 6 000 cal yr BP was obtained. The result showed the area since the middle Holocene had experienced three stages climate changes of warm and dry - cool and wet temperature and humidity South area of China in the late Holocene climate (especially rainfall) had important changes, corresponding to the Northern Hemisphere solar radiation reducing, air temperature decreasing, Asian monsoon weakening, and it had close ties with activities to strengthen El Nino - Southern Oscillation events.
基金Under the auspices of National Basic Research Program of China (No. 2010CB833405)National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40772118, 49971009)
文摘The upmost segment (Holocene series) of the Milanggouwan stratigraphic section (MGS 1) in the Salawusu River valley shows 11 sedimentary cycles of dune sands and fluvio-lacustrine facies, or dune sands and paleosols. The analysis of the magnetic susceptibility of this segment suggests that there are 11 magnetic susceptibility cycles with the value alternating from low to high, in which the layers of the dune sands correspond to the lower value of the magnetic susceptibility and the layers of fluvio-lacustrine facies and paleosols correspond to the higher peaks. The study reveals that the low and high magnetic susceptibility values indicate the climate dominated by cold-arid winter monsoon and warm-humid summer monsoon of East Asia, respectively, and the study area has experienced at least 22 times of milleunial-centennial scales climate alternation from the cold-arid to the warm-humid during the Holocene. In terms of the time and the climate nature, the variations basically correspond to those of the North Atlantic and some records of cold-warm changes in China as well. They might be caused by the alternation of winter and summer monsoons in the Mu Us Desert induced by global climate fluctuations in the Holocene.
基金co-supported by the Chinese NSFC funds (Nos.41272127, 40972025, 40571017)IGCP580
文摘This study carried out comprehensive analysis on sedimentology, magnetic susceptibility (7of) and color data of the continental sediments of the Liupanshan Group in Central China so as to obtain climatic change information during the 129.14-122.98 Ma interval. Based on the results of the Xlf and of the redness (a*), the section can be divided into two segments: (1) 129.14-126.3 Ma, with the lowest Xlf values and strongly variable relatively high values of redness and (2) 126.3-122.98 Ma, with high Elf values and relatively low redness. Analysis of the lithology and facies as well as the magnetic minerals and their contents points to a detrital origin of the magnetic minerals and this allow us to interpret the relationship between magnetic susceptibility variations and climate changes. Our study shows that the climate was significantly dry and hot during the whole studied interval although the interval between 126.3 Ma and 122.98 was a little bit cooler with increased humidity.
基金This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation(Grant No.40032010B)
文摘Magnetic susceptibility(MS)data were obtained from 11 sections of the Doushantuo(Edicaran)cap carbonate that directly overlies the Nantuo glacial diamictite in the southeastern margin of the Yangtze plat-form.The MS data revealed two regionally correlatable peaks at the bottom and top of the cap carbonate,sepa-rated by an interval of low values.The lower MS peak coincides with high percentage of insoluble siliciclastic residues that are compositionally identical to the matrix of the underlying diamictite,suggesting its origin con-trolled mainly by detrital components during the first phase of cap carbonate deposition at the end of the glacia-tion.The upper MS peak is associated with high clay content and iron sulfides,and can be interpreted as either derived from enhanced greenhouse weathering that could have brought more terrigenous components into the ocean,or the result of ocean anoxia at the late stage of cap carbonate deposition that could led to formation of abundant iron sulfides.The regionally consistent MS curves from the cap carbonates provided the first geo-physical record for the rapid climate change from icehouse to greenhouse conditions in the aftermath of the Neoproterozoic“snowball Earth”event.
