Six hydrothermal sediment samples were collected from the Xunmei and Tongguan hydrothermal fields along the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge during the China Ocean Cruise DY46 in 2017.Sulfides and oxides in the samples wer...Six hydrothermal sediment samples were collected from the Xunmei and Tongguan hydrothermal fields along the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge during the China Ocean Cruise DY46 in 2017.Sulfides and oxides in the samples were separated,and Cu and Zn isotope compositions were analyzed.Results show that the ranges ofδ^(65)Cu values of the bulk sediments,sulfides,and oxides were 0.36‰-2.46‰,-0.21‰-1.10‰,and 0.68‰-1.52‰,respectively.Theδ^(65)Cu values of sulfides in four samples(46II-14,46II-30,46III-06,and 46II-09)were relatively low(-0.21‰-0.50‰),corresponding to theδ^(65)Cu values of sulfides from inactive old hydrothermal chimneys in northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge(n MAR),suggesting that the sulfides in the sediments were originated from collapsed dead chimney mainly.While theδ^(65)Cu values of the other two samples(46III-02 and 46III-08)were relatively high(1.10‰-0.96‰),corresponding to theδ^(65)Cu values for active hydrothermal chimneys sulfides in n MAR,which indicated that the sulfides in these two samples might mainly come from sulfide particles settled from active hydrothermal plume.Because of the high density of sulfide particles,they tended to settle near the hydrothermal vents first.Therefore,highδ^(65)Cu values of sulfides in 46III-02 and 46III-08 implied that undiscovered active hydrothermal vents near the sampling positions of 46III-02 in the Xunmei hydrothermal field and 46III-08 in the Tongguan hydrothermal field.Theδ^(66)Zn values of hydrothermal sediments and sulfides ranged 0.11‰-0.43‰and 0.29‰-0.67‰,respectively.In the four samples from the Xunmei hydrothermal field,a positive correlation was found between the distance of the sampling position from sulfide mineralized spot and the Zn isotopic ratio,showing that the greater the distance from the mineralized spot,the heavier the Zn isotope composition as seen in two samples(46II-30 and 46II-14)of the Xunmei-3 spot.This result aligned with the findings of Wilkinson et al.(2005)and Baumgartner et al.(2023),suggesting that the lower the Zn isotope composition,the closer it is to the hydrothermal vent.However,in the Xunmei hydrothermal field,the Zn isotope composition in the other two samples(46III-02and 46III-06)showed the opposite trend.This indicated that there might be an active hydrothermal vent near the sampling location of sample 46III-02.This observation aligned with the Cu isotope analysis results.This study showed that Cu-Zn isotopes are good indicators for understanding the formation mechanisms of hydrothermal sediments and for locating active hydrothermal vents.展开更多
On reviewing the characteristics of deep mineral exploration, this article elaborates on the necessity of employing quantitative prediction to reduce uncertainty. This is caused by complexity of mineral deposit format...On reviewing the characteristics of deep mineral exploration, this article elaborates on the necessity of employing quantitative prediction to reduce uncertainty. This is caused by complexity of mineral deposit formational environments and mineralization systems as increase of exploration depth and incompleteness of geo-information from limited direct observation. The authors wish to share the idea of "seeking difference" principle in addition to the "similar analogy" principle in deep mineral exploration, especially the focus is on the new ores in depth either in an area with discovered shallow mineral deposits or in new areas where there are no sufficient mineral deposit models to be compared. An on-going research project, involving Sn and Cu mineral deposit quantitative prediction in the Gejiu (个旧) area of Yunnan (云南) Province, China, was briefly introduced to demonstrate how the "three-component" (geoanomaly-mineralization diversity-mineral deposit spectrum) theory and non-linear methods series in conjunction with advanced GIS technology, can be applied in multi-scale and multi-task deep mineral prospecting and quantitative mineral resource assessment.展开更多
Deep mineral exploration is increasingly important for finding new mineral resources but there are many uncertainties.Understanding the factors controlling the localization of mineralization at depth can reduce the ri...Deep mineral exploration is increasingly important for finding new mineral resources but there are many uncertainties.Understanding the factors controlling the localization of mineralization at depth can reduce the risk in deep mineral exploration.One of the relatively poorly constrained but important factors is the hydrodynamics of mineralization.This paper reviews the principles of hydrodynamics of mineralization,especially the nature of relationships between mineralization and structures,and their applications to various types of mineralization systems in the context of hydrodynamic linkage between shallow and deep parts of the systems.Three categories of mineralization systems were examined,i.e.,magmatic-hydrothermal systems,structurally controlled hydrothermal systems with uncertain fluid sources,and hydrothermal systems associated with sedimentary basins.The implications for deep mineral exploration,including potentials for new mineral resources at depth,favorable locations for mineralization,as well as uncertainties,are discussed.展开更多
Discovery rates for all metals, including gold, are declining, the cost per significant discovery is increasing sharply, and the economic situation of the industry is one of low base rate. The current hierarchical str...Discovery rates for all metals, including gold, are declining, the cost per significant discovery is increasing sharply, and the economic situation of the industry is one of low base rate. The current hierarchical structure of the exploration and mining industry makes this situation difficult to redress. Economic geologists can do little to influence the required changes to the overall structure and philosophy of an industry driven by business rather than geological principles, However, it should be possible to follow the lead of the oil industry and improve the success rate of greenfield exploration, necessary for the next group of lower-exploration-spend significant mineral deposit discoveries. Here we promote the concept that mineral explorers need to carefully consider the scale at which their exploration targets are viewed. It is necessary to carefully assess the potential of drill targets in terms of terrane to province to district scale, rather than deposit scale, where most current economic geology research and conceptual thinking is concentrated. If orogenic, IRGD, Carlin-style and IOCG gold-rich systems are viewed at the deposit scale, they appear quite different in terms of conventionally adop- ted research parameters. However, recent models for these deposit styles show increasingly similar source-region parameters when viewed at the lithosphere scale, suggesting common tectonic settings. It is only by assessing individual targets in their tectonic context that they can be more reliably ranked in terms of potential to provide a significant drill discovery. Targets adjacent to craton margins, other lithosphere boundaries, and suture zones are clearly favoured for all of these gold deposit styles, and such exploration could lead to incidental discovery of major deposits of other metals sited along the same tectonic boundaries.展开更多
A recently developed method, on the bases of “multifractal spectrum” filters for mineral exploration, is introduced in this paper. The “multifractal spectrum” filters, a group of irregularly shaped filters that a...A recently developed method, on the bases of “multifractal spectrum” filters for mineral exploration, is introduced in this paper. The “multifractal spectrum” filters, a group of irregularly shaped filters that are constructed on each processed datum, can be used to separate various types of geochemical and geophysical anomalies. The basic model, with an emphasis on the GIS based implementation and the application to the geochemical and geophysical data processing for mineral exploration in southern Nova Scotia, Canada, indicates its advantage in the separation of multiple anomalies from the background.展开更多
