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The use of concept mapping in data analysis:a phenomenology study of family members'experiences in taking care of people with cancer
作者 Merry Andriani Titan Ligita 《Frontiers of Nursing》 2024年第4期365-372,共8页
Objective:To explain the use of concept mapping in a study about family members'experiences in taking care of people with cancer.Methods:This study used a phenomenological study design.In this study,we describe th... Objective:To explain the use of concept mapping in a study about family members'experiences in taking care of people with cancer.Methods:This study used a phenomenological study design.In this study,we describe the analytical process of using concept mapping in our phenomenological studies about family members'experiences in taking care of people with cancer.Results:We developed several concept maps that aided us in analyzing our collected data from the interviews.Conclusions:The use of concept mapping is suggested to researchers who intend to analyze their data in any qualitative studies,including those using a phenomenological design,because it is a time-efficient way of dealing with large amounts of qualitative data during the analytical process. 展开更多
关键词 CANCER concept mapping data analysis FAMILY phenomenology
基于Neo4j的知识产权课程图谱构建研究 被引量:1
作者 周丽霞 赵建平 陈昭宇 《黑龙江教育(高教研究与评估)》 2024年第9期71-74,共4页
为使知识产权课程顺应创新驱动环境下数字人文技术的发展,文章分析了知识产权领域内课程资源间的关系,并将本体模型、Neo4j图数据库技术与知识产权课程资源相融合,建立起知识产权课程资源知识图谱的设计流程和构建方案。实证表明,知识... 为使知识产权课程顺应创新驱动环境下数字人文技术的发展,文章分析了知识产权领域内课程资源间的关系,并将本体模型、Neo4j图数据库技术与知识产权课程资源相融合,建立起知识产权课程资源知识图谱的设计流程和构建方案。实证表明,知识图谱和本体模型构建既有利于分析课程资源之间的关系,也有利于建立授课教师及教育机构间的关联。 展开更多
关键词 知识产权课程 知识图谱 本体 neo4j
作者 周涛 常凯 《信息技术与信息化》 2024年第6期209-212,共4页
通过详细阐述中医妇科知识图谱的构建流程,包括本体层的设计、实体与关系的知识抽取、数据的知识融合,以及最终的知识存储和可视化展示,提供了一种新的视角来理解和应用中医妇科知识,为中医学的研究和临床诊疗提供参考和借鉴。在本体层... 通过详细阐述中医妇科知识图谱的构建流程,包括本体层的设计、实体与关系的知识抽取、数据的知识融合,以及最终的知识存储和可视化展示,提供了一种新的视角来理解和应用中医妇科知识,为中医学的研究和临床诊疗提供参考和借鉴。在本体层设计阶段,采用自顶向下的方法,运用Protégé软件进行本体编辑和构建,确保了本体结构的科学性和系统性。在知识抽取阶段,利用Bi-LSTM-CRF模型结合人工定义规则,有效提取了中医妇科文本中的关键实体和关系。在知识融合阶段,针对中医术语的复杂性和多样性,采用人工方法进行数据的整合和对齐,增强了数据的准确性和一致性。最后,在知识存储和展示阶段,通过Neo4j图数据库实现了知识的有效存储和直观展示。 展开更多
关键词 知识图谱 中医妇科 知识抽取 neo4j
作者 连凡 《北京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期44-54,共11页
冯友兰在美国留学期间(1920-1923)使用并阐发了西方创造的“Neo-Confucian(ism)”概念,回国后(1924-1926)首次将其翻译为中文“新儒家(学)”概念。其后由于建构宋明儒学史的需要,加上“新儒学”概念意义的不确定性,1932年底以后,冯友兰... 冯友兰在美国留学期间(1920-1923)使用并阐发了西方创造的“Neo-Confucian(ism)”概念,回国后(1924-1926)首次将其翻译为中文“新儒家(学)”概念。其后由于建构宋明儒学史的需要,加上“新儒学”概念意义的不确定性,1932年底以后,冯友兰在其中论著中转而使用包括程朱理学与陆王心学在内的传统“道学”概念来指称宋明新儒学。但李石岑(1926)、谢扶雅(1928)、陈寅恪(1934)等人都在冯友兰的影响下使用了这一概念。20世纪40年代以后,“新儒家(学)”概念又被用来指称现当代等其他时代的新儒家(学),标志着这一概念在当时国内学术界通行起来。20世纪50年代前后,卜德翻译冯友兰的《中国哲学简史》《中国哲学史》等论著的流行,又促进了“Neo-Confucian(ism)”概念的普及。在“Neo-Confucian(ism)”概念的传播及阐发过程中,继承宋明新儒学并倡导返本开新的海内外现代新儒家(以冯友兰、狄百瑞为代表)起到了关键作用。 展开更多
关键词 宋明新儒家 道学 冯友兰 《中国哲学史》
Phenomenology of plume-surface interactions and preliminary results from the Tianwen-1 landing crater on Mars 被引量:2
作者 Tao Xu Bo Zheng +6 位作者 ZhaoBin Zhang Juan Li ShouDing Li XinShuo Chen XiuKuo Sun YanFang Wu YiMing Diao 《Earth and Planetary Physics》 EI CSCD 2023年第3期311-330,共20页
