Internal polyhedral structures of a granular system can be investigated using the Voronoi tessellations.This technique has gained increasing recognition in research of kinetic properties of granular flows.For systems ...Internal polyhedral structures of a granular system can be investigated using the Voronoi tessellations.This technique has gained increasing recognition in research of kinetic properties of granular flows.For systems with mono-sized spherical particles,Voronoi tessellations can be utilized,while radial Voronoi tessellations are necessary for analyzing systems with multi-sized spherical particles.However,research about polyhedral structures of non-spherical particle systems is limited.We utilize the discrete element method to simulate a system of ellipsoidal particles,defined by the equation(x/a)^(2)+(y/1)^(2)+(z/1/a)^(2)=1,where a ranges from 1.1 to 2.0.The system is then dissected by using tangent planes at the contact points,and the geometric quantities of the resulting polyhedra in different shaped systems,such as surface area,volume,number of vertices,number of edges,and number of faces,are calculated.Meanwhile,the longitudinal and transverse wave velocities within the system are calculated with the time-of-flight method.The results demonstrate a strong correlation between the sound velocity of the system and the geometry of the dissected polyhedra.The sound velocity of the system increases with the increase in a,peaking at a=1.3,and then decreases as a continues to increase.The average volume,surface area,number of vertices,number of edges,and number of faces of the polyhedra decrease with the increase in sound velocity.That is,these quantities initially decrease with the increase in a,reaching minima at a=1.3,and then increase with further increase of a.The relationship between sound velocity and the geometric quantities of the dissected polyhedra can serve as a reference for acoustic material design.展开更多
Using over 3 500 first P arrival times recorded by nine digital seismic stations from Hainan Digital Seismic Net-work during 1999~2005,a 3-D P-wave velocity model of the crust under Hainan Island and adjacent regions...Using over 3 500 first P arrival times recorded by nine digital seismic stations from Hainan Digital Seismic Net-work during 1999~2005,a 3-D P-wave velocity model of the crust under Hainan Island and adjacent regions has been determined. The results show that the pattern of velocity anomalies in the shallower upper crust is somewhat associated with the surface geological tectonics in the region. A relative low-velocity anomaly appears north of the Wangwu-Wenjiao fault zone and a relative high-velocity anomaly appears south of the Wangwu-Wenjiao fault zone,corresponding to the depressed areas in north Hainan Island,where many volcanoes are frequently active and geothermal values are relatively higher,and the uplifted and stable regions in central and south of the Hainan Is-land. In the middle and lower crust velocities are relatively lower in east Hainan than those in west Hainan,possi-bly suggesting the existence of the upwelling of hot materials from the mantle in east Hainan. The pattern of veloc-ity anomalies also indicates that NW faults,i.e.,the Puqian-Qinglan fault,may be shallower,while the E-W Wangwu-Wenjiao fault may be deeper,which perhaps extends down to Moho depth or deeper.展开更多
The 3-D velocity tomography image of the central-eastern part of Qilianshan is obtained by the joint inversion of 3-D velocity structure and focal parameters based on the S-P data of micro-earthquakes recorded by the ...The 3-D velocity tomography image of the central-eastern part of Qilianshan is obtained by the joint inversion of 3-D velocity structure and focal parameters based on the S-P data of micro-earthquakes recorded by the digital seismic network set up for a Sino-French cooperation program since 1996. The inversed velocity structure does primarily reflect some important features of the deep structure in the region and provide the scientific background for the further study of active tectonic structure and the calculation of earthquake parameters.展开更多
We assembled approximately 328 seismic records. The data set was from 4 digitally recording long-period and broadband stations of CDSN. We carried out the inversion based on the partitioned waveform inversion (PWI). I...We assembled approximately 328 seismic records. The data set was from 4 digitally recording long-period and broadband stations of CDSN. We carried out the inversion based on the partitioned waveform inversion (PWI). It partitions the large-scale optimization problem into a number of independent small-scale problems. We adopted surface waveform inversion with an equal block (2((2() discretization in order to acquire the images of shear velocity structure at different depths (from surface to 430 km) in the crust and upper-mantle. The resolution of all these anomalies has been established with (check-board( resolution tests. These results show significant difference in velocity, lithosphere and asthenosphere structure between South China Sea and its adjacent regions.展开更多
Existing lithospheric velocity models exhibit similar structures typically associated with the first-order tectonic features,with dissimilarities due to different data and methods used in model generation.The quantifi...Existing lithospheric velocity models exhibit similar structures typically associated with the first-order tectonic features,with dissimilarities due to different data and methods used in model generation.The quantification of model structural similarity can help in interpreting the geophysical properties of Earth's interior and establishing unified models crucial in natural hazard assessment and resource exploration.Here we employ the complex wavelet structural similarity index measure(CW-SSIM)active in computer image processing to analyze the structural similarity of four lithospheric velocity models of Chinese mainland published in the past decade.We take advantage of this method in its multiscale definition and insensitivity to slight geometrical distortion like translation and scaling,which is particularly crucial in the structural similarity analysis of velocity models accounting for uncertainty and resolution.Our results show that the CW-SSIM values vary in different model pairs,horizontal locations,and depths.While variations in the inter-model CW-SSIM are partly owing to different databases in the model generation,the difference of tomography methods may significantly impact the similar structural features of models,such as the low similarities between the full-wave based FWEA18 and other three models in northeastern China.We finally suggest potential solutions for the next generation of tomographic modeling in different areas according to corresponding structural similarities of existing models.展开更多
