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Human Rights Research Methods in Social Science
作者 FAN JIZENG 《The Journal of Human Rights》 2014年第1期15-22,共8页
Introduction and Motivation Legal science and philosophy are two of the most important dis- ciplines in the field of human rights research, both of them assuming different roles and functions in human rights analysis... Introduction and Motivation Legal science and philosophy are two of the most important dis- ciplines in the field of human rights research, both of them assuming different roles and functions in human rights analysis. Scholars can discuss or debate from a philosophical per- spective such as where the ideology of human rights comes from, what the ontology of human rights is and whether people could legitimate human rights claims on the basis of natural morality. 展开更多
关键词 Human Rights Research methods in Social science
基于CiteSpace和Web of Science分析沉香形成的研究现状与趋势
作者 何周建 叶萌 +2 位作者 浣杰 李一凡 龚潇 《热带农业科学》 2024年第9期106-113,共8页
沉香是我国传统名贵南药,广泛应用于医药、香水、香料、宗教等方面,现已形成了工业、文化产业和农业三大类产业,市场价值极高。本研究在中国知网、维普网和万方数据库中以“沉香结香”为主题词检索,导出1978—2022年发表的文章,利用Cite... 沉香是我国传统名贵南药,广泛应用于医药、香水、香料、宗教等方面,现已形成了工业、文化产业和农业三大类产业,市场价值极高。本研究在中国知网、维普网和万方数据库中以“沉香结香”为主题词检索,导出1978—2022年发表的文章,利用CiteSpace软件进行可视化分析;在Web of Science以“agarwood production method”为检索词,可视化分析1978—2022年发表的外文文献。结果表明,国内沉香结香的研究一共分为3个阶段,1978—2007年为萌芽阶段,仅有零星文章产出;2008—2017年为快速发展阶段,大量文章产出并在2017年达到顶峰(41篇);2018—2022年为稳定阶段,持续产出文章并维持在年均20篇以上;有关沉香结香机理的研究发文量前10的期刊中,90%等级均在科技核心以上,排在前10的研究结构均处于沉香产业发达地区。国外沉香结香的研究起源于2008年,整体发文量趋势逐年增加;被引量前10的期刊均为SCI;研究量前10的国家均为GDP前列的国家。有关沉香自然结香和人工结香差异分析的研究成为当前研究热点,未来如何利用2种不同沉香结香方式的成分差异发展沉香资源,将会是新的研究趋势。本研究结果将为科研人员研究提供进一步参考方向,也为生产种植者提供沉香结香参考。 展开更多
关键词 沉香 结香方式 CITESPACE Web of science 产业发展
Exploration and Practice of"Double Line and Six Coordination"Teaching Method in the Construction of New Agricultural Science Specialty
作者 Wei HUANG Xu HUANG +2 位作者 Min ZHANG Zhongke LI Daobo WANG 《Meteorological and Environmental Research》 CAS 2022年第1期35-37,共3页
Aiming at the main problems existing in the teaching process of new agricultural science,systematic solutions are put forward:(1)creating an agriculture related professional group serving the coordinated development o... Aiming at the main problems existing in the teaching process of new agricultural science,systematic solutions are put forward:(1)creating an agriculture related professional group serving the coordinated development of large-scale operation subjects and small farmers,and fully connecting the coordinated development needs of large-scale operation subjects and small farmers;(2)carrying out all-round agricultural related professional teaching reform,so as to cultivate high-quality talents for the organic connection between small farmers and modern agricultural development;(3)based on agriculture related professional resources,taking multiple measures to improve the social service development ability of secondary vocational schools. 展开更多
关键词 Vocational education Reform in education New agricultural science Teaching methods Applied technology university
基于ISI Web of Science的《中国地理科学》(英文版)文献计量研究 被引量:6
作者 曹会聪 朱立禄 王桂敏 《现代情报》 CSSCI 2014年第1期89-93,共5页