The plume-surface interaction(PSI)is a common phenomenon that describes the environment surrounding the landers resulting from the impingement of hot rocket exhaust on the regolith of planetary bodies.The PSI will cau... The plume-surface interaction(PSI)is a common phenomenon that describes the environment surrounding the landers resulting from the impingement of hot rocket exhaust on the regolith of planetary bodies.The PSI will cause obscuration,erosion of the planetary surface,and high-speed spreading of dust or high-energy ejecta streams,which will induce risks to a safe landing and cause damage to payloads on the landers or to nearby assets.Safe landings and the subsequent scientific goals of deep-space exploration in China call for a comprehensive understanding of the PSI process,including the plume flow mechanics,erosion mechanism,and ejecta dynamics.In addition,the landing crater caused by the plume provides a unique and insightful perspective on the understanding of PSI.In particular,the PSI can be used directly to constrain the composition,structure,and mechanical properties of the surface and subsurface soil.In this study,we conducted a systematic review of the phenomenology and terrestrial tests of PSI:we analyzed the critical factors in the PSI process and compared the differences in PSI phenomena between lunar and Martian conditions;we also reviewed the main erosion mechanisms and the evolution and development of terrestrial tests on PSI.We discuss the problems with PSI,challenges of terrestrial tests,and prospects of PSI,and we show the preliminary results obtained from the landing crater caused by the PSI of Tianwen-1.From analysis of the camera images and digital elevation model reconstructions,we concluded that the landing of Tianwen-1 caused the deepest crater(depth>40 cm)on a planetary surface reported to date and revealed stratigraphic layers in the subsurface of Martian soil.We further constrained the lower bounds of the mechanical properties of Martian soil by a slope stability analysis of the Tianwen-1 landing crater.The PSI may offer promising opportunities to obtain greater insights into planetary science,including the subsurface structure,mineral composition,and properties of soil. 展开更多
关键词 plume-surface interaction phenomenology analysis terrestrial test Tianwen-1 landing crater
作者 徐玉莹 王涛 +7 位作者 李佩芳 韩永升 吴子建 贾世震 方培钢 李莹莹 孙鹤天 张道宗 《右江民族医学院学报》 2024年第2期238-245,共8页
目的探讨基于Neo4j的知识图谱总结张道宗针刺治疗原发性头痛的证治规律。方法收集于2020年至2022年在安徽中医药大学第二附属医院就诊的251例头痛患者临床医案,采用PHP语言、Gephi对取穴进行分析,并运用古今医案云平台进行社团分析,使用... 目的探讨基于Neo4j的知识图谱总结张道宗针刺治疗原发性头痛的证治规律。方法收集于2020年至2022年在安徽中医药大学第二附属医院就诊的251例头痛患者临床医案,采用PHP语言、Gephi对取穴进行分析,并运用古今医案云平台进行社团分析,使用PHP 5.6程序代码将支持度≥0.08,置信度为≥0.65的证型、症状、舌象、脉象、取穴转译为Cypher语句,录入Neo4j中。结果针刺取穴多为督脉,占比26.95%,核心处方为百会、太阳、风府、印堂、哑门、头维、风池;置信度≥0.65的证型与取穴:足三里、脾俞→血虚头痛,丰隆→痰浊头痛、风湿头痛,太冲、侠溪→肝阳头痛,风门→风寒头痛,太冲、血海、阿是穴、膈俞→淤血头痛,曲池→风热头痛,肾俞→肾虚头痛;构建“证型-症状-取穴”本体及其间关系的知识图谱模型。结论张道宗针刺治疗原发性头痛以头部、督脉腧穴为主,形成了以“通督脉以和阴阳、启神机以调神志”为主要治则的选穴规律;也表明知识图谱在总结名老中医经验中具有数据整合、知识表达、智能检索等优势。 展开更多
关键词 原发性头痛 针刺 neo4j 证治规律 知识图谱
作者 谢云霏 贾李蓉 代金刚 《中国数字医学》 2024年第4期33-38,共6页
目的:以中医导引学的特点为基础构建知识图谱,方便用户查询、学习,传播中医养生保健传统文化,提高健康素质。方法:使用BERT-CRF模型辅以人工校对,对导引功法相关文献进行命名实体识别,根据学科特征制定实体之间的关系,并使用Neo4j构建... 目的:以中医导引学的特点为基础构建知识图谱,方便用户查询、学习,传播中医养生保健传统文化,提高健康素质。方法:使用BERT-CRF模型辅以人工校对,对导引功法相关文献进行命名实体识别,根据学科特征制定实体之间的关系,并使用Neo4j构建中医导引学知识图谱。结果:纳入相关文献3152篇,构建的知识图谱共包含2262个实体节点,5108条关系数据,7种实体类别属性,7种关系,并可以使用Neo4j的Cypher查询语言进行知识检索。结论:本知识图谱将中医导引学知识进行可视化展示,可用于构建导引知识检索、智能问答、功法推荐等应用程序与网络平台,开发相关人工智能应用设备,应用于计算机、自动化等学科的研究与生产创新中,同时也可用于深入数据挖掘,发现新研究方向。 展开更多