Western Yunnan is a region with intensive tectonic activity and serious earthquake risk. It is of significant importance to study three dimensional crustal structure of this region to understand the tectonic setting a...Western Yunnan is a region with intensive tectonic activity and serious earthquake risk. It is of significant importance to study three dimensional crustal structure of this region to understand the tectonic setting and disaster mechanism. Densification and digitalization of seismic networks in this region provides an opportunity to study the velocity structure with bulletin data. In this study, we collect P-wave data of 10 403 regional earthquakes recorded by 79 seismic stations from January 2008 to December 2010. In addition to first arrivals data (Pg with epieentral distance less than 200 km and Pn), the Pg (or P) data with epicentral distance more than 200 km are also considered as later direct arrivals in the tomographic inversion. We also compare the quantity and the quality of the seismic data before 2010 and after 2010. The test results show that adding the follow-up Pg phase can effectively improve the inversion ability of crustal imaging, and quantity and the data quality are significantly improved since 2010. The tomographie results show that: (1) The Honghe fault zone, which is the major fault systems in this region, may cut through the entire crust, and the velocity contrasts between two sides at lower crust beneath the Honghe fault are estimated at higher than 10%, while the velocity difference below Nujiang fault zone extends only in the upper crust; (2) Most of the earthquakes in the region occurred at the interface of high-velocity media and low-velocity media, i.e., the areas with high velocity gradient, which has been validated in other areas.展开更多
The S wave velocity structure in Changbaishan volcanic region was obtained from teleseismic receiver function modeling. The results show that there exist distinct low velocity layers in crust in volcano area. Beneath ...The S wave velocity structure in Changbaishan volcanic region was obtained from teleseismic receiver function modeling. The results show that there exist distinct low velocity layers in crust in volcano area. Beneath WQD station near to the Tianchi caldera the low velocity layer at 8 km depth is 20 km thick with the lowest S-wave velocity about 2.2 km/s At EDO station located 50 km north of Tianchi caldera, no obvious crustal low velocity layer is detected. In the volcanic region, the thickness of crustal low velocity layer is greater and the lowest velocity is more obvious with the distance shorter to the caldera. It indicates the existence of the high temperature material or magma reservoir in crust near the Tianchi caldera. The receiver functions and inversion result from different back azimuths at CBS permanent seismic station show that the thickness of near surface low velocity layer and Moho depth change with directions. The near surface low velocity layer is obviously thicker in south direction. The Moho depth shows slight uplifting in the direction of the caldera located. We con- sider that the special near surface velocity structure is the main cause of relatively lower prominent frequency of volcanic earthquake waveforms recorded by CBS station. The slight uplifting of Moho beneath Tianchi caldera indicates there is a material exchanging channel between upper mantle and magma reservoir in crust.展开更多
We collected continuous noise waveform data from January 2007 to February 2008 recorded by 190 broadband and 10 very broadband stations of the North China Seismic Array. The study region is divided into grid with inte...We collected continuous noise waveform data from January 2007 to February 2008 recorded by 190 broadband and 10 very broadband stations of the North China Seismic Array. The study region is divided into grid with interval 0.25°×0.25°, and group velocity distribution maps between 4 s and 30 s are obtained using ambient noise tomography method. The lateral resolution is estimated to be 20-50 km for most of the study area. We construct a 3-D S wave velocity model by inverting the pure path dispersion curve at each grid using a genetic algorithm with smoothing constraint. The crustal structure observed in the model includes sedimentary basins such as North China basin, Yanqing-Huailai basin and Datong basin. A well-defined low velocity zone is observed in the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan region in 22-30 km depth range, which may be related to the upwelling of hot mantle material. The high velocity zone near Datong, Shuozhou and Qingshuihe within the depth range of 1-23 km reveals stable characteristics of Ordos block. The Taihangshan front fault extends to 12 km depth at least.展开更多
On the basis of a one-by-one latitude-longitude grid three-dimensional seismic velocity model, the crustal P-wave velocity structure in eastern China (105-125°E and 18-41°N) is obtained, and a set of geother...On the basis of a one-by-one latitude-longitude grid three-dimensional seismic velocity model, the crustal P-wave velocity structure in eastern China (105-125°E and 18-41°N) is obtained, and a set of geotherms for each grid is established for P-T correction on P-wave velocities. The average depths of sub-crustal layers and their average P-wave velocities of 18 tectonic units in eastern China are exhibited. Our result presents a 32-34 km thick crust beneath eastern China, which is thinner than previous studies, with an average velocity of 6.54 km/s, corresponding to a 5 kg/m3 variation in crustal mean density. The thicker upper but thinner middle and lower crust results in a lower average seismic velocity of eastern China. An intermediate crustal composition with a SiO2 content of 59.7 wt% has been estimated. However, there exists a significant lateral variation in the crustal structures among the tectonic units of eastern China. The structure and composition features of some regions in eastern China indicate that extension has played an important role in the continental crust evolution of eastern China.展开更多
The 3-D velocity tomography image of the central-eastern part of Qilianshan is obtained by the joint inversion of 3-D velocity structure and focal parameters based on the S-P data of micro-earthquakes recorded by the ...The 3-D velocity tomography image of the central-eastern part of Qilianshan is obtained by the joint inversion of 3-D velocity structure and focal parameters based on the S-P data of micro-earthquakes recorded by the digital seismic network set up for a Sino-French cooperation program since 1996. The inversed velocity structure does primarily reflect some important features of the deep structure in the region and provide the scientific background for the further study of active tectonic structure and the calculation of earthquake parameters.展开更多
Based on the long period digital surface wave data recorded by 11 CDSN stations and 11 IRIS stations, the dispersion curves of the group velocities of fundamental mode Rayleigh waves along 647 paths, with the periods ...Based on the long period digital surface wave data recorded by 11 CDSN stations and 11 IRIS stations, the dispersion curves of the group velocities of fundamental mode Rayleigh waves along 647 paths, with the periods from 10 s to 92 s, were measured by multi-filter. Their distribution at 25 central periods within the region of 18~54N, 70~140E was inverted by Dimtar-Yanovskaya method. Within the period from 10 s to 15.9 s, the group velocity distribution is laterally inhomogeneous and is closely related to geotectonic units, with two low velocity zones located in the Tarim basin and the East China Sea and its north regions, respectively. From 21 s to 33 s, the framework of tectonic blocks is revealed. From 36.6 s to 40 s, the lithospheric subdivision of the Chinese mainland is obviously uncovered, with distinct boundaries among the South-North seismic belt, the Tibetan plateau, the North China, the South China and the Northeast China. Four cross-sections of group velocity distribution with period along 30N, 38N, 90E and 120E, are discussed, respectively, which display the basic features of the crust and upper mantle of the Chinese mainland and its neighboring regions. There are distinguished velocity differences among the different tectonic blocks. There are low-velocity-zones (LVZ) in the middle crust of the eastern Tibetan plateau, high velocity featured as stable platform in the Tarim basin and the Yangtze platform, shallow and thick low-velocity-zone in the upper mantle of the North China. The upper mantle LVZ in the East China Sea and the Japan Sea is related to the frictional heat from the subduction of the Philippine slab and the strong extension since the Himalayan orogenic period.展开更多