The phenomena of TL are connected with the defect structures of the atomic lattice of the material concerned, and hence are very sensitive to changes in defection of the country rocks status as induced by the minerali...The phenomena of TL are connected with the defect structures of the atomic lattice of the material concerned, and hence are very sensitive to changes in defection of the country rocks status as induced by the mineralizing solution. In other words, the TL of the country rocks from the mineralized area should be quite different from that in the intact barren area.Besides the high sensitivity as mentioned above, advantages of the application of TL techniques to the mineral exploration the easiness in accessing to proper samples, the easy preparation of samples and the quickness in sample processing all amount to convenience and economy of the techniques, indicating the high competitiveness of the TL mineral exploration method, especially during the development stage of mining operations.展开更多
In the United Republic of Tanzania (URT), all environmental issues related to the mining industry are regulated according to two principle Acts: The Mining Act and the Environmental Management Act, and their respectiv...In the United Republic of Tanzania (URT), all environmental issues related to the mining industry are regulated according to two principle Acts: The Mining Act and the Environmental Management Act, and their respective regulations. The current acts were enacted in 2010 and 2004 respectively. Mineral exploration (that includes all on-site activities performed before a mining project is declared feasible) projects in URT appears to be “unforgotten phenomena” in the two major legislative documents, when it comes to environmental considerations. This phenomenon is believed to be causing detrimental effects to the environment. This paper, therefore, analyzes the current environmental regulatory framework on mineral exploration projects in URT and discusses few examples in which mineral exploration projects have caused damage to the indigenous environment. Furthermore, this study reviews environmental regulatory frameworks from other few countries in comparison with existing environmental regulatory framework prevailing in URT.展开更多
The idea of mineral exploration,which is called"exploration philosophy"in the Western countries,is the thoughts,the methodology,technology,goals and organization that guide mineral exploration.The three basi...The idea of mineral exploration,which is called"exploration philosophy"in the Western countries,is the thoughts,the methodology,technology,goals and organization that guide mineral exploration.The three basic elements of mineral exploration are"what to find","where to find"and"how to find".The concept of mineral exploration is gradually changing with the development of these three elements that provide a powerful driving force to change mineral exploration concepts,methods and technology.Innovation of mineral exploration concepts is the result of continuing exploration and development keeping pace with the times.The combination of"mathematical geology"and"information technology"can be called"digital geology".Digital geology is the data analysis component of geological science.Geological data science is a science that uses the general methodology of data to study geology based on the characteristics of geological data and the needs of geological field work.Digital mineral exploration is the application of digital geology in mineral exploration to reduce ore-finding uncertainty.展开更多
Recently,continuous breakthroughs have been made about deep gold prospecting in the Jiaodong gold province area of China.Approximately 5000 t of cumulative gold resources have been explored in Jiaodong,which has thus ...Recently,continuous breakthroughs have been made about deep gold prospecting in the Jiaodong gold province area of China.Approximately 5000 t of cumulative gold resources have been explored in Jiaodong,which has thus become an internationally noteworthy gold ore cluster.The gold exploration depth has been increased to about 2000 m from the previous<1000 m.To further explore the mineralization potential of the Jiaodong area at a depth of about 3000 m,the Shandong Institute of Geological Sciences has drilled an exploratory drillhole named“Deep drillhole ZK01”to a depth of 3266 m.Hence,as reported herein,the mineralization characteristics of the Jiaojia metallogenic belt have been successfully documented.ZK01 is,to date,the deepest borehole with an gold intersect in China,and constitutes a significant advance in deep gold prospecting in China.The findings of this study further indicate that the depth interval of 2000 m to 4000 m below the ground surface in the Wuyi Village area incorporates 912 t of inferred gold resources,while the depth interval of 2000 m to 4000 m below the surface across the Jiaodong area possesses about 4000 t of inferred gold resources.The Jiaojia Fault Belt tends to gently dip downward,having dip angles of about 25°and about 20°at vertical depths of 2000 m and 2850 m,respectively.The deep part of the Jiaojia metallogenic belt differs from the shallow and moderately deep parts about fracturing,alteration,mineralization,and tectonic type.The deep zones can generally be categorized from inside outward as cataclastic granite,granitic cataclasite,weakly beresitized granitic cataclasite,beresitized cataclasite,and gouge.These zones exhibit a gradual transitional relation or occur alternately and repeatedly.The mineralization degree of the pyritized cataclastic granite-type ore in the deep part of the Jiaojia metallogenic belt is closely related to the degree of pyrite vein development;that is,the higher the pyrite content,the wider the veins and the higher the gold grade.Compared to the shallow gold ores,the deep-seated gold ores have higher fineness and contain joseite,tetradymite,and native bismuth,suggesting that the deep gold mineralization temperature is higher and that mantle-sourced material may have contributed to this mineralization.ZK01 has also revealed that the deep-seated ore bodies in the Jiaojia metallogenic belt are principally situated above the main fracture plane(gouge)and hosted within the Linglong Granite,contradicting previous findings indicating that the moderately shallow gold ore bodies are usually hosted in the contact zone between the Linglong Granite and Jiaodong Group or meta-gabbro.These new discoveries are particularly significant because they can help correct mineralization prospecting models,determine favorable positions for deep prospecting,and improve metallogenic prediction and resource potential evaluation.展开更多
In the framework of a mineral system approach,a combination of components is required to develop a mineral system.This includes the whole-lithosphere architecture,which controls the transport of ore-forming fluids,and...In the framework of a mineral system approach,a combination of components is required to develop a mineral system.This includes the whole-lithosphere architecture,which controls the transport of ore-forming fluids,and favorable tectonic and geodynamic processes,occurring at various spatial and temporal scales,that influence the genesis and evolution of ore-forming fluids(Huston et al.,2016;Groves et al.,2018;Davies et al.,2020).Knowledge of the deep structural framework can advance the understanding of the development of a mineral system and the emplacement of mineral deposits.Deep geophysical exploration carried out with this aim is increasingly important for targeting new ore deposits in unexplored and underexplored regions(Dentith et al.,2018;Dentith,2019).展开更多
