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硫醇吸附挥发性有机气体(VOCs)的气敏机理 被引量:1
作者 张海燕 李琦 +2 位作者 王梓臻 文豪 刘丹凤 《原子与分子物理学报》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第3期35-44,共10页
化学电阻气体传感器对于空气质量、食品检测和人体呼吸有着重要作用.传感器上修饰物硫醇与待测的VOCs之间吸附的气敏机理分析是选择硫醇、预测吸附能力与特异性的重要手段.本文选取了11-巯基-1-十一醇(MUD)和4-甲氧基苄硫醇(MTT)两种常... 化学电阻气体传感器对于空气质量、食品检测和人体呼吸有着重要作用.传感器上修饰物硫醇与待测的VOCs之间吸附的气敏机理分析是选择硫醇、预测吸附能力与特异性的重要手段.本文选取了11-巯基-1-十一醇(MUD)和4-甲氧基苄硫醇(MTT)两种常见的硫醇与六种典型的VOCs(乙醇ETN、异丙醇IPA、丙酮ACN、正己烷HXN、甲苯TLN、苯甲醛BND),基于密度泛函理论(DFT),计算其表面静电势(ESP)并建立气体吸附模型.在气体吸附模型的基础上计算其吸附能,并分析其弱相互作用,从微观角度解释气体吸附的作用机理.实验结果表明,具有羟基的MUD分子对同样有羟基的气体(如ETN、IPA)能够以氢键的方式吸附,具有较强的选择效果;具有苯环的MTT分子与具有苯环结构的气体分子(如TLN、BND)吸附时会在苯环之间形成π-π堆积,基于色散作用进行吸附,这表明MTT分子对具有苯环结构的气体有着较强的吸附作用.研究发现其色散作用吸附的强弱与分子的表面ESP绝对值有关.本文对于传感器表面修饰物吸附气体的气敏机理进行了探究,并对表面修饰物的选择和实验结果预测提供了理论指导. 展开更多
关键词 硫醇 VOCS DFT 表面静电势 气体吸附模型 弱相互作用分析
PEG-thiol修饰对金磁微粒胶体稳定性和抗吞噬能力的影响 被引量:1
作者 龚明福 杨华 +3 位作者 张松 邹利光 张冬 舒通胜 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期1053-1057,共5页
目的探讨PEG-thiol修饰对GoldMag的磁学性能、体外悬浮稳定性和抗吞噬能力的影响。方法用PEG-thiol对GoldMag进行表面修饰,采用MR FSE序列T2W、GRE序列T2*W和T2mapping分别检测PEG-GoldMag和GoldMag的磁学性能;以Zeta电位仪检测两种纳... 目的探讨PEG-thiol修饰对GoldMag的磁学性能、体外悬浮稳定性和抗吞噬能力的影响。方法用PEG-thiol对GoldMag进行表面修饰,采用MR FSE序列T2W、GRE序列T2*W和T2mapping分别检测PEG-GoldMag和GoldMag的磁学性能;以Zeta电位仪检测两种纳米粒溶液的Zeta电位,紫外-可见光分光光度计检测两种纳米粒溶液不同时间点的吸光度,评估其悬浮稳定性。分别用两种纳米粒对小鼠单核巨噬细胞RAW 264.7进行体外标记,以普鲁士蓝染色检测两种纳米粒的细胞标记率,ICP-OES检测两种不同纳米粒标记的RAW 264.7细胞的细胞内铁含量,评估PEG修饰对GoldMag纳米粒体外抗吞噬能力的影响。结果GoldMag和PEG-GoldMag溶液的Zeta电位分别为-18.3mV和-39.5 mV。室温下静置100 min后,GoldMag和PEG-GoldMag溶液的相对吸光度分别为50%和88.5%;静置200min后两种溶液的相对吸光度分别为17%~18%和80%。两种纳米粒均能标记RAW 264.7细胞,GoldMag和PEG-GoldMag对RAW 264.7细胞的标记率分别为(85.3±2.1)%和(23.6±1.3)%。GoldMag和PEG-GoldMag标记的RAW264.7细胞的铁含量分别为(21.6±2.3)pg/细胞和(8.7±1.2)pg/细胞。在T2WI、T2*WI和T2mapping三种图像上,各浓度下PEG-GoldMag和GoldMag纳米粒凝胶的信号强度和T2值差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论PEG-thiol修饰能显著改善GoldMag的悬浮稳定性和抗吞噬清除能力,且对其磁学性能无明显影响。 展开更多
关键词 金磁微粒 巯基聚乙二醇 悬浮稳定性 抗吞噬能力 磁共振成像
作者 范晓慧 聂金秋 +1 位作者 李欢欢 李志国 《涂料工业》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期15-23,30,共10页
针对传统水性涂料成膜速度慢、涂装效率低的问题,通过硫醇-烯点击反应在聚醋酸乙烯酯(PVAc)基核壳乳胶粒表面接枝多官能度硫醇(TMPMP),并采用预乳化法在乳胶粒合成后期加入双键活性单体,制备了PVAc基光固化复合乳液。系统考察了复合乳... 针对传统水性涂料成膜速度慢、涂装效率低的问题,通过硫醇-烯点击反应在聚醋酸乙烯酯(PVAc)基核壳乳胶粒表面接枝多官能度硫醇(TMPMP),并采用预乳化法在乳胶粒合成后期加入双键活性单体,制备了PVAc基光固化复合乳液。系统考察了复合乳液的稳定性、光固化特性、力学性能以及漆膜性能。结果表明:所制备的PVAc基核壳乳胶粒粒径在200 nm左右,表面修饰的巯基官能团能够与双键活性单体在紫外光照射下发生硫醇-烯点击反应从而实现快速成膜固化;复合乳液稳定性优良,储存期可达60 d以上。将复合乳液应用于木材光固化涂饰时,最快可在9 s内实现固化;通过调控硫醇与活性单体的比例可改善漆膜性能,当活性单体(TMPTA)用量为400%时,乳胶膜的力学性能最优,拉伸强度达到6.17 MPa,断裂伸长率为1.79%;同时,木器涂料漆膜的硬度、光泽和粗糙度分别为4H、10.8和2.34μm。硫醇-烯点击修饰的PVAc基光固化复合乳液可实现快速成膜固化,进而显著提高涂装效率,在水性木器涂料的应用中具有广阔的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 水性木器涂料 核壳结构 聚醋酸乙烯酯 硫醇-烯点击反应 紫外光固化
作者 孙公全 尚森森 +4 位作者 赵卿波 李晓盼 刁晶晶 吕小军 李翔 《现代化工》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期87-92,共6页
以氢氧化钠、甲醇钠、乙醇钠和叔丁醇钾等固体碱以及AlCl_(3)、FeCl_(3)、ZnCl_(2)和CuCl_(2)等固体Lewis酸作催化剂,以摩尔分数为1%的己硫醇/苯乙烯溶液作模型油品,研究了硫醇在这些固体酸碱上的反应。结果表明,甲醇钠和乙醇钠以及FeCl... 以氢氧化钠、甲醇钠、乙醇钠和叔丁醇钾等固体碱以及AlCl_(3)、FeCl_(3)、ZnCl_(2)和CuCl_(2)等固体Lewis酸作催化剂,以摩尔分数为1%的己硫醇/苯乙烯溶液作模型油品,研究了硫醇在这些固体酸碱上的反应。结果表明,甲醇钠和乙醇钠以及FeCl_(3)能够在室温下高活性地催化苯乙烯中少量己硫醇转化为二己基二硫醚和1-苯乙基己硫烷等大分子高沸点的含硫化合物,并可以通过后续精馏从苯乙烯中分离,为苯乙烯反应脱除硫醇硫提供了可行的方法。固体碱只催化了己硫醇的氧化反应,其活性与碱性和结构都有关,具有较强碱性和较小空间位阻的甲醇钠和乙醇钠表现出最佳的催化性能。FeCl_(3)既催化了己硫醇的氧化反应,也催化了己硫醇与苯乙烯的加成反应;CuCl_(2)也表现出很高的催化己硫醇氧化的活性,起到反应物或氧化剂的作用,可将己硫醇氧化成二己基二硫醚,同时释放出HCl,与苯乙烯反应生成1-氯-1-苯乙烷。 展开更多
关键词 苯乙烯 硫醇 反应脱硫 固体碱 路易斯酸
Protein and non-protein sulfhydryls and disulfides in gastric mucosa and liver after gastrotoxic chemicals and sucralfate: Possible new targets of pharmacologic agents 被引量:6