关键词 中医药 neo4j 导引 知识图谱
eSeis Neo节点关键技术指标检测方法及检测系统开发
作者 潘英杰 杜清波 +6 位作者 何永清 接铭丽 刘森 门哲 王建锋 田磊 白志宏 《石油管材与仪器》 2024年第6期79-87,共9页
节点仪器已成为当前油气地震勘探的主流核心设备,节点设备的信号响应等关键技术指标是节点设备水平和质量的体现,直接关系到所采集的地震数据质量和最终成像效果。由于采用“盲采”方式,节点设备的性能指标检测和质控是保障节点仪器质... 节点仪器已成为当前油气地震勘探的主流核心设备,节点设备的信号响应等关键技术指标是节点设备水平和质量的体现,直接关系到所采集的地震数据质量和最终成像效果。由于采用“盲采”方式,节点设备的性能指标检测和质控是保障节点仪器质量和地震资料品质的重要手段。研发了eSeis Neo节点检测系统,该系统采用信号源分离式结构,可支持数千节点同时进行高精度指标检测。对eSeis Neo节点关键技术指标的测试原理、测试内容、测试流程进行了详细说明,全面阐述了eSeis Neo节点检测系统的特点、系统设计方案、软硬件结构和实现方法,对信号源分离式结构下多节点高精度指标测试的优化设计做了深入探讨。目前eSeis Neo节点和该系统已经实现了量产和规模化应用,通过在华北、新疆、青海等多个重点项目对节点的指标检测和质控,被检节点性能稳定可靠,所采集的数据资料品质良好,得到甲方的广泛认可。检测系统相关指标已通过第三方机构认证。 展开更多
关键词 eSeis neo节点地震仪器 地震仪器测试 地震信号响应指标 Delta-Sigma ADC DAC THD
eSeis Neo节点便携式检修台的研制及应用
作者 宋立辉 薛立武 +2 位作者 任宜林 李超 封召鹏 《物探装备》 2024年第6期351-354,共4页
随着eSeis Neo节点仪器的大面积推广使用,保有量快速增加,如何实现对节点仪器高效、准确地检修,成为保障节点项目顺利运作的关键。本文介绍一种可以对eSeis Neo节点单元整机和电路板同时进行测试的便携式检修台(以下简称检修台)。该检... 随着eSeis Neo节点仪器的大面积推广使用,保有量快速增加,如何实现对节点仪器高效、准确地检修,成为保障节点项目顺利运作的关键。本文介绍一种可以对eSeis Neo节点单元整机和电路板同时进行测试的便携式检修台(以下简称检修台)。该检修台具有体积小、重量轻、操作简单、方便快捷、测试准确等优点,特别适用于野外现场检修使用,可大幅提高作业现场检修能力和效率,值得推广使用。 展开更多
关键词 eSeis neo 节点仪器 节点电路板 检修台
Analysis——Phenomenology——Morphology:Some Remarks on Ludwig Wittgenstein's Philosophical Method
作者 Michal Piekarski 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第4期206-212,共7页
The article discusses the problem of the unity of Ludwig Wittgenstein's philosophy. It is demonstrated that Wittgenstein applied two methods of study. Changes in his philosophy are correlated with modifications in hi... The article discusses the problem of the unity of Ludwig Wittgenstein's philosophy. It is demonstrated that Wittgenstein applied two methods of study. Changes in his philosophy are correlated with modifications in his method of thinking and investigation. In his Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, the only correct method is logical proposition analysis. In the early 1930s, he transformed his philosophy into a phenomenological description of experience, defining its aim as the development of phenomenological language. After 1933, Wittgenstein recognised the grammatical dimension of language and created tools of grammatical analysis. He introduced the notions of language-games and life forms. His philosophy turned into morphology and a description of human language practice. 展开更多
关键词 WITTGENSTEIN philosophical grammar MORPHOLOGY logical analysis phenomenology philosophy oflanguage
On "not knowing what to say" in the Tragic Face of Another: Radical Phenomenology as Abysmal Consolation
作者 Todd DuBose 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2011年第2期130-138,共9页
