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语言本体论转向与意义的符号性解读 被引量:4
作者 彭爱和 《外语学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期13-16,共4页
关键词 语言转向 语言本体论 符号学 意义研究
巴赫金哲学思想视域中的索绪尔与乔姆斯基语言学 被引量:4
作者 李曙光 《外语学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期18-24,共7页
巴赫金在《马克思主义与语言哲学》中,深入阐述语言及符号学哲学基础的重要性,并且以"抽象与现实"、"个体与社会"以及"客观与主观"二元对立范畴为坐标,对其之前语言学研究的不同范式进行立体式的比较与刻... 巴赫金在《马克思主义与语言哲学》中,深入阐述语言及符号学哲学基础的重要性,并且以"抽象与现实"、"个体与社会"以及"客观与主观"二元对立范畴为坐标,对其之前语言学研究的不同范式进行立体式的比较与刻画,为我们考察现代语言学思想史提供了一个独特视角与理论框架。本文将影响现代语言学发展的两位里程碑式人物索绪尔与乔姆斯基的语言哲学思想置入巴赫金设定的视域,考察二者之间的异同。 展开更多
关键词 巴赫金 索绪尔 乔姆斯基 语言研究 本体与方法
国家社会科学基金重大项目语言学发展及趋势——基于2011—2015年数据分析 被引量:5
作者 于云晴 《河北经贸大学学报(综合版)》 2016年第4期46-50,共5页
2011—2015年国家社会科学基金重大项目数据显示,近五年有关语言学的课题立项总数有所增加,在重大项目总立项中占很大比重。语言学重大项目课题立项机构以重点高校、中东部发达城市为主,研究的热点主要集中在翻译、汉字、新学科等方面,... 2011—2015年国家社会科学基金重大项目数据显示,近五年有关语言学的课题立项总数有所增加,在重大项目总立项中占很大比重。语言学重大项目课题立项机构以重点高校、中东部发达城市为主,研究的热点主要集中在翻译、汉字、新学科等方面,语言学发展在总体上呈平稳上升趋势。 展开更多
关键词 国家社会科学基金 重大项目 语言本体研究 翻译 社会语言生活 神经语言学 计算语言学
翻译研究“文化转向”的反思 被引量:2
作者 胡文渊 《四川职业技术学院学报》 2011年第1期39-42,共4页
西方翻译研究的"文化转向"把翻译研究从纯语言层面解放出来,将其置于更为广阔的社会文化空间,拓宽了视野,开拓了领域。然而文化转向后期所呈现出的无所不包的研究倾向使得其研究缺乏重点性、一致性和连贯性,学科边界和学科独... 西方翻译研究的"文化转向"把翻译研究从纯语言层面解放出来,将其置于更为广阔的社会文化空间,拓宽了视野,开拓了领域。然而文化转向后期所呈现出的无所不包的研究倾向使得其研究缺乏重点性、一致性和连贯性,学科边界和学科独立性日益模糊,翻译研究本体面临被替换的危机。本文通过对文化转向的哲学渊源、产生背景、发展历程及影响进行分析,反思翻译的文化转向和文化学派研究,探讨当今翻译研究发展趋势和走向。 展开更多
关键词 文化转向 翻译文化学派 哲学基础 研究本体 语言学模式
作者 于艳华 《佛山科学技术学院学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第3期29-32,共4页
"回归"派对"转向"的批评,一方面提醒我们不要忘"本",另一方面却又借口翻译学边界的确定将外部研究排斥于翻译学之外。本体研究与外部研究均属于翻译研究的范畴,两者是互补关系,没有主次之分;研究热点、... "回归"派对"转向"的批评,一方面提醒我们不要忘"本",另一方面却又借口翻译学边界的确定将外部研究排斥于翻译学之外。本体研究与外部研究均属于翻译研究的范畴,两者是互补关系,没有主次之分;研究热点、重点是有阶段性的;翻译学的体系应该是开放的,为翻译学画地为牢、修墙筑垒并不利于它的繁荣与发展。各派各说应该互相包容;对各种翻译研究范式的正确态度是:恋旧但不要守旧,求新但不应该喜新厌旧。 展开更多
关键词 翻译研究 范畴 本体研究 外部研究 “回归” “转向”
作者 尹铂淳 曾宇琪 《语文学刊》 2021年第1期15-21,共7页
在夯实语言本体研究基础上,语言研究者还要强化岗位担当意识,根据所在单位的属性特征,制定对应研究方案,让研究成果更好地为单位服务。另外,语言研究者应该积极主动承担起为社会服务的光荣使命,让研究成果更直接有效地为国家和地方战略... 在夯实语言本体研究基础上,语言研究者还要强化岗位担当意识,根据所在单位的属性特征,制定对应研究方案,让研究成果更好地为单位服务。另外,语言研究者应该积极主动承担起为社会服务的光荣使命,让研究成果更直接有效地为国家和地方战略服务,让自身发展融入国家与地方发展之中,为奋力推进中国特色社会主义事业、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦贡献语言研究者的力量。 展开更多
关键词 语言研究 语言本体研究 单位服务 社会服务
作者 陈明 和建英 《电子测试》 2016年第5X期102-,82,共2页
研究少数民族语言生态,应该认识到,我国的语言生态系统是一个复杂庞大的系统,把一种民族语言放在这个系统中进行语言生态研究,自然会考虑到这种民族语言与其他语言的关系了。例如,在我国语言生态系统中,谈到语言接触问题,我们至少会遇... 研究少数民族语言生态,应该认识到,我国的语言生态系统是一个复杂庞大的系统,把一种民族语言放在这个系统中进行语言生态研究,自然会考虑到这种民族语言与其他语言的关系了。例如,在我国语言生态系统中,谈到语言接触问题,我们至少会遇到少数民族语言同汉语的接触、少数民族语言之间的接触、少数民族语言内部各方言的接触等现象,在频繁的语言接触中,语言生态的变化是复杂多样的,有的语言在接触中语言活力变强了,有的语言变弱了,语言替换、语言转用、语言兼用、双语、多语等现象都会不同程度地发生,一句话,语言生态发生了改变,这些仅从单一语言上孤立地研究是远远不够的,必须将不同语言放在语言生态系统的框架内进行比较研究才能说明问题。 展开更多
关键词 生态语言学 单一语言研究 语言比较研究 本体研究
Appraisal of the Production-Oriented Approach: An Introduction 被引量:4
作者 濮实 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 SCIE 2017年第4期452-453,共2页