The Hongqiling large nickel-copper-cobalt deposit(hereafter referred to as the Hongqiling deposit),a typical mafic-ultramafic copper-nickel deposit in China,boasts proven Ni(Ni)resources of approximately 22×10^(4...The Hongqiling large nickel-copper-cobalt deposit(hereafter referred to as the Hongqiling deposit),a typical mafic-ultramafic copper-nickel deposit in China,boasts proven Ni(Ni)resources of approximately 22×10^(4)t,associated copper resources of 2×10^(4)t,and associated cobalt(Co)resources of 0.5×10^(4)t,with Ni reserves ranking 10th among China's magmatic nickel deposits.Geotectonically,the Hongqiling deposit is situated in the superimposed zone between the Xing'an-Mongolian orogenic belt and the circum-Western Pacific's active continental margin belt.Its ore-bearing plutons occur within the metamorphic rocks of the Ordovician Hulan Group,with the emplacement of plutons and the locations of orebodies governed by the deep-seated Huifahe fault and its secondary NW-trending Fujia-Hejiagou-Beixinglong-Changsheng fault zone.In the deposit,the rock assemblages of ore-bearing plutons predominantly encompass gabbro-pyroxenite-olivine pyroxenite-pyroxene peridotite(pluton No.1)and norite-orthopyroxenite-harzburgite(pluton No.7),with ore-bearing lithofacies consisting primarily of olivine pyroxenite and pyroxenite facies.The Hongqiling deposit hosts stratoid,overhanging lentoid,veined,and pure-sulfide veined orebodies.Its ores principally contain metallic minerals including pyrrhotite,pentlandite,chalcopyrite,violarite,and pyrite.Despite unidentified magma sources of ore-bearing mafic-ultramafic rocks,it is roughly accepted that the magmatic evolution in the Hongqiling deposit primarily involved fractional crystallization and crustal contamination.The ore-forming materials were primarily derived from the upper mantle,mixed with minor crustal materials.The ore-bearing mafic-ultramafic rocks in the deposit,primarily emplaced during the Indosinian(208-239 Ma),were formed in an intense extension setting followed by the collisional orogeny between the North China Plate and the Songnen-Zhangguangcai Range Block during the Middle-Late Triassic.From the perspective of the metallogenic geological setting,surrounding rocks,ore-controlling structures,and rock assemblages,this study identified one favorable condition and seven significant indicators for prospecting for Hongqiling-type nickel deposits and developed a prospecting model of the Hongqiling deposit.These serve as valuable references for exploring similar nickel deposits in the region,as well as the deep parts and margins of the Hongqiling deposit.展开更多
Porphyry Cu(Mo-Au)deposit is one of the most important types of copper deposit and usually formed under magmatic arc-related settings,whilst the Mujicun porphyry Cu-Mo deposit in North China Craton uncommonly generate...Porphyry Cu(Mo-Au)deposit is one of the most important types of copper deposit and usually formed under magmatic arc-related settings,whilst the Mujicun porphyry Cu-Mo deposit in North China Craton uncommonly generated within intra-continental settings.Although previous studies have focused on the age,origin and ore genesis of the Mujicun deposit,the ore-forming age,magma source and tectonic evolution remain controversial.Here,this study targeted rutile(TiO_(2))in the ore-hosting diorite porphyry from the Mujicun Cu-Mo deposit to conduct in situ U-Pb dating and trace element composition studies,with major views to determine the timing and magma evolution and to provide new insights into porphyry Cu-Mo metallogeny.Rutile trace element data show flat-like REE patterns characterized by relatively enrichment LREEs and depleted HREEs,which could be identified as magmatic rutile.Rutile U-Pb dating yields lower intercept ages of 139.3–138.4 Ma,interpreted as post magmatic cooling timing below about 500℃,which are consistent or slightly postdate with the published zircon U-Pb ages of diorite porphyry(144.1–141.7 Ma)and skarn(146.2 Ma;139.9 Ma)as well as the molybdenite Re-Os ages of molybdenum ores(144.8–140.0 Ma).Given that the overlap between the closure temperature of rutile U-Pb system and ore-forming temperature of the Mujicun deposit,this study suggests that the ore-forming ages of the Mujicun deposit can be constrained at 139.3–138.4 Ma,with temporal links to the late large-scale granitic magmatism at 138–126 Ma in the Taihang Orogen.Based on the Mg and Al contents in rutile,the magma of ore-hosting diorite porphyry was suggested to be derived from crust-mantle mixing components.In conjunction with previous studies in Taihang Orogen,this study proposes that the far-field effect and the rollback of the subducting Paleo-Pacific slab triggered lithospheric extension,asthenosphere upwelling,crust-mantle interaction and thermo-mechanical erosion,which jointly facilitated the formation of dioritic magmas during the Early Cretaceous.Subsequently,the dioritic magmas carrying crust-mantle mixing metallic materials were emplaced and precipitated at shallow positions along NNE-trending ore-controlling faults,eventually resulting in the formation of the Mujicun Cu-Mo deposit within an intracontinental extensional setting.展开更多
The Dongping deposit is the largest alkalic-hosted gold deposit in China containing>100 t of Au.This paper presents a new understanding for Dongping ore system,based on the previous studies.The mineralization origi...The Dongping deposit is the largest alkalic-hosted gold deposit in China containing>100 t of Au.This paper presents a new understanding for Dongping ore system,based on the previous studies.The mineralization originally occurred at 400-380 Ma,simultaneous with emplacement of the Shuiquangou alkaline complex,and was overprinted by the hydrothermal activity in the Yanshanian.Isotope compositions of ores indicate metals of the deposit are mainly provided by the Shuiquangou complex.Ore-forming fluids are characterized by increasing oxygen fugacity and decreasing sulfur fugacity,while tellurium fugacity increased in the Stage II-2 and decreased in Stage II-3.These systematic changes are closely related to the processes of mineral precipitation and fluid evolution.Sulfide precipitation from Stage Ⅰ to Stage Ⅱ was triggered by fluid boiling,which leads to the precipitation of Pb-Bi-Te,due to decrement of sulfur fugacity.Condensation of gas phase containing high concentration of H_2Te leads to precipitation of Te-Au-Ag minerals and native tellurium.Based on these hypotheses,this paper present a polyphase metallogenic model as follow.During the Devonian,fluids were released from alkaline magmas,which carried ore-forming materials form the surrounding rocks and precipitate the early ores.During the Jurassic-Cretaceous,fluorine-rich fluids exsolved from highly factionated Shangshuiquan granite,which extracted and concentrated Au from the Shuiquangou complex and the Sanggan Group metamorphic rocks,and finally formed the Dongping gold deposit.展开更多
In recent years,in order to meet the practical needs of deep edge mine detection with large depth and high precision,transient electromagnetic method(TEM)near emission source detection mode has become an international...In recent years,in order to meet the practical needs of deep edge mine detection with large depth and high precision,transient electromagnetic method(TEM)near emission source detection mode has become an international advanced method(Xue et al.,2020).展开更多
With the approval of the Chinese and Japanese governments, the Chinese Research Center for Mineral Resources Exploration was inaugurated on August 11, 1994, a project of technological cooperation co-sponsored by the C...With the approval of the Chinese and Japanese governments, the Chinese Research Center for Mineral Resources Exploration was inaugurated on August 11, 1994, a project of technological cooperation co-sponsored by the CAS and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Its domestic partners include the Geological Bureau of展开更多