作者 Lajos Nagy Miki Nagata Sandor Szabo 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第14期2053-2060,共8页
AIM: To investigate the role of major non-protein and protein sulfhydryls and disulfides in chemically induced gastric hemorrhagic mucosal lesions (HML) and the mechanism of gastroprotective effect of sucralfate.ME... AIM: To investigate the role of major non-protein and protein sulfhydryls and disulfides in chemically induced gastric hemorrhagic mucosal lesions (HML) and the mechanism of gastroprotective effect of sucralfate.METHODS: Rats were given 1 mL of 75% ethanol, 25%NaCl, 0.6 mol/L HCI, 0.2 mol/L NaOH or 1% ammonia solutions intragastrically (i.g.) and sacrificed 1, 3, 6 or 12 min later. Total (reduced and oxidized) glutathione (GSH + GSSG), glutathione disulfide (GSSG), protein free sulfhydryls (PSH), protein-glutathione mixed disulfides (PSSG) and protein cystine disulfides (PSSP) were measured in gastric mucosa and liver.RESULTS: Reduced glutathione (GSH) was depleted in the gastric mucosa after ethanol, HCI or NaCl exposure,while oxidized glutathione (GSSG) concentrations increased, except by HCI and NaOH exposure. Decreased levels of PSH after exposure to ethanol were observed,NaCl or NaOH while the total protein disulfides were increased. Ratios of reduced to oxidized glutathione or sulfhydrils to disulfides were decreased by all chemicals.No changes in thiol homeostasis were detected in the liver after i.g. abbreviation should be spelled out the first time here administration of ethanol. Sucralfate increased the concentrations of GSH and PSH and prevented the ethanol-induced changes in gastric mucosal thiol concentrations.CONCLUSION: Our modified methods are now suitable for direct measurements of major protein and nonprotein thiols/disulfides in the gastric mucosa or liver.A common element in the pathogenesis of chemically induced HML and in the mechanism of gastroprotective drugs seems to be the decreased ratios of reduced and oxidized glutathione as well as protein sulfhydryls and disulfides. 展开更多
关键词 non-protein and protein thiol Gastricmucosal injury GASTROPROTECTION Sucralfate
作者 吴琳 史琳茜 《妇儿健康导刊》 2025年第1期86-89,共4页
目的观察参芪增液活血汤联合静脉补液治疗妊娠晚期未足月羊水偏少患者的临床效果及对母体氧化应激相关指标的影响。方法将2022年6月至2024年3月在宜兴市中医医院住院的孕龄28~35周、诊断为羊水偏少的80例患者,按随机数字表法分为对照组... 目的观察参芪增液活血汤联合静脉补液治疗妊娠晚期未足月羊水偏少患者的临床效果及对母体氧化应激相关指标的影响。方法将2022年6月至2024年3月在宜兴市中医医院住院的孕龄28~35周、诊断为羊水偏少的80例患者,按随机数字表法分为对照组和试验组,每组各40例。对照组静脉补液治疗,试验组用参芪增液活血汤联合静脉补液治疗。观察两组羊水指数(AFI)、分娩时实际羊水量、母儿结局、不良反应及母血中天然硫醇(-SH)、动态二硫化物(-SS)、缺血修饰白蛋白(IMA)水平。结果治疗后试验组AFI高于对照组,分娩时实际羊水量多于对照组,剖宫产率、早产率、胎儿窘迫发生率均低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。试验组治疗后-SH高于对照组,-SS、IMA低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论参芪增液活血汤联合静脉补液治疗妊娠晚期未足月羊水偏少患者,能降低母体氧化应激指标-SS、IMA水平,升高抗氧化标志物-SH水平,恢复硫醇/二硫化物动态平衡,增加围产期羊水量,减少早产、剖宫产、胎儿窘迫等母儿不良结局。 展开更多
关键词 参芪增液活血汤 羊水偏少 氧化应激 硫醇/二硫化物动态平衡
Thiol-free route to diaryl sulfides by Cu catalyzed coupling of sodium thiosulfate with aryl halides 被引量:3
作者 najmeh nowrouzi mohammad abbasi hadis latifi 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第9期1550-1554,共5页
A method for the synthesis of diaryl sulfides from aryl halides in polyethylene glycol was reported.Inodorous Na2S2O3·5H2O,which is readily available as a stable salt,is an effective source of sulfur in the prese... A method for the synthesis of diaryl sulfides from aryl halides in polyethylene glycol was reported.Inodorous Na2S2O3·5H2O,which is readily available as a stable salt,is an effective source of sulfur in the presence of Cu I as catalyst. 展开更多