The special seismic tectonic environment and frequent seismicity in the southeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau show that this area is an ideal location to study the present tectonic movement and background o...The special seismic tectonic environment and frequent seismicity in the southeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau show that this area is an ideal location to study the present tectonic movement and background of strong earthquakes in China's Mainland and to predict future strong earthquake risk zones. Studies of the structural environment and physical characteristics of the deep structure in this area are helpful to explore deep dynamic effects and deformation field characteristics, to strengthen our understanding of the roles of anisotropy and tectonic deformation and to study the deep tectonic background of the seismic origin of the block's interior. In this paper, the three-dimensional (3D) P-wave velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle under the southeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is obtained via observational data from 224 permanent seismic stations in the regional digital seismic network of Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces and from 356 mobile China seismic arrays in the southern section of the north-south seismic belt using a joint inversion method of the regional earthquake and teleseismic data. The results indicate that the spatial distribution of the P-wave velocity anomalies in the shallow upper crust is closely related to the surface geological structure, terrain and lithology. Baoxing and Kangding, with their basic volcanic rocks and volcanic clastic rocks, present obvious high-velocity anomalies. The Chengdu Basin shows low-velocity anomalies associated with the Quaternary sediments. The Xichang Mesozoic Basin and the Butuo Basin are characterised by low- velocity anomalies related to very thick sedimentary layers. The upper and middle crust beneath the Chuan-Dian and Songpan-Ganzi Blocks has apparent lateral heterogeneities, including low-velocity zones of different sizes. There is a large range of low-velocity layers in the Songpan-Ganzi Block and the sub-block northwest of Sichuan Province, showing that the middle and lower crust is relatively weak. The Sichuan Basin, which is located in the western margin of the Yangtze platform, shows high-velocity characteristics. The results also reveal that there are continuous low-velocity layer distributions in the middle and lower crust of the Daliangshan Block and that the distribution direction of the low-velocity anomaly is nearly SN, which is consistent with the trend of the Daliangshan fault. The existence of the low-velocity layer in the crust also provides a deep source for the deep dynamic deformation and seismic activity of the Daliangshan Block and its boundary faults. The results of the 3D P-wave velocity structure show that an anomalous distribution of high-density, strong-magnetic and high-wave velocity exists inside the crust in the Panxi region. This is likely related to late Paleozoic mantle plume activity that led to a large number of mafic and ultra-mafic intrusions into the crust. In the crustal doming process, the massive intrusion of mantle-derived material enhanced the mechanical strength of the crustal medium. The P-wave velocity structure also revealed that the upper mantle contains a low-velocity layer at a depth of 80-120 km in the Panxi region. The existence of deep faults in the Panxi region, which provide conditions for transporting mantle thermal material into the crust, is the deep tectonic background for the area's strong earthquake activity.展开更多
Based on the first arrival P and S data of 4 625 regional earthquakes recorded at 174 stations dispersed in the Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces, the 3-D velocity structure of crust and upper mantle in the region is deter...Based on the first arrival P and S data of 4 625 regional earthquakes recorded at 174 stations dispersed in the Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces, the 3-D velocity structure of crust and upper mantle in the region is determined, incorporating with previous deep geophysical data. In the upper crust, a positive anomaly velocity zone exists in the Sichuan basin, whereas a negative anomaly velocity zone exists in the western Sichuan plateau. The boundary between the positive and negative anomaly zones is the Longmenshan fault zone. The images of lower crust and upper mantle in the Longmenshan fault, Xianshuihe fault, Honghe fault and others show the characteristic of tectonic boundary, indicating that the faults likely penetrate the Moho discontinuity. The negative velocity anomalies at the depth of 50 km in the Tengchong volcanic area and the Panxi tectonic zone appear to be associated with the temperature and composition variations in the upper mantle. The overall features of the crustal and the upper mantle structures in the SichuanYunnan region are the lower average velocity in both crust and uppermost mantle, the large crustal thickness variations, and the existence of high conductivity layer in the crust or/and upper mantle, and higher geothermal value. All these features are closely related to the collision between the India and the Asia plates. The crustal velocity in the SichuanYunnan rhombic block generally shows normal value or positive anomaly, while the negative anomaly exists in the area along the large strike-slip faults as the block boundary. It is conducive to the crustal block side-pressing out along the faults. In the major seismic zones, the seismicity is relative to the negative anomaly velocity. Most strong earthquakes occurred in the upper-mid crust with positive anomaly or normal velocity, where the negative anomaly zone generally exists below.展开更多
In order to understand the crustal structure and tectonic background of the Changning–Gongxiang area, southeastern Sichuan Province, where a series of moderate-to-strong earthquakes occurred in recent years, we utili...In order to understand the crustal structure and tectonic background of the Changning–Gongxiang area, southeastern Sichuan Province, where a series of moderate-to-strong earthquakes occurred in recent years, we utilized the seismic phase data both from a local dense array and from the regional seismic networks;we used the tomoDD program to invert for the high-resolution three-dimensional velocity structure within the depth range of 0–10 km and for accurate hypocentral locations in this area. We analyzed the seismogenic structures for the events of Xingwen M5.7 in 2018 and Gongxian M5.3 and Changning M6.0 in 2019. The results show that:(1) widespread lateral inhomogeneity exists in the velocity structure of the study area, and the location of the velocity anomaly is largely consistent with known structures. In the range of distinguishable depth, the inhomogeneity decreases with increasing depth, and the velocity structure anomalies in some areas are continuous in depth;(2) earthquakes