With the development of the new energy industry and the depletion of nickel sulfide ore resources,laterite nickel ore has become the main source of primary nickel,and nickel for power batteries has become a new growth...With the development of the new energy industry and the depletion of nickel sulfide ore resources,laterite nickel ore has become the main source of primary nickel,and nickel for power batteries has become a new growth point in consumption.This paper systematically summarizes the processes,parameters,products,recovery rates,environmental indicators,costs,advantages,disadvantages and the latest research progress of mainstream nickel extraction processes from laterite nickel ore.It also provides a comparative analysis of the environmental impact and economic efficiency of different nickel extraction processes.It is found that the current nickel extraction processes from laterite nickel ore globally for commercial production mainly include the RKEF process for producing ferronickel and the HPAL process for producing intermediate products.The former accounts for about 80%of laterite nickel ore production.Compared to each other,the investment cost per ton of nickel metal production capacity for the RKEF is about 43000$,with an operational cost of about 16000$per ton of nickel metal and a total nickel recovery rate of 77%–90%.Its products are mainly used in stainless steels.For the HPAL process,the investment cost per ton of nickel metal production capacity is about 56000$,with an operational cost of about 15000$per ton of nickel metal and a total nickel recovery rate of 83%–90%.Its products are mainly used in power batteries.The significant differences between the two lies in energy consumption and carbon emissions,with the RKEF being 2.18 and 2.37 times that of the HPAL,respectively.Although the use of clean energy can greatly reduce the operational cost and environmental impact of RKEF,if RKEF is converted to producing high Ni matte,its economic and environmental performance still cannot match that of the HPAL and oxygen-enriched side-blown processes.Therefore,it can be inferred that with the increasing demand for nickel in power batteries,HPAL and oxygen-enriched side blowing processes will play a greater role in laterite nickel extraction.展开更多
This research optimized the structure of lithium extraction solar ponds to enhance the crystallization rate and yield of Li_(2)CO_(3).Using the response surface methodology in Design-Expert 10.0.3,the authors conducte...This research optimized the structure of lithium extraction solar ponds to enhance the crystallization rate and yield of Li_(2)CO_(3).Using the response surface methodology in Design-Expert 10.0.3,the authors conducted experiments to investigate the influence of four factors related to solar pond structure on the crystallization of Li_(2)CO_(3) and their pairwise interactions.Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD)simulations of the flow field within the solar pond were performed using COMSOL Multiphysics software to compare temperature distributions before and after optimization.The results indicate that the optimal structure for lithium extraction from the Zabuye Salt Lake solar ponds includes UCZ(Upper Convective Zone)thickness of 53.63 cm,an LCZ(Lower Convective Zone)direct heating temperature of 57.39℃,a CO32−concentration of 32.21 g/L,and an added soda ash concentration of 6.52 g/L.Following this optimized pathway,the Li_(2)CO_(3) precipitation increased by 7.34% compared to the initial solar pond process,with a 33.33% improvement in lithium carbonate crystallization rate.This study demonstrates the feasibility of optimizing lithium extraction solar pond structures,offering a new approach for constructing such ponds in salt lakes.It provides valuable guidance for the efficient extraction of lithium resources from carbonate-type salt lake brines.展开更多
In response to the rise of the energy storage industries such as new energy vehicles and the wide application of lithium in various fields worldwide,the global demand for lithium resources has been in explosive growth...In response to the rise of the energy storage industries such as new energy vehicles and the wide application of lithium in various fields worldwide,the global demand for lithium resources has been in explosive growth.In order to further comprehensively understand the global supply and demand pattern,development and utilization status,genesis of ore deposits and other characteristics of lithium resources,based on the achievements of many researchers at home and abroad,this paper systematically summarized the lithium supply and demand situation,resource endowment,deposit classification and distribution,typical geological characteristics,metallogenic factors and metallogenic regularity of terrestrial brine-type lithium deposits which are the main types of development and utilization all over the world.The review shows that brine-type lithium resource and(or)reserves in the plateau salt lakes are huge and play an important role.In addition,the mineralization potential of the underground brine-type lithium deposit is broad worldwide.The potential resources of underground brines are enormous,and the geothermal spring water type is also worthy of attention.Brine lithium deposits are mainly controlled by the subduction and collision of regional plate tectonics,arid climate and provenance conditions.Strengthening of the scientific research on underground brines in the future is expected to provide another significant support for the global demand for lithium resources.展开更多
The current margins of the North China and Yangtze Cratons provide arguably the best examples globally of anomalously high mineral endowment within a 100 km buffer zone,hosting 66 diverse world-class to giant ore syst...The current margins of the North China and Yangtze Cratons provide arguably the best examples globally of anomalously high mineral endowment within a 100 km buffer zone,hosting 66 diverse world-class to giant ore systems that help explain China’s premier position as a producer of multiple metal and mineral commodities.After the cratonization of these crustal blocks during the Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic,with incorporation of iron ores on assembled micro-block margins,the margins of the cratons experienced multiple convergence and rifting events leading to metasomatism and fertilization of their underlying sub-continental lithospheric mantle.The rifted margins with trans-lithosphere faults provided pathways for Cu-Au(Mo-W-Sn)-bearing felsic to Ni-Cu-bearing ultrabasic intrusions and REE-rich carbonatite magmas,and for the development of marginal sedimentary basins with both Cu-Pb-Zn-rich source units and reactive carbonate or carbonaceous host rocks.There was diachronous formation of hydrothermal orogenic gold,antimony,and bismuth systems in the narrow orogenic belts between the cratons.Complexity in the Mesozoic Paleo-Pacific subduction systems resulted in asthenosphere upwelling and lithosphere extension and thinning in the North China Craton,leading to anomalous heat flow and formation of orogenic gold deposits,including those of the giant Jiaodong gold province on its north-eastern margin.These gold deposits,many of which formed from fluids liberated by devolatilization of previously metasomatized sub-continental lithospheric mantle,helped propel China to be the premier gold producer globally.The thick sub-continental lithospheric mantle of the cold buoyant cratons helped the preservation of some of the world’s oldest porphyry-skarn and epithermal mineral systems.Although craton margins globally control the formation and preservation of a diverse range of mineral deposits,China represents the premier example in terms of metal endowment due to the anomalous length of its craton margins combined with their abnormally complex tectonic history.展开更多
Jiama,with more than 11 Mt of copper metal,is the largest porphyry-skarn copper system in the Gangdese metallogenic belt,Tibet,China,creating ideal conditions for deciphering the origin of porphyry ores in a collision...Jiama,with more than 11 Mt of copper metal,is the largest porphyry-skarn copper system in the Gangdese metallogenic belt,Tibet,China,creating ideal conditions for deciphering the origin of porphyry ores in a collision setting.Despite massive studies of the geology,chronology,petrogenesis,and ore-related fluids and their sources in Jiama,there is a lack of systematic summaries and reviews of this system.In contrast to traditional porphyry copper systems in a subduction setting,recent studies and exploration suggest that the Jiama deposit includes porphyry-type Mo-Cu,skarn-type Cu polymetallic,vein-type Au and manto orebodies.This paper reviews the latest studies on the geology,chronology,petrogenesis,fluid inclusions,and isotopic geochemistry(hydrogen,oxygen,sulfur,and lead)of the Jiama deposit.Accordingly,a multi-center complex mineralization model was constructed,indicating that multi-phase intrusions from the same magma reservoir can form multiple hydrothermal centers.These centers are mutually independent and form various orebodies or are superimposed on each other and form thick,high-grade orebodies.Finally,a new comprehensive exploration model was established for the Jiama porphyry copper system.Both models established in this study help to refine the theories on continental-collision metallogeny and porphyry copper systems.展开更多