关键词 Copper catalyst SULFIDE thiol Sodium thiosulfate
Fe(NO_3)_3·9H_2O/Fe(HSO_4)_3:An efficient reagent system for the oxidation of alcohols,thiols and sulfides in the absence of solvent 被引量:2
作者 Farhad Shirini Mohammad A.Zolfigol Abdol-Reza Abri 《Chinese Chemical Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第1期51-54,共4页
Fe(NO3)3-9H2O/Fe(HSO4)3 was used as an efficient reagent system for the oxidation of alcohols to their corresponding carbonyl compounds. All reactions were performed in the absence of solvent in good to high yield... Fe(NO3)3-9H2O/Fe(HSO4)3 was used as an efficient reagent system for the oxidation of alcohols to their corresponding carbonyl compounds. All reactions were performed in the absence of solvent in good to high yields. Under the same reaction conditions, thiols and sulfides were also converted to their corresponding disulfides and sulfoxides, respectively. 2007 Farhad Shirini. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Chinese Chemical Society. All rights reserved. 展开更多
关键词 ALCOHOLS thiolS Sulfides Fe(NO3)3·9H2O Fe(HSO4)3
Effect of Polyvinyl Alcohol with a Thiol End Group on the Properties of Polyacrylic Dispersions and Spray-dried Powder 被引量:1
作者 林劲冬 《Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science)》 SCIE EI CAS 2007年第2期261-265,共5页
The emulsion polymerization of highly shear-stable copolymer dispersions of methyl methacrylate and butyl acrylate were carried out using poly (vinyl alcohol) with a thiol end group (PVA-SH) as protective colloid.... The emulsion polymerization of highly shear-stable copolymer dispersions of methyl methacrylate and butyl acrylate were carried out using poly (vinyl alcohol) with a thiol end group (PVA-SH) as protective colloid. The dispersions can be transformed into corresponding redispersible powder via a spray dryingcooling process. On-line FT-IR monitoring shows that grafting polymer of PVA-g-PMMA was formed mainly at the stage-1 of the emulsion polymerization. TEM images show, the PVA-SH shell was fragmentary when adding SDS at initial stage and integrated when adding at particle growing or final stage. The particle size turns to be smaller when delayed adding SDS surfactant. Triethanolamine, a co-regulator of PVA-SH, controlled the M to 50 000-70 000 and reduced the PDI to 1.5-1.7. The acrylic dispersions with 0.8wt%-1.5wt% PVA-SH1 can be spray-dried into super dispersible polymer powder (SDPP), which can easily disperse in water and form recon- stituted dispersions with an average particle size smaller than 1 micron. 展开更多
关键词 thiol poly (vinyl alcohol) polymeric emulsifier emulsion polymerization redispersible powder
Studies on the Thiol Components of Isolated Nuclei 被引量:1
作者 Michael Gronow 《Journal of Analytical Sciences, Methods and Instrumentation》 2020年第1期36-42,共7页
The thiol components of the nonhistone proteins prepared from isolated nuclei from rat liver, regenerating liver and hepatoma 223 cells have been investigated after reaction with radio labelled N-ethylmaleimide and 5-... The thiol components of the nonhistone proteins prepared from isolated nuclei from rat liver, regenerating liver and hepatoma 223 cells have been investigated after reaction with radio labelled N-ethylmaleimide and 5-5’-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB). The labelled adducts formed were examined by isoelectric focusing analysis in polyacrylamide gel and the distribution of the radiolabels within sliced portions of the gels determined. In the case