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Gestational carriers: A viable alternative for women with medical contraindications to pregnancy
作者 Raymond M. Anchan Stacey A. Missmer +1 位作者 Katharine F. Correia Elizabeth S. Ginsburg 《Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology》 2013年第5期24-31,共8页
Objective: Compare the efficacy of surrogate or gestational carrier (GC) cycles to that of autologous in vitro fertilization (IVF)/intracytoplasmic sperm injections (ICSI) in patients with gynecologic or medical co-mo... Objective: Compare the efficacy of surrogate or gestational carrier (GC) cycles to that of autologous in vitro fertilization (IVF)/intracytoplasmic sperm injections (ICSI) in patients with gynecologic or medical co-morbidities contraindicative to pregnancy. Design: Retrospective cohort study. Setting: Infertility patients from a single university hospital-based program from 1998-2009. Intervention(s): 128 GC cycles from 80 intended parents were identified and compared with 15,311 IVF or ICSI cycles. Main Outcome Measure(s): The peak estradiol (E2), number of oocytes retrieved, cycle cancellation, ongoing pregnancy, and live-birth were compared between GCs and autologous IVF carriers. Indications for GC use were also identified. Multiple cycles contributed by the same patient were accounted for using multivariable generalized estimating equations and two-sided Wald p-values. Results: Uterine factors (67%) was the most common indication for using a GC, followed by non-gynecologic medical conditions including coagulopathies (13%), end stage renal disease (10%), cardiovascular disease (5%) and cancer (5%). Adjusting for age, ovulation induction in GC cycles had similar peak E2 levels and number of oocytes retrieved relative to IVF cycles (p = 0.23 and 0.43, respectively). Clinical pregnancy (49% vs. 42%, p = 0.28) and live-birth rates (31% vs. 32%, p = 0.74) were also comparable. A sub-analysis of GC cycles in those women with uterine factor indications, demonstrated significantly higher clinical pregnancy rates (OR = 2.0;CI = 1.2 - 3.5) with 60% greater odds of live-birth relative to IVF/ICSI cycles, however this odds was not statistically significant for differences in live-birth (CI = 0.9 - 2.9). Conclusions: GCs are a viable alternative to start families for patients with medical co-morbidities precluding pregnancy. 展开更多
关键词 IVF Donor Egg gestational Carriers gestational surrogacy INFERTILITY MEDICAL COMORBIDITIES
人格尊严视角下代孕技术的伦理审视 被引量:6
作者 郑晓琴 张振兴 《昆明理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第6期13-16,共4页