These reflections address the disturbing phenomenon of "not knowing what to say" to someone who has experienced the immediacy of a traumatic event and who, nevertheless, seeks a word of consolation from us to ease t... These reflections address the disturbing phenomenon of "not knowing what to say" to someone who has experienced the immediacy of a traumatic event and who, nevertheless, seeks a word of consolation from us to ease the suffering. The author addresses the inadequacy of consolation as mere verbiage, and then brings to mind an expanded understanding of discourse-as-comportment to offer the possibility of deep consolation for the suffering other in the groundlessness of the tragic situation, which the author calls "abysmal consolation". In the realization that discourse is also the embodied consolation of being-with the suffering other in a shattered lifeworld, both sufferer and carer of souling are freed up to meet each other in a place that was heretofore presumed to be an alienated and speechless place. 展开更多
关键词 radical phenomenology language discourse meaning CONSOLATION PASTORAL trauma tragedy resiliency healing soul
Cogito, Phenomenology, and Christianity in Michel Henry
作者 Hilaire Ngoma Tassoulou 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2022年第12期707-724,共18页
This article shows,in Michel Henry,the relationship that Descartes’cogito maintains with phenomenology and Christianity.Thus,this article first shows to see how the phenomenology of life is only possible through a re... This article shows,in Michel Henry,the relationship that Descartes’cogito maintains with phenomenology and Christianity.Thus,this article first shows to see how the phenomenology of life is only possible through a reading of Descartes’cogito.For,in it is in the cogito that one discovers how the life of the ego relates the ego to itself by excluding from itself what is outside of itself in the reduction in which this ego is constituted.The article then observes that it is from the way in which the ego is constituted in its most radical immanence that Michel shows how Husserl confused the immanence of the ego with the transcendence which lies outside of the ego.The article finally explains how the ego which discovers itself in pure immanence is the institute of a phenomenology of life which remains the mode of being of the philosophy of Christianity. 展开更多
作者 齐佳杰 魏东升 +2 位作者 刘雨婷 杨关林 张哲 《中医药导报》 2024年第11期172-177,共6页
目的:基于Neo4j探讨“病机链”理念下《脾胃论》知识图谱的构建方法,梳理书中各个方剂的病机逻辑关系,完成《脾胃论》湿热成痿肺金受邪论小型知识图谱的构建以及可视化。方法:在《中医临床术语第2部分:证候》等规范的指导下,采用人工知... 目的:基于Neo4j探讨“病机链”理念下《脾胃论》知识图谱的构建方法,梳理书中各个方剂的病机逻辑关系,完成《脾胃论》湿热成痿肺金受邪论小型知识图谱的构建以及可视化。方法:在《中医临床术语第2部分:证候》等规范的指导下,采用人工知识抽取对《脾胃论》湿热成痿肺金受邪论的题目、目录、方剂、中药、症状及病机进行提取、预处理及标准化,利用图数据库Neo4j构建知识图谱并进行存储。结果:基于Neo4j构建了包含115个相关实体节点和290条实体关系的《脾胃论》湿热成痿肺金受邪论小型知识图谱,实现了以“病机链”形式可视化方剂相关内容等功能。结论:研究证明了以“病机链”理念完整构建《脾胃论》Neo4j知识图谱的可行性,也为未来中医古籍的可视化提供新的思路。 展开更多
关键词 病机链 《脾胃论》 湿热成痿 肺金受邪 neo4j 知识图谱
eSeis Neo节点QC回收软件功能与应用
作者 孟庆夫 韩善锋 +2 位作者 李默 任骏 赵博琛 《物探装备》 2024年第2期126-128,共3页
本文阐述了eSeis Neo节点QC数据回收软件(简称GeoSNAP-eSeis Neo),与智能化地震队系统指挥中心云端存储技术建立强大用户数据库,实现各种数据的互通,地理信息数据与QC原始数据实时共享,构建一个实时的QC质控系统;实现QC数据回收全面信息... 本文阐述了eSeis Neo节点QC数据回收软件(简称GeoSNAP-eSeis Neo),与智能化地震队系统指挥中心云端存储技术建立强大用户数据库,实现各种数据的互通,地理信息数据与QC原始数据实时共享,构建一个实时的QC质控系统;实现QC数据回收全面信息化,具有定位与导航、多元化的采集方式、实时质量控制、生产进度智能化显示与统计等功能。该软件适用性强,能够安装在具有安卓系统的移动端,降低了生产成本;内外业质控一体化,缩短了QC质控周期,助力物探生产中的QC回收工序高效率、高质量管理,更好地满足物探生产需求。 展开更多
关键词 QC回收 eSeis neo 节点 蓝牙 智能化地震队
Bolzano and Phenomenology
作者 WANG Yixuan WANG Ce 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2022年第2期85-90,共6页