基金co-supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grants No.41421002, 41372037,41372036,41372020 and 41002052)
文摘Objective Aeolian sediments on the Chinese Loess Plateau contain some of the best continental archives of palaeoclimate change in the Late Cenozoic. The consensus that alternating MS in loess-paleosols in China was due to the strengthening and weakening of the East Asian palaeomonsoon provides an excellent climate record when correlated with global ice volume. Significantly, new basal dates from the red clay underlying the loess-paleosol sequence indicate that wind-blown dust began to accumulate on the Chinese Loess Plateau at least 22 million years ago. There are differences of opinion,
基金supported by the National Major Science and Technology Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China(2016ZX05026-004-001)the Major Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41790453)+1 种基金the Natural Science Foundation of Jilin Province(20170101001JC)the Supported by Graduate Innovation Fund of Jilin University(101832020CX200)。
文摘Based on the volume magnetic susceptibility and specific gravity measurements and mineral and lithologic identification results for 540 samples,the rock type,density,and magnetic susceptibility of rocks from northern Borneo were analyzed,and the applicability of gravity and magnetic data to the lithologic identification of the Mesozoic strata in the southern South China Sea was assessed accordingly.The results show that there are 3 types and 25 subtypes of rocks in northern Borneo,mainly intermediate-mafic igneous rocks and exogenous clastic sedimentary rocks,with small amounts of endogenous sedimentary rocks,felsic igneous rocks,and metamorphic rocks.The rocks that are very strongly-strongly magnetic and have high-medium densities are mostly igneous rocks,tuffaceous sandstones,and their metamorphic equivalents.The rocks that are weakly magnetic-non-magnetic and have medium-very low densities are mostly conglomerates,sandstones,siltstones,mudstones,and coal.The rocks that are weakly magnetic-diamagnetic and have highmedium densities are mostly limestones and siliceous rocks.The Cenozoic rocks are characterized by low densities and medium susceptibilities;the Mesozoic rocks are characterized by medium densities and medium-high susceptibilities;and the pre-Mesozoic rocks are characterized by high densities and low magnetism.Based on these results and the distribution characteristics of the various rock types,it was found that the pre-Mesozoic rocks produce weak regional gravity anomalies;the Mesozoic sedimentary rocks produce negative regional gravity anomalies;whereas the Mesozoic igneous rocks produce positive regional gravity anomalies;and the Cenozoic igneous rocks produce positive regional gravity anomalies.The regional high magnetic anomalies in the southern part of the South China Sea originate from the Mesozoic mafic igneous rocks and their metamorphic equivalents;and the regional medium magnetic anomalies may be produced by the felsic igneous rocks and their metamorphic equivalents.Accordingly,the identification of the Mesozoic lithology in the southern South China Sea shows that the Mesozoic sedimentary rocks are distributed over a large area of the southern South China Sea.Thus,it is concluded that the Mesozoic strata in this area have the potential for oil and gas exploration.
基金financially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant No.41572185)
文摘Objective As the world's third largest volcanic type uranium ore field,the Xiangshan volcanic basin has attracted much attention for its large industrial value.The ore hosting rocks are mainly the early Cretaceous rhyodacite and porphyroclastic lava,as well as small amounts of high level intrusive acidic rocks and metamorphic rocks.
文摘The structural and magnetic properties of an oxide-fluoride mixed vitreous matrix 2B2O3-SrF2, were explored by using Fe impurities as probes. Information about the structural units involving iron ions, their valence state, the strengths and type of interactions involving them was obtained using EPR spectroscopy and magnetic susceptibility measurements.
基金supported by the research grant from the Polish Ministry of Science and Tertiary Education in the years 2006-2009
文摘The three sets of crystal field parameters (CFPs) obtained from spectroscopic and magnetic susceptibility studies of Tb3+(4f^8) ions in TbAlO3 by Gruber et al. (J. Lumin. 128 (2008) 1271) were reanalyzed. These sets, fitted from experimental energy levels, are physically equivalent and correspond to specific choices of the axis system. Proper interpretation of experimental data for Tb3+ ions at monoclinic C8 symmetry sites in TbAlO3 crystal requires clarification of several intricate low syrmnetry aspects, namely, (a) three equivalent forms of monoclinic CF Hamiltouian, (b) relative orientation of the crystallographic axis system w.r.t, the symmetry-adapted axis system, (c) monoclinic standardization of CFPs, (d) distinction between the actual and apparent low symmetry effects exhibited by CFPs, and (e) nominal nature of all fitted CFP sets. For this purpose, modeling of CFPs for Tb3+ in TbAlO3 was carried out using at the first stage only the Coulomb, i.e. point charge, eonlribntions in the exchange charge model. The point charge model calculated CFPs disagree with the experimental CFPs, especially the rank k=6 CFPs. To explain this discrepancy and to verify the correcmess of the theoretical CFP calculations additionally the superposition model was employed. The methods of analysis and modeling of CFP sets for monoclinic symmetry cases proposed here proved useful for the studied case as well as might be used for other ion-host systems exhibiting monoclinic or triclinic local site symmetry. Partial results for Tb3+ ions in TbAlO3 were presented here, whereas detailed results were given in a follow-up paper.