of the 14C labelled NEM adduct the label was found to be spread amongst numerous protein components within the gel however, in the case of the 35S labelled DTNB adducts, only a small proportion of the label was found in the protein material which was retained in the acidic isoelectric point (pI) region of the gel. The bulk of the 35S labelled adduct (56% - 60%) was found to have migrated into the anode solution (10 mM phosphoric acid). This could be adsorbed onto a hydrophobic resin (XAD2) resin and eluted with methanol. Gel filtration chromatographic analysis of this adduct material on BioGel P2, (exclusion limit 1500 daltons) showed low molecular weight components to be present. Slightly different patterns were obtained for these nuclei, each containing several 35S components with molecular weights greater than the Ellman reagent itself. These 35S labelled thiol components did not contain any protein, peptide or amino acid components indicating strongly that a novel species of thiols could be present in these nuclei bound within the non-histone protein matrices. 展开更多
关键词 thiolS ISOLATED Cell NUCLEI Radiolabelled thiol ADDUCTS Isoelectric FOCUSING Analysis
A Mechanism Study of a Novel Acid-Activatable Michael-Type Fluorescent Probe for Thiols 被引量:1
作者 Yao Tong Chun-guang Dai +1 位作者 Yi Ren Shi-wei Luo 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第3期277-287,I0001,共12页
A Michael addition is usually taken as a base-catalysed reaction. However, our synthesized 2-(quinolin-2-ylmethylene) malonic acid (QMA) as a Michael-type thiol fluorescent probe is acid-active in its sensing reac... A Michael addition is usually taken as a base-catalysed reaction. However, our synthesized 2-(quinolin-2-ylmethylene) malonic acid (QMA) as a Michael-type thiol fluorescent probe is acid-active in its sensing reaction. In this work, based on theoretic calculation and experimental study on 7-hydroxy-2-(quinolin-2-ylmethylene) malonic acid, we demonstrated that QMA as a Michael acceptor is acid-activatable, i.e., it works only in solutions at pH〈7, and the lower the pH of solutions is, the higher reactivity QMA has. In alkaline solution, the malonate QMA[-2H+]2- cannot react with both RSand RSH. In contrast, 2-(quinolin-2- ylmethylene) malonic ester (QME), the ester of QMA, reveal a contrary pH effect on its sensing reaction, that is, it can sense thiols in alkaline solutions but not in acidic solutions, like a normal base-catalysed Michael addition. The values of activation enthalpies from theoretic calculation support the above sensing behavior of two probes under different pH conditions. In acidic solutions, the protonated QMA is more highly reactive towards electrophilic attack over its other ionized states in neutral and alkaline solutions, and so can react with lowly reactive RSH. In contrast, there is a big energy barrier in the interaction of QME with RSH (acidic solutions), and the reaction of QME with the highly reactive nucleophile RS- is a low activation energy process (in alkaline solutions). Theoretic calculation reveals that the sensing reaction of QMA undergoes a 1,4-addition process with neutral thiols (RSH), and a 1,2-addition pathway for the sensing reaction of QME with RS-. Therefore, the sensing reaction of QMA is an acid-catalysed Michael addition via a 1,4-addition, and a normal base-catalysed Michael addition via a 1,2-addition. 展开更多
关键词 Fluorescent probe thiolS Michael addition DFT calculation Transitionstate Activation enthalpy