Bolzano’s invention of“pure logic”in his Theory of Science laid the foundation for Husserl’s establishment of phenomenology,because Husserl also established a“guidance of pure logic”in Logical Investigations.How... Bolzano’s invention of“pure logic”in his Theory of Science laid the foundation for Husserl’s establishment of phenomenology,because Husserl also established a“guidance of pure logic”in Logical Investigations.However,in Husserl’s opinion,“pure logic”is only a necessary thing before the establishment of phenomenology;it is not the last thing in human thought,as well as it is not a core idea of“pure consciousness”.Therefore,Bolzano’s logical concept only promoted Husserl to a“primary phenomenology”,which was only the preparation and entrance of this phenomenological philosophy. 展开更多
关键词 Bolzano HUSSERL phenomenology
A Review of G.G.Shpet’s Hermeneutic-Phenomenology
作者 XIAO Jingyu 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2020年第7期431-437,共7页
Based on the analysis of the philosophical source and the epistemological roots of G.G.Shpet’s hermeneutic-phenomenology,this article states that G.G.Shpet,as an important Russian representative of the turn“from ont... Based on the analysis of the philosophical source and the epistemological roots of G.G.Shpet’s hermeneutic-phenomenology,this article states that G.G.Shpet,as an important Russian representative of the turn“from ontology to epistemology”in the philosophy of language,not only inherited Husserlian phenomenology,but also combined phenomenology and hermeneutics together as to develop a unique form of hermeneutic-phenomenology,which is based on Husserl’s phenomenology,deeply influenced by Dilthey’s hermeneutics,and inherited Humboldt’s philosophy of language to some extend as well.Besides,the author points out that some of G.G.Shpet’s thoughts were also inherited from Slavophile and Moscow school of metaphysics. 展开更多
关键词 G.G.Shpet hermeneutic phenomenology philosophy of language HUSSERL ONTOLOGY EPISTEMOLOGY
作者 王远征 田庆宜 王靖亚 《警察技术》 2024年第3期66-69,共4页
研究探讨了大语言模型和图数据库技术在微博水军识别领域的应用。提出了一种基于Davinci模型的微博水军快速识别方法,并利用提示词工程识别水军账号概率及线索,同时运用Neo4j图数据库实施社群分析,绘制热点事件水军传播网络,识别水军团... 研究探讨了大语言模型和图数据库技术在微博水军识别领域的应用。提出了一种基于Davinci模型的微博水军快速识别方法,并利用提示词工程识别水军账号概率及线索,同时运用Neo4j图数据库实施社群分析,绘制热点事件水军传播网络,识别水军团伙。结果表明,该方法能较好地识别微博水军账号,且速度快,结合人工研判效果明显。探讨了大语言模型在水军识别中的应用前景,研究分析了水军识别过程中基于标签数据集的模型微调、提示词构建、用户社群分析等关键技术。为相关部门提供了一种利用大语言模型工具支持分析工作的新思路,对未来水军监测工作具有一定参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 微博水军 快速识别 DAVINCI neo4j 图数据库
Research on the Current Situation of Development of Phenomenology and the Influences on Language Cognition
作者 Zhongliang Cui Huili Wang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第2期19-21,共3页
In this paper, we conduct research on current situation of development of phenomenology and the influences on language cognition. Language is a part of human cognition, it not only by the group, including cultural typ... In this paper, we conduct research on current situation of development of phenomenology and the influences on language cognition. Language is a part of human cognition, it not only by the group, including cultural types and communication mode, objective social constraints, as also shared with human cognitive subject and the innate cognitive ability is closely related. Thus, the perspective of the cognitive linguistics