The traditional Chinese medicine of Radix Hedysari plays an important role in invigorating gas for ascending, benefiting blood for promoting production of fluid, and promoting circulation for removing obstruction in c...The traditional Chinese medicine of Radix Hedysari plays an important role in invigorating gas for ascending, benefiting blood for promoting production of fluid, and promoting circulation for removing obstruction in collaterals, which is consistent with the principle of treatment for osteoporosis. This study is designed to investigate the bioactive components on increasing peak bone mass (PBM) by exploring the spectrum-effect relationship between chromatography fingerprints and effect. Multiple indicators are selected to evaluate the pharmacological activity. In fingerprints, 21 common peaks are obtained, five of which are identified. Furthermore, gray relational analysis (GRA) is a quantitative method of gray system theory and is used to describe the correlation degree of common peaks and pharmacological activities with relational value. 21 components are then divided into three different regions, of which ononin and calycosin play an extremely significant role in increasing PBM. In addition, factor analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) are used to screen the optimal producing area for Radix Hedysari. This provides a comprehensive and efficient method to improve the quality evaluation of Radix Hedysari, confirming the bioactive components for PBM-enhancement and further develop its medicinal value.展开更多
Dependence of decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (DMCPS) organosilicon dissociation on ionized energy in the energy range of 25 eV to 70 eV is investigated by using a quadrupole mass spectrometry. At the ionized energy be...Dependence of decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (DMCPS) organosilicon dissociation on ionized energy in the energy range of 25 eV to 70 eV is investigated by using a quadrupole mass spectrometry. At the ionized energy below 55 eV, the dissociation of DMCPS is dominant. As the ionized energy is above 55 eV, the DMCPS dissociation achieves the maximum cross section, while the fragments from the DMCPS dissociation can further dissociate, which leads to a different ingredient of fragments. At the lower ionized energy of 25 eV, the main fragments are SiOC2H+, SiCH+, Si+, O+ and CH+ ions, which shows an important effect on the SiCOH low-k film deposition.展开更多
Based on the meson-meson mixing and Regge trajectory, this paper establishes the mass relations which can describe the mass spectrum of 1^1 P1 meson state. Using these mass relations, it obtains the mass of K1B, hi (...Based on the meson-meson mixing and Regge trajectory, this paper establishes the mass relations which can describe the mass spectrum of 1^1 P1 meson state. Using these mass relations, it obtains the mass of K1B, hi (1380) and hc(1P) to be 1358.5MeV, 1468 MeV and 3543.9 MeV, respectively. The results are compared with other theoretical results and should be tested by experiments in the future.展开更多
Based on the mechanism for mass creation in the space-time with extradimensions proposed in our previous work, (arXiv: 1301.1405 [hep-th] 2013) we consider now the mass spectrum of vector bosons in extradimensions. It...Based on the mechanism for mass creation in the space-time with extradimensions proposed in our previous work, (arXiv: 1301.1405 [hep-th] 2013) we consider now the mass spectrum of vector bosons in extradimensions. It is shown that this spectrum is completely determined by some function of compactification length and closely related to the metric of extradimensions.展开更多
In this paper, we solve the eigen solutions to the Dirac equation with local parabolic potential which is approximately equal to the short distance potential generated by spinor itself. The energy spectrum is quite di...In this paper, we solve the eigen solutions to the Dirac equation with local parabolic potential which is approximately equal to the short distance potential generated by spinor itself. The energy spectrum is quite different from that with Coulomb potential. The mass spectrum of some bary-ons is similar to this one. The angular momentum-mass relation is quite similar to the Regge trajectories. The parabolic potential has a structure of asymptotic freedom near the center and confinement at a large distance. So, the results imply that, the local parabolic potential may be more suitable for describing the nuclear potential. The procedure of solving can also be used for some other cases of Dirac equation with complicated potential.展开更多