occurred in clusters, showing the characteristics of zonal folding trends in the NW-SE and NE-SW directions;the focal depth in the area is generally shallow in both the sedimentary cap and the crystalline basement. The seismogenic structures of small earthquake clusters are different in size and occurrence in different sections, and the clusters occurred mostly in regions with high P-or S-wave velocities;(3) synthesis of a variety of data suggests that the seismogenic structures of the Xingwen M5.7 and Changning M6.0 earthquakes are associated with slip faults that trend NW-SE in, respectively, the south wing and the axis of the Changning–Shuanghe anticline, while that of the Gongxian M5.3 earthquake is associated with thrust faults that trend N-S in the Jianwu syncline region. The dynamic sources of the three earthquakes are all from the SE pushing of the Qinghai–Tibet block on the Sichuan basin;(4) the risk of future strong earthquakes in this area must be reevaluated in light of the facts(a)that in recent years, moderate-to-strong earthquake swarms have occurred frequently in southeast Sichuan;(b) that the complex structural area exhibits the easy-to-trigger characteristic, and(c) that the small-scale faults in this area are characterized by the phenomenon of stress "lock and release".展开更多
In order to investigate the interrelations of crust and upper mantle tectonics and its velocity distribution as well as seismicity in the Yanhuai basin and its surrounding area, a nearly EW trending Beijing Huailai ...In order to investigate the interrelations of crust and upper mantle tectonics and its velocity distribution as well as seismicity in the Yanhuai basin and its surrounding area, a nearly EW trending Beijing Huailai Fengzhen wide angle reflection/refraction profile, which obliquely passes through seismic zone of Zhangjiakou Bohai Sea and coincides with a deep reflection profile in the Yanhuai basin, was completed recently. The results show: The crust presents layered structures and its thickness gradually increases from 35.0 km in Shunyi to 42.0 km in the west end of the profile; the interior crustal interfaces appear approximately horizontal or slowly sloping down from east to west; In the Yanhuai basin, the crust presents the characteristics of higher velocities alternating with the lower ones and the low velocity bodies obviously exist in the lower part of upper crust. Moreover, there are two deep crustal fault zones which stretch to the Moho discontinuity, are closely related with the seismicity in the Yanhuai area.展开更多
Aircraft laminated composite components often suffer a variety of high velocity impacts with large quantity of energy,which usually affects aircraft behavior and would incur component damages,even disastrous consequen...Aircraft laminated composite components often suffer a variety of high velocity impacts with large quantity of energy,which usually affects aircraft behavior and would incur component damages,even disastrous consequences.Therefore,one investigates the impact resistance of a new type of composite material,Ti/CFRP/Ti sandwich structure,and launches impact tests by using an air gun test system.Then one acquires the critical breakthrough rate of the structure and analyzes the damages.The results show that the main failure mode of the front titanium sheet is shear plugging and brittle fracture of adhesive layer with fiber breakage,while the back titanium sheet is severely ripped.The rear damage is worse than the front one.Compared with traditional CFRP laminates,the critical breakthrough rate of Ti/CFRP/Ti sandwich structure is improved by 69.9% when suffered the impact of a bearing ball with 2mm radius.展开更多
Determining the shallow structure of a sediment basin is important when evaluating potential seismic hazards given that such basins can significantly amplify seismic energy. The Luoyang basin is located in the western...Determining the shallow structure of a sediment basin is important when evaluating potential seismic hazards given that such basins can significantly amplify seismic energy. The Luoyang basin is located in the western He’nan uplift and is a Meso-Cenozoic depression basin. To characterize the shallow structure of the basin, we develop a model of the shallow high-resolution three-dimensional(3D)shear-wave velocity structure of the basin by applying ambient noise tomography to a dense array of 107 portable digital seismometers deployed over the basin. More than 1,400 Rayleigh-wave dispersion curves for periods in the range 0.5–5 s are extracted. The 3D variations of shear-wave velocity in the shallow crust are inverted using a direct surface-wave tomographic method with period-dependent ray tracing, with all the surface-wave group-velocity dispersion data being inverted simultaneously. The results show that in the shallow crust of the study area, the velocity distribution corresponds to surface geology and geological features. The Luoyang basin exhibits a low shear-wave velocity feature that is consistent with the distribution of sediment in the region,while the Xiongershan and Songshan uplifts exhibit higher shear-wave velocity structures. The results provide a shallow high-resolution 3D velocity model that can be used as a basis for simulation of strong ground motion and evaluation of potential seismic hazards.展开更多
A detail three-dimensional P wave velocity structure of Beijing, Tianjin and Tangshan area (BTT area) was deter-mined by inverting local earthquake data. In total 16 048 P wave first arrival times from 16048 shallow a...A detail three-dimensional P wave velocity structure of Beijing, Tianjin and Tangshan area (BTT area) was deter-mined by inverting local earthquake data. In total 16 048 P wave first arrival times from 16048 shallow and mid-depth crustal earthquakes, which occurred in and around the BTT area from 1992 to 1999 were used. The first arrival times are recorded by Northern China United Telemetry Seismic Network and Yanqing-Huailai Digital Seismic Network. Hypocentral parameters of 1 132 earthquakes with magnitude ML=1.7~6.2 and the three-dimensional P wave velocity structure were obtained simultaneously. The inversion result reveals the com-plicated lateral heterogeneity of P wave velocity structure around BTT area. The tomographic images obtained are also found to explain other seismological observations well.展开更多
Based on S wave records of deep teleseisms on Digital Seismic Network of Shanxi Province, shear wave velocity structures beneath 6 stations were obtained by means of S wave waveform fitting. The result shows that the ...Based on S wave records of deep teleseisms on Digital Seismic Network of Shanxi Province, shear wave velocity structures beneath 6 stations were obtained by means of S wave waveform fitting. The result shows that the crust is thick in the studied region, reaching 40 km in thickness under 4 stations. The crust all alternatives high velocity layer with low velocity one. There appear varied velocity structures for different stations, and the stations around the same tectonic region exhibit similar structure characteristics. Combined with dominant depth distribution of many small-moderate earthquakes, the correlation between seismogenic layers and crustal structures of high and low velocity layers has been discussed.展开更多
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.12262005,11962003,and 11602062)the Postgraduate Education Reform and Quality Improvement Project of Henan Province(Grant No.YJS2024AL138)the Graduate Education Reform Project of Henan Province(Grant No.2023SJGLX096Y).