Synthesis of thiol-functionalized TiO_2 nanocomposite and photocatalytic degradation for PAH under visible light irradiation 被引量:1
作者 Long Liu Jia Hui Kou +7 位作者 Da Meng Guo Jing Yang Hong Lin Liu Hong Xia Yu Sheng Chu Ke Ren Jiang Ying Wang Zhi Gang Zou 《Chinese Chemical Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第11期1366-1370,共5页
In this paper, a thiol-functionalized nanophotocatalyst MPTES/TiO2 was first synthesized by one-pot method using P123 as a template. X-ray diffraction confirms the complete anatase crystalline of thiol-functionalized ... In this paper, a thiol-functionalized nanophotocatalyst MPTES/TiO2 was first synthesized by one-pot method using P123 as a template. X-ray diffraction confirms the complete anatase crystalline of thiol-functionalized TiO2, N2 adsorption-desorption isotherm demonstrated that these materials possess high surface area and mesoporous structure. The results of XPS show that MPTES has been successfully polymerized in mesoporous structured TiO2. The photodegradation of phenanthrene (PHE) was investigated under visible light irradiation (λ 〉 420 nm) to evaluate the photocatalytic activity of these materials. Based the experiment results of GC-Mass analysis, a possible mechanism was proposed. 展开更多
关键词 thiol-functionalized TiO2 PHOTOCATALYSIS DEGRADATION
Determination of total selenium in geological samples by HG-AFS after concentration with thiol cotton fiber 被引量:3
作者 FAN Haifeng WEN Hanjie +1 位作者 HU Ruizhong CHANG Bin 《Chinese Journal Of Geochemistry》 EI CAS 2008年第1期90-96,共7页
Standard reference material and different geological samples were dissolved by system A (the mixture of nitric and perchloric acids) and system B (mixture of nitric, perchloric and hydrofluoric acids), and total Se in... Standard reference material and different geological samples were dissolved by system A (the mixture of nitric and perchloric acids) and system B (mixture of nitric, perchloric and hydrofluoric acids), and total Se in all samples was measured by hydride-generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS) after concentration with thiol cotton fiber (TCF). The analytical results obtained by the two digestion method are in good agreement (within the limit of errors) for most of the samples, particularly for those having recommended values. The Se concentrations determined by the two methods are of no difference, and the correlation coefficient is 0.9986; the relative standard deviation (RSD) for the determination of 0.04 μg/g Se is 10.2%. The recovery rates of systems A and B by the stan- dard-addition method were 96%–106% and 99%–104%, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 地理特征 棉花 纤维 矿物
First Principle Study on the Rectification of Molecular Junctions Based on the Thiol-ended Oligosilane 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Rong-Fang YANG E +2 位作者 LI Yi LIN Li-Xiang LING Qi-Dana 《Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第6期813-821,共9页
The electron transport properties of various molecular junctions based on the thiol-ended oligosilane are investigated through density functional theory combined with non-equilibrium Green's function formalism. Our c... The electron transport properties of various molecular junctions based on the thiol-ended oligosilane are investigated through density functional theory combined with non-equilibrium Green's function formalism. Our calculations show that oligosilanes doped by the phenyl and -C10H6 groups demonstrate better rectifying effect and their rectification ratios are up to 15.41 and 65.13 for their molecular junctions. The current-voltage (I-V) curves of all the Au/ modified oligosilane/Au systems in this work are illustrated by frontier molecular orbitals, transmission spectra and density of states under zero bias. And their rectifying behaviors are analyzed through transmission spectra. 展开更多