《中国地理科学》(英文版)是我国创办最早的综合性英文地理期刊,分析其发文被引用情况可以了解该刊十几年来变化情况,又可以为刊物今后的发展方向提供依据。本文利用Web of Science的引文检索功能,统计了该刊2002-2012年的被引用情况,... 《中国地理科学》(英文版)是我国创办最早的综合性英文地理期刊,分析其发文被引用情况可以了解该刊十几年来变化情况,又可以为刊物今后的发展方向提供依据。本文利用Web of Science的引文检索功能,统计了该刊2002-2012年的被引用情况,从载文量、篇均被引频次、单篇被引频次、被引频次年代分布、被引论文专业分布和引文类型分布等几个方面,基于地理学学科特点和文献计量学方法进行综合分析,总结该刊目前发展存在的问题及改进措施,以期为刊物发展提供参考,更好地促进地理学科的发展。 展开更多
关键词 《中国地理科学》(英文版)地理学 载文 被引分析 文献计量学
基于Web of Science的循环肿瘤细胞研究态势的文献计量分析 被引量:4
作者 王海涛 《解剖学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期713-720,共8页
目的对循环肿瘤细胞(CTC)研究文献进行计量分析,为准确掌握国际上CTC领域研究态势和选择前沿技术课题提供参考。方法基于Web of Science数据库,借助CiteSpace等分析工具,采用可视化分析、共现分析、引文分析、突发检测等分析方法,对CTC... 目的对循环肿瘤细胞(CTC)研究文献进行计量分析,为准确掌握国际上CTC领域研究态势和选择前沿技术课题提供参考。方法基于Web of Science数据库,借助CiteSpace等分析工具,采用可视化分析、共现分析、引文分析、突发检测等分析方法,对CTC领域文献的分布特征、核心引文、热点领域、研究前沿等进行分析。结果在Web of Science共检索出861条循环肿瘤细胞研究文献题录和28 132条引文。分析显示,近年来CTC领域的研究发展迅速,并已成为肿瘤领域的研究热点之一;美国在CTC研究领域占有绝对优势;中国虽然排名第4,但与美国、德国和日本还存在较大差距;挖掘出了CTC领域的20篇核心引文,掌握了目前CTC的主要研究热点和研究前沿。结论我国亟需进一步加强对CTC的研究,尤其应关注CTC由基础研究向临床研究转化的关键问题,为实现肿瘤的个体化治疗奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 循环肿瘤细胞 CITESPACE Web of science 文献计量法
ISI Web of Science数据库检索系统浅析 被引量:11
作者 阮伟娟 《现代情报》 北大核心 2006年第12期127-128,130,共3页
本文从ISI Web of Knowledge入手引出ISI Web of Science数据库,在简述ISI Web of Science这个多学科综合性学术期刊数据库的特点及其优越性的基础上;逐一介绍此数据库的检索系统所提供的快速检索、普通检索、被引文献检索、化学结构检... 本文从ISI Web of Knowledge入手引出ISI Web of Science数据库,在简述ISI Web of Science这个多学科综合性学术期刊数据库的特点及其优越性的基础上;逐一介绍此数据库的检索系统所提供的快速检索、普通检索、被引文献检索、化学结构检索、高级检索等检索方法;以及检索方法的具体应用和检索结果的处理。 展开更多
关键词 ISI Web of science 外文数据库 全文数据库 检索系统 检索方法 检索结果
国际科学课程教学方法研究的新世纪图景——基于2000-2016年Web of Science数据库的统计和知识图谱分析
作者 李增娇 徐敏华 +1 位作者 张美娇 郑晓蕙 《宁波大学学报(教育科学版)》 2018年第2期116-121,共6页
科学课程对于学生理解科学的本质、提高公民科学素养具有重要作用。选取Web of Science数据库2000-2016年4127篇有关科学课程教学方法的论文,运用文献计量学和科学知识图谱的方法,对国际科学课程教学法的研究现状进行统计与可视化分析... 科学课程对于学生理解科学的本质、提高公民科学素养具有重要作用。选取Web of Science数据库2000-2016年4127篇有关科学课程教学方法的论文,运用文献计量学和科学知识图谱的方法,对国际科学课程教学法的研究现状进行统计与可视化分析。研究表明,新世纪以来,科学课程教学方法研究的热点主要围绕概念教学,研究前沿主要围绕科学论证、有意义评价以及学生合作。美国在科学课程研究方面具有绝对的强势地位,而中国尚未形成足够的国际学术影响力。 展开更多
关键词 科学课程 教学方法 研究现状 知识图谱 CITESPACE
对英文科技期刊约稿的初浅认识和尝试--以Journal of Translational Neuroscience为例 被引量:5
作者 庄颖 张建军 张俊敏 《首都医科大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第5期711-714,共4页
目的作为一本新创的英文期刊,Journal of Translational Neuroscience杂志需要尽快提升其学术水平,扩大其社会影响力,以期能迅速在国际专业学术期刊界占有一席之地,通过约稿获得高质量的学术论文就显得至关重要。方法笔者从找准期刊学... 目的作为一本新创的英文期刊,Journal of Translational Neuroscience杂志需要尽快提升其学术水平,扩大其社会影响力,以期能迅速在国际专业学术期刊界占有一席之地,通过约稿获得高质量的学术论文就显得至关重要。方法笔者从找准期刊学术定位、采取灵活多样的约稿方式、分析解决约稿过程中可能存在的问题以及如何做好约稿后续服务工作等几个方面入手,初浅分析探讨了关于期刊约稿的方式方法。结果通过期刊定位准确锁定目标作者群,依托自身优势资源,参与学术会议,通过编委约稿以及提供优质的后续服务等方法获得稳定的高质量作者群,从而获得持续的优秀稿源。结论拥有持续的高质量稿件是促使期刊进入良性循环的重要保障,通过约稿可以解决新创办的期刊无稿可用和缺少优秀稿件的难题,推动期刊走出困境,渐入正轨。 展开更多
关键词 JOURNAL of TRANSLATIONAL NEUROscience 英文科技期刊 约稿 对策与方法
The Way to Improve the Teaching Quality of the Special English Curriculum for Medical Laboratory Science
作者 韩秋琴 陈培清 +1 位作者 辛晓明 金月玲 《英语广场(学术研究)》 2019年第3期75-77,共3页
Phenomenon: Nowadays, with rapidly developing in medical laboratory science(MLS), new concepts, knowledge and technologies are constantly emerging, which requires medical students to continuously learn to grasp the ne... Phenomenon: Nowadays, with rapidly developing in medical laboratory science(MLS), new concepts, knowledge and technologies are constantly emerging, which requires medical students to continuously learn to grasp the new development trend and the latest research progress. To enable the students to learn and make use of scientific knowledge better, the Special