In this study, we selected adult normal pituitary gland tissues from six patients during operations for pituitary microadenomas via the transsphenoidal approach for extended normal pituitary tissue resection around th...In this study, we selected adult normal pituitary gland tissues from six patients during operations for pituitary microadenomas via the transsphenoidal approach for extended normal pituitary tissue resection around the tumor, and analyzed the protein expression of human normal pituitary using two-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatography combined with LTQ-Orbitrap mass spectrometry proteomics technology. The ten most highly expressed proteins in normal human pituitary were: alpha 3 type VI collagen isoform 5 precursor (abundance among tall pituitary proteins 1.30%), fibrinogen beta chain preproprotein (0.99%), vimentin (0.73%), prolactin (0.69%), ATP synthase, H~ transporting and mitochondrial F1 complex beta subunit precursor (0.52%), keratin I (0.49%), growth hormone (0.45%), carbonic anhydrase I (0.40%), heat shock protein 90 kDa I (0.31%), and annexin V (0.30%). Based on the biological function classifications of these proteins, the top three categories by content were neuroendocrine proteins (abundance among all pituitary proteins, 40.1%), catalytic and metabolic proteins (28.3%), and cell signal transduction proteins (9.8%). Based on cell positioning classification, the top three categories were cell organelle (24.5%) membrane (20.8%), and cytoplasm (13.0%). Based on biological process classification, the top three categories of proteins are involved in physiological processes (42.9%), cellular processes (40.4%), and regulation of biological processes (9.1%). Our experimental findings indicate that a protein expression profile database of normal human pituitary can be precisely and efficiently established by proteomics technology.展开更多
Some interferences are often encountered in accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) measurements, espe-cially for medium-heavy nuclide measurement. It is difficult for online discrimination of the nuclide of interest from...Some interferences are often encountered in accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) measurements, espe-cially for medium-heavy nuclide measurement. It is difficult for online discrimination of the nuclide of interest from the interfering ones. In order to solve this problem, we developed a method to simulate the experimental spectra of medium-heavy nuclides in AMS measurements. The results obtained from this method are in good agreement with experimental values.展开更多
We study galaxy distributions with Sloan Digital Sky Survey SDSS DR14 data and with simulations searching for variables that can constrain neutrino masses. To be specific, we consider the scenario of three active neut...We study galaxy distributions with Sloan Digital Sky Survey SDSS DR14 data and with simulations searching for variables that can constrain neutrino masses. To be specific, we consider the scenario of three active neutrino eigenstates with approximately the same mass, so Σmv=3mv. Fitting the predictions of the ΛCDM model to the Sachs-Wolfe effect, σ8, the galaxy power spectrum Pga1(k) , fluctuations of galaxy counts in spheres of radii ranging from 16/h to 128/h Mpc, Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) measurements, and h=0.678±0.009, in various combinations, with free spectral index n, and free galaxy bias and galaxy bias slope, we obtain consistent measurements of Σmv. The results depend on h, so we have presented confidence contours in the (Σmv, h) plane. A global fit with h=0.678±0.009 obtains eV, and the amplitude and spectral index of the power spectrum of linear density fluctuations P(k): , and n=1.021±0.075. The fit also returns the galaxy bias b including its scale dependence.展开更多
The fragmentation patterns of anhydro sugars 1—6 in electron impact mass spectrometry have been proposed, and verified by means of metastable ions scanning method.
The chemical shifts of 1H-NMR of five Fe_3S_3 cluster compounds were assigned. The main chemical shift values are: δ_ CH_3=1.095-1.946, δ_ CH_2=2.882-3\^803, δ_ C_6H_n=7.547-7.172. In comparison with those of...The chemical shifts of 1H-NMR of five Fe_3S_3 cluster compounds were assigned. The main chemical shift values are: δ_ CH_3=1.095-1.946, δ_ CH_2=2.882-3\^803, δ_ C_6H_n=7.547-7.172. In comparison with those of pure (CH_3CH_2)_3N and thiophenol, these values are moved to high position, and the width of these peaks is obviously increased. These characteristics conformed to NMR spectra of paramagnetic compounds and their molecular structures. The paramagnetic property of these compounds was also studied with ESR spectrum. Mass spectra of three compounds were determined. The main fragments were observed, for example, m/z: 130〔(C_2H_5)_4N〕+, 264〔Fe_3S_3〕+, 144〔Fe-S-Fe〕+, 120〔S-Fe-S〕+, 88〔Fe-S〕+, 136〔FeBr〕+, 91〔FeCl〕+ etc. These supported structural characteristics of the anion skeleton and molecules strongly. The possible mechanism of fragmentation was discussed.展开更多
Nitrogen-15 isotope-modified compounds are widely used in medicine, pharmacology, agriculture and various fields of science and their nomenclature is gradually increasing. Their widespread use depends on the availabil...Nitrogen-15 isotope-modified compounds are widely used in medicine, pharmacology, agriculture and various fields of science and their nomenclature is gradually increasing. Their widespread use depends on the availability of inexpensive and simple isotope analysis methods. The present article is an attempt to determine the nitrogen-15 isotope content directly in organic compounds without their conversion. The general principle of possibility of determination of the isotopes of nitrogen directly in organic compounds is proposed. Based on the study of mass-spectra of Carbamide Carbonyldiamide, isocyanic acid and nitrobenzene the mass peaks are selected, by which it is possible to determine the atomic fraction of the isotopes of nitrogen. The respective formulas are proposed.展开更多