文摘Internal polyhedral structures of a granular system can be investigated using the Voronoi tessellations.This technique has gained increasing recognition in research of kinetic properties of granular flows.For systems with mono-sized spherical particles,Voronoi tessellations can be utilized,while radial Voronoi tessellations are necessary for analyzing systems with multi-sized spherical particles.However,research about polyhedral structures of non-spherical particle systems is limited.We utilize the discrete element method to simulate a system of ellipsoidal particles,defined by the equation(x/a)^(2)+(y/1)^(2)+(z/1/a)^(2)=1,where a ranges from 1.1 to 2.0.The system is then dissected by using tangent planes at the contact points,and the geometric quantities of the resulting polyhedra in different shaped systems,such as surface area,volume,number of vertices,number of edges,and number of faces,are calculated.Meanwhile,the longitudinal and transverse wave velocities within the system are calculated with the time-of-flight method.The results demonstrate a strong correlation between the sound velocity of the system and the geometry of the dissected polyhedra.The sound velocity of the system increases with the increase in a,peaking at a=1.3,and then decreases as a continues to increase.The average volume,surface area,number of vertices,number of edges,and number of faces of the polyhedra decrease with the increase in sound velocity.That is,these quantities initially decrease with the increase in a,reaching minima at a=1.3,and then increase with further increase of a.The relationship between sound velocity and the geometric quantities of the dissected polyhedra can serve as a reference for acoustic material design.
基金The special project of Detection of Haikou City Earthquake Active Faults from the Tenth Five-year Plan of China Earthquake Administration (0106512)Joint Seismological Science Foundation of China (105086)CAS Key Laboratory of Marginal Sea Geology (MSGL0503).
文摘Using over 3 500 first P arrival times recorded by nine digital seismic stations from Hainan Digital Seismic Net-work during 1999~2005,a 3-D P-wave velocity model of the crust under Hainan Island and adjacent regions has been determined. The results show that the pattern of velocity anomalies in the shallower upper crust is somewhat associated with the surface geological tectonics in the region. A relative low-velocity anomaly appears north of the Wangwu-Wenjiao fault zone and a relative high-velocity anomaly appears south of the Wangwu-Wenjiao fault zone,corresponding to the depressed areas in north Hainan Island,where many volcanoes are frequently active and geothermal values are relatively higher,and the uplifted and stable regions in central and south of the Hainan Is-land. In the middle and lower crust velocities are relatively lower in east Hainan than those in west Hainan,possi-bly suggesting the existence of the upwelling of hot materials from the mantle in east Hainan. The pattern of veloc-ity anomalies also indicates that NW faults,i.e.,the Puqian-Qinglan fault,may be shallower,while the E-W Wangwu-Wenjiao fault may be deeper,which perhaps extends down to Moho depth or deeper.
基金Key Project Process Mechanism and Prediction of Geological Hazards (2001CB711005-1-3) and State Key Basic Research Project Mechanism and Prediction of Continental Earthquakes (G1998040702). sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Techno
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China (40074010) and Natural Science Foundation of Gansu Province (ZS981-A25-011)
文摘The 3-D velocity tomography image of the central-eastern part of Qilianshan is obtained by the joint inversion of 3-D velocity structure and focal parameters based on the S-P data of micro-earthquakes recorded by the digital seismic network set up for a Sino-French cooperation program since 1996. The inversed velocity structure does primarily reflect some important features of the deep structure in the region and provide the scientific background for the further study of active tectonic structure and the calculation of earthquake parameters.
基金State Natural Scientific Foundation (49734150) and National High Performance Computation Foundation.
文摘We assembled approximately 328 seismic records. The data set was from 4 digitally recording long-period and broadband stations of CDSN. We carried out the inversion based on the partitioned waveform inversion (PWI). It partitions the large-scale optimization problem into a number of independent small-scale problems. We adopted surface waveform inversion with an equal block (2((2() discretization in order to acquire the images of shear velocity structure at different depths (from surface to 430 km) in the crust and upper-mantle. The resolution of all these anomalies has been established with (check-board( resolution tests. These results show significant difference in velocity, lithosphere and asthenosphere structure between South China Sea and its adjacent regions.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.42174063,92155307,41976046)Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Geophysical High-resolution Imaging Technology under(No.2022B1212010002)Project for introduced Talents Team of Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong(Guangzhou)(No.GML2019ZD0203)。
文摘Existing lithospheric velocity models exhibit similar structures typically associated with the first-order tectonic features,with dissimilarities due to different data and methods used in model generation.The quantification of model structural similarity can help in interpreting the geophysical properties of Earth's interior and establishing unified models crucial in natural hazard assessment and resource exploration.Here we employ the complex wavelet structural similarity index measure(CW-SSIM)active in computer image processing to analyze the structural similarity of four lithospheric velocity models of Chinese mainland published in the past decade.We take advantage of this method in its multiscale definition and insensitivity to slight geometrical distortion like translation and scaling,which is particularly crucial in the structural similarity analysis of velocity models accounting for uncertainty and resolution.Our results show that the CW-SSIM values vary in different model pairs,horizontal locations,and depths.While variations in the inter-model CW-SSIM are partly owing to different databases in the model generation,the difference of tomography methods may significantly impact the similar structural features of models,such as the low similarities between the full-wave based FWEA18 and other three models in northeastern China.We finally suggest potential solutions for the next generation of tomographic modeling in different areas according to corresponding structural similarities of existing models.