文摘The role of metakaolin in the properties of Portland cement hydrated with ground water and sea water was described by magnetic susceptibility study. Cement pastes containing 0wt%, 10wt%, 20wt% and 30wt% replacement of metakaolin and in a water/cement (W/C) ratio of 0.4 were prepared. The susceptibility at different hydration periods was determined by Faraday Curie balance and it was related to the changes in setting time and compressive strength of admixtured cement. Compared with sea water-treated cement paste, the magnetic susceptibility of ground water-treated cement paste is higher in value. The observed result shows that, irrespective of water, the magnetic susceptibility increases with increasing metakaolin percentage replacement level in cement.
文摘By using EPR and magnetic susceptibility measurements, the Cr ion distribution in the xCr2O3.(1-x)[70TeO2·25B2O3·5PbO] glasses with 0<x≤20 mol% was studied. EPR investigation evidencedthe presence of Cr3+ ions in agreement with the experimentally obtained atomic magnetic moment values. For concentrations x≤3 mol%, the isolated Cr3+ ions coexist with those coupledby dipole-dipole interactions. For x>3 mol%, the Cr3+ ions participate in superexchange interactions and are predominantly antiferromagnetically coupled.
文摘Iron ions were used as probes to explore the structural and magnetic properties of 70TeO2'25B2O3' 5SrF2 vitreous matrix. The distribution of Fe3+ ions on different structural aggregates was revealed by means of EPR, as depending on Fe2O3 concentration. Strongly distorted octahedral sites were detected for the isolated paramagnetic ions, and also clusters of Fe ions especially at high Fe2O3 content of samples. Magnetic susceptibility measurements evidenced both dipoledipole and superexchange type interactions involving iron ions. Mixed valence states of iron ions were also detected
文摘This paper has advanced a new method for determining historical earthquakes. Its object of study is lake sediments. The research method is environmental magnetism represented by susceptibility. The purpose is extracting historical earthquake informations from lake sediments to explore the correlation between the turbidity current sediments initiated by the earthquakes and historical earthquakes round Fuxian Lake.
基金supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China(Grant No.52208379)which is deeply appreciated.This research was partially supported by the Grant-in-Aid Scientific Research(B)(Grant No.17H03304)Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS),which is also deeply appreciated.This work was also supported by the Key Laboratory of Geotechnical and Underground Engineering of Ministry of Education,Tongji University,China(Grant No.KLE-TJGE-B2103).
文摘It is well known that fabric of sand may significantly affect mechanical behaviors and liquefaction resistance of sand.Various optical techniques are currently utilized to visualize the fabric,especially the distribution of the long axis of soil particles.However,none of these methods provides an ideal solution in laboratory tests and in situ observation.In this study,anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility(AMS)was first proposed as a convenient and efficient way to evaluate the liquefaction of clean sand.At first,investigations with scanning electron microscopy(SEM)and AMS were simultaneously conducted on two groups of soil specimens with different initial fabrics to verify the feasibility of the AMS technique.Then,80 in situ samples were collected to analyze the feature of liquefied and non-liquefied sand layers through AMS tests.It is clearly known from the test results that the natural sedimentary fabric was destroyed during liquefaction and the fabric anisotropy was greatly changed after liquefaction.The feasibility of evaluating soil fabric using the AMS survey was verified by the laboratory tests.Furthermore,the applicability of AMS in detecting liquefied layer in situ was confirmed for the first time.