We analyzed two types of crude oil samples: Middle Eastern crude oil and Texas crude oil by using a residual gas analyzer (RGA) based on the linear quadrupole principle. This portable mass analyzer is capable of measu...We analyzed two types of crude oil samples: Middle Eastern crude oil and Texas crude oil by using a residual gas analyzer (RGA) based on the linear quadrupole principle. This portable mass analyzer is capable of measuring hydrocarbons with masses of up to 300 atomic mass units (amu) as well as low mass targets, such as methane and carbon dioxide at ppm level concentrations. The generated mass spectra revealed differences in the composition and signal intensity of hydrocarbons of Middle Eastern and Texas crude oil samples. Even if RGA 300 is manufactured to be served as a detailed gas analysis of vacuum systems, we have shown that it is sensitively capable of detection of hydrocarbons and it enables one to qualitative and quantitative analysis of the composition of the crude oils.展开更多
Mass spectrometry is an essential part of ion implantation. Therefore, in order to guarantee beam purity avoiding contamination of the implanted samples, a system was developed for the high current implanter at the La...Mass spectrometry is an essential part of ion implantation. Therefore, in order to guarantee beam purity avoiding contamination of the implanted samples, a system was developed for the high current implanter at the Laboratory of Accelerators and Radiation Technologies (LATR) at the Instituto Superior Técnico. The system presented and discussed in this paper was developed using a LabVIEW code and uses a PC to control and display the mass spectrum. It also permits to save all data acquired for posterior analysis. In order to show some capabilities of this system, some experimental results are presented.展开更多
Promotion is an essential element in the marketing mix. It is used by businesses to inform, influence and persuade customers to adopt the products and services they offer. Without promotion, business would be stagnant...Promotion is an essential element in the marketing mix. It is used by businesses to inform, influence and persuade customers to adopt the products and services they offer. Without promotion, business would be stagnant and lack substantial growth because the brands would have low visibility in the market. Moreover, today’s vast and assorted markets comprise of customers with different needs and varied behavior. So it is rarely possible for companies to satisfy all customers by treating them alike. Thus there arises a need to divide the market into segments having customers with similar traits/characteristics. After identifying appropriate market segments, firms can design differentiated promotional campaigns for each segment. At the same time there can be a mass market promotional campaign that reaches different segments with a fixed spectrum. Also since promotional effort resources are limited, one must use them judiciously. In this paper, we formulate mathematical programming problem under repeat purchase scenario, which optimally allocates mass promotional effort resources and differentiated promotional effort resources across the segments dynamically in order to maximize the overall sales obtained from multiple products of a product line under budgetary and minimum sales aspiration level constraint on each product under consideration in each segment. The planning horizon is divided into multi periods, the adoption pattern of each product in each segment is observed in every subinterval and accordingly promotional effort allocations are determined for the next period till we reach the end of planning period. The optimization model has been further extended to incorporate minimum aspiration level constraints on total sales for each product under consideration from all the segments taken together. The non linear programming problem so formulated is solved using differential evolution approach. A numerical example has been discussed to illustrate applicability of the model.展开更多
We theoretically investigate the emission spectrum for a A-type three-level atom trapped in the node of a standing wave. We show that the atomic center-of-mass motion not only directly affects the peak number, peak po...We theoretically investigate the emission spectrum for a A-type three-level atom trapped in the node of a standing wave. We show that the atomic center-of-mass motion not only directly affects the peak number, peak position, and peak height in the atomic emission spectrum, but also influences the effects of the cavity field and the atomic initial state on atomic emission spectrum.展开更多