基金supported by China National Special Fund for Earthquake Scientific Research in Public Interest (Grant 201208004)National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant 41174040)Scientific Research Institutes’ Basic Research and Development Operations Special Fund of Institute of Geophysics,China Earthquake Administration (grant DQJB10A01)
文摘Western Yunnan is a region with intensive tectonic activity and serious earthquake risk. It is of significant importance to study three dimensional crustal structure of this region to understand the tectonic setting and disaster mechanism. Densification and digitalization of seismic networks in this region provides an opportunity to study the velocity structure with bulletin data. In this study, we collect P-wave data of 10 403 regional earthquakes recorded by 79 seismic stations from January 2008 to December 2010. In addition to first arrivals data (Pg with epieentral distance less than 200 km and Pn), the Pg (or P) data with epicentral distance more than 200 km are also considered as later direct arrivals in the tomographic inversion. We also compare the quantity and the quality of the seismic data before 2010 and after 2010. The test results show that adding the follow-up Pg phase can effectively improve the inversion ability of crustal imaging, and quantity and the data quality are significantly improved since 2010. The tomographie results show that: (1) The Honghe fault zone, which is the major fault systems in this region, may cut through the entire crust, and the velocity contrasts between two sides at lower crust beneath the Honghe fault are estimated at higher than 10%, while the velocity difference below Nujiang fault zone extends only in the upper crust; (2) Most of the earthquakes in the region occurred at the interface of high-velocity media and low-velocity media, i.e., the areas with high velocity gradient, which has been validated in other areas.
基金supported by National Key Project of Scientific and Technical Supporting Programs Funded by Ministry of Science & Technology of China (2006BAC01B04)Joint Seismological Science Foundation of China (106023)Contribution No. is 09FE3006 of Institute of Geophysics,China Earthquake Administration
文摘The S wave velocity structure in Changbaishan volcanic region was obtained from teleseismic receiver function modeling. The results show that there exist distinct low velocity layers in crust in volcano area. Beneath WQD station near to the Tianchi caldera the low velocity layer at 8 km depth is 20 km thick with the lowest S-wave velocity about 2.2 km/s At EDO station located 50 km north of Tianchi caldera, no obvious crustal low velocity layer is detected. In the volcanic region, the thickness of crustal low velocity layer is greater and the lowest velocity is more obvious with the distance shorter to the caldera. It indicates the existence of the high temperature material or magma reservoir in crust near the Tianchi caldera. The receiver functions and inversion result from different back azimuths at CBS permanent seismic station show that the thickness of near surface low velocity layer and Moho depth change with directions. The near surface low velocity layer is obviously thicker in south direction. The Moho depth shows slight uplifting in the direction of the caldera located. We con- sider that the special near surface velocity structure is the main cause of relatively lower prominent frequency of volcanic earthquake waveforms recorded by CBS station. The slight uplifting of Moho beneath Tianchi caldera indicates there is a material exchanging channel between upper mantle and magma reservoir in crust.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 40774038 and 90914005)Basic Research Project of Ministry of Science and Technology of China (No. 2006FY110100)+2 种基金National Nonprofit Institute Research Grant of Institute of Geophysics,China Earthquake Administration (IGPCEA) (No. DQJB09B08)supported by Italian MUR and University of Trieste in the framework of the Internationalization PhD Program (2004-2006)Contribution No. is 10FE3008,IGPCEA
文摘We collected continuous noise waveform data from January 2007 to February 2008 recorded by 190 broadband and 10 very broadband stations of the North China Seismic Array. The study region is divided into grid with interval 0.25°×0.25°, and group velocity distribution maps between 4 s and 30 s are obtained using ambient noise tomography method. The lateral resolution is estimated to be 20-50 km for most of the study area. We construct a 3-D S wave velocity model by inverting the pure path dispersion curve at each grid using a genetic algorithm with smoothing constraint. The crustal structure observed in the model includes sedimentary basins such as North China basin, Yanqing-Huailai basin and Datong basin. A well-defined low velocity zone is observed in the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan region in 22-30 km depth range, which may be related to the upwelling of hot mantle material. The high velocity zone near Datong, Shuozhou and Qingshuihe within the depth range of 1-23 km reveals stable characteristics of Ordos block. The Taihangshan front fault extends to 12 km depth at least.
基金supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.40104003)China Post-doctoral Science Foundationthe Chinese Academy of Sciences K.C.Wong Post-doctoral Research Award
文摘On the basis of a one-by-one latitude-longitude grid three-dimensional seismic velocity model, the crustal P-wave velocity structure in eastern China (105-125°E and 18-41°N) is obtained, and a set of geotherms for each grid is established for P-T correction on P-wave velocities. The average depths of sub-crustal layers and their average P-wave velocities of 18 tectonic units in eastern China are exhibited. Our result presents a 32-34 km thick crust beneath eastern China, which is thinner than previous studies, with an average velocity of 6.54 km/s, corresponding to a 5 kg/m3 variation in crustal mean density. The thicker upper but thinner middle and lower crust results in a lower average seismic velocity of eastern China. An intermediate crustal composition with a SiO2 content of 59.7 wt% has been estimated. However, there exists a significant lateral variation in the crustal structures among the tectonic units of eastern China. The structure and composition features of some regions in eastern China indicate that extension has played an important role in the continental crust evolution of eastern China.
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China (40074010) and Natural Science Foundation of Gansu Province(ZS981-A25-011).
文摘The 3-D velocity tomography image of the central-eastern part of Qilianshan is obtained by the joint inversion of 3-D velocity structure and focal parameters based on the S-P data of micro-earthquakes recorded by the digital seismic network set up for a Sino-French cooperation program since 1996. The inversed velocity structure does primarily reflect some important features of the deep structure in the region and provide the scientific background for the further study of active tectonic structure and the calculation of earthquake parameters.
基金Climb Project Continental Dynamics of East Asia and Joint Seismological Science Foundation of China (9507413).