基金the Basic Research Project(C123000,C210200,C310200,&C421000)of the Korea Basic Science Institute(KBSI)funded by the Korea Ministry of Science and ICT(MSIT)the Technology Development Program to Solve Climate Changes through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF)funded by MSIT(NRF-2021M1A2A2038141).O.H.Han thanks to Prof.I.S.Yang at Ewha Womans University for insightful discussion.
文摘Despite the proficiency of lithium(Li)-7 NMR spectroscopy in delineating the physical and chemical states of Li metal electrodes,challenges in specimen preparation and interpretation impede its progress.In this study,we conducted a comprehensive postmortem analysis utilizing ^(7)Li NMR,employing a stan-dard magic angle spinning probe to examine protective-layer coated Li metal electrodes and LiAg alloy electrodes against bare Li metal electrodes within Li metal batteries(LMBs).Our investigation explores the effects of sample burrs,alignment with the magnetic field,the existence of liquid electrolytes,and precycling on the ^(7)Li NMR signals.Through contrasting NMR spectra before and after cycling,we identi-fied alterations in Li^(0) and Li^(+) signals attributable to the degradation of the Li metal electrode.Our NMR analyses decisively demonstrate the efficacy of the protective layer in mitigating dendrite and solid elec-trolyte interphase formation.Moreover,we noted that Li*ions near the Li metal surface exhibit magnetic susceptibility anisotropy,revealing a novel approach to studying diamagnetic species on Li metal elec-trodes in LMBs.This study provides valuable insights and practical guidelines for characterizing distinct lithium states within LMBs.
基金Rock magnetic instruments used in this work are procured with the funding from CEMIE Geo project 207032(Fondo de Sustentabilidad Energética de CONACy T-SENER,Government of Mexico)。
文摘The studies on hydrothermal alteration-induced eff ects in surface and subsurface rocks provide useful information in the characterization and exploitation of a geothermal reservoir.Generally,these studies are based on traditional,and reliable methods like petrography(primary and secondary minerals,and grade of alteration),and geochemistry(mobility of elements,changes in mass and concentration of elements,and fluid inclusions).Recently,apart from these established methods,some methods based on the geochemical(Chemical Index of Alteration,CIA;Weathering Index of Parkar,WIP;Loss on Ignition,LOI;and Sulfur,S)and rock magnetic properties(magnetic susceptibility,χlf;and percentage frequency-dependent susceptibility,χfd%)are also being applied in the identification of whether a rock is an altered or a fresh one.The Acoculco Geothermal Field(AGF),Mexico,is characterized by high temperature and very low permeability,and it is considered a promissory Enhanced Geothermal System.The following changes are observed in the rocks as a result of an increase in hydrothermal alteration:(1)an increase in CIA,LOI,and S values,and a decrease in WIP;(2)an increase in quartz and quartz polymorph minerals(silicification),and clay minerals(argillization);and(3)decrease inχlf values.At AGF,the most altered surface acid rocks are characterized by entirely quartz and its polymorphs,and clay minerals.The present study also indicates the applicability of the binary plots of major elements(felsic vs mafic component)and rock magnetic parameters(χlf vs.χfd%).The rock withχfd%value of 2-10 andχlf value<0.5×10^(-6)m^(3) kg^(-1)indicate the presence of single domain and stable single domain grains,which in turn suggests that it is an altered rock.These methods are simple to apply,rapid,reliable,and have the potential to become eff ective tools for the identifi cation of hydrothermally altered rocks during the initial stage of geothermal exploration.
基金This work was supported by the National Key Basic Research Special Fund Project(Grants 1999043401)the.Basic Research Projects of the Ministry of Land and Resources of China(Grants 991005)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grants 49972060).