The full-spectrum least-squares(FSLS) method is introduced to perform quantitative energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis for unknown solid samples.Based on the conventional least-squares principle, this spectr...The full-spectrum least-squares(FSLS) method is introduced to perform quantitative energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis for unknown solid samples.Based on the conventional least-squares principle, this spectrum evaluation method is able to obtain the background-corrected and interference-free net peaks, which is significant for quantization analyses. A variety of analytical parameters and functions to describe the features of the fluorescence spectra of pure elements are used and established, such as the mass absorption coefficient, the Gi factor, and fundamental fluorescence formulas. The FSLS iterative program was compiled in the C language. The content of each component should reach the convergence criterion at the end of the calculations. After a basic theory analysis and experimental preparation, 13 national standard soil samples were detected using a spectrometer to test the feasibility of using the algorithm. The results show that the calculated contents of Ti, Fe, Ni, Cu, and Zn have the same changing tendency as the corresponding standard content in the 13 reference samples. Accuracies of 0.35% and 14.03% are obtained, respectively, for Fe and Ti, whose standard concentrations are 8.82% and 0.578%, respectively. However, the calculated results of trace elements (only tens of lg/g) deviate from the standard values. This may be because of measurement accuracy and mutual effects between the elements.展开更多
基金supported by the National Natural Science Funds of China(Grant No.81703664)Science and Technology Funds of Lanzhou,China(Grant No.201603111)
文摘The traditional Chinese medicine of Radix Hedysari plays an important role in invigorating gas for ascending, benefiting blood for promoting production of fluid, and promoting circulation for removing obstruction in collaterals, which is consistent with the principle of treatment for osteoporosis. This study is designed to investigate the bioactive components on increasing peak bone mass (PBM) by exploring the spectrum-effect relationship between chromatography fingerprints and effect. Multiple indicators are selected to evaluate the pharmacological activity. In fingerprints, 21 common peaks are obtained, five of which are identified. Furthermore, gray relational analysis (GRA) is a quantitative method of gray system theory and is used to describe the correlation degree of common peaks and pharmacological activities with relational value. 21 components are then divided into three different regions, of which ononin and calycosin play an extremely significant role in increasing PBM. In addition, factor analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) are used to screen the optimal producing area for Radix Hedysari. This provides a comprehensive and efficient method to improve the quality evaluation of Radix Hedysari, confirming the bioactive components for PBM-enhancement and further develop its medicinal value.
文摘Dependence of decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (DMCPS) organosilicon dissociation on ionized energy in the energy range of 25 eV to 70 eV is investigated by using a quadrupole mass spectrometry. At the ionized energy below 55 eV, the dissociation of DMCPS is dominant. As the ionized energy is above 55 eV, the DMCPS dissociation achieves the maximum cross section, while the fragments from the DMCPS dissociation can further dissociate, which leads to a different ingredient of fragments. At the lower ionized energy of 25 eV, the main fragments are SiOC2H+, SiCH+, Si+, O+ and CH+ ions, which shows an important effect on the SiCOH low-k film deposition.
文摘Based on the meson-meson mixing and Regge trajectory, this paper establishes the mass relations which can describe the mass spectrum of 1^1 P1 meson state. Using these mass relations, it obtains the mass of K1B, hi (1380) and hc(1P) to be 1358.5MeV, 1468 MeV and 3543.9 MeV, respectively. The results are compared with other theoretical results and should be tested by experiments in the future.
文摘Based on the mechanism for mass creation in the space-time with extradimensions proposed in our previous work, (arXiv: 1301.1405 [hep-th] 2013) we consider now the mass spectrum of vector bosons in extradimensions. It is shown that this spectrum is completely determined by some function of compactification length and closely related to the metric of extradimensions.
文摘In this paper, we solve the eigen solutions to the Dirac equation with local parabolic potential which is approximately equal to the short distance potential generated by spinor itself. The energy spectrum is quite different from that with Coulomb potential. The mass spectrum of some bary-ons is similar to this one. The angular momentum-mass relation is quite similar to the Regge trajectories. The parabolic potential has a structure of asymptotic freedom near the center and confinement at a large distance. So, the results imply that, the local parabolic potential may be more suitable for describing the nuclear potential. The procedure of solving can also be used for some other cases of Dirac equation with complicated potential.