English Curriculum for MLS has been set up, which is very important to non-English-speaking students. However, there are many problems in the course of teaching, so the improved teaching quality of the curriculum is in demand. Approach: In this paper these problems are described and the corresponding advices are proposed from the perspectives of staff room, teachers and students, which are supposed to develop the curriculum for education of the medical laboratory scientists. Findings: To improve the teaching quality of the Special English Curriculum for MLS, the textbook should be appropriately selected or compiled, the novel teaching methods can be applied, and the modern multimedia teaching materials can be adopted.The teachers of the curriculum should be proficient in professional knowledge, English as well as the systematic and scientific teaching methods. The students need to have the courage and determination to overcome the difficulties when they learn the curriculum, and the students who have not did well in their lessons should learn to study by themselves. Insights: The Special English Curriculum for MLS is very important to non-English-speaking students and is kind of difficult for them, the staff room, teachers and students should adjust themselves to teach and learn the curriculum better. 展开更多
关键词 MEDICAL Laboratory science SPECIAL English TEACHING methods MULTIMEDIA TEACHING Materials
国内外创新创业教育研究述评--基于CSSCI数据库和Web of Science数据库的研究 被引量:1
作者 方悦 唐梦雪 +1 位作者 叶兰兰 彭程 《黑河学院学报》 2022年第7期95-99,共5页
以中国知网CSSCI数据库和Web of Science数据库中发表的创新创业教育文献为研究对象,进行文献计量分析和社会网络分析,梳理发展脉络,对比研究差异。结果显示,我国在该领域研究发文数量少,质量不高,专业期刊级别较低。缺乏顶尖院校、研... 以中国知网CSSCI数据库和Web of Science数据库中发表的创新创业教育文献为研究对象,进行文献计量分析和社会网络分析,梳理发展脉络,对比研究差异。结果显示,我国在该领域研究发文数量少,质量不高,专业期刊级别较低。缺乏顶尖院校、研究院和行业龙头企业参与,尚未形成核心作者集群。与国情相关的实证研究少而不精,对社会迫切问题的研究不够深入。近两年,国内的研究热点开始发生变化,如结合了大数据、“互联网+”等。未来创新创业教育领域将更多强调协同创新和交叉融合,这将极大丰富我国创新创业教育的理论基础,并为该领域指明新的方向。 展开更多
关键词 创新创业教育 CSSCI数据库 Web of science数据库 文献计量法 社会网络分析法
Strategic information perception methods and practices in the open source intelligence 被引量:1
作者 曾文 Li Hui 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2018年第3期330-336,共7页
Open source intelligence is one of the most important public data sources for strategic information analysis. One of the primary and core issues of strategic information research is information perception,so this pape... Open source intelligence is one of the most important public data sources for strategic information analysis. One of the primary and core issues of strategic information research is information perception,so this paper mainly expounds the perception method for strategic information perception in the open source intelligence environment as well as the framework and basic process of information perception. This paper argues that in order to match the information perception result with the information depiction result,it conducts practical exploration for the results of information acquisition,perception,depiction and analysis. This paper introduces and develops a monitoring platform for information perception. The results show that the method proposed in this paper is feasible. 展开更多
关键词 open source intelligence (OSINT) open source information (OSIF) information perception methods and practices INFORMATION science and technology
浅谈Web of Science数据库文献初级检索方法 被引量:2