文摘Based on the long period digital surface wave data recorded by 11 CDSN stations and 11 IRIS stations, the dispersion curves of the group velocities of fundamental mode Rayleigh waves along 647 paths, with the periods from 10 s to 92 s, were measured by multi-filter. Their distribution at 25 central periods within the region of 18~54N, 70~140E was inverted by Dimtar-Yanovskaya method. Within the period from 10 s to 15.9 s, the group velocity distribution is laterally inhomogeneous and is closely related to geotectonic units, with two low velocity zones located in the Tarim basin and the East China Sea and its north regions, respectively. From 21 s to 33 s, the framework of tectonic blocks is revealed. From 36.6 s to 40 s, the lithospheric subdivision of the Chinese mainland is obviously uncovered, with distinct boundaries among the South-North seismic belt, the Tibetan plateau, the North China, the South China and the Northeast China. Four cross-sections of group velocity distribution with period along 30N, 38N, 90E and 120E, are discussed, respectively, which display the basic features of the crust and upper mantle of the Chinese mainland and its neighboring regions. There are distinguished velocity differences among the different tectonic blocks. There are low-velocity-zones (LVZ) in the middle crust of the eastern Tibetan plateau, high velocity featured as stable platform in the Tarim basin and the Yangtze platform, shallow and thick low-velocity-zone in the upper mantle of the North China. The upper mantle LVZ in the East China Sea and the Japan Sea is related to the frictional heat from the subduction of the Philippine slab and the strong extension since the Himalayan orogenic period.
基金supported by China earthquake scientific array exploration Southern section of North South seismic belt(201008001)Northern section of North South seismic belt(20130811)+1 种基金National Natural Science Foundation of China(41474057)Science for Earthquake Resllience of China Earthquake Administration(XH15040Y)
文摘The special seismic tectonic environment and frequent seismicity in the southeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau show that this area is an ideal location to study the present tectonic movement and background of strong earthquakes in China's Mainland and to predict future strong earthquake risk zones. Studies of the structural environment and physical characteristics of the deep structure in this area are helpful to explore deep dynamic effects and deformation field characteristics, to strengthen our understanding of the roles of anisotropy and tectonic deformation and to study the deep tectonic background of the seismic origin of the block's interior. In this paper, the three-dimensional (3D) P-wave velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle under the southeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is obtained via observational data from 224 permanent seismic stations in the regional digital seismic network of Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces and from 356 mobile China seismic arrays in the southern section of the north-south seismic belt using a joint inversion method of the regional earthquake and teleseismic data. The results indicate that the spatial distribution of the P-wave velocity anomalies in the shallow upper crust is closely related to the surface geological structure, terrain and lithology. Baoxing and Kangding, with their basic volcanic rocks and volcanic clastic rocks, present obvious high-velocity anomalies. The Chengdu Basin shows low-velocity anomalies associated with the Quaternary sediments. The Xichang Mesozoic Basin and the Butuo Basin are characterised by low- velocity anomalies related to very thick sedimentary layers. The upper and middle crust beneath the Chuan-Dian and Songpan-Ganzi Blocks has apparent lateral heterogeneities, including low-velocity zones of different sizes. There is a large range of low-velocity layers in the Songpan-Ganzi Block and the sub-block northwest of Sichuan Province, showing that the middle and lower crust is relatively weak. The Sichuan Basin, which is located in the western margin of the Yangtze platform, shows high-velocity characteristics. The results also reveal that there are continuous low-velocity layer distributions in the middle and lower crust of the Daliangshan Block and that the distribution direction of the low-velocity anomaly is nearly SN, which is consistent with the trend of the Daliangshan fault. The existence of the low-velocity layer in the crust also provides a deep source for the deep dynamic deformation and seismic activity of the Daliangshan Block and its boundary faults. The results of the 3D P-wave velocity structure show that an anomalous distribution of high-density, strong-magnetic and high-wave velocity exists inside the crust in the Panxi region. This is likely related to late Paleozoic mantle plume activity that led to a large number of mafic and ultra-mafic intrusions into the crust. In the crustal doming process, the massive intrusion of mantle-derived material enhanced the mechanical strength of the crustal medium. The P-wave velocity structure also revealed that the upper mantle contains a low-velocity layer at a depth of 80-120 km in the Panxi region. The existence of deep faults in the Panxi region, which provide conditions for transporting mantle thermal material into the crust, is the deep tectonic background for the area's strong earthquake activity.
基金Foundation item: National Scientific and Technological Development Program (95-973-02-02) the Climb Program (95-S-05-01) of National Scientific and Technological Ministry of China and the State Natural Sciences Foundation of China (49874021).
文摘Based on the first arrival P and S data of 4 625 regional earthquakes recorded at 174 stations dispersed in the Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces, the 3-D velocity structure of crust and upper mantle in the region is determined, incorporating with previous deep geophysical data. In the upper crust, a positive anomaly velocity zone exists in the Sichuan basin, whereas a negative anomaly velocity zone exists in the western Sichuan plateau. The boundary between the positive and negative anomaly zones is the Longmenshan fault zone. The images of lower crust and upper mantle in the Longmenshan fault, Xianshuihe fault, Honghe fault and others show the characteristic of tectonic boundary, indicating that the faults likely penetrate the Moho discontinuity. The negative velocity anomalies at the depth of 50 km in the Tengchong volcanic area and the Panxi tectonic zone appear to be associated with the temperature and composition variations in the upper mantle. The overall features of the crustal and the upper mantle structures in the SichuanYunnan region are the lower average velocity in both crust and uppermost mantle, the large crustal thickness variations, and the existence of high conductivity layer in the crust or/and upper mantle, and higher geothermal value. All these features are closely related to the collision between the India and the Asia plates. The crustal velocity in the SichuanYunnan rhombic block generally shows normal value or positive anomaly, while the negative anomaly exists in the area along the large strike-slip faults as the block boundary. It is conducive to the crustal block side-pressing out along the faults. In the major seismic zones, the seismicity is relative to the negative anomaly velocity. Most strong earthquakes occurred in the upper-mid crust with positive anomaly or normal velocity, where the negative anomaly zone generally exists below.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41574047)Sichuan–Yunnan national earthquake monitoring and prediction experimental field project (2016CESE0101, 2018CSES0209)Project of Science for Earthquake Resilience (XH202302)
文摘In order to understand the crustal structure and tectonic background of the Changning–Gongxiang area, southeastern Sichuan Province, where a series of moderate-to-strong earthquakes occurred in recent years, we utilized the seismic phase data both from a local dense array and from the regional seismic networks;we used the tomoDD program to invert for the high-resolution three-dimensional velocity structure within the depth range of 0–10 km and for accurate hypocentral locations in this area. We analyzed the seismogenic structures for the events of Xingwen M5.7 in 2018 and Gongxian M5.3 and Changning M6.0 in 2019. The results show that:(1) widespread lateral inhomogeneity exists in the velocity structure of the study area, and the location of the velocity anomaly is largely consistent with known structures. In the range of distinguishable depth, the inhomogeneity decreases with increasing depth, and the velocity structure anomalies in some areas are continuous in depth;(2) earthquakes occurred in clusters, showing the characteristics of zonal folding trends in the NW-SE and NE-SW directions;the focal depth in the area is generally shallow in both the sedimentary cap and the crystalline basement. The seismogenic structures of small earthquake clusters are different in size and occurrence in different sections, and the clusters occurred mostly in regions with high P-or S-wave velocities;(3) synthesis of a variety of data suggests that the seismogenic structures of the Xingwen M5.7 and Changning M6.0 earthquakes are associated with slip faults that trend NW-SE in, respectively, the south wing and the axis of the Changning–Shuanghe anticline, while that of the Gongxian M5.3 earthquake is associated with thrust faults that trend N-S in the Jianwu syncline region. The dynamic sources of the three earthquakes are all from the SE pushing of the Qinghai–Tibet block on the Sichuan basin;(4) the risk of future strong earthquakes in this area must be reevaluated in light of the facts(a)that in recent years, moderate-to-strong earthquake swarms have occurred frequently in southeast Sichuan;(b) that the complex structural area exhibits the easy-to-trigger characteristic, and(c) that the small-scale faults in this area are characterized by the phenomenon of stress "lock and release".