基金supported by the National NaturalScience Foundation of China, No. 81200890
文摘In this study, we selected adult normal pituitary gland tissues from six patients during operations for pituitary microadenomas via the transsphenoidal approach for extended normal pituitary tissue resection around the tumor, and analyzed the protein expression of human normal pituitary using two-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatography combined with LTQ-Orbitrap mass spectrometry proteomics technology. The ten most highly expressed proteins in normal human pituitary were: alpha 3 type VI collagen isoform 5 precursor (abundance among tall pituitary proteins 1.30%), fibrinogen beta chain preproprotein (0.99%), vimentin (0.73%), prolactin (0.69%), ATP synthase, H~ transporting and mitochondrial F1 complex beta subunit precursor (0.52%), keratin I (0.49%), growth hormone (0.45%), carbonic anhydrase I (0.40%), heat shock protein 90 kDa I (0.31%), and annexin V (0.30%). Based on the biological function classifications of these proteins, the top three categories by content were neuroendocrine proteins (abundance among all pituitary proteins, 40.1%), catalytic and metabolic proteins (28.3%), and cell signal transduction proteins (9.8%). Based on cell positioning classification, the top three categories were cell organelle (24.5%) membrane (20.8%), and cytoplasm (13.0%). Based on biological process classification, the top three categories of proteins are involved in physiological processes (42.9%), cellular processes (40.4%), and regulation of biological processes (9.1%). Our experimental findings indicate that a protein expression profile database of normal human pituitary can be precisely and efficiently established by proteomics technology.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.10175094) and the Science Foundation of Guangxi University (X022013)
文摘Some interferences are often encountered in accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) measurements, espe-cially for medium-heavy nuclide measurement. It is difficult for online discrimination of the nuclide of interest from the interfering ones. In order to solve this problem, we developed a method to simulate the experimental spectra of medium-heavy nuclides in AMS measurements. The results obtained from this method are in good agreement with experimental values.
文摘We study galaxy distributions with Sloan Digital Sky Survey SDSS DR14 data and with simulations searching for variables that can constrain neutrino masses. To be specific, we consider the scenario of three active neutrino eigenstates with approximately the same mass, so Σmv=3mv. Fitting the predictions of the ΛCDM model to the Sachs-Wolfe effect, σ8, the galaxy power spectrum Pga1(k) , fluctuations of galaxy counts in spheres of radii ranging from 16/h to 128/h Mpc, Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) measurements, and h=0.678±0.009, in various combinations, with free spectral index n, and free galaxy bias and galaxy bias slope, we obtain consistent measurements of Σmv. The results depend on h, so we have presented confidence contours in the (Σmv, h) plane. A global fit with h=0.678±0.009 obtains eV, and the amplitude and spectral index of the power spectrum of linear density fluctuations P(k): , and n=1.021±0.075. The fit also returns the galaxy bias b including its scale dependence.
文摘The fragmentation patterns of anhydro sugars 1—6 in electron impact mass spectrometry have been proposed, and verified by means of metastable ions scanning method.
文摘The chemical shifts of 1H-NMR of five Fe_3S_3 cluster compounds were assigned. The main chemical shift values are: δ_ CH_3=1.095-1.946, δ_ CH_2=2.882-3\^803, δ_ C_6H_n=7.547-7.172. In comparison with those of pure (CH_3CH_2)_3N and thiophenol, these values are moved to high position, and the width of these peaks is obviously increased. These characteristics conformed to NMR spectra of paramagnetic compounds and their molecular structures. The paramagnetic property of these compounds was also studied with ESR spectrum. Mass spectra of three compounds were determined. The main fragments were observed, for example, m/z: 130〔(C_2H_5)_4N〕+, 264〔Fe_3S_3〕+, 144〔Fe-S-Fe〕+, 120〔S-Fe-S〕+, 88〔Fe-S〕+, 136〔FeBr〕+, 91〔FeCl〕+ etc. These supported structural characteristics of the anion skeleton and molecules strongly. The possible mechanism of fragmentation was discussed.
文摘Nitrogen-15 isotope-modified compounds are widely used in medicine, pharmacology, agriculture and various fields of science and their nomenclature is gradually increasing. Their widespread use depends on the availability of inexpensive and simple isotope analysis methods. The present article is an attempt to determine the nitrogen-15 isotope content directly in organic compounds without their conversion. The general principle of possibility of determination of the isotopes of nitrogen directly in organic compounds is proposed. Based on the study of mass-spectra of Carbamide Carbonyldiamide, isocyanic acid and nitrobenzene the mass peaks are selected, by which it is possible to determine the atomic fraction of the isotopes of nitrogen. The respective formulas are proposed.