The production-oriented approach (POA) has been developed over a decade. It is driven by the need to improve English classroom instruction for university students in China (Wen, 2016). It is also motivated by the ... The production-oriented approach (POA) has been developed over a decade. It is driven by the need to improve English classroom instruction for university students in China (Wen, 2016). It is also motivated by the aspiration to enhance the quality of foreign language education in other similar pedagogical contexts outside China. A volume of research has been done by Wen Qiufang and her research team, to formulate the theory of POA and to test its effectiveness in classroom pedagogy (e.g. Wen, 2016, 2015; Yang, 2015; Zhang, 2015). At the moment, the POA is still at an early stage of theory building and almost all empirical research is done in the Chinese context. In order to improve the quality of this theory and to make it intelligible to the international academic community, a one-day symposium was held in Beijing Foreign Studies University on May 15, 2017. The symposium was entitled 'The first international forum on innovative foreign language education in China: Appraisal of the POA'. In the forum, leading experts in applied linguistics were invited to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the POA and the directions for its future development. The symposium was the first attempt for the POA research team to discuss its latest work with international scholars. This Viewpoint section collects the responses of four experts who participated in the symposium, listed in alphabetical order. The collection of articles covers three topics related to the POA: its pedagogical application, its use for teacher training, and its research. Alister Cumming is Professor Emeritus and the former Head of the Centre for Educational Research on Languages and Literacies, University of Toronto, Canada. His article focuses primarily on POA research as an exemplary case of design-based research. Rod Ellis is Research Professor in the School of Education at Curtin University, Australia. He discusses POA in terms of pedagogy, teacher training and research, with both critiques and constructive suggestions. Paul Kei Matsuda is Professor of English and Director of Second Language Writing at Arizona State University, the writed states. He responds to POA from the perspective of an expert researcher and teacher of L2 writing. Charlene Polio is Professor and Associate Chair in the Department of Linguistics & Germanic, Slavic, Asian & African Languages atMichigan State University, the writed states. She conceptualises POA as a useful method to address some issues in pre-service teacher development. Overall, the articles in this section are insightful and reader-friendly. They are not only useful for the development of POA in particular, but may also be valuable to a broad range of researchers as they touch upon pertaining issues, as well as emerging topics, in the field of applied linguistics. We therefore find it necessary to make them accessible to a wide readership. 展开更多