文摘The Mangshan Yuan is a loess platform on the southern bank of the Yellow River, which is located in northwestern Zhengzhou of Henan Province, China. The typical Zhaoxiayu section of the Mangshan Yuan preserves stratigraphical loess units above S10 with a total thickness of 172.1 m, which includes 15.7 m of the last interglacial paleosol S1, 77.3 m of the last glacial loess L1 that consist of 41.6 m of the late stade L1LL1, 13.2 m of the interstade L1SS1 and 22.5 m of the early stade L1LL2. Based on the age marking points by correlating magnetic susceptibility of the section with the SPECMAP curve, the timescale of the section was constructed, and the average accumulation rate and the resolution of each loess strata over the S2 were subsequently calculated using the susceptibility age model. The results indicate that strata units developed in the glacial, interglacial stages, stadial and interstadial show substantial differences in grain size, average accumulation rate and time resolution ub the Zhaoxiayu section. Specifically, the average accumulation rate of the loess L1LL1 is 3.45 mm/a, whereas that of paleosol S1 is only 0.28 mm/a. Based on the high-resolution records of magnetic susceptibility and >45μm fraction percentage of the loess-paleosol, the summer and winter monsoon variations as well as their interrelations since the last interglaciation have been discussed, which were correlated with the SPECMAP and the GRIP climate records.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.40371056)the Natural Science Foun-dation of Zhejiang Province, China (No.R305078).
文摘Concentrations of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) and various magnetic parameters in contaminated urban roadside soils were investigated using chemical analysis and magnetic measurements. The results revealed highly elevated Cu and Zn concentrations as well as magnetic susceptibility in the roadside soils. The mean concentrations of Cu and Zn in these roadside soils were almost twice those in average Chinese soils, with the mean magnetic susceptibility of the roadside soils reaching about 179 ×10^-8 m^3 kg^-1. This enhanced magnetic susceptibility was attributed to the presence of anthropogenic soft ferrimagnetic particles. A low frequency-dependent susceptibility (2.5%± 1.0%) observed in the roadside soils indicated the coarse multidomain (MD) ferrimagnetic grains to be the dominant contributor to magnetic susceptibility. The Cu and Zn concentration of the soils had highly significant linear correlations with magnetic susceptibility (P 〈 0.01), anhysteretic remanent magnetization (P 〈 0.01), and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (P 〈 0.01). This suggested that heavy metals were associated with ferrimagnetic particles in soils, which were attributed to input of traffic emissions and industrial activities. Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectra of magnetic extracts of the roadside soils further suggested the llnk between the magnetic signal and concentrations of heavy metals. Thus, the magnetic parameters could provide a proxy measure for the level of heavy metal contamination and could be a potential tool for the detection and mapping of contaminated soils.
文摘Some alternative methods for estimating soil erosion rates rapidly were used to elucidate the relationship between the land use types and land degradation. The 137 Cs content, magnetic susceptibility, aggregate stability, and soil properties were studied in the Dongxi River Basin, a mountainous area of western Fujian. A plot of 137 Cs inventory (Y) against slope angle (X) shows a strong inverse log log relationship ( r = -0.83 ), indicating that much more soil erosion occurs on steeper slopes. Average soil loss (in thickness of top soil per year) in the past 30 years for arable slope crest, arable slopes and tea plantation slopes are 1.6 , 10.4 and 8.0 mm year -1 respectively. The surface layer enrichment factor of magnetic susceptibility (Y) in soil also shows an inverse log log relationship ( r =-0.63), indicating a similar tendency with the relationship between the 137 Cs inventory (Y) against slope angle (X). The physical and chemical properties of soils among different land use types show different degraded characteristics at different significant levels.
文摘Five soils derived from different parent materials were sampled from red soilregion of southern China and studied by magnetic methodology to understand to what extent ironreduction would affect soil magnetic properties and how iron reduction would affect the magneticminerals in soils. Reduction associated with organic matter decomposition strongly affected soilmagnetic parameters at low pH. The losses of original soil magnetic signals in terms of magneticsusceptibility (X), 'Soft' isothermal remanent magnetization ('Soft' IRM), anhysteretic remanentmagnetization (ARM) and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM) at pH 4~6 during thetwo-month saturation treatment, were 66%~94%, 54%~90%, 64%~95% and 33%~83%, respectively. Thesechanges were interpreted as a consequence of substantial dissolution of maghaemite and haematite inthe soils. At pH 10, however, there was no significant magnetic change observed. Moreover, stablesingle domain soil maghaemite grains were also sensitive to reduction, which suggested that bothpedogenic and detrital maghaemite were not stable in acid and reducing environments. Goethite,instead, was the most stable iron form under reducing conditions.