文摘We analyzed two types of crude oil samples: Middle Eastern crude oil and Texas crude oil by using a residual gas analyzer (RGA) based on the linear quadrupole principle. This portable mass analyzer is capable of measuring hydrocarbons with masses of up to 300 atomic mass units (amu) as well as low mass targets, such as methane and carbon dioxide at ppm level concentrations. The generated mass spectra revealed differences in the composition and signal intensity of hydrocarbons of Middle Eastern and Texas crude oil samples. Even if RGA 300 is manufactured to be served as a detailed gas analysis of vacuum systems, we have shown that it is sensitively capable of detection of hydrocarbons and it enables one to qualitative and quantitative analysis of the composition of the crude oils.
文摘Mass spectrometry is an essential part of ion implantation. Therefore, in order to guarantee beam purity avoiding contamination of the implanted samples, a system was developed for the high current implanter at the Laboratory of Accelerators and Radiation Technologies (LATR) at the Instituto Superior Técnico. The system presented and discussed in this paper was developed using a LabVIEW code and uses a PC to control and display the mass spectrum. It also permits to save all data acquired for posterior analysis. In order to show some capabilities of this system, some experimental results are presented.
文摘Promotion is an essential element in the marketing mix. It is used by businesses to inform, influence and persuade customers to adopt the products and services they offer. Without promotion, business would be stagnant and lack substantial growth because the brands would have low visibility in the market. Moreover, today’s vast and assorted markets comprise of customers with different needs and varied behavior. So it is rarely possible for companies to satisfy all customers by treating them alike. Thus there arises a need to divide the market into segments having customers with similar traits/characteristics. After identifying appropriate market segments, firms can design differentiated promotional campaigns for each segment. At the same time there can be a mass market promotional campaign that reaches different segments with a fixed spectrum. Also since promotional effort resources are limited, one must use them judiciously. In this paper, we formulate mathematical programming problem under repeat purchase scenario, which optimally allocates mass promotional effort resources and differentiated promotional effort resources across the segments dynamically in order to maximize the overall sales obtained from multiple products of a product line under budgetary and minimum sales aspiration level constraint on each product under consideration in each segment. The planning horizon is divided into multi periods, the adoption pattern of each product in each segment is observed in every subinterval and accordingly promotional effort allocations are determined for the next period till we reach the end of planning period. The optimization model has been further extended to incorporate minimum aspiration level constraints on total sales for each product under consideration from all the segments taken together. The non linear programming problem so formulated is solved using differential evolution approach. A numerical example has been discussed to illustrate applicability of the model.
文摘We theoretically investigate the emission spectrum for a A-type three-level atom trapped in the node of a standing wave. We show that the atomic center-of-mass motion not only directly affects the peak number, peak position, and peak height in the atomic emission spectrum, but also influences the effects of the cavity field and the atomic initial state on atomic emission spectrum.
基金supported by the National Key R&D Project of China(No.2017YFC0602100)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41774147)Sichuan Science and Technology Support Program(No.2015GZ0272)
文摘The full-spectrum least-squares(FSLS) method is introduced to perform quantitative energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis for unknown solid samples.Based on the conventional least-squares principle, this spectrum evaluation method is able to obtain the background-corrected and interference-free net peaks, which is significant for quantization analyses. A variety of analytical parameters and functions to describe the features of the fluorescence spectra of pure elements are used and established, such as the mass absorption coefficient, the Gi factor, and fundamental fluorescence formulas. The FSLS iterative program was compiled in the C language. The content of each component should reach the convergence criterion at the end of the calculations. After a basic theory analysis and experimental preparation, 13 national standard soil samples were detected using a spectrometer to test the feasibility of using the algorithm. The results show that the calculated contents of Ti, Fe, Ni, Cu, and Zn have the same changing tendency as the corresponding standard content in the 13 reference samples. Accuracies of 0.35% and 14.03% are obtained, respectively, for Fe and Ti, whose standard concentrations are 8.82% and 0.578%, respectively. However, the calculated results of trace elements (only tens of lg/g) deviate from the standard values. This may be because of measurement accuracy and mutual effects between the elements.