作者 胡雅 孟婷婷 《信息与电脑》 2019年第15期153-154,159,共3页
笔者采用理论与实例相结合的方式,针对如何利用WOS数据库科学、高效检索信息,介绍了WebofScience数据库检索中常用的布尔逻辑算符、双引号和通配符等三种检索符号的使用方式,分析了WebofScience数据库中基本检索、被引参考文献检索和高... 笔者采用理论与实例相结合的方式,针对如何利用WOS数据库科学、高效检索信息,介绍了WebofScience数据库检索中常用的布尔逻辑算符、双引号和通配符等三种检索符号的使用方式,分析了WebofScience数据库中基本检索、被引参考文献检索和高级检索等三种检索功能的使用方法与技巧,以期为科研工作者高效利用WOS数据库的检索方法和技巧提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 Webofscience数据库 文献检索 检索方法
Multiple Hierarchy Decision Analysis of Science Funds Management System
作者 Wang Yuying, Yao Youlei and Wang Baofa Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Beijing, 100083, China 《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》 SCIE EI CSCD 1994年第4期57-64,共8页
This article discusses a multiple hierarchy decision analysis in which the Analytic Hierarchy Process and Delphi method were combined with practice of funds management so as to obtain a scientific management system. T... This article discusses a multiple hierarchy decision analysis in which the Analytic Hierarchy Process and Delphi method were combined with practice of funds management so as to obtain a scientific management system. The design procedures and a practical example have been given to verify the feasibility. The work was supported by China National Natural Science Foundation (NNSF), and the introduced procedures have been used in some departments of the NNSF. 展开更多
关键词 science funds management Decision making AHP Delphi method.
A Comparison between Neutron Activation Analysis and X-Ray Fluorescence Methods in Analyzing the Granite Samples
作者 Hayder Salah Naeem Pegah Moradi Khaniabadi Eid Mahmoud Eid 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2013年第9期803-807,共5页
This study focused on the performance of where elements analysing techniques were used to detect the elements in granite stones. These techniques are NAA (neutron activation analysis) and XRF (X-ray fluorescence).... This study focused on the performance of where elements analysing techniques were used to detect the elements in granite stones. These techniques are NAA (neutron activation analysis) and XRF (X-ray fluorescence). They were applied to detect the elements in samples which had been chosen from different areas of Pulua Penang in Malaysia collected by geophysics group which helped to describe and identify the elements found in the granite stone that were used in the study procedures to control the analytical results. The integration of both methods has enabled the researcher to determine 40 elements in the samples. The numbers of elements detected by XRF analysis method are 12 elements (Ar, K, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn); while, the elements detected by NAA method have three folds of elements with XRF analysis method were 35 elements (Na, AI, Si, K, Ca, Sc,Ti, Mn, Fe, Co, Ga, Ce, As, Br, Rb, Zr, Sb, I, Cs, Ba, La, Nd, Sm, Eu,Tb, Dy, Yb, Lu, Hf, Ta, W, Au, Pa and Np). Seven common elements were detected in both techniques: K, Sc, Ti, V, Mn, Fe and Co. Si has a higher concentration in NAA technique which is 331.8 ppm. Sc has a lower concentration in XRF technique which is 0.25 ppm. Nd has a lower concentration in NAA technique which is 3.09 - 10-5 ppm. Finally, it is found that the NAA is better to detect the elements than XRF. 展开更多
关键词 Radiation science radiation physics NAA XRF analyzing methods.