关键词 The production-oriented approach (POA) has been developed over a de.ade. It is driven by the need to improve english classroom instruction for university students in China (Wen 2016). It is also motivated by the aspiration to enhance the quality of foreign language education in other similar pedagogical contexts outside China. A volume of research has been done by Wen Qiufang and her research team to formulate the theory of POA and to test its effectiveness in classroom pedagogy e.g. Wen 2016 2015 Yang 2015 Zhang 2015). At the moment the POA is still at an early stage of theory building and almost all empirical research is done in the Chinese context. In order to improve the quality of this theory and to make it intelligible to the international academic community a one-day symposium was held in Beijing Foreign Studies University on May 15 2017. The symposium was entitled 'The first international forum on innovative foreign language education in China: Appraisal of the POA'. In the forum leading experts in applied linguistics were invited to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the POA and the directions for its future development. The symposium was the first attempt for the POA research team to discuss its latest work with international scholars. This Viewpoint section collects the responses of four experts who participated in the symposium listed in alphabetical order. The collection of articles covers three topics related to the POA: its pedagogical application its use for teacher training and its research. Alister Cumming is Professor emeritus and the former Head of the Centre for educational Research on Languages and Literacies University of Toronto Canada. His article focuses primarily on POA research as an exemplary case of design-based research. Rod ellis is Research Professor in the School of education at Curtin University Australia. He discusses POA in terms of pedagogy teacher training and research with both critiques and constructive suggestions. Paul Kei Matsuda is Professor of english and Director of Second Language Writing at Arizona State University the writed states. He responds to POA from the perspective of an expert researcher and teacher of L2 writing. Charlene Polio is Professor and Associate Chair in the Department of linguistics Germanic Slavic Asian African Languages atMichigan State University the writed states. She conceptualises POA as a useful method to address some issues in pre-service teacher development. Overall the articles in this section are insightful and reader-friendly. They are not only useful for the development of POA in particular but may also be valuable to a broad range of researchers as they touch upon pertaining issues as well as emerging topics in the field of applied linguistics. We therefore find it necessary to make them accessible to a wide readership.
作者 朱明慧 《现代英语》 2023年第2期67-70,共4页
文章着眼于定量对比分析中较为常用的基于语料库的研究方法,对英汉语对比领域的主要研究方法进行综述。文章以5篇选自于国内外顶级期刊的基于语料库的定量对比研究为例,从对比语言学研究的主要类型、研究设计和在数据统计分析过程进行... 文章着眼于定量对比分析中较为常用的基于语料库的研究方法,对英汉语对比领域的主要研究方法进行综述。文章以5篇选自于国内外顶级期刊的基于语料库的定量对比研究为例,从对比语言学研究的主要类型、研究设计和在数据统计分析过程进行了初步的探讨。结论表明,在采用定量对比分析研究的同时,研究者也可以结合定性对比分析方法,充分利用语料库的手段对语言事实进行阐释。国内研究者在进行英汉语对比时,也应加强语料库研究方法的使用。 展开更多
关键词 对比语言学 定量研究 语料库 英汉对比
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