and the cognitive introduced for expanding and deepening the research on cognitive linguistics has an important value. From the cognitive perspective and reveals language internalization mechanism is an important path to deepen the study of second language acquisition. So, with multidimensional research value and cognition, can provide important theoretical reference for language internalization. At the same time, the body cognitive is not the purpose of people, but merely a device methods or strategies. That is to say, those who have an information, experience and knowledge module, just as the main body of language cognition of raw materials, they need by the consciousness of main body of the higher order language system to filter, restructuring, deformation and consolidation, and language simulation of this new product for the secondary and experience. 展开更多
关键词 phenomenology Language Cognition Basic Influences Current Situation
eSeis Neo节点技术特点及应用方法
作者 严皓 杜清波 +3 位作者 刘森 张洪涛 丁建群 王瑞琦 《石油管材与仪器》 2024年第6期88-91,共4页
随着陆地大道数节点勘探项目逐渐增多,无线节点技术突飞猛进,油气勘探领域全面进入节点仪器采集时代。eSeis Neo系列节点是eSeis节点仪器的升级产品。详细介绍了eSeis Neo节点仪器的技术特点和野外采集流程,并结合某国内三维项目的应用... 随着陆地大道数节点勘探项目逐渐增多,无线节点技术突飞猛进,油气勘探领域全面进入节点仪器采集时代。eSeis Neo系列节点是eSeis节点仪器的升级产品。详细介绍了eSeis Neo节点仪器的技术特点和野外采集流程,并结合某国内三维项目的应用实例,阐述了eSeis Neo节点仪器采集技术的施工方法,分析了该节点仪器的优势和不足,为eSeis Neo节点仪器在其他项目的运作提供了经验,对其他节点产品的项目应用也有参考作用。 展开更多
关键词 eSeis neo节点 GPS驯钟 节点仪器 质量控制
Ethics of Difference:Towards a Phenomenology of Inclusion
作者 Ivo De Gennaro Ralf Lüfter 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2022年第8期425-442,共18页
In this essay we propose notions of difference and equality as elements of a phenomenologically informed ethics.The proposed notions are tested on a diagnosis of inclusion,and,in particular,inclusive education,both of... In this essay we propose notions of difference and equality as elements of a phenomenologically informed ethics.The proposed notions are tested on a diagnosis of inclusion,and,in particular,inclusive education,both of which are leading values in contemporary public moral discourse and in the formulation of related policies.The value of inclusive practices is commonly seen in the circumstance that they safeguard difference while granting equality and realize equality without curtailing difference,thus creating conditions in which human dignity is respected.We ask in what sense,that is,according to what understanding of equality and difference,this is true.Our conclusion is that“the value of inclusion”is at least compatible with a merely formal sense of equality,which,at the same time,effectively negates human difference.On the other hand,the proposed phenomenological notions of difference and equality seem to provide an avenue towards a renewed understanding of the humanity of man,as well as of(inclusive)education as a manner of fostering that humanity.The interpretive framework for our analysis is given by Heidegger’s diagnosis of nihilism.The latter implies a notion of“values”as conditions of a dynamic of empowerment which has the“drive to more”as its intrinsic,constitutive motive. 展开更多
关键词 phenomenological Ethics DIFFERENCE EQUALITY Human Dignity Human Rights INCLUSION Education
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