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.42106080)the Laboratory for Marine Geology+2 种基金China Ocean Mineral Resources R&D Association Project(No.DY135-S2-2-03)the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province(No.ZR2020QD074)the Talents Research Start-up Funding Project of Ludong University。
文摘Six hydrothermal sediment samples were collected from the Xunmei and Tongguan hydrothermal fields along the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge during the China Ocean Cruise DY46 in 2017.Sulfides and oxides in the samples were separated,and Cu and Zn isotope compositions were analyzed.Results show that the ranges ofδ^(65)Cu values of the bulk sediments,sulfides,and oxides were 0.36‰-2.46‰,-0.21‰-1.10‰,and 0.68‰-1.52‰,respectively.Theδ^(65)Cu values of sulfides in four samples(46II-14,46II-30,46III-06,and 46II-09)were relatively low(-0.21‰-0.50‰),corresponding to theδ^(65)Cu values of sulfides from inactive old hydrothermal chimneys in northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge(n MAR),suggesting that the sulfides in the sediments were originated from collapsed dead chimney mainly.While theδ^(65)Cu values of the other two samples(46III-02 and 46III-08)were relatively high(1.10‰-0.96‰),corresponding to theδ^(65)Cu values for active hydrothermal chimneys sulfides in n MAR,which indicated that the sulfides in these two samples might mainly come from sulfide particles settled from active hydrothermal plume.Because of the high density of sulfide particles,they tended to settle near the hydrothermal vents first.Therefore,highδ^(65)Cu values of sulfides in 46III-02 and 46III-08 implied that undiscovered active hydrothermal vents near the sampling positions of 46III-02 in the Xunmei hydrothermal field and 46III-08 in the Tongguan hydrothermal field.Theδ^(66)Zn values of hydrothermal sediments and sulfides ranged 0.11‰-0.43‰and 0.29‰-0.67‰,respectively.In the four samples from the Xunmei hydrothermal field,a positive correlation was found between the distance of the sampling position from sulfide mineralized spot and the Zn isotopic ratio,showing that the greater the distance from the mineralized spot,the heavier the Zn isotope composition as seen in two samples(46II-30 and 46II-14)of the Xunmei-3 spot.This result aligned with the findings of Wilkinson et al.(2005)and Baumgartner et al.(2023),suggesting that the lower the Zn isotope composition,the closer it is to the hydrothermal vent.However,in the Xunmei hydrothermal field,the Zn isotope composition in the other two samples(46III-02and 46III-06)showed the opposite trend.This indicated that there might be an active hydrothermal vent near the sampling location of sample 46III-02.This observation aligned with the Cu isotope analysis results.This study showed that Cu-Zn isotopes are good indicators for understanding the formation mechanisms of hydrothermal sediments and for locating active hydrothermal vents.
基金supported by the National High Technology Research Development Program of China (Nos. 2006AA06Z115, 2006AA06Z113)Program of Yunnan Tin Industry Group Company Ltd..
文摘On reviewing the characteristics of deep mineral exploration, this article elaborates on the necessity of employing quantitative prediction to reduce uncertainty. This is caused by complexity of mineral deposit formational environments and mineralization systems as increase of exploration depth and incompleteness of geo-information from limited direct observation. The authors wish to share the idea of "seeking difference" principle in addition to the "similar analogy" principle in deep mineral exploration, especially the focus is on the new ores in depth either in an area with discovered shallow mineral deposits or in new areas where there are no sufficient mineral deposit models to be compared. An on-going research project, involving Sn and Cu mineral deposit quantitative prediction in the Gejiu (个旧) area of Yunnan (云南) Province, China, was briefly introduced to demonstrate how the "three-component" (geoanomaly-mineralization diversity-mineral deposit spectrum) theory and non-linear methods series in conjunction with advanced GIS technology, can be applied in multi-scale and multi-task deep mineral prospecting and quantitative mineral resource assessment.
基金supported by an NSERC-DG grant(Grant No.RGPIN-2018-06458,to Chi)National Natural Science Foundation of China grant(Grant No.41930428,to Xu)。
文摘Deep mineral exploration is increasingly important for finding new mineral resources but there are many uncertainties.Understanding the factors controlling the localization of mineralization at depth can reduce the risk in deep mineral exploration.One of the relatively poorly constrained but important factors is the hydrodynamics of mineralization.This paper reviews the principles of hydrodynamics of mineralization,especially the nature of relationships between mineralization and structures,and their applications to various types of mineralization systems in the context of hydrodynamic linkage between shallow and deep parts of the systems.Three categories of mineralization systems were examined,i.e.,magmatic-hydrothermal systems,structurally controlled hydrothermal systems with uncertain fluid sources,and hydrothermal systems associated with sedimentary basins.The implications for deep mineral exploration,including potentials for new mineral resources at depth,favorable locations for mineralization,as well as uncertainties,are discussed.
文摘Discovery rates for all metals, including gold, are declining, the cost per significant discovery is increasing sharply, and the economic situation of the industry is one of low base rate. The current hierarchical structure of the exploration and mining industry makes this situation difficult to redress. Economic geologists can do little to influence the required changes to the overall structure and philosophy of an industry driven by business rather than geological principles, However, it should be possible to follow the lead of the oil industry and improve the success rate of greenfield exploration, necessary for the next group of lower-exploration-spend significant mineral deposit discoveries. Here we promote the concept that mineral explorers need to carefully consider the scale at which their exploration targets are viewed. It is necessary to carefully assess the potential of drill targets in terms of terrane to province to district scale, rather than deposit scale, where most current economic geology research and conceptual thinking is concentrated. If orogenic, IRGD, Carlin-style and IOCG gold-rich systems are viewed at the deposit scale, they appear quite different in terms of conventionally adop- ted research parameters. However, recent models for these deposit styles show increasingly similar source-region parameters when viewed at the lithosphere scale, suggesting common tectonic settings. It is only by assessing individual targets in their tectonic context that they can be more reliably ranked in terms of potential to provide a significant drill discovery. Targets adjacent to craton margins, other lithosphere boundaries, and suture zones are clearly favoured for all of these gold deposit styles, and such exploration could lead to incidental discovery of major deposits of other metals sited along the same tectonic boundaries.
文摘A recently developed method, on the bases of “multifractal spectrum” filters for mineral exploration, is introduced in this paper. The “multifractal spectrum” filters, a group of irregularly shaped filters that are constructed on each processed datum, can be used to separate various types of geochemical and geophysical anomalies. The basic model, with an emphasis on the GIS based implementation and the application to the geochemical and geophysical data processing for mineral exploration in southern Nova Scotia, Canada, indicates its advantage in the separation of multiple anomalies from the background.