关键词 first principle thiol-ended oligosilane RECTIFICATION
The Synthesis of Neodymium Complexes with Polymers Containing Thiol and Sulphoxide and Their Catalytic Activities
作者 QU Ya-huan and LI Xiao-li (Department of Chemistry, Changchun Normal College, Changchun, 130032)YU Guang-qian and LI Yu-liang (Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Academia Sinica, Changchun, 130022) 《Chemical Research in Chinese Universities》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1993年第4期364-366,共3页
Introduction Polymers containing thiol and sulphoxide which have active—SH and—SO groups respectively, have wide application to biological, pharmaceutical, industrial and other chemical field and—SH and—SO groups ... Introduction Polymers containing thiol and sulphoxide which have active—SH and—SO groups respectively, have wide application to biological, pharmaceutical, industrial and other chemical field and—SH and—SO groups are easy to form complexes with metals, so they have aroused an increasing interest of many authors. A large number of functional resins and corresponding metal complexes have been synthesized. 展开更多
关键词 Neodymium complexes POLYMERS thiol Sulphoxide Catalytic activities
First Synthesis of 2a-Thiol Ether Analog of Docetaxel
作者 Wei Shuo FANG Ying LIU Qi Cheng FANG 《Chinese Chemical Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第8期708-710,共3页
A 2a-phenylthio ether analog 1c of docetaxel was synthesized for the first time from 10-deacetylbaccatin III 3 via double inversion of C-2 configuration. This compound showed very weak cytotoxicity toward several tumo... A 2a-phenylthio ether analog 1c of docetaxel was synthesized for the first time from 10-deacetylbaccatin III 3 via double inversion of C-2 configuration. This compound showed very weak cytotoxicity toward several tumor cell lines. 展开更多
Investigation of the Low Molecular Weight Thiol Composition in a Metastatic Prostate Cancer Cell Line (LNCaP) by LC-UV-MS and NMR after Labelling with the Ellman Reagent
作者 Stephen Childs Nicolas Haroune +1 位作者 Lee Williams Michael Gronow 《American Journal of Analytical Chemistry》 2017年第1期1-18,共18页
The low molecular weight thiols present in the deproteinized extract of a prostate cancer cell line (LNCaP-FGC) were analysed after derivatization with the Ellman reagent (ESSE). The mixed disulphides formed (RSSE) we... The low molecular weight thiols present in the deproteinized extract of a prostate cancer cell line (LNCaP-FGC) were analysed after derivatization with the Ellman reagent (ESSE). The mixed disulphides formed (RSSE) were fractionated, characterized and quantified by liquid chromatography on a C-18 column using UV detection. This revealed the presence, in femtomoles per cell, of glutathione (8.30 ± 0.73), cysteine (2.71 ± 0.04) and cysteinylglycine (0.83 ± 0.10), accounting for the bulk of the thiol present. Further analysis of the cell extracts using a novel and sensitive mass spectrometry technique allowed the detection of low level of an additional derivative which was identified as cysteinylglycerate using NMRspectroscopy. 展开更多
关键词 Prostate Cancer Low Molecular Weight thiolS thiol Analysis Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography Novel thiol LC-MS NMR Ellman’s REAGENT