Against the Authority of Books:Hobbes and the Invention of Political Science
作者 Raffaella Santi 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2019年第12期741-749,共9页
In an age when political thinkers were writing books full of quotations of ancient and modern authors,Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury(1588-1679)developed a philosophical system which was based on scientific method rather ... In an age when political thinkers were writing books full of quotations of ancient and modern authors,Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury(1588-1679)developed a philosophical system which was based on scientific method rather than on the authority of books.He emphasized that the absurdities that philosophers fall into are actually due precisely to a lack of method and to the habit of quoting other thinkers as if the truth was to be found in their words.It is certainly not inappropriate to read what philosophers,historians,and poets wrote,whether for pure amusement or to find intellectual spurs useful for one’s own research and speculation;but the written word should not be confused with the truth.In the investigation aimed at discovering the truth in political matters,the philosopher must use his own intellect,relying on the strength of reasoning.Thus,political philosophy becomes a science:the science of“consequences from the accidents of politic bodies”.With his reflections on scientia civilis,Thomas Hobbes may be considered the inventor of political science. 展开更多
关键词 HOBBES BOOKS doctrinal errors scientific method scientia civilis/political science
What incentives encourage local communities to collect and upload mosquito sound data by using smartphones?A mixed methods study in Tanzania
作者 Rinita Dam Winifrida Mponzi +9 位作者 Dickson Msaky Tumpe Mwandyala Emmanuel W.Kaindoa Marianne E.Sinka Ivan Kiskin Eva Herreros-Moya Janey Messina Syed Ghulam Sarwar Shah Stephen Roberts Kathy J.Willis 《Global Health Research and Policy》 2023年第1期348-362,共15页
Background To detect and identify mosquitoes using their characteristic high-pitched sound,we have developed a smartphone application,known as the‘HumBug sensor’,that records the acoustic signature of this sound,alo... Background To detect and identify mosquitoes using their characteristic high-pitched sound,we have developed a smartphone application,known as the‘HumBug sensor’,that records the acoustic signature of this sound,along with the time and location.This data is then sent remotely to a server where algorithms identify the species according to their distinctive acoustic signature.Whilst this system works well,a key question that remains is what mechanisms will lead to effective uptake and use of this mosquito survey tool?We addressed this question by working with local communities in rural Tanzania and providing three alternative incentives:money only,short message service(SMS)reminders and money,and SMS reminders only.We also had a control group with no incentive.Methods A multi-site,quantitative empirical study was conducted in four villages in Tanzania from April to August 2021.Consenting participants(n=148)were recruited and placed into one of the three intervention arms:monetary incentives only;SMS reminders with monetary incentives;and SMS reminders only.There was also a control group(no intervention).To test effectiveness of the mechanisms,the number of audio uploads to the server of the four