文摘The phenomena of TL are connected with the defect structures of the atomic lattice of the material concerned, and hence are very sensitive to changes in defection of the country rocks status as induced by the mineralizing solution. In other words, the TL of the country rocks from the mineralized area should be quite different from that in the intact barren area.Besides the high sensitivity as mentioned above, advantages of the application of TL techniques to the mineral exploration the easiness in accessing to proper samples, the easy preparation of samples and the quickness in sample processing all amount to convenience and economy of the techniques, indicating the high competitiveness of the TL mineral exploration method, especially during the development stage of mining operations.
文摘In the United Republic of Tanzania (URT), all environmental issues related to the mining industry are regulated according to two principle Acts: The Mining Act and the Environmental Management Act, and their respective regulations. The current acts were enacted in 2010 and 2004 respectively. Mineral exploration (that includes all on-site activities performed before a mining project is declared feasible) projects in URT appears to be “unforgotten phenomena” in the two major legislative documents, when it comes to environmental considerations. This phenomenon is believed to be causing detrimental effects to the environment. This paper, therefore, analyzes the current environmental regulatory framework on mineral exploration projects in URT and discusses few examples in which mineral exploration projects have caused damage to the indigenous environment. Furthermore, this study reviews environmental regulatory frameworks from other few countries in comparison with existing environmental regulatory framework prevailing in URT.
基金funded by the National Key Research and Development Project of China(No.2016YFC0600509)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.41972312,41672329)the Project of China Geological Survey(No.1212011120341)。
文摘The idea of mineral exploration,which is called"exploration philosophy"in the Western countries,is the thoughts,the methodology,technology,goals and organization that guide mineral exploration.The three basic elements of mineral exploration are"what to find","where to find"and"how to find".The concept of mineral exploration is gradually changing with the development of these three elements that provide a powerful driving force to change mineral exploration concepts,methods and technology.Innovation of mineral exploration concepts is the result of continuing exploration and development keeping pace with the times.The combination of"mathematical geology"and"information technology"can be called"digital geology".Digital geology is the data analysis component of geological science.Geological data science is a science that uses the general methodology of data to study geology based on the characteristics of geological data and the needs of geological field work.Digital mineral exploration is the application of digital geology in mineral exploration to reduce ore-finding uncertainty.
基金by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41772076,41672084,41372086,41503038)the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2016YFC0600105-04,2016YFC0600606)+1 种基金the Key Research and Development Program of Shandong Province(2017CXGC1601,2017CXGC1602,2017CXGC1603),the Special Fund for“Taishan Scholars”Project of Shandong Province.
文摘Recently,continuous breakthroughs have been made about deep gold prospecting in the Jiaodong gold province area of China.Approximately 5000 t of cumulative gold resources have been explored in Jiaodong,which has thus become an internationally noteworthy gold ore cluster.The gold exploration depth has been increased to about 2000 m from the previous<1000 m.To further explore the mineralization potential of the Jiaodong area at a depth of about 3000 m,the Shandong Institute of Geological Sciences has drilled an exploratory drillhole named“Deep drillhole ZK01”to a depth of 3266 m.Hence,as reported herein,the mineralization characteristics of the Jiaojia metallogenic belt have been successfully documented.ZK01 is,to date,the deepest borehole with an gold intersect in China,and constitutes a significant advance in deep gold prospecting in China.The findings of this study further indicate that the depth interval of 2000 m to 4000 m below the ground surface in the Wuyi Village area incorporates 912 t of inferred gold resources,while the depth interval of 2000 m to 4000 m below the surface across the Jiaodong area possesses about 4000 t of inferred gold resources.The Jiaojia Fault Belt tends to gently dip downward,having dip angles of about 25°and about 20°at vertical depths of 2000 m and 2850 m,respectively.The deep part of the Jiaojia metallogenic belt differs from the shallow and moderately deep parts about fracturing,alteration,mineralization,and tectonic type.The deep zones can generally be categorized from inside outward as cataclastic granite,granitic cataclasite,weakly beresitized granitic cataclasite,beresitized cataclasite,and gouge.These zones exhibit a gradual transitional relation or occur alternately and repeatedly.The mineralization degree of the pyritized cataclastic granite-type ore in the deep part of the Jiaojia metallogenic belt is closely related to the degree of pyrite vein development;that is,the higher the pyrite content,the wider the veins and the higher the gold grade.Compared to the shallow gold ores,the deep-seated gold ores have higher fineness and contain joseite,tetradymite,and native bismuth,suggesting that the deep gold mineralization temperature is higher and that mantle-sourced material may have contributed to this mineralization.ZK01 has also revealed that the deep-seated ore bodies in the Jiaojia metallogenic belt are principally situated above the main fracture plane(gouge)and hosted within the Linglong Granite,contradicting previous findings indicating that the moderately shallow gold ore bodies are usually hosted in the contact zone between the Linglong Granite and Jiaodong Group or meta-gabbro.These new discoveries are particularly significant because they can help correct mineralization prospecting models,determine favorable positions for deep prospecting,and improve metallogenic prediction and resource potential evaluation.
文摘In the framework of a mineral system approach,a combination of components is required to develop a mineral system.This includes the whole-lithosphere architecture,which controls the transport of ore-forming fluids,and favorable tectonic and geodynamic processes,occurring at various spatial and temporal scales,that influence the genesis and evolution of ore-forming fluids(Huston et al.,2016;Groves et al.,2018;Davies et al.,2020).Knowledge of the deep structural framework can advance the understanding of the development of a mineral system and the emplacement of mineral deposits.Deep geophysical exploration carried out with this aim is increasingly important for targeting new ore deposits in unexplored and underexplored regions(Dentith et al.,2018;Dentith,2019).
基金funded by projects of the China Geological Survey(Nos.DD20242070,DD20230763,DD20221695,DD20190379,and DD20160346)。
文摘The Hongqiling large nickel-copper-cobalt deposit(hereafter referred to as the Hongqiling deposit),a typical mafic-ultramafic copper-nickel deposit in China,boasts proven Ni(Ni)resources of approximately 22×10^(4)t,associated copper resources of 2×10^(4)t,and associated cobalt(Co)resources of 0.5×10^(4)t,with Ni reserves ranking 10th among China's magmatic nickel deposits.Geotectonically,the Hongqiling deposit is situated in the superimposed zone between the Xing'an-Mongolian orogenic belt and the circum-Western Pacific's active continental margin belt.Its ore-bearing plutons occur within the metamorphic rocks of the Ordovician Hulan Group,with the emplacement of plutons and the locations of orebodies governed by the deep-seated Huifahe fault and its secondary NW-trending Fujia-Hejiagou-Beixinglong-Changsheng fault zone.In the deposit,the rock assemblages of ore-bearing plutons predominantly encompass gabbro-pyroxenite-olivine pyroxenite-pyroxene peridotite(pluton No.1)and norite-orthopyroxenite-harzburgite(pluton No.7),with ore-bearing lithofacies consisting primarily of olivine pyroxenite and pyroxenite facies.The Hongqiling deposit hosts stratoid,overhanging lentoid,veined,and pure-sulfide veined orebodies.Its ores principally contain metallic minerals including pyrrhotite,pentlandite,chalcopyrite,violarite,and pyrite.Despite unidentified magma sources of ore-bearing mafic-ultramafic rocks,it is roughly accepted that the magmatic evolution in the Hongqiling deposit primarily involved fractional crystallization and crustal contamination.The ore-forming materials were primarily derived from the upper mantle,mixed with minor crustal materials.The ore-bearing mafic-ultramafic rocks in the deposit,primarily emplaced during the Indosinian(208-239 Ma),were formed in an intense extension setting followed by the collisional orogeny between the North China Plate and the Songnen-Zhangguangcai Range Block during the Middle-Late Triassic.From the perspective of the metallogenic geological setting,surrounding rocks,ore-controlling structures,and rock assemblages,this study identified one favorable condition and seven significant indicators for prospecting for Hongqiling-type nickel deposits and developed a prospecting model of the Hongqiling deposit.These serve as valuable references for exploring similar nickel deposits in the region,as well as the deep parts and margins of the Hongqiling deposit.