Characterization of Formation Kinetics of Self-Assembled Thiol Monolayers on Gold by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
作者 Peng DIAO Min GUO Ru Ting TONG 《Chinese Chemical Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2000年第12期1085-1088,共4页
Self-assembled monolayers of octadecanethiol (ODT) on gold have been studied by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The fractional coverage has been examined as a function of immersion time of Au in ODT depo... Self-assembled monolayers of octadecanethiol (ODT) on gold have been studied by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The fractional coverage has been examined as a function of immersion time of Au in ODT deposition solution. The fractional coverage exhibits two distinct adsorption steps: an initial rapid step followed by a slow one. The fractional coverage of ODT monolayer increases sharply from zero to more than 99% of its maximum within the first minute. However. it takes a day for the fractional coverage to approach its final value. 展开更多
关键词 self-assembled thiol monolayer electrochemical impedance spectroscopy adsorption kinetics
Molecular Cloning of a Thiol Proteinase Inhibitor Gene and Its Expression in E.coli
作者 周兆斓 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 1996年第2期89-94,共6页
A cDNA library was constructed with 1.5×10~6 pfu from rice immature seeds,fromwhich a cDNA clone for rice thiol proteinase inhibitor,oryzacystatin(OC),was isolated byscreening with synthesized oligodeoxynucleotid... A cDNA library was constructed with 1.5×10~6 pfu from rice immature seeds,fromwhich a cDNA clone for rice thiol proteinase inhibitor,oryzacystatin(OC),was isolated byscreening with synthesized oligodeoxynucleotide probe,which contained a 309bp open read-ing frame,84bp 5′-end noncoding region and a poly(A)signal AATAAA at the 3′-end fol-lowed by 31Nt poly(A).Then the coding region of OC was amplified and inserted into thedownstream of λP_RP_L promoter for thermal-inducible expression in E.coli.Shifting the cul-ture temperature from 30℃ to 42℃ led to a high level expression of OC,which exhibited adistinct band of 12.0 kDa and accounted for at least 10% of the total soluble proteins fromSDS-PAGE.The papain-inhibitory activity of the expressed OC was further confirmed. 展开更多
关键词 Rice cDNA library thiol PROTEINASE inhibitor Insect-resistant GENE Sequence analysis High level EXPRESSION
Resonance Light-Scattering Spectroscopy Study on Interaction between Gold Colloid and Thiol Containing Pharmaceutical
作者 Liu Xiao\|ling, Cai Ru\|xiu , Yuan Hong College of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences, Wuhan University , Wuhan 430072, Hubei, China 《Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences》 CAS 2003年第01A期99-100,共2页
In this paper, we used resonance light\|scatter i ng (RLS) spectroscopy to study the interaction between thiol\|containing pharmac eutical and gold colloid. And for the first time, we proposed that this highly s ensit... In this paper, we used resonance light\|scatter i ng (RLS) spectroscopy to study the interaction between thiol\|containing pharmac eutical and gold colloid. And for the first time, we proposed that this highly s ensitive, gold colloid\|based assay using RLS technique may have potential appli cation in detecting thiol\|containing substances. 展开更多
关键词 thiol\|containing pharmaceutical gold nanopart icle resonance light\|scattering
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