目前我国对代孕技术采取全面禁止的态度是伦理学界争议较大的问题之一。生育和人类的繁衍作为人类基本的一项权利,应当在社会中得到尊重,得到法律的保护。文章从"人格尊严"的视角出发,对代孕技术中涉及的委托父母、代孕母亲... 目前我国对代孕技术采取全面禁止的态度是伦理学界争议较大的问题之一。生育和人类的繁衍作为人类基本的一项权利,应当在社会中得到尊重,得到法律的保护。文章从"人格尊严"的视角出发,对代孕技术中涉及的委托父母、代孕母亲进行伦理审视和研究,从其人格尊严的价值层面寻找对代孕技术在计划生育政策条件下有限开放的伦理论证。 展开更多
关键词 人格尊严 代孕技术 技术伦理
论完全代孕中子女身份归属的法律认定——从“子女最佳利益”原则出发 被引量:12
作者 任巍 《学术探索》 CSSCI 2014年第8期42-45,共4页
完全代孕是指由受术妻子提供受精卵,由代理孕母孕育分娩子女的过程。完全代孕所生子女身份归属的认定应以"子女最佳利益"为指导原则。学界关于代孕所生子女身份归属的认定标准有"分娩说""当事人意愿说"&q... 完全代孕是指由受术妻子提供受精卵,由代理孕母孕育分娩子女的过程。完全代孕所生子女身份归属的认定应以"子女最佳利益"为指导原则。学界关于代孕所生子女身份归属的认定标准有"分娩说""当事人意愿说""子女最佳利益说"和"血缘说"。四种学说各有利弊,都不足以作为代孕子女身份归属的法律标准。本文在综合各理论的基础上提出修正的意思表示说,即在国家公权力监管下,基于子女利益、社会公共利益,尊重当事人意思自由的同时对意思自治进行必要限制。 展开更多
关键词 完全代孕 子女最佳利益 判断标准 修正的意思表示说
非商业性妊娠型代孕的伦理正当性分析 被引量:2
作者 甘代军 吴会娟 《医学与哲学(A)》 北大核心 2016年第4期37-40,共4页
非商业性妊娠型代孕的伦理正当性主要表现在对不孕方的最大关爱和尊重,对代孕母亲和精卵捐献者高尚品行的尊重、赞赏,其合法实施也能弥补现行法律缺位导致的实体正义缺失。由于对代孕不良伦理后果和权益纠纷的过度焦虑和夸大,合理的代... 非商业性妊娠型代孕的伦理正当性主要表现在对不孕方的最大关爱和尊重,对代孕母亲和精卵捐献者高尚品行的尊重、赞赏,其合法实施也能弥补现行法律缺位导致的实体正义缺失。由于对代孕不良伦理后果和权益纠纷的过度焦虑和夸大,合理的代孕行为被压制和排斥在伦理正当性和合法化之外,既使不孕者正常权益无法得到尊重和实现,又使代孕母亲和所生子女的伦理地位和利益在"地下"代孕情境中难以得到法律保障。因此,在我国以家庭伦理为本位和重视生儿育女的伦理语境下,通过妊娠型代孕合法化的政策实践就能很好地解决代孕面临的各种伦理、社会问题。 展开更多
关键词 非商业性代孕 妊娠型代孕 伦理分歧
非商业性借腹代孕的伦理论证 被引量:2
作者 江传月 李隼 《唐都学刊》 2015年第3期8-12,共5页
关键词 代孕 非商业性借腹代孕 生命伦理
借腹代孕合法化的边界研究 被引量:7
作者 庞琳 《医学与哲学(A)》 北大核心 2015年第12期58-60,86,共4页
我国对代孕行为采取的完全禁止型立法模式并未达到"因禁而止"的目的。将代孕分为借卵借腹代孕、借腹代孕、捐胚代孕三种类型进行分析,梳理域外对代孕的立法模式和司法裁判思路。依据我国具体情况,提出承认借腹代孕行为具有合... 我国对代孕行为采取的完全禁止型立法模式并未达到"因禁而止"的目的。将代孕分为借卵借腹代孕、借腹代孕、捐胚代孕三种类型进行分析,梳理域外对代孕的立法模式和司法裁判思路。依据我国具体情况,提出承认借腹代孕行为具有合法性的建议。从法理、人权的角度论证借腹代孕具有正当性基础。在考虑社会伦理因素的前提下,对代孕人和代孕需求者的主体资格和行为进行规制,确定借腹代孕行为的合法性边界。提出建立借腹代孕生殖亲子关系认定的民事诉讼特别程序。 展开更多
关键词 代孕行为 合法化 借腹代孕
作者 张彭松 颜悦 《合肥学院学报(综合版)》 2022年第1期52-56,共5页
妊娠代孕的实质表现为,在技术理性和商业利润催生下女性子宫生殖功能出现工具化特征,其虽能帮助部分女性摆脱无法生育的困境,但从女性尊严角度加以思考,代孕对现存的伦理道德和法律规范提出了巨大的挑战。生育工具和女性尊严在本质上是... 妊娠代孕的实质表现为,在技术理性和商业利润催生下女性子宫生殖功能出现工具化特征,其虽能帮助部分女性摆脱无法生育的困境,但从女性尊严角度加以思考,代孕对现存的伦理道德和法律规范提出了巨大的挑战。生育工具和女性尊严在本质上是工具性和目的性之间不可调和的矛盾,妊娠代孕商业行为使得女性沦为生育机器,女性尊严遭受贬损。因而,为了维护女性尊严,社会需要通过伦理和法律对代孕进行规制,不仅要加强对医务人员的职业伦理教育,增强其对职业伦理的理解和内化,还需要加大对代孕的禁止力度,提高禁止代孕的法律位阶和效力。 展开更多
关键词 妊娠代孕 女性尊严 生育工具 法律伦理调适
作者 章桦 《医学与法学》 2013年第6期46-49,共4页
妊娠代孕又叫"完全代孕",其作为代孕技术中的一种,理论界对其合法性一直争论不休,因此立法者不敢轻易打开法律的大门,致使地下代孕行为越演越烈。本文首先介绍了国内外关于妊娠代孕的现状,在假设妊娠代孕合法化的前提下,探讨... 妊娠代孕又叫"完全代孕",其作为代孕技术中的一种,理论界对其合法性一直争论不休,因此立法者不敢轻易打开法律的大门,致使地下代孕行为越演越烈。本文首先介绍了国内外关于妊娠代孕的现状,在假设妊娠代孕合法化的前提下,探讨妊娠代孕是否能够合理规制、怎样才能对代孕双方进行合理规制等,以期更好地解决妊娠代孕自身的合法性问题。 展开更多
关键词 妊娠代孕 合法化 求孕方 代孕母 合理规制
非商业妊娠型代孕合法化的伦理考量 被引量:5
作者 唐洁琼 《医学与哲学》 2019年第14期38-42,共5页
当前代孕行为分类繁杂不可一概而论,非商业妊娠型代孕作为一种辅助不孕夫妇生育的途径之一,其本身的伦理价值理应得到认可。一方面,理论界反对代孕的传统认知与伦理谬误无法得到有效辩护,人们关于代孕行为的认知和理解需重新进行梳理。... 当前代孕行为分类繁杂不可一概而论,非商业妊娠型代孕作为一种辅助不孕夫妇生育的途径之一,其本身的伦理价值理应得到认可。一方面,理论界反对代孕的传统认知与伦理谬误无法得到有效辩护,人们关于代孕行为的认知和理解需重新进行梳理。另一方面,非商业妊娠型代孕自身便拥有内在的正当性,在保障涉及群体生育权利的同时,对区域人口结构与市场环境的稳定也将产生规制作用。立足于严格制度审查与伦理原则遵守的基础之上,非商业妊娠型代孕的合法化问题应当予以合理审视。 展开更多