基金jointly supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(4220207742103025)+5 种基金the Opening Foundation of MNR Key Laboratory of Metallogeny and Mineral Assessment(ZS2209ZS2106)the Opening Foundation of Key Laboratory of Mineral Resources in Western China(Gansu Province)(MRWCGS-2021-01)the Natural Science Foundation of Gansu Province(22JR5RA440)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(LZUJBKY-2022-42)the Guiding Special Funds of“Double First-Class(First-Class University&First-Class Disciplines)”(561119201)of Lanzhou University,China。
文摘Porphyry Cu(Mo-Au)deposit is one of the most important types of copper deposit and usually formed under magmatic arc-related settings,whilst the Mujicun porphyry Cu-Mo deposit in North China Craton uncommonly generated within intra-continental settings.Although previous studies have focused on the age,origin and ore genesis of the Mujicun deposit,the ore-forming age,magma source and tectonic evolution remain controversial.Here,this study targeted rutile(TiO_(2))in the ore-hosting diorite porphyry from the Mujicun Cu-Mo deposit to conduct in situ U-Pb dating and trace element composition studies,with major views to determine the timing and magma evolution and to provide new insights into porphyry Cu-Mo metallogeny.Rutile trace element data show flat-like REE patterns characterized by relatively enrichment LREEs and depleted HREEs,which could be identified as magmatic rutile.Rutile U-Pb dating yields lower intercept ages of 139.3–138.4 Ma,interpreted as post magmatic cooling timing below about 500℃,which are consistent or slightly postdate with the published zircon U-Pb ages of diorite porphyry(144.1–141.7 Ma)and skarn(146.2 Ma;139.9 Ma)as well as the molybdenite Re-Os ages of molybdenum ores(144.8–140.0 Ma).Given that the overlap between the closure temperature of rutile U-Pb system and ore-forming temperature of the Mujicun deposit,this study suggests that the ore-forming ages of the Mujicun deposit can be constrained at 139.3–138.4 Ma,with temporal links to the late large-scale granitic magmatism at 138–126 Ma in the Taihang Orogen.Based on the Mg and Al contents in rutile,the magma of ore-hosting diorite porphyry was suggested to be derived from crust-mantle mixing components.In conjunction with previous studies in Taihang Orogen,this study proposes that the far-field effect and the rollback of the subducting Paleo-Pacific slab triggered lithospheric extension,asthenosphere upwelling,crust-mantle interaction and thermo-mechanical erosion,which jointly facilitated the formation of dioritic magmas during the Early Cretaceous.Subsequently,the dioritic magmas carrying crust-mantle mixing metallic materials were emplaced and precipitated at shallow positions along NNE-trending ore-controlling faults,eventually resulting in the formation of the Mujicun Cu-Mo deposit within an intracontinental extensional setting.
基金financially supported by the project of the China Geological Survey(DD20230292,DD20242591)。
文摘The Dongping deposit is the largest alkalic-hosted gold deposit in China containing>100 t of Au.This paper presents a new understanding for Dongping ore system,based on the previous studies.The mineralization originally occurred at 400-380 Ma,simultaneous with emplacement of the Shuiquangou alkaline complex,and was overprinted by the hydrothermal activity in the Yanshanian.Isotope compositions of ores indicate metals of the deposit are mainly provided by the Shuiquangou complex.Ore-forming fluids are characterized by increasing oxygen fugacity and decreasing sulfur fugacity,while tellurium fugacity increased in the Stage II-2 and decreased in Stage II-3.These systematic changes are closely related to the processes of mineral precipitation and fluid evolution.Sulfide precipitation from Stage Ⅰ to Stage Ⅱ was triggered by fluid boiling,which leads to the precipitation of Pb-Bi-Te,due to decrement of sulfur fugacity.Condensation of gas phase containing high concentration of H_2Te leads to precipitation of Te-Au-Ag minerals and native tellurium.Based on these hypotheses,this paper present a polyphase metallogenic model as follow.During the Devonian,fluids were released from alkaline magmas,which carried ore-forming materials form the surrounding rocks and precipitate the early ores.During the Jurassic-Cretaceous,fluorine-rich fluids exsolved from highly factionated Shangshuiquan granite,which extracted and concentrated Au from the Shuiquangou complex and the Sanggan Group metamorphic rocks,and finally formed the Dongping gold deposit.
基金project supported by Science and Technology Innovation Fund(Grant No.KDY2019001)Integrated Geophysical Simulation Lab of Chang’an University(Key Laboratory of Chinese Geophysical Society)
文摘In recent years,in order to meet the practical needs of deep edge mine detection with large depth and high precision,transient electromagnetic method(TEM)near emission source detection mode has become an international advanced method(Xue et al.,2020).
文摘With the approval of the Chinese and Japanese governments, the Chinese Research Center for Mineral Resources Exploration was inaugurated on August 11, 1994, a project of technological cooperation co-sponsored by the CAS and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Its domestic partners include the Geological Bureau of
基金This research was jointly supported by the China Geological Survey Project(DD20211404)the Natural Science Foundation of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region(2019LH05028).
文摘With the development of the new energy industry and the depletion of nickel sulfide ore resources,laterite nickel ore has become the main source of primary nickel,and nickel for power batteries has become a new growth point in consumption.This paper systematically summarizes the processes,parameters,products,recovery rates,environmental indicators,costs,advantages,disadvantages and the latest research progress of mainstream nickel extraction processes from laterite nickel ore.It also provides a comparative analysis of the environmental impact and economic efficiency of different nickel extraction processes.It is found that the current nickel extraction processes from laterite nickel ore globally for commercial production mainly include the RKEF process for producing ferronickel and the HPAL process for producing intermediate products.The former accounts for about 80%of laterite nickel ore production.Compared to each other,the investment cost per ton of nickel metal production capacity for the RKEF is about 43000$,with an operational cost of about 16000$per ton of nickel metal and a total nickel recovery rate of 77%–90%.Its products are mainly used in stainless steels.For the HPAL process,the investment cost per ton of nickel metal production capacity is about 56000$,with an operational cost of about 15000$per ton of nickel metal and a total nickel recovery rate of 83%–90%.Its products are mainly used in power batteries.The significant differences between the two lies in energy consumption and carbon emissions,with the RKEF being 2.18 and 2.37 times that of the HPAL,respectively.Although the use of clean energy can greatly reduce the operational cost and environmental impact of RKEF,if RKEF is converted to producing high Ni matte,its economic and environmental performance still cannot match that of the HPAL and oxygen-enriched side-blown processes.Therefore,it can be inferred that with the increasing demand for nickel in power batteries,HPAL and oxygen-enriched side blowing processes will play a greater role in laterite nickel extraction.