文摘In order to investigate the interrelations of crust and upper mantle tectonics and its velocity distribution as well as seismicity in the Yanhuai basin and its surrounding area, a nearly EW trending Beijing Huailai Fengzhen wide angle reflection/refraction profile, which obliquely passes through seismic zone of Zhangjiakou Bohai Sea and coincides with a deep reflection profile in the Yanhuai basin, was completed recently. The results show: The crust presents layered structures and its thickness gradually increases from 35.0 km in Shunyi to 42.0 km in the west end of the profile; the interior crustal interfaces appear approximately horizontal or slowly sloping down from east to west; In the Yanhuai basin, the crust presents the characteristics of higher velocities alternating with the lower ones and the low velocity bodies obviously exist in the lower part of upper crust. Moreover, there are two deep crustal fault zones which stretch to the Moho discontinuity, are closely related with the seismicity in the Yanhuai area.
基金funded by the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions
文摘Aircraft laminated composite components often suffer a variety of high velocity impacts with large quantity of energy,which usually affects aircraft behavior and would incur component damages,even disastrous consequences.Therefore,one investigates the impact resistance of a new type of composite material,Ti/CFRP/Ti sandwich structure,and launches impact tests by using an air gun test system.Then one acquires the critical breakthrough rate of the structure and analyzes the damages.The results show that the main failure mode of the front titanium sheet is shear plugging and brittle fracture of adhesive layer with fiber breakage,while the back titanium sheet is severely ripped.The rear damage is worse than the front one.Compared with traditional CFRP laminates,the critical breakthrough rate of Ti/CFRP/Ti sandwich structure is improved by 69.9% when suffered the impact of a bearing ball with 2mm radius.
基金supported by the China Spark Program(No.XH17055Y)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41574084)
文摘Determining the shallow structure of a sediment basin is important when evaluating potential seismic hazards given that such basins can significantly amplify seismic energy. The Luoyang basin is located in the western He’nan uplift and is a Meso-Cenozoic depression basin. To characterize the shallow structure of the basin, we develop a model of the shallow high-resolution three-dimensional(3D)shear-wave velocity structure of the basin by applying ambient noise tomography to a dense array of 107 portable digital seismometers deployed over the basin. More than 1,400 Rayleigh-wave dispersion curves for periods in the range 0.5–5 s are extracted. The 3D variations of shear-wave velocity in the shallow crust are inverted using a direct surface-wave tomographic method with period-dependent ray tracing, with all the surface-wave group-velocity dispersion data being inverted simultaneously. The results show that in the shallow crust of the study area, the velocity distribution corresponds to surface geology and geological features. The Luoyang basin exhibits a low shear-wave velocity feature that is consistent with the distribution of sediment in the region,while the Xiongershan and Songshan uplifts exhibit higher shear-wave velocity structures. The results provide a shallow high-resolution 3D velocity model that can be used as a basis for simulation of strong ground motion and evaluation of potential seismic hazards.
基金Climbing Project Continental Dynamics of East Asia (95-S-05) from Ministry of Science and Technology, P. R. China.
文摘A detail three-dimensional P wave velocity structure of Beijing, Tianjin and Tangshan area (BTT area) was deter-mined by inverting local earthquake data. In total 16 048 P wave first arrival times from 16048 shallow and mid-depth crustal earthquakes, which occurred in and around the BTT area from 1992 to 1999 were used. The first arrival times are recorded by Northern China United Telemetry Seismic Network and Yanqing-Huailai Digital Seismic Network. Hypocentral parameters of 1 132 earthquakes with magnitude ML=1.7~6.2 and the three-dimensional P wave velocity structure were obtained simultaneously. The inversion result reveals the com-plicated lateral heterogeneity of P wave velocity structure around BTT area. The tomographic images obtained are also found to explain other seismological observations well.
基金State Key Basic Development and Programming Project Mechanism and Prediction of Continental Strong Earthquakes (G1998040705).
文摘Based on S wave records of deep teleseisms on Digital Seismic Network of Shanxi Province, shear wave velocity structures beneath 6 stations were obtained by means of S wave waveform fitting. The result shows that the crust is thick in the studied region, reaching 40 km in thickness under 4 stations. The crust all alternatives high velocity layer with low velocity one. There appear varied velocity structures for different stations, and the stations around the same tectonic region exhibit similar structure characteristics. Combined with dominant depth distribution of many small-moderate earthquakes, the correlation between seismogenic layers and crustal structures of high and low velocity layers has been discussed.