trial groups on their specific dates were compared.Qualitative focus group discussions and feedback surveys were also conducted to explore participants’perspectives on their participation in the study and to capture their experiences of using the HumBug sensor.Results Qualitative data analysis revealed that for many participants(37 out of 81),the main motivation expressed was to learn more about the types of mosquitoes present in their houses.Results from the quantitative empirical study indicate that the participants in the‘control’group switched on their HumBug sensors more over the 14-week period(8 out of 14 weeks)when compared to those belonging to the‘SMS reminders and monetary incentives’trial group.These findings are statistically significant(p<0.05 or p>0.95 under a two-sided z-test),revealing that the provision of monetary incentives and sending SMS reminders did not appear to encourage greater number of audio uploads when compared to the control.Conclusions Knowledge on the presence of harmful mosquitoes was the strongest motive for local communities to collect and upload mosquito sound data via the HumBug sensor in rural Tanzania.This finding suggests that most efforts should be made to improve flow of real-time information back to the communities on types and risks associated with mosquitoes present in their houses. 展开更多
关键词 Mosquito surveillance Acoustic recognition HumBug sensor Digital citizen science Community engagement Mixed methods study
Impact of Neuroscience in Middle School Science Education
作者 Rosa Pereira Mariana Guerra Raquel Loureiro 《Psychology Research》 2018年第1期1-5,共5页
关键词 神经科学 科学教育 中学 学习方法论 学术讨论 解释模型 实验室 研究人员
作者 郝家亿 王玉琢 章成志 《科技情报研究》 2025年第1期16-29,共14页
[目的/意义]情报学研究方法是该领域的重要研究方向之一,构建细粒度研究方法语料库并进行研究方法实体抽取,有助于学者快速了解该领域的研究方法,探索方法演变及其未来发展趋势,为后续数字化浪潮下实现研究方法语料库的服务与应用奠定... [目的/意义]情报学研究方法是该领域的重要研究方向之一,构建细粒度研究方法语料库并进行研究方法实体抽取,有助于学者快速了解该领域的研究方法,探索方法演变及其未来发展趋势,为后续数字化浪潮下实现研究方法语料库的服务与应用奠定基础。[方法/过程]首先,文章以《情报学报》2000—2023年发表的学术论文为数据来源,从中随机抽取50篇并对其中的研究方法实体进行人工标注,将其作为实体抽取训练语料;其次,对BERT-base-chinese和Chinese-BERT-wwm-ext 2种模型进行训练并选择性能较优的模型进行研究方法实体抽取;最后,根据较优实体抽取模型,从未标注语料中抽取细粒度研究方法实体。[结果/结论]文章构建了一个包含理论实体、方法实体、数据集实体、指标实体、工具实体和其他实体6类情报学细粒度研究方法标注语料库。在基于人工标注语料对实体抽取模型进行训练的任务中,Chinese-BERT-wwm-ext模型表现更佳,准确率、召回率和F1值分别为0.8082、0.8467和0.8270。此外,文章对研究方法实体及其类别进行分析,发现情报学研究方法日益多样化,新兴技术与传统方法并存、各有优势。 展开更多
关键词 情报学 研究方法语料库 研究方法实体 研究方法识别 细粒度研究方法
作者 袁红敏 高树辉 《西安交通大学学报(医学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期1-11,共11页
法医损伤分析在法医学领域具有重要意义,但损伤形成过程的复杂性和个体差异使损伤分析对专业性要求极高。有限元方法(finite element method, FEM)以其广泛的适用性、可控的精确度和高效的计算能力,结合可视化,在法庭科学领域展现出巨... 法医损伤分析在法医学领域具有重要意义,但损伤形成过程的复杂性和个体差异使损伤分析对专业性要求极高。有限元方法(finite element method, FEM)以其广泛的适用性、可控的精确度和高效的计算能力,结合可视化,在法庭科学领域展现出巨大的应用潜力。本文通过文献分析,介绍FEM的基本原理,探讨其在交通事故、枪击、工具致伤、高坠损伤分析中的应用情况,通过分析各应用场景与碰撞部位的模拟参数、模拟结果及研究侧重,评估FEM在法医损伤分析上的可行性、局限性,为法医损伤分析提供参考和技术途径。 展开更多
关键词 有限元方法(FEM) 可视化 法庭科学 法医损伤
作者 陈谢扬 李同昇 《河北师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2025年第1期100-108,共9页
科技创新是推动乡村振兴和高质量发展的根本动力.通过构建乡村振兴与科技创新耦合协调评价指标体系和评价模型,对陕西省乡村振兴与科技创新耦合协调发展的总体态势和地区差异进行综合分析.结果表明,2010—2020年陕西省乡村振兴与科技创... 科技创新是推动乡村振兴和高质量发展的根本动力.通过构建乡村振兴与科技创新耦合协调评价指标体系和评价模型,对陕西省乡村振兴与科技创新耦合协调发展的总体态势和地区差异进行综合分析.结果表明,2010—2020年陕西省乡村振兴与科技创新耦合协调度为0.49~0.79,基本处于勉强协调到中级协调的等级.科技创新与乡村振兴综合发展指数均呈增长态势,但乡村振兴发展较滞后;耦合发展协调度虽不断向好发展,但协调等级依然较低.省内各地市2系统失调区域范围逐渐缩小,协调发展地区增多,乡村振兴发展落后于科技创新.根据研究结果提出一系列提升地区乡村振兴和科技创新水平的政策建议. 展开更多
关键词 乡村振兴 科技创新 耦合协调度 熵值法
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