基金This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(U20A20148)the Major Science and Technology Projects of the Xizang(Tibet)Autonomous Region(XZ202201ZD0004G and XZ202201ZD0004G01).
文摘This research optimized the structure of lithium extraction solar ponds to enhance the crystallization rate and yield of Li_(2)CO_(3).Using the response surface methodology in Design-Expert 10.0.3,the authors conducted experiments to investigate the influence of four factors related to solar pond structure on the crystallization of Li_(2)CO_(3) and their pairwise interactions.Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD)simulations of the flow field within the solar pond were performed using COMSOL Multiphysics software to compare temperature distributions before and after optimization.The results indicate that the optimal structure for lithium extraction from the Zabuye Salt Lake solar ponds includes UCZ(Upper Convective Zone)thickness of 53.63 cm,an LCZ(Lower Convective Zone)direct heating temperature of 57.39℃,a CO32−concentration of 32.21 g/L,and an added soda ash concentration of 6.52 g/L.Following this optimized pathway,the Li_(2)CO_(3) precipitation increased by 7.34% compared to the initial solar pond process,with a 33.33% improvement in lithium carbonate crystallization rate.This study demonstrates the feasibility of optimizing lithium extraction solar pond structures,offering a new approach for constructing such ponds in salt lakes.It provides valuable guidance for the efficient extraction of lithium resources from carbonate-type salt lake brines.
基金This study was jointly supported by Central Welfare Basic Scientific Research Business Expenses(KK2005,YYWF201607)the project of the industrial leading talant of Wuhan municipality of Hubei Province,the Editor of China Geology,Rui-qin Li,and many thanks for a nice review by anonymous reviewers.
文摘In response to the rise of the energy storage industries such as new energy vehicles and the wide application of lithium in various fields worldwide,the global demand for lithium resources has been in explosive growth.In order to further comprehensively understand the global supply and demand pattern,development and utilization status,genesis of ore deposits and other characteristics of lithium resources,based on the achievements of many researchers at home and abroad,this paper systematically summarized the lithium supply and demand situation,resource endowment,deposit classification and distribution,typical geological characteristics,metallogenic factors and metallogenic regularity of terrestrial brine-type lithium deposits which are the main types of development and utilization all over the world.The review shows that brine-type lithium resource and(or)reserves in the plateau salt lakes are huge and play an important role.In addition,the mineralization potential of the underground brine-type lithium deposit is broad worldwide.The potential resources of underground brines are enormous,and the geothermal spring water type is also worthy of attention.Brine lithium deposits are mainly controlled by the subduction and collision of regional plate tectonics,arid climate and provenance conditions.Strengthening of the scientific research on underground brines in the future is expected to provide another significant support for the global demand for lithium resources.
基金partly funded by the National Key Research Program of China(2019YFA0708603)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(42130801,41230311,41572069,41702070)+2 种基金the 111 Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology,China(BP0719021)the MOST Special Fund from the State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources,China University of Geosciences(MSFGPMR201804)the Key Laboratory of Gold Mineralization Processes and Resource Utilization Subordinated to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Key Laboratory of Metallogenic Geological Process and Resources Utilization in Shandong Province,Shandong Institute of Geological Sciences(KFKT201801,KFKT201802)。
文摘The current margins of the North China and Yangtze Cratons provide arguably the best examples globally of anomalously high mineral endowment within a 100 km buffer zone,hosting 66 diverse world-class to giant ore systems that help explain China’s premier position as a producer of multiple metal and mineral commodities.After the cratonization of these crustal blocks during the Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic,with incorporation of iron ores on assembled micro-block margins,the margins of the cratons experienced multiple convergence and rifting events leading to metasomatism and fertilization of their underlying sub-continental lithospheric mantle.The rifted margins with trans-lithosphere faults provided pathways for Cu-Au(Mo-W-Sn)-bearing felsic to Ni-Cu-bearing ultrabasic intrusions and REE-rich carbonatite magmas,and for the development of marginal sedimentary basins with both Cu-Pb-Zn-rich source units and reactive carbonate or carbonaceous host rocks.There was diachronous formation of hydrothermal orogenic gold,antimony,and bismuth systems in the narrow orogenic belts between the cratons.Complexity in the Mesozoic Paleo-Pacific subduction systems resulted in asthenosphere upwelling and lithosphere extension and thinning in the North China Craton,leading to anomalous heat flow and formation of orogenic gold deposits,including those of the giant Jiaodong gold province on its north-eastern margin.These gold deposits,many of which formed from fluids liberated by devolatilization of previously metasomatized sub-continental lithospheric mantle,helped propel China to be the premier gold producer globally.The thick sub-continental lithospheric mantle of the cold buoyant cratons helped the preservation of some of the world’s oldest porphyry-skarn and epithermal mineral systems.Although craton margins globally control the formation and preservation of a diverse range of mineral deposits,China represents the premier example in terms of metal endowment due to the anomalous length of its craton margins combined with their abnormally complex tectonic history.
基金supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2022YFC2905001)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (42272093,42230813)+1 种基金China Scholarship Council projectthe Geological Survey project (DD20230054)
文摘Jiama,with more than 11 Mt of copper metal,is the largest porphyry-skarn copper system in the Gangdese metallogenic belt,Tibet,China,creating ideal conditions for deciphering the origin of porphyry ores in a collision setting.Despite massive studies of the geology,chronology,petrogenesis,and ore-related fluids and their sources in Jiama,there is a lack of systematic summaries and reviews of this system.In contrast to traditional porphyry copper systems in a subduction setting,recent studies and exploration suggest that the Jiama deposit includes porphyry-type Mo-Cu,skarn-type Cu polymetallic,vein-type Au and manto orebodies.This paper reviews the latest studies on the geology,chronology,petrogenesis,fluid inclusions,and isotopic geochemistry(hydrogen,oxygen,sulfur,and lead)of the Jiama deposit.Accordingly,a multi-center complex mineralization model was constructed,indicating that multi-phase intrusions from the same magma reservoir can form multiple hydrothermal centers.These centers are mutually independent and form various orebodies or are superimposed on each other and form thick,high-grade orebodies.Finally,a new comprehensive exploration model was established for the Jiama porphyry copper system.Both models established in this study help to refine the theories on continental-collision metallogeny and porphyry copper systems.