关键词 非商业妊娠型代孕 合法化 伦理 人工辅助生殖技术
Outcomes of surrogate pregnancies in California and hospital economics of surrogate maternity and newborn care 被引量:1
作者 Yona Nicolau Austin Purkeypile +2 位作者 T Allen Merritt Mitchell Goldstein Bryan Oshiro 《World Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology》 2015年第4期102-107,共6页
AIM:To describe maternity and newborn charges for an economic analysis of surrogate pregnancies on the health care resource utilization.METHODS:A retrospective chart review of all women identified as being surrogates ... AIM:To describe maternity and newborn charges for an economic analysis of surrogate pregnancies on the health care resource utilization.METHODS:A retrospective chart review of all women identified as being surrogates and the infants born from these pregnancies was performed between January 1,2012 and December 31,2013.Selected maternity diagnoses,mode of delivery,duration of hospitalization,and hospital charges were collected together with infants' birth weights,gestational age,length of hospital stay,and hospital charges.Charges associated with the in vitro fertilization cycles,artificial insemination,or embryo(s)transfer into the surrogate were not considered in the maternity charges.A ratio contrasting the maternity hospital charges for the surrogate carrier was compared as a ratio to the mean charges for 2540 infants delivered in 2013 after naturalconception and adjusted to the baseline hospital charges for both maternity and newborn care.RESULTS:Analysis of sixty-nine infants delivered from both gestational and traditional surrogate women found an increased in multiple births,NICU admission,and length of stay with hospital charges several multiples beyond that of a term infant conceived naturally and provided care in our nursery.Among singletons and twins(per infant)hospital charges were increased 26 times(P < 0.001)and in triplets charges were increased 173 times(P < 0.0001)when compared to a term infant provided care in a normal nursery at our center.CONCLUSION:Maternity costs for surrogates exceed those of women who conceive naturally,and these costs are especially magnified in women with triplets and multiple births. 展开更多
关键词 surrogacy pregnancy Assisted reproductive technologies PREMATURITY Multiple gestations
Some Aspects of Notarization of the Surrogacy Agreement:The Experience of Ukraine and the World
作者 Tetiana Andrushchenko Maryna Polishchuk +2 位作者 Ivan Bashta Alona Dutko Anna Koval 《Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine》 2023年第2期99-105,共7页
Relevance of the problem under research is due to the fragmentary character of the regulatory framework for concluding a surrogacy agreement both in Ukraine and foreign countries,which does not solve the full range of... Relevance of the problem under research is due to the fragmentary character of the regulatory framework for concluding a surrogacy agreement both in Ukraine and foreign countries,which does not solve the full range of problems that arise in law enforcement practice.Moreover,there is no clear regulation for the notarization of the surrogacy agreement.The study aims to analyze the existing legal regulation of theoretical and practical aspects of the conclusion of a surrogacy agreement and draw certain conclusions and scientific provisions on the notarization of the surrogacy agreement.The leading research methods used for a comprehensive examination of surrogacy and surrogacy agreement were the following:normative semantic method,general logical methods of cognition,comparative and formal legal methods,generalization,historical method,systemic method,and structural and functional method.The research results proved the need for the legislative regulation of surrogacy.If a notarial form of the surrogacy agreement is implemented,it can significantly reduce the criminal component in this service and the risk of adverse consequences for the parties.There must be a separate law on the regulation of surrogacy adopted in Ukraine,which also concerns all other types of assisted reproductive technologies. 展开更多
关键词 Assisted reproductive technologies gestational courier human rights Ministry of Health of Ukraine surrogacy agreement
甄别与分类:论代孕案件基础争议的解决进路 被引量:8
作者 徐文 《河北法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第11期136-152,共17页
生物科技的发展正改变着人类传统的繁衍方式。作为合作生殖技术之一的代孕技术却在我国处于尴尬境地:禁而不止、由明转暗。从代孕所涉主体的权利义务内容出发,也许是解决困境的出路。在代孕合同及其条款的效力认定上,宜在区分商业型代... 生物科技的发展正改变着人类传统的繁衍方式。作为合作生殖技术之一的代孕技术却在我国处于尴尬境地:禁而不止、由明转暗。从代孕所涉主体的权利义务内容出发,也许是解决困境的出路。在代孕合同及其条款的效力认定上,宜在区分商业型代孕与非商业型代孕的基础上区别对待;在对代孕婴儿法律上母亲的认定上,宜在区分传统型代孕和妊娠型代孕的基础上,分别采取"分娩者为母"标准与"若非……则否"标准;在对代孕婴儿法律上父亲的认定上,宜根据代孕人配偶的意思表示,采取"代孕人配偶优先+基因父亲补位"原则;在对代孕婴儿监护权归属的认定上,宜采取儿童最佳利益原则。 展开更多
关键词 代孕合同 合作生殖 传统型代孕 妊娠型代孕 监护权
妊娠型代孕的伦理正当性研究 被引量:10
作者 孔德猛 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期97-105,共9页
代孕人工辅助生殖技术是一把达摩克利斯之剑,它在解决不孕不育症的同时,也对建立在传统自然生育基础上的道德观念和法律制度带来极大的挑战。在反驳代孕逼迫女性出租子宫、促使变相买卖婴儿猖獗、剥削贫穷女性劳动力、破坏家庭稳定等观... 代孕人工辅助生殖技术是一把达摩克利斯之剑,它在解决不孕不育症的同时,也对建立在传统自然生育基础上的道德观念和法律制度带来极大的挑战。在反驳代孕逼迫女性出租子宫、促使变相买卖婴儿猖獗、剥削贫穷女性劳动力、破坏家庭稳定等观点的基础上,本文论证了"妊娠型代孕"的正当性。相比国外正在逐步开放代孕政策来说,中国大陆完全禁止代孕的规定逐渐凸显其滞后性。为了保障不孕不育夫妇的生育权、防止代孕技术的滥用,中国政府应立足妊娠型代孕正当性的国际趋势,制定禁止基因型代孕、适度开放"妊娠型代孕"的法律制度来规范和引导代孕行为。 展开更多
关键词 妊娠型代孕 基因型代孕 代孕母